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Full text of "The registers of St. Stephen's, Walbrook, and of St. Benet Sherehog, London"

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Volume  H. 


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CJje  3BUgf8ters 


&t.  g)tept)en'0,  Walbroofc, 

ano  of 

§3>L  JSenet  g>|)eref)og, 

PART    II. 




Majok    W.    BRUCE    BANNERMAN,    R.A.O.C. 








THE  Registers  of  St.  Stephen's,  Walbrook,  and  of  St.  Benet  Sherehog, 
are  contained  in  the  following   Books,  and   for   easy  refereuce   arc 
identified  as  follows  : — 



8  Nov.,  1557— 
12  Mar.,  1701. 

27  June,  1557— 
28  July,  1716. 

8  Nov.,  1557— 
19  Nov.,  1716. 











26  Mar.,  1702— 
13  July,  171<S. 

19  Sep.,  1716— 
30  Aug.,  1790. 

19  Oct.,  1790— 
29  Nov.,  1812. 

6  Jan.,  1813— 
9  Nov.,  1919  (In 

(No  separate  title 
for  Marriages.) 
19  Oct.,  1716— 

3  Mar.,  1754. 
18  July,  1754— 

12  Feb.,  1804. 
14  July,  1754— 

4  April,     1841 

23  Mar.,  1804— 
19  Dec,  1812. 

2  May,  1813— 
3  Oct.,  1842. 
13  July,  1837— 
16  July,  1919  (7h 


(No  separate  title 
for  Burials.) 

17  Oct.,  1716— 
13  Aug.,  1790. 

\  Sep,  1790— 
26  Dec,  1812. 

5  Feb.,  1813— 
1  Dec,  1860. 

This  Volume  (Part  II)  contains  : — 

Burials    from  1716—1860. 
Marriages  „     1754 — 1860. 
Baptisms     „     1790—1860. 
with  an  Index  to  the  whole. 

Register  II  is  already  described  in  Part  I. 

Register  III  is  of  parchment,  with  printed  forms,  and  measures  about 
16f  inches  high  by  11  inches  wide.  It  is  strongly  bound  in  rough  calf, 
and  has  a  red  label  with  the  following  lettering  in  gilt  letters: — 

ST    BENNETT'3  |  SHEREIIOGG  |  1754" 

affixed  on  the  front  cover.    It  contains  entries  of  Marriages  from  18th  July, 
1754,  to  12th  February,  1804. 

Registkr  IIIa  is  of  paper  and  printed  forms,  and  measures  about 
14^  inches  high  by  9i  inches  wide.  It  is  strongly  bound  in  rough  calf,  and 
has  a  red  label  with  the  following  lettering  in  gilt  letters  : — 


affixed  on  the  front  cover.     It  contains  entries  of  Banns  of  Marriage  from 
14th  July,  1754,  to  4th  April,  1841,  inclusive. 

Register  IV  is  of  parchment,  and  measures  about  19i  inches  high  by 
9£  inches  wide.  It  is  strongly  bound  in  parchment,  and  is  fitted  with  two 
brass  clasps.     On  the  front  cover  is  written — 

"  The  Register  Book  of  Baptisms  ami  of  |  Burials  belongs  to  the  United 
Parishes  |  of  S1  Stephen  Walhrook  and  Sl  Bennett  |  Sherehog  begun  September 
the  8th  1790." 

It  contains  entries  of  Baptisms  from  19th  Oct.,  1790,  to  29th  November, 
1812,  and  of  Burials  from  8th  Sep.,  1790,  to  26th  Dec,  1812,  inclusive. 

Register  V  is  of  parchment,  with  printed  forms,  and  measures 
15  inches  high  by  10£  inches  wide.  It  is  strongly  bound  in  rough  calf,  and 
has  a  red  label  with  the  following  lettering  in  gilt  letters: — 

&  ST  BENNETS    SHEREIIOGG  |  L804." 

It  contains  entries  of  Marriages  from  23rd  March,  1804,  to  19th 
December,  1812,  inclusive. 

Register   VI   is  of   parchment,  with    printed   forms,  ami    measures 

15  inches  high  by   10  inches  wide.       It  is  strongly   bound  in  rough   calf, 


fitted   with   two   brass   clasps,  and  has   a   red  label   with   the   following 
lettering  in  gilt  letters  : — 

"  Royal  Arms  " 










It  contains  entries  of  Baptisms  from  6th  January,  1813,  to  9th  November, 
191!),  and  is  still  in  use,  the  forms  numbered  601 — S00  [end  of  Register] 
being  blank. 

Register  VII  is  of  parchment,  with  printed  forms,  and  measures 
15  inches  high  by  10  inches  wide.  It  is  strongly  bound  in  rough  calf 
fitted  with  two  brass  clasps,  and  has  a  red  label  with  similar  lettering 
as  that  on  Register  VI,  excepting  that  it  is  lettered  "REGISTER  OF 

It  contains  entries  of  Burials  from  5th  February,  1813,  to  1st  December, 
1860,  the  forms  numbered  340 — 800  [end  of  Register]  being  blank. 

Register  VIII  is  of  parchment,  with  printed  forms,  and  measures 
15  inches  high  by  10  inches  wide.  It  is  strongly  bound  in  rough  calf* 
fitted  with  two  brass  clasps,  and  has  a  red  label  with  similar  lettering  as 
that  on  Registers  VI  and  VII,  excepting  that  it  is  lettered  "REGISTER 

It  contains  entries  of  Marriages  from  2nd  May,  1813,  to  3rd  October, 
1842,  the  forms  numbered  255 — 300  being  blank. 

Register  IX  is  of  paper  with  printed  forms,  and  measures  10  inches 
high  by  15  inches  wide.  It  is  half-bound  in  green  forril  with  cloth  side, 
and  has  the  following  lettering  in  gilt  letters  : — 


It  contains  entries  of  Marriages  from  13th  July,  1837,  to  16th  July, 
1919,  and  is  still  in  use,  the  forms  numbered  254 — 500  [end  of  Register] 
being  blank. 

It  is  to  be  regretted,  owing  to  the  Banns  Book  containing  the  entries  of 
Banns  from  1841  to   1860  having  been  mislaid  or  lost  in  the  time  of  the 

previous  Rector  and  Clerk,  that  the  Publication  of  Banns,  as  to  which 
the  Register  contained  no  corresponding  entry  of  Marriages,  is  therefore 
unable  to  be  printed. 

All  the  Registers  are  in  good  condition  and  are  kept,  with  Registers 
I  and  II,  in  an  iron  safe  in  the  vestry  of  St.  Stephen's  Church,  Walbrook. 

Space  has  been  saved  in  the  printing  by  using  such  abbreviations  as 
are  customary.  Anything  within  brackets,  thus  [  ],  will  be  understood 
as  explanatory  additions  by  the  Editors. 

The  thanks  of  the  Society  are  due  to  the  Rector  of  the  united  parishes, 
the  Revd.  Robert  Stuart  de  Courcy  Laffan,  M.A.,  for  his  kind  permission 
to  print  the  Registers ;  also  to  the  respective  Churchwardens  of  St  Stephen's, 
Walbrook,  and  St.  Beuet  Sherehog,  and  to  the  Parish  and  Vestry  Clerk 
(H.  McClintock  Harris,  Esq.),  for  the  facilities  of  access  to  the  Registers 
that  he  has  at  all  times  so  courteously  afforded  to  the  Editors. 

A  List  of  the  Rectors  of  St.  Stephen's,  Walbrook  [1315—1861],  and 
St.  Benet  Sherehog  [1284 — 1662],  will  be  found  in  "Novum  Repertorium 
Ecclesiasticum  Parochiale  Londinense,"  by  the  Rev.  George  Hennessy, 
B.A.,  published  in  London  in  1898. 

The  Waldrons, 


€fjc  Registers 


gft.  Jttrpfjrn's,  OTaUuooft, 




The  Register  of  the  Burials  of  the  United  / 
Parishes  of  Sb  Stephen  in  Walbrook,  &  S*  Bennet  / 
Sherehog  in  the  City  of  London,  from  the  Year  of  Our  Lord  / 1716.  / 

Mr  Thomas  Latham  )  Church  Wardens  of  the  Parish  / 
Mr  James  Bradley     j        of  S1  Bennet  Sherehog  / 


Oct.    17  was  buried  Hindley  son  of  S1'  Theodore  Janssen,  Bar*,  in  the  vault 

Dec.    23  John  Penny,  in  the  churchyard 

Jan.    13  Joseph  Williams,  attorney  at  law,  in  the  middle  isle 

23  Mrs  Sarah  Luken,  in  the  vault 

Mar.     3  Ann  Fuller,  widow,  in  the  churchyard.     S*  Beunet  Sherehog 

6  Charles  s.  Mr  Christopher  White,  in  the  vault 

1717  "  Mr  James  Bradley  &  Mr  Dorrington  Mayne,"  Ch.  wdns.  of  S*  B.  S. 

Apr.   13  M1'  Noel  Cossart,  in  the  chancel 

15  Mr  Francis  Beecher,  in  the  vault 

May  29  Elenor  dan.  John  Line,  in  the  chyd.     S'  St.,  Walbrook 

June     8  Mr8  Mary  Bond,  of  S*  B.  S.,  in  the  vault 

July     1  Robert,  inf.  s.  of  Mr  Wm  Buggin,  in  the  chyd.     Sfc  S.,  W. 

Aug.  25  George  Bond,  foundling,  in  the  ch.  yd.     S*  S.,  W. 

Sep.      5  Thomas,  inf.  s.  of  Mr  Thomas  Cowper,  in  the  vault.     S'  S.,  W. 

8  Thomas  Rogers,  victualler,  in  the  vault.     S*  B.  S. 

12     Elizabeth  d.  Mr  Joseph  Mace,  inf.,  in  the  vault.     S*  S.,  W. 

12  Carolina,  inf.  d.  of  J.  Rawson,  D.D.,  rector,  in  the  chancell.     S'  S.,  W. 
Nov.  14     Mr  Samuel  Cerda,  in  the  vault 

Dec.      3  Mra  Anne  Cossart  [Coshart],  in  the  chancel.     S'  S.,  W. 

25  Mr  John  Leeds,  in  the  vault 

26  Mra  Sarah  Trender,  in  the  burial  ground  of  S'  B.  S. 
Jan.      8  Ann  Jones,  inf.,  in  the  chyd.     S'  B.  S. 

Feb.      4     Mra  Elenor  Davis,  from  Westminster,  in  the  north  isle 

9  M™  Emme  Baldry,  sextoness,  in  the  chyd.     S'  S.,  W. 

13  James  &  Elizabeth,  twins,  s.  &  d.  of  Mr  David  Lloyd,  cooper,  infants, 

in  the  bur.  ground  of  S'  B.  S. 

170  REGISTERS    OF    ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1716-20 

Feb.    19  a  Jan.  of  Joseph  Rawson,  D.D.,  Rector,  in  the  chancell.     S' S.,  W. 

26  Mre  Mary  Kaley,  in  the  vault 

26  Mre  Sarah  Egleton,  in  the  middle  isle 

Mar.  24  Mr  John  Harrison,  in  the  chancell.     Sl  B.  S. 

1718  "Mr  Dorington  Mayne  &  Mr  David  Lloyd,"  churchwardens  of  Sl  B.  S. 

Natbanael  Wright,  in  the  ch.  yd. 

Mn  Dorothy  Dorvell,  in  the  vault,  from  S1  Swithins  par. 
Mary  d.  Daniel   Bromfeld  &   Mary  his  wife,    an  inf.,  in   the  ch.  yd. 

Sl  S.,  W. 
George  s.  Mr  Gamaliel  Chase,  in  the  vault.     S4  S.,  W. 
Mr  Thomas  Shermar,  druggist,  in  the  cross  isle  in  the  church.     Sl  S.,  W. 
William  s.  Francis  Ragg,  iuf.,  chyd.      S'  S.,  W. 
Elizabeth  d.  Mr  Thomas  Cowper,  inf.,  in  the  vault.     Sl  S.,  W. 
William  Paxton,  apprentice  of  Mr  Bayley,  in  chyd.     S4  S.,  W. 
Anne  wife  of  Mr  Peter  Cabibell,  chyd.      S4  S.,  W. 
Charles  s.  Mr  John  Hanbury,  inf.,  in  the  vault.     S4  S.,  W. 
M™  Elizabeth  Lister,  widow,  from  Hampstead,  in  the  vault 
Mr  Daniel  Brown,  in  Mr  Browns  vault 
Mra  Mary  Hobday,  wid.,  in  the  north  part  of  the  chancell 
Peter  s.  James  Barbot,  inf.,  in  the  chyd.     S4  S.,  W. 
Mrs  Elizabeth  Leeds,  in  the  vault 
Richard    Ballard,   a   clarke    to   Mr  John    Clarke,   attorney  at  law  in 

Bucklersbury,  in  the  chyd. 

"  Mr  David  Lloyd,  Mr  John  Haubury,"  chwdns.  of  S4  B.  S. 
Mrs  Beatrice  Brisco,  in  the  vault,  from  Putney 
Rev.  Joseph  Rawson,  D.D.,  Rector,  in  the  chansell 
Mra  Sarah  Spiller,  chyd. 
Mr  John  Poxson,  chyd. 
Catherine  Lloyd,  in  S4  B.  S.  bur.  ground 
M™  Elizabeth  South,  in  the  vault 
Elizabeth  Savage,  chyd. 
Elizabeth  Young,  in  the  vault 
Sarah  Hardwar,  in  the  vault 
Rebackah  Pauncefort,  in  the  chancell 
Ann  Gittins  [Gritting],  chyd. 
Mr  William  Bill,  south  ile 
M™  Rebackah  Lascoe,  crosse  ile 
M"  Mary  Ward,  chyd. 
Mr  George  Manwaring,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  in  the  chancel  at  the  north  end 

of  the  comunion  table 
Frances  Barlow,  inf.  child,  cross  ile 
M*"1  Alice  Wilkinson,  S4  B.  S.  chyd. 
Mre  Hannah  Bradley,  wife  of  Mr  James  Bradley,  &  Elizabeth  Bradley, 

an    inf.  d.  of   the    said   James  &   Hannah,  at  ye  same   time,  in  the 

vault.     S4  B.  S. 

15  Mr  Bartholomew  Palmer,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  in  the  vault 


June  10  Mr  Samuel  Eyre,  in  the  middle  isle 

Aug.     3  Mr  David  Lloyd,  chyd.  of  S*  B.  S. 

13  M™  Priscilla  Cerda,  in  the  vault 

23  Robert  Cartouy,  a  child,  in  the  vault 

Sep.      3  Sarah  Jackson,  a  child,  chyd. 

1.3  Hannah  Wareing,  a  girl,  chyd. 

16  William  Lloyd,  a  child,  chyd.     S»  B.  S. 




















































1720-2  AND   ST.   BEXET   SHEREHOG  :     BURIALS.  171 

"The  two  next  following  persons  are  misplaced  in  point  of  time  but 
are  truly  register'd." 
John  Scot,  a  child,  in  the  valt 

Elizabeth  Aylworth,  in  the  vault 

Mra  Margaret  Fonereau,  in  the  vault 

Mra  Sarah  Jackson,  in  the  vault 

Mre  Sarah  Peters,  in  the  vault 

Mrs  Grace  Ashton,  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W. 

Thomas  Brown  Hassal  s.  Captain  Hassal,  in  tl 

John  Matthews,  chyd.     Sl  B.  S. 

Mr  Windsor  Pasmore,  chyd.     S4  S.,  W. 

Mrs  Elizabeth  Cole,  chyd.     S»  S.,  VV. 

Mre  Elizabeth  Turner,  south  ile 

M"  Ann  Jackson,  vault 

Elias  Jacob  Sawbridge,  inf.,  vault 

Thomas  Wright,  inf.,  chyd.     S*  S.,  W. 

Letitia  Warrin,  a  girl,  chyd.     S'  S.,  W. 

Elizabeth  Leeds,  child,  vault 

Martha  Buggings,  inf.,  Wallbrook  chyd. 

Mre  Elizabeth  Hassal,  in  north  isle 

Mary  Buggins,  child,  chyd. 

Mr  William  Gilburn,  druggist,  cross  isle 

Sarah  Scam  pear,  serv.  to  Mr  Barlow,  cross  isle 

Mrs  Rebacca  Parsons,  south  ile 

Mrs  Hannah  Rayson,  vault 

Joseph  Mace,  child,  vault 

Eliz.  Treadwell,  chyd. 

Elizabeth  Gambier,  vault 

Ann  Rock,  chyd. 

Daniel  North,  chyd. 

the  Rev.  Peter  Stockar,  vault 

James  Moulding,  child,  vault 

William  Yarsin  [Yersin],  child,  vault 

Mrs  Mary  Whiteker,  cross  isle 

Ann  Newton,  vault 

Joseph  Wright,  chansell 

Mn  Mary  Le  Bas,  chansell 

Ann  Arther,  chyd. 

Mrs  Elizabeth  Scrimshire,  vault 

Mrs  Eliz.  Wright,  chyd. 

Mr  Sam.  Haywood,  vault 

Eliz.  Baylev,  c.  yd. 

Wm  Wright,  child,  e.  yd. 

Ann  Whitaker,  ch.  yd. 

Elizabeth  Farmer,  child,  vault 

Revd  Mr  Peter  Newton,  curate  of  the  parish  &  fellow  of  Brazen  coll. 

Oxford,  chancel 
George  Bond,  child,  north  isle 
Elizabeth  Cartoney,  child,  vault 
Sarah  Newberry,  chyd. 
Rebacca  Peirce,  south  isle 
John  Turner,  M.D.,  south  isle 














































































172  REGISTERS   OF   ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1723-0 


William  Firkins,  chyd. 
Francis  Lascoe,  cross  isle 
Benjamin  Ashtoti,  chyd. 
26     Catherine  Alleyn,  child,  south  isle 
Hannah  Bromfielii,  chyd. 
Thomas  Dickinson,  foundling,  chyd. 
M™  Reheccah  Davies,  vault 
John  Farmer,  child,  vault 
Mr  John  Hanbury,  vault 
Mr  Peter  Bradley,  chyd. 
Ann  Swayne,  inf.,  chyd. 
Mary  Whitworth,  child,  chyd. 
Mary  Parker,  Sl  B.  S.  ground 
John  Round,  child,  chyd. 
Sarah  Ilercnden,  child,  vault 
Margaret  Eve,  chyd. 
Lady  Rebecca  Moyer,  chancle 
David  Greeutrill,  child,  vault 
John  Stocker,  middle  isle 

Mary  Smith,  vault 

Mrs  Harris,  vault 

Elizabeth  Armcson,  child,  chyd. 

Sarah  Johnson.     S'  B.  S.  ground 

a  stillhorn  child  of  ThomasWalker,  chyd. 

Edward  Beacher,  child,  vault 

William  Farmer,  child,  vault 

Jane  Filleul,  chyd. 

Elizabeth  Rayson,  child,  chyd. 

Ann  Armson,  child,  chyd. 

Henry  Maddenson,  chyd. 

W"1  Hcrenden,  child,  vault 

Thomas  Swayne,  child,  chyd. 

Beuj.  Fikc,  north  isle 

Thomas  Eve,  vault 

Thomas  Latham,  chyd. 

Daniel  Moon,  vault 

a  poor  man  at  S'  B.  S.  yl  fell  down  in  the  street 

M1'  William  Harris,  in  J*  vault 

a  still  l»,rn  child  of  Mr  Alleyn,  drysaltcr 

Margaret  Leadstone,  a  pensioner,  "in  S*  B.  S.  ground 

Matthew  Smith,  at  S'  Benet  Sherehog 

Katharine  BuckneU,  an  infant,  in  ye  vault 

M™  Ann  Cook,  in  the  chancel 

Katharine  Buggins,  a  child,  in  ycc:yard 

Peter  Kelk,  a  child,  in  y"  vault 

Mary  Beach,  a  child,  in  ye  north  ile 

John  Fasmire,  in  y'  chyd. 
M™  Alice  Strang,  in  ye  chancel 
M™  Mary  Chambers,  in  »•  mirth  isle 
Elizabeth  Moulding,  a  child,  in  the  vault 
26     Jane  Spillman,  B  child,  in  y*  vault. 
June  17     Ann  Davies,  a  pensioner,  in  the  chyd. 











































































1725-7  AND   ST.    BENET   SHEREIIOG  :     BURIALS.  173 

July     7  Mr  Lewis  Yersin,  in  ye  vault 

10  Martha  Kenrick,  a  child,  in  the  vault 

15  Mr  Sadler  Kelly,  in  the  vault 
Sep.    10  Mr  Milson  Pike,  in  the  north  isle 

20  John  Greenhil,  a  child,  in  the  vault 

24  Sarah  Smith,  a  child,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sb  B.  S. 
29  Mr  Richard  Temple,  in  the  north  isle 

Oct.    22  Susannah  Kenrick,  a  child,  in  the  cross  isle 

Dec.    12  Susannah  Bass,  in  ye  vault 

12  Elizabeth  Mallow,  in  ye  church  yard 
Jan.   20  Richard  Temple,  in  j"  north  isle 
Feb.    12  Elizabeth  Kelly,  in  ye  vault 

13  Sarah  Smith,  in  S*  B.  S.  chyd. 

16  William  Beach,  a  child,  in  ye  vault 

17  Samuel  Barlow,  in  ye  cross  isle 

25  Elizabeth  Sanders,  in  ye  vault 
Mar.     3  Robert  Smith,  in  ye  chyd. 

6  Elizabeth  Treadwell,  in  ye  chyd. 


Mar.  30  Thomas  Newman,  in  y°  north  isle 

31  S1'  John  Vanbrough,  in  ye  north  isle 

Apr.     7  Sarah  Rawson,  in  ye  chancel 

10  John  Garrad,  in  ye  mid:  isle 

18  a  child  of  Daniel  Stringers,  in  ye  chyd. 

25  George  Musgrove,  in  ye  chyd. 
May      1  Stephen  Soulegre,  in  ye  chyd. 

3  Thomas  Yateman,  in  ye  chyd. 

12  William  Pontey,  in  ye  chyd. 

18  Sr  Isaac  Tillard,  in  ye  vault 

20  Katherine  Landford,  in  Sherehog  chyd. 

20  George  Jones,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 

22  Eliz.  Pasmore,  in  ye  chyd. 

June  17  Rickliss  Wright,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

18  [blank]  Colebourn,  a  pensioner,  in  Sbirehog  ground 

July   13  M1^  Catherine  Deschamps,  in  the  cross  isle 

15  M"  Mary  Shorey,  in  the  north  isle 

26  Elizabeth  Sunter,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
Aug.  15  Martha  Cook,  in  the  chyd. 

18  Ann  Wright,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 

Sep.    13  Mre  Mary  Windham,  in  Mr  Pollenfen's  vault 

17  Tho.  Smith,  a  child,  in  the  vault 

26  Mrs  Sarah  Mace,  in  ye  vault 

28  Elizabeth  Sunter,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

Oct.    25  Maria  Kenrick,  a  child,  in  ye  cross  isle 

Nov.  22  Judith  Greathead,  in  ye  vault 

Dec.    27  Mary  Berbot,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

Feb.      2  Francis  Williams,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 

16  Elizabeth  Herenden,  a  child,  in  ye  vault 

17  John  Fenner,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 

Mar.  13  Mary  Stevens,  a  parish  child,  in  ye  chyd. 


Mar.  30  Eleanor  Bell,  an  infant,  in  yc  vault 

Apr.   12  Peter  Kelk,  an  infant,  in  ye  vault 

May   13  John  &  Mark  Walbrook,  two  children  taken  up  in  the  street 

June  16  John  Barge,  a  parish  child,  in  ye  chyd. 

July     6  Mr  Christopher  White,  in  the  vault 




























174  REGISTERS  OF  ST.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  1727-9 

Mr  William  Wooltey,  in  yc  vault 

Margaret  Berrow,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 

Wm  Farmer,  a  child,  in  ye  vault 

Mr  William  Carter,  in  the  chancel 

Frances  Wright,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 

Mn  Mary  Harvey,  in  ye  north  isle 

Mr  John  Harvey,  in  ye  north  isle 

Mr  Richard  Peppys,  in  Nherehog  chyd. 

Robert  Beach,  a  child,  in  ye  south  isle 

Katherine  Schimel  Pennick,  a  child,  in  ye  vault 

Jacob  Floyd,  in  the  chyd. 

Peter  Barbott,  a  child,  in  the  ch.  yd. 

Catherine  Ward,  in  Sl  B.  S.  ground 

Mr  Benjamin  Banks,  in  the  vault 

Mr  Lewis  Berchere,  in  ye  vault 

M™  Margaret  Palmer,  in  the  vault 

Mr  John  Rowett,  in  ye  midale  isle 

John  Tussingham,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

Robert  Bundy,  in  Sl  B.  S.  ground 

Richd  Winterson,  in  ye  chyd. 

Ann  Murgatroyd,  in  the  chyd. 
Andrew  Dandy,  in  ye  vault 
Mary,  a  parish  child,  in  ye  chyd.  of  S*  B.  S. 
Erasmus  Hopfer,  a  child,  in  y"  middle  isle 
Mr  Joshua  Ingham,  in  ye  chyd. 
William  Scrafton,  an  infant,  in  yc  vault 
Elizabeth  Chance,  in  the  vault 
M™  Ann  Wright,  in  the  chyd. 
18     Catherine  Haley  Berrow,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
M™  Elizabeth  Greenhill,  in  the  vault 
Isaac  Bonovrier,  in  ye  vault 
Henry  Farmer,  a  child,  in  y1'  vault 
Anthony  Herenden,  a  child,  in  the  vault 
Mary  Noguier,  a  child,  in  ye  vault 
Ann  Kenrick,  a  child,  in  ye  cross  isle 
Colonell  Nicholas  Trot  [Trott],  in  S'  B.  S.  chyd. 
Thomas  Tussingham,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 
Mre  Philippa  Rowet,  in  ye  middle  isle 
Alexander  Demaffe,  a  child,  in  y*  chyd. 
Mr  .Samuel  Eden,  in  yc  south  isle 

Joshuah  Line,  in  y'  chyd. 

Henry  &  Florian  Gobel,  two  children,  in  the  vault 

Ann,  an  infant  d.  of  Joseph  Parr  <fc  Ann  his  wife,  in  y*  vault 

Daniel,  an  inf.,  ye  e.  of  Daniel  Adams  &  Elizabeth  his  wife,  in  y'  chyd. 

Mary  Schimel  Pennick,  a  child,  in  ye  vault 

Peter  Bell,  a  child,  in  yc  chyd. 

"  Was  buried  my  dear  loving  wife  M™  Hester  Watson,  in  yr  chaucel  " 

James  Gittins,  a  child,  iu  yc  chyd. 

William  Becher,  a  child,  iu  y1'  vault 

Mr  John  Tipping,  in  y*  norlh  isle 

Mr  George  Vanbmgb,  in  their  own  \  null 

Mr  Edward  Leeds,  in  yc  vault 

Elinor  Line,  in  y"  chyd. 





















































1729-31  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEREIIOG  :     BURIALS.  175 

Dec.    18  Mrs  Hay  ward,  widow,  in  ye  vault 

21  Sarah  Cooper,  in  Sberehog  ground 

26  Grace  Smith,  in  ye  chyd. 
Jan.    22  William  Brown,  in  ye  chyd. 

27  John  Barker,  in  ye  chyd. 
Feb.    12  Mr  Noel  Cossart,  in  y'  chancel 

26     M"  Mary  Tillard,  in  y°  vault 
Mar.  23     Judith  Cabbabel,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 


Apr.     7     Mr  James  Berbot,  in  the  chyd. 

18     George  Kendrick,  a  child,  in  ye  cross  isle 
May     5     M"  Lewis  Berchere,  spinster,  in  y°  vault 
11     Joseph  Cartoney,  a  child,  in  ye  vault 

Mre  Alice  Lilburn,  in  the  vault 

Mr  Richd  Cook,  in  ye  vault 

John  Benlows,  in  the  midle  isle 

Sarah  Hillyard,  in  y°  chyd. 

Frances  Harrimau,  in  the  cross  isle 

Maria  Martha  Farmer,  in  the  vault 

Elizabeth  Tandy,  in  Sberehog  ground 

Thomas  Bingham,  a  child,  in  the  vault 

Daniel  Lemmon,  in  Sberehog  ground 

John  Faure,  in  the  vault 

Robert  Goodyer,  in  the  vault 

Margaret  Booge,  in  the  chyd. 

Elizabeth  Capibell,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

Mary  Baldry,  in  the  chyd. 

Henry  Goater,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

William  Bingham,  a  child,  in  B.  S.  ground 

Sarah  Figgins,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

Thomas  Herenden,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

Samuel  Sadbury,  in  the  chyd. 

Mr  Peter  Wright,  in  the  chyd. 

Sarah  Gyles,  in  S'  B.  S.  ground 

M™  Jane  Lawson,  in  the  vault 

Ann  Gyles,  in  S'  B.  S.  ground 

Samuel  Henry  Fountain,  in  the  vault 

Mary  Scott,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

Mr  Christopher  White,  ill  the  vault 

Charles  Fushingham,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

Lewes  Tolett,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

Benjamin  Bradley,  a  child,  in  S'  B.  S.  ground 

Elizabeth  Tolett,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 

Martha  Barsby,  in  the  chyd. 

Sarah  Jones,  in  S*  B.  S.  ground 

"  a  child  that  was  taken  up  in  a  cofien  mark'd  R.  W.' 

Mr  Thomas  Hassell,  in  the  north  isle 

a  still  born  child  of  Mr  Barrons,  in  the  chyd. 

M*  William  Hay  ward,  in  the  vault 

Elizabeth  Radiston,  in  the  chyd. 

Jonathan  Jones,  in  the  chyd. 

Richard  Rogers,  at  S'  B.  S. 

James  Dorrall,  esq.,  in  the  vault 





























































176  REGISTERS   OF   ST.   STEPHEN'S,   WALBROOK,  1732-4 


Apr.     3     William  Becbcr,  a  child,  in  the  vault 
Edward  Thorp,  in  the  chyd. 
Isabella  Lilburn,  in  the  vault 
Barrent  Sohimell  Peniuk,  in  the  vault 
Susannah  Berehere,  in  the  vault 
W  William  Becker  [Becher],  in  the  vault 
Anna  Maria  Jacobs,  in  the  middle  isle 
Elizabeth  Barrow,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
Martha  Baron,  in  the  chyd. 
Ursula  White,  in  the  vault 
John  Knapp,  in  the  vault 
Susannah  White,  in  the  vault 
Elizabeth  Lloyd,  at  Sl  B.  S.  ground 
Elizabeth  Goodyer,  in  the  vault 
Ann  Reynolds,  in  S'  B.  S.  ground 
John  White,  in  the  vault 
Richard  Parr,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
Hannah  Deration,  in  the  chyd. 
Peter  Deschamp,  in  the  cross  isle 
Sarah  Coleclough,  in  the  chyd. 
Nicholas  Warner,  in  the  chyd. 
Jeremiah  Ganning,  in  the  vault 
William  Mann,  in  the  chyd. 
Mary  Deleylock,  in  the  chyd. 
Elizabeth  Gascoine,  in  Sl  B.  S.  ground 
James  White,  in  the  vault 

Peter  Scott,  in  the  chyd. 
Daniel  Demaffe,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
Ann  Wright,  in  the  chyd. 
Elizabeth  Whichcote,  in  the  chancel 
James  Bradley,  a  child,  in  Sl  B.  S.  ground 
Edward  Bayley,  in  the  chyd. 
Francis  Scrafton,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
Mr  James  Bradley,  in  the  vault 
Mr  Samuel  Reason,  in  the  vault 
Elizabeth  Scott,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
M™  Mercy  Mann,  in  the  chyd. 
Thomas  Cunningham,  in  the  chyd. 

Peter  Bingham,  in  B*  B.  S.  ground 
Mr  Stephen  Bradley,  in  y°  vault 
Lretitia  Bowden,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
Ann  Bowden,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
Ann  Row,  in  the  chyd. 
George  Adams,  a  child,  in  Sl  B.  S.  ground 
Susannah  Scrafton,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
Joseph  Cartony,  a  child,  in  the  vault 
Sampson  Coleclough,  in  the  chyd. 
William  Wright,  baker,  in  the  chyd. 
John  Tussingham,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 
Mary  Lostau,  in  the  chyd. 
Jane  Packer,  in  the  chyd. 
Susannah  Funl,  a  child,  in  y*1  chyd. 
Miriam  Greenhill,  in  the  vault 
Mary  Ward,  a  child,  in  the  chyd. 





>    6 


.  13 





























































1  1 











1735-7  AND    ST.    BENET   SHEKEIIOG  !     BURIALS.  177 


Mar.  28  Mary  Bay  ley,  in  the  chyd. 

Apr.    12  John  Winter,  a  child,  in  S*  B.  S.  ground 

23  Elizabeth  Jones,  in  the  chyd. 

Aug.  22  John  Baker,  in  y°  chyd. 

Sep.      3  Thomas  Morhall,  a   child,  in  ye  vault      "Aug.   26    1765  remov'd    & 
[1765  carry'd  into   Shreusbury  in  Salop  to  be  buried  "      [Inserted  by  a  later 

Aug.  26]     hand.— Ed.] 

Oct.    18  Lewis  Conrad  Quenevault,  in  ye  chyd. 

25  Esther  Jurin,  in  S'  B.  S.  ground 

Nov.  30  Mr  Thomas  Browne,  in  his  own  vault 

Dec.      8  Joseph  Bond,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 

18  M™  Sarah  Green,  in  ye  vault 

18  Thomas  Bond,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 
27  Thomas  Can-other,  in  ye  vault 

Jan.      7  Mre  Mary  Atkinson,  in  ye  vault 

Feb.      9  Mrs  Ann  Trott,  in  S*  B.  S.  ground 

10  Mr  James  Lostau,  in  ye  chyd. 
17  Elizabeth  Slarter,  in  ye  chyd. 

Mar.     4  Mr  Thomas  Pasmore,  in  ye  chyd. 

1 1  John  Best,  a  child,  in  ye  chyd. 


Apr.      1  Mrs  Mary  Jacobs,  in  ye  middle  isle 

1  James  Bingham,  a  child,  in  ye  vault 

2  Fraucis  Greathead,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd. 
17  Mary  Temple,  in  ye  north  iile 

July      8  Edwd  Baxter,  an  infant,  in  ye  chyd. 

Aug.     9  Francis  Alcock,  in  S*  B.  S. 

12  Thomas  Tovey,  in  ye  chyd. 
12  Mary  Tussingham,  in  ye  chyd. 

27  Mary  Pike,  in  ye  north  isle 
29  Sarah  Page,  in  ye  north  isle 

Oct.      1  David  Greeuhill,  in  ye  vault 

Dec.      4  Kalph  Sharpies,  in  ye  chancel 

28  Ann  Tatnall,  in  ye  vault 
Jan.    10  Hannah  Griffin,  in  ye  vault 

28  Catliarina  Malmazet,  in  ye  vault 
Feb.  17  Margaret  Lascoe,  in  ye  cross  isle 
Mar.  20  Edward  Wright,  in  ye  cross  isle 


Apr.     2  James  Green,  in  yc  vault 

May     2  John  Best,  an  infant,  in  ye  chyd. 

5  Felix  Hill,  in  ye  vault 

19  Thomas  Salmon,  in  ye  side  isle  below  ye  cross 
25  Mary  Lucas,  an  infant,  in  ye  chyd. 

July     8  The  Rev.  Mr  Nathaniel  Hoole,  in  ye  cross  isle 

Aug.  30  Robert  Barsby,  in  ye  chyd. 

Sep.      8  Elizabeth  Heel,  in  ye  chyd. 

22  John  Starling,  in  yc  soulh  isle  below  ye  cross 

29  was  buried  from  hence  Mre  Hannah  Griggs,  a  lodger  in   S'  Stephen, 

Walbrook     "  Not  known  where  buried  " 

Nov.  25  Elisabeth  Moore,  from  Whitechappel  par.,  in  Sl  B.  S.  chyd. 

Dec.    15  in  ye  chancell,  the  Rev.  Joseph  Watson,  Doctor  of  Divinity,  Rector  of 

ye  United  Parishes,   borne   near  Lyme  in  Cheshire  &  educated    at 

Brasenose  College  in  Oxford,  aged   [blank],  buried  by  Mr  Clements, 


178  REGISTERS   OF   ST.    STEPHEN^,    WALBROOK,  1737-9 

Jan.  19  buried  in  ye  middle  isle  of  Bcw  Church,*  M™  Eliz.  Scrimshire,  widow, 
of  Sherehog  par.,  who  died  11th  inst.  at  her  brothers  house,  aged  56. 
T.  Wilson,  Rector 

[The  next  space  in  the  Register  is  blank. — Ed.] 

Feb.      8     Charles  Baldrey,  clerk  of  ye  United  Parishes,  in  Sl  S.,  W.,  chyd.,  aged 
59,  by  T.  W. 
17     Mary  de  Lavinet,  a  lodger  at  Mr  Blagraves,  in  Walbrooke  chyd. 

23  Sampson  Colclough,  of  Barge  yard,  in  Walbrook  chyd. 

Mar.     5     Sarah  Blagrave  wife  of  Thomas  Blagrave,  sexton,  in  Walbrook  chyd. 

7     William  Ward,  infant,  in  Walbrook  chyd.,  son  of  Wm  Ward  of  Size  lane 

10  Henrietta  Maria  Firmin  d.  Mr  Firmin,  of  Epsom,  &  Catharine  his  wife, 

d.  of  Mr  Deputy  Hayward,  late  of  ye  par.  of  Sherehogg,  aged  10  y™, 

in  ye  vault 
12     George  Seawell  s.  M*  Seawell  in  Size  lane,  in  ye  cross  isle 
Apr.     6     John  Baldry  s.  of  ye  late  clerk,  in  ye  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W. 
May  28     John  s.  John  Edwards,  in  ye  south  isle  of  ye  church,  aged  6  months 
July   26     William  Doldreu,  formerly  of  this  parish,  from  Endfield,  in  ye  vault 

30  Elisabeth  Martin,  a  stranger  from  Spittlefield  par. 

Oct.    27  William  Andrews,  an  infant  (in  S'  S.  chyd.)  of  S'  B.  S. 

28  Thomas  Oldrey,  of  Sl  S.,  in  ye  cross  isle,  aged  40  years 

Nov.     9  Ellen  Ann  de  la  Fountain,  in  S'  Stephens  vault,  aged  2  years  11  mouths 

16  in  Sl  Stephens  vault,  Jane  Faure,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  aged  13  years 

24  Elizabeth  Stephens,  of  S'  B.  S.,  in  Sl  S.  chyd.,  aged  65  years 

1739      Mr  Cabbabel  &  Mr  Best,  churchwardens     [At  the  top  of  the  page. — Ed.] 


Mar.   14     Mr  Joyce  Seawell,  in  y"  cross  isle  of  S'  S.  ch.,  aged  64,  by  me,  Tho. 

Wilson,  Rectr 

May     2     in  ye  vault   Mre   Frances  Wintropp,   wife   of   Mr    Stephen   Wintropp, 

merch'  in  Walbrook  :  her  son,  aged  2  days,  was  buried  in  ye  same 

coffin  with  his  mother,  who  was  in  ye  25th  year  of  her  age,  buried  by 

my  Curate,  Mr  Wm  Clements 
23     M™  Elisabeth  Phipps,  serv'  to  Mr  Toilet,  in  S'  S.  chyd.,  aged  71  years, 

buried  by  my  Curate,  Mr  W"  Clements 
Aug.  11     Henry  Woodhams,  a  serv*  of  Mr  Sharpless,  in  S'  Bennets  churchyard, 

by  my  Curate,  Mr  ff"  Clements 
Sep.    27     Mr  Theodore  Barbott,  of  S'  S.,  in  ye  vault,  by  my  Curate,  Mr  William 

Dec.      2     Miss  Sarah  Ottiwell,  a  lodger  at  Mr  Blagraves,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  in  y'  vault, 

aged  6  years,  by  me,  Thomas  Wilson 

31  John  s.  Mr  Tolet,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  S'  S.  chyd.,  aged  5  months,  by 

Mr  Clements 
Jan.      3     Joseph  Hayward,  esq.,  of  Stoke  Newington,  eldest  son  of  Mr  Deputy 

Hayward,  of  Sl  Bennet  Sherehog,  in  yc  chancel,  aged  53,  by  Tho. 

28     John   s.   of  J°  &   Grace   Furman,   of  S'  Stephens,  in  y°  chyd.,  aged 

1 1  dayes,  by  Mr  Clements 
Feb.      6     Elizabeth  d.  Nath1  &  Eliz.  Andrews,  in  Sl  S.  chyd.,  aged  10  days,  by 

Mr  Clements 

11  Mr   Sam1    Owen,   a    stranger,    in    Sl    S.   chyd.,   aged    39    years,    by 

Mr  Clements 

17  Mr  Fowle  Spiller,  a  stranger,  in  Sl  S.  chyd.,  aged  58,  [by]  Mr  Clemu 

•Burials:    "1737    Jan'  18"1     Elizabeth  Scrimshire  from  S'  Stephen  Walbroke.     S.  M.  B.",  vide 
St.  Mary  le  Bow  Registers,    llarl.  Soc.  Pub.,  Vol.  XUV.-Kd. 

1740-3        AND  ST.  BENET  SHEREHOG :  BURIALS.  179 


Apr.     2  Miss  Mary  Winthrope,  in  ye  vault  of  S*  S.,  W.,  aged  4  years 

15  Mr  John  Tatfnell,  a  stranger,  in  ye  vault  of  Sfc  S.  ch. 

Jnne  10  Ann  Bromhall,  in  St.  S.  chyd. 

15  Elizabeth  Bowden,  in  chyd.  of  Sfc  S.,  W. 
July     6  Francis  Hackluit,  in  the  ch.  yd,  aged  70 

21  Letitia  Poxon,  in  ye  chyd.,  by  Mr  Clements 

Oct.    17  Master  Richard  Toler,  in  Sb  S.  chyd.,  aged  3  weekes  &  3  dayes,  by 

Mr  Clements 

Nov.     9  Capt.  Charles  Vanbnrgh,  in  their  family  vault  at  ye  north  door  in  y* 

north  isle,  by  me,  T.  Wilson 

10  John  Stevens,  of  Size  lane,  in  Sb  S.  chyd.,  by  me,  T.  Wilson,  aged  64 

23  Josiah  Lucas,  of  Barge  yard,  in  S'  Stephens  ch.  yd.,  aged  40,  by  me, 

Tho.  Wilson,  Rectr 

Jan.      2  Thomas  Tushingham,  a  stranger,  in  S*  Stephens  ch.  yd.,  aged  42,  by 

me,  T.  Wilson 

Feb.    20  Amelia  d.  Mr  Salisbury,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  aged  22  dayes,  in  ye  chyd.,  by 

Mr  Clements 

Mar.   11  Mr  Daniel  Meshaw,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  in  ye  chyd.,  aged  66,  by  Mr  Clements 

22  Mr  Edward  Turner,  nephew  to  Mr  Foster,  of  Sk  S.,  in  ye  ch.  yd.,  agd  18, 

by  Mr  Clements 

24  Ann  Rogers,  a  pensioner,  of  Sk  B.  S.,  in  S*.  S.  chyd.,  by  Mr  Clements 


Apr.     4  Elisabeth  Cray,  an  infant,  in  S*  S.  chyd. 

May     3  Mr  Richard  Griffin,  in  S*  S.  vault,  aged  40  years 

20  MM  Judith  Caulet,  S'  S.  middle  isle,  aged  80  years 

June  26  Thos.  Edwards,  in  S*  S.  chyd.,  aged  7  years 

Aug.    9  Sophia  Tusingham,  in  S'  S.  chyd.,  aged  3  weekes 

Sep.      8  Elisabeth  Best,  in  S'  S.  chyd.,  aged  12  dayes 

Jan.    16  Mr  Edward  Barrow,  in  ye  south  part  of  ye  cross  isle,  aged  28 

20  Ann  Vanwick,  in  S*  S.  chyd.,  aged  62  years 

27  Mary  Melichamp,  in  S*  S.  chyd.,  aged  11  dayes 

Mar.   19  Mrs  Frances  Eliot,  in  S*  S.  chyd.,  aged  28 


Mar.  29  Mr  J°  Hanbury,  of  S'  Bennetts,  in  S4  S.  vault,  aged  58 

Apr.      7  Tho.  Burfoot,  in  ye  vault,  aged  6  years  &  8  months 

June  22  John  Rogers,  esq.,  from  Mile  end,  In  ye  vault,  aged  84 

Aug.  19  Elizabeth  d.  Tho.  &  Grace  Furman,  in  ye  chyd.,  agd  7  weeks 

26  Mrs  Hannah  Knapp,  in  ye  vault,  aged  76  years 

Sep.      3  Mrs  Eliz:  Seawell,  in  ye  cross  isle,  aged  67 

18  Miss  Eliz:  Toilet,  iu  ye  chyd.,  4  y™ 

20  Mra  Ann  Vanbrugh,  in  ye  Family  vault,  aged  40 

Dec.    14  Mr  Daniel  Kent,  in  Mr  Browns  family  vault  above  ye  south  isle,  aged 

45  years 

Jan.      6  Mre  Mary  Parker,  in  S'  Bennetts  churchyard,  aged  70 

Feb.      6  John  Read,  a  pensioner,  in  S'  Stephens  churchyard,  aged  5  years  [mc] 

8  John  Lewis,  a  lodger,  in  Sb  Stephens  churchyard,  aged  26 

9  Christmas  Tolet,  in  S*  S.  chyd.,  aged  6  weekes 

16  John  Andrews,  of  S'  Bennetts,  in  Sl  S.  chyd.,  aged  1  year  &  4  months 


Apr.   10  Thomas  Blagrave,  of  S'  Stephens,  iu  ye  chyd.,  aged  60  years 

10  Martha  Pargiter,  in  S'  S.  chyd.,  aged  61  years 

15  Hannah  Ball,  of  S'  Stephens,  iu  Mr  Pollexfens  vault  in  ye  south  isle, 

aged  25  years 

15  Mary  Blount,  of  S*  Bennets,  in  ye  cross  isle,  aged  60  years 

180  REGISTERS  OF  ST.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  1743-6 

May   15     Cornelius  Smithcr,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  ye  south  isle,  aged  34  years 
Aug.  15     M™  Ann  Bissell,  in  yc  north  isle,  aged  75  years 

Eliz.  Wright,  iu  S'  Stephens  chyd. 

Mr  Peter  Kelk,  in  y°  cross  isle,  aged  57 

Mre  Martha  Tillard,  in  y°  vault,  ag'1  56 

Mr  Edward  Owen,  in  y1'  chyd.,  aged  46 

Mr  J°  Carnthers,  in  ye  vault,  aged  71 

John  Phillipps,  in  S'  Bennetts  ch.  yd.,  aged  42 

Mary  Earle,  in  Sl  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  3™  10  days 

William   ["Will"'  Wattkins"  in  margin— Ed.],  iu  S*  Stepheus  chyd., 

aged  8  dayes 
M"  Margaret  Owen,  in  Sb  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  67  years 
Richard  Hutcheus,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  56  years 
Elisabeth  Andrews,  of  S'  Bennetts,  in  Sl  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  5  weeks 
Mre  Sarah  Ghiselin,  in  ye  cross  isle,  aged  45 
Mary  Hewlet,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  10  years 
Sarah  Downs,  a  pentitioner,  in  Sl  Bennetts  chyd.,  aged  9  weeks 
William,  natural  son  of  John  Andrews,  aged  15  months 
William  Tovey,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  3  weeks 
Edmund  Townscnd,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  21  years 
Margaret  Gittons,  in  S*  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  71 
Ann  Sparhauke,  in  Sk  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  52 

M1"8  Elizabeth  Moreton,  of  S*  Bennetts,  in  y°  chancel,  aged  73  years 
William  Tillard,  esq.,  in  ye  vault  of  Sl  Stephens,  aged  73 
Sarah  Stouestreet,  in  ye  middle  isle,  aged  44 
16     Eliz.  Blyth,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  79     [Altered  from  75. — Ed.] 
Joseph  Cray,  iu  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  4  months 
Joyce  Gibbard,  in  Sfc  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  44 
George  Worrel,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  15  months 
John  Tolet,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  12  dayes 
Ann  Staveley,  in  ye  vault,  aged  10  months 
Wilm  Stonestreet,  iu  ye  middle  isle,  aged  46 
Peter  Cabibel,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  92 
Elizabeth  Stephens,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  10y™ 
Mary  Butty,  iu  S*  Stepheus  chyd.,  aged  12  years 
Simon  Peter  Cabibel,  in  Sl  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  44 

Mrs  Mary  Stouestreet,  in  yc  chancel,  widow  of  yc  Rev.  Mr  Stonestreet, 
my  predecessor,  aged  70.     Tho.  Wilson,  rector 


Jan.    14     Ann  Cray,  in  S*  Stepheus  chyd.,  aged  2  year 
Mar.     4     Mn  Mary  Tillard,  iu  yc  vault,  aged  19  years 


Mar.  27  Mr  Richard  Ilcaton,  in  Sl  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  39 

Apr.     3  Mr"  Ann  Bray,  in  y  vault,  aged  37 

15  Martha  Tolet,  in  s1  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  22  months 

23  Peter  Malmazet,  Doctor  of  physick,  in  yc  vault,  aged  78 

May      5  Charles  Andrews,  of  S*  Bennetts,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd. 

July     fi  Mr"  Sarah  Noray,  in  y«  DOrth  isle,  aged  50  yr" 

23  Mr  John  Watson,  iu  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  63 
•  m«  [.«<■],  but  should  be  1745.-ED. 





















































1746-8        AND  ST.  BENET  SHEREHOG  :  BURIALS.  181 

Aug.  12     George  George,  a  petitioner,  in  S*  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  44 
20     Mary  Buggins,  a  pentiouer,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  60 
29     Mr  William  Farmer,  in  ye  vault,  aged  71  years 
Sep.    15     M™  Elisabeth  Baleh,  in  ye  vault,  aged  79 

20     Jane  Stephens,  of  S*  Benet,  in  Sl  Stephetis  chyd.,  aged  9  weeks 
M18  Mary  Parr,  in  ye  vault,  aged  36  yrs 
Jane  Goater,  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  48  yra 
Mra  Elizth  Leeds,  in  S4  Stephens  vault,  aged  49  years 
Johanna  Hardware,  of  S4  Stephetis,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  6  months 
Ann  Barlow,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  6  months 
Mrs  Martha  Cabibel,  of  S*  Stephens,  in  the  middle  isle,  aged  58  years 
Mr  Togarmah  Jones,  of  S4  Bennets,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  55  years 
Mary  La  Lauze,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  55  years 
Esther  Eves,  a  pentioner,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  55  years 

Elizth  Wood,  a  pentioner,  in  Sl  Bennets  chyd.,  aged  26  years 

Mr3  Mary  Wildbore,  in  S*  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  48  years 

Thomas  Highmore,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  22  years 

Elizth     Stephens,    of     S4     Bennets,    in     S4     Stephens     chyd.,    aged 

2  years  6  months 
Mra  Elizth  Beacher,  in  the  vault,  aged  58  years 

William  Andrews,  of  S4  Bennets,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  3  months 
Mr  Gourreau  Dupont,  a  french  gentleman  who  died  at  Mr  Bullocks,  of 

S4  Bennts,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  38  years 
Mr  Phillip  Norris,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  the  middle  isle,  aged  37  years 
Mary  Medley,  a  pentioner,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  40  years 
Ann  Persbouse,  a  pentioner,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  56  years 
Mary    Mayo,    a   dau.  of   Mr   Mayo,  of    S4  Buttolph,    Bishopsgate,  in 

S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  6  years 
Ann  Barry,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  28  years 
Sarah  Cooke,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  56  years 

James  Mourgues,  a  frenchmau,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  78  years 
Vallintine  Roydes,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  18  days 
Mr  William  Prescott,  of  S4  Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd., 

aged  40  years 
Richard  Wright,  esq.,  in   S4  Stephens   Church  in  the  cross  ile,  aged 

62  years 
Mary  Bill,  a  pentioner,  in  S*  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  3  years  [«'c] 
Mr  James  Cook,  in  the  chancel,  aged  72  years 
Anna  Margaretta  Davis,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  Stephens,  aged  6  years 
Woolcombe  Polixfen,  in  the  family  vault  in  the  south  isle,  aged  80  years 
Catherine  Woodhams,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  84 
Thos  Bryan,  of  S4  Benuet  Sherehog,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  30  years 
Mary  Wittle,  a  pentioner,  of  S4  Stephens,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd.,  aged 

51  years 
Richard  Hows,  a  pentioner,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd,  aged  32  years 
Samuel  Swynfen,  esq.,  of  S4  Stephens,   Walbrook,  in  Mr.  Pollexfens 

family  vault  in  the  south  isle,  aged  68  years 
Catherine  Baxter  d.  Mr  Baxter  of  S4  Stephens,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd., 

aged  5  years  &  8  months 
Mr  Richard  Middleton,  junior,  of  Hackney,  in  the  chancel  of  S4  Stephetis, 

aged  26  years 
Charles   Woodford,  an  apprentice  to   Mr  Baxter,  of    S4   Stephens,  in 

S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  19  years 




































































June  26 










182  registers  of  st.  Stephen's,  walbroor,  1748-50 

Mar.     8     Ann  Field,  a  pentioner  of   Sl  Stephens,  in    S'   Stephens  chyd.,  aged 
10  years. 
M"  Elizabeth  Alchorne,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  68  years 
Mr  Samuel    Moore,  a  lodger  at  M™  Buckeridge  in   Bonds   Court,  in 
S'  Stephens  vault,  aged  46  years 

William  Tillard,  esq.,  in  the  vault  of  Se  Stephens,  aged  30  years 

Sarah  Tovey,  inhabitant  of  S'  B.  S.,  in  S'  Stephens  cliyd.,  aged  2.5  years 

Mr  Henrv  Chittev,  of  S'  B.  S.,  in  S'  B.  S.  chvd,  ageil  5.5  vears 

Elizth  Cole,  of  S*  B.  S.,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  B.  S.,  aged  29  years 

Miss  Elizth  Furly,  in  the  cross  isle  of  S'  Stephens,  aged  37  years 

M™  Elizth  Turner,  of  S*  Stephens,  in  the  south  isle,  aged  42  years 

Mr  John  Cabibel,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephens,  aged  42  years 

Joseph  Tayler,  a  pentioner,  of  Sl  Stephens,  in  chyd.,  aged  70 

James  Andrews,  of   S'  B.  S.,  in   Sb  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  1   year   ft 

4  months 
Jemima  Gunner,  a  servant  to  Mr  Feveral,  of  S*  Stephens,  in  Sl  Stephens 

chyd.,  aged  34  years 
31     William  Mallot,  a  servant  to  Mre  Adams,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  Sl  Stephens 
chyd.,  aged  20  years 
Jan.    18     M™  Ctesarea  Tillard,  in  the  vault,  aged  22  years 

23     Margaret  Ellill.  an  infant  dau.  of  Mr  Ellill,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  S'  Stephens 
vault,  aged  12  days 
Feb-.    17     Miss  Ann  Tillard,  iii  the  vault  of  S'  Stephens,  aged  3  months 
26     Miss  Margaret  De  Raffou,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  35  years 


May   21      William  Andrews,  of  S'  B.  S.,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  10  months 

30     Elizth  Ann  d.  Mr  Joseph  Mole,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  in  Sl  Stephens  chyd.,  aged 

5  weeks 

July     4     Jonathan  Turner,  of  S*  Stephens,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  6  weeks 
6     Richard    Mainwaring,   of    Sl    Stephens,    in    S'   Stephens   chyd.,    aged 

70  years 
16     Richard  Middlton  [Middleton],  esq.,  of   S'  John  at  Hackney,  in  the 
chancel  of  S*  Stephens,  Walbrook,  aged  75  years 

26  Mr  Tho8  Horton  Iloole,  in  the  south  part  of  the  cross  isle,  aged  21  years, 
brought  from  Wansted 

Henry  Chetham,  of  S*  Stephens,  in  the  vault,  aged  16  years 

Master  George  Bond,  in  S4  Stephens  ch.  yd.,  aged  4  months,  son  of 

Mr  Bond,  junior,  of  Chruthed  Fryers 
Sarah   Scot   [Scott],  of    S'   Sepulchercs,  in   Sl   Stephens  chyd.,  aged 

7  years 
Mr  Frederick  Christian  Volckmar,  of  Sl  Benuet  Sherehog,  in  S'  Stephens 

churchyard,  aged  46  years 
M™  Lctitia  Harrow,  in  the  cross  isle,  aged  54  years 
Hannah  Earle  d.  Mr  John  Earle,  of  S*  B.  S.,  aged  10  months 
20     Mra  Elizabeth  Jennings,  of  Bedford  Row,  in  the  chancel,  aged  74  years 
Mar.     3     Catherine  Volckmar  d.  M"  Margaret  Volckmar,  widow,  of  S*  B.  S.,  in 
the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  aged  2  years  &  9  months 
11     Rene     Tahourdin,    esq.,   of     Clapham,    Surry,   in    the    cross    isle    of 

S'  Stephens  church 
20     Jane  Spillcr,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  S.,  Walbrook,  aged  37  years,  brought 
from  S'  George,  Middlesex 

27  Mr   James   Chetham,   of    S'    Stephens,  Walbrook,  in    the  vault,  aged 

27  years 

28  Miss  Mary  Tolet  d.  Mr  Tolet,  formerly  of  8'  Stephens,  in  Sl  Stephens 

chyd.,  aged  4  years 










1751-4  AND    ST.    BENET   SHEREHOG  :     BURIALS.  183 


Mar.  30     Mary  Linton,  a  pentioner,  of  S'  Benn'  S.,  in  S'  B.  S.  ground 

Apr.    14     Mra   Ann    Chetham,    widow   of    the   above    Mr   James    Chetham,    of 

S'  Stephens,  in  the  vault,  aged  28  years 
June     3     Ann  Andrews,  of  S'  B.  S.,  in  Sb  Stephens  chyd.,  9  weeks 
Aug.  26     Mr  John  Bell,  late  of  S'  Stephens,  in  the  south  isle,  aged  [blank] 
Oct.      7     Sarah  Dearden,  a  servant  to  Mr  Royds,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  S'  Stephens 

chyd.,  aged  30  years 
21     Ann  Stock,  a  servant  to  Mr  Feveral,  of  S'  Stephens,  W.,  in  S'  Stephens 

chyd.,  aged  20  years 


Feb.      7     Ann  Greves,  a  servant,  a  Mr  Pardoe,  of  S*  Bennets,  in  S'  Stephens 

chyd.,  aged  27  years 
Mar.     7     Wentworth  Ogle  s.  Mr  Wentworth  Ogle,  of  Sfc  Stephens,  in  S4  Stephens 

vault,  aged  2  days 
28     Mrs  Mary  Mendham,  sister  to  M*  Feveral,  of  S*  Stephens,  in  the  vault, 

aged  48  years 
Apr.      1     Thomas    Reynolds,    a   servant   to   Mr   Chauncey,    of   S1    Stephens,  in 

S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  24  years 
May     7     Mr  Matthew  Warner,  of  Sr  Stephens,  in  the  vault,  aged  32  years 
July      4     Hannah  Woolley,  a  servant  to  Mr  Duhorty,  of  S'  Stephens,  Walbrook, 

in  St  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  22  years 

19  M™  Amey  Reynolds,  in  the  middle  isle  of  S*  Stephens,  sister  to  M™  Gray 

in  the  little  house  adjoining  to  the  church,  aged  31  years 
Oct.      5     Edward  Davis,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  38  years 

24     Jane  Gripton,  a  servant  to  Mr  Scrimshire,  of  S'  Stephen,  in  Sfc  Stephen 

chyd.,  aged  30  years 
Dec.    10     Anna    Maria    Davis,   of    S*   Antolins,    in    Sfc    Stephens    chyd.,   aged 

20  months 

20  Mr  William  Stephens,  of  Sfc  B.  S.,  in  S'  Stepheus  chyd.,  aged  41  years 
28     Fowle  Spiller,  of  S'  Ann,  Blackfryers,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  43  years 

Mary  Stephens,  of  S*  B.  S.,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  1  month 
Samuel  Daingerfeild  s.  Mr  Daingerfeild,  of  S'  Bennets,  aged  12  days 
Thomas   Skay  s.  Mr  Skay,  of   S'  B.  S.,  in   Sfc  Stephens  chyd.,  aged 

19  days 
Frederick  Volckmar,  of  S*  B.  S.,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  8  years 
Mrs  Mary  Stephens,  of  S*  B.  S.,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  33  years 
The  Rev.  Mr  Thomas  Sharpe,  curate  of  the  parish,  in  the  vault,  aged 

37  years 

Elizth  Scott,  of  S*  Sepulchres,  in  S'  Stephens  Church,  aged  9  months 
Susanna  Silk  d.  to  Mr  Silk,  of  S'  Stephens,  Walbrook,  in  S4  Stephens 

church  yard,  aged  1  year  &  10  months 
Mar.  20     Mre  Tamzine  Deschamps,  of  S*  Stephen,  in  the  cross  ile,  aged  38  years 
26     Catherine  Silk  d.  Mr  Silk,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  1  month  & 

4  days 
John  Skay  s.  Mr  Skay,  of  S'  B.  S.,  aged  12  days 
George    s.    Mr   Archibald    Currie,    of    S1    Stephen,    Walbrook,   aged 

14  months 
George  Field,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  14  days 
John  Andrews,  of  Sl  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  58  years 
Eliz.  Adams,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  27  years 
Mr  William  Ward,  of  S*  B.  S.,  in  S'  Stepheus  chyd.,  aged  47  years 
Mary  Ann  Turner,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  7  months 


















184  REGISTERS   OF   ST.   STEPHEN'S,   WALBROOK,  1754-7 

Mrs  Judith  Wattson,  widow  of  the  late  Rector,  in  the  chancell,  aged 

68  years 
Miss  Esther  Deighton  d.  Mr  Deighton,  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the 

cross  isle,  aged  9  months  14  days 
Mr  Robert  Tompson,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  in  the  vault,  aged  32  years 











Mre  Susanna  Blondell,  of  Sl  Stephens,  in  the  cross  isle,  aged  48  years 
in  the  vault  Rebecca  Bingham,  wife  of  Peter  Bingham,  of  S4  Stephens, 

aged  63  years 
Mrs  Eliztu  Hutchings,  in  Sb  Stephens  ehyd.,  aged  81  years 
Mr    Thomas    Deucli,   a   servant    to   Peter    Dingham,   of    S'   Stephen, 

Walbrook,  aged  16  years,  in  the  cbyd. 
Apr.     6     Charles    Soane,  a  servant    to  Mr  Wiltshiere,  of    Sl  Stephens,  in  the 

churchyard,  aged  20  years 

22  M"   Mary    Small,    in    the  cross   isle,  of    S'    Stephen,    Walbrook,   aged 

36  years 
May     2     M18  Mary  Haubury,  of  S'  B.  S.,  in  the  vault,  aged  68  years 

6     Mary  Erratt,  a  servant   to  Mr  Draper,  of   Sl  B.  S.,  in  the  chyd.  of 

Sl  Stephens,  aged  24  years 

June    5     Mra  Hannah  Mayo,  of  Trinity  in  the  Minories,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd., 

aged  34  years 

6     Mrs  Elizth  Smith,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  vault,  aged  46  years 

17     Elizth  Andrews,  of  Sb  Bennet  Sherehog,  in   Sl  Stephens  chyd.,  aged 

17  months 
30     Frances  Skay,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  2  months 
July  30     Amey  Cole,  a  servant  to  Mr  Peter  Descamps,  in  S*  Stephens  chyd., 

aged  50  years 
Aug.  22     Sarah  Bowditch,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  in  S'  Stephens  chvd.,  aged  3  weeks 
Sep.    12     M™  Sarah  Wall,  of  Allballowes,  Baikin,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  60 
Oct.      8     James  Figgius,  of  S4  Stephens,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  5  years 
Nov.  14     Jane  Spiller,  in  Sk  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  70  years 
Dec.      5     Elizth  Ryley,  of  S*  Stephens,  iu  the  chyd.,  aged  2  years  9  mouths 


Mar.   12     Mr  George  Wildbore,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  24  years 

June  15     Nathaniel  Andrews,  of  S'  B.  S.,  iu  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  51  years 

July     8     Jane  Koyds,  d.  Mr  Rob'  Royds,  of   S4  Stephens,  in  tlio  chyd.,  aged 

2  months 

Aug.  18     Ann  Farrer  d.  Mr  Fairer,  of  Sl  Benuet  Sherehog,  iu  Sk  Stephens  chyd., 

aged  3  weeks 
Sep.    12     Sarah  Attwood,  a  servant  to  Mr  Furman,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  the  chyd., 

aged  16  years 
Nov.  19     M"  Ann  Creed,  mother  to  M™  Field,  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the 

chyd.,  aged  53  years 
28     Mr"  Elizth  Dean,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  vault,  aged  74  years 


Jan.   22     Edward  Davis,  of  8*  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  9  years 

23  M™  Ann  Ward,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  in  S*  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  51  years 
Feb.   26     Mr  Peter  Deschamps,  in  the  chancell,  aged  71  years 

Sep.      5     George   Gingell,  a  servant  to  Mr  Earle,  of  S'  B.  S.,  in  S'  Stephens 

chyd.,  aged  23  years 
Oct.      7     Sarah  Ann  d.  Mr  Farrer,  of  Se  B.  S.,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  6  weeks 
16     William  Creed,  a  brother  to  M™  Field,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the 

chyd.,  aged  20  years 
Dec.   27     Carolina  d.  Mr  John  Nutt,  merchant,  of  Sl  Stephens,  iu  the  vault,  aged 

3  months 

1758-61  AND    ST.    BENET   SHEREI10G  :     BURIALS.  185 


Apr.  22     Rob4   Royds  s.    Mr  Rob'   Royda,   in    S*   Stelhurch   [sir]   chyd.,   aged 

12  days 
May     6     William  Hewster,  a  servant  to  Mr  Barnard,  of  S4  B.  S.,  iu  S'  Bennets 
chyd.,  aged  20  years 
29     Mrs  Dorothy  Herrenmau,  ci-oss  isle     [Interlined. — Ed.] 
June  20     Mary  Ray,  a  servant  to  Mr  Barnard,  of  S4  B.  S.,  in  S4  Bennet  chyd., 
aged  15  years 
29     Mr  Francis  Testas,  iu  the  middle  isle  of  S4  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged 
76  years 
July     7     Amy  Villard,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  36  years 

7     Mr  Stephen  Winthrnp,  iu  the  vault  of  S4  Stephen,  aged  54  years 
Oct.    13     Master  Robert  Royds  s.  of  Mr  John  Royds,  iu  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged 

10  days 
Dec.    10     Mr  Richard  Farmer,  in  the  vault,  aged  27  years 

17     Mrs  Mary  Burch,  in  S*  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  90  years 

20     in    the    cross    isle,    Miss    Martha    Furley,   sister    to    M™   Forster,   of 

S4  Stephens,  aged  46  years 
24     Mr  Robert  Norris,  of  S4  Stephen,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  31  years 

Mrs  Alice  Middleton,  in  the  chancel  of  S4  Stephens,  aged  60  years 

Mra  Isabella  Ross,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  86  years 

Mary  Lancaster,  neice  to  Mr  Earle,  of  S4  B.  S.,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd., 

aged  24  years 
Archibald  Elliot,  esq.,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd.,  brought  from  S4  Peter  le 

Poor  in  Broad  Street,  aged  51 
Samuel  Scott,  brother  to  Mr  Scott,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged 

46  years 
in  the  south  isle  of  S4  Stephens,  Mrs  Sarah  Forthe,  of  Hatton  Garden, 

aged  95  years 
M™  Catherine  Bailey,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  64 

John  Hancock,  of  S4  Stephens,  aged  6  weeks 

John  Jones  s.  Maurice  Jones,  of  S4  B.  S.,  aged  3  weeks,  in  S4  Bennett's 

Ann  Jones,  a  servant  to  Mr  Lyne,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  the  chyd.,  aged 

17  years 
Mr  Daniel  Hervey  Nelson,  in  the  south  isle,  aged  22  years 
Mr  Simon  Jackson,  clerk  to  Richard  Cuauney,  esq.,  of  S4  Stephens,  in 

the  vault  of  S4  Stephens,  aged  54  years 
Mrs  Charlotte  Jobson,  in  the  middle  isle  of  S4  Stephens 
Mr  William  Gibbert,  of  S4  Margret,  Westminster,  in  S4  Stephens  chyd., 

aged  60  years 
Miss    Catherina   Bond    d.    Mr   Boud,    junior,   of   Crutchet    Fryars,    in 

S4  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  2  years 
James  Clay,  of  S4  Bennets,  in  S4  Stephen  chyd.,  aged  3  weeks 
Mr3  Mary  Malmazet,  in  the  vault  of  S4  Stephens,  aged  52 
Mr  Thomas  Vigue,  of  S4  Stephens,  in  the  vault,  aged  61  years 

Master  Maynard  Torin,  in  the  vault  of  of  S4  Stephen,  aged  6  months 
Miss  Martha  Furley    Forster,  of    S4  Bennet,   in   S4   Stephen's  chyd., 

aged  2  years 
Mr  Godfrey  Zurhorst,  in  the  north  isle  above  the  cross  isle,  aged  51  years 
Miss    Rebecca   Rowley,  in   the  vault  of    S4    Stephens,  aged  3   years 

&  8  months 


Jan.    13 
Mar.     1 
July  25 









Jan.    21 













Jan.    11 

Feb.     7 



186  REGISTERS    OF   ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1761-3 

July      1     Sarah  Garnsby,  a  lodger  at  Mr  Baily's,  of  Sl  Stephens,  in  S'  Stephens 
chyd.,  aged  55  years 

27  John  &  Edward  Birch  sons  of  Mr  Birch,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  the  chyd., 

aged  9  weeks 
Aug.  20     M™  Dorothy  Forster,  of  S*  Stephens,  in  the  cross  isle,  aged  51  years 
Sep.    25     Miss  Maria  Nutl,  in  the  vault,  aged  3  years,  dan.  of  Mr  John  Nutt, 

Oct.    21     Mr  Solomon  Bertrand  Margarss,  in  the  chancel,  s.  of  Mr  Margarss,  of 

S'  Stephen,  aged  19  years 
30     Mr  Robert  Deighton,  of  S*  Stephens,  in  the  cross  isle,  aged  47  years 
Nov.     7     Mr  James  Bradley,  in  the  vault,  aged  49  years 
Dec.      7     James  Blauksioss,  a  servant  to  Mr  Deschamps,  in  Sl  Stephens  chyd., 

aged  78  years 
15     Master  Edward  Furuey  Forster,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  1  year  & 

10  months 


Jan.    12     John  s.  Mr  George  Field,  of  S'  Stephens,  iu  the  chyd.,  aged  3  years 
&  9  months 

23  Elioner  Hill,  a  servant  to  Mr  Baxter,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  the  north  isle, 

aged  30  years 
Feb.    19     Mary  d.  Wentworth  Ogle,  of  S'  Stephens,  in  the  vault,  aged  3  weeks 

&  3  days 
Apr.  25     Richard  Purvis,  of  Barge  yard,  Bucklersbury,  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook, 

chyd.,  aged  11  months 

28  Mr  John  Taylor,  of  Wanstead  in  Essex,  in  the  cross  isle,  aged  53  years, 

by  the  side  of  marble  grave  stone  in  the  name  of  Hoole 
June     3     iu   Walbrook  chyd.,  John  s.  John  Cowley,  of  Se  Stephen,  Walbrook, 

aged  9  days 
July   21     Mr  Maurice  Jones,  of  St.  B.  S.,  in  Sl  Bennetts  chyd.,  aged  35  years 
Aug.     1     Master  James  William  Torin,  in  the  vault  (son  of  Mr  Mayuard  Toriu, 

late  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  now  of  Hacknev),  aged  8  mouths 
8     Sarah    Woodward  (sister  to  Mr  Earle,  of    S'  B.   S.),   in  S'  Stephen, 

Walbrook,  chyd.,  aged  56  years 
Sep.    23     Joseph  Farrer  s.  Wm  &  Elizth  Farrer,  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd., 

aged  10  day 
Nov.  13     Leiutanant    ["Captain"    erased]    Matthew    Barnard,   iu    the  vault  of 

S*   Stephen,   Walbrook,   aged   68   years.     Brother   to    Mr  Jonathan 

Barnard,  of  S4  B.  S. 

24  Ann  Dickinson  (the  dau.of  Mr  Willm  Dickinson, of  B*  Stephen,  Walbrook), 

in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  8  months 
Dec.      3     Jane     Overton,     in    S'    Stephens    chyd.,    aged    40    years,    servant    to 
Mr  Caldwell,  of  S»  Antholins  parish 
5     M™  Margaret  Scott,  iu  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  about  63  years 


Feb.    18     M™  Charity   Kent,  in    Mr  Brown's    vault  above    the   south    ile,  aged 

53  years,  brought  from  York  Buildings,  Strand 
22     Elizabeth  d.  Mr  Daniel  Adams,  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd. 

of  do.,  aged  Hi  months 
Mar.  20     Gabriel  White,  from  M™  Scraftons,  of  S'  B.  S.,  in  S*  Stephens  chyd., 

aged  49  years 
May     5     Elizabeth  Tovey  (of  S'  B.  S.),  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  aged 

28  years 
July   11     Thomas  Barlow,  esq.,  in  the  cross  ile  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Twickenham,  aged  54  years 
Sep.      1     Mr  Thomas  Forster,  in  the  cross  ile  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  66  years 

1763-0  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEREHOG :     BURIALS.  187 

Sep.  13  M™  Elizabeth  Palin,  in  the  middle  ile  (by  the  south  side  of  MrWilliam's 
grave  stone)  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  about  47  years 

Oct.  28  Margarett  Dawson,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  servant  to 
Mr  Edward  Forster,  of  Sk  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  19  years 

Nov.  17  William  Farrer,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  Stephens,  Walbrook,  aged  36  years, 
of  Sl  B.  S.  par. 


Feb.    12     Catherine  Thompson,  of  Sb  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  publiek  vault, 

aged  61  years 
Mar.   11      Judith  Caruthers,  in  the  publiek  vault,  aged  84  years,  had  an  allowance 
from  the  parish  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook 
20     Mary  Royds,  of  S*  Stephens,  Walbrook,  in  the  chancell  the  right  hand 
side  of  the  communion  table,  aged  43  years 
Apr.     6     Mary  Quilter,  in  S' Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from  S'  Dunstans 
in  the  west,  aged  28  years 
22     in  the   public  vault,  Thomas  Brooks,  brought  from    S'  Martin  in  the 
fields,  aged  24  years,  died  in  George  Alley,  York  buildings,  Strand 
May  23     in  the  publiek  vault,  Anna  Elizabetha,  the  dan.  of  Mr  Edward  Astley, 
of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  9  days 
John  Thomas  Lockwood  s.  Joseph  Lockwood,  of  S'  B.  S.,  in  the  chyd. 

of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  7  weeks  &  5  days 
Charlotte  Hanbury  d.  of  Mr  John  Haubury,  of  Sk  B.  S.  par.,  in  the 
publickvaultof  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook, aged  2years  10mouths&  14days 
Richardson  s.  Robert  Purvis,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd.  of 

S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  7  weeks 
in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  William  s.  Edward  Elliott,  of 

S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  7  weeks 
in  the  public  vault  (Mavnard  Lewis  Torin  s.  Maynard  Torin,  of  Budge 
Row  in  S4  Antholin's  parish)  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  16  months 
in  the  chyd.  of   S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,   Sarah  d.   Mr  John  Cowley,  of 

S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  10  days 
Walter  Hancock,  servant  to  Mr  Dickinson,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in 

the  chyd.,  aged  45  years 
Phillip  How  of  S*  B.  S.,  in  the  public  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook, 
aged  49  years 

Dec.      8     Mr  Jeferey  Saul  in  the  cross  ile  of  the  church,  brought  from  Covent 
Garden,  aged  63  years 
31     Joan  Sommers,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  public  vault,  aged  74 


May     7     Joseph  Sommers  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  publiek  vault,  aged  61 
July    12     Margaret  Vaughan,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  B.  S.,  died  sudenly  in  the  parish, 
aged  about  50  years 
28     John  Andrews,  in  the  chyd.  of   S'  Stephen  W.,  brought  from  More 
fields,  aged  31  years 
Aug.     9     John  Turner  s.  Jonathan  Turner,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd. 
of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  6  years 
30     Mary  Magdalen  Arnaud,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  North  cross 
ile,  aged  61  years 
Bartholomew  Barlow  Webster  s.  of  M1'  George  Webster,  of  S'  Stephen, 

Walbrook,  in  publiek  vault,  bro1  from  Tottenham,  aged  7  weeks 
Elizabeth  Burch  d.  Benj"  Burch,  late  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  but  now 

of  Sfc  Alphage,  London  Wall,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  Stephens,  Walbrook 
in   S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  Mary  Hughes  d.  of  Joseph   Hughes, 

penshioner  to  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  2  years 
Mr  John  Bonuer,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen, 
from  the  Swan  alehouse,  aged  47  years 






















188  REGISTERS   OF   ST.   STEPHENS,   WALBROOK,  1766-8 


Jan.    17     M'John  Sharp,  in  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from  Bearbiuder 

lane,  aged  83  years 
Feb.    19     Master  John   King    s.  John  King,  of    S*   Stephen,  Walbrook,  bur.  in 

Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd..  aged  19  months 
Mar.     7     Mre  Frances  Jones,  in  S'  B.  S.  cbyd.,  aged  32  years 
Apr.   23     Mr  Daniel  Scott,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd  of  Sb  Stephen's, 

aged  59  years 
May   2.5     Mr  Thomas  Phillips,  in   the  south  ile  below  the  cross   ile   under   the 

bench  close  to  Mr  Brown's  vault,  aged  48  years 
June  16     Mrs  Elizabeth  Vigne,  in  the  common  vault,  aged  61  years 
July     3     Hermanns  Bernard,  M.D.,  in  the  publick  vault,  age  62  years 
Aug.  22     Mary    Cowley    d.    John    Cowley    &    Sarah    his    wife,    of    Sl   Stephen, 

Walbrook,  par.,  bur.  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  aged  5  days 
Sep.      9     Susannah  Baubott,  of  S'p  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  77  years 

30     Daniel  Ogle  s.  Wentworth  Ogle,  of  S'  Stephen, Walbrook,  in  the  publick 

vault,  aged  6  weeks 
Nov.     3     Francis  Gigner,  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  public  vault,  aged  51  years 
Dec.    17     Francis  Vane,  in  S*  B.  S.  chyd.,  apprentice  to  Mr  Grainger,  painter,  of 

S'  B.  S.  par.,  aged  16  years 


Jan.     4     in  the  Publick  vault,  Marmadnke  Torin,  aged  9  mouths,  brought  from 
East  Cheap 
23     in    S'    Stephen,  Walbrook,    chyd.,    Daniel   Mendham    the  s.    of    Rob1 
Mendham,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  1  month 

30  Mrs  Victoria  Vanbrugh,  in  their  family  vault  in  the  north  ile  by  the 

screen  door,  aged  98  years,  brought  from  Tower  hill,  S*  Katherine  Court 

31  Mre   Sarah    Irving,    in   the   public   vault,  sister  to   Mr  Johu    Ilaubury, 

brought  from  Bishopsgate  Street,  aged  [blank] 
Feb.      9     Sarah  How,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  48  years 
Mar.    1 1      Mrs  Sarah  Allen,  in  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  aged  77,  brought  from 

Dowgate  hill 
Apr.      7     Thomas  Adams  s.  Daniel  Adams,  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd. 

of  S'  Stephens,  aged  9  mouths 
May   31     in   Walbrook   chyd.,  John   Field  s.  Mr  George  Field,  of   Sl  Stephen, 

Walbrook,  aged  2  days 
June     S     in  the  chauncell  of  S1  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  Philip  Margas,  of  d° 

parish,  aged  65  years 
July     9     in  the  chyd.  of  Nl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  Thomas  Barsby,  brought  from 

East  Smithfield,  aged  56  years 
Aug.   11     Ann  Gigner,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  (he  public  vault  in  Walbrook 

church,  aged  56  years 
15     William    s.    WU1   Arnold,  of   S*    Stephen,   Walbrook,   in    the  chyd.  of 

s'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  3  weeks 
Nov.     2    Joyce  Bell,  in  the  south  tsle,brooghl  from  Enfield  Chase  Side,  aged  75  years 
Due    26     Joanna  Rogers,  in  the  publick  vault,  brought  from  Hatton  Garden,  aged 

81  years 


Feb.    28     Janus  Forbes,  in  the  chyd.  of  S1  Stephen,  Walbrook,  from  M™  Farrer, 

in  S*  15.  S.  par.,  aged  81  years 
Apr.    17     George   Jennings,   in    the   church    vault  of    S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  a 

servant  to  Mr  Markcs,  of  d"  d°,  aged  89  years 
19     Daniel    Mendham,   in    N<    Btephen,    Walbrook,  cbyd.,  son  of  Mr  Rob' 

Mendham,  of  S1  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  3  months 
May  25  Patience  Adams,  in  the  chyd.  of  S1  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

.Mr  Adams,  in  Walbrook,  aged  70  years 

1768-70  AND   ST.    BENET   SHEREHOG  :     BURIALS.  189 

May     8  [«'c]  Elizabeth  Tongue,  in  S*  B.  S.  chyd.,  brought  from  Pauls  wharfe,  a 

penshioner  child,  aged  2  weeks 
July     1     Master  William  Ward  s.  Mr  William  Ward,  of  S*  B.  S.,  in  Walbrook 

chyd.,  aged  2  years 
21     Ruth   Roberts,  in   S*   Stephen,   Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from  Broad 

street,  aged  26  years 
21     Eady    Humphray,    in    S'    Stephen,    Walbrook    chyd.,    brought    from 

Spittalfields,  aged  86  years 
Aug.  31     John  Scrimshire,  esq.,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  publick  vault  in 

the  church,  aged  58  years 
Sep.    18     Elizabeth  Ward  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  d.  of  William  Ward,  of 

S'  B.  S.,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  6  weeks 
Oct.    23     William  s.  Mr  George  Booth,  of  Sb  B.  S.,  in  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W.,  aged 

6  weeks 
Nov.  20     Edward  Ferrand  Mitford  Astley,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,  in  the 

publick  vaut,  aged  14  months 
Dec.      5     Alexander  Russell,  M.D.,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  north  chancell, 

aged  54  years 


Feb.    14     Elizabeth  Adams  d.  Daniel  Adams,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the 

chyd.  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  10  months 
Mar.     8     Mary  Ann  West  d.  Mr  Charles  West,  of  Sfc  Stephen,  Walbrook,  bur.  in 

the  publick  vault,  aged  4  years 

26  Rhoda  Caroline  Astley,  in  the  vaut  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Carry  Street,  aged  3  years 

27  Hannah  Torin,  in  the  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  brought 

from  Distaff  lane,  aged  31  years 
Apr.     2     Catherine  Margas,  in  the  south   chancell   of    Sl   Stephen,   Walbrook, 

church,  aged  57  years 
19     Thomas  Sharp,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from  the 

Old  Baley,  aged  32  years 
Sarah  Baxter,  in  the  chauucell  of  Walbrook  church,  aged  65  years 
Mary  Temple  in  the  north  ile,  aged  68  years,  brought  from  Cripplegatc 
Ann   Herriman,  in  the  south  cross  ile  of  the  church,  aged  90  years, 

brought  from  George  Street,  Hanover  Square 
John  Furman,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  70  years 
John    Hanbury,  in  the  public  vault  of  Sb  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  54  years 

James  Syme,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  vault  of   S*   Stephen, 
Walbrook,  church,  aged  7  weeks 
30     Frances  Humphrey,  in  the  churchyard  of  Sk  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought 
from  Spittalfields,  aged  56  years 
Apr.   13     Thomas  Ogle  s.  Mr  Ogle,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,  in  the  publick 
vault,  aged  7  years 
17     in  the  chauncell,  Mr  Peter  Deschamps,  of  Sk  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par., 
aged  55  years 
May  25     Edward  Ferrand  Freeman  Astley,  in   the   public  vault,  brought  from 

East  Sheen,  aged  6  months 
Oct.    21     Henrietta  Cazalet,  in  the  north  ile  of   S1,  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  88  years 
Dec.      2     Benjamin  Burch,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 
Hoxton,  aged  49  years 
2     Annabella  Cardiu,  in  the  publick  vault  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 
aged  2  years 

28  Elizabeth  Burch,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sb  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Hoxton,  aged  50  years 

June  14 
July  27 




Jan.    14 

190  REGISTERS    OF   ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1771-2 

Mra   Hannah    Kent,  in  Mr  Browns  vault,  in  the  south  ile  below   the 

cross,  a  lodger  at  Mr  Lynes,  aged  81  years 
Sarah  Sadlar,  in  Sl  B.  S.  chyd.,  a  lodgers  servant  at  Mr   Ilowells,  in 

Size  lane,  aged  39  years 
Elizabeth  Collet,  in  the  publick  vault  of  8*  Stephen,  Walbrook, aged  9  weeks 
Thomas  Awood,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Coleman  street,  aged  16  months 
John   Candy,   in    the   chyd.    of    S*    Stephen,   Walbrook,   a   black   boy 

belonging  to  Mr  Mottenx,  in   Walbrook,  aged   18  years 
Elizabeth  Alehorne,  in  the  chyd.  of   S'  Stephens,   Walbrook,  brought 

from  Islington,  aged  60  years 
William  Tovey,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  of  S'  B.  S.  par., 

aged  82  years 
Grace  Furman,  in  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  aged  66  years 
Catherine  Forster,  in  the  south  cross  ile  in  the  church,  aged  70  years 
Mary  Sharp,  of  S'  B.  S.,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged 

77  years 
in  the  publick  vault  in   the  church  a  dead  born  child  of  Mr  Gentil's,  of 

Sl  B.  S.  par. 
Mr  Robert  Burfoot,  in  the  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  of 

S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  34  years 
in  the  public  vault  of  8*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  Josina  West,  d.  of 

Mr  Charles  West,  of  S*  B.  S.  par.,  aged  5  years 

M™  Mary  Kittle,  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from  Thames 

street,  aged  32  years 
Master  John  Adams,  in   the  chyd.  of   8'  Stephen,   Walbrook,  son  of 

Daniel  Adams,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,  aged  3  months 
Mrs  Mary   Kent,   in    her  family   vault  in   the  south  ile  of   the  church, 

brought  from  Buckingham  Street  in  the  Straud,  aged  40  years 
Jane   Prime  d.   Mr  Richard    Prime  of  S'  B.   S.    par.,  in    the   south   ilo 

of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  aged  1  year 
in  8*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  John  Kalder,  s.  Mr  Nalder,  of  Sl  B.  S. 

par.,  aged  3  weeks 
Cap'  James   Pereira,  in   the  public  vault  of    S4   Stephen,  Walbrook, 

church,  a  stranger,  aged  35  years 
Marie  Edwards  d.  Mr  Edwards,  of  Sl  B.  S.  par.,  in  the  publick  vault  of 

S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  aged  10  days 
in  the  south  ile  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  Mr  Richard  Prime's 

dead  born  child,  of  S'.  B.  S.  par. 
in  S'  Stephen,  Wallbrook,  chyd.,  Mr  Charles  West's  dead  born  child,  of 

8*  B.  S.  par. 
Mr  Benjamin  Bitrcli,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  a  lodger  at 

Mr  Bayleys,  aged  20  years 
Mr  John  Cory,  in   the  chyd.  of   S'  Stephen,   Walbrook,  a   nephew   to 

M1  Deighton  in  Bucklersbury,  aged  16  years 
Mary  Bridges,  in  the  chyd.  of  8*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  a  peushioncr  to 

Walbrook  par.,  aged  67  years 
26     James    Swettenham    (son    of    Jethro    Swettcnham,    of    Sl    Stephen, 

Walbrook),  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,   Walbrook,  aged  7  years 
1     Mr  Miles  Bower,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  a  lodger  at 

Mr  Bayleys,  in  Walbrook,  ago  74  years 
12     in   the  chancell,  Mary   Wilson,  wife  of    the  Rev.  Dr  Thomas   Wilson, 

rector,  brought  from  the  cloysters,  Westminster  Abbey,  aged  79  years 
15     in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephens,  Walbrook,  Ann  Stephens,  brought  from 

Rosemary  lane,  aged  74  years 




















Jan.  2 















1773-4  AND   ST.    BENET   SHEREHOG  :     BURIALS.  191 


Jan.      3     John  Bridges,  in  the  cliyd.  of  S*  Stephens,  Walbrook,  a  penshioner  to 
S'  Stephens,  Walbrook,  par.,  aged  70  years 

18  Maria  Barnard,  in  the  publick  vault  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Broad  Street  Buildings,  aged  21  mouths 
Feb.    12     Isaac  Dowse,  in  S'  B.  S.  chyd.,  a  penshioner  to  S4  B.  S.  par.,  brought 
from  the  workhouse,  aged  61  years 
17     Mary  Clark,  in  Sl  Stephens,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  Mr  Motteux  cooks  sister, 
aged  36  years 
Apr.     4     William  Maynard  West  s.  Mr  West,  of  S'  B.  S.  par.,  in  the  publick 
vault,  aged  3  years 
4     Ann  West  d.  Mr  West,  of  S*  B.  S.  par.,  in  the  public  vault,  aged  2  years 
May   19     Esther  Willson,  in  the  north  cross  isle,  sister  to  Mrs  Deighton,  brought 

from  Fulham,  aged  58  years 
June     2     Ann  Booth  d.   Mr  George  Booth,   of   S'  B.  S.  par.,  in  the  chyd.  of 

S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  10  years 
July   15     Elizabeth  Mitchell,  in    the  chyd.   of    S*    Stephen,   Walbrook,   dau.  of 
Thomas  Mitchell,  of  Sk  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  14  years 
17     Samuel    Mendham,    in    the   chyd.    of    S'    Stephen,   Walbrook,   son   of 
Mr  Robert  Mendham,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  parish,  aged  1  year 
&  8  months 
20     Maria  Toulmin,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  dau.  of  Mr  Samuel 

Toulmin,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,  aged  11  days 
30     William  Mitchell  s.  Mr  Thomas  Mitchell,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par., 
in  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  aged  21  years 
Sep.    24     Mr  John  Banks,  in  the  publick  vault,  brought  from  Wanstead  in  Essex, 

aged  76  years 
Oct.    28     Mre  Ann  Wenham,  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  aged  63  years 
Nov.  14     in  the  publick  vault,  Mre  Hannah  Earle,  of  the  par.  of  S4  B.  S.,  aged 
63  years 
15     in   S'  Stephens,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  Elizabeth   Cole,  of    S'  B.  S.,  aged 
80  years 

19  in  S*  Stephens  chyd.,  Mra  Mary  Turner,  of  S*  Stephens,  Walbrook,  par., 

aged  50  years 
Dec.    31     Mr  George  Brown,  in  the  publick  vault  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 
brought  from  Sl  Giles  in  the  fields,  aged  57  years 


Jan.    13     Mrs  Catherine  Medland,  in  the  Church  of  S4  Stephen,  Walbrook,  the  top 
of  the  middle  ilse,  aged  79  years,  aunt  to  Mr  Deschamps 

20  Susannah    Goodman,  in  S'   Stephens,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought   from 

S'  Thomas  Apostle,  aged  60  years 
24     Mra  Jane  Kent,  in  Mr  Brown's  vault  in  the  south  ile  of  the  church, 

aged  83  years 
Feb.     3     Master  David  John  Albert  Du    Veluz    s.  David   Du  Veluz,  esq.,   of 

S*  B.  S.  par.,  iu  the  south  ile  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  aged 

5  years 
Mar.  20     Elizabeth  Eldridge,  in  S1  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  a  lodger's  child  at 

Mrs  Venables,  in  S'  B.  S.  par.,  aged  14  days 
Apr.      9     Robert  Dickinson,  in  S*  Stephens  chyd.,  s.  of   Mr  Wm  Dickinson,  of 

S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,  aged  3  months 
May   10     Mre  Mary  Farmer,  in  the  publick  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  Church, 

brought  from  Bloomsbury,  aged  81  years 
June  11     James   Tillard,  esq.,  in   the  publick  vault  of   S4   Stephen,   Walbrook, 

church,  brought  from  Queen  Square,  near  Holborn,  aged  57  years 
May    29     George  Collet,  in  the  public  vault  of  S*  Stephen,   Walbrook,  church, 

son  of  Mr  Collet,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,  aged  2  mouths  & 

2  days 

192  REGISTERS   OF    ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1774-6 

June  19     Henry    Earnshaw,   in    Sl    Stephen,    Walbrook,   chyd.,   brought    from 

Coleman  street  buildings,  aged  2  years  &  3  months 
19     Ann  Earnshaw,  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from  Coleman 

street  buildings,  aged  15  months 
July      3     William    Wheeler,   of    S'   Bennet    Sherehog   parish,    in    the  chyd.    of 

S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  20  years 
Oct.    19     in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  Margaret  Allan,  a  paishioner  to  the 

above  parish,  brought  from  Thames  street,  aged  91  years 


Jan.    30     Elizabeth  Scutt,  in  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  aged  65  years,  brought 

from  Long  lane,  West  Smithfield,  formerly  a  servant  to  Dr  Wilson, 

Feb.      2     Mr  Thomas   Bayley,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,   in    S4    Stephen, 

Walbrook,  chyd.,  aged  67  years 
28     Richard  Pilchard,  in  Sl  Stephens,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  son  of  Mr  Thomas 

Pritchard,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,  aged  5  mouths 
May  31     Miss  Elizabeth  Craven,  in  S4  Stephens,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from 

Hollo-way,  Islington,  aged  2  years 
June  14     Ann  Booth  d.  of  Mr  George  Booth,  of  S'  B.  S.  par.,  in  S'  Stephen, 

Walbrook,  chyd.,  aged  14  weeks 

28  Rebecca  Taylor,  in  Walbrook  chyd.,  a  servant  to  Mr  Ogle,  of  Sl  Stephens, 

Walbrook,  par.,  aged  25  years 
July   26     Catherine  Hayle,  in  the  publick  vault  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

died  in  Cheapside,  but  was  lately  come  from  Jamacia,  aged  35  years 
Aug.     5     John   Albert   Du  Veluz,  in   the  south   ile  of    Sl   Stephen,   Walbrook, 

church,  sou  of  Mr  Du  Veluz,  of  S'  B.  S.  par.,  aged  15  days 

30  John  Craven,  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from  Alderman 

Thomas's,  in  Bride  street,  near  Blackfryers,  aged  33  years 
Oct.      4     Mr  Samuel  Dones,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  an  apprentice 

to  Mr  Wiltshire,  aged  19  years 
10     Robert  Scruton  s.  of  Mr  Scruton,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  chyd. 

of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  11  days 
13     Mr  Henry  Renner,  of    S*   Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,    in    the    chyd.   of 

S'  Stephen,   Walbrook,  aged  36  years 
15     Mr  Thomas  Stouestreet,  in  the  rectors  chancel],  brought  from  Islington, 

aged  74  years 
26     Robert  Jones,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen, 

Walbrook,  aged  32  years 

29  Miss  Ketty  Vassell,  in  the  publick  vault  of  Sb  Stephen,  Walbrook,  a 

visitor  at  Mr  Symes,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  par.,  aged  18  years 
Nov.  12     Mre   Martha    Testas,    in    Walbrook    Church,    &    was   of    the   par.   of 

Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  88  years 
Dec.    20     Miss  Mary  Thomas  d.  of  Alderman  Thomas,  in  the  publick  vault  of 

Walbrook  Church,  aged  16  years,  brought  from  Bridgo  street,  Black 

Fryers  Bridge 
22     Richard  Allen  s.  Richard  Allen,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  public 

vault  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  aged  13  mouths 
25     M™  Ann  Thompson,  in  Walbrook  chyd.,  age    44  years,  brought  from 

Newgate  street 


Jan.    21     Margaret  Barsby,  in  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from  Grub 
Street,  a^ed  78  years 

31  Mr  Peter  Wright,  in  the  cross  ile  of    S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Bartholomew  Lane  behind  the  Change,  aged  84  years 
Feb.    13     Deborah  Bishop  Simpson  d.  Mr  Simpson,  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook.  in 
the  publick  vault  iu  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  aged  1  year  12  days 

1776-7  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEREHOG  :     BURIALS.  193 

Feb.    17     Robert  Paterson    Hnmpbreys   s.   of   Mr   Humphreys,  of    S*    Stephen, 

Walbrook,  in  the  publiek  vault  in  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  aged 

3  years 
23     Mary  Sharp,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from  Dean 

street,  Fetter  lane,  aged  56  years 
Mar.     5     John  Deschamps,  esq.,  in  the  cross  ile  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  58  years 
May      3     Dame  Henrietta  Maria  Vanbrugh,  in  the  Vanbrugh's  family  vault  in  the 

north  ile,  brought  from  Whitehall,  aged  84  years 
June  26     Mr  William  Trotlman,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Wallbrook,  of  the 

par.  of  S»  B.  S.,  aged  26  years 
Aug.  27     William  Booth  s.  Mr  George  Booth,  of  Sl  B.  S.  par.,  in  the  chyd.  of 

S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  4  years  &  5  months 
Oct.    18     John  Venables,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  s.  of  Mr  George 

Venables,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  parish,  aged  9  days 
20     Mary  Boddington,  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from  Cow- 
Cross,  aged  27  years 
Nov.     3     Mra  Sarah   Tovey,  in   S*  Stephen,   Walbrook,   chyd.,   of  the   par.   of 

S'  B.  S.,  aged  76  years 
18     Mr  Thomas  Jacob,  in  the  publiek  vault  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

of  the  par.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  24  years 
Dec.    18     M™  Ann  Booth,  in  the  public  vault  of  S*  Stephens,  Walbrook,  church, 

of  the  par.  of  S*  B.  S.,  aged  43  years 
28     Mary  Ann  d.  Mr  Street,  junr,  of  S'  B.  S.  par.,  in  the  vault  of  S'  Stephen, 

Walbrook,  church,  aged  8  days 


Feb.      3     Thomas  Fiott  Axford,  in  the  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  ch.,  aged 

8  month  &  11  days 
27     Mr  Nathaniel  Andrews,  in  the  churchyard  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged 

34  years,  from  Bonds  court,  Walbrook 
Mar.   12     George  Samvel  Brown,  in  the  publiek  vault  of  S4  Stephen,  Walbrook, 

church,  aged  10  months  &  5  days,  from  Size  Lane 

25  Edward  Tooley,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  s.  of  Mr  Tho3 

Tooley,  of  S*  B.  S.  par.,  aged  1  year  &  13  days 
May     2     Ann  Cronkshaw,  in  the  south  ile  upon  her  father  &  mother,  Mr  &  Mra 

Bell,  brought  from  Edmonton,  aged  60  years 
June     1     Robert  Cory,   in   the  chyd.  of    Sl  Stephen,    Walbrook,    brought   from 

Charlotte  row,  by  the  Mansion  house,  aged  22  years 
14     Deborah  Lucas,  in  the  publiek  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  Church, 

aged  6  years,  brought  from  Monkswell  street 
Sep.      5     Elizabeth    Catherine    Dasse,   in    the   chauncell   of    Walbrook    Church, 

brought  from  Fulham 
23     Jane  Fidler,  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from  Wood  Street, 

near  Cripplegate,  aged  9  weeks 

26  Robert  Tooley,  in  S'  Stephens,  Wabrook,  chyd.,  s.  of  Mr  Tooley,  of 

S4  B.  S.  par.,  aged  4  years 
Oct.      1     Master  John  Bradshaw  Hawkins,  in  the  public  vault  of  S*  Stephens, 

Walbrook,  church,  aged  14  days 
3     Jeremiah   Thompson,   in   the  public  vault  of   S'  Stephen,    Walbrook, 

church,  aged  73  years 
8     Caleb  Pearson  Earnshaw,  in  Se  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from 

Coleman  Street  Buildings,  aged  4  months 
8     Deborah  Edgar,  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  brought  from  Cloak 

lane,  aged  82  years 
Nov.  11     Ruth    Tooley,  in  S*   Stephen,   Walbrook,  chyd.,   dau.  of  Mr  Thomas 

Tooley,  of  S*  B.  S.  par.,  aged  2  days 

VOL.  II.  E 

194  REGISTERS    OF   ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1777-9 

Dec.      5     John  Goodhall,  in  Sl  B.  S.  chyd.,  aged  62  years,  brought  from  Sl  Giles's 
iu  the  fielJs 


Jan.      T     William  PricharJ,  in  the  church  yard  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  son  of 

M*  Prichard,  of  8*  Stephen's,  Walbrook,  aged  15  months 
Mar.  22     Henry  Earnshaw,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 
Coleman  Street  buildings,  aged  38  years 
28     James  Syme,  in  the  publick   vault  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Leadenhall  Street,  aged  44  years 
28     Benjamin   Wrigglesworth   s.  of  Mr  Wrigglesworth,  of   S'  B.   S.   par., 
aged  5  weeks 
May     3     Sarah   Wrigglesworth,   in  the  chyd.   of    S4    Stephen,   Walbrook,   from 
Sl  B.  S.  par.,  aged  40  years 
6     Louisa  Du  Veluz,  in  the  church  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 
Highgate,  aged  5  years 
Oct.    20     Margaret  Hitch  Brown  d.  of  Mr  Richard  Brown,  of  S*  B.  S.  par.,  in  the 
vault  of    Sf  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  brought  from  Plaistow,  in 
Nov.  13     Francis   Baxter,  iu    a   brick  grave   in   the  chauncell  in    S*  Stephens, 
Walbrook,  church,  aged  67  years 
15     Harriott  Boddiugton,  in  the  chyd.  of    S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought 

from  Cow  Cross,  aged  6  years 
17     Ann  Willshire,  in  the  north  ile  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  aged 
69  years 

23  Elizabeth  Andrews,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephens,  Walbrook,  aged  60  years 


Jan.    23     Sarah   Stanton,  in   the  chyd.  of   Sl   Stephen.  Walbrook,  a  servant  to 
Mr  Rumbold  Quilter,  aged  25  years 
30     Jennetta  Richards,  iu  the  publick  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 
servant  to  Yeoward  &  Co.,  aged  30  veins 
Feb.    10     Henry  Kent,  in  the   chyd.  of    S'    Stephen,  Walbrook,  apprentice    to 
Mr  Scruton,  aged  16  vears 
22     Robert  Scruton  s.  of  M*  Bob*  Scruton,  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the 
chyd.  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  3  months 

24  Mr  Peter  Bingham,  in  the  public  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  77  years,  brought  from  Islington 
May   18     Mre  Rebecca  Rowley,  in  the  vault  of  Sl  Stephens,  Walbrook,  brought 

from  Islington,  aged  44  years 
June     3     Master  Thomas  Prichard,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought 

from  Islington,  aged  7  years 

26  Master  Isaac  Prichard,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought 

from  Bridewell  Precinct,  aged  14  months 
July  27     a  dead  born  child  of  Mr  West,  of  Sl  B.  S.  par. 
Sep.      4     in  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chyd.,  Mr  John  Davics,  from  Sl  Luke's  par., 

Old  Street,  aged  35  years  :  all  the  dues  were  given 
Oct.      8     Catherine  Dickinson,  in  the  publick   vault  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook, 

church,  aged  11  years  A  7  weeks 

27  William   Fidler,  in   the  chyd.  of  8*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  7  months, 

brought  from  Wood  Street 
30     Elizabeth  Scrimshire,  in  the  publick  vault  of    S'  Stephen,  Walbrook, 
church,  aged  72  years,  brought  from  Balam  [Balham]  in  Surry 
Nov.  14     Mr  Thomas  Read,  iu  the  church  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 
N< -wgate  Street,  aged  71  years 
26     Miss  Elizabeth  Thomas,  in  the  public  vault,  brought  from  Woodford  in 
Essex,  Alderman  Thomas's  daughter,  aged  14  years 

1780-1  AND    ST.    BENET   SIIEREHOG  :     BURiALS.  195 


Jan.    16     Elizabeth  King,  in  the  cliyil.  of  S1,  Stephen,   Walbrook,  brought  from 
Allgate  church  court,  aged  44  years 
17     John  Wood,  in  the  publick    vault  of  Sl  Stephen,   Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  the  Old  change,  aged  60  years 
23     John  Trickier,  in  the  churchyard  of  S1,  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  84  years 
Feb.      5     Robert  Royds,  in  the  chauncell  in  the  brick  grave  that  was  made  for 
Mn  Macnalley  [?],  aged  59 
22     Nicholas  Axford  s.  Mr  Thomas  Axford,  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in 
the  vault,  aged  5  weeks 
Mar.     2     in  the  vault,  Elizabeth  Sophia  Smith,  brought  from  Seething  lane  near 
Tower  Street,  aged  40  years 
3     in  the  vault,  John  James  Chamier,  brought  from  Princes  Street  facing 
the  Mansion  house,  aged  72  years 
Maria  Abegail  Sommers,  in  the  publick  vault  in  Sb  Stephens,  Walbrook, 

church,  brought  from  Islingtou,  aged  17  years 
Joseph  Field,  in  the  public  vault  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  aged 

21  years 
George  Stonestreet,  in  the  middle  ile  below  the  cross  ile,  brought  from 
Islington,  aged  77  years 
[«c]     in  the  chyd.,  Mary  Wright,  a  peushiouer  to  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook, 

par.,  aged  75  years 
Richard  Cureton,  in  the  churchyard  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought 
from  Bow  lane,  aged  57  years  :  was  the  organ  blower,  the  churchwarden 
gave  the  dues 
Ann  Edwards,  in  the  publick  vault  of  S1  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  S'  Thomas  Apostles,  aged  87  years 
Maria   Scruton,  in   the   churchyard  of    S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought 

from  Islingtou,  aged  8  months 
William  Coats,  in   the  chyd.  of    S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought   from 

Sb  John  Baptist  par.,  aged  43  years 
Thomas  Trottman,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Co  vent  Garden,  aged  4  years 
Hannah  Reed,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  Stephen,  Walbrook,  from  Bell  Court, 

aged  1 1  months 
Jane  Lewis,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  from  Bond  Court, 

aged  5  years  &  4  months 
Mrs  Ann  Allen,  in   the  church  yard   of   S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  from 
Bucklersbury,  aged  3  years 


Jan.    31     Charlotte  Earle,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  dau.  of  M1'  Earle, 

of  S*  B.  S.  par.,  aged  15  weeks 
Feb.      2     Elizabeth  Temple,  in  the  north  ile  below  the  cross  ile,  brought  from 

Soho  Square,  aged  68  years 
Mar.      1      Nathaniel  Thomas,  esq.,  Alderman,  in  the  public  vault  of  S'  Stephen, 

Walbrook,  church,   brought   from    Bridge    Street,  Blackfryers,   aged 

64  years 
26     Sarah  Du  Veluz,  in  the  south  ile   below  the  cross   ile,  brought  from 

Highgate,  aged  37  years 
Apr.    12     Richard  Allen,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  35  years  & 

of  the  par.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook 
24     Mary    Elizabeth    Saunderson,    of    the    par.    of    Sb   B.   S.,    in    chyd.    of 

S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  6  months 
May   21     Miss  Amelia  Yeoward,  in  the  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  3  years 
30     Master   Thomas   Peter   Deschamps,   in    the   cross    ile   of    Sl   Stephen, 

Walbrook,  church,  in  the  5th  year  of  his  age 




















196  REGISTERS    OF   ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1781-4 

Nov.  11     John  West,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  14  years,  from 

Mr  Bristows  in  Barge  yard,  Bucklersbury 
Dee.    14     Mr  Thomas  Day,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Lambeth,  aged  36  years 
22     Mr   James    Watson,    in    the    chyd.    of    S*    Stephen,    Walbrook,    from 

Mr  Shirts  in  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  aged  60  years 


Feb.    18     Mary  Hawkins,  in  the  south  ile  below  the  cross  ile,  brought  from  the 

Poultry  from  Mr  Darwin's,  aged  36  years 
Aug.  25     Elizabeth    Fairer,    in    Sb    Stephens,    Walbrook,   chyd.,    brought    from 

Rotherhith,  aged  50  years 
Nov.  24     M™   Mary    Smith,    in    S4    Stephen,    Walbrook,    chyd.,    brought    from 

Mr  Mackie's  in  Walbrook,  aged  76  years 


Jan.     2     John  Irving,  in  the  vault  of    S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  brought 
from  Bishopsgate  Street,  aged  57  years 

1782  [«c] 

July   23     Mary    Cousins,   in   the   chyd.,   servant    to    M"   Robert    Royds,    from 
M"  Veuables 
24     MrB  Kippax,  in  the  vault,  brought  from  Ball  Court  in  Lombard  Street 


Feb.    28  [m'c]     John  Gee,  in  the  middle  ile,  brought  from  Rosemary  lane 

Apr.     2     Elizabeth  Warrell,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephens,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Queen  Street,  Cheapside,  aged  77  years 
May     1     Harriett  Jones,  in  the  great  vault  of  Sl  Stephens,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Brampton  Row,  aged  26  years 
12     Mr  George  Field,  in  the  great  vault  of  S'  Stepheu,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Croydon  in  Surry,  aged  58  years 
June  14     Master   Charles    Hunt,  in   the   chyd.  of    S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged 

2  weeks 
July  20     Catharine  Brown,  in  the  publick  vault  of  S'  Stepheu,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  5  years  and  a  half 
Sep.    28     Robert  Hatchett,  in  S'  Stephens  chyd.,  aged  79  years 

"  The  First  Register  of  Burials  according  to 
Act  of  Parliament  for  Laying  a  Duty  on  all  Burials." 


Oct.      4     Mrs  Elizabeth  Lamb,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought 

from  a  Court  in  S'  Clements  Lane,  Lombard  Street,  aged  79  years 
Nov.   18     Mr  Richard   Sherman   Brown,  in  the  great  vault  in   Walbrook  church, 

brought  from  Size  Lane,  aged  20  years 
30     M™  Diuia  Barlow,  in  8*  B.  S.  chyd.,  from  M,s  Wheeler's  in  Pancras 

Lane,  aged  77  years 
Dec.      4     Mr  Samvel  Blunt,  in  the  cross  ile  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  84  years,  brought  from  Sl  Thomas  Apostle 

Inspected,  &  Duty  rcceiv'd  to  the  Second  of  Jan?,      B.  Keeue,  Inspr  * 


Jan.    13     Ann  Simpson,  in  the  groat  vault,  d.  of  Mr  Simpson,  of    Sl  Stephen, 

Walbrook,  par.,  aged  2  years  &  4  months 
Apr.   16     John  Earle,  in  the  publick  vault  of  S'  Stephon,  Walbrook,  church,  aged 

38  years 

*  The  Stamp  Act  of  17H3  imposed  a  Duty  of  8d.  on  each  entry  in  a  Register,  but  this  was 
repealed  in  171*4.     Mr.  Ktene's  last  entry  is  dated  M  March,  17'J0.-Kd. 

1784-6        AND  ST.  BENET  SHEREHOG  :  BURIALS.  197 

Revd  Thomas  Wilson,  D.D.,   Rector  of  this  Parish,  in   the  chancell, 

brought  from  Bath,  aged  80  years 
Mrs  Ann  King,  in  the  pnblick  vault  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Bonds  Court,  aged  34  years 
Mr  Benjamin  Torin,  in  the  publick  vault  of  S*   Stephen,   Walbrook, 

church,  aged  62  years,  brought  from  Englefield  Green  in  Surry 
Frances  Carolina  Brown,  in  the  public  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook, 

church,  aged  11  days 
Richard  Creed,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

More  fields,  aged  40  years 
MrJohn  Beech,  in  the  publick  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  54  years 
Mary  Davison,  in  the  chyd.  of    S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Islington,  aged  84  years 
Charles  Grice,  in  the  chyd.  of    S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Great  Marlbrough  Street,  Oxford  Road,  aged  38  years 
Martha   Foxwell,   in  the  chyd.  of    S'   Stephen,  Walbrook,   from   late 

Mr  Allen's,  silk  dyers,  in  Bucklersbury,  aged  70  years 

in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  Elizabeth  Brown,  brought  from 

Wardrobe  Court,  Great  Carter  lane,  aged  39  years 
Eliza  Street,  in  the  publick  vault,  brought  from  Woodford  in  Essex, 

aged  17  months  &  6  days 
Leonard  Wenham,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Bond's  Court,  aged  [blank]  years 
Jonathan  Turner,  in  the  south  ile  below  the  cross  ile,  brought  from 

Bond's  Court,  in  the  79  year  of  his  age 
Mary  Stonestreet,  in  the  chancell,  brought  from  Islington,  aged  75  years 
Anna  Airey  Prime,  in  the  south  ile  below  the  cross  ile,  aged   10  years, 

brought  from  Mr  Prime's  in  Bucklersbury 
George  Ead,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sb  Stephen,  Walbrook,  servant  to  Alderman 

Le  Mesurier,  aged  21  years 
Admiral  William  Langdon,  in  the  family  vault  belonging  to  Mr  Brown 

in  the  south  ile,  brought  from  Rathboue  Place,  aged  74  years 
Edward  Scotney,  in  the  chyd.  of  S1,  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Mr  Clerk's,  N°  34  in  Walbrook,  aged  72  years 
Sarah  Wakelen,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  44  years 
Mr  George  Booth,  in  the  great  vault  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  caterer, 

aged  63 
Master  Frederick  Charles  Yeoward,  in  the  great  vault  in  S'  Stephen, 

Walbrook,  church,  aged  4  years  &  4  months,  brought  from  Cateaton  * 

Mrs  Elizabeth  Shirt,  in  the  great  vault  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  59  years 
Mr  Thomas  James,  in  the  great  vault  in  S*  Stephens,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  29  years,  brought  from  the  City  road  in  Sl  Luke's  parish 
Mr  George  Webster,  jnnr,  in  a  new  vault  in  the  north  ile  above  the  cross 

ile,  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  in  the  27th  year  of  his  age 

Rebecca  Burges,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  35  years, 

a  lodger  at  Mr  Allen's 
Sophia  Gottlieb,  in  the  chyd.  of  Ss  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  2  years  & 

9  months 
Thomas  Fidler,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  48  years, 

brought  from  Islington 
Rebecca  Norsa,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  3  years 

*  In  1S45  this  street  was  most  improperly  re-named  Gresham  Street.— Ed. 















Jan.   21 





















Mar.  31 







June  27 

















198  REGISTERS   OF   ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1786-8 

Mre  Hester  Pyefinch,  in   the  great   vault  in    Sl   Stephens,   Wal brook, 

church,  aged  86  years,  brought  from  Bucklersbury 
Mra   Mary    Wheeler,   in    the   chyd.   of    S'   Stepliens,   Walbrook,  aged 

62  years,  brought  from  Pancrass  Lane 
Mr  Vamey  Elliott  Elliott  [«c],  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook, 

aged  45  years,  brought  from  S'  Dunstan's,  Stepney 
M™  Mary   Field,  in   the  great  vault  in   S*  Stephens,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Croydon  in  Surry,  aged  58  years 
Maria  Yeoward,  in  the  great  vault  in  Walbrook  church,  aged  3  years 

&  6  months,  brought  [from]  Basinghall  street 
Jane  Ogle,  in  the  great  vault  in  Walbrook  church,  aged  55  years 
Sarah  Maddocks,  in  the  great  vault  in  Walbrook  church,  aged  17  months 

&  11  days 
Samvell   Lightfoot,   in    the   great  vault    in  Walbrook   church,  brought 

from  Islington,  aged  5  months  &  11  days 
Dorothy  Pyatr,  in   the  chyd.  of    Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Miss  Channey's,  aged  above  100  years 
George  Street,  esq.,  in  a  new  vault  erected  in  the  chancell  in  the  middle 

ile,  aged  67  years 
Miss  Mary  Booth,  in  the  great  vault,  aged  29  years 
John  Brown,  in  the  great  vault  in  Walbrook  church,  aged  49  years 
John  King,  in  the  chyd.  of  S1  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from  Aldgatc, 

aged  49  years 
Catherine  Yeoward,  in  the  great  vault  in  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Iiasinghall  Street,  aged  2  years  &  8  months 

M"  Ann  Dickinson,  in  the  middle  ile  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Portland  road,  aged  53  years 
M™  Judith   Carnithers,  in   the  publick   vault  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook, 

church,  aged  80  years 
Mr  John  Sharpe,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  61  years, 

brought  from  Croydon  in  Surrey 
M™  Jane   Scorer,  in   the  chyd.  of   Sfc  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Pitfield  Street,  Hoxton,  aged  49  years 
Sarah  Field,  in  the  public  vault,  aged  5  weeks  &  2  days 
Mr  Benjamin  Poole,  in  the  south  ile  below  the  cross  ile,  age  80  years 
M™  Margaret  Bell,  in  the  north  ile  of  the  church,  age  55  years,  from 

Susanah  Rouleau,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  35  years, 

from  Mr  Motteux's 
Mr  Alexander  Brown,  in  the   public  vault  in  S'   Stephen,   Walbrook, 

church,  brought  from  Clerkenwell,  aged  41  years 

Miss  Elizabeth  Kent,  iii  M*  Brown's  vault  in  the  south  ile,  brought  from 

Charlotte  Strcei,  Rathbone  place,  aged  55  years 
Apr.    16     Mr  John  Margary,  in  the  publick  vault  in  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

aged  69  years 
June  14     M™  Mary  Ann  Lightfoot,  in  the  public  vault  in  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook, 

church,  brought  from  Islington,  aged  22  years 
July     2     Henry  John  Shire,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  20  days, 

from  M'  Long  in  Bonds  court 
Aug.     6     Peter  SutthoBl,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  42  years 
Sep.     6     Mra  Esther  Wildbore,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought 

from  Highgate,  aged  60  years 
Nov.     9     Alexander  Goate,  in  the  publick  vault  in  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  chinch, 

brought  from  the  Temple,  aged  27  yoars 

















1788-90  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEREHOG  :     BURIALS.  199 

Nov.  24     Ann  Covell,  in  the  north  ile,  from  the  cross  ile  in  Walbrook  church, 

brought  from  the  Minories,  aged  58  years 
30     Elizabeth  Edwards,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

under  Bonds  Court,  the  Tarr  Company's  house,  aged  9  years 
Dec.      4     Ann  Alexander,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sk  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 

Mr  Pryce's  in  Bucklersbury,  aged  40  years 
11     Thomas  Rutherford,   in  the  publick  vault  of  Sb  Stephen,   Walbrook, 

church,  brought  from  Bonds  Court,  aged  6  months 
13     Francis  Prime  Walker,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sb  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought 

from  Mr  Prime's  in  Bucklersbur}',  aged  5  months 
21     Morgan  Cashen,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  aged  37  years 
26     Frances  Angel,  in  the  public  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Lambeth,  aged  4  years 


Feb.   23     Herbert  Pyefinch,  in  the  public  vault  of  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

from  Mra  Pyefinch  in  Bucklersbury,  aged  9  years 
Mar.  22     Mr  George  Webster,  in  his  own  vault  in  the  north  ile  above  the  cross  ile, 

brought  from  Hampstead,  aged  59  years 
Apr.     5     Mary  Ann  Barnard,  in  the  vault  of   S'  Stephen,   Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Phillpot  Lane,  aged  11  years 
30     John  Willes,  in  the  vault  of  S*  Stephen,  Wallbrook,  church,  brought 

from  Mile  End,  aged  72  years 
May   31     Elizabeth  Garard,  in  the  vault  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  brought 

from  Chiswick,  aged  24  years 
July  26     James  Henry  Margary,  in  the  vault  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

from  Mr  Washington's  in  Walbrook,  aged  2  years  &  6  months 

29  in  the  chyd.   of  S1  Stephen,   Walbrook,  Mr.   Norsa's   two  dead  born 

Sep.   24     Harriott  Chapman  &  her  child  Harriott  Chapman,  in  the  publick  vault 
of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church,  the  child  aged  20*  months  &  the 
mother  22  years,  brought  from  Catherine  Street,  Strand 
[The  next  space  is  blank. — Ed.] 

30  "  was  buried    Harriott    Chapman  in  the  publick  vault,    the    child  the 

above  Mrs  Chapman  died  in  child  bed  with  [sic],  aged  11  days" 
Dec.      1     John   Rowley,   in    the    public    vault,   brought    from    Islington,   aged 
72  years 
20     Master  Samvel  John  Tunnard,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook, 
aged  8  months 


Jan.    13     Master   Benjamin   Rutherford,f   in   the   public    vault   of    S4    Stephen, 

Walbrook,  aged  8  months 
Feb.      5     Robert  Thompson,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sfc  Stephen,  brought  from  Newgate 
Street,  aged  62  years 
11     Sophia  Yeoward,  in  the  public  vault  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Cateaton  street,  aged  2  week  &  3  days 
15     Frances  Stanway,  in  the  public  vault  of  S4  Stephens,  Walbrook,  church, 

brought  from  Bucklersbury,  aged  16  months 
18     Margaret  Wheley,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook,  brought  from 
Bishopsgate  street,  aged  75  years 
Mar.     4     Miss  Catherine  Hudson,  in  the  north  cross  ile  under  Mr  Deschamps 
grave  stone,  aged  15  years 

*  These  figures  have  heen  altered  and  are  somewhat  unintelligible.  Qy.  14  altered  to  20  or 
to  10.— Ed. 

t  "  The  above  Master  Rutherford's  christian  name  is  wrong,  it  is  Jonathan  instead  of  Benjamin, 
as  entered  by  mistake." 

200      st.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  and  st.  benet  sitereitog.      1790 

Mar.  28     M™  Elizabeth  Lee,  in  north  ile,  brought  from  Elbow  lane,  aged  70  years 
29     Miss  Ann   Eugel,  in   the  Public  vault,  brought  from  Highgate,  aged 
20  years 

"  Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  318t,  1790.     B.  K.,  Inspr" 

Apr.     9     Hannah  Lyne,  in  the  north  ile  under  the  pews  N°  3  &  4  in  a  brick 

grave,  aged  68  years 
11     Mre  Fanny  Orton,  in  the  south  ile  upon  Mr  Turner,  brought  from  Little 

Carter  lane,  aged  57  years 
June  13     Nancey   Jones,   in    the   churchyard    of    Sl    Stephen,    Walbrook,   from 

Paucrass  Lane,  aged  21  years 
July  24     Miss  Elizabeth  Engel,  in  the  public  vault,  brought  from  Lambeth,  aged 

2  years 
Aug.  13     in  the  public  vault  of    S'   Stephen,  Walbrook,  James  Ingleby,  aged 

25  years 

At  the  end  of  the  Register  : 
At  y"  Request  of  ye  Revnd  Dr  Guerdes,  Minister  of  ye  Lutheran  Church  in  y8  City, 
&  attested  by  him,  I  register  ye  following  X'niug 

May  24  1738. 
Christen'd  at  home  in  Swithens  lane  by  ye  Revnd  Dr  Guerdes,  John  Gerhard  son 
of  Mr  J"  Erust  Bode  &  Juniana  [sic]  Charlotta  his  wife,  both  of  Germany 
Thomas  Wilson,  Rector  of  Se  Stephens,  Walbrook 

12  Oct.  1740  was  christen'd  Daniel  Christoph  son  of  Mr  John  Ernst  Bode  & 
Jurina  [sz'c]  Charlotta  his  wife,  in  S'  Swithens  Lane.  This  is  registered  by 
ye  Desire  of  ye  Revnd  Dr  Guerdes,  Minister  of  ye  Lutheran  Church  in  London, 
by  me  Tho:  Wilson,  Rectr  of  S4  Stephens,  Walbrook 

[The  above  have  been  incorporated  in  the  Register  of  Baptisms.     See  ante, 
p.  133.— Ed.] 

[The  remainder  of  page  blank  &  end  of  Register  II. — Ed.] 

(     201     ) 




S4  S.,  W.  for  S4  Stephens,  Walbrook. 

S4  B.  S.    for  S4  Beunet  Sherehog. 

b.  for  Bachelor. 

s.  for  Spinster. 

w.  for  Widow  and  Widower. 

L.  A.  C.   for  Licence  from  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury. 

L.  B.  L.    for  Licence  from  the  Bishop  of  London. 

L.  or  B.    for  Licence  or  Banns. 

f  Indicates  that  the  contracting  parties  signed  by  mark. 

To  save  space,  the  initial  letters  of  the  Clergyman  officiating,  when  the  name 
is  repeated,  are  only  printed. — Ed. 


[July  18]  William  Farrer,  of  the  parish  of  S4  Beunets  Sherehog,  London,  batchelor, 
and  Elizabeth  Ward,  of  the  same  parish,  spinster,  were  Married  in  this 
church  by  Licence  of  Thomas,  Lord  Bishop  of  London,  by  me,  Samuel 
Sandys,  Curate.     Witnesses:   Charles  Dolby,  William  Ward 

Aug.  13  Edward  Gill,  of  S4  Mary  le  Strand,  w.,  &  Jane  Veneer,  of  S4  B.  S., 
s.     B.,  by  S.  S.     Wit. :  Mary  Tylor,  Joseph  Acton 


Apr.    15     John  Nutt,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Crokatt,  of  Chiswell,  Essex,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  S.  S.     Wit. :  Tho.  Raebuck,  Peter  Bingham 
May   29     James  Randall,  of   S4  B.   S.,  b.,  &  Martha  Dudley,  of   S4  S.,  W.,   s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  S.  S.     Wit. :  Edwd  Twist,  John  Funman  [?] 
July     2     John  Dowding,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Susanna  Mercer,  of  S4  Botolph, 

Aldersgate,  s.,  a  minor.     L.,  with  consent  of  Guardians,  by  S.  S. 

Wit. :  A.  Robbins,  Wm  Smith 
Oct.      7     Charles  Sommcrs,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Abigail  Maria  Harris,  of  S4  Vedast, 

Foster  Lane,  s.     L.  A.  O,  by  S.  S.      Wit. :    Jos.  Sommers,  James 

28     John  Beruey,  of  Brayton   Ash,   Norfolk,  w.,  &  Margaret  Dolins,  of 

S4  John  at  Hackney,  s.     Special  Licence,  by  Tho8  Cornthwaite,  Min. 

Wit. :  James  Fremeaux,  Henry  Girle 
Dec.    17     Samuel  Cole,  of  S4  Giles,  Cripplegate,  b.,  &  Anna  Crisofpher  Tufuel,f 

of  S4  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  S.  S.     Wit. :    Robert  Pickard,  Sarah 



Jan.    1 1     Anthony  Ball,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Innes,  of  the  same  par.,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  S.  S.     Wit, :  Grace  Dunn,  Edward  Prince  t 

VOL.  n.  F 

202  registers  of  st.  btefhkh's,  WALBROOK,  1756-9 

Fel\      8     Benjamin  Hearne,  of  Sl  James,  Westmr,  w.,  &  Jane  Lynch,f  of  Sl  S.,  W., 

s.     B.,  by  S.  S.     Wit. :  Leonard  Wenham,  Ed.  Garner 

[Form  No.  11  is  cancelled. — Ed.] 

25  Joseph  Hill  [in  Banns  described  as  of  Allhallows,  Barking],  of  the  old 
Precinct  of  the  Tower  without,  London,  b.,  &  Martha  Blackburn,  of 
Benuet's  Sheer  Hoggs,  s.  L.  A.  C.  by  S.  S.  Wit.:  Jn°  Gilbert, 
Sarah  Miller 
Apr.  19  John  Jackson,  of  S*  B.  S.,  b.,  &  PbJUia  Dunn.t  of  the  same,  s.  B..  by 
S.  S.     Wit. :  John  Pike,  Sarah  Pike 


Feb.    19     John  Allmond,  of  S»  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Marv  Hollings,  of  the  same,  s.     B., 

by  S.  S.     Wit.:  George  Field,  Sarah'Creed 
Apr.    10     James  Rathbone,  of  S'  Peters,  Cornhill,  b.,  &  Idith  Ann  Campbell,  of 

S1  -  .  W.,  w.     L.  B.  L.,  bv  S.  S.     Wit. :    Elizabeth  Linnell,  Mary 

10     Samuel  Corin,  of  S»  S.,  W.,  b.,  ft  Mary  Hall,  of  the  same,  s.     L.  from 

the  Church  of  Canterbury  during  the  Vacancy  of  the  Primacy,  by  S.  S. 

Wit. :  James  Hall,  Frances  Horbve 
May  20     Charles  Robertson,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,"  A  Elizabeth  Hollis,  of  the  same,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  S.  S.     Wit. :  Ann  Howard,  William  Lyne 
Julv      1     William  Dickinson,  of  S1  S..  W..  b.,  &  Ann  Dickinson,  of  the  same,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  S.  S.     Wit. :  Tho8  Fludger,  Sarah  Dickinson 


Jan.    19     William  Harris,  of  Christ  Church,  Spittle  Fields,  w.,  &  Sarah  Leech,  of 

-     -      W..   a.      L.  A.  C,  by   S.    S.      Wit.:    James  Fwanzen,  Jere 

22     Jonathan  Shepherd,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Batter.t  of  the  same,  s. 

L.  B.  L..  bv  S.  S.     Wit. :  Arthur  Hannum,  Marv  Allen 
29     Jonathan  Davies,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Molly  Turner,  of  the  same,  s. 

L.  A.  C.  by  S.  S.     Wit.:  William  Lyne,  Jere  Thompson 
Feb.      5     William  Coleman,  of  Allhallows.  Barking,  b.,  >!fc  Elizabeth  Moodey,  of 

B1  S,W,s.     I..  A.C.l.y  S.  S.     Wit.:  Jos.  Miller,  Elizth  Huntsman  f 
Mav    16     Thomas  Waiford,  of  Boc-kin?.  Essex,  1  ..  i  Marv  Lawrence,  of  Sl  S..  W„ 

s.     L.  B.  L..  by  B.  6.     Wit :  Fnf  Baxter.  Elizth  Reynolds 
July   13     Robert  Dawson,  of  S'  Andrew,  H.,  b.,  ft  Ann  Stroud, f  of  this  par.,  s. 

B.,  by  Wilfrid  Clarke.     Wit. :  Thomas  Richardson,  Sarah  Dawson  t 
Dec.      7     John  Smith,  of  S:  Ann.  Westminster,  b.,  A  Marv  Hewes,  of  S!  S  .  \\'..  -. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  S.  S.     Wit. :  Robert  Smith,  Adam  Smith  f 


Feb.      7     John   Roberts,   of    S'    Savionr,    Southwark,   b.,    i    Sarah    Tavlor,   of 

S'  B.  S..  b.     L.  A.  C,  by  S.  S.     Wit.:  Sam"  Xewham,  John  Rice 
Apr.   17     Samuel  Sandys,*  clerk,  of  S:  S.,  W.,  1..,  &  Dorothy  Ay-cough,  of  the 

same,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  John  Smith,  M.A.     Wit.:  Mary  K 

17     Thomas  Unwiu,  of  Cattle  Hedningham,  Essex,  b.,  &  Marv  Edwards, 

of  S«  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  Wilfrid  Clarke.     Wit. :  II.  Edwards, 

Ruth  I'nwin 
May    18     Samuel  Clark,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Ann  Strong,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

James  Adams,  curate.     Wit.:  R1  Strong,  John  Price 
Julv   29     Richard    Shaw,    of    :v    S.,    W..    b.,    A    Marv    Stead,    of    the    sane,    s. 

L.  A.  C  .  I  J  J.  A.      Wit.  :  Tho*  Smith,  E*!iz.  Smith 
Oct.    30     John    Daiutrv,   of    S'    Lawrence,   Jewry,    b.,   &    Catherine  Ward,   of 

B1  B.  S„  a.     L.  B.  Lv  by  J.  A.     Wit.':  John  Sharrer  [?],  Tho*  Ward 
*  Curate  of  St.  Stephen's,  Walbrook.— Ed. 

1759-63  AND    ST.    BENET   SIIEREIIOG  :     MARRIAGES.  203 

Nov.  29  Jam3  Cuming,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Grissel  Stevenson  [?  signed 
Steverson],  of  S4  Thomas  the  Apostle,  s.  L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  A.  Wit.: 
James  Christian,  John  Whitson 


Feb.    10     John  Lowery,  of  S*  Bartholomew,  Exchange,  London,  &  Ann  Mascall,f 

of  S4  S.,  W.,  s.     L.,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  Thos  Dongworth,  Peter  Bingham 
17     Elisha  Fowler,  of  S4  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Ann  Lindius,t  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

J.  A.     Wit.:   W™  Dawson,  Chasne  [?]  Kay 
Apr.     6     Thomas  Bullock,  of  S4  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Mary  Green,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

J.  A.     Wit. :  John  Russell,  Mary  Lane 
9     John  Prior,  of  Eaton,  Bucks.,  clerk,  b.,  &  Elisabeth  Regis,  of  S4  S.,  W., 

s.     L.,  by  W,n  Prior,  Minister.     Wit. :  W,n  Dawson,  Wentworlh  Ogle 
28     John  Cowley,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Creed,  of  the  same,  s.     L.  A.  C, 

by  J.  A.     Wit. :  George  Field,  Susanna  Lawrence 
May      1      William    Marman,   of    S4   Botolph,   Bishopsgate,  b.,  &    Sarah    Henley 

[Handley],  of  S4  S.,  W.,  s.    L.  A.  C,  bv  J.  A.    Wit. :  William  Hall, 

Elizabeth   Hall 
15     Richard  Hicks,  of  Plymouth,  Devon,  b.,  &  Ann  Hicks,  of  S4  B.  S.,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  Geor  Hicks,  Jane  Hicks 
June     5     Matthew  Mirfiu,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Martha  Butler,  of  the  same,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  Wm  Clements,  Lecturer  of  this  Church.     Wit. :   John 

Lee,  Peter  Bingham 
Sep.      8     William  Borace,  of  S4  Clements  Danes,  b.,  &  Ann  Steed,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  s. 

B.,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  Edward  Haslam,  James  Thomson 


June  H     John  Martin,  of    S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Grizel  Stratton,  of  Allhallows  the 

great,  s.     B.,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  Geo.  Martin,  Elizabeth  Liddell 
Aug.     2     Johu  Pinehback,  "of  S4  S.,  W.,  &  Ann  Staples,  of  the  same,  s.    L.  A.  C, 

by  J.  A.     Wit. :  Nath1  Taylor,  Benf  Burch 
Sep.    10     Thomas  Dormer,  of  S'  B.  S.,  w.,  &  Ann  Wise,  of  S4  Dunstan,  Stepney, 

s.     L.  of  Diocese  of  Londou,  by  W.  C.     Wit. :  Fiances  Cowan,  John 

Nov.   19     Michael  Turner,  of  Woodford,  Essex,  &  Eleanor  Metcalf,  of  S4  S.  W.,  s. 

L.  A.  G,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  William  Lyne,  Elizabeth  Willett 
22     William  Broughton,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  )>.,  &  Mary  Dollond,  of  S4  Clement 

Danes,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  J.  A.     Wit, :  Peter  Dollaud,  Sarah  Dulland 


Feb.      4     Robert  Mendham,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Margaret  Scott,  of  the  same,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  D.  Scott,  Rob4  Fiverall 
Apr.    10     Peter  Thomas,  of    S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Loveday  Stone,  of   the  same,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  .John  Jaques,  Hannah  Jaqkes 
22     William   Garwood   [Garrood],  of  Capel,  Suffolk,  clerk  &  w.,  &    Sarah 

White,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  Ste  :  Aldrich,  Reef  of  S4  Johu's, 

Clerkenw".     Wit.:  .lane  Lambe,  William  Kilborn 
July   10     Harry    Butler,    of    S4   B.   S.,  w.,   &  Eleauor   Davis,   of   the   same,   s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  Tho.  Dal  ton,  Curate  of  Allhallows  ye  Great.       Wit,  : 

Geo.  Rigby,  William  Lyne 
Sep.      2     Samuel  Martin,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Henderson,  of  Ilillingdon, 

Middx.,  near  Uxbridge,   s.      B.,   by  J.   A.     Wit.:    Richard   Birch, 

Mary  Moore 


Feb.    10     Charles  Jackson,  of    S4  Margaret,   Lothbury,  b.,   &  Mary   Royds,  of 

S4  S.,  W.,  s.      L.  A.  C,   by  J.  A.     Wit.:    William   Royds,   Johu 


204  REGISTERS    OF    ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBIIOOK,  1763-6 

Apr.     9     Abraham  Lucas,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  1>.,  ft  Ann  Richardson,  of  the  same,  s. 

B.,  by  J.  A.     Wit.:   George  Sayer,  William  Lyne 
May    12     Joseph  Read,  of  S*  Ethaburg,  w.,  ft  Mercy  Loff,  of  S'  S  ,  W.     L.  B.  L., 

by  J.  A.     Wit. :  Jn°  Earie,  Han  :  Earle 
June     i     James  Bunce,  esq.,  of  Kemsing,  Kent,  b.,  &  Ann  Saxby,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  Isaac  Wiltshire,  Ann  Hind 
July    1-1     John    Stracy,  of    S*  Sepulchre,  London,  w.,  &   Elizabeth    Burfoot,  of 

Sl  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  W.  C.     Wit.:    Tho:  Burfoot,   Sophia 

Horatfeild  [?] 
Nov.     3     William   Nell,  of   Sl  Leonard,   Shoroditch,  b.,  &   Margaret  Clark,  of 

S"  S.,  W.,  s.     B.,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  Stephen  Watson,  William  Lyne 
9     Thomas   Lawrence,   of    S'   Paul,    Shadwell,   Middx.,  w.,   &   Margaret 

Rily,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  D.     Wit. :  James  Metcalfe, 

....  [illegible] 

17  John  Moorley,  of  Sk  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Ann  Briggs,  of  Clapham,  Surrey,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  A.     Wit.:  James  Gilbert,  William  Lyne 


Mar.     4     Felix  Creighton  [signed  "junior"],  of  S'  Clements  Danes,  Middx.,  b., 

&   Elizabeth   Foster,   of   S*  S.,   W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  A.     Wit. : 

Robert  Hatchett,  Ann  Lardner 
Apr.   25     Henry  Taylor,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Moiling,  of  Southwold,  Suffolk, 

s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  John  Jaques,  Mary  Liddel 


Jau.      1     Samuel  David  [Davey]  Liptrap,  of  S*  Mary,  Whitechapple,  Middx.,  b., 

ft  Sarah  Earle,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,"  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  Ju"  Earle, 

Hauh  Earle 
3     Thomas  Steeres,  of  Lewisam,  Kent,  b.,  &  Jane  Merrick,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  A.      Wit. :   W"  Morris,  Ann  Morris 
Feb.      2     The  Rev.  John  Pigott,  of  Sl  Mary,  Lambeth,  Surrey,  b.,  &  Christian 

Harford,  of  Sfc  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  A.     Wit.:  Sam.  Paling, 

William  Lyne. 
Mar.     7     Benjamin  Booth,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  ft  Mary  Hoyle,  of  Sk  Luke's,  Middx., 

s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  William  Lyne,  Mary  Hurst 
May    12     John  Jaques,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  w.,  ft  Mary  Salter,  of  S*  Michael  Bassisshaw, 

s.     L.  A.  C,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  Edw-1  Geldard  [?],  Mary  Ford 
June     1      James     Sperrinch     [Spcrineh],    of     S1    Stephen,    Coleman    St.,    b.,    & 

Elizabeth  Paine,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  A.  C.,  by  Henry  Hayman,  Cur. 

of  Sl  Autholiues.     Wit, :  Edm'1  Paine,  Elenor  L  .  .  .f  [illegible] 
16     William  Waters,  of  S'  Georges,  Hanover  Square,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Ann 

Har.ison,  of  ,Sl  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  William  Lytic, 

Mary  Lee 
Nov.     1     John  Webb,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.,  ft  Elizabeth  Scrace,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

J.  A.     Wit.:  Jos1'  Cock,  William  Lyne 
i     John  Henry  Schneider,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Anna  Cathariua  Congrove 

[Congrevc],   of    Hornsey,   Middx.,   s.      L.   A.  C,  by  J.  A.      Wit.: 
Samuel  West,  Mary  West 
2o     Joseph    Rhoads,  of    S*  John,   Clerkenwell,  b.,  &  Mary  Birkbcck,  of 

S«  B.  S.,  s.     B.,  by  J.  A.     Wit. :  W"  Bhoad8,t  Eliz.  Birkbcck 
Dec.    12     Blois  De  Blois,  of  Sl  Bartholomew   the   Great,  London,  w.,  &  Mary 

Fnrman,  <>f   S'  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  15.  L.,  by  Henry  Hayman,  minister. 

Wil.:  .John  15  ...   .  [illegible],  Deborah  Dorrell 

18  Thomas   Mills,  of  Sl  John,  Wapping,  Middx.,  b.,  &   Cicely  Tunslall,  of 

8"  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  -J.  A.     Wit.:  Ju"  Horner,  William  Lytic 

,  li.,  .V-  Catherine  Thompson,  of  the  Bame,  s. 

Jere   Thompson,  Jane  Mason 


Jan.    23 

Edward  Mast 

in,  of  S»  S.,  W. 

I..  B.  I.,  I. 

y  J.  A.     Wit.: 









1766-8  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEKEIIOG  :     MARRIAGES.  205 

Jan.    30     George  Brown,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Hannah  Jones, f  of   Sb  Leonard, 

Shoreditch,   s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  H.  H.     Wit.:    Natli1  Seyer,  Thomas 

Row  It 
June  12     Edward  Bullock,  of  Sk  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Martha  Goater,  of  the  Precinct  of 

S*  Mary  le  Savoy  in  the  Dutchy  of  Lancaster,  w.     L.  B.  L.,  by  H.  H. 

Wit. :    William  Lyne,  Elizabeth  Smyth 
July  23     Henry  Baker,  of  Sfc  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Mary  Rice,|  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

H.  H.     Wit.:   William  Lyne,  Margaret  Edwards  f 
Nov.  23     Samuel  Caunadine,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Field,  of  S'  Mildred  in  the 

Poultry,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  H.  H.     Wit. :  William  Lyne,  Philip  Stratton 
14  [sic]  Charles  Barker,  of  S'  George's,  Hanover  Square,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Ann 

Ray,  of  Sk  B.  S.,  s.     B.,  by  H.  H.     Wit. :  Eliz.  Price,  William  Lyne 

Edward  White,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Rachael  Bradley,  of  Sk  Saviour's, 
Southwark,  Surrey,  s.      L.  B.  L.,  by  H.  H.      Wit. :    Robert  Loader, 
Mary  Reay 
Isaac  Bailey,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Sayer,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

H.  H.     Wit. :  Jeremiah  Simmons,  Elizabeth  Sayer 
John  Howson,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Kitty  Buster,  f  of  Sutton,  Surrey,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  H.  H.     Wit. :  R.  Brown,  S.  Owen 
William  Majendie,  esq.,  of  S4  Giles  in  the  fields,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Sarah 
Gardiner,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  John  James  Majendie,  Preb. 
of  Sarum.     Wit. :  F.  Burfoot,  L.  A.  Majendie 
Apr.   23     Thomas  Mitchell,  of   S'  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Anna   Goodwin,  of    Sudbury, 
Suffolk,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  Tho.  Ualton,  Curate,  Allhallows  ye  Great. 
Wit. :  Thomas  Wright,  Elizabeth  Lewiu 
May   14     Robert  Laurie,  of  Sk  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Rachael  Stuteville,  of  East  Greenwich, 
Kent,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  H.  H.     Wit,  :  Thomas  Bowden,  S.  Grant 
16     Thomas  Jones,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Susan  Hall,  of  the  same,  s.     L.  B.  L., 

by  H.  H.     Wit. :  Robert  Hatchett,  William  Lyne 
29     Robert  Young,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,   &  Elizabeth  Tomson,  of  Crayford, 
Kent,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  D.     Wit. :  James  Kuight,  Jas  Davis 
June     1     John  George  Milton,  of  S»  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Marv  Hill,  of    Sl  Michael, 
Cornhill,  w.      L.  B.  L.,  by  H.  H.     Wit.:    William  Lyne,  Hannah 
23     John  Evans,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Grubb,  of  S*  Pancras,  Soper 

Lane,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  H.  H.     Wit. :  William  Lyne,  Mary  Wright 
25     Samuel  Rudall,  of  Crediton,  Devon,  b.,  &  Mary  Cooper,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  s. 
L.  A.  C,  by  II.  II.     Wit. :  Richd  Way,  Jn°  Hewitt 
Aug.     2     Elias   Clanahan,   of   Christ  Church,  Middx.,  w.,  &  Mary  Hillar,t  of 
S'  S.,  W.     L.  B.  L.,  by  H.  H.     Wit. :  David  Scott,  Dorothy  Scott 
29     William  Dolby,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Mary  Blewitt,  a  minor,  of  the  same,  s., 
by  and  with  the  consent  of  Guardian,  Frances  Newton,  the  testamentary 
guardian  of  the  said  minor.     L.  B.  L.,  by  II.  H.     Wit. :   Rich'1  Prime, 
Charles  Dolby 
Nov.  10     John  Burdett,  esq.,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Susannah  Otger,  of  the  same,  s., 
a  minor,  with  the  cousent  of  Anna  Maria  Otger,  widow,  the  natural 
and  lawful  mother  of  the  said  minor.     L.  A.  C,  by  Charles  Burnett, 
D.D.     Wit. :  Tho.  Burdett,  Tho»  Otger 
25     Robert  Moore,  of  Sl  Paul,  Covent  Garden,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Mary  Mitchell, 
of  S'  S.,  W.,  a  minor,  with  consent  of  Mary  Mitchell,  widow,  the 
natural  and  lawful  mother  of  the  said  minor.     L.  A.  C,  by  II.  H. 
Wit. :  Wm  Cullingworth,  Mary  Mitchell 


Feb.    14     Richard  Cureton,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &   Mary  Scholefield,  of  the  same,  s. 
B.,  by  H.  H.     Wit. :  William  Lyne,  Sarah  Presserj 

206  bbgisteks  of  st.  Stephen's,  walbbook,         17G8-70 

Apr.   16     John  Price,  of  the  Middle  Temple,  Loudon,  b.,  A  Ann  Price,  of  Sl  S., 

W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  William  Jeffs,  Reader  of  the  Temple.     Wit.  : 

Rob1  Davis,  Elizth  Horsfall 
June  19     Charles  Perkins,  of  S1  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Smith,  of  the  same,  s. 

B.,   by   Robert    Tomlinson,   curate.      Wit.  :    Ju°    Cooper,    Richard 

Houltum  [?] 

26  Richard  Lloyd,  of  S'  Clements  Dane,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Stratton,  of 

Sl  S.,  W.,  s.     B.,  by  R.  T.     Wit, :  Bengeman  Holme,  John  Wootton 
July   16     William  Collet,  of    Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Martha   Caulet,  of    the   same,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  John  James  Majendie,  Preb.  of  Sanim.     Wit:  Matthew 

Clarmont,  Wm  Jsherwood 
Aug.     9     John  Ripley,  of  Sl  Lukes,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Potter,  of  S'  S.,  W., 

s.      L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  Carpenter,  curate  of    S'  Christophers.      Wit.  : 

James  Hinde,  Hannah  Kent 
28     John  Kittle,  of  Sl  Dionis  Backchurch,  b.,  &  Mary  Ward,  of  S<  S.,  W., 

s.     L.  A.  C,  by  H.  H.     Wit. :  John  Banning,  Thomas  Bigland 
Oct.      3     Richard  Allom,  of  Sl  Mary  Woohioth,  b.,  &  Ann  Lloyd,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  Morgan,  Curate.    Wit, :  John  Stevens,  Susanna  Young 


Mar.   18     William  Vicary,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Susannah  Lodge,  of  the  same,  s.     B., 
by  J.  M.     Wit, :  James  Steer,  William  Lyne 

27  Ralphal  Gout,  of  S'  Luke,  Old  street,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Frances  Pernet,  of 

S4  B.   S.,   s.      L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  M.      Wit.:    David  Duvcluz,  Sarah 

Duveluz,  Mary  Lee 
Apr.   26     William  Price,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Ann  Burton,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

J.  M.     Wit.:   William  Lyne,  Sarah  Goodwin  f 
June  21     John   Winter,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.,  <fc  Mary  Danicl,f  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

J.  M.     Wit,:  Ann  Clark,f  William  Lyne 
July   15     James  Ewer,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Ann  Cooper,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

J.  M.     Wit. :  Peter  Thompson,  Thos  Cocksedge,  Junr,  Richard  Way, 

1769,  James  Brookes,  John  Welles  [?] 
Oct.    31     Robert  Sharpe  [Sharp],  of  S'  B.  S.,  w.,  &  Elizabeth  Dibley,  of  Sl  George, 

Souihwark,   Surrey,  w.      L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  M.      Wit.:    John   Sharp, 

Eliz.  Sharp 
Dec.   24     George  Currcy,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Rebeccab  Blackmore,  of  the  same,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  M.     Wit. :  John  King,  .  .  .  [illegible]  King 

28  Edward    Cannon,   of    S1  S.,   W.,   1,.,   &  Martha   Maxev,  of    Sl  Giles, 

Reading,  Berks.,  s.       L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  M.     Wit. :  Elizabeth  Boycott, 
William  Lyne 


Jan.    16     Richard   Bell,   of    Sl    S.,    W.,   b.  ,  &    Elizabeth    Bull,   of    the   same,    s. 

L.A.C..  by  J.M.    Wit.:  Jonathan  Turner,  William  Lyne,  Marv  Turner 
Apr.     7     Thomas   Godden,    of    Sl    S.,  W.,    b.,    &    Ann    Bird,    of    the   same,    s. 

L.  P..  I...  by  .1.  M.     Wit.:  William  Lyne,  Barbara  Wrangle 
17     Henry  Beet,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  w.,  &  Mary  Porter,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

J.  M.     Wit.:   Thomas  Sweetland,  Will1"  Ilavard 
May   14     Thomas    Hawkins,    id'    Bough  ton,    Kent,    esq.,    b.,   &    Mary    Teresa 

Bradshaw,   of    S*    S.,  W.,   s.      L.  A.  C,    by   J.  M.      Wit.  :    John 

Biadshaw,  James  I.radshaw 
17      Samuel  Grey,  of   S'  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Marv  Urathwaite,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s.      B., 

by  J.  M.  Wit. :  John  Wbittaker,  Sedgwick 
July  21  Richard  Beaumont,  of  Ilemingford  Abbots,  Hunts.,  b.,  &  Ann  Gigner, 
of  S'  S.,  W.,  s.,  a  minor,  with  the  consent  of  Frances  Gigner,  the 
guardian  of  the  said  Ann  Gigner,  appointed  by  the  Right  Honourable 
the  Master  of  the  Rolls.  L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  M.  Wit.:  Berry  Dodson, 
Martin  Gigner,  Loza  Sherwoud,  Anna  Beaumont 

1770-2  AND   ST.    BENET   SHEREHOG  :     MARRIAGES.  207 

Oct.    20     George   Thacker,  of  S4  B.   S.,  b.,  &   Mary   Fletcher,  of  S*  Michael, 
Cornhill,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  M.      Wit.:    George  Fletcher,  Martha 
27     William  Rodgers,  of  S4  S-,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Alloway,  of  S*  Faith,  s. 
L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  M.     Wit. :  Edwd  Ansell,  Benj.  Rogers 


Jan.   20     John  Thurston,  of  S*  Andrews  Undershaft,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Smith,  of 

S4  B.  S.,  s.     B.,  by  J.  M.     Wit. :  John  Tuck,  Jonah  Woodman 
Feb.    12     John    Tuck,   of    S4   John's,    Southwaik,    b.,   &   Eleanor  Luckett.f   of 

S4  B.  S.,  s.     B.,  by  J.  M.     Wit. :  Wm  Shaw,  Mary  Wightwick 
Apr.   14     James  Thompson,  of  S4  Sepulchre,  w.,  &  Jane  Grierson,  of  S4  S.,  W., 

s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  M.     Wit. :  Tho9  Prince,  Margret  Grerson 
14     Isaac  Littel,  of  S*  Matthew,  Friday  St.,  Lond.,  b.,  &  Martha  Barry,f  of 

S*  S.,  W.,  s.      L.  A.  C,  by  J.  M.      Wit. :    William  Lyne,  Hannah 

June     2     Thomas  Prichard,  of  S'  Martin,  Ironmonger  Lane,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Emm 

Page,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  M.     Wit. :  A.  Jones,  Thomas 

Page,  R.  Jones,  John  B.  Harris 
Aug.  22     The  Rev.  John  Baskett,  of  Winbourn,  Dorset,  b.,  &  Hannah  Palmer,  of 

S*  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  Smith,  Minister.    Wit. :  Jas  Farquharson, 

Tho8  Baskett,  Mary  Thorn,  Richd  Atwood,  Mary  Reynolds,  Hannah 

Oct.    25     Zachariah   King,  of    S4  Leonard,  Shorediteh,   Middx.,  b.,  &    Rebecca 

Davye,  of  S»  S.,  W.,  w.     L.  B.  L.,  by  Thomas  Pollen.     Wit. :  John 

Pike,  William  Lyne 
26     William  Jones,  of  S4  John's,  Hackney,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Dorothy  Elletson, 

of  S4  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  Smith,  Minister.     Wit. :  George 

Field,  Frances  Baxter,  Ann  Baxter,  Mary  Field 
Nov.  16     William    Mainwaring,   of    S4   S.,  W.,    esq.,    b.,    &    Frances    Stone,  of 

Mitcham,    Surrey,   s.      L.    A.    C,    by    J.    S.      Wit. :    Geo.    Stone, 

Elizabeth  Stone 


Jan.      9     Giles    Hudson,   esq.,    of    S4    Michael    Bassishaw,    w.,    &    Catherine 

Deschamps,  of    S4  S.,  W.,   s.      L.  A.  C,  by  W.  C.     Wit.:    John 

Deschamps,  William  Gill 
Feb.      2     Thomas  Tipper,  of    S4  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Jane   Jordan,   of   the   same,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  John  Land,  minister.      Wit.  :    Au  Edwards,  William 

Downs,  Tom  Bed  win 
Mar.  31     John  Wansey,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Raymond,  of  the  Liberty  of 

the  Tower  of  Loudon,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  M.     Wit. :  John  Raymond, 

Joseph  Lewis 
Apr.     9     John  Deschamps,  Junr,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Margaret  Gill,  of  S4  Mary 

Abchurch,    s.      L.   A.   C,    by   W.   C.      Wit.:    William    Gill,   John 

28     Michael  Cope  Hopton,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Jones,  of  Croydon, 

Surrey,   s.      L.   B.   L.,   by  J.   M.      Wit.  :    John   Partridge,    Sarah 

Humphrey,  Elizabeth  Humphrey 
May     5     Philip  Carterat,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Rachel  Silvester,  of  S4  John, 

Hackney,   Middx.,    s.      L.  B.  L.,    by    Thomas    Wigan,   of    Trinity 

College,  Oxford.     Wit.  :  J.  Silvester,  Neah  Le  Cros,  J.  Silvester 
June  30     Thomas    Beckett,  of    S4    S.,  W.,  b.,  &   Elizabeth   King,  of    S4  Mary, 

Islington,   Middx.,   s.       L.  A.  C,    by   John    Waterhouse,  Minister. 

Wit.:    William  Sheldon,  Mary  Greathead  f 
July   12     Jonathan    Richards,  of    S4  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Cole,  of  S4  Mary, 

Lambeth,   Surrey,  s.      L.  B.  L.,  by  R.    Williams,   Curate.      Wit.  : 

Sarah  Cole,  William  Lyne 

20S  REGISTERS   OF    ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1772-5 

July  16     Thomas  Langhorn,  of  Sl  Ann  &  Agnes,  Altlersgate,  Lond.,  b.,  &  Alicia 

Pickersgill,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :  Marg*  Parke, 

Chr.  Wightman 
Aug.  27     Robert  Tlmrlev,  of  8*  Botolph,  Aldgate,  Loud.,  \\\,  &  Elizabeth  Briggs, 

of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s.      L.  A.  C,  by  Thomas  Pollen,  Minr.       Wit.  :   Walter 

Bellinger,  Mary  Timms 
Oct.      5     Niel  McLeod,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Ann  Nuttall,  of  S'  Olaves,  Hart  St.,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  R.  W.     Wit.  :  Keneth  MTeod  f,  William  Lyne 

11  John  Fuller  f,  of  S*  Ann's,  Westm1',  Middx.,  w.,  &  Mary  Timms,  of 

S*  S.,  W.,  s.      L.  B.  L.,  by  R.  W.       Wit.  :  Mary  Prova  f,  William 
18     Richard  Munday,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Anu  King,  of  the  same,  s.    L.  B.  L., 

by  R.  W.       Wit.  :    John    Munday, [illegible]    Munday 

[Banns  published,  but  afterwards  married  by  Licence — vide  Banns 
Book  [Register  Ilia].— Ed.] 

29  Stevens  Ingleton,  of   Sl  S.,   W.,  w.,  &   Elizabeth  Hughesdon,  of  the 

same,  s.     B.,  by  R.  W.     Wit. :  Elias  Hughesdon, f  William  Lyne 


Jan.    12     William    Weare,  of    Sl  Giles,    Cripplegate,   \v.,   &    Mary   Mitchell,  of 

S*  S.,  W.,  s.,  a  minor.     L.  A.  C,  by  T.  P.     Wit. :  Thos  Mitchell, 

Will"'  Mitchell 
Mar.  27     William  Vincent,  of  8*  8.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Lockhead,  of  Enfield,  Middx., 

w.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :  William  Lyne,  Henry  Cooke 
Nov.  21     Gilbert  Roskill,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Amey   Warner,  of   8*  Matthew, 

Bethnall   Green,  Middx.,  s.      B.,  by  Joseph  Digby,  Curate.      Wit.: 

John  Warner,  Priscilla  Warner 


Jan.  31  William  Badcock,  of  the  Precinct  of  the  Savoy  in  the  City  of  Westmr, 
b.,  &  Elizabeth  Eason,  of  8'  S.,  W.,  s.  B.,  by  J.  D.  Wit. :  Tho' 
Eason,  Mary  Eason,  Sarah  Scotcher,  Elizaabelh  Smith,  Sarah  Wyett, 
Martha  Scotcher 

Mar.  24  Walter  Gowdie,  of  8*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Lant,  of  S'  Andrew,  Holborn, 
Middx.,  w.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit. :  Geo.  Deighton,  William  Lyne 

May  1  Thomas  Wilkey,  of  8'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Seward,  of  S*  James,  Westnir, 
Middx.,  s.     B.,  by  J.  D.     Wit. :  Eph'"  Evans,  William  Snffleld 

12  John  Nalder,  of  8*  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Susannah  Chandler,  of  S*  Andrew's 

Undershaft,  London,  s.  L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  I).  Wit. :  Elizabeth  Nalder, 
Francis  Nalder,  Rob1  Chandler,  Sarah  Chandler,  Eliz.  Chandler 
Oct.  1  Erasmus  Jones,  of  8*8.,  W.,b.,  &  Hannah  Aun  House,  of  8*  Sepulchre's, 
Load.,  w.  L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.  Wit.:  Su.  Thompson,  William  Lyne, 
Hannah  Lyne 
9  James  Smith,  of  8*  Swithin's,  Lond.,  b.,  <fc  Sarah  Godfrey,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s. 
L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit.:  Anthony  Grafton,  John  Bell,  Elcuor  Bell 

30  Leonard   Wenhain,  of   S'  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Mary  Andrews,  of  the  same,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.       Wit.:    Rd  Collier,  Catherine  Andrews,   Ann 


Jan.    15     Joseph  Eaton,  of  S' S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Ann  Brown,  of  S*  Mary  Abchurch,  s. 

L.  H.  L.,  by  J.  U.     Wit.  :  Abraham  Nay  lor,  Joseph  Brown 
Feb.    23     Thomas  Axford,  of    S*  8.,   W.,  w.,  &  Ann    Ireland,  of    the   samo,   w. 

L.  A.  C,  by  J.  D.     Wit.:  Edward  Fiott,  Geo.  Lempriere,  Pp.  de 

Gruchy,  John   Axford,  John  Fiott,  Ann  Lo  Gros,   Mary  Wilkinson, 

Martha  Williams 
Apr.     4     Thomas  Bayley,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Jones,  of  the  same,  w.     B., 

by  J.  U.     Wit.:  George  Hawxwell,  Mary  Heath,  Charles  Duncan 

1775-7  AND    ST.    BENET   SHERF.nOG  :     MARRIAGES.  209 

June   10     Joseph  Leake,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Ann  Birch,  of  S'  Martins,  Ludgate,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  J.  D.     Wit. :  William  Fletcher.f  William  Lyne 
Aug.  18     Sir  Nicholas  Bayley,  Bar',  of  8'  George's,  Hanover  Square,  Middx.,  w., 

&  Aim  Hunter,  of  the  same,  s.     Special  Licence  from  the  Archbishop 

of  Canterbury,  by  Tho.  Vincent,  Archdeacon  of  Cardigan.      Wit. : 

William  Lyne,  Hannah  Lyne 
Oct.    29     Joseph    Brown,    of    S*    S.,   W.,  b.,  &    Mary  Scarlett,  of    S'  Laurence 

Poutney,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit.  :  Ann  Scarlett,  John  Scarlett, 

Joseph  Eaton 
Dec.    23     William  Wargent,  of  Allhallows  the  Great,  Loud.,  b.,  &  Ann  Humphreys 

Jackson,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  s.,  a  minor,  with  tlie  consent  of  Francis  Buffett. 

L.  A.  C,  by  J.  D.     Wit.  :  William  Gibbins,  Sarah  Simmons 


Jan.    16     James   Preston,  of    Sk  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Wyun,  of    S*  Giles  in  the 

Fields,  Middx.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  J.  W.     Wit.  :  Joseph  Preston,  John 

June     2     John    Heaviside,  of    Sb  Martin    Outwich,  b.,  &   Elizabeth    Cashen,  of 

S'  B.  S.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit.  :  John  Cashen,  Ricd  Heaviside 
11     William  Blandford,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Sewell,  of  the  same,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit.  :  John  Banks,  E.  Hastings 
23     Job  Pearsou,of  S'  Ann,  Blackfryars,  b.,  &  Frances  Wilson,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit. :  William  Lyne, [name  illegible] 

Oct.    10     Paul  Le  Mesurier,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Roberdean,  of  Christ  Church, 

Middx.,  s.     L.  A.  0,  by  J.  D.     Wit.  :  E.  Auriol,  Martha  Collet 
13     Joseph  Hawkins,  of    S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Eudge,  of    S'  Luke, 

Chelsea,  Middx.,  s.      L.  A.  C,  by  J.  D.      Wit.  :    Rob*  Oliffe,  Sam. 

Knight,  Anu  Eudge,  Sarah  Millett,  Frances  Hawkins,  Mary  Parratt 
Dec.    17     Thomas  Jennings,  of  Sf  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Ann  Salter,  of  S'  Sepulchre,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit.:    Tho8  Salter,  Eliz.  Misdale  [?],  Grace 

Jennings,  Sarah  Jennings 


Jan.    26     Andreas  Gottlieb,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Bennet,  of  the  same, 

w.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.      Wit.:    Ra.  Ede   [?],  Elizth  Olave,  Tho8 

Mar.   16     George  Thompson,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Ann  Maletrott,  of  Sl  Ethelbrugha, 

Lond.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit. :  Thomas  Bell,  William  Lyne 
Apr.   14     Edward  Welch,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Fraser,  of  S4  Mary,  Abchurch, 

s.     L.  from  Christopher  Wilson,  official  of  the  Diocese  of  London  on 

the  death  of  the  late  Bishop,  by  J.  D.     Wit. :    Tho8  Fraser,  Mary 

Fraser,  senior 
May     5     Benjamin  Rodgers,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Elizabeth  Willeter,  of  Mickleham, 

Surrey.*     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit. :  William  Lyne,  Dan1  Adams 
June  22     James   Holmes,   of    Sl   S.,    W.,    b.,  &  Jane   Homan,  of    S'  Laurence 

Pountuey,  Lond.,  s.     B.,  by  J.  D.     Wit.:  William  Stallwood,  Ann 

Jackson,  James  Taylor 
July   20     John  Morriss,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Tyler,t  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

J.  D.      Wit.:    John    Clarke,    Ann   Kid  [?],  Mary  Clarke,   William 

Murford,  Ann  Atwell,  Thos  Bellwood 
Aug.  17     William  Munford,  of  Sl  S.,   W.,  b,  &  Ann  Atwell.     B.,  by  Samuel 

Peters.      Wit. :    Stephen  Bryan,  Johu   Clarke,  John  Morriss,  Alice 

Smith,  Mary  Clarke 
Sep.      7     Eichard  Weightman,  of   S'  Andrews,  Holborn,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth 

Low,  of    S*  S.,  W.,  s.     B.,  by  Tho8  Vale.      Wit.:    Joseph  Wills, 

Tho8   Dolsou,    Mary    Dolsou,    Mary    Bourne,    Tho8   Bourne,    John 

Schofield,  Eliz.  Eoads 

*  No  condition  stated.— Ed. 

210  REGISTERS    OF    ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALRROOK,  1777-81 

Sep.  16  Henry  Newman,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Sarah  Black,  of  Teddington, 
Middx.,  w.     L.,  l.y  J.  W.     Wit, :  Eliz"'  Martin,  J.  T.  Searle  [?] 

27  William  Bullock,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Bridget  Gray,  of  Sl  Sepulchre, 

Middx.,  w.      L.  B,  L.,  by  Thomas  Twigg.      Wit. :    Tho"  Brown, 
Matth'  Dale,  Jn"  Dale,  Kliz.  Brown,  Frances  Dale,  Bridget  Gray 

28  William  Bowyer,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Mary  Stone,  of  Allhallows,  Barking, 

s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  V.     Wit, :  William  Lyne,  Mary  Chambers  t 
Nov.     9     John  Sim,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Anna  Henrietta  Whitehead,  of  Sl  Pauls, 
Covent  Garden,  Middx.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit. :  John  Whitehead, 
Marg'  Towns,  T.  May 

[No  Banns  recorded  in  Banns  Register  Ilia  after  Sep.,  1777, 
until  Jan.,  1782.— Ed.] 
Jan.    22     John  Earle,  Junr,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Charlotte  Eddlestone,  of  S*  Giles  in 

the  Fields,  Middx.*     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit,:  James  Edlestoue, 

Susanna  Withers,  Sarah  Liptrap 
Feb.      8     Thomas  Dinwoodie,  of  8*  S.,  \\\,  b.,  &  Susanna  Moulding,  of  the  same, 

s.     L.  A.  0,  by  T.  V.     Wit. :  Anth»  Ingham,  William  Lyne 
July   31     John  Douglass,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Taylor,  of  S'  George,  Hanover 

Sq.,  Middx.,  s.    L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.   Wit. :  Ann  White,  John  Wrangle 
Sep.      3     Harwood  Starr,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Raven,  of  Little  Wymondley, 

Hertford,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit.  :  Mary  Welch,  Edward  Welch, 

John  Wrangle 
Oct.    29     Abraham  Wood,  of  Sheffield,  Yorks.,  b.,  &  Eleanor  Jackson,  of  S»  S.,  W., 

s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  J.  D.     Wit.  :  Elizabeth  Hawkins,  John  Wrangle 
Nov.  15     John  Sadlerf,  of  Sl  Giles,  Cripplegate,  b.,  &  Ann  Gardner,  of  Sl  S.,  W., 

s.     L.  A.  C,  by  J.  D.     Wit,  :  W"  Hume,  Martha  Cnntwell 


Apr.  12  John  Atkins,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Littell,  of  the  same,  s.  B.,  by 
Wm  Buckingham.     Wit.  :  Martha  Coohvood  [?],  William  Lyne 


Mar.  30  Thomas  Henry  Hull,  of  Allhallows,  Staining,  b.,  &  Mary  Sparke,  of 
S»  S.,  W.,  s.  L.  B.  L.,  by  John  Sparke,  Minister.  Wit.  :  J.  Clarke, 
W"  Baker,  John  Clarke,  junr,  T.  Baker,  B.  M.  Clarke,  J.  Hull 

Aug.  20  William  Sutton,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Hannah  Bishop,  of  S'  Stephen, 
Coleman  S\  s.  L.  A.  C,  by  Charles  Nicholson,  Minister.  Wit.  : 
John  Bishop,  James  Bishop,  Paul  Peak,  Mary  Bird 

Sep.  23  John  Brereton,  junv,  of  Brinton,  Norfolk,  b.,  &  Anne  Margaret  ta  Lloyd, 
of  Sb  S.,  W.,  s.  L.  B.  L.,  by  Thomas  Murray,  curate.  Wit,  :  John 
James,  Sarah  [?]  Prior,  Ann  Butter 

Nov.  12  James  Mathers,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  s.,  &  Catherine  Gordon,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s. 
L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  M.  Wit. :  John  Flaxman,  John  Matthews,  Jane 
Gordon,  John  Flaxman,  junr,  Mary  Flaxman 
30  Charles  Samways,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Susannah  Grey,  of  the  same,  s., 
a  minor,  with  the  consent  of  Sam1  Grey,  the  father.  L.  B.  L.,  by 
T.  M.     Wit. :  Peter  Clare,  Rob1  Willis,  Elizab"'  Clare,  Sus"  Grey 


Feb.    27     David  Davis,  of  Fulham,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Elles,  of  S<  S.,  W.,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  T.  M.     Wit,  :   Rob1  Cotton,  William  Lyne 
June  19     William  Scott,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Catherine  Townley,  of  Sl  Benedict, 

near  Pauls  wharf,  s.       L.  A.  C,  by  George  Stepney  Townley,  A.M. 

Wit.:     Kirkes  Townley,    Mary  Townley,   Jean    Scott,  Jean    Scott, 

Elisabeth  Townley 

*  No  condition  stated. 

1781-4  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEREHOG  :     MARRIAGES.  211 

Sep.      6     Thomas  Rowley,  of  West  'Mailing,  Kent,  w.,  &  Martha  De  Sausmarez, 

of  S»  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  N.  P.  Dobree.     Wit. :  Noah  Le  Cras, 

Catherine  De  Sausmarez 
Nov.     7     William  Burwash,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Salt,  of    Sb  John's, 

Clerkenwell,  MidJx.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  M.     Wit. :  Thos  Matthews, 

Mary  Groves,  Charlotte  Hall 


Feb.  23  Abraham  Gooding,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Patcrson,  of  S*  Mary  le 
bone,  Middx.,  s.  L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  M.  Wit. :  William  Lyne,  Elias 
Can  tie 

Apr.  18  Isaac  Radford,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Jane  Adams,  of  the  same,  w. 
L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  M.     Wit, :  John  Fuller,  Eliz.  Dixie 

Aug.  22  George  Brown,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Ann  Antill,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  s.  B.,  by 
T.  M.     Wit. :  Joseph  Antill,  Ann  Butler 

Sep.  3  George  Evans,  of  S'  Saviours,  in  Surrey,  b.,  &  Mary  Mendham,  of  Sl  S., 
W.,  s.,  a  minor,  with  the  cousent  of  Robert  Mendham,  the  father  of 
the  aforesaid  minor.  L.  B.  L.,  by  Henry  Foster,  Miur.  Wit. : 
Rob'  Mendham,  Geo.  Evans,  Senr,  Fisher  Evans,  Dd  Duveluz,  Hen. 
Batley,  Junr,  Rob*  Mendham,  Jun1' 


Feb.    12     Thomas  Carter,  of  S'  Peters,  Coruhill,  w.,  &  Clarissa  Wyatt,  of  S*  S., 

W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  M.     Wit. :  Cha*  Wyatt,  Sarah  Wyatt 
Apr.   13     John  Joy,  of  Sb  Mildred,  Poultry,  b.,  &  Ann  Robberds,  of  Sb  S.,  W.,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  M.     Wit. :  Thomas  Church,  William  Lyne 
May     2     William  Woodman,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Susan  Miller,  of  the  same,  s. 

B.,  by  T.  M.     Wit. :  Thos  Jones  Woodman,  Sarah  Miller 
30     James  Budgen,  of  S*  Giles,  Cripplegate,  Lond.,  w.,  &  Jane  Graves,  of 

S4  S.,  W.,  s.      L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  M.      Wit. :  William  Lyne,  William 

July  23     John  Wigley,  of    S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &   Catherine   Evans,  of   the  same,  s. 

B.,  by  M.  Davies,  minr.     Wit. :  Robert  Gibbons,  John  Wrangle 
Aug.  27     Matthew  Ottley,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Martha  Avard,  of  Beckenham, 

Kent,  w.     L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  M.     Wit.  :  William  Lyne,  W'»  Wakelen 
Sep.    28     James  Reader,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Ann  Webb,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

T.  M.     Wit.  :  William  Lyne,  John  Williams 

Inspected,  to  the  second  of  Jans'  178L 

B.  Keene,  Rr  &  Inspector 


May   25     Francis  Finlay,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Driver,  of  S*  B.  S.,  s. 
B.,  by   George    Stepney  Townley,  A.M.,   Rector.      Wit. :    William 
Scott,  Jean  Scott,  William  Pratt,  Mary  Campbell 
27     Robert  Simpson,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Elizabeth  Field,t  of  the  same,  s. 
B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  William  Lyne,  J.  Roberts 
June    6     John  Stretton,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Jane  Fisher,  of  the  same,  s.     L.  B.  L., 
by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:  William  Lyne,  William  Wakelen 
19     David  Jones,  of  Woolwich,  Kent,  w.,  &  Mary  Evance,  of  S'  B.  S.,  s. 
L.  B.  L.,  by  John  Frith,  Minr.     Wit. :  John  Evance,  William  Lyne 
July    10     Thomas   Tew  Morrell,  of   Sl  Andrew,   Holboru,   Middx.,   b.,   &   Mary 
Field,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit,:  George  Field, 
Mary  Field,  Anne  Field 

Inspected  &  Duty  receiv'd  to  Septr  30th  178L 

B.  Keene,  Regr  &  Iuspecr 

Oct.  9  James  Browne,  of  S*  Clement  Danes,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Ann  Field,  of 
S*  S.,  W.,  s.  L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.  Wit.:  George  Field,  Mary 
Ann  Browne 

212  registers  of  st.  Stephen's,  WALBKOoK,  1784-7 

Oct.  20  Alexander  Henry,  of  S*  8.,  W.,  b.,  &  Catherine  Clarke,  of  Sl  James', 
Westminster,  Middx.,  s.  L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.  Wit. :  D.  Strachan, 
Mary  Benfiehl,  Aim  Strachan 

Inspected  &  Duty  rcceiveil  to  Decern1,  31st  1784. 

B.  Keene,  Regr  &  Iuspccr 


Feb.    14     Edmund  Cork,  of  S»  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Tabitha  Beverley,  of  Christ  Church, 

Surrey,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Joseph  Braint,  Mary  Preist, 

James  Preist,  William  Lyne 
27     Samuel   Geldert,  of  Christ  Church,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Tansley,t  of 

S<  S.,  W„  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  John  Hutchius.     Wit,  :  William  Lyne, 

Mary  Alderton 
Mar.    19     William  Gerard,  of  Christ  Church,  London,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Booth,  of 

S*    B.    S.,    a    minor,    with    consent   of    George    Booth,    the    father. 

L.  A.   C,  by   G.   S.   T.      Wit.:    Geo.   Booth,  John   Booth,  Maria 

Inspected  &  Duty  receiv'd  toy0 31st  March  1785.  B.  Keene,  Reg1' &  Inspecr 

June  23     John  Field,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Manu,  of    Sl  Mary,  Lambeth, 
Surrey,  s.      L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit.:    Richard   Prior,  Junr, 
Sarah  Mann,  Mary  Field 
Inspected  &  Duty  received  to  Sepr  30th  1785.     B.  Kecnc,  Inspecr 

Nov.  29  Thomas  Wilkins,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Aim  Lockycr,  of  Layton,  Essex,  s. 
L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:  Bob*  Burchall,  Susannah  Burchall 


Feb.  2  Henry  Delano,  of  Edmonton,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Osborne,  (if  S*  B.  S., 
B.,  a  minor,  with  the  consent  of  Ann  Osborne,  widow,  the  mother. 
L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.  Wit.:  W.  Scott,  Jane  Gumey,  Mary 
Campbell,  W"1  Pratt,  Jean  Scott,  Catherine  Scott 

5  Richard  Abbey,  of   S*   P.   S.,  b„  &  Eleanor  Jones,t  of    Sl  S.,  W.,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  David  Hughes,  Mary  Hughes 

6  John  Moulder  Hathaway,  of  Cheltenham,  Gloucester,   b.,  &  Elizabeth 

Prestou.t  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s.      L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:    Roger 
Snghes,  Thos  Selby,  Mary  Bailey 
Mar.     7     George  Robinson,  of    S1  B.  S.,  b.,  it   Margaret    Borrer,  of    Sl  Mary, 
Lambeth,    Surrey,    s.       P.,    by    G.    S.    T.      Wit.:    W™    Leavis, 
II.  Robinson,  Lastitia  Robinson,  Margrett  Leavis 

Inspected  &  Duly  reccivVl  to  March  316t  1786. 

B.  Keene,  Inspect' 
Inspected  to  Sep.  30th  1786.     B.  K.,  Insp* 


.Ian.   25    John  Hanks,  of  S'  S..  \\\,  b.,  &  Mary  Field,  of  S'  John  the  Bapthrt, 

London,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.  *  Wit.:   John  Field,  Hen.  Banks, 

Ann  Smith 
Feb.    11     Wentworih  Ogle,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Martha   Well,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  s. 

L.  A.  C,   by    Matthew    Thomas.      Wit,:    C.   Lewis   Well,   Pcnjan 

Lutkens,  George  Ogle,  Charlotte  Thomas 
15    Richard  Hill,  of  S1  Stephen,   Walbrook,  w.,  &  Elizabeth   Smith,  w. 

L.  P.  L.,  by  G.  s.  T.     \\"ii. :  Job  Orton,  Amy  [?]  Turner 
Mar.   17     Edward  Lane,  of  s'  I',.  Sherehog,  b..  &  Hannah  Knight,  of  the  samo,  s. 

L.    I'..   I,.,   by   Gr.   S.  T.       Wit.:    Thomas    Bond,   Sarah   Street,   Mary 

I-  :n  ||   -. 

[nap  oted  &  Duly  paid  to  March  81"  17*7.     B.  K..  tnspeo1 









1787-9  AND   ST.   BENET   SHEREHOG  :     MARRIAGES.  213 

John  Price,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Jane  Phillips,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 

G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Ed  Evans,  Mary  Beuuett 

William  Bowcer,  of  S'  Dunstaus,  Stepney,  Middx.,  w.,  &  Mary  Gillis, 

of  S*  B.  S.,  s.    L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.  "  Wit. :  Joseph  Norsa,  Ann  Norsa 

Charles  Pooley,  of  S'  Mary  le  bone,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Mary  Hudson,  of 

Sfc  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  John  Deschamps,  Hanah 


Job  Orton,  of  S'  Gregory,  Lond.,  w.,  &  Fanny  Turner,  of  S1  S.,  W.,  w. 

L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Richard  Hill,  Eisabeth  Hill 
Charles  Dyer,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Ann  Jones,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  by 
G.  S.  T.     Wit.:  Giles  Deane,  May  Jones  [?] 
July   19     John  Field,  of  S*  B.  S.,  w.,  &  Elizabeth  Chapman,  of  S'  Sepulchre, 
Middx.,  w.     L.  A.  C,  by  J.  D.  Dreyer,  Minr.    Wit. :  Thos  Davidson, 
Rob4  Davidson 
Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  September  30th  1787.     B.  Keene,  Inspr 
Nov.     4     Rowland  Jackson,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Brice,  of  S*  Margaret, 
Rochester,  Kent,  w.     L.  A.  C.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Robert  Russell,! 
Thomas  Bond 
22     Isaac  Virgoe,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Charlotte  Ann  Gould,  of  Sl  Michael, 
Wood  St.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:  William  Lyne,  Jane 
25     Benjamin  Parker,!  of  S'  Dunstaus  in  the  East,  b.,  &  Susannah  Butler,f 
of  S4  S.,  W.,  s.     B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.  :  W.  Field,  William  Lyne 
Dec.      9     Robert  Jones,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Catherine  Hughes,  of  the  same,  s. 
L.    A.    C,    by    G.    S.   T.      Wit.:     [name  illegible],   Jane    Peeven, 
W.  Martin,  Wm  Jones 


Jan.   30     Thomas  Wiggins,  of  Sb  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Brown,  of  Allhallows 

the  Less,  w.     L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Roger  Haynes,  William 

Mar.     2     Samuel  King,  of   S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Trypheua   Brock,  of  the   same,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Samuel  Nicholls,  William  Lyne 
22     John  Dickson,  b.,  a  minor,  of  S*  Mary,  Newington,  Surrey,  esq.,  &  Sarah 

Toulmin,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  s.,  a  minor,  with  the  consent  of  John  Dickson, 

esq.,  the  father  of   John    Dickson,  &  also  the  consent  of    Samuel 

Toulmin,  esq.,  the  father  of  Sarah  Toulmin.     L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T. 

Wit. :  Sam1  Toulmin,  Esther  Sergeant 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  31st  1788.     B.  K.,  Inspr 
May   31     John  Jarvis   Howard,   of   Sb  Lukes,  Middx.,   b.,   &  Ann  Peacock,   of 

S'  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Wm  Gaisford,  E.  Gaisford 

[?  Gairford] 
July  31     John  Fisher,  of  S'  Giles's  in  the  Fields,  b.,  &  Ann  Amory,  of  this  P., 

s.     L.  A.  G,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Sam1  Amory,  Isabella  Tuton 
Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sepf  30th  1788.     B.  K,  Inspr 
Nov.  27     Charles  Coxeter,  of  S'  John  Zachary,  Lond.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Clark,  of 

S'  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  Thos  Clare,  Min1'.     Wit.  :  John  Pearce, 

William  Lyne 
30     Peter   Bentley,   of    S'  B.   S.,   b.,   &   Margaret    Dickie,    of    S'   James, 

Clerkenwell,  Middx.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  Samuel  Bishop,  Minr.     Wit.: 

Andrew  Dickie,  Ann  Dickie,  Mary  Kershaw. 


Feb.    14     William  Chamberlain,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Sherwill  [Shervill],  of 
Christ  Church,  Middx.,  w.    L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.    Wit. :  John  London, 
C.  B.  Mason  [?],  Mary  Roberts,  Mary  Roberts,  Rice  Roberts 
Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  31  1789.     B.  K,  lnspr 

214  HEG1STEKS   OF   ST.   STEPHEN^,   WALBROOK,  1789-92 

Aug.    8     Richard  Thomas,  of  Sl  Andrew,  Holborn,  b.,  &  Catherine  Jones,  of 
SlB.S.,s.   B.,byG.S.T.  Wit.:  William  Thomas,t  M.  Desborough  [?] 
Inspected  &  Duly  paid  to  Sepr  30th  1789.     B.  K.,  Iuspr 

Dec.  21  Robert  Holme,  of  S"  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Morlcv,  of  Horsley,  Derby,  s. 
L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  W'»  Wakclcn,  William  Lyne 


Mar.    IS     Hugh  Rose,  of   S*  Martin  Outwich,b.,&  Gertrude  Farrah,  of  Sl  S.,  W., 
B.    L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.    Wit. :  W'«  Compton,  Marg*  Peventhorp  [?], 
John  Wilson,  juur,  Alexr  Ross,  Mebinna  [?]  Compton,  Jos.  Ferrars 
Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to   March  31st  1790.     B.  K.,  Insr/ 

May     2     Richard  Pritchard,  of  Sl  Chads,  in  the  Town  of  Shrewsbury,  b.,  &  Ann 

Worthington,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s.      L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Tho* 

Crosse,  E.  Pyefinch,  Sam  Pritchard 
Aug.  30     William   Johnston,   of    Sfc  John,   Wapping,    Middx.,    b.,   &    Margaret 

Walker,  of  S'  S,  W.,  s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :   Henry  Mills,  Mary 

Sep.   28     William    Clayton,  of    this    par.,   b.,   &   Ann    Lawrcncc,f  of  this   par., 

s.      L.,   by   John    Watcrhousc.      Wit.  :     Tho5   Allum,    H.    Haggis, 

Mary  Davy 

Inspected  and  Duty  paid  to  31  March  1791.     W.  Goodwin 


May  5  Robert  Porter,  of  S*  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Ltetitia  Robinson,  of  the  same,  s. 
L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.  Wit. :  James  Robinson,  Kezia  Robiuson, 
Jemima  Robinson,  Richard  Robinson,  Tho5  Cornier 
21  Miles  Edwards,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Ann  Debenham,  of  S'  Botolphs, 
Aldgate,  London,  s.,  a  minor,  with  the  consent  of  Sarah  Debenham, 
widow,  the  mother.  L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.  Wit.:  James  Sanson, 
Frances  Deekes  [?],  Mary  Sansum 

Nov.  23  Benjamin  Rolfe,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Lidia  Billings.t  of  the  same,  s. 
Mar.  by  Banns  in  the  Parish  Church  of  S'  Mary  Woolnoth,  on  account 
of  Walbrook  Church  repairing,  by  G.  S.  T.  Wit.:  Jn°  Stedman, 
Simeon  Hillery 

Dec.  17  Thomas  Ward,  o'f  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Franklin,  of  Wendovcr,  Bucks., 
s.  Mar.  in  the  Parish  of  S'  Botolph,  Aldersgale,  S<  Stephen,  Walbrook, 
repairing,  by  L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.  Wit.:  Riuhrt  Kirton,  Fanny 
Stace  Vineeut 


Mar.  22     Mathew  Howard,  of  S'  Mary  le  Bow,  b.,  &  Ann  Harris,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s. 

L.  B.  L.,  by  Thomas  Howard,  minister.     Wit. :  Mary  Street,  J.  Street, 

Elizabeth  Howard 
Aug.     6     John  Goddard,  of  S'  Michael  Bassishaw,  Lond.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Mann. 

L.  A.  C,  by  John  Neigh,  minr.     Wit.  :  Thomas  Allum,  Rosanah  Hart 
25    William  Pratt,  of  S'  Botolph,  Aldgate,  1..,  &  Jean  Scott,  of  Sl  B.  S., 

s.      L.  A.  C.,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit.  :    James  Townley,  Jean   Scott, 

James  Ogilvie,  D.D.,    Helena    Wells,   Margaret  Craig"  Pratt,  James 

B i-  - 

Oct.    25     William   Howe,  of   S*  Peters,  Cornhill,   b.,  &  Margaret  Redmond,  of 

S'  1!.  S.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by   Thomas  Waters,  Lecturer.      Wit.:   Rob' 

Davidson,  William  Lyne,  Mary  Bentlcv 
25     John  Lethbury,  of  S'  I!.  S.,  1,.,  ,\L  Anna  Tooley,  of  the  same,  s.     B.,  liy 

T.  W.    Wit.:  Mary  V7ilBon,  Beatrice  Wilson,  Mary  Ann  Chapman, 

Tho"  Tooley [a   name   Illegible],  Caroline  Jarvis,   Harmin 

Hatchinaon,  Mary  Weare,  Jane  Hutchinson,  Bridget  Lethbury 

1793-6  AND    ST.    BENET   SHEBEHOG  :     MAKRIAGES.  215 


Feb.      3     Henry  Lever,  of  Tisbury,  Wiltshire,  b.,  &  Sarah  Lovett.f  of  S4  S.,  W., 

s.     B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  John  Thomas,  William  Lyne    . 
10     James  Ball,  of  Greenwich,  Kent,  b.,  &  Sarah  Campbell,  of  8*  S.,  W.,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:  Isaac  Nethercoat,  William  Lyne 
Apr.     2     James    Hall,   of    S4  Mary,   Islington,   Middx.,  b.,   &  Ann   Partou,  of 

S*  S.,  W.,  s.    L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.    Wit.:  Edwd  Partou, .  .  .  [illegible], 


June  21     John  Francis  Miller,  of  S4  John,  Wapping,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Mary  Storie, 

of  S4  S.,  W.,  w.     L.  A.  C,  by  D.  Battyell  [?],  Curate  pro  hac  vice. 

Wit. :  Thos  Allum,  Hannah  Hubbard 
Dec.    25     Thomas  Burness,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Sarah  Brown,  of  the  same,  w. 

L.  B.  L.,    by    G.  J.  T.      Wit.:    Lydia   Eardley,   Charlotte    Swift, 

R.  Gardner 


Jan.  2  Richard  Robinson,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Lydia  Elizabeth  Lindsey,  of 
S4  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  s.,  a  minor,  with  consent  of  her  father,  John 
Lindsey.  L.  A.  C,  by  G.  J.  T.  Wit. :  J.  Lindsay,  Mary  Mullis  [?], 
Jemima  Robinson,  Ja8  Robinson 

15  Inspected  to  31  instt.  1791.  W.  Goodwin 
Aug.  10  Westfield  Lilley,  of  S4  Mathew,  in  Friday  St.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Parker,  f  of 
S4  B.  S.,  s.  B.,  by  John  Naish,  minr.  Wit. :  Crispin  Parker,  Mary 
24  John  Benson,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Heather,  of  Great  Marlow, 
Bucks.,  w.  L.  B.  L.,  by  Thos  Waters,  A.M.,  Lecturer.  Wit.: 
William  Lyne,  Hannah  Hubbard 

Inspected  and  Duty  paid.  W.  Goodwin 
Dec.  11  Charles  Stupart,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Barnard,  of  Greenwich, 
Kent,  s.,  a  minor,  with  consent  of  her  father,  Samuel  Barnard.  L., 
by  G.  S.  T.  Wit. :  Alexander  Macrae,  Mary  Macrae,  Matilda  Tutt 
27  Marc  Albert  Carrard,  of  S4  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Henrietta  Du  Veluz.,  of 
the  same,  s.  L.  B.  L.,  by  Thos  Clare,  minr.  Wit. :  David  Duveluz, 
David  Albert  Duveluz,  Fanny  Duveluz,  Abigail  Lee  Duveluz, 
D.  de  la  Chaumette,  James  A.  Pourtalis 


May  9  Sir  James  Sanderson,  Bart.,  of  S4  Magnus,  London  Bridge,  M.P.  for 
Malmsbury,  &  Elizabeth  Skinner,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  or  S4  Mary,  Woolchurcb 
Haw,  were  married  in  the  Mansion  House  by  Special  Licence  from 
the  Archbp.  of  Canterbury,  by  J.  Wilgress,  D.D.,  Chaplain,  Minister. 
Wit.:  Thomas  Skinner,  Mayor,  M.  Skinner,  M.  Roxby,  M.  Skinner, 
Jane  Roxby,  Tom  Henry  Skinner,  Wm  Golding,  Henry  Golding 

June  18  Stephen  Morrell,  of  Rilsby,  Northampton,  b.,  &  Jemima  Robinson, 
of  S4  S.,  W.,  s.  L.  A.  C,  by  John  Naish,  minister.  Wit.:  James 
Robinson,  Kerenhappuch  Robinson,  John  Morrell,  ....  [illegible] 


Jan.    26     Thomas  Earthcoats,  of  S4  John,  Wapping,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Mary  Bentley, 

of  S4  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  B.  L.,  by  T.  W.,  Lecturer.     Wit. :  Do"  Chambers, 

Eliza41'  Aubrt  [?] 
Feb.    14     George  Younger,  of  S4  Mathew,  Bethnal  Green,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Jane 

Vining,  of  S4  B.   S.,  s.     B.,  by  W.  Lucas,  minister.     Wit. :   John 

Younge,  William  Lyne 
May  26     Henry  Okey,  of  S4  Bridget  or  Bride,  London,  b.,  &  Marrisco  Gurwood, 

of  S4  S.,  W.,  w.     L.,  by  T.  W.,  Lecturer.     Wit. :    Mary  Marshall, 

Thos  Marshall,  John  Fullbrook 

216  HFGISTERS  of  st.  Stephen's,  walbbook,  1796-9 

July  2  Henry  Clutterbuck,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Harriet  Matilda  Browne,  of 
S*  Andrew,  Holborn,  a  minor.  L.,byG.S.T.  Wit.:  B.V.Browne, 
the  lawful  father  of  the  said  Minor  [?  B.  V.,  the  initial  letters  as 
a  Monogram  are  indistinct],  E.  Gallsan  [?],  Tho.  Clutterbuck. 
J.  D.  Browne 

Sep.  6  William  Andrews,  b.,  of  Combcrton,  Worcester,  &  Catherine  Anu 
Ward,  of  S4  B.  8.,  s.  L.,  by  John  Hutehins,  A.M.,  Minr.  Wit.: 
W"  Ward,  Joanna  Wrigglesworth 
14  James  Harding,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Duffield,  of  the 
same,  s.  B.,  by  T.  W.,  Lecturer.  Wit.:  Hariott  Skinner,  William 
Morshead  Harry,  Eliz'1'  Duffield,  Mary  Elizabeth  B [illegible] 


Jan.    22     John  Lnmlev,  of  Sl  Botolph,  Aldgate,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Catherine  Smith, 

of    Sl  S.,"W.,  w.      L.  A.  C,  by  G.   S.  T.     Wit.:   William  Lyne, 

M.  Sterry 
Aug.  24     Francis  Mee,  of  S*  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Hatchett,  of    Sl  Stephen, 

Coleman  St.,  s.      L.  A.  C,  by  T.  W.,  Lecturer.     Wit. :  M.  Wood, 

M.  Dodford,  E.  Banning,  Jos1'  Hunter 
Sep.    10     John   Jack,  of    S4  S.,  W.,  w.,  &   Martha   Eggleton,  of   the   same,  s. 

L.  A.C.,  by  T.  W.,  lecturer.     Wit.:  William  Smith,  William  Lyne 
26     Gottlieb  Lewis  Engelbach,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Harriot  Trneman,  of  the 

same,  s.      L.  A.  C,  by  A.  Hall,  Curate  of  S'  Botolplis,  Aldgate. 

Wit.:  ....  [illegible],  John  Trneman,  Johu  Trneman,  M.  Trueman, 

E.  Trueman,  Maria  Trueman 


Apr.     7     George    Franklin,  of    Sl    S.,  W.,  b.,   &    Mary   Hanson,  of    S'   James, 

Clerkenwell,  Middx.,  w.      L.  B.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit. :    Samuel 

Durham,  Harriot  Demages  [?] 
[Aug.  5     Andrew  Webb,  of  Sl  Duustan  in  the  East,  London,  b.,  &  Ann  Drew,* 

of  S*  S.,  W.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  W.  Lucas,  Minister.    Wit. :  J.  Hubbard, 

Josh    Hubbard.      This    entry    is    cancelled,    but    see    the    following 

one. — Ed.] 
12     Andrew  Webb,  of  Sl  Dunstans  in  East,  London,  b.,  &  Ann   Webb, 

formerly  Drew, J  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  "who  have  already  been  married  to 

each  other,"  were  married  in  this  church  by  Licence  by  W.  Lucas, 

minr.     Wit. :  Joseph  Hunter,  J.  Hubbard 
16     John  Elliot,  of  S*  Giles,  Cripplegate,  b.,  &  Kerenhappach  Robinson,  of 

Sl  S.,  W.,  s.     L.,  by  W.  Lucas,  min\     Wit. :  James  Robinson,  Lydia 

Elizth  Robinson 
Nov.   17     Robert  Torin,  of  S*  Diouis  Backchurch,  esq.,  1...  &  Elizabeth  West,  of 

S'  B.  S.,  s.      L.,  by  G.  S.  T       Wit. :  Charles  West,  Elizabeth  West, 

E.  T.  Torin,  S.  West 
20     John  Salt,  of  Sk  Antholin,  b.,  &  Hannah  Lane,  of  S'  B.  S.,  w.    L.  B.  L., 

by  W.  L.     Wit. :  Rich'1  Bailey,  Joanna  W lesworth  [?] 


Feb.      3     John  King,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Charlton,  of  tho  Queens 

Elms,  Chelsea,  Middx.,  s.    L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.    Wit.: Charlton, 

E.  King 
May    30     William    Buskin,   of   S'   Marv,   White   chapel,   Middx.,   b.,   &   Rebecca 

Mason,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.     L.  A.  C,  by  W.  L.     Wit. :  Thomas  Mason, 

Jos1'  Hunter 
Sep.   24     John  Reay,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Perry,  of  Sl  Paul,  Shadwell,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  W.  L.     Wit. :   II.  Perry,  Jos1'  Hunter 

*  Signed  "  Ann  Drew."  J  Signed  "  Ann  Webb,  late  Drew." 

1799-1803         AND   ST.    BENET    SHEREHOG :     MARRIAGES.  217 

Oct.    26     George  Stacey,  of   S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Hubbard,  of   the  same,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  William  Lyne,  Mary  Lyon,  Hannah 

Nov.  24     William  Cranston,  of  S4  Giles  in  the  Fields,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Margaret 

Mitchelson,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  s.      L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :    W'»  Wells, 

Jn°  Mark,  Grace  Mark,  J  .  .  .  Adam 


Feb.  6  Thomas  West,  of  S4  Mary,  Wliitechapel,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Frances  Lever, 
of  S4  B.  S.,  s.  L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.  Wit. :  Mathew  Spragg,  Mary 
Elizabeth  White,  Elizabeth  Ilonoria  Davis,  James  Robinson 
23  John  Robson,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Phebe  Nainby,  of  the  same,  s.  B.,  by 
G.  S.  T.  Wit.:  John  Nainby,  Ann  Nainby,  Eleanor  Wilson, 
D.  Mackreth 
Mar.     5     Attwell  Dobson,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Charlotte  Read,  of  the  same,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  John  Nainby,  Ann  Nainby 
July   15     Michael  Bland,  of  S*  Augustin,  in  the  County  of  Norfolk,  b.,  &  Sophia 
Maltby,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  s.      L.  A.  C,  by  Edward  Maltby,  Vicar  of 
Buckden,  Hunts.     Wit.  :  Maria  Maltby,  Henry  Rivers,  George  Maltby 
27     John  Jamison,  of  S4  S  ,  W.,   b.,  &  Martha  Marv  Lambc,  of  the  same, 
s.     L.  A.  C,  by  W.  L.     Wit. :  Mary  Hilton,  William  Lyne 
Oct.      9     William  Clark,  of  this  par.,  w.,  &  Ann  Wadsworth,  of  S4  George  in  the 
East,  Middx.,  s.      L.,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit.:    Tho8  Marshall,  Mary 
13     John  Mitchell,  of  S4  John  at  Hackney,  Middx.,  w.,  &  Mary  Rawlings, 
of  this  par.,  w.      L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:    William  Henry  Aylmer 
Mitchell,  Mary  Howell,  Sarah  ....  [illegible] 
16     Robert  Lewis,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Ann  Ashby,  of  S4  Mary,  Lambeth, 
Surry,  s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Rob4  Lewis,  Ann  Ashby,  H.  Booth 
26     Edward  Duffy,  of  S4  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Jane  Aburn, 
of  this  par.,  s.    L.,  by  G.  S.  T.    Wit,:  William  Lyne 


Jan.      8     Thomas  Pearman,  of  Bray,  Berks.,  w.,  &  Eleanor  Field,  of  this  par.,  s. 

L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  John  Banks,  Mary  Banks 
Oct,      9     Charles  Battye,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Jane  Laititia  Crispin,  of  Kensington, 

Middx.,  s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  G.  W.  Crispin,  Frances  Tilson 


Feb.    16     Samuel  Clare,  of  S4  B.  S.,  w.,  &  Sophia  Curtis,  of  S4  Anne,  Blackfriars, 

s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Andrew  Reed,  S.  Goodwin 
May     1     Richard  Heale,  of  S4  Martin  Vintry,  London,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Alven,  of 

this  par.,  s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  James  Heale,  Sarah  Alven 
June  26     William  Love,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Nicholson,  of  the  same  par., 

s.     L.  A.  C,  by  A.  Lucas,  miur.     Wit. :  Henry  Layton,  A.  Love 
Sep.      4     Joseph  Trueman,  of  S4  B.  S.,  &  Mary  Crane,  of  S4  Mary,  Lambeth,  s. 

L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  W.  B.  Rhodes,  H.  Gunnell 
29     James  Seager,  the  younger,  of  S4  James  in  the  town  &  County  of  Pool, 

b.,  &  Amy  Street,  of  this  par.,  s.     L.  A.  C,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. : 

J.  Garland,  R.  Noble,  E.  Garland 


Jan.   23     Thomas  Robinson,  of  S4  Mary,  Newington,  Surrey,  b.,  &  Sarah  Coombs 

Bradfield,  of  this  par.,  s.     L.  A.  C.,by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  George  Stacey, 

Hannah  Hubbard 
Feb.    10     Thomas  Nimmo,  of  S4  Mary  le  Bone,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Birkett,  of 

this  par.,  s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Jn°  Birkett,  Sarah  Walker,  Anna 

Maria  Graham 

218     st.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  and  st.  benet  sherehog.    1803-4 

Mar.  17  Michael  Russell,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Janet  Mainwaring,  of  S'  Botolp, 
Aldgate,  Middx.,  s.,  a  minor,  with  conseut  of  Will™  Mainwaring,  her 
father.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.  Wit. :  Geo.  Stone,  Sarah  Mainwaring, 
Josh  Slader 
24  William  Moore,  of  Doctors  Commons,  London,  b.,  &  Mary  Aun  Price, 
of  the  Mansion  House,  a  spinster  (dau.  of  ye  Right  Hon.  Charles 
Price,  Lord  Mayor,  M.P.),  mar.  by  special  Licence  by  J.  Hutchins, 
M.A.,  Chaplain  to  the  Lord  Mayor.  Wit. :  Cha*  Price,  Mary  Price, 
Lucy  Hennetta  Price,  Anne  Price 

Apr.  11  George  Warrington,  of  this  par.,  w.,  &  Lois  Atkins,  of  this  par.,  s. 
B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit, :  John  Atkins,  Sarah  Atkins 

May  17  Thomas  Clarke,  clerk,  vicar  of  the  parish  of  Westbury,  Bucks,  b.,  & 
Honoria  Mary  Cowley,  of  this  par.,  s.  L.,  by  G.  S.  T.  Wit.: 
Matthew  Thomas,  James  Brooks,  Sarah  Phipps,  Ambrose  Serle, 
Mary  Beufield,  Eliza  Brooks,  Jane  Phipps 

June  23  William  Simpson,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Pickering,  of  this  par.,  s. 
B.,  by  W.  Lucas,  Miur.     Wit. :  Ann  Fletcher,  J.  Fletcher 

July    14     Edward  Bayley,  of  Shawbury,  Salop.,  w.,  &  Mary  Horner,  of  this  par., 
s.     L.,  by  W.  L.     Wit,  :  John  Horner,  George  Stacey 
17     Matthew  Weldon,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Mary  Doyle,t  of  Sl  Ann,  Soho, 
Westminster,    s.      B.,   by   W.   L.     Wit.:    George    Stacey,   Hannah 

Nov.  10  James  Smith,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Ellen  Connor,  w.,  of  this  par.  B.,  by 
G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  George  Stacey,  Hannah  Hubbard 

Dec.  1 1  Samuel  Clark,  of  S'  Giles,  Cripplegate,  London,  b.,  a  minor  with 
consent  of  his  natural  &  lawful  father,  &  Hannah  Clark,  of  S'  B.  S., 
s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  John  Clark,  junr,  Phebe  Clark 


Jan.   31     George  Gladding,  b.,  &  Mary  Robinson.t  s.,  both  of  Sl  B.  S.     B.,  by 

G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  George  Stacey,  Flora  Withy 
Feb.      2     John  Harconrt  Smith,  of  S'  Peter  in  the  City  of  Bristol,  b.,  &  Elizabeth 

Carleill,  of  this  par.,  s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:  P.  Snatt  [?],  Lucy 

12     James  Crossley,  b.,  of  this   parish,  &  Ann   Smith,  s.,  of  this  parish. 

Banns  by  G.  S.  Townley,  Rector.     Wit. :  William  Crossley,  Elizabeth 


(     219     ) 



[Publication  of  Banns  as  to  which  the  Register  contains  no  corresponding 
entry  of  Marriage.  The  ceremony  may  he  presumed  to  have  taken  place  elsewhere 
in  some  of  these  cases,  whilst  in  others  the  intended  marriage  may  have  never 
occurred  at  all. — Ed.] 


Aug.  25,  1  John  Edwards,  of  Sfc  Stephens,  Walbrook,  h.,  &  Rachel  Nicall,  of 

Sep.  1,  8  j       S'  Gahriel,  Fenchurch,  s. 

Sep.  22,  29,  )  Rohert  Lloyd,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Catherine  Fawks,  of  S'  Mary  le 

Oct.  6  j       Bonn,  s. 


Aug.  8,  15,  22      Edwd   Forster,  of   S'   S.,  W.,    b.,  &    Susannah   Forney,   s.,  of 
S'  Bartholomew  Exchange 


June  25,  )  Abraham  Longstrafe,  of  S'  Lukes,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Mary  Eagle,  of 

July  2,  9         |      S*S.,W.,  s. 
[Dec.  3  Peter  Dent,  b.,  of    S'  Bennet  Sherehog,  &    Sarah  Mallatt,  of 

S'    S.,  W.,    s.     "N.B. — The  above  Banns   were   forbidden." 

[Cancelled.— Ed.] 

Jan.  13,  20,  27     Joseph    Duffle,    of    S'  Brides,    w.,    &    Ann    Dipple,    of   S1  S., 

W.,  w. 
Aug.  17,  24,  31     Thos  Bayley,  of  Sb  S.,  W.,  w.,  &  Ann  Edis,  of  S'  Giles's  in  the 

Fields,  s. 
Oct.  19,  1  Cain  O'Haro,  of  S»  Olave,  Southwark,  b.,  &  Mary  Buxton,  of 

Nov.  2,  9         |S*  B.  S.,  w. 


June  14,  21,  29     Thos  Matthews,  of    S'  Mary  Woolnoth,  b.,  &  Ann   Brown,  of 

Sfc  S.,  W.,  s. 
July  5,  12,  19       William  Cook,  of  S»  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Cooper,  of  Sb  Martin, 

Vintry,  s. 


Oct.  6,  13,  20        Joseph  Rhoads,  of  S*  John,  Clerkenwell,  b.,  &  Mary  Birkbeck, 
of  S'  B.  S.  [no  condition  stated] 


Dec.  8,  15,  22       Charles  Taylor,  of  S*  Martin  in  the  fields,  b.,  &  Mary  Jackson, 
of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s. 


June  1,  8,  15        John  Martin,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Isabella  Cushney,  of  the  same 
par.,  s. 


May  24,  31,  )  W"»  Pare,  of  S*  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Ann  Tooley,  of  Christ   Church, 

June  7  j       Spittalfields,  s. 

Aug.  30,  \  Thomas   Judd,   of    Bromley,    Middx.,   b.,   &   Hannah   Days,  of 

Sep.  6,  13  )       S*  S.,  W.,  [no  condition  stated] 

220  registers  of  st.  Stephen's,  walbrook,      1768-1807 


Feb.  7,  14,  21  John  Andrew,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Mary  Elgie,  of  S»  Pauls, 
Covent  Garden,  s.  [Marr.  Sl  Paul,  Cov.  Garden,  25  Feb.,  vide 
Vol.  XXXV,  Harl.  Soc.  Pub.,  Register  Section.] 


Oct.  4,  11,  18  Richard  Munday,  of  S'  S.,  W.f  b.,  &  Ann  King,  of  the  same 
par.,  s.,  married  by  Licence  Oct.  18,  1772 


Aug.  15,  22,  29     Robert  Smith,  of  S'  Mary  le  Bone,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Mary  Provo, 

of  Sl  S.,  W.,  s. 

July  3,  10,  17  John  Badger,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Frances  Bumfriss  [?], 
of  the  same,  s. 


Jan.  28,  )  Wm  Howell,  of  S*  Swithins,  London  stone,  b.,  &  Margaret  Darley, 

Feb.  4,  1 1        (      of  Sl  S,  W.,  s. 
Apr.  28  [>'c]         Chas  Bleaden,  of  S4  Marv  le  Bow,  b.,  &  Jane  Godfrav,  of  S'  S., 
W.,  s. 


Aug.  3,  10,  17       John  Pugh,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Margaret  Price,  of  the  same,  s. 
Sep.  14,  21,  28      John  Atkins,  of  Sl  S.,   W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Litteel,  of  the  same. 
(No.  61) 


Jan.  20,  27,         I  Wm  Bottle,  of  Sk  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Daunells,  of  the  same,  s. 
Feb.  3  (      (No.  62) 


Jan.  11,  18,  25      Benjn  Browniug,  of  S'  James,  Westminster,  b.,  &  Jane  Pinking, 

of  S*  S.,  VV.,  s. 
Nov.  14,  21,  28    Josh  Forster,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Watson,  of  the  same,  s. 


July  15,  22  Richd  Chorkwright,  of  Sk  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Frances  Sparkes,  of  the 

same,   s.      "Neither   of    the   Parties    are    above    Parishes." 

[Cancelled.— Ed.] 


June  29,  )  Richard   Cox,   of    Sl   George's,   Bloomsbury,   b.,   &    Elizabeth 

July  6,  13       )       Dedmarch,  of  S'  B.  S.  [uo  condition  stated] 


Sep.  13,  20,  27      Daniel  McKinlay,w.,  of  Sl  S.,W.,&  Hannah  Lindo,s.,  of  the  same 


Jan.  17,  24,  31      Thomas  Harris,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Iunis,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 


Aug.  21,  28,  1  Wm  Heath,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Jane  Logsdell,  s.,  of  Sl  Michael 

Sep.  4  f      Royal 
Nov.  20  John  Offill,b.,&  Sarah  Buckcy,  s., both  of  this  parish,  "forbidden" 


July  13,  20,  27     John  Mc  Lean,  b.,  &  Ann  Jones,  6.,  both  of  Sl  B.  S. 


J- n    18   2'  )  Geo.  Knevett,of  S' Marv  1<- Bow.  li.,  &  Lury  Scales,  of  Allhallows, 

'.,-',    '. "  '         /      Lombard  St.,  s.     ("  S'  Marv  le  Bow  was  shut  up  for  repairs 
)       at  the  time  of  publishing  these  Banns.") 

1808-27  AND   ST.   BENET    SHEREHOG  :     MARRIAGES.  221 


JaF  h*V81'  1  Wm  CanD'  b-'  &  Marj  Brooker'  s"'  both  of  th'S  par'sh 

June  19,  26,  )  Bartley  Wilson,  b.,  of  Sb  Mary,  Whitechapel,  &  Mary  Randel,  of 

July  3  )      this  par.,  s. 


)  John  Merrick,  of  Sfc  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Eleanor  Hebbart,  of  Sk  Mary  le 

I       1    S  [      bonne,  published  at  Sl  Mary  Woolnoth,  London,  "  S*  Stephen, 

Aug.  1,  8  j       w'albrook,  being  at  this  time  shut  up  for  repairs  " 


Aug.  28,  )  William   Bisset,   b.,   &   Mary  Bisset,  w.,  both   of   this    Parish 

Sep.  4,  11  j       [In  the  margin  "  not  so." — Ed.] 


Mar.  26,  )  John    Burling,    b.,   of    this    parish,    &    Sarah    Hodges,    s.,    of 

Apr.  2,  9  }      S'  B.  S. 


July  23,  30,  )  David    Magson,   b.,    &    Charlotte    Huggan,    s.,    both    of    this 

Aug.  6  j      parish 


Feb.  11,  18,  25     Henry   Pedler,   b.,   of    this   parish,   &    Mary    Snowden,    s.,    of 

S'  George,  Hanover  Square 

Feb.  25,  )  George  Hammond,  b.,  &  Nancy  Williams,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 

Mar.  4  )       "  Forbidden  by  order  of  A.  Williams,  March  10th  1821  " 
Sep.  16,  23,  30     John  Morrell,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Couter,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 

Dec.  28,  )  gamuei  prince,  b.,  &  Mary  Raven,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 

Nov.  4,  11  ) 


June  2,  9,  16         Samuel  James  Collyer,  b.,  &  Mary  Laming,  both  of  this  parish 

June  30,  )  John  Eusworth,  of  this  parish  &  Abbots  Langley,  b.,  &  Mary 

July  7,  14  j       Stillington  Pater,  of  this  parish,  s. 

Aug.  18,  25,  )  Jo]m  F[etcner  b„  &  Mary  Ludbrook,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 

Sep.  1  ) 


Dec.  5,  12,  19       Samuel  Chick,  of  this  parish  &  S*  Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  b.,  & 
Anne  Baker,  of  this  parish,  s. 


May  22,  29,        )  Lucas  Earle  Lipscombe,  b.,  &  Mary  Ann  Eastwood,  s.,  both  of 

June  12  j       this  parish 

June  19, 26,  \  John    Gasson    [altered    from    "Glassou"],    w.,    &    Elizabeth 

July  3  j       Sundridge,  s.,  both  of  this  parish   [Compare  entry  below. — Ed.] 

6C'    5  (Matthew  Hardes,  b.,  &  Martha  Hardes,  s.,  both  of    S*  B.  S. 

1826  I       [This  entry  is  crossed  x  in  pencil. — Ed.] 

Jan.  1,8  I 

July  23,  30,        )  j  hu  Glover  b    &  Eliza  jujti   8    both  of  this  parish 

Aug.  6  ) 

Sep.  3,  10,  17       John  Glasson,  w.,  &  Elizabeth  Sundridge,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 
[Compare  1825  entry  above. — Ed.] 


Feb.  4,  11,  18        William  Colle,  b.,  &  Marianne  Mildred  Courtney,  s.,  both  of  this 

222    st.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  and  st.  benet  siiekeiiog.     1827-41 

C"\r    °4   11       |  Richard  Rogerson,  b.,  &  Martha  Warren,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 
July,  15,  22,  29    John  Richards,  b.,  &  Jane  Wright,  w.,  both  of  this  parish 
JaFeb°327'        I  Edmond  Minton,  b->  &  Johanna  Dillon,  w.,  both  of  this  parish 

\i      *>"  '        l  ^araos  de  Courcy,  b.,  &  Ann  Spiller,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 

June  22,  27,       1  Lee  Devereux,  of  this  parish,  b.,  ft  Phoebe  Witham,  of  Hcmpnall 
July  6  I      in  Norfolk,  s. 

J"a       3   10      I  Robert  Cocks>  b-.  &  Mar7  Al111  Timothy,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 


June  21,  28,        )  Johu  Merrielees,  b.,  of  this  parish,  &  Margaret  Thomson,  s.,  of 

July  5  f      East  Parish,  8'  Nicholas,  Aberdeen 

Nov.  15,  22,  29     Thomas  Hogsflesh,  b.,  &  Mary  Elizabeth  Burgess,  s.,  both  of  this 
parish     "  Were  never  married  here  " 


June  27,  )  Cornelius  Bicknell  Payne,  b.,  &  Susannah  Warwick  Smith,  s., 

July  4,  11       )      both  of  this  parish 


Apr.  8,  15,  22       John  Mills,  b.,  &  Hannah  Anderson,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 

Apr.  29,  1  William   Stephenson,   w.,  &  Catherine   Carroll,  w.,  both  of  this 

May  6,  13  J       parish 
Nov.  4,  11,  18       Isaac  Malyon,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Bromsgrove,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 

Nov.  25,  \  Thomas  John  Feldwick,  b.,  &  Ann  Reynolds,  s.,  both  of  this 

Dec.  2,  9  j      parish 


S.'  ."   o    m       \  Robert  Tarlington,  b.,  &  Aim  Bullock,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 
Feb.  3,  10       j  °  '  r 

A  M  l\  \  Antlrew  Nonage,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Jones,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 


Apr.  9,  16,  23       Walter  William  Bull,  b.,  &  Maria  Ann  Norbnry,  w.,  both  of  this 

June  18,  25,        I  Jonathan    Rhone,  b.,  &   Mary  Ann   Buxton,  w.,  both  of   this 
July  2  )      parish 


July  22,  29,        )  William  Wynne  Vaughan,  b.,  &  Mary  Anne  Oakley,  s.,  both  of 

Aug.  5  j       of  this  parish 

Sep.  2,  9,  16  Charles  Ennis  Ward,  b.,  ft  Emma  Julia  Dixon,  s.,  both  of  this 

Nov.  4,  11,  18       William  Chilwcll,  b.,  ft  Elizabeth  Goodes,  s.      [No  parish  slated. 

— Ed.] 
Dec.  30  | 

1839  /"Thomas  Hart,  b.,  &  Sarah  Knight,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 

Jan.  6,  13  I 


Feb.  14,  21,  28      Charles  Reed,  w.,  &  Mary  Ann  Base,  s.,  both  of  this  parish 

„  )  Daniel   Morris   Emery,  b.,  &  Rebecca   Hiiincrsham,  s.,   both   of 

l.f        .  f       H"is  parish     [This  "is  the  last  entry  in  the  Banns  Register  IIIa. 

Al,r-4  j      -Ed.] 

(     223     ) 


The  Register  of  Baptisms  and  of  Births  began  Octr  the  19th  1790. 
J  790 

Oct.    19     Frank    s.   Mr    George    Stanway   &    Mary   his   wife,  of   the   parish    of 
S'  Bennet  Sherehog,*  born  7  Jan.,  1790 
30     Elizabeth  d.  M1'   Joseph  Thompson  &  Eliza  his  wife,  of  S'  Stephen, 
Walbrook.J  b.  Oct.  1 
Dec.   28     John  s.  Mr  John  Field  &  Elizabeth  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.  29  Nov. 


Feb.    19     Jane  d.  Mr  John  Banks  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  Jan.  20 

26     Abraham  s.  Mr  George  Field  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  31  Jan. 
Mar.     6     Sophia  d.  Mr  James  Bolton  &  Elizabeth  hi3  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  30  Jan. 
16     Thomas  s.  Mr  Thomas  Templeman  &  Catherine  his  wife,  of  Sl  B.  S., 
b.  Feb.  13 

(7.)    Inspect4  &  Duty  paid  31  Mh  1791.     W.  Goodwin.§ 

June     7     Sarah  Jane  d.  Thomas  Margary  &  Jane  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  27  Apr. 

Oct.    16     Margaret  d.  Mr  Peter  Bentley  &  Margaret  his  wife,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.  Sep.  5 

Dec.    16     Marian  Octavia  d.  Paul  le  Mesurier,  esq.,  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  S.  W., 

b.  Nov.  17 

16  Mary  Ann  d.  Francis  Alven  &   Elizabeth   his  wife,  of   S'  S.,  W.,  b. 

Nov.  14 


Feb.    15     Hesther  d.  Mr  William  Compton  &  Melusina  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W., 

b.  Jan.  19 
Apr.     2     Richard  Jaques  s.  Mr  Samuel  Brandram  &  Jane  his  wife,  of  S*  B.  S. 
June  10     Thomas  s.  Thomas  Henton  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S4  B.  S.,  b.  May  13 

17  Mary  d.  Thomas  Marshall  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  May  13 
Sep.      3     Mary  d.  Mr  Richard  Maddocks  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Aug.  3 

12     Ann  Theodosia  d.  Mr  Thomas  Templeman  &  Catherine  his  wife,  of 

S'  B.  S.,  b.  Aug.  14 
30     Cristiana  d.  John  Jones  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  Sep.  6 
Oct.      1     Samvel  s.  Joseph  Palmer  &  Lidia  Wright,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Aug.  14 

1.5     Mary  Jane  d.  Mr  Abraham  Watson  Rutherford  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of 
S*  S.,  W.,  b.  Oct.  4 
Nov.  18     James  s.  John  Banks  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  1804 
Dec.      7     priv.  bap.  Sarah  d.  Thomas  Ward  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  recd 
into  the  cong.  Dec.  23,  b.  Sep.  12 


Feb.    10     Thomas  s.  Thomas  Powell  &  Jane  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.  Jan.  21 

11     William  Cornelius  s.  Mr  George  Field  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b. 

Jan.  21 
17     Georgiana  Franklin  Tunnard  d.  Mr  John  Franklin  Tunnard  [«c]  his 
wife,  of  S4  B.  S.,  b.  26  Mar.,  1792 
Aug.  29     Ann  Currie  d.  Mr  Andrew  Cairncross  &  Isabella  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S., 
b.  July  31 

*  Abbreviated  to  S1  B.  S.— Ed.  J  Abbreviated  to  S«  S.,  W.— Ed. 

§  See  footnote  on  page  196.— Ed. 

224  REGISTKRS  OF  ST.  stkphen's,  walbrook,  1793-7 

Sep.      4     John  s.  Mr  Peter  Bentley  &  Margaret  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.  Aug.  5 
Nov.  26     Jonathan   s.  Mr  Abraham   Watson   Rutherford   &   Sarah   his  wife,  of 

Sl  S.,  W..  b.  26  Oct. 
Dec.    29     Elizabeth  d.  Mr  Thomas  Margary  &  Jaue  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b. 

Nov.  29 
29     Hannah  d.  Mr  Andrew  Gottlieb  &  Elizabeth  his  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b. 

Dec.  5 


Feb.      7     Charles  s.  Mr  George  Powell  &  Elizabeth   his  wife,  of    S'  B.  S.,  b. 
Jan.  4 
9     Mary  Ann  d.  Mr  William  King  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S*  B.  S.,  b.  Jan.  10 
Mar.  30     Sarah  Ann  d.  Thomas  Henton  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.  Feb.  19 
25.     Inspected  to  31  March,  1794.     W.  Goodwin 

June     3     Joseph  Rodgers  s.  Mr  Thomas  Templeuiau  &  Catherine  his    wife,  of 

S*  B.  S.,  b.  May  1 
Julv  26     William  s.  Mr  George  Field  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  July  7 

27     William  s.  Mr  Thomas  Marshall  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b. 
June  16 
Aug.  24     Eliza  d.  Mr  Stephen  Hassall  &  Margaret  his  wife,  of  S'   S.,  W.,  b. 
July  31 
31     priv.  bap.  Catherine  d.  Mr  George  Lynam  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W. 
Sep.      4     Amelia  Jane  d.  Mr  Joseph  Palmer  &  Lidia  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b. 
Jan.  19 
21     priv.  bap.  Michael  Eaton  s.  Mr  John  Henry  Wilkinson  &  Sarah  his  wife, 
of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  Sep.  6,  recd  in  the  cong.  Dec.  25 

(7)  Inspected  &  Duty  paid.     W.  Goodwin 

Dec.    12     Francis  s.   Mr  Francis  Alven  &  Elizabeth  his  wife,  of    Sl  S.,  W.,  b. 
Nov.  14 


Mar.     1     Elizabeth  d.  Mr  Thomas  Ward  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of  Sk  S.,  W.,  b.  1  Feb. 
May     3     Johauna   Bond,   a   foundlin   child    dropt   in    Bond's   court,    Walbrook, 

Apr.  28,  in  the  evening 
Aug.  16     Lucy  d.   Mr  Andrew  Cairncross  &  Isabella  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b. 

July  14 
Nov.  27     Ann   d.   Mr  Thomas   Templeman   &  Catherine  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S., 

b.  Nov.  2 
Dec.    17     priv.  bap.  Sarah  d.   Mr  John  Henry  Wilkinson  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of 

S'  S.,  W.,  recd  in  the  congn  Jan.  28,  1796,  b.  Dec.  11,  1795 


Jan.      7     Elizabeth  d.  Mr  Edward  Robinson  &  Elizabeth  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S., 

b.  Dec.  9,  1795 
May   11     Honoria  d.  M1'  George  Field  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Apr.  13 
July  24     William  s.  Mr  William  King  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.  28  June 
Dec.    11     William  s.  Peter  Underwood  &  Ann  his  wife,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  Nov.  14, 

lodger  at  N°  1,  under  Bond's  Court 
16     Mary  Ann  d.  Mr  Peter  Beutley  &  Margaret  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b. 

Nov.  21 


Feb.     3     Louisa  Hooper  Robinson  d.  Mr  Edward  Robinson  &  Elizabeth  his  wife, 

of  B*  B.  S.,  b.  8  Jan. 
June  14     Samvel  s.  Mr  Thomas  Marshall  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  4  May 
July   17     Thomas  s.  Mr  Heury  Clutterbuck  &  Harriot  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b. 

May  16 

1797-1801  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEEEHOG  :     BAPTISMS.  225 

Aug.  20     Mary  Ann  d.  Mr  Thomas  North  &  Martha  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b. 

July  14 
Dec.    31     William,  an  illeg.  child  of  Jane  West,  belonging  to  S'  B.  S.,  b.  25  Nov. 
22     Harriott  d.  Mr  William  Bennett  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of  S»  B.  S.,b.  Nov.  19 


Jan.      4     Eliza  d.  Mr  James  Bacon  &  Elizabeth  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.  Dec.  3, 

Feb.    19     Jane  d.  Mr  William  King  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.  Jan.  27 

27     Edward  Augustus  s.  Mr  Edward  Augustus  Gibbons  &  Mary  Orgar  his 

wife,  of  S*  B.  S.,  b.  26  Jan. 

Apr.  21     Edward  Foot  s.  Mr  John  Atkins  &   Sarah  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b. 

July  12,  1796 

21     Julia  d.  Mr  John  Atkins  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Mar.  8,  1798 

July   12     Louisa  d.  Mr  Thomas  Templeman  &  Catherine  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b. 

Apr.  15 
Sep.      2     James  s.  Mr  Ja8  Brown  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  15  Nov.,  1797 
26     Mary  Eliza   Holme  d.   Mr  William   Coates  &   Susannah   his  wife,  of 
S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Oct.  17 
Dec.      8     William  Edward  s.  M1'  William  Wentworth  Dechamps  &  Frances  Ann 
his  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  Oct.  28 

1798  [*«] 

July  20  priv.  bap.  James  Francis  s.  Mr  Charles  Henry  Rigaud  &  Catherine 
Margaret  his  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  June  23,  recd  in  the  congn 
Jan.  26,  1799 


Mar.  17     Mary  d.  Mr  Joseph  Bee  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  b.  Feb.  19 

May   26     Mary  Ann  d.  John  &  Charlotte  Birkett,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  23  Jan. 

July  21      Sarah  Halton  d.  John  Birkelt  &  Charlotte  his  wife,  b.  28  Apr.,  and  of 

sfc  s.,  w. 


Jan.  6  Maria  Rozetta  d.  Edward  Augustus  Gibbons  &  Mary  Orgar  his  wife,  of 
Sk  B.  S.,  b.  Dec,  7 

1799  [««] 

Dec.  27  Elizabeth  d.  Abraham  Wilkinson  &  Ann  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  recd  in 
the  cong"  Jan.  10,  1800,  b.  Dec.  7,  privately  baptized 

1800  [«'<] 

Feb.      9     Ann  d.  John  King  &  Elizh  Ann  King  his  wife,  of  S*  B.  S.,  b.  1 5  Jan. 
19     Harriott  d.   Mr   Henry   Clutterbuck  &   Harriott    Matilda  his   wife,  of 

S*  S.,  W.,  b.  Nov.  13,  1799 
23     Margaret  d.  James  Brown  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Feb.  15 
Apr.    10     Juliana  d.  Mr  Thomas  Marshall  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  S.  W.,  b.  6  Mar. 
July   29     Susannah  d.  William   Coster  &   Susannah   his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b. 

July  2 
Aug.     5     John  s.  Mr  John  Hingeston  [Higinson]  &  Ann  his  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W., 

b.  July  12 
Sep.   28     James  s.  James  Birch  &  Elizabeth  his  wife,  of  Sfc  B.  S.,  b.  Sep.  7 

14  [«c]     priv.  bap.  &  Oct.  26  recd  in  the  congn  Sarah  d.  George  Stacey  & 
Sarah  his  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  Aug.  31 
Nov.  12     Joseph  Bagwell  Jackson,   s.   Mr  Jackson   &  Mary  Ann  his  wife,  of 
S'  B.  S.,  b.  Oct.  1 


Feb.    15     Charles  s.  Mr  John  Atkins  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Jan.  18 
Mar.  28     Henry  s.   Mr  Henry  Darlot  &  Agnes  Joanna  his  wife,  of   S'  S.,  W., 
b.  Feb.  24 

226  REGISTERS    OF    ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1801-5 

Mar.  29    Josiah  b.  John  &  Elizabeth  Williams  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Mar.  1 
29    John  s.  John  &  Elizabeth  Williams  his  wife,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  Mar.  2 
May   15     was  bap.  Nov.   1,  1800,  roe'1  in  the  cong"  this  day,  John  s.  William 

Went  north    Deschamps    &    Frances    Ann    his    wife,    of    Sl    S.,   W., 

b.  Oct.  1 
July   18     Robert  Boyd  s.  Andrew  Cairncross  &  Isabella  his  wife,  of  S'    St.,    W. 

(Note.— Of  S*  Bonnet  Sherehog.) 
Sep.    17     Elizabeth  Isabella  d.  George  Lewis  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b. 

16  Aug. 
26     Henry  s.  Charles  Henry  Rigaud  &   Catherine  Margaret  his   wife,  of 

S4  S.,  W.,  b.  Aug.  27 


Jan.      3     Ellen  d.  George  Stacey  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  25  Nov. 
Apr.   18     Elizabeth  Mary  Ann  d.  John  &  Ann  Hingeston,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Mar.  26 
Sep.      2     John  Barnes  s.  John  Birkett  &  Charlotte  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b. 

20  Juue 
Oct.    11     Peter  s.   Henry   Darlot  &  Agnes  Joanna  his   wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b. 

Aug.  23 
Nov.  24     Eliza  Eleanor  d.  George  Parkinson  &  Sarah  his  wife,  b.  Oct.  23,  of 

S'  B.  S. 
Dec.    22     Henry  Pryce  s.  William  Wentworth  Deschamps  &  Frauces  Ann  his  wife, 

of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  1  Oct. 


Mar.   10     Henry  Francis  s.  Henry  William  Eastman  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S., 

b.  Feb.  11 
Jan.    23  [sic']     was  priv.  bap.   George  s.   Georgo  Lewis  &   Mary   his   wife,  of 

S'  B.  S.,  b.  Jan.  8,  &  admitted  into  the  cong"  Mar.  16 
Mar.   17     David   Lincolne   s.   Edward   Augustus   Gibbons  &  Mary   his  wife,  of 

S'  B.  S.,  b.  Feb.  3 
May     3     William  John  s.  William  John  Holmes  Knight  &   Sarali  his  wife,  of 

Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  Apr.  2 
20     Charles  s.  Thomas  Marshall  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  Ap.  14 
July   13     Ernest  Rawdon  s.  Frederick  Grellett  &  Elizabeth  his  wife,  of  Sl  S.,  W., 

b.  June  16 
17     Elizabeth  d.  Richard  Aston  &  Ann  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  June  25 
Nov.  24     Johnston  s.  Henry  Darlot,  &  Agnes  Johanna  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W., 

b.  Oct,  12 


Feb.    23     Charlotte  d.  John  Birkett  &  Charlotte  his  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  Nov.  18 

Apr.   26     Clarissa   d.    Edward    Augustus   Gibbons  &  Mary   Orgar   his  wife,   of 

S'  B.  S.,  b.  Mar.  27 
May      7     John  s.  William  Withey  &  Flora  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.  Apr.  10 
Juue     3     William  s.  James  Webber  &  Mary  bis  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  May  17 
Apr.   22   [sic]     was  priv.  bap.  &  admitted  into  the  cong"  June  10  Jane  d.  John 

Williams  <t  Elizabeth  his  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Apr.  18 
June  22     Isabella  d.  Robert  White  &  Maria  bis  wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Mar.  6 
Nov.     7     George  s.  George  Stacey  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  Oct.  9 


Jan.  2  was  adm:  into  tho  congn  Charlotte  Harriott  d.  James  Lay  ton  &  Kezia 
Maria  his  wife,  b.  in  the  par.  of  S4  Dionis,  Baekehurch,  Feb.  27, 
1803  [sic],  and  priv.  bap.  Mar.  27,  1803 
2  was  adm:  into  the  cong"  Temple  Iliolyard  s.  James  Lay  ton  &  Kezia 
Maria  his  wile,  b.  in  the  parish  of  Hackney  at  Stamford  Hill, 
May  26,  1803  [sic],  &  privately  bap.  29  May,  1803 

1805-8  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEREflOG  :     BAPTISMS.  227 

Jan.      3     Abraham    s.    Abraham    Wilkinson    &    Ann    his    wife,    b.    in   par.   of 

S*  Swithin,  London  Stone,  Dec.  11,  1804 
Apr.   12     Sarah  Kish  J.  Thomas   Sheppard  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of   S'  B.  S.,  b. 

Mar.  17 
24     adm:  into  (he  congn  Anna  Maria  d.  John  Atkins  &  Anna  Maria  his 

wife,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Jan.  3,  priv.  bap.  Jan.  13 
June  18     John  s.  John  Homer  &  Anna  Maria  his  wife,  of  Sfc  S.,  W.,  b.  May  21 
July   19     Elizabeth  Sarah  d.  Thomas  Marshall  &  Mary  his  wife,  of  Sb  S.,  W.,  b. 

June  8 
Aug.  14     William  s.  William  Withey  &  Flora  his  wife,  of  Sb  B.  S.,  b.  July  17 
Sep.    15     John  Henry  s.  John  Olive  &  Mary  his  wife,  living  in  the  Tower  of 

London,  b.  Apr.  14,  1776 
23     Augusta  Perchard,  d.  John  Mico  Winter  &  Rachael  his  wife    (d.  of 

Peter  Perchard,  esq.,  the  Right  Honble  the  Lord  Mayor),  b.  Aug.  22 
Nov.  18     George    s.   Edward    Augustus    Gibbons    &    Mary   Orgar   his   wife,   of 

Sl  B.  S.,  b.  Oct.  16 


Jan.    15     was   adm.    into   the   congn    George    Henry    s.  William    John    Holmes 

Knight  &  Sarah  his  wife,  cf  Sfc  S.,  W.,  b.  July  18,  1805,  priv.  bap. 

Sep.  1,  1805 

23     was  adm :  into  the  cong"  Frank  s.  John  Allatt  &  Elizabeth  his  wife,  of 

S'  B.  S.,  b.  Aug.  21,  1805,  priv.  bap.  5  Sep.,  1805 

Mar.   18     Charlotte  Rebecca  d.  George  Parkinson  &  Sarah  his  wife,  of  S'  B.  S., 

b.  Feb.  5 
Apr.     6     Frederick  s.  Abraham  Wilkinson  &  Ann  his  wife,  born  in  the  par.  of 
S4  Swithin,  London  Stone,  Mar.  14 
9     Jane  d.  John  Birkett  &  Charlotte  his  wife,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  Mar.  12 
May  27     William  Lyne  s.  George  &  Sarah  Stacey,  of  Sfc  S.,  W.,  b.  Apr.  9 
June  15     Thomas  Corner  s.  Thomas  &  Mary  Morris,  of  S'  S.,  W.,  b.  May  20 
July   17     was  adm.  into  the  congu  Barbara  Sarah  d.  James  Fieldiug  &  Frances 
Street,  of  the  par.  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.  Nov.  5,  1804 
17     was  adm.  into  the  congQ  Caroline  d.  James  Fieldiug  &  Frances  Street, 
of  S*  B.  S.,  b.  Sep.  17,  1805 
Sep.      7     Eliza  d.  Robert  &  Euphemia  Balmanno,  b.  in  the  par.  of  S'  Mary  le 

Bow,  Aug.  20 
Dec.      2     rec.  into  the  congn  Mary  Hanuah  d.  John  &  Anna  Maria  Horner,  of 
S'  S.,  W.,  b.  Aug.  20 
10     Robert  s.  Robert  &  Maria  White,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  in  Hackney,  Aug.  1, 

10     Christopher  s.  Robert  &  Maria  White,  of  S*  S.,  W.,  b.  9  Nov. 


Feb.      3  Walter  Pegler  s.  Ambrose  &  Martha  Elizabeth  Charles,  of  S'  B.  S., 

b.  Dec.  30,  1806 

Mar.  27  Caroline  d.  John  &  Maria  Gilbert,  of  S4  B.  S.,  b.  Dec.  9,  1806 

Juue  14  Sarah  Ann  d.  George  &  Ann  Sendell,  of  this  par.,  b.  May  20 

July  26  Marian  d.  Thomas  &  Mary  Hall,  of  this  par.,  b.  June  30 

Sep.      6  Sarah  d.  John  &  Mary  Gearing,  of  this  par.,  b.  Aug.  12 


Feb.      4     Eleanor  d.  Thomas  &  Mary  Marshall,  of  this  par.,  b.  Dec.  28,  1807 
Apr.   30     John  Richards  s.  John  &  Sarah  Owen,  of  this  par.,  b.  Mar.  28 
May  29     Louisa  d.  Thomas  &  Mary  Le  Filiatre,  of  this  par.,  b.  July  5,  1807 
June     1     rec  :  into  the  congn  Andrew  Burnaby  John   s.  John  &  Anna  Maria 

Atkins,  of  this  par.,  b.  May  17,  1806,  priv.  bap.  May  19,  1806 
1     rec  :  into  the  congn  Sarah  Jane  d.  John  &  Anna  Maria  Atkins,  of  this 

par.,  b.  Nov.  29,  1807,  priv.  bap.  Dec.  1,  1807 























REGISTERS    OF    ST.    STEPHENS,    WALBROOK,  1808-11 

Emily  d.  Joseph  &  Amelia  Hall,  of  this  par.,  b.  May  6 
Eliza  J.  John  &  Charlotte  Burkett,  of  this  par.,  b.  May  14 
Naomi  d.  Thomas  &  Sarah  Sheppard,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.  July  30 
Samuel  s.  Samuel  Caldwell  &  Sarah  Brandram,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.  Oct.  31 
rec.  into  the  congn  Frances  Elizabeth  d.  John  &  Anna  Maria  Horner, 
of  this  par.,  b.  Apr.  29,  1808,  priv.  bap.  in  May,  1808 

John  s.  Richard  Songhurst  &  Elizabeth  his  wife,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.  2.5  Dec, 

Henrietta  d.  Henry  &  Christian  Petty,  of  this  par.,  b.  Mar.  5 
Sarah  d.  Thomas  &  Mary  Hall,  of  this  par.,  b.  July  20 

George  Philip  s.  William  &  Marv  King,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.  3  Apr.,  1805 

Richard  Roberts  s.  Wm  &  Mary  King,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.  11  Nov.,  1808 

Phoebe  d.  Thomas  &  Marv  Marshall,  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  b.  9  Dec,  1809 

Ann  d.  John  &  Elizabeth  Taylor,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.  26  Dec,  1809 

rec:   into  the  congn   Edwyn  John   Ibbetson    s.  John  &  Anna    Maria 

Atkins,  of  this  par.,  b.  22  June,  1809,  priv.  bap.  25  June,  1809 

28     rec:  into  the  congn  Ellen  Harley  s.  James  &  Mary  Lynch,  of  Sl  B.  S., 

b.  19  June,  1804 
28     Elizabeth  Harley  d.  James  &  Mary  Lynch,  of  S*  B.  S.,  b.  2  Feb.,  1810 
28     rec:  into  the  congn  Ann  d.  Thomas  &  Louisa  White  of  S'  B.  S.,  b. 

21  Jan.,  1805 
28     rec:  into  the  congn  Emily  d.  Thomas  &  Louisa  White,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b. 
12  Oct.,  1806 
May   15     Julia  Maria  d.  Arend  Jacob  Guitard  &  Henrietta  his  wife,  of  this  par., 
b.  25  July,  1808 
15     Edward  Theodore  s.  Arend  Jacob  Guitard  &  Henrietta  his  wife,  of  this 
par.,  b.  7  Apr.,  1810 
July     8     Henry  Blow  s.  John  &  Charlotte  Birkett,  of  this  par.,  b.  June  10 
Aug.  15     Sarah  Jane  d.  Samuel   Caldwall  &  Sarah   Brandram,  of   S'  B.  S.,  b. 
17  July 


Jan.      6     Henry  s.  Richard  &  Elizabeth  Songhurst,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.  Dec.  9,  1810 

8     Robert  Bygrave  s.  Joseph  &  Amelia  Hall,  of  this  par.,  b.  Dec.  11,  1810 


Dec.  27  John  Joseph  s.  Joseph  &  Amelia  Hall,  of  this  par.,  b.  Nov.  24,  1809 
("Note. — This  baptism  omitted  in  its  proper  place  but  is  nevertheless 
correct.     G.  S.  Townley  Rector") 

1811  [«*] 

Jan.    22     Frances  d.  Nicholas  &  Anne  Sandell,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.  24  Dec,  1810 

Apr.     7     Sophia  d.  Thomas  &  Mary  Hall,  of  this  par.,  b.  2  Feb. 

June  26     Thomas  s.  John  &  Elizabeth  Taylor,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  1).  May  25 

July    14     Elizabeth  d.  Thomas  A  Mary  Morris,  of  this  par.,  b.  Jan.  31 

14     rec:  into  the  cong"  William  Henry  s.  Thomas  &  Mary  Morris,  of  this 

par.,  b.  Feb.  10 
Aug.     4     Ebenezer  s.  Thomas  &  Sarah  Shephard,  of  S*  B.  S.,  b.  July  15 

20     Caldwall  s.  Samuel  Caldwall  &  Sarah  Brandram,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  b.  23  July 
Oct.    20     rec.  into  the  congn  John  Pearce  s.  George  &  Sarah  Stacey,  of  this  par., 

b.  23  Aug.,  1809 
Nov.  28     rec :  into  the  cong"  Anne  Calcott  d.  John  &  Anna  Maria  Horner,  of 

this  par.,  b.  2  Apr. 
Dec.    19     rec  :  into  the  cong"  Katharine  Eliza  d.  William  &  Mary  Ann  Street,  of 

8"  B.  S.,  b.  20  Apr. 

1812         AND  ST.  BENET  SHEREHOG  :  BAPTISMS.  229 


Jan.      6     rec.   into    the   congn    Septimus   s.   Edward   Augustus    &    Mary    Orgar 

Gibbons,  now  deceased,  of  S6  B.  S.,  b.  Dec.  7,  1806 
6     David  Octavius  s.  Edward  Augustus  &  Martha  Gibbous,  of  S*  B.  S., 

b.  28  Oct.,  1811 
Mar.  13     Robert  Power  s.  Robert  &  Sarah  Culverwell,  b.  in  the  par.  of  S*  John 

the  Baptist  united  with  S4  Antholin,  13  Feb. 
May   13     rec :  into  the  congn  John  Edwin  s.  John  &  Hester  James,  of  this  par., 

b.  20  Nov.,  1811,  priv.  bap.  .  .  .  Nov.,  1811 
Aug.     8     rec.  into  the  congn  Charlotte  d.  John  &  Anna  Maria  Atkins,  of  this  par., 

b.  26  Jan.,  1811,  priv.  bap.  26  Feb.,  1811 
Sep.      2     rec :  into  the  congn  Frederick  Blow  s.  John  &  Charlotte  Birkett,  of  this 

par.,  b.  15  Jan. 
Oct.      1     John  s.  Joshua  &  Amy  Hart,  of  this  par.,  b.  July  2,  1811 
Nov.  14     Emma  d.  Samueld  Caldwell  &  Sarah  Brandram,  of  S'  B.  S.,  b.  15  Oct. 

in  Bridge  Se,  Blackfriars 
29     Elizabeth  Sarah  d.  Thomas  &  Elizabeth  Beard,  b.  28  Nov.,  1811 

[Remainder   of   page   and    several  pages  blank,  after    which    Burials 

commence  on  8  Sep.,  1790. — Ed.] 

(     230     ) 


The  Register  of  Burials  began  September/ 
179q  the  eight  1790./ 

Sep.      8     was  buried  M™  Mary  Russell,  in  the  chauncell  of  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook, 
brought  from  Kensington,  aged  72  years 


Jan.    22     Mra   Martha    Collet,    in    the   middle   ile,   brought    from   Wincksworth 
buildings  near  the  City  road,  aged  51  years 
27     Mre  Gertrude  Rose,  in  the  vault,  brought  from  Bassinghall  street,  aged 
28  years 
Feb.      6     Charles  Eaton,  in  the  churchyard  of  S*  S.,  W.,  brought  from  Bridewell 

hospital,  aged  13  years 
Mar.     9     Susanah  Stoyles,  in  St.  S.,  W.,  chyd.,  aged  71  years 

(10)  Inspected  &  Duty*  paid  to  31st  March  1791.     W.  Goodwin 

Apr.     7     George  Kendall,  in  chyd.  of  Sb  S.,  W.,  aged  14  months 

26  William  Dickinson,  esq.,  in  the  middle  ile  of   S'  S.,  W.,  ch.,  brought 

from  Hadley,  aged  54  years 

27  Master  Abraham  Field,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  3  months 

June  16     Mrs  Sarah  Street,  in  the  family  vault  in  the  chancel!,  brought  from 

Garlick  hill,  aged  75  years 
Aug.  21     Master  John  Lane,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  B.  S.,  aged  16  months 
Nov.  13     Elizabeth  Wells,  in  Sl  S.,  W.,  chyd.,  brought  from  Lambeth 
Dec.   26     Master  John  Field,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  B.  S.,  aged  13  months 

29  Mrs  Mary  Bridgman,  in   S'  S.,  W.,  chyd.,  brought  from  Godstone  in 

Surrey,  aged  23  years 


Jan.    11     Elizabeth  Freemont,  in  S'  S.,  W.  chyd.,  brought  from  Wm  Lyne's  house, 

aged  4  months 
18     Thomas  Brame,  in  S*  S.,  W.  chyd.,  from  the  Brittish  Tarr  Office,  aged 

35  years 
Mar.     3     Mr  George  Smith,  in  Sk  S.,  W.  chyd.,  brought  from  No.  6  in  Bucklersbury, 

aged  22  years 
26     Miss  Mary  Ann  Torin,  in  a  new  vault  in  the  chauncell,  aged  16  years, 

brought  from  Englefield  Green,  Surry      [The  nest  space  is  blank 

Apr.   18     Mr  John  Maurice,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W.,  aged  66  years 

30  Charles  Wildbore,  esq.,  in  the  chyd.  of  S»  S.,  W.,  brought  from  Walcot 

place,  Surry,  aged  63  years 
June  24     in  the  publick  vault  in  Sl  S.,  W.,  ch.  :    Miss  Margaret  Bcntley,  aged 

9  months 
Aug.  19     Mary  Light,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  S.,  W.,  aged  36  years 

28  Ellis  Hooke  Meredith,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  S.,  W.,  brought  from  Size  lane, 

aged  73  years 
Sep.      2     Ann  Yeoward,  in  the  publick  vault  in   S'  S.,  W.,  ch.,  brought  from 

Cateaton  Street,  aged  17  days 
Oct.    29     Helen  Catherine  Spoughton,  in  S'  B.  S.  chyd.,  aged  23  days 
Nov.  11     Cristiana  Jones,  in  S'  S.,  W.  chyd.,  aged  2  months 
Dec.    12     Magdalen    Cazelet,    in    the   north    ile   of    the   church,    brought    from 

Spittclfields,  aged  87  years 

*  Sec  footnote  on  j.ngc  19C— Ed. 

1793-6  burials.  231 


Jan.    16     Solomon  Pyefinch,  iu  the  publick  vault,  aged  14  years 

Mar.  12     Mary  Ann  Alven,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  13  months 

Apr.   13     William  Brown,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  [blank]  years,  brought  from 

May     2     Thomas  Lilly,  esq.,  in  the  publick  vault,  brought  from  Denmark  hill, 
Surry,  aged  60  years 
19     Hesther  Compton,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S..  W.,  aged  16  months 
25     Mr  Thomas  Malaclilin,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  65  years 
July  23     Richard   Scrimshire,  esq.,  in  the  publick  vault,  brought  from  Suffolk 

street,  aged  81  years 
Sep.      5     Mre  Mary  Cureton,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  53  years 
Oct.    29     Mrs  Mary  Venables,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  81  years 
Nov.  14     Mra  Mary  Wenham,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  60  years 

30     Miss  Jane  Maria  Axford,  in  the  south  ile  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  16  years 
Dec.   20     Miss  Mary  Lynam,  in  S4  S.,  W.,  chyd.,  aged  2  years  &  6  months 


Jan.   27     Mrs  Rebecca  Stouestreet,  in  the  cbancell  of  S4  S.,  W.,  ch.,  brought  from 

Islington,  aged  84  years 
Feb.    19     Mr  Thomas  Bigland,  in  S4   S.,   W.,   chyd.,  brought  from  Rotherhith, 

aged  57  years 

28  John  Kettle,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  54  years 

Apr.   17     Mris]  Sarah  Hudson,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  57  years 
36  Inspected.     W.  Goodwin 

24     Mre  Margaret  Deighton,  in  the  north  cross  ile  in  S4  S.,  W.,  ch.,  brought 
from  Fulham,  aged  65  years 
May   17     Master  Jonathan  Rutherford,  in  the  publick  vault  in  S4  S.,  W.,  ch.,  aged 

6  months 
June  11     Mrs  Dorothy  Hudson,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  86  years 
(3)  Inspected.     W.  Goodwin 

Nov.     3     M"  Sarah  Bridgman,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  37  years,  brought 
from  Grocers  Hall 


Jan.    11     Mre   Susauah  Fletcher  Yeoward,   in   the  publick  vault  of   S4  S.,  W., 

brought  from  Ironmonger  Lane,  aged  36  years 
Feb.    11     ["Mr"  erased]    Walter  Wilson,  in   the   publick  vault  of    S4    S.,  W., 

church,  from  Bond's  court,  aged  67  years 
Mar.  23     M"  Christiana  Willis,  in  the  great  vault  of  S4  S.,  W.,  church,  brought 

from  Islington 
May  22     Master  William  Trueman,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  10  years 
June  18     Miss  Sophia  Norsa,  in  publick  vault,  of  S4  S.,  W.,  church,  aged  13  years 

29  Master  Edward  Bentley,  iu  the  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W.,  aged  5  weeks 

Aug.  13     Richard   Brown,   in    the   publick   vault,   brought   from    Clapton,  aged 
60  years 


Jan.    13     Miss  Martha  Townley,  only  child   of   G.  S.  Townley,  Rector  of  the 
parish,  in  a  new  brick  d  grave  in  the  chancell,  near  the  chyd.  door,  in 
the  17th  year  of  her  age 
15     Cap4  Booz  Bryan,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  32  years,  brought 

from  Mincing  lane 
23     Elizabeth  Gottlieb,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  42  years 
Apr.   15     Miss  Leonora  Maria  Engel,  in  the  publick  vault,  brought  from  Lambeth, 
aged  13  years 

232  REGISTERS    OF   ST.    STEPnEN's,    WALBROOK,        1796-1800 

Apr.  27     in  the  vault,  Mr  Bentley's  child,  aged  2  years  &  2  months   [in  the 

margin  "John  Bentley"] 
May   31     Robert  Mackenzie,  in  8'  B.  S.  chyd.,  aged  55  years,  from  No.  6  in  Size 

July   29     Mr   John    Shaw,    in    S'   B.   S.   chyd.,   aged    16   years,   brought   from 

No.  5  Bucklersbury 
Sep.      3     Jeremiah  Royds,  in  the  chauncell  opon  Mr  Rob':  Royds,  aged  .  .  years 
Oct.    18     Master  Benjamin  Lewis,  in  S'  S.,  W.,  chyd.,  aged  19  years,  brought 

from  Bonds  court 
28     Miss  Mary  Ann  Holland,  in  Se  S.,  W.,  chyd.,  aged  2  months,  brought 

from  Dowgate  hill 


Feb.    12     Mr  Samvel  Lavender,  in  Se  S.,  W.,  chyd.,  aged  61  years,  brought  from 
the  lower  end  of  Wallbrook  in  S'  John  Baptist  parish 

Mar.   10     Mr  Isaac  Beard,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  aged  61  years,  brought  from 
Bonds  court 

Apr.    1 1     MrB  Jane  Prime,  in  the  south  ile  of  S'  S.,  W.,  church,  aged  56  years 
15     Mra  Rebecca  Lewis,  in  Sb  S.,  W.,  chyd.,  aged  56  years 

Dec.    31     Mr  Thomas  Tooley,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sk  S.,  W.,  aged  56  years 


Jan.    2-1     Master  Henry  Maddocks,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  8  years  &  9  months 


Dec.     2     M™  Ann  Caruthers,  in  the  public  vault.     "  N.B. — This  Register  omitted 

in  its  proper  place  but  it  is  quite  correct  according  to  the  Sextons 



Feb.    25     Edward  Lane,  in  the  chyd.  of  S»  B.  S.,  aged  46  years 
[blank]     in  the  south  cross  ile  in  the  church  Captain  Bateman,  brought  from 

Westminster,  aged  86  years 
May     6     Mr  John  Plumber,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W.,  from  Bond's  court,  aged 

30  years 
25     Mr  Robert  William  Applegarth,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  B.  S.,  aged  68  years 
Oct.    29     Miss  Elizabeth  Margary,  in  the  public  vault,  aged  5  years 
Nov.  30     Mr  Thomas  Mitchell,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  S.,  W,  brought  from  Hatton 

Garden,  aged  84  years 
Dec.    13     Master  Henry  Clutterbuck,  in  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W.,  aged  5  weeks 


Jan.      7     Mra  Lane,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  B.  S. 

Feb.    19     Master  George  Head,  in  S'  S.,  W.,  chyd.,  aged  10  days 

22     Mr  Charles  West,  in  a  vault  belonging  to  the  family  of  Torin's  and 
West's  under  the  communion  table 
Apr.  22     The  Revd  Mr  William  Clements,  in  the  middle  ile  close  to  the  cross  ile, 
aged  88  years 
Mn  Alice  Bentley,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W.,  aged  75  years 
Mra  Mary  Thomas,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  69  years 
M™  Sarah  Bigland,  in  the  chyd.  of  Sl  S.,  W.,  aged  62  years 
Margaret  Deschamps,  in  the  north  cross  ile  in  the  church 
in  chyd.,  William  Lewis,  aged  20  years,  from  Bond's  court 

M™  Ann  Davies,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  S.,  W.,  aged  80  years 
zy     M™  Ann  Graham,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  70  years 
Feb.    19     M™  Elizabeth  Poole,  in  the  south  ile  of  S'  S.,  W.,  church,  aged  76  years 
*  The  Sexton's  book  cannot  now  (1920)  be  found. — Ed. 




























1800-4  AND    ST.    BENET   SHEREHOG  :     BURIALS.  233 

Mr  Isaac  Willshire,  in  the  north  ile,  aged  77  years 
Mr  Andrias  Gottlieb,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  55  years 
Jemima  Clarke,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W. 
Thomas  Pryce,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  51  years 
John  Thorwold  Darwin,  in  the  south  ile,  aged  60  years 
Jane  Brown,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  8  weeks 
Mr  John  Hill,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  68  years 
John  Head,  in  chyd.  of  Sb  S.,  W.,  aged  4  days 

MrB  Ann  Webster,  in  her  own  familey  vault  in  the  north  ile  above  the 
cross  ile  near  the  chyd.  door 
Mar.  15     Mr  Joseph  Hawkins,  aged  61,  in  the  public  vault 
Apr.   12     Thomas  Stamper,  aged  52  years,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W. 
24     Mre  Elizabeth  Darwin,  in  tiie  south  ile,  aged  63  years 

Miss  Frances  Augusta  Bateman,  aged  27  yrs.,  in  the  cross  ile 

Mr  Edward  Neale,  aged  29,  in  the  chyd. 

Josiah  Williams,  aged  11  weeks,  in  the  chyd. 

Mrs  Rebecca  Seawell,  aged  93  years,  in  the  cross  ile 

Masr  Jhmes  Birch,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  S.,  W.,  aged  9  months 

Mr  Thomas  Priest,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  S.,  W.,  age  22  years 

Mrs  Hester  Bullin,  in  the  middle  ile,  aged  .... 

Masr  Thomas  Terry  Dunn,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W.,  aged  1  year  6  days 

Mr  Peter  Bureau,  in  the  publick  vault,  aged  64  years 

Mrs  Ann  Brown,  aged  39  years,  in  the  public  vault 

Mr.  Joseph  Salt,  in  the  public  vault,  aged  33  years 

Henry  Jones,  Esq.,  in  the  public  vault,  aged  57  years 

M™  Elizabeth  Norriss,  in  the  chyd.,  aged  46  years 

Mrs  Jane  Clark,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  S.,  W.,  aged  26  years 

Mrs  Elizabeth  Scruton,  in  the  north  ile  below  the  cross  ile,  aged  59 

Mr  Thomas  Fox,  in  the  vault,  aged  61 

Miss  Mary  Sykes,  in  the  chyd.  of  S'  S.,  W.,  aged  6  weeks 
Mrs  Elizabeth  Hatchett,  in  the  chyd.  of  S4  S.,  W.,  aged  78  weeks 
Mr  John  Sorton,  in  the  chyd.  of  S*  S.,  W.,  aged  65  years 
Mre  Mary  Ball,  in  the  cross  ile,  aged  72  years 
22  [sac]     Eleanor  West,  aged  26  years,  in  the  chancel 
George  Griffin  Stonestreet,  aged  57,  in  the  chancel 

William  Lyne,  81  years,  in  the  north  ile  under  the  pews  No.  3  &  4,  he 
was  60  years  sexton  &  40  years  parish  clerk  of  S*  S.,  W.,  &  S'  B.  S. 
Edward  Vanbrugh,  aged  80  years,  in  north  ile 
Peter  Darlot,  aged  10  weeks,  in  the  public  vault 
Francis  Lavender,  aged  27  years,  in  the  chyd. 

Frances  Munton,  in  the  chancel,  aged  53  years 

Sarah  Duning,  in  the  middle  ile,  aged  70  years 

Charles  Beauvoir  Torin,  in  the  chancel,  aged  29  years 

Catherine  Archer,  in  the  cross  ile,  aged  62  years 

Ann  Reason  Simpson,  in  the  vault,  aged  53  years 

Anna  Maria  Street,  in  the  chancel,  aged  21  years 

John  Budd,  aged  7  days,  in  the  chyd. 

John  Tewley,  aged  38  years,  in  the  chyd. 

Catherine  Semple,  aged  35  years,  in  the  north  ile  above  cross  ile 

William  Gerard,  aged  43,  in  the  public  vault 
Prisca  Vanbrugh,  aged  77,  in  the  north  ile 


























































234  registers  of  st.  stepiien's,  walbrook,  1804-9 

May   21     John  Head,  aged  6  days,  in  the  church  yard 
June     7     Richard  Prime,  aged  75,  in  the  south  ile 

20     Revd  William  Warren  Porter,  M.A.,  aged  28,  in  the  middle  ile 

Harriett  Sarah  Parkinson,  aged  9  days,  in  the  vault 

William  Banks,  aged  3  months,  in  the  north  ile  below  the  cross  ile 

Sarah  Clark,  aged  7  months,  in  the  ehyd. 

Charles  Layton,  aged  12  days,  in  the  vault 

Charles  Dickinson,  aged  28  years,  in  the  vault 

Walter  Phillips,  aged  72  years,  in  the  churchyard 

Charles  Summers,  aged  73  years,  in  the  vault 

Henry  Thomas  Jones,  aged  28  years,  in  the  vault 

Mary  Trueman,  aged  65  years,  in  the  churchyard 

Jane  Laugdon,  aged  75  years,  in  the  family  vault  entrance  to  which  is 

under  the  door  of  ye  pulpit  pew 
Mary  Scrimshire,  aged  86  years,  in  the  vault 
Arthur  Tabrum,  aged  77  years,  in  the  midale  aisle 
Hugh  Rose,  aged  48  years,  in  the  vault 
Violette  Booth,  aged  42  years,  in  the  vault 

Caroline  Street,  aged  21  years,  in  the  chancel  in  the  family  vault 
Daniel  Adams,  aged  75  years,  in  the  chyd. 

John  Goss  West,  aged  38  years,  in  the  family  vault  in  the  chancel 
Cecilia  Trueman,  aged  21  years,  in  the  churchyard 
.Samuel  Tasker,  aged  28  years,  in  Sl  B.  S.  chyd. 
William  Joseph  Strahan,  aged  22  years,  in  the  chyd. 
David  Liucolue  Gibbous,  aged  4  yrs,  in  the  vault 
Elizabeth  West,  aged  67  yrs,  in  the  family  vault  in  the  chancel 
Sarah  Clark,  aged  53  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 
F ranees  Irving,  aged  80  yrs,  in  the  vault 
Matilda  Butcher,  aged  ah1  30  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 

Sarah  Banks,  aged  21  yrs,  in  the  north  aile  below  the  cross  ail 

Mary  Ann  Trueman,  aged  23  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 

Hannah  Clark,  aged  30  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 

Frances  Lucy  Banks,  aged  15  months,  in  the  north  aile 

John  Field,  aged  65  yrs,  in  S'  B.  S.  chyd. 

Eil  ward  Pryce,  aged  65  yrs,  in  the  chancel 

Ann  Mackenzie,  aged  69  yrs,  in  Sl  B.  S.  chyd. 

Daniel  Bureau,  aged  63  yrs,  in  the  vault 
Ann  Hardwick,  aged  74  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 
John  Peter  Marchand,  aged  45  yrs,  in  the  vault 
Eleanor  White,  aged  7  days,  in  the  chyd. 
Ann  Miles,  aged  46  years,  in  Sl  B.  S.  chyd. 

David  Duveluz,  aged  83  yrs,  in  the  south  aile  below  the  cross  aile 
Thomas  Leach  Humphreys,  aged  18  weeks,  in  the  chyd. 
Elizabeth  Adams,  aged  77  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 
Mary  Bagnall,  aged  25  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 

Samuel   Brandram,  aged  67  yrs,  in  a  new  vault  under  the  pews  on  tlio 
south  side  of  the  chancel  (Licensed) 

Thomas  Veal,  aged  62  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 

Mary  Orgar  Gibbons,  aged  59  yrs,  iu  S'  B.  S.  chyd. 
























1  1 

























































1809-12  AND    ST.    BENET   SHEREHOG  :     BURIALS.  235 

Mary  Ellison,  aged  36  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 

Elizabeth  Peacock,  aged  42  years,  in  the  chyd. 

Sophia  Brandram,  aged  28  yrs,  in  the  family  vault  in  the  chancel 

Samuel  Brandram,  aged  6  months,  ditto 

Ann  Tomson,  aged  82  yrs,  in  the  vault 

Benjamin  Winthrop,  aged  71,  in  the  vault 

Davison  Muntou,  aged  57  years,  in  the  chancel 

Ann  Smale,  aged  52  years,  in  the  vault 

Inigo  William  Jones,  aged  29  yrs,  in  the  vault 

Sarah  Hall,  aged  4  months,  in  the  ch.  yd. 

John  Deschamps,  aged  [blank]  yrs,  in  the  cross  aisle 
Eleanor  Marshall,  aged  2  yrs.,  in  the  vault 
Ann  Baxter,  aged  73  yrs,  in  the  chancel 
Mary  Ann  Bridger,  aged  58  yrs,  in  the  vault 
Sarah  Fox,  aged  [blank]  years,  in  the  chyd. 
Jane  Abrey,  aged  77  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 

John  Pewtner,  aged  9  months,  in  Sfc  B.  S.  ground 
Frances  Sandell,  aged  6  weeks,  in  the  chyd. 
Nancy  Parr,  aged  32  years,  in  S*  B.  S.  ground 
Charlotte  Rebecca  Parkinson,  aged  5  yrs.,  in  the  vault 
William  Chetham,  aged  79  yrs,  in  the  vault 
Richard  Bridger,  aged  73  yrs.,  in  the  vault 
George  Head,  aged  44  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 
Ann  Elizabeth  Norsa,  aged  25  yrs,  in  the  vault 
Henry  Songhurst,  aged  7  mo.,  in  S'  B.  S.  ground 
Robert  Bygrave  Hall,  aged  8  mo.,  in  the  vault 
William  Songhurst,  aged  8  mo.,  in  S'  B.  S.  ground 
Catherine  Dalrymple,  aged  32  yrs.,  in  the  vault 
Ann  Hall,  aged  51  yrs,  in  the  vault 
Sarah  Oakley,  aged  73  yrs.,  in  the  chyd. 

Sarah  Lewis,  aged  19  years,  in  the  chyd. 

Elizabeth  Sorteu,  aged  64  yrs,  in  the  chyd. 

George  Sandell,  aged  7  days,  in  the  chyd. 

Jane  Brandram,  aged  68  yrs,  in  the  family  vault  in  the  chancel 

George  Lyon,  aged  58  yrs,  in  the  middle  aisle 

John  Odell,  aged  1  year,  in  the  chyd. 

Benjamin  Torin,  aged  7  yrs,  in  the  chancel 

James  Chetham,  aged  37  yrs,  in  the  vault 

Thomas  Cartwright  Jackson,  aged  40  yrs,  in  the  vault 

Emilia  Henrietta  Freeling,  aged  37  yrs,  in  the  chancel 







































































(     236     ) 


[Sec  List  of  Abbreviations  ante,  p.  201] 


Mar.   23     William  Quick,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Ami  Barnett.t  of  this  par.,  s.      L.,  by 

George  Towuley,  Rector.     Wit.  :  Ricd  Asbton,  George  Stacey,  Anne 

Aston  f 
June  12     Stephen  Chappell,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Warren,  of  this  par.,  s. 

B.,  by  W.  Lucas,  Recr.     Wit.  :  F.  C.  Chappell,  Surah  Stacey 
Sep.      8     Ezra  Tibbs,  of  S'  B.  S.,  w.,  &  Hannah  Salt,  w.,  of  the  same  parish.    L., 

by  A.  Hall,  M.A.,  Curate  of  Sl  Botolph,  Aldgatc.       Wit.  :    Will"' 

Lane,  George  Stacey 
Oct.       1     John  Rhodes,  of  Manchester,  co.  Lancaster,  V).,  &  Frances  Tnnnicliff,  of 

this   par.,   s.     L.,   by   G.   S.   T.     Wit.  :  James   Hartwell,  Elizabeth 

Shaw,  Mrs  Goolden,   Sam1  Mayerbofi' 
9     James   Layton,  w.,   &    Sophia  Clarkson,   s.,  both   of   this   par.     L.,  by 

W.  Lucas,  Minr.     Wit. :  Chas  Layton,  George  Stacey 
Nov.  19     William  Pitchers,  of  this  par.,  w.,  &  Ann  Aird,  of  Sfc  Peter   le  Poor, 

London,  s.     L.,  by   G.   S.   T.      Wit.  :    Thomas   Anthony,   Thomas 

Anthony,   Sarah  Anthony 


Feb.      7     John    Allatt,    of    Sl    B.   S.,    b.,  &    Elizabeth    Kingpoole,   of    Sk    Mary 

Magdalen,  Bermoudscy,  s.      L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.  :  Robert  Clarke, 

Mary  Hooper 
Mar.   10     Cadwa'llader  Williams,  of  this  par.,  1).,  &  Ann  Thackrah,  of  this  par.,  s. 

B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.  :  W.  J.  Lyon,  Hannah  Thibbard 
Apr.   25     John  Lye,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Mary  Buckland,  s.,  of  S'  Marv  Dionis 

Backchurch.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:  John  Oyston,  Sally  Buckland 
May    14     Griffith   Hughes,   of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Catherine  Quay,  w.,  of  this  par. 

B.,  by  W.  L.     Wit.:  George  Stacey,  Hannah  Hubbard 
16     Hutton  Littlewood,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Trook,  of  this  par.,  8. 

B.,  by  W.  L.     Wit. :  .Tn"  Cheesman,  George  Stacey 
June  26     John  Lawrence,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Elizabeth  Griffiths,  s.,  of  Plymouth 

Hock,  co.  Devon.      L.,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit.:    Geo.  Edw.  Griffiths, 

George  Stacey 
30     John  Osborne,  b.,  of  Sl  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  Midx.,  &  Grace  Mark,  p., 

of  this  par.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:    John  Mark,  Margaret  Mark, 

Mary  Mark 
July     4     William  Greening,  b.,  of  Sl  Saviours,  Southwark,  &  Mary  Ann  Chapman, 

of  Sl  B.  S.,  s.     L.,  by  W.  L.     Wit. :  J.  Field,  C.  Field,  J.  Stnbba 
Nov.     9     Edward  Gibbs,  b.,  of  8l  B.  S.,  &  Ester  Ann  Booth,  of  Bow,  Middx.,  s. 

L.,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit.:    John  Ping,  Susauna  Bcntlcy  Booth,  Aim 

Gibbs,  Sarah  Goddard 


Jan.  21  Charles  Cornelius  O'Donovan,  of  S'  8.,  W.,  w.,  it  Sarah  Chessell,  w.,  of 
the  same  par.     B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon,  Hannah  Hubbard 

Feb.  15  George  Penny,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Ann  Drew,  s.,  of  this  par.  B.,  by 
C.  S.  Townley.      Wit.  :  James  Drew,  Miss  Penny 

Apr.  8  William  Seex,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Elizabeth  Crussell,  s.,  of  this  par,  B., 
by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.  :  George  Stacey,  Hannah  Hubbard 

1806-10  MARRIAGES.  237 

June  15     Isaac  Cutbert,  b.,  &  Sarah  Moore,  s.,  both  of  S'  B.  S.      B.,  by  G.  S.  T. 

Wit.  :   George  Stacey,  Eliza  Pringle 
Aug.     7     Vincent  Litchfield,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Mary  Bland,  of  this  par.,  s.      L. 

Wit.  :  John  Litchfield,  Sarah  Bland,  Sarah  Litchfield 
Sep.    18     William  Weston,  w.,  of  S*  Martin  in  the  Fields,   Middx.,  &  Martha 

Worley,    s„   of   this    par.      L.,   by   W.   L.       Wit.  :  George    Stacey, 

Hannah  Hubbard 


Feb.    19     Charles  Boucher,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Maria  Barr,  of  S*  Bartholomew  the 

Great,  London,  s.      L.,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit.  :  Richd  Barr,  Elizabeth 

Mar.  21     Joseph  Hall,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Amelia  Greenwood,  s.,  of  S'  Peter, 

Cornhill.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.  :  Amelia  Greenwood,  Rob'  Bygrave, 

Sopbia  Bygrave,  Mary  Hall,  George  Greenwood 
June     4     Richard  Wright,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Mary  King,  s.,  of  Sfc  Swithin.     B.,  by 

W.  L.     Wit.  :  Will1"  Stevens.  Mary  Chapman,  Juo.  Wright 
July    18     Sander  Sidford,  of  S'  Andrew,  Holboru,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Baker,  of  this 

par.,  s.     L.,  bv  J.  Simpson,  B.D.,  Curate  of  S'  Michael's,  Cornhill. 

Wit. :  Jn°  Baicer,  K.  Baker 
26     George  Bate,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Martha  Watson,  w.,  of  this  par.     L.,  by 

W.  L.     Wit. :  Elizabeth  Watson,  Sarah  LaugforJ 
Aug.  14     William  Adams,  of   Hornsey,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Davis,  of  this 

par.,  s.     L.,  by  W.  L.     Wit.:  Dan1  Adams,  George  Stacey 


Mar.     1     James  Swan,  Junr,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Isabe'la  Dunn,  of  this  par.,  b. 

B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.  :  James  Swan,  W.  J.  Lyon 
20     John  Lyons,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Mary  Skeate,  of  this  par.,  s.     B.,  by 

G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Tho6  Bilton,  Eliz"'  Bilton 
Apr.   30     Thomas  Elliott,  of  this  par.,  w.,  &  Jane  Shatter,  of  S'  Andrew,  Holborn, 

w.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Ju°  Owen,  Sarah  Owen 
Dec.    10     William  Humphreys,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Elizabeth  Ansell,  of  Carshalton, 

Surrey,  s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Amelia  Bennett,  W.  J.  Lyon 
24     George  Wilson,  of  S'  Lukes,  Middx.,  b.,  &  Ami  Robjaut,f  of  this  par.,  s. 

L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  John  Feuner,  W.  J.  Lyon,  W.  Oson,  Sarah 

Seewood  f 


Jan.    15     David  Connell,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Margaret   Britton,  of  S'  Michael, 

Queenhithe,    s.      B.,    by    G.   S.  T.      Wit.:    W.    J.    Lyon,    Hannah 

Apr.     2     George  Cooke,  of   this  par.,  b.,   &  Ann   Trevis,  of  this  par.,  s.      B., 

by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:  Margaret  Cooke,  Eliz.  Marshall,  W.  J.  Lyon 
May      1     Edward  Lane,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Anna  Maria  Maddox,  of  S11  George, 

Bloomsbury,  s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  R.  Maddox,  George  Maddox, 

C.  Maddox,  Charles  Maddox 
July   19     Robert  Brown,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Mary  Papworth,  of  S'  Martin  in  the 

Fields,  Middx.,  s.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  John  Piercy,  J.  Stacey 


Feb.   25     Samuel  Burland,  w.,  of  Sl  John  Baptist,  London,  &  Margaret  Gilbert, 
of  this  par.,  s.     B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Richd  Roope,  Hannah  Roope 

May  16  Thomas  Kennedy,  b.,  of  S4  Pancras,  Middx.,  &  Mary  Ann  Smith,  of 
this  par.,  s.,  &  dan.  of  the  Lord  Mayor.  L.,  by  J.  Manley  Wood, 
Chaplain  to  the  Ld  Mayor.  Wit.:  J.  Smith,  Mary  Ann  Heatly, 
G.  Stacey 
31  Thomas  Fidgeon,  of  this  par.,  w.,  &  Jane  Jones,  of  Aston,  co.  Warwick, 
s.  L.,  by  Robert  Crosby,  Offg.  Minr.  Wit. :  Edwd  Allen,  Elizabeth 
.  .  .  [illegible] 

238      ST.  STEPHEN'S,  WALBROOK,  AND  ST.  BENET  SHEKEHOG.      1810-12 

Aug.  19     John  Tborne,  b.,  of  S'  B.  S.,  &  Christian  Finlay,  of  the  same,  par.,  s. 

B.,  by  Thomas  Hore,  minr.     Wit. :  J.  Baigrin,  Francis  Finlay 
Sep.    5     George  William  Crowe,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Sarah  Randall,  of  S*  Dunstan, 

Stepney,   w.      L.,    by   W.   Parker,   minr.      Wit.  :    Tho*    Whcatley, 

Sarah  Wheatley 
Nov.  6     David  Scott,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Maria  Battye,  of  S4  Mary,  Lambeth,  s. 

L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Davd  Ritchie,  George  Milne,  Helen  Milne 


May  28     John  Johnson,  of  S*  Antholin,  w.,  &  Mary  Webster,  of  this  par.,  w. 

L.,  by  Richard   Johnson,   Rector,   of    S'  Antholine.      Wit.  :    Tho8 

Marshall,  Mary  Marshall 
July  28     William  Joseph  Lyon,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Hannah  Hubbard,  of  this  par., 

s.     B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  G.  Stacey,  S.  Stucey,  Ellen  Stacey 
Aug.     4     Thomas  Mayn,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Mary  Frances  Froy,  of  this  par.,  s. 

B.,  by  H.  G.  Watkins,  minr.      Wit.  :  Josiah  Conder,  Emma  Conder, 

Harriet  Conder 
17     Francis  William  Ycowell,  of  this  par.,  b.,&  Miriam  Clark,  of  this  par.,s. 

B.,  by  John  Frith,  A.M.     Wit. :  Mary  Clark,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Sep.    14     George  Warrington,  w.,  of  this  par.,  &  Mary  Atkins,  s.,  of  this  par. 

B.,  by  J.  F.     Wit.  :  T.  Bennett,  G.  Stacey 
Nov.     6     John  Bird,  of  this  par.,  b.,  &  Mary  Smith,  of  this  par.,  \v.     B.,  by 

J.  F.     Wit.  :  W.  J.  Lyon,  Hannah  Lyon 


Jan.    11     William  Brown,  of  Twinstead  in  Essex,  b.,  &  Mary  LaHitia  White,  of 

S'  B.  S.,  s.     L.,  by  J.  F.     Wit.  :  Thomas  White,  Mariann  Parmentcr 
Feb.      6     William  Langley,  of  Sb  B.  S.,  b.,  &  Mary  Bygrave,  of  the  same  par.,  s. 

B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.  :  John  Langley,  Sarah  Canham 
Mar.     7     George  McLean,  of  this  par.,  w.,  &  Mary  Barnard,  of  this  par.,  s.      B. 

by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.  :  Jane  G.  Glenuie,  John  Franklin,  E.  Caldwell 

John  Thomas,  Thomas  Glennie 
Aug.     9     John  Holmes,  b.,  of  this  par.,  &  Susannah  Newman,!  °f  tu's  Par->  s 

B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.  :  Tho8  Thomas,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Dec.    13     Jeffrey   Child,t  b.,  of   this  par.,  &   Elizabeth  Miles,  of   this   par.,  s 

B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.  :  W.  J.  Lyon,  Francis  Yeowill 
19     Thomas  Best,  w.,  of  this  par.,  &  Mary  Hardy,  of  Sk  Mary  Stanning,  s, 

L.,  by  G.  S.  T.,  Rector.     Wit.  :  Agnes  Tate,  W.  J.  Lyon 

[Remainder  of  printed  forms  blank. — Ed.] 

(     239     ) 


Baptisms  Solemnized  in  the  United  Parishes  of  St.  Stephen,  Walbrook, 
&  St.  Bennet  Sherehog,  in  the  City  of  London. 





Parent's  Name. 


Trade,  or 

By  whom 
the  Cere- 




mony  was 


January  6 

No.  1. 







G.  S.  Townley 



26th  October 













Jan.    17 














Matutina,     Edward     Augustus     &    Martha    Gibbons,    Bucklersbury, 

auctioneer.     G.  S.  T.     b.  Feb.  17 
John   James,   John    &    Nancy   Jackson,   Walbrook,  merchant's  clerk. 

W.  Parker,  Minister,     b.  7  Mar. 
Martha,    Henry   &    Martha    Stowers,    Bucklersbury,    servant.     W.  P. 

b.  July  4 
Alfred,  Tho"  &  Sarah  Sheppard,  16,  Sise  lane,  warehouseman.      W.  P. 

b.  3  Sep. 
Joseph,    John    &    Elizabeth    Taylor,    Pancrass    lane,  warehouseman. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  7  Nov. 

Leach  Henry,  Abraham  &  Eleanor  Wilkinson,  Sl  Swithin's  lane,  grocer. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  Sep.  7,  1813 
Jane,  Samuel  Caldwall  &  Sarah  Brandram,  Bridge  street,  Blackfriars,  & 

Size  lane,  merchant.     G.  S.  T.     b.  30  Dec,  1813 
Sarah  Ann,  John  &  Sarah  Owen,  Poultry,  factor.    G.  S.  T.    b.  Jan.  19 
Hardstone  Frank,    David  &   Sarah  Lydia  Jones,   Size  lane,  solicitor. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  29  Mar.,  1811 
Alfred,  David  &  Sarah  Lydia  Jones,  Size  lane,  solicitor.      G.  S.  T. 

b.  12  July,  1812 
Emma,  David  &   Sarah  Lydia  Jones,   Size  lane,  solicitor.      G.  S.  T. 

b.  21  Nov.,  1813 
Edmund  Lloyd,  John  &  Charlotte  Birkett,  Bond  C,  Walbrook,  solicitor. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  9  Feb. 
Richard  James,  Richard    Curson  &    Charlotte   Louiza    Berry,  late   of 

Bucklersbury,  solicitor.     G.  S.  T.     b.  Dec.  9,  1808 
Joseph,  Joseph  &   Lydia   Ede,    Bucklersbury,  gentleman.     G.   S.   T. 

b.  22  Mar. 
Mary    Sherrard,   John  &   Anna   Maria   Atkins,    Walbrook,  merchant. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  Oct.  15,  1813 
Hester,  John  &  Hester  James,  Bucklersbury,  solicitor.     S.  Crowther, 

M.A.     b.  Mar.  2,  1813 

240  REGISTERS   OF   ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1814-17 

May  25     William  Boyce,  John  &  Hester  James,  Bucklersbury,  solicitor.     S.  C. 

b.  Feb.  13 
July    19     Alfred,    Edward    &    Sarah    Shaw    Fawkes,    Bucklersbury,    druggist. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  Apr.  14,  1792 
19     Edward,  John  &  Anna  Maria  Homer,  Bucklersburv,  druggist.     G.  S.  T. 

b.  June  12 
Sep.   20     James,  Thomas   &   Elizabeth    Beard,   Walbrook,    tea    dealer.      W.  P. 

b June  3 


Jan.      2     William  Warren,  William  &  Mary  Ann  Street,  Bucklersbury,  stationer. 
G.  S.  T.     b.  Oct.  4,  1812 
2     George  Charles,  William  &  Mary  Ann  Street,  Bucklersbury,  stationer. 
G.  S.  T.     b.  Aug.  1,  1814 

8  Thomas  Bokeiiham,  Thomas  &  Mary  Hall,  Walbrook,  porter.     G.  S.  T. 

b.  Oct.  28,  1814 
17     Elizabeth,  John  &   Elizabeth   King  Allatt,  Sise   lane,  warehouseman. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  May  19,  1809 
17     Susan,   John    &    Elizabeth    King    Allatt,    Sise   lane,    warehouseman. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  Sep.  19,  1811 
Mar.     5     Ann,  John  &  Nancy  Jackson,  Walbrook,  merchant's  clerk.     G.  S.  T. 

b.  Sep.  30,  1814 
Aug.  10     John    Alfred,   Edward    Augustus    &    Martha    Gibbons,    Bucklersbury, 

auctioneer.     G.  S.  T.     b.  Apr.  8 
Sep.    17     John  William,  Arend  Jacob  &  Henrietta  Guitard,  Birchin  lane,  notary 

public.     G.  S.  T.     b.  May  6,  1812 
Dec.    10     Elizabeth,  John    &    Elizabeth   Taylor,   Pancras    Lane,   warehouseman. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  Nov.  9 
14     Caroline    Sarah,    William    &     Sarah    Ilolborn,    Walbrook,    arbitrator. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  Oct.  12 


Mar.     1     Ann    d.    John    &    Hester    James,    Bucklersbury,    solicitor.      S.    C. 

b.  June  11,  1815 
6     Emma,  John    &    Charlotte    Birkett,  Bond    Court,  Walbrook,  solicitor. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  2  Feb. 
Apr.   26     Ann,   Joseph    &    Lydia   Ede,    Bucklersbury,   gentleman.      G.    S.    T. 

b.  28  Mar. 
May    16     Arthur   s.   Samuel  Cnldwall    &    Sarah  Brandram,   Camber  well,   Surrey, 

merchant.     W.  P.     b.  25  April 
Oct.    10     John  Wild    s.    Anthony   &    Mary   Burnley,    Church    Court,    solicitor. 

W.  P.     b.  Aug.  29 
19     William    s.   John    &    Nancy   Jackson,    Walbrook,    merchant's    clerk. 

W.  P.     b.  Apr.  23 


Jan.    22     Elizabeth  d.  William  Caldwell  &  Anne  Brandram,  Size  lane,  merchant. 

Andrew  Brandram.     b.  12  Mar.,  1815 
Mar.  18    James  Turner,  John  &  Anna  Maria  Horner,  Bucklersbury,  merchant, 

G.  S.  T.     b.  23  Feb.,  1 816,  priv.  bap.  24  Mar.,  1816 
May      4     Sarah  Frances,  John  &  Sarah   Cnlant,  Bucklersbury,  mariner.      Tho* 

Waters,  lecturer,     b.  14  April 
June     7     Agatha  Georgina,  William  &  Mary  Ann  Street,  Bucklersbury,  stationer. 

G.  Street,     b.  19  May,  1816 

9  Humphrey,  James  &  Mary  Ann  Savago,  Walbrook,  surveyor.     W.  P. 

b.  27  Jan.,  1808 
Sep.      7     William    s.  John   &    Elizabeth    Taylor,   Pancras    lane,  warehouseman. 
G.  S.  T.     b.  Aug.  9 

1818-20      AND  ST.  BENET  SHEREHOG  :  BAPTISMS.  241 


Jan.    25     Charles,  John  &  Nancy  Jackson,  Walbrook,  merchant's  clerk.    G.  S.  T. 

b.  6  Nov.,  1817 
Feb.    24     Sophia  Ann,  Samuel  Caldwall  &  Sarah  Brandram,  Camberwell,  Surrey, 

&  Size  lane,  merchant.      Andrew  Brandram,  curate  of  Beckenham, 

Kent.     b.  22  Jan. 
Mar.  20     Francis    s.    Joseph    &    Lydia   Ede,   Bucklersbury,   gent.      G.    S.   T. 

b.  22  Feb. 
22     Frederick,  Frederick  &  Anna  Whistler,  Bucklersbury,  warehouseman. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  23  Feb. 
Apr.   30     John  Alfred,  John  Towrv  &  Elizabeth  Burgon,  Bucklersbury,  merchant. 

H.  G.  Watkins,  Rector  of  S'  Swithin's.     b.  24  Feb. 
May  31     Alfred,  John   &  Charlotte   Birkett,   Bond   Court,    Walbrook,  solicitor. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  18  Apr. 
June  15     James,  James  Martin  &  Eleanor  Hale  Knight,  Bucklersbury,  tea  dealer. 

W.  P.     b.  11  May 
Aug.  27     Bolden,  Bolden  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Lamb,  Bell  Court,  Walbrook,  mariner. 

R.  Williams,  Minr     b.  7  Aug. 
Sep.      9     Fanny,  Frederick  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Richardson,  Walbrook,  warehouseman. 

R.  W.     b.  27  Aug. 
16     Jane,  William  Caldwall  &  Anne  Brandram,  Size  lane,  merchant.     A.  B. 

b.  18  Aug. 


Mar.   12     Peter  Bennett,  Alexander  &  Charlotte  Hannah  Bremner,  Bond  Court, 

Walbrook,  merchant.     G.  S.  T.     b.  Feb.  1 
Apr.  20     Henry,   John    &    Hester   James,    Bucklersbury,    solicitor.       G.  S.  T. 

b.  Feb.  19,  1817 
20     Sibilla,    John   &    Hester   James,    Bucklersbury,    solicitor.      G.  S.  T. 

b.  Sep.  15,  1818 
May     9     Mary    Eliza,   John   &    Rebecca   Moss,    Barge   Yard,   gent.      G.  S.  T. 

b.  Apr.  10 
Aug.  29     Mary    Ann,   Jesse   &    Mary    Allard,   Bond    Court,   gent.       G.   S.   T. 

b.  Aug.   1st 
Sep.      5     Henry  s.  John  &  Nancy  Jackson,  Walbrook,  merch*"  clerk.      G.  S.  T. 

b.  3  July 
Nov.     1     Thomas  Edmund,  William  &  Elizabeth  Hardy,  Size  lane,  flannel  dealer. 

G.  S.  T.    b.  1  Oct. 
Dec.    21     Arthur  Thomas,  John  Towry  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Burgon,  Bucklersbury, 

merchant.     H.  G.  Watkins,  Rector  of  S'  Swithin's.     b.  25  July 


Feb.    11     Julia  Thai,  William  Caldwall  &  Anne  Brandram,  Size  lane,  merchant. 
G.  S.  T.     b.  10  Jan. 
13     Ann  Caroline,  Philip  &  Ann  Ay  res,  Sise  lane,  pocket  book  manufacturer. 

G.  S.  T.     b.  14  Jan. 
24     Richard,  James   Martin    &    Eleanor   Heale  Knight,  Bucklersbury,  tea 
dealer.     G.  S.  T.     b.  11  Dec,  1819 
Mar.     9     Sophia  Elizabeth,  William  &  Ann  Sandford,  Bucklersbury,  warehouse- 
man.    G.  S.  T.     Sep.  5,  1819 
12     Sophia,    John    &    Elizabeth    Taylor,    Pancras    lane,    warehouseman. 
G.  S.  T.     b.  12  Feb. 
May     1     Caroline,  John    &    Hester   James,   Bucklersbury,    solicitor.      G.  S.  T. 

b.   11  Jan. 
Aug.  20     Caroline  Mary,  George  &  Sarah  Parkinson,  Rathbone  Place,  warehouse- 
man.    J.  Wilkinson,  A.B.     b.  22  Jan.,  1809 
20     George     Saggar,     George     &     Sarah     Parkinson,     Rathbone     Place, 
warehouseman,     b.  3  Mar.,  1818 
VOL.   II.  L 

212  registers  of  st.  stephbh's,  walbrook,  1820-4 

Sep.    15     Harriet,  John  Towry  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Burgon,  Bucklersbury,  merchant. 

II.  G.  W.     b.  22  Aug. 
Oct.    25     William  Henry,  David  &  Sarah  Lydia  Jones,  Sise  lane,  solicitor.    J.  W. 
b.  25  Oct.,  1815 
25     Fanny,   David   &    Sarah    Lydia   Jones,    Sise    lane,   solicitor.      J.  W. 

b.  25  Apr.,  1817 
25     Horace,    David    &    Sarah    Lydia   Jones,    Sise    lane,   solicitor.      J.  W. 
b.  20  May,  1819 


Jan.  21  Ilenrv,  Edward  &  Mary  Ann  Goodwin,  Wallbrook,  gent.  G.  S.  T. 
b.  8  Apr.,  1820 

Feb.  7  Anna,  Frederick  &  Anna  Whistler,  Sise  lane,  warehouseman.  G.  S.  T. 
b.  i  July,  1820 

Mar.  1  Samuel,  James  Martin  &  Eleanor  Hale  Knight,  Bucklersbury,  tea 
dealer.     G.  S.  T.     b.  5  Feb. 

Aug.  5  Margaret  Orr,  James  Orr  &  Robena  Caldwell,  Philip  lane,  warehouse- 
man.    J.  W.     b.  25  Apr. 

Sep.  23  Caroline  Amelia  Elizabeth,  Joseph  Thomas  &  Anne  Astle,  Norton 
Folgate,  bookbinder.     J.  W.     b.  26  Aug. 


Jan.      4     Sidney,  John  Towry  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Burgon,  Bucklersbury,  merchant. 

H.G.  W.     b.  Dec.  1,  1821 
Feb.    21     Eliza  Ellen,  John  &   Hester  James,  Bucklersbury,  solicitor.      J.  \V. 

b.  27  Oct.,  1821 
Mar.    15     Ellen  Frances,  John  &  Charlotte  Birkett,  Bond  Court  &   Cloak  lane, 
solicitor.     J.  W.     b.  15  Feb. 
29     Anne,  William  Caldwall  &  Anne  Brandram,  Sise  lane,  merchant.    J.  W. 
b.  Feb. 
Apr.   10     Louisa,    Samuel    Caldwall    &    Sarah    Brandram,    Sise    lane,   merchant. 
J.  W.     b.  Oct.  8,  1821 
14     Robert,    William     &     Martha     Hunt,    Bucklersbury,    packer.      Thos 

Waters,  D.D.,  Lecturer 
21     Tamziue,  David    &    Sarah    Lydia  Jones,   Sise  lane,  solicitor.      J.  W. 

b.  30  July,  1821 
31     William,  Robert  &  Maria  Roebuck,  Bond  Court,  coffee  dealer.     J.  W. 
b.  Feb.  28,  1813 
Sep.    29     William,  William  &  Mary  Stewart,  Walbrook,  merchant.     Ja8  Spencer 
Knott  [?],  born  at  Nice,  Mar.  21,  1820 


Apr.  11  Frederick,  John  Towry  &  Elizabeth  Aim  Burgon,  Bucklersbury, 
merchant.     H.  G.  W.     b.  Mar.  10 

July  6  William,  William  &  Mary  Banks,  Poultry,  hatter.  J.  W.  b.  14  Apr. 
18  Elizabeth  Sarah,  James  A  Elizabeth  Sarah  Crowdy,  Bucklersbury,  law 
stationer.     J.  W.     b.  11  Apr. 

Sep.  21  John,  John  A  Elizabeth  Taylor,  Pancras  lane,  Manchester  warehouse- 
man.    J.  W.     b.  20  Aug. 

Dec.      7     Mary  Ann,  Francis  &  Eliza  Fclton,  Walbrook,  cook.   J.  W.    b.  12  Nov. 


Jan.    25     John,  Benjamin  &  Sarah  Durlcy,  Walbrook,  porter.      J.  W.      b.  2  Jan. 
Mai.  80     George,    Frederick    &    Anna    Whistler,    Sise   lane,   merchant.      J.  W. 

b.  5  Oct.,  1828 
Apr.   11     Elizabeth  Susannah,  William  &  Elizabeth  Scales,  Budgo  Row,  clerk. 

Tho"  Waters,     b.  18  Mar. 
21     Lydia  Lynch,  David  &  Sarah  Lydia  Jones,  Sise  lano,  solicitor.      J.  W. 

b.  (3  Sept.,  1823 

1824-6  AND   ST.    BENET   SIIEREHOG  :     BAPTISMS.  243 

May     2     Mary  Ann,  Abel  Sparrow  &  Sarah  Chappell,  Walbrook,  plumber.    T.  W. 

b.  4  Apr. 
June  15     Charles,  John  &  Nancy  Jackson,  Walbrook,  clerk,     J.  W.      b.  27  Apr. 
July   18     John  Richard  Charles,  John  &  Mary  Cross,  Pancras  lane,  gent.      J.  W. 

b.  20  June 
Harry  Owen,   Henry  &  Rebecca   George,  Dove  Court,  gent.      T.  W. 

b.  15  July 
Frederick,  Frederick  &   Frances  Clarke,   Bucklersbury,   cook.      J.  W. 

b.  21  Aug. 
Joseph,  John  To  wry  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Burgon,  Bucklersbury,  merchant. 

H.  G.  W.     b.  31  Aug. 
Samuel,    William    Caldwall   &   Anne   Brandram,  Sise  lane,  merchant. 

J.  W.     b.  8  Oct. 
Emma,    Thomas    Carpenter    &    Mary   Anne    Gutteridge,    Sise    lane, 

warehouseman.     J.  VV.     b.  17  Aug. 
Julia,  Joseph  &  Elizabeth  Addingtou,  Peters  Hill,  Doctors  Commons, 

porter.     T.  W.     b.  12  Nov. 

Ellen,    Frederick    &    Anna    Whistler,    Sise    lane,   merchant.      J.  W. 

b.  26  Oct.,  1824 
James,    Charles     &     Christian     Halson,    Sise    lane,    wine    merchant. 

S.  Benson,  Offg.  Min.     b.  27  Feb. 
Abel   Sparrow,  Abel   Sparrow   &   Sarah   Chappell,   Walbrook,  plumber. 

T.  W.     b.  22  Aug. 
Robert,  illegitimate  son  of  Harriet  Pattemore,  Stepney,  pauper.     J.  W. 

b.  18  Sep. 
Sophia,  William  Edward  &  Mary  Ann  Eddison,  Walbrook,  merchant. 

J.  W.     b.  10  Aug. 

Mary,  John  &  Elizabeth  Taylor,  Pancras  Lane,  warehouseman.      J.  W. 

b.  14  Aug.,  1825 
Henry,    Francis    James    &    Mary    Hawkins,  Pancras    lane,   surgeon. 

Ernest  Hawkins,     b.  25  Sep.,  1825 
Frances  d.  Frederick  &  Frances  Clarke,  Bucklersbury,  cook.      J.  W. 

b.  1  Jan. 
Joseph,  Daniel  &  Ann  Berry,  Walbrook,  confectioner.    T.  W.    b.  4  Dec. 
Mary  Katherine  Margaret,  David  &  Ann  Bosquet,  Bond  Court,  officer 

of  cavalry.     Chas.  Davies,  Curate,     b.  Nov.  4,  1825 
Mary,  John  &   Hester   James,    Bucklersbury,   solicitor.     Fras  Ellaby, 

minister  of  West  Sl  Chapel,  Parish  S'  Giles,     b.  16  Mar.,  1823 
Julia,  John  &  Hester  James,  Bucklersbury,  solicitor.    F.  E.    b.  23  Oct., 

Robert  Armour,  Thomas  Carpenter  &  Mary  Anne  Gutteridge,  Pancras 

Lane,  warehouseman.     C.  D.     b.  22  Jan. 
Phoebe  Harriet,  James  &  Phoebe  Walbran,  Barge  yard,  linen  merchant, 

CD.     b.  11  Apr. 
Charles,    Frederick    &    Anna   Whistler,    Sise    lane,    merchant.     C.    D. 

b.  3  Feb. 
John,   John    &    Marv    Ann    Bateman,    Bucklersbury,    law    slationer. 

T.  T.  Cresswell,  Off.  Min.     b.  July  7 
Harriet,  William  &  Agatha  Byerley,  Bucklersburv,  eating  house  keeper. 

D.  Williams,  Off.  Min.     b.  3  Aug. 
Augustus,   Charles    &    Christian    Halson,    Sise    lane,    wine   merchant. 

R.  J.  Waters,  curate,     b.  28  May 
Thomas,    John    &    Nancy    Jackson,     Walbrook,    clerk.       R.  J.  W. 

b.  26  Aug. 












Mar.  23 








Jan.   22 



















214  registers  of  st.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  1827-8 


Jan.    28     John,  George  &  Mary  Astle,  Whistlers  Court,  Cannon  St.,  bookbinder. 

T.  W.     b.  6  Dec.,  1826 
Feb.      4     William,    Frederick   &   Frances   Clarke,    Bucklersbury,  cook.     T.  W. 

b.  31  Dec,  1826 
Mar.   11     Helen,  John  &  Elizabeth  Loneragan,  Bucklersbury,  a  porter.     T.  W. 

b.  1 5  Jan. 
1 1     Mary,  John  &  Elizabeth   Loneragan,  Bucklersbury,  a  porter.     T.  W. 

b.  IS  Jan. 
Apr.  22     Elizabeth  Mary,  William  &  Elizabeth  Theobald,  Bucklersbury,  clerk. 

T.  W.     b.  18  Oct.,  1826 
May   31     Charles   Russell,  Charles   James  &  Penelope    Stewart,   Bucklersbury, 

gent.     R.  J.  W.     b.  24  Aug.,  1826 
June     3     James  Henry,  James  Samuel  &  Harriott  Dane,  Walbrok,  accountant. 

T.  W.     b.  4  May 
10     Mary  Ann,  Richard  &  Margaret  Jeukin,  George  Street,  cook.     T.  W. 

b.  14  May 
July     4     William   Henry,  James   Leman    Millan  &    Mary   Simpson,   Walbrook, 

gent,     Rk  B"  Radliffe,  Minr.     b.  Jan.  8,  1824 
4     Jane  Margaret  Mary,  James  Leman  Millan  &  Mary  Simpson,  Walbrook, 

gent.     Tho8  Qnarles,  A.  B.     b.  July  6,  1825 
15     William  Charles,  James  &  Phoebe  Walbran,  Barge  yard,  Bucklersbury, 

linen  merchaut.     R.  J.  W.     b.  June  21 
Nov.  11     Emily  Caroline,  Stephen  &  Emily  Elizabeth  Caroline  Braun,  Walbrook, 

merchant.     T.  W.     b.  14  Sep. 
18     Margaret  Robinson,  Anthony  &  Elizabeth  Taite,  Bond  Ck,  Walbrook, 

tailor.     T.  W.     b.  25  Oct. 
Dec.    17     William,  Charles  &  Christian  liaison,  Sise  lane,  wine  merchant.  William 

Penry  Lendon,  M.A.,  Offg.  Miu.     b.  21  Sep. 


Mar.     7     Juliet,  John  Towry  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Burgon,  Bucklersbury,  merchant. 

II.  G.  W.     b.  Oct.  1,  1827 
Apr.  23     William     Authony,    Jonathan     &     Susan    Thompson,    Bucklersbury, 

stationer.     T.  Jones,  Curate,     b.  14  Mar. 
May     4     Matilda  Sarah,  Frederick  &  Anne  Whistler,  Sise  lane,  merchant.     T.  J. 

b.  28  Nov.,  1827 
8     Emily,  William  Edward  &  Mary   Ann    Eddison,   Walbrook,  merchant. 

T.  J.     b.  26  Mar. 
18     Mary  Ann  Susannah,  John  &  Constantia  Thomas,  Walbrook,  merchant. 

T.  J.     b.  28  Sep.,  1826 
18     Robert  Henry,  John  &  Constantia  Thomas,  Walbrook,  merchant,     T.  J. 

b.  19  Oct.,  1827 
June  29     Caroline    Amelia,    Daniel    &    Elizabeth    Dade,    Walbrook,    plumber. 

<;.  S.  T.     b.  7  June 
July    27     Henry,     Henry     &     Rachel      Watson,     Bond     Court,     gent,       T.    J. 

b.  21    May 
Aug.  10     Henry,  John  &  Mary  Ann  Bateman,  Bucklersbury,  law  stationer.    T  J. 

b.  16  July 
29     William  James,  William   James  &   l'riscilla    Nutting,   Mansion    House 

Street,  seedsman.     T.  J.     b.  2  Aug. 
Sep.      7     Mary  Ann,  Charles  Dryall  &  Elizabeth  Bartlett,  Walbrook,  ironmonger, 

T.J.     b.  Aug.  11 
7    George  s.  James  A  Catherine  Main,  Broad  Court,  Walbrook,  ooachman. 

T.J.    b.  Aug.  i:; 
1 1.  o       3     W  illiara  Thomas,  George  Nathaniel  .t  Maria  Lyon,  Great  Dover  Street, 

gent     I).  Vf.     b.  0  Nov. 

1829-31      AND  ST.  BENET  SHEREHOG  :  BAPTISMS.  245 

Frances  Maria,  Francis   Holies  &  Maria  Brandram,  Sydenham,  Kent, 

merch'.     A.  Brandram,  0%.  Min.     b.  9  Mar.,  1827 
Emma  Eardley,  Francis  Holies  &  Maria  Brandram,  Sydenham,  Kent, 

mercb*.     A.  B.     b.  22  Nov.,  1828 
Mary  Louisa,  Thomas  &  Mary  Songhurst,  Cannon   St.,  corn  chandler. 

A.  B.     b.  8  Jan. 
Harriott,  James  Samuel  &  Harriott  Dane,  Walbrook,  accountant.     John 

Twycross,  A.  M.,  Offg.  Min.     b.  12  Jan. 
Margaret   Jane,    Benjamin    &   Mary   Jane    Tipper,   S'   Thos   Apostle, 

stationer.     A.  B.     b.  2  Mar. 
Maria,  John  &  Nancy  Jackson,  Walbrook,  gent.      J.  T.      b.  24  Apr. 
Harriet,    William    &    Agatha    Byerley,    Bucklersbury,    gent.       J.  T. 

b.  3  Aug.,  1826 
John  George,  William  &  Louisa  Sarah  Wood,  Trafalgar  St.,  Walworth, 

painter.     A.  B.     b.  10  Aug. 
Ann  Elizabeth,  William  &  Mary  Humby,  Bucklersbury,  wine  merchant. 

T.  J.     b.  9  Sep. 
Henry  Cornelius,  William  James  &  Priscilla  Nutting,  Mansion  House 

Street,  seedsman.     T.  J.     b.  10  Sep. 
David  Thornton,  John  Towry  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Burgou,  Bucklersbury, 

merchant.     H.  G.  W.     b.  Sep.  10 
William,    Frederick   &    Frances    Clarke,    Bucklersbury,    cook.      T.   J. 

b.  Nov.  6 
Eliza,  James  Newton  &  Elizabeth  Shornden,  Stepney,  artist.      T.  J. 

b.  31  Oct. 

Rachel,    Henry    &    Rachel    Watson,    Coleman    Street,   gent.      T.   J. 

b.  18  Dec,  1829 
Matthew  Edward  s.  Edward  Daniel  &  Elenor  Morgan  Hill,  Hackney 

road,  confectioner.     T.  J.     b.  Jan.  9 
George,    David    &    Eliza    Harrison,    Bond    Court,    solicitor.     T.    J. 

b.  10  Feb. 
Eleanora  Anne,  Francis  Holies  &  Maria  Brandram,  Sydenham,  Kent, 

merchant.     T.  J.     b.  21  Mar. 
Charles,    Frederick   &   Anna    Whistler,    Sise    lane,   merchant.     T.   J. 

b.  25  June,  1829 
Walter   John,  John    &   Eleanor   Morrison,   Cheapside,  draper.     T.  J. 

b.  18  May 
Henry,  John  &  Mary  Ann  Bateman,  Bucklersbury,  law  stationer.     T.  J. 

b.  8  June 
Mary,  Charles  &  Christian  Halsou,  Sise  Lane,  wine  merchant.     T.  J. 

b.  3  Apr. 
Henry,  William  &  Mary  Ann  Humby,  Bucklersbury,  wine  merchant. 

b.  26  June,  1830.     This  entry  is  cancelled  "  x  ".—Ed.] 
John  William,  Charles  &  Mary  Hemmens,  Walbrook,  warehouseman. 

J.  Dunion.     b.  24  July 
Amelia,  Thomas  &  Sarah  Collins,  Walbrook,  gent.     T.  J.     b.  19  July 
Edward   Watson,  James   Berriman  &    Lucy  Tippets,  Pancrass  Lane, 

solicitor.     T.  J.     b.  25  May 

Fanny   d.   Frederick   &    Frances   Clarke,   Bucklersbury,  cook.      T.   J 

b.  Dec.  15,  1830 
William,  James  Samuel  &  Harriott  Dane,  Walbrook,  accountant.     T.J 

b.  Dec.  16,  1830 








































[Aug.  5 








246  registers  of  st.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  1831-3 

Jan.    16     Charles,   Charles  &  Anne   Cawthorne,  Walbrook,    tea   dealer.     T.  J. 

b.  Sep.  23,  1830 
Feb.    13     Caroline,   Anthony   &   Elizabeth    Taite,   Bond    Court,    tailor.      T.   J. 

b.  12  Jan.     [In  margin  "Poor." — Ed.] 
May     1     Sophia   d.    David    &    Eliza   Harrison,   Bond    Court,   solicitor.      T.   J. 
b.  Apr.  3 
11     Horatio  Adolphus    s.  William   James    &   Priscilla   Nutting,   Mansion 

House  Street,  seedsman.     T.  J.     b.  Apr.  12 
22     William  s.  Henrv  A  Rachel  Watson,  New  North  Road,  gent.     T.  J. 
b.  Feb.  19 
June     6     William  John  s.  William  Edward  A  Mary  Ann   Eddison,  Walbrook, 
merchant     T.J.     b.  May  12 
19     Joseph  Wilbon,  Adam  A:  Mary  Donaldson,  Charlotte  Row,  bootmaker. 

J.  T.     b.  Dec.  11,  1830 
26     Fanny  Adelaide,  Frederick   &    Anna  Whistler,   Sise    lane,   merchant. 
T.J.     b.  Aug.  13,  1830 
July     7     John  s.  John  &  Eleanor  Janet  Keldav,  Walbrook,  law  stationer.     T.  J. 
b.  May  18 
17     Ann  Webb  d.  George  &  Julia  Bosworth,  Barge  vard,  painter.     T.  J. 
b.  Oct.  27,  1830 
Sep.    21     Helen  Isabella  d.  Donald  &  Margaret  Gray,  Stamford  Hill  &  Sise  lane, 
mercantile  broker.     T.J.     b.  July  11 
26     Marv  Lydia,  John   Towrv  &   Elizabeth   Ann   Burgon,  Bucklersbury, 
merchant.     H.  G.  W.     b.  An*.  16 
Dec.      4     Stephen,   Frederick  &   Anne   Whistler,   Sise    lane,  merchant.       T.  J. 
b.  Nov.  5 

Mar.  25     Christopher  Wren  s.  James  &  Mary  Ann  Savage,  Essex  Street,  late  of 
Walbrook,  surveyor.     T.  J.     b.  2  Apr.,  1812 
25     Eliza  Penelope  d.  James  A  Mary  Ann  Savage,  Essex  Street,  late  of 

Walbrook,  surveyor.     T.  J.     b.  26  Jan.,  18U 
25     Mary   Ann   d.   James    A    Mary  Ann    Savage,  Essex     Street,  late    of 

Walbrook,  surveyor.     T.  J.     b.  21  June,  1816 
25     Rosalind  d.  James  A  Marv  Ann  Savage,  Essex  Street,  late  of  Walbrook, 

surveyor.     T.J.     b.  22  June,  1818 
25     Catherine  d.  James  &  Mary  Ann  Savage,  Essex  Street,  late  of  Walbrook, 

surveyor.     T.  J.     b.  16  Sep.,  1820 
25     Dora  Margaret  d.  James  &   Mary  Ann   Savage,  Essex   Street,  late  of 

Walbrook,  surveyor.     T.  J.     b'.  26  Sep.,  1  82  I 
25     John  s.  William  &  Mary  Scarborough,  Walbrook,  coach  master.      T.  J. 
b.  17  Jan. 
June  13     Christian,  son  of  Charles  &  Christian  Halson,  Sise  lane,  wine  merchant. 

[An  entrv,  No.  200,  is  here  cancelled,  but  subsequently  appears  as 
No.  203.— Ed.] 
Sep.  30     Samuel  James  s.  Edward  Daniel  A  Elenor  Morgau  Hill,  Queen  Street, 

Cheapside,  broker.     T.  J.     b.  5  Sep. 
Oct.     7    George  Emson  s.  James  A  Emma  Rateliffe,  Charles  Street,  Northampton 

Square,  Clerkenwell,  traveller.     T.  J.     b.  Apr.  23,  1826 
Dec.      9     Eliza  d.  James  Samuel  &  Harriott  Dane,  Walbrook,  accountant.      T.  J. 
b.  Nov.  U  [No.  203] 
30     Sarah  d.  William  Edward  &  Sarah  Merrvlees,  Walbrook,  under  ward 
beadle.     T.  J.     b.  Dec.  9 


Jan.    13     Charlotte,  Charles  &,  Anne   Haw,  Irbv,  Lincolnshire,  farmer.      T.  J. 
b.  Feb.  7,  1807 

1833-6       AND  ST.  BENET  SHEREHOG  !  BAPTISMS.  247 

Jan.    13     Eliza  Anne  J.  Charles  &  Anne  Haw,  Irby,  Lincolnshire,  farmer.     T.  J. 

b.  Apr.  10,  1809 
13     Sabina  Louthhaw  d.  Charles  &  Anne  Haw,  Irby,  Lincolnshire,  farmer. 

T.J.     b.  Mar.  22,  1811 
20     Julia  (.1.  George  &  Julia  Bosworth,  Barge  yard,  painter.    T.  J.    b.  Jan.  1 
Feb.    16     Arthur,  Samuel  &  Virgiuia  Deacon,  Walbrook,  coffee  dealer.     T.  J. 

b.  Jan.  28 
Juue  16     Alfred  James  s.  Burgess  &  Christiana  Adams,  Brockley,  near  Edgeware, 

Middlesex,  West  India  captain.     T.  J.     b.  May  26 
23     Horton  s.  John  &  Mary  Ann  Bateman,  Bucklersbury,  stationer.      T.  J. 

b.  July  4,  1832 
July   13     Margaret  Ann  d.  Donald  &  Margaret  Gray,  Stamford  Hill,  mercantile 

owner.     T.  J.     b.  June  15 
Aug.  12     Frederick  s.  Frederick  &  Frances  Clarke,  Bucklersbury,  cook.     John 

Evans,  M.A.,  Minr  of  S*  James,  Bermondsey.     b.  July  3 
Sep.    18     Maria  Margaret  d.  Robert  &  Maria  Nicol,  Fenchurch  Street,  tea  dealer. 

T.  J.     b.  Aug.  16 


Jan.    17     Jemima  Elizabeth  d.  John  Towry  &  Elizabeth  Ann  Burgon,  Bucklers- 
bury,  merchant.     H.  G.  W.     b.  Oct.  10,  1833.     ["  Home  christening, 

no  Fee,"  in  pencil. — Ed.] 
22     Henry  s.  Charles  &  Christian  liaison,  Sise  lane,  wine  merchant.      T.  J. 

b.  Nov.  6,  1833 
Mar.   16     Thomas    s.    James    &    Elizabeth    Wighton,    Charles    Place,    Hoxton, 

gentleman.     T.  J.     b.  Dec.  22,  1833 
Apr.   27     Edmund  s.  Frederick  &  Anna  Whistler,  Sise  lane,  merchant.      T.  J. 

b.  Mar.  20 
June     1     Sophia  d.  John  Gloster  &  Sarah  Marshall,  Walbrook,  grocer.     T.  J. 

b.  May  4. 
Sep.      2     Grace  d.  Samuel   &  Virginia  Deacon,  Walbrook,  coffee  dealer.     J.  T. 

b.  5  Aug. 
7     Robert  s.  James  Samuel  &  Harriott  Dane,  Walbrook,  accountant.    T.  J. 

b.  12  Aug. 
Nov.  19     Charles  Marmaduke  s.  William  John  &  Elizabeth  Lawson,  Bucklersbury, 

banker.     T.  J. 
Dec.   28     Thomas  Stothard  s.  Joseph  &  Sarah  Blay,  Bermondsey,  hatter.     T.  J. 

b.  18  Nov. 
28     Maria  d.  John  &  Sarah  Lovett,  Bond  Court,  gent.     T.  J.     b.  16  Nov. 


June  26     Charles  s.  Thomas  &  Kezia  Langley,  Sherborne  lane,  printer.     Joseph 

Jowett,  Offe  Min.     b.  21  June 
July   19     William  Thomas  s.  William   &  Elizabeth  Upton,   Cheapside,  woollen 

draper.     J.  J.     b.  June  25 
Aug.  23     George    s.    George    &   Julia   Bosworth,    Barge   yard,    painter.     J.   J. 

b.  Feb.  27 


Feb.    19     Emily    Mary   Ann    d.    Burgess    &    Christiana   Adams,    Bucklersbury, 

master  mariner.     G.  Croly,  Rector,     b.  30  Juue,  1835 
May     4     Thomas  George  s.  Thomas   Hyatt  &  Harriett   Sophia  Mansfield,  Sise 

lane,  painter.     Thomas  Clarke,  Curate  of   East    Bergholt,  Suffolk. 

b .  20  Mar. 
June     6     Julian    Williamson   s.    George   &   Margaret    Helen    Croly,    Walbrook, 

Rector    of   this    Parish.      W.    Lambert,    Lecturer    of    Camberwell. 

b.  30  Dec,  1835 
26    Jane  d.  James  Samuel  &  Harriott  Dane,  Walbrook,  accountant.      G.  C. 

b,  3  June 

248  registers  or  st.  stf.piten's,  walbrook,  1836-9 

July    10     Hannah  d.  John  &  Lvdia  Tliorn,  George  Street,  coffee  house  keeper. 
G.  C.     b.  12  June 
21     George  Richard  s.  George  William  &   Isabella  Anna  Barwell,   Bond 

Court,  merchant's  clerk.     A.  B.     b.  2  July 
31     Simpson  s.   Frederick  &  Anna  Whistler,   Sise  lane,  merchant.     G.  C. 
b.  3  July 
Oct.    19     Leonard  s.  Leonard  &  Mary  Ann  Wigg,  Bucklersbury,  geut.     G.  C. 

b.  26  Sep. 
Dec.    18     Elizabeth   Charlotte  d.    Thomas   &    Elizabeth   Richardson,   Walbrook, 
butcher.     John  T.  White,  Offs  Miu  :     b.  8  Nov. 
18     Mary  Rebecca  d.  Thomas  &  Elizabeth  Richardson,  Walbrook,  butcher. 
J."  T.  W.     b.  8  Nov. 


Feb.    26     Sarah  Ann  d.  William  &  Elizabeth  Upton,  Cheapside,  draper.    J.  T.  W. 

b.  29  Jan. 
Mar.  21     Frances  Bedford  d.  John  Edward  &  Maria  Rigby,  Walbrook,  ironmonger. 

G.  C.     b.  21  Feb. 
June  14     Harriot  Bcntley   d.    Charles    Guest  &  Mary  Ann  Parker,  City  road, 

gent,     G.  C.     b.  Apr.  19 
25     Elizabeth  d.  Joseph  &  Sarah  Blay,  27,  New  Road,  pawn  broker.     A.  B. 

b.  13  May 
July     2     Ashton  s.  John  &  Mary  Chapman  Ashbee,  Bucklersbury,  tea  dealer. 

A.  B.     b.  12  June 

21  William  s.  William  &  Percy  Mary  Ruslon,  Mark  Lane,  paymaster  of 

the  Corn  Office.     Tho9  Burnet,  D.D.,  Rector  of  S'  James,  Garlick- 

hythe.     b.  17  Apr. 
30     George    s.  William  &   Eliza   Powell,  Pancras   lane,  milkman.     G.  C. 

b.  17  Sep.,  1836 
Oct.      5     Harriet  Mary  d.  Thomas  Hyctt  &  Harriot  Sophia  Mansfield,  Sise  lane, 

painter.     J.  T.  W.     b.  30  Aug. 
Nov.  28     John  Edward  s.  William  Edward  &  EmmaEddison,  Walbrook,  merchant. 

G.  C.     b.  23  Sep. 


May     8     John  Francis  s.  John  Robert  &  Mary  Fernyhough,  Walbrook,  gent. 

G.  C.     b.  5  April 
June     3     Charlotte  Anne  d.  Joseph  Blucher  &  Charlotte  Pouten,  Bucklersbury, 

tavern  keeper.     G.  C.     b.  2  Mar. 
July     8     Ralph   s.    Frederick   &    Anna    Whistler,   Sise   lane,  merchant.     G.  C. 

b.  3  Apr. 
15     Rebecca   Charlotte   d.    Thomas    &    Elizabeth   Richardson,    Walbrook, 

butcher.     Benj  :  Harrison,  Offg.  Min.     b.  22  June 

22  Thomas  William  s.  John  William  &  Rebecca  Esther  King,  otherwise 

Human,  Stepney,  plasterer.     G.  C.     b.  14  June 
Aug.     5     Walter  Hickman  s.  John  Glaster  &  Sarah  Marshall,  Walbrook,  grocer. 

G.  C.     b.  3  July 
Oct.    28     Elizabeth  Rosa  d.  John  &  Elizabeth  Cassandra  Kendrick,  4,  Charlotte 

Row,  bookseller.     G.  C.     b.  13  July,  1836 
28     Henry  Haden  s.  John  &  Elizabeth  Cassandra  Kendrick,  4,  Charlotte 

Row,  bookseller.     G.  C.     b.  17  Nov.,  1837 
Nov.  10     Pelham  Clinton,  George  &  Margaret  Helen  Croly,  Rectory,  Walbrook, 

Rector  of  8'  Stephen's,  Walbrook.    A.  II.  Kenny,  Rectr  of  Sl  Olaves, 

South'1,     the  child  born  the  5  of  July,  1838 


Mar.   17     Marion,  John  &  Mary  Chapman  Ashbee,  2,  Bucklersbury,  tea  dealer. 
R.  C.  Packman,     b.  23  Nov.,  1838. 

1839-44       AND  ST.  BENET  SHEKEHOG  :  BAPTISMS.  249 

Apr.   12     Henry   Byron,   Frederic    Farmer   &    Emily  Moore,  Wandsworth  road, 

printer.     G.  C.     b.  Feb.  11 
21     Elizabeth  Jane,  William  &  Elizabeth  Upton,  16,  Chart  St.,  Hoxton, 

tailor.     G.  C.     b.  4  Feb. 
May   19     Charles  Frederic,  John  &  Hannah  Pickett,  1,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook, 

clerk.     G.  C.     b.  Apl.  27 
24     Waltho  John,  William  &   Sarah  McAdam,  6,  Bond   Court,  Walbrook, 

clerk.     G.  C.     b.  May  7 
Aug.  25     William  David,  David  &  Mary  Ham,  3,  Leonard  St.,  Shorcditch,  brass 

finisher.     G.  C.     b.  Aug.  7 
Sep.    25     Percy  Mary,  William  &  Percy  Mary  Ruston,  Mark  lane,  paymaster  of 

the  Corn  Exchange.     G.  C.     b.  Apr.  7 
Dec.      4     Susan  Emma,  William  Edward  &  Emma  Eddison,  2,  Walbrook,  wine 

merchant.     G.  C. 


Feb.    14     Marianna,  Thomas  Hyatt  &   Harriott   Sophia  Mansfield,  7,  Sise  lane, 

house  decorator.     G.  C. 
Dec.    18     "Fanny  Parkinson  Wyatt,"  William  &  Sarah  Susannah  Wyatt,  3,  Siso 

lane,  gentleman.     J.  Graham 


June  16     Helen  Mary,  William  Edward  &   Emma  Eddison,  69,  Euston  square, 

wine  merchant.     G.  C. 
Sep.      5     Adelaide    Mary,    Robert    &    Mary    Nicol,    Peckham    rye,    tea    dealer. 

F.  W.  J.  Vickery,  Off.  Min. 

Oct.      3     Mary  (an  adult  aged  19),  Isaac  &  Elizabeth  Mills,  6,  Paradise  place, 
Hackney  ["farmer"  erased,  ....  [illegible]  written  under. — Ei>.] 

G.  C. 

Nov.  28     Charles  James,  William  &  P  .  .  .  M  .  .  .  [illegible]  Hector,  Tnlse  Hill, 
Brixton,  gent.     Samnel  Birch,  D.D. 
14  [«c]  Edward,    Edward    &    Maria    Anne    Fitzgerald,   35,    Ashford    St., 
Hoxton,  mercantile  clerk.     "  J.  II.  Vickery,"  officiating 


Mar.   13     Henry,  Henry  &  Hannah  Braine,  32, Bucklersbury,  warehouseman.    G.C. 

16  George    William,    George    Frederick    &    Frances    Catherine    Blogg, 

28,  Bucklersbury,  diamond  merchant,     S.  B.     b.  11  Feb. 
Apr.    17     James  Stephens,  James  &  Anne  Lovell,  38,  Basinghall  St.,  cloth  worker. 

G.  C.     b.  Jan?  14 
May     8     Emma,  Henry  &  Eliza  Fitch,  2,  Tower  Royal,  stationer.    G.C.    b.  Feb.  3 

17  Helen  Louisa  Mary,  George  &  Margaret  Helen  Croly,  6,  Paradise  place, 

Hackney,  Clergyman.     G.  C.     b.  Apl.  10 
Oct.      9     Louisa   Elizabeth,  John    &    Sarah   Margaret  Lucking,   34,   Walbrook, 
butcher.     F.  W.  J.  V. 


Jan.    18     Charles,   Thomas    Hyatt   &    Harriot    Sophia    Mansfield,   7,   Sise   lane, 

painter.     G.  C. 
May    14     Julia  Mary,  Henry  Warren  &  Henrietta  Strutt,  115,  Camden  road  villas, 

gentleman.     G.  C. 


Jan.      7     William,  Edward  &  Anno  Maria  [m'c]  Fitz  Gerald,  Wiuborne  [?]  St., 

mercantile  clerk.     G.  C. 
June  23     Sophia  Jane,  John  &  Sarah  Margaret  Lucking,  34,  Walbrook,  butcher. 

July     7     Elinor,  William  Henry  &  Jane  Shephard,  10,  Bucklersbury,  smith.    G.  C. 

VOL.  II.  M 

250  REGISTERS  OF  ST.  Stephen's,  wai.hrook,  1844-7 

July   14     Emma  Elisabeth,  Willinm  &  Emma  Young,  28,  Walbrook,  stationer. 

G.  C. 
Nov.  17     Richard   William,   William    &    Caroline  Matthews,   33,    Bucklerslmry, 

warehouse  man.     G.  C. 
21     Clara  Elizabeth,  Henry  Joseph  Holland  &  Sarah  Exall,  7,  Walbrook, 

painter.     G.  C. 


Jan.  26     Fanny  Kemble  [?],  Charles  &  Elisabeth  Fanny  Barnott,  2,  Bucklerebory, 

stationer.     G.  C. 
Feb.    10     Frederick,  Thomas  Hyatt  &  Harriot  Sophia  Mansfield,  7,  Sise  lane,  house 

painter.     F.  W.  J.  V. 
May     4     John,  John  &  Lydia  Thome,  1,  Bncklersbury,  cook.     G.  C. 

8  Herbert  Stanley,  William  Hibbs,  Mary  Ann  Jones,  17,  G'  S'  Helens, 

biscuit  baker.     G.  C. 
Juno     8     Charles,  Matthew  &  Mary  Ann  Gilchrist,  2,  Mulberry  Court,  Bell  Alley, 

shoemaker.     G.  C.     b.  29  April,  1837 
15     Elizabeth,  Matthew  &  Mary  Ann   Gilchrist,  2,  Mulberry   Court,  Bell 

Alley,  shoemaker.     G.  C.     b.  1   June,  1840 
July   23     Charles  Leschellas  [?],  Charles  Samuel  &  Harriet  Millington,  7,  Anchor 

Terrace,  Southwark  Bridge  road,  stationer.     G.  C.     b.  June  25 
Oct.      5     William,    William   &    Sarah    Pike,  26,  Walbrook,  carpenter   &  joiner. 

G.  C.     b.  Oct.  17,  1838 

[The  next  form,  No.  296,  is  blank.— Ed.] 

19     Margaret   Nancy,   John    &    Sarah    Margaret   Lucking,  34,   Walbrook, 
butcher.     F.  W.  J.  V. 


Jan.    10     Frederic    Ernest  James,    Gerard    &    Caroline    Marie  Vandeliiude  [?], 
Higbgate,  schoolmaster.     G.  C.     b.  Sep.  18,  1845 

[The  next  form,  No.  299,  is  blank.— Ed.] 

25  William  Joseph,  William  Hubbuck  &  Martha  Hutchinson,  9,  Bucklers- 

bury,  licensed  victualler.     G.  C.     b.  26  Doc,  1845 
Mar.     9     Benjamin  Thomas,  Benjamin  &  Mary  Stacey,  Whistlers  Court,  Salter's 

hill  court,  labourer.     G.  C. 
Apr.   12     Richard  William,  Thomas  &  Eliza  Phillips,  3,  Mulberry  court,  Boll  alley, 

fish  salesman.     G.  C.     b.  21  May,  1843 
12     John  James,  Thomas  &  Eliza  Phillips,  3,  Mulberry  court,  Bell  alley, 

fish  salesman.     G.  C.     b.  9  Sep.,  1845 

July  10     Sarah  Elizabeth?  1    J°l',n    &    M"!7  /?^ucr'   4'  Roml    Co,,rf> 

Mary  Ann  Mefanie  [?],  )         shopman,     G.  C. 
Aug.     9     Joseph,  )  Joseph  &  Frances  Morgan  West,  5,  Mulberry  Court, 

fNo  3051    Frances  Morgan,  \      Moorgate   St.,  bootcloser.      G.  C.     "  There  were 
L      '        J    William  King,      )       three  children  baptized  in  No.  305,  G.  Croly  " 

9  Louisa  Mary,  James  &  Louisa  Molt,  5,  Bond  court,  Walbrook,  silver 

polisher.     G.  C. 


Fob.      7     Anna  Mariu,  Charles  &  Anna  Maria  Fitch-Lamprell,*  Cannon  Street, 
licensed  victualler.     F.  W.  J.  V. 

26  Sophia,  Thomas    &    Matilda   Flight,   32,  Upper   Brook    St.,  merchant. 

G.  C. 

*  In  Ixjndon  Directory  called  "Chnrlcs  Fitch  Lnmnrell,  Dyers'  Arms  V.  II.,  12,  Cnnuon  St., 
City."— Ed. 

1847-50  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEREItOG  '.     BAPTISMS.  251 

Feb.    26     Frances,  Thomas  &  Matilda  Flight,,  32,  Upper  Brook   St.,  merchant. 

G.  C. 
May   12     Julia,  William  &  Percy  Mary  Rustou,  Tulse  hill,  Brixton,  cornfactor. 

G.  C.     b.  16  Nov.,  1846 
July     4     Thomas,  Thomas  &  Sophia  Whiley,  3,  Type  court,  Milton  St.,  labourer. 

G.  C.     b.  Juno  12 
Aug.  29     PYancis  son  of  John  &  Lydia  Thorn,  4,  Bucklersbury,  eating   house 

keeper.     F.  W.  J.  V.     b.  Nov.  11,  1846 
29     Frances  daughter  of  John  &  Lydia  Thorn,  4,  Bucklersbury,  eating  house 

keeper.     F.  W.  J.  V.     b.  Nov.  11,  1846 
Sep.    12     Phillis  Sarah,  William  Hubbuck  &  Martha  Hutchinson,  of  Bucklersbury, 

licensed  victualler.     G.  C.     b.  15  Aug. 
Dec.   25     Joseph,  Joseph  Blucher  &  Charlotte  Pouten,  32,  Bucklersbury,  tavern 

keeper.     G.  C. 
25     Charles,  Joseph  Blucher  &  Charlotte  Ponten,  32,  Bucklersbury,  tavern 

keeper.     G.  C. 
"25     John,  Joseph  Blucher  &   Charlotte  Ponten,  32,  Bucklersbury,  tavern 

keeper.     G.  C. 


Feb.    23     Walters.  Walter  Edwards,*  10,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  footman.    G.  C. 
Mar.   19     Annie  Eliza  Matilda,  John  Brutus  &  Anne  Davies,  32,  Walbrook,  wine 

cooper.     G.  C. 
June  14     Henry  Charles,  Robert  Henry  &  Sarah  Maria  Drover,  107,  Oxford  St. 
[no  description  statod.— Ed.]     G.  C.     b.  May  19 
25     Snrah,  Joseph  Henry  &  Ami  Page,  8,  Pancras  lane,  auctioneer.     G.  C. 
b.  9  April,  1847 
Dec.      9     Anne,  Thomas  &  Matilda  Flight,  32,  Upper  Brook  St.,  merchant.    G.  C. 
b.  9  Oct. 


Jan.      8     Alice,  Robert  &  Eliza  King,  10,  Pancras  lane,  warehouse  man.     G.  C. 
b.  Dec.  9,  1848 
8     Emily,  Robert  &  Eliza  King,  10,  Pancras  lane,  warehouse  man.     G.  C. 
b.  Dec.  9,  1848. 
14     John,  John  &  Eliza  Frankland,  5,  Bond  Court,  shoemaker.     G.  C. 
14     William,  John  &  Eliza  Frankland,  5,  Bond  Court,  shoemaker.     G.  C. 
14     Henry  Thomas,  John  &  Eliza  Frankland,  5,   Bond  Court,  shoemaker. 
G.  C. 
Feb.   18     Sabina,    John    Hartley    &    Sabina    Butterworth,    23,   Jewin    St.,   gold 
chaser.     G.  C. 
18     Charlotte,   John  Hartley  &   Sabina   Butterworth,  23,  Jewin  St.,  gold 
chaser.     G.  C. 
Mar.   25     Received  in  the  Church,  Henry  s.  of  Henry  Warren  &  Henrietta  Strutt, 
ll,Ampton  place, J  gentleman,  "  privately  baptized  Aug.  28  1847." 
G.  C. 
May     9     Henry  Edward,  Henry  Edward  &  Ann  Esther  Murrell,  2,  Bond  Court, 

auctioneer.     G.  C. 
Dec.    19     Emily  Lydia,  Charles  Samuel  &  Harriet  Millington,  Grove,  Camberwell, 
stationer.     G.  C. 


Jan.    24     Margaret  Mary,  Horatio  &  Margaret  Dawson,  7,  Sisc  lane,  merchant. 

G.  C. 
Feb.      3     Thomas,  Thomas  &  Mary  Ann  Batt  [?  Bott,  or  Butt— Ed.],  87,  Wood 

St.,  victualler.     G.  C. 

*  The  mother's  name  is  not  stated. — Ed. 
t  Grays  Iun  Road.— ED. 

852  KEGlSTEKS   OF   ST.   Stephen's,   WALBROOK,  1850-4 

Mar.  L't     Aim,  Thomas  A  Ann  Bartlett,  7,  Bond  eoort,  labourer.     6.  C. 

2i     Frederic  William  A  Aim  Catherine  Jacobs,  9,  Bond  oourf, smith.    G.C. 
July     7     Sarah  Elisabeth,  John  Joseph  A  Surah  Elisabeth  Riley,  7,  Bond  court. 

Oct.    2i)     Alice  Ciireton,  Henry  Edward  &  Aim  Esther  Murrell,  2,  Bond  court, 
(iiictioneer.     G.  C. 


Feb.    19     Horatio   John,    Horatio   A    Margaret    Dawson,   7,   Sisc    lane,   grocer. 
M.  W.  Lusignan,  Lecturer,  Allhallowe 

26     Enmia  Louisa,  William  A  Louisa  Breenan,  3.1,,  Walbrook,  porter  [?]. 

G.  C.     b.  22  Nov.,  L850 
Jan.     4     Charles    Horatio,    Alfred   &    Christiana   George,   22,    Skinner    street, 

Clerkenwell,  glass  dealer.     G.  C. 
Apr.    2S      Frank,  Horatio  A  Margaret  Dawson,  7,  Sise  lane,  grocer.      G.  C. 
Mav     2     Thomas,    Thomas   &    Martha    Thome,  i,  Bucklersbury,   eating    house 

keeper.     G.  C. 
5     Flora,    William   Quest   A    Mary    Sarah    Carpenter,    1,    West    Street, 

Finsbury  Circus,  surgeon.     G.  C. 
5     Marian,    William    dues)    A    Mary    Sarah   Carpenter,    1,  West  Street, 

Finsbury  Circus,  surgeon.     G.  C. 
Sep.    19     Henry,  William  Joseph  &  Louisa  Brcnan,  3.1,,   Bell   Court,  Walbrook, 

waiter.     F.  W.  J.  V. 
Oct.    1!)     Mary  Seton,  James  Soton  &  Sophia  Frances  Broadbent,  81,  Charles  St., 

City  road,  railway  clerk.     G.  C. 

"  1851" 

Aug.    10  Soptima,  Thomas  A    Matilda  Catharine   Flight,  Norwood,  gent",     hapt. 

"  at  Brighton  by  G.  Croly."     b.  H  Feb.,  1851 
Apr.     6     Octavia,  Thomas  A  Matilda  Catharine  Flight,  Norwood,  gent".       G.  C. 

b.  19  Feb. 
June  lit     William,  Charles  &  Susan  Taylor,  5,  Bond  Court,  carpenter.     6.  C. 
Sep.    16     Edward  Henry,  Edward  A  Matilda  Cordelia  While,  95,  Cannon  Street, 

brush  maker,      G.  ('.      b.  28  June 
18     Emily   Louisa,*5   Richard    Smith   A    Ann    Catherine   Green,    Bell  court, 

miller.     F.  W.  J.  V.     b.  23  July 
Dee.    11     Christina, Alfred  A  Christina  George, 30,  Cirencester  [dare,  Fitsroy  Sq., 

lustra  mounter.     G.  C. 



[date       Mary    Malinda,  .lame-   ,v    Maw  Carr,   ::.  Walbrook    building 
illegible]       F.  W.  J.  V. 
Mar.    1!)      Emma  Jam-,  William  .V-  Jane  [?]  Scudamore,  I''.  Pancras  lane,  fruiterer. 

••  W.  F.  J.  Vickery"  [written  by  another  hand. — Ed.] 
Apr.    \<)     Robert  Nelson,  Horatio  <v  Margaret  Dawson,  No.  6,  Rood  lane  "rocer 

July  21     Clan  Harriet,  Charles  Samuel  A  Harriet  Millington,  Grove,  Camberwell, 

Btationer.     G.  C. 
Sop.     It      Ami    Sarah,    Abel    Sparrow    X-    Ann    Chappell,    28,    Walhrook,   builder. 

F.  W.J.  V. 
1 1     Frederic  Abel,  Abel  Sparrow  ,v  Aim  Chappell.  28,  Walbrook,  builder. 

F.  W.  J.  V.  ™ 

Del.     lo      Mary  Aim.  William   Henry  A    Maria   Edwards,  1.  Walhrook,  warehouse 

man.     ( i.  C. 

Now  Mrs.  Thompson,  the  anient  Bsstonaaa—  Ed. 

1854-7  AND   ST.    BENET    SIIEKEIIOG  :     BAPTISMS.  253 

Oct.    22     Harriot  Eliza,  Henry  &  Emma  Newman,  8,  Bond  court,  tailor.     G.  C. 
Dec.   24     Mary  Alma,  Edward  &   Matilda  Cordelia  White,  9,'),  Cauuou   Street  & 
Mile  End,  brush  maker.     G.  C.     b.  17  Aug. 


May     4     Walter  John  Graham,  Samuel  &  Eliza  Ann  Lovelock,  7,  Dowgate  hill, 
india  rubber  manufacturer.      F.  W.  J.  V. 
13     George,  William  George  &  Mary  Ann  Smith,  27,  Budge  row,  machine 
ruler.     F.  W.  J.  V. 
July      1     Ada,  Edward  &  Mary  Anna  Adames,  3,  Casslaud  road,  South  Hackney, 
commercial  traveller.     G.  C. 
1     Richard,*  Richard  Smith  &  Ann  Catherine  Green,  5,  Bond  court,  miller. 

G.  C. 
1     Emma  Augustus    Dry,  Frank    &   Jane    Duttou,   172,  Fenchurcli    St., 
printer.     G.  C. 
10     Julia  Marianne,  William  Henry  &  Julia  Warren   Barber,  56,  Cheapside, 
jeweller.     G.  C. 
Oct.      7     Rosa,  Alfred  &  Ellen  Maria  Smith,  1,  Pancras  laue,  librarian.     G.  C. 

Abel  Sparrow,  Abel  Sparrow  &  Ann  Chappell,  28,  Walbrook,  plumber. 

Edward  Fitzgerald,  George  Fitzgerald  &  Mary  Ann  Chapman, 
67,  Watling  St.,  fireman.     G.  C.     b.  14  May,  1836 

William  Thomas,  William  Newell  &  Eliza  Pleasance  Gates,  8,  Bond 
court,  tailor.     G.  C.     b.  23  Feb. 

Samuel  Alfred,  Alfred  &  Christiana  George,  35,  Ernest  St.,  Regeuts 
Park,  commercial  traveller.     G.  C.     b.  2  May 

Henry  John,  William  &  Mary  Anne  Hawkins,  4,  Bond  court,  labourer. 

F.  W.  J.  V.     b.  23  June 
Alfred  Green,  Horatio  &  Margaret  Dawson,  77,  Cannon   St.,  grocer. 

G.  C.     b.  17  July 
James  Surrey,  James  Henry  &  Adelaide  Victoria  Dane,  14,  Walbrook, 

accountant.     Henry  While,     b.  25  Aug. 
26     William  Christopher,  Edward   &  Matilda  Cordelia  White,  95,  Cannon 
Street,  brushmaker.     Henry  White  [afterwards  Chaplain  of  ye  Chapel 
Poyal,  Savoy  St. — En.],     b.  4  Sep. 
Nov.  19     Elizabeth,   James   &    Elizabeth    Biggs,    24,   Norton   Folgate,    tobacco 
manufacturer.     G.  C.     b.  21  Oct. 

Emily  Margarette  Frederica,  William  Henry  &  Julia  Warren  Barber, 

56,  Cheapside,  jeweller.     G.  C.     b.  24  Jany 
Alice  Maria,  William  Henry  &  Maria  Edwards,  4,  Walbrook,  warehouse- 
man.    G.  C.     b.  18  Feb. 
Henry,  William  Henry  &  Ellen  Peck,  3^,  Bell  court,  tallow  chandler. 

G.  C.     b.  16  Feb. 
Catherine,  Edward  &  Mary   Anna  Adames,  5,   Casslaud  road,   South 

Hackney,  commercial  traveller.     G.  C.     b.  20  Feb. 
Jessie  May,  Daniel  Richard  &  Matilda  Agnes  Harvest,  2,  Queen  street 

place,  City,  drysalter.     G.  C.     b.  10  May. 
Edward    Samuel,  Frederick   Alexander   &    Charlotte    Sophia    Candler, 

367,  Oxford  street,  hosier.     G.  C.     b.  26  March,  1852 
Arthur,    Richard    Smith   &    Ann    Catherine    Green,    9,   Bond    court, 

policeman.     G.  C.     b.  7   May 
Samuel,  Samuel  &  Anu  Pankhurst,  4,  Bond  Court,  house  porter.     G.  C. 

b.  6  June 

*  Now  the  present  verger. -Ed. 
















J  857 











254  registers  ok  st.  Stephen's,  WALBROOK,  1857-60 

July     3     Prudence,    Henry   &    Susan    Koek,    11,    Walbrook,    stationer.       G.  C. 

b.  7  March,  IS  1 1 
Dec.    14     Charles   Stuart,   William    Henry  &   Susan   Holcombe,  2,  S'  Mildred's 

court,  commercial  clerk.     G.  C.     b.  15  April,  1838 


Feb.    14     William,  Paul  &   Rebecca   Bevan,  27,  Westbourne  park,  PariMington, 

solicitor.     G.  C.     b.  4  Oct.,  1812 
21     Ella  Mar)-,  James  Henry  &  Adelaide  Victoria  Dane,  29,  Smith's  terrace, 

Chelsea,  &  14,  Walbrook,  accountant.     H.  W.     b.  17  Jan. 
Apr.   18     Matilda  Elizabeth,  William  George  &  Mary  Ann  Smith,  27,  Budge  row, 

machine  ruler.     G.  C.     b.  2  Feb. 
May     6     James  Charles,  James  &  Elizabeth  Biggs,  24,  Norton  Folgate,  tobacco 

manufacturer.     G.  C.     b.  Apr.  5 
June  24     Edith  Elizabeth,  Horatio  &  Margaret  Dawson,  78,  Cannon  St.,  grocer. 

G.  C.     b.  23  Mar. 
Aug.     1     Philip,  Philip  &  Ann  Pratt,  10,  Bond  court,  printer.     G.  C.     b.  13  July 
Sep.   26     Matilda,   James    Vidler    &    Matilda    Blackman,    Bond    court,   draper. 

F.  W.  J.  V.     "  This  child  was  registered  as  Adelaide  Ann  " 

Nov.  14     Elizabeth   Alma,  Thomas   George  &   Charlotte   Maria   Pope,  6,  Bond 

court,  porter.     G.  C.     b.  16  Oct. 
Dec.    26     Albertina  Maria,  Adolf   &  Catherine  Preyer,  28",  Walbrook,  painter. 

G.  C.     b.  1   Oct. 


Jan.    16     Edith,   Edward    &    Mary    Anna    Adames,    4,    Cassland    road,    South 
Hackney,  commercial  traveller.     G.  C.     b.  28  Oct. 
30     Mary  Florence,  Daniel  Richard  &  Matilda  Agnes  Harvest,  33,  Church 
road,  West  Islington,  drysalter.     G.  C.     b.  13  Sep.,  1858 
Feb.      6     Jessie.   Margaret    London,    4,   Bond    court,    needle   woman.      G.    C. 
b.  25  Aug.,  1858     [No  father's  name  recorded. — Ed.] 
6     William    Arthur,  William    Henry   &    Ellen    Peck,    Bell   court,   tallow 
chandler.     G.  C.     b.  3  Jan. 
20     Thomas    Julian,    Alfred    &    Christiana    George,   24,    Galway    street, 
S'  Luke's,  commercial  traveller.     G.  C.     b.  22  Dec,  1858 
Mar.     6     William     Henry,    William    Henry    &     Maria    Edwards,    4,    Walbrook, 
warehouseman.     G.  C.     b.  9  Feb. 
18     May  Lough,  William  Baikie  &  Mary  Scarth,  8,  Bond  court,  warehouse- 
man.    G.  C. 
June     5     Thomas  Alexander,*  Thomas  &  Catherine  Comiouls  Bear,  233,  High 
St.,  Boro',  tobacco  manufacturer.     G.  C.     born  13th  Jan'',  1859 
5     Emma  Jane,  George  &  Jane  Ballard,  14,  Sise  lane,  omnibus  conductor. 
G.  C.     b.  17  May 
Oct.    20     Mary  Anne,  James   &  Elizabeth   Biggs,   Brentwood,   Essex,   tobacco 
manufacturer.     G.  C.     b.  23  Sep.,  1859 
Mary    Ann,  William    Georgo   &    Mary   Aim    Smith,  27,  Budge   row, 

machine  ruler.     G.  C.     b.  Aug.  16 
William  Henry,  William  &  Emma  Creese,  3,  Ilavelock  street,  Islington, 
railway  porter.     G.  C.     b.  5  Nov. 

Walter    Samuel,    Charles    Samuel    &    Harriet   Millington,    Sydenham, 
stationer.     G.  C. 

Mar.  25     Benjamin  Richard,  Samuel  &  Ann  Pankhurst,  12,  Great  Trinity  Lane, 
house  porter.     G.  C. 

•  N»w  Thomu  Alexander  Mason,  ilie  present  representative  <>f  the  Yeomen  Family  of  Mason, 

f..r  centnriea  of   liming  Hill  und   Qawthrop,  Dent,  co.  Yorks.,  uml  of  Temple  I'ourt,  Rcigate, 
eo.  Surrey.— KD. 








1860  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEREIIOG  :     BAPTISMS.  255 

May  25     Mary  Ann,  Charles  &  Charlotte  Finch,  8,  Bond  court,  tailor.     G.  C. 
June     3     Daniel  Richard,  Daniel  Richard  &  Matilda  Agnes  Harvest,  35,  Church 

road,  West  Islington,  drysalter.     G.  C.     b.  12  Jan* 
July   22     George  William,  Abel  Sparrow  &  Ann  Chappell,  28,  Walbrook,  plumber. 

G.  C. 
22     Alice  Mary,  William  &  Ann  Boalter,  26,  Bucklersbury,  wine  cooper. 

G.  C. 
22     William  Louis,  Louis  Augustus  &  Agnes  Leins,  33,  Bucklcrsbury,  bag 
[No.  416]       manufacturer.     G.  C.     b.  June  30 
Nov.  24     born,   Henry    Andrew,   Thomas   &    Catherine    Cormoules    [sic~]    Bear, 

233,  High  street,  Borough,  tobacco  manufacturer.     F.  W.  J.  Vickery, 

offg.  miur.     [Baptized  9  Jan?,  1861.— Ed.] 

[The  entries  are  continued  from  No.  417,  dated  9  Jan.,  1861,  to 
No.  600,  dated  10  Nov.,  1919,  the  Register  being  still  in  use  ; 
Forms  601—800  being  blank.— Ed.] 

(     256     ) 



Burials  in  the  United  Parishes  of  St.  Stephen,  Walbrook,  & 
St.  Bennet  Siierehog,  in  the  City  of  London. 



When  Buried. 


By  whom  the  Ceremony 
was  performed. 

Mary  Aim  White 
No.  1 

New  Court, 
S4  Swithin's  Lane 

February  5th 


John  Frith, 
























1  1 



























Susannah  Hurnm,  Poultry,  26  years.     G.  S.  Townley,  M.A.,  Rector 
Hannah  Smith,  Clapham  Rise,  34  years.     G.  S.  T. 
Ann  Jenkins,  Barge  yard,  Bucklersliury,  77  years.     G.  S.  T. 
Caroline  Powell,  Drapers  Buildings,  a  pauper,  13  months.     G.  S.  T. 
James    William     Rivers     Freeling,     Hampstead,    Middlesex,    6    years. 

W.  Parker,  Minr 
Martha  Stowers,  Bucklersbury,  28  years.     W.  P. 

Grace  Heale,  Walworth,  18  days.     G.  S.  T. 

Thomas  Sheppard,  Sise  lane,  45  years.     G.  S.  T. 

Alfred  Sheppard,  Sise  lane,  5  months.     G.  S.  T. 

Abigail  Maria  Sommers,  Islington,  85  years.     G.  S.  T. 

Robert  Lewis,  Bond  Court,  72  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Thomas  Lawrance,  Bucklersbury,  53  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Elizabeth  Pyefinch,  Lewisham,  78  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Ebenczer  Sheppard,  Sise  lane,  2  years.     W.  P. 

Elizabeth  Duckworth,  Wallbrook,  52  years.     G.  S.  T. 

Ann  White,  New  Court,  8'  Swithin's  lane,  3  months.     W.  P. 

Martha  Stowers,  College  Hill,  1  year.     G.  S.  T. 

Thomas  John  Le  Filiatre,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  6  months.     G.  S.  T. 

Ann  Stevenson,  Toolcy  St.,  Southwark,  46  years.     W.  Parker,  Jr 

Mary  Le  Filiatre,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  40  years.     G.  S.  T. 

Mary  Ann  Hall,  Walbrook,  10  months.     G.  S.  T. 

Mary  Musgrave,  Brompton  Row,  67  years.     G.  S.  T. 

John  Edmund  Croft,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  16  months.     G.  S.  T. 
John  Pewtner,  Clerkenwcll,  8  months.     G.  S.  T. 
Ann  Lloyd,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  77  years.     G.  S.  T. 
Ann    Songhurst,    Clcrkenwoll,  8  months.      II.  B.  Wilson,   Curato  of 
s1  Michael,  BaBBiahaw 

Sarah  Anne  Margary,  Burton  Crescent,  6  years.      G.  S.  T. 

Elisabeth    Ann    Pennington,  Banksido,  Southwark,  6  months.      Tlio* 

Margaret  Bcntley,  City  Road,  53  yrs.     T.  W. 
Robort  Dalrymple,  New  Peter  S*,  Westminster,  35  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

1816-20  burials.  257 

John  Barnard,  Kentish  Town,  79  yrs.     W.  V.  Ireson 

John  Kent,  Great  Yarmouth,  84  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

John  Trueman,  S*  Pancras,  70  yrs.     W.  P. 

William  Pillings,  Bucklersbury,  4  months  29  days.     G.  S.  T. 

Thomas  Bokingham  Hall,  Walbrook,  20  months  4  days.     G.  S.  T. 

Amy  Hart,  Islington,  36  yrs.     W.  P. 

Mary  Ann  Davenhill,  Walbrook,  13  months  6  days.     G.  S.  T. 

Joseph  Bureau,  Bethnal  Green,  78  yrs.     W.  P. 

Mary  Lyne,  Islington,  late  of  Walbrook,  80  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Mary  Noble,  Size  lane,  17  years.     G.  S.  T. 

James  Wallis  Street,  Chesham,  Bucks.,  67  yrs.     W.  P. 
William  Stafford,  Walbrook,  16  months.     W.  P. 
Sarah  Frances  Galant,  Blackfriars,  2  months.     G.  S.  T. 
Esther  Prodo,  Walbrook,  38  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 
William  Strahan,  Holborn,  69  yrs.     W.  P. 

Elizabeth  Puller,  Tyssen  St.,  Bethnal  Green,  83  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Elizabeth  Mee,  Se  Clements  Lane,  Strand,  58  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Sarah  Street,  Chesham,  Bucks.,  62  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

William  John  Moore,  Bucklersbury,  47  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Louisa  Songhurst,  Clerkenwell,  6  months.     W.  P. 

William  Ross,  Walbrook,  58  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Elizabeth  Barnard,  Burton  Crescent,  81  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Francis  Alven,  Walbrook,  69  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Henry  Parr,  Walbrook,  42  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

John  Joseph  Hall,  Gk  Dover  St.,  Newington,  8  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Richard  Yeoward,  Walcot  Place,  Lambeth,  80  yrs.     W.  P. 

Bolden  Lamb,  Bell  Court,  Walbrook,  20  days.     G.  S.  T. 

Fanny  Richardson,  Walbrook,  14  days.     W.  P. 

Unknown,  died   suddenly  by   dropping   down   in  Bucklersbury,  about 

45  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 
Isaac  Akerman,  Walbrook,  71  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 
Charlotte  Gem  Alven,  Battersea,  5  months.     G.  S.  T. 

Mary  Severn,  Bucklersbury,  24  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Charles  Jackson,  Walbrook,  15  months.     G.  S.  T. 

Ann  Jackson,  Walbrook,  4  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Julia  Richardson,  Walbrook,  2  yrs.  5  m°.     G.  S.  T. 

Thomas  Margary,  Clapham,  64  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

George   French,    Walbrook,    59   yrs.      Thomas    Harrison,    Curate    of 

S*  Sepulchres 
Jean  Douville,  Bond  Court,  15  days.     T.  H. 
Anna  Matilda  Dickinson,  Great  Queen  Street,  51  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 
Thomas  Jones,  Pancras  Lane,  8  days.     T.  H. 

Mary  Ann  Reddy,  Bucklersbury,  16  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Ann  Hall,  Bishopsgate  St.,  56  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Charlotte  Salisbury,  Bond  Court,  32  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Arthur  Thomas  Burgon,  Bucklersbury,  7  months.     G.  S.  T. 

Ann  Thorne,  Bucklersbury,  37  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Robert  Pennington  Freeling,  Bryanston  Square,  6  months.     G.  S.  T. 

Hannah  Tibbs,  Islington,  68  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

L.    II.  N 










































































258  REGISTERS    OF   ST.    STEPHEN 's,    WALBROOK,  1820-5 

Aug.  17  Aim  Turner,  Walbrook,  29  yrs.     J.  Wilkinson,  A.B. 

Dec.      2  Charlotte  Earle,  Old  Street,  67  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

10  Frances  Street,  Budge  Row,  40  yrs.     G.  S  T. 

17  Septimus  Gibbons,  Bncklersbury,  14  yrs.    G.  S.  T. 

18  Ann  Axford,  Greenwich,  71  yrs.      G.  S.  T. 


Jan.    30  Robert  Charnlev,  Walbrook,  76  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Feb.    25  Robert  Jopliog,  Walbrook,  18  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Mar.  25  Joseph  Jackson  Ritchie,  Nelson  Square,  8  months.     G.  S.  T. 

Apr.    12  Alexander  Browne,  Church  lane,  Wbitechapel,  38  yrs.    G.  S.  T 

May    16  Ellen  Collet,  Mile  End,  10  months.     Jonathan  Wilkinson,  A.  B. 

Aug.  15  Elizabeth  Murrey,  Bond  Court,  27  yrs.     J.  W. 

Sep.    10  Anne  Torin,  Englefield  Green,  87  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Nov.     6  Ellen  Lowe  Pennington,  Blaekfriars,  5  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Dec.   20  Anna  Elizabeth  Booth,  Guilford  Street,  3  mouths.    W.L.  Fancourt,  M.A. 

Susan  Legh,  Wilmot  Street,  23  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Sarah  Legh,  Wilmot  Street,  23  yrs.     J.  W. 

William  Humphreys,  Barge  yard,  14  yrs.     J.  W. 

Isabella  Susannah  Howell,  Upper  Berkeley  Street,  55  yrs.     J.  \Y. 

Abraham  Watson  Rutherford,  Stamford  Hill,  65  yrs.     J.  W. 

Sarah  Rutherford,  Bond  Court,  69  yrs.     J.  W. 

Brownlow  Lewis  Margary,  Kensington,  4  months.     G.  S.  T. 
Thomas  Francis  Gregg,  Charterhouse  Square,  38  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 
Heneage  Francis  Pennington,  Islington,  13  yrs.     John  Tilt,  Curate,  of 

Allhallows,  Lombard  St. 
George  Field,  Bond  Court  &  Croydon,  67  yrs.     J.  W. 
John  Derby  Booth,  Guilford  Street,  9  months.     J.  W. 
Hester  Pryce,  Highbury,  Islington,  73  yrs.     J.  W. 

Martha  Townley,  Rectory  House,  Walbrook,  age  [blank]. 
George  Fordyce  Mavor,  Finsbury  Square,  34  yrs.    J.  W. 
Sophia  Collet,  Ilampstead  Road,"  10  months.    "G.  S.  T. 
Elizabeth  Courteen,  Sise  Lane,  83  yrs.     J.  W. 
Anna  Maria  Booth,  Guilford  Street,  6  months.     J.  W. 
Elizabeth  Margary,  Kensington,  38  yrs.     J.  W. 
Richard  Orton  Webb,  Barge  yard,  Bucklersbury,  12  years. 
July  25    John  Songhurst,  Ironmonger  lane,  48  yra.     J.  W. 

Theresa  Jones,  Si8e  lain-,   l.j  yrs.      J.  W. 

Eliza  Fitzpatrick,  Havil  St.,  Cainberwcll,  26  yrs.     J.  W. 

Mary  Morris,  White  St.,  83  years.     J.  \V. 

Samuel  Culme  West,  Crutehcd  Friars.  51  years,     J.  W. 

John  Phillips,  Guilford  St.,  7  weeks.     G.  S.  T. 

Hope  Collet,  Ilampstead  Rd.,  39  yrs.      G.  S.  T. 

Thomas  Marshall,   Newingtou   Green,  69  yrs.     T.   Shephard,  Minister 

of  S'  James,  ClerkenwelJ 
Frances  Gye,  Walbrook,  21  yrs.     J.  W. 
Augustus  Barrett,  Walbrook,  3  months.    J.  W. 
Sarah  Collins,  Walbrook,  1  month.     W.  Harrison,  D.D. 
Emma  Glendinning,  Rathbone  Place,  19  months.    J.  W. 
Mary  Macrce,  Walbrook,  66  yrs.     J.  W. 















June  13 








































1826-9  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEREHOG  :     BtTKIALS.  259 

Ffolliott  Augusta  Wynch,  Bond  Court,  56  yrs.     J.  W. 

Anna  Maria  Amelia  Street,  Budge  Row,  14  yrs.     J.  W. 

Henry  Field,  Walbrook  &  Stoke  Newington,  36  yrs.     J.  W. 

Frances  Clarke,  Bucklersbury,  7  weeks.     J.  W. 

Thomas  Simpson,  Stepney,  2  yrs.     Thos  Waters,  D.D.,  Lecturer 

Maria  Lyon,  Walbrook,  1  year.     J.  W. 

George    Benjamin    Goodhew,   Walbrook,    3  yrs.     J.   George   Wrench, 

D.C.L.,  Vicar  of  Stowting,  Kent 
Thomas   Michael   Taite,  Bond  Court,  6  yrs.  &  6  mos.     ChaB  Davies, 

Mary  Anne  Simpson,  Stepney,  6  mos.     C.  D. 
Francis  Thomas  Mee,  S'  Clement  Danes,  Strand,  25  years.     C.  D. 
Phillip  Goodhew,  Walbrook,  6  yrs.  &  7  mos.     Jn°  Watson,  D.D. 
Hannah  Strahan,  Percival  St.,  Clerkenwell,  70  yrs.     J.  W. 
John  Sanders,  Sise  lane,  69  yrs.     C.  D. 
Samuel  Davies,  Walbrook,  6  mos.     D.  Williams,  Offg.  Min. 
George  Halson,  Sise  lane,  3  yrs.     T.  T.  Cresswell,  Offg.  Min. 
John  Rogers,  S*  John  St.,  41  yrs.     T.  W. 
Dinah  Goldsmith,  Budge  Row,  30  yrs.     R.  J.  Waters,  Curate 
Sarah  Ann  Taite,  Bond  Court,  2  yrs.  &  5  mos.     T.  W. 
Robert  Gunson,  Bucklersbury,  20  yrs.     T.  W. 
Ann  Newson,  Walbrook,  65  yrs.     R.  J.  W. 
Augustus  Halson,  Size  lane,  7  mos.     R.  J.  W. 

Ann  Dalrymple,  Emmanuel  College,  Westminster,  55  yrs.      Richard 

Lendon,*M.A.,  Preby  of  S'  Paul's 
Henry  Humby,  Bucklersbury,  55  yrs.     T.  W. 

Ann  Ayres,  Bucklersbury,  59  yrs.    IT.  G.  Watkins,  Rector  of  S4  Swithins 
James  Brandram,  Blackfriars  Road,  76  yrs.     R.  J.  W. 

Dorothy  Bowman,  Bond  Court,  88  yrs.     H.  G.  W. 

William  Clarke,  Bucklersbury,  14  months.     Charles  Lendon,  Offg.  Min. 

Katherine  Barrett,  Walbrook,  14  weeks.     T.  Jones,  Curate 

Revd  George  Ogle,  M. A.,  Park  Square,  Regent's  Park,  63  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Benjamin  Allt,  Size  lane,  4  yrs.     John  Twycross,  M.A. 

Mary  Jane  Pendygrass,  Bond  Court,  2  yrs.  &  3  mo.     T.  J. 

William  James  Kerr,  Clerkenwell  Green,  11  yrs.     T.  J. 

Hannah  Lyon,  Wallbrook,  52  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

John  Kayle  Shickle,  Brixton,  61  yrs.     G.  S.  T. 

Edward  Clarke,  Bucklersbury,  14  days.     D.  W. 

Charles  Porter,  Seward  St.,  65  yrs.     D.  W. 

Thomas  Watkius,  Bucklersbury,  56  yrs.     T.  J. 

Mary  Callaway,  Golden  lane,  54  yrs.     T.  J. 

Edmund  Booth,  Lausdown  Place,  14  mo.     T.  J. 

George  Galiegue,  Bond  Court,  2  mo.     T.  J. 

Henry  Bateman,  Bucklersbury,  10  mo.     J.  T. 

Rebecca  Holden,  Water  Lane,  Fleet  Street,  80  yrs.     J.  T. 

Elizabeth  Hendley,  Grove,  Gb  Guilford  St.,  Southwark,  71  yrs.     J.  T. 
July    14     Mary  Salisbury,  Islington,  75  yrs.     T.  J. 
Aug.     3     William  Young,  Kent  Road,  3  yrs.     T.  J. 
Oct.      3     Frances  Akerman,  Walbrook,  78  yrs.     T.  J. 
Nov.   15     Charles  James  Cawthorn,  Walbrook,  17  mo.     T.  J 
Dec.   29     William  Clarke,  Bucklersbury,  7  wks.     T.  J. 

31     Violette  Blunt,  Torrington  Square,  32  yrs.     T.  J. 























































































260  registers  of  st.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  1830-3 

George  Sendcll,  Walbrook,  53  yrs.     T.  J. 

Aim  Watkins,  Bucklersbury,  48  yrs.     T.  J. 

James  Watkins,  Bucklersbury,  45  yrs.     T.  J. 

Frederick  Clarke,  Bucklersbury,  5  yrs.     T.  J. 

John  Frost,  Grub  St.,  9  mo.     T.  J. 

Ann  Elizabeth  Humby,  Bucklersbury,  7  mo.     T.  J. 

Jane  Lucy  Brailey,  Walbrook,  10  mo.     T.  J. 

Robert  Tarras,  Slioreditch,  35  yrs.     T.  J. 

John  Walker,  M.D.,  Bond  Court,  70  yrs.     T.  J. 

John  Brailey,  Walbrook,  36  yrs.     T.  J. 

Richard  Wilson,  2  yrs.     T.  J. 

Henry  Humby,  Bucklersbury,  6  weeks.     T.  J. 

Laughlan  Hunter,  Dorset  St.,  98  yrs.     J.  T. 

William  Collet,  Henrietta  Street,  58  yrs.     T.  J. 


Jan.      6     Revd  Thomas  Waters,  D.D.,  Clerk,  S*  Margaret's,  West*,  75  yrs.     R.  L. 

18  Eliza  Shorudeu,  S'  Michael,  Paternoster  Royal,  14  months.     T.  J. 
May    11     Charles  Frederick  James,  Stoke  Newington  &  Bucklersbury,  one  year. 

Oct.      8     Mary  Coppock,  Sl  James,  Clerkenwell,  8  mouths.     T.  J.     [In  margin 
"single  dues  "] 
Matilda  Booth,  brought  from  Lansdowne  Place,  2  yrs.  &  5  months.     T.  J. 
Jane  Davies,  Walbrook,  8  years.    T.  J.     [In  margin  "  No  Desk  Service"] 
Sarah  Lewis,  Clapham,  59  yrs.     T.  P.  Hutton,  Offg.  Min. 

Richard  Songhurst,  Sise  lane,  28  yrs.     T.  J. 

Charles  Earnest  James,  Stoke  Newington  &  Bucklersbury,  7  months. 

20     Charles  Halson,  Stoke  Newington  &  Sise  lane,  67  yrs.     John  Sandys, 
Off*  Min. 

22  Ann  Ayres,  Sise  lane,  83  yrs.     H.  G.  W. 

Mar.     4     Caroline  Taite,  Bond  Court,  13  mouths.     T.J.     [lu  margin  "  Paid — 
Not  Desk  Service  "] 

10  John  Burgon,  Bucklersbury,  75  years.     T.  J. 
15     Elizabeth  Alven,  Margate,  81  yrs.     T.  J. 

17  Mary  Field,  Balham  Hill,  74  yrs.     T.  J. 
25     Martha  Warren,  Walbrook,  55  yrs.     T.  J. 

May     3     Mary  Burgon,  Hampstead,  75  yrs.     T.  J. 

Apr.   29  [sic]    Samuel  Davies,  Walbrook,  10  months.     T.J.      [In  margin  "  Paid — 

Not  Desk  Service  "] 
May    12     Mary  Ann  Eddison,  Walbrook,  35  yrs.     T.J. 
June  24     Ann  Thorn,  Bucklersbury,  52  yrs.     T.  J. 
•Inly    11      Elizabeth  Loneragan,  Bucklersbury,  45  yrs.    T.J.     [lu  margin  "Not  D."] 

19  Harriet  Burgon,  Bucklersbury,  11  yrs.  &  10  months.      T.J. 

23  George  Cole,  Bond  Court,  7  yrs.     T.  J. 
Aug.     5     Ann  Sendcll,  Walbrook,  57  yrs.     T.  J. 

9     William  John  Eddison,  Walbrook,  1  year  &  3  months.     T.  J. 
12     Elizabeth  Ileale,  Camberwcll,  50  years.     T.  J. 
Oct.    14     Maria  Cox,  Hoxton,  3  yrs.     T.  J. 


.Jan.     7     Alfred  Fawkes,  Bucklersbury,  41  yrs,     T.J. 

11  Maria  Lydia  Burgon,  Buoklersbury,  16  months,     T.  J. 

18  David  Thornton  Burgon,  Buoklersbury,  ;!  yrs.  &  4  months.     T.  J. 
Mar.   15     John  Bateiuan,  Bucklersbury,  44  yrs.     T.  J. 










1833-7  AND   ST.    BENET   SHEREttOG  :     BURIALS.  261 

Mar.  31  Elizabeth  Cox,  Hoxton,  50  yrs.     T.  J. 

Apr.   28  Sarah  Ann  Jackson,  Biicklersbnry,  3  yrs.     T.  J. 

28  Samuel  Jackson,  Biicklersbnry,  17  months.     T.  J. 

June  14  Ann  Brownsort,  Britannia  Street,  Hoxton,  70  yrs.       T.J.      ["Poor"] 

Aug.     9  Susannah  Lyon,  G'  Dover  St.,  69  yrs.     T.  J. 

1 1  William  Sisson  Mitchell,  Walbrook,  60  yrs.     T.  J. 

Sep.    17  Sarah  Lydia  Jones,  Sise  lane  &  Peckham  Rye,  52  yrs.     T.  J. 

Oct.      6  Henry  Humby,  Biicklersbnry,  25  yrs.     T.  J. 

15  Frederick  Clarke,  Bucklersbury,  3  months.     T.  J. 

17  Ann  Thurston,  Islington,  14  months.     T.  J.     ["  Poor  "] 

Dec.    23  Emma  Lovett,  Bond  Court,  7  months.     T.  J. 


Feb.      9     Mary  Ann  Humby,  Bucklersbury,  24  yrs.     T.  J. 

25     Hugh  Downie,  Lombard  Street,  Southwark,  70  yrs.     T.  J.      ["  Poor"] 
25     Phebe  Green,  Lombard  Street,  Southwark,  58  yrs.      T.  J.      ["  Poor  "] 
Mar.     2     Elizabeth  Taite,  Bush  lane,  42  yrs.     T.J.     ["Poor"] 
Apr.   27     William  Henry  Powell,  Pancras  lane,  12  yrs.     T.J.     ["Poor"] 
Aug.  28     Edward     Augustus     Gibbons,     Bucklersbury    &    Vauxhall,    74     yrs. 

T.  Wynne,  Offe  Min. 
Sep.      2     Julia  Boswortb,  Barge  yard,  20  months.     Thomas  Harrison,  Offs  Min. 
Mary  Ann  Dedman,  Fetter  Lane,  4  months.     T.  J.     ["Poor"] 
Emma  Lane,  East  lane,  Walworth,  28  yrs.     John  H.  Simpson,  A.M., 

Ofis  Min. 
David  Enscoe,  Bond  Court,  18  months.     T.  J.     ["Poor"] 
Elizabeth  Ann  Liege,  London  Street,  Greenwich,  78  yrs.     T.  J. 
Lendou  Waters,  Emmanuel  College,  Westminster,  8  months.     T.  J. 

Frederick  Head,  Oxford  Street,  No.  183,  30  yrs.     T.  J. 

James  Wanford  Shakespeare,  Claremont  Square,  4  yrs.     T.  J. 

The    Revd   George    Stepney  Townley,  Rector   of    this    Parish    nearly 

51  years,  88  yrs.     T.  J. 
Elizabeth  Galiegue,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  38  yrs.     T.  J.     ["Poor"] 
Sarah  Tarrant,  Garlick  Hill,  69  years.     T.  J.     ["  Pauper"] 
Eliza  Dane,  Walbrook,  2  yrs.  &  4  months.     T.  J. 
Mary  Ann  Noble,  Camberwell,  72  yrs.     T.  J. 
Mary  Airey  Prime,    Bedford    New    Road,   Clapham,   68  yrs.     Joseph 

Jowett,  Offs  Min. 
Sophia  Marshall,  Walbrook,  16  months.      Josiah  Pratt,  B.D.,  Offe  Min. 




































Mary  Fawcett,  Pancras  Lane,  74  years.     G.  Croly,  Rector 

Ellen  Richardson,  Bond  Court,  17  months.     G.  C. 

Catherine  Margaret  Burgon,  Bucklersbury,  7  yrs.     G.  C. 

William  Joseph  Marshall,  Walbrook,  4  yrs.     G.  C. 

Anne  Richardson,  dimming  Place,  Pentonville,  32  yrs.     Tho8  Hartwell 

Home,  B.D.,  Ofis  Min. 
Ann  Harriet  Margary,  Wellington  Rd.,  Sl  Johns  Wood,  14  yrs.     G.  C. 
Ann  Walker,  Cambridge  Heath,  Hackney,  74  yrs.     G.  C. 


Jan.      2     Sarah  Shakespeare,  Claremont  Square,  12  yrs.     G.  C. 

12     Anne  Montgomerie  Begbie,  Pembroke  Square,  Kensington,  11  months. 

H.  G.  W. 
15     Francis  David  Williams,  Charlotte  Row,  6  mos.      John  T.  White,  Offg. 
Feb.    11     Eleanor  Shepherd,  Oxford  Street,  48  yrs.     G.  C. 

262  registers  of  st.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  1837-42 

Feb.   20  Ann  Belson,  Bond  Court,  65  yrs.     G.  C. 

Mar.   12  Mary  Esther  Porter,  Bath  Street,  Old  Street,  75  yrs.     G.  C. 

Apr.     4  Thomas  George  Mansfield,  Siae  lane,  1  year.     G.  C. 

8  Hannah  Bedford,  Walbrook,  20  yrs.     G.  C. 

Aug.  10  Elizabeth  Prime,  Bedford  New  Road,  Clapham,  67  years.     G.  C. 

10  Thomas  Horwood,  Bunhill  Row,  53  years.     G.  C. 

23  George  Rutherford,  Dalston  Terrace.  Hackney,  47  years.     G.  C. 
Sep.   25  Maria  Rozetta  Harvey,  Lambeth,  37  years.     G.  C. 

Nov.  26  William  Wheatley,  Bond  Court,  17  y'rs.     A.  Brandram,  Offg.  Min. 

Dec.    24  Elizabeth  Charlotte  Richardson,  Walbrook,  13  mouths.     G.  C. 

24  Mary  Rebecca  Richardson,  Walbrook,  13  months.     G.  C. 
24  Jane  Songhurst,  Sise  lane,  11  months.     G.  C. 


Jan.     6  George  Booth,  Bncklersbury,  76  yrs.     G.  C. 

28  Samuel  Cooke,  Philip  Lanej  50  yrs.     A.  B. 

Mar.  18  Rebecca  Haswell,  Whitecross  St.,  44  yrs.     G.  C. 

Apr.    11  Bridget  Brockbank,  Philpot  lane,  75  yrs.     G.  C. 

May    12  Elizabeth  Prothero,  Bell  Court,  65  yrs.     G.  C. 

July      1  William  Morris,  Bond  Court,  3  yrs.     A.  B. 

Sep.   23  William  Middleditch,  Bncklersbury,  11  months.     G.  C. 

Dec.     8  Peter  Beutley,  Union  Place,  City  road,  84.     G.  C. 

18  Rebecca  Charlotte  Richardson,  Walbrook,  5  months.     G.  C. 

23  Charles  Haw,  Bucklcrsbury,  74  yrs.     G.  C. 


Apr.   14  John  Songhurst,  Size  lane,  32  yrs.     G.  C. 

July  25  William  Humby,  Homerton,  34  yrs.     G.  C. 

Aug.  20  William  Caldw'all  Brandram,  Gower  St.,  London,  52  years.     G.  C. 

Sep.      1  Margaret  Bruff,  Walbrook,  6  months.     G.  C. 

Oct.    26  Thomas  Austin,  Bncklersbury,  61  years.     G.  C. 

Nov.  26  Elizabeth  Coe,  Walbrook,  71  years.     G.  C. 


Jan.    11  George  John  Maekey,  Walbrook,  23  years.     G.  C. 

Feb.    23  Joseph,  Sarah  &  Ellen  Pantcn,  Bocklersbnry,  Infants  at  one  birth.     G.  C. 

Mar.   18  Louisa  Brown,  Goswell  Road,  60  years.     G.  C. 

Apr.  26  Edward  Cott,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  two  months.     G.  C. 

May  20  Anne  Beard,  Bucklersburv,  73  years.     G.  C. 

June     7  William  Capron,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  36  years.     G.  C. 

Aug.  23  Valentine  Richard  Andrews,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  Infaut,  2  months. 

J.  Graham 

Nov.     4  John  Healey  Booth,  Chester  Place,  Regents  Park,  51  years.     G.  C. 

13  Mary  Lydia  Jackson,  Bncklersbury,  5  years.     G.  C. 


Jan.    17  John  Lovett,  Bond  Court,  48  years.     G.  C. 

17  Charles  Cox,  Bncklersbury,  46  years.     G.  C. 

Mar.     7  Eleanor  Lee,  Duke  St.,  Smithfield,  37  years.     G.  C. 

11  Maria  Rigby,  Stoke  Newington,  25  yrs.  10  mths.    John  Graham,  Curate 

of  S'  Magnus 

Apr.   10  William    Richardson,    Camming   Place,   Pentonville,    &    1,   Walbrook, 

61  years.     G.  C. 

July  23  David  Jones,  Size  lane,  64  years.     W.  [sic]  W.  Lusignan,  Off.  Min. 


July     9  Louisa  Milfcr,  Putney,  Surry,  70  yrs.      C.  T.  Robinson,  P.  Curate  of 

Sl  Mary,  Putney,  Srurry 

Aug.  30  Thomas  Henry  Coe,  Walbrook,  68  yrs.     F.  W.  J.  Vickery,  Off.  Min. 

1842-60  AND   ST.    BENET    SHEREHOG  :     BURIALS.                         263 

Oct.    21  William  Edward  Merrilees,  VValbrook,  33  yrs.     "  W.  J.  Vickery  " 

Nov.     3  William  Joseph  Marshall,  Walbrook,  63  [?]  yr.     W.  J.  V. 

Dec.   20  Charles  Cox,  Bucklersbury,  23  yrs.     G.  C. 


Jan.    10  Elizabeth  Wadsworth,  Bond  Court,  52  yrs.     F.  W.  J.  V. 

20  Henry  Lovett,  S4  Michaels  Alley,  Cornhill,  26  yrs.     G.  C. 

29  Henry  Lovett,  Sb  Michaels  Alley,  Cornhill,  2  years  &  5  months.     G.  C. 

Mar.     3  John  Booth,  34,  Red  Lion  Square,  Bloomsbury,  83.     S.  G.  Garrard, 

Assist.  Ministr  S'  Johns  Chapel,  Bedford  Row,  Holborn 

Apr.    16  Joseph  Charles  Butterworth,  30,  Bucklersbury,  5  years.     G.  C. 

17  George  Bosworth,  Bull  Alley,  Lombard  St.,  8  yrs.  3  months.     G.  C. 

June     5  Isabella  Humby,  Lower  Homerton,  28  years.     F.  W.  J.  V. 

Nov.  19  Maria  Thomas,  Bond  Court,  6  years.     G.  C. 


Oct.      8  Sarah  Waters,  Immauuel  Hospital,  Westminster,  77  years.     G.  C. 


Jan.    12  Sophia  Jane  Lucking,  Walbrook,  11  months.     G.  C. 

Mar.  26  Abel  Sparrow  Chappell,  Walbrook,  51  years.     G.  C. 

May  25  Mary  Ann  Jacobs,  7,  Bond  Court,  29  years.     G.  C. 


Feb.    15  Catherine  Riley,  4,  Bond  Court,  18  years.     G.  C. 

Apr.     5  Margaret  Nancy  Lucking,  Walbrook,  6  months.     G.  C. 

July   29  Philip  Ayres,  Sise  Lane,  69  years.     G.  C. 

Aug.   12  Charles  Dyson,  Bucklersbury,  51  years.     G.  C. 

Nov.     8  John  Cox,  Cannon  St.,  5  weeks.     G.  C. 


Jan.    17  Ann  Elizabeth  Cox,  Cannon  Street,  2  years  3  months.     G.  C. 

Feb.      6  Benjamin  Wiuthrop,  Russell  Square,  81.     F.  W.  J.  V. 

19  Johu  Deschamps,  All  Souls,  74.     F.  W.  J.  V. 

Mar.  28  Josephus  Blair,  George  Street,  Mansion  House,  54.     F.  W.  J.  V. 

Oct.    31  William  John  Smith,  4,  Bond  Court,  2  years  7  months.     G.  C. 


Mar.     7  Walter  Edwards,  10,  Bond  Court,  2  years  9  months.     G.  C. 

Sep.      2  John  Hartley  Butterworth,  9,  Bridge  St.  Hill,  38  years.     F.  W.  J.  V. 

Nov.     1  Henry  William  Ogilvv  Barnes,  5,  Whistlers  Court,  Cannon  St.,  6  days. 
G.  C. 


Feb.    25  Elizabeth  King,  6,  Bond  Court,  Walbrook,  60 

Mar.     1  Mary  Humfrey  Richardson,  6,  Regents  Square,  45.     G.  C. 

25  Ann  Cox,  Cannon  St.  70,  25  years.     G.  C. 

May     4  John  Wittall,  8,  Bond  Court,  44  years.     G.  C.     [No.  338] 


Dec.      1  The  Revd  George   Croly,   LL.D.,   Rector   of   this   Parish,   80  years. 

[No.  339]      F.W.J.V. 

[Forms  340—800  blank.— Ed.] 

(     264     ) 


Makriages  solemnized  in  the  Parish  of  St.  Stephen,  Walbrook, 
in  the  City-  of  London. 

Charles  Christopher  Richard  Smith,  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Charlotte  Ann 
Ramplee,  of  this  Parish,  Spinster,  were  married  in  this  Church  by  Banns  this 
Second  day  of  May  in  the  Year  One  thousand  eight  hundred  and  thirteen 
By  me,  George  Stepney  Townley,  Rector 

_,,.,,.  ,  ,  ■    .  (   Charles  Christoph1'  Rd  Smith 

Tins  Marriage  was  solemmzed  between  „s  J  Charlotte  AuQ  {jamplee 


No.  1 

[N.B. — The  first  entry  is  set  out  verb,  et  lit.,  but  all  subsequent  ones  are 
abbreviated.  Unless  the  contrary  appears,  it  is  to  be  assumed  that  the  contracting 
parties  were  "  of  this  parish,"  and  that  their  condition  were  "  bachelor "  or 
"  spinster."  Where  a  f  appears  against  a  surname  it  indicates  that  the  entry 
was  signed  by  a  mark. — Ed.] 

Joseph  Ede,  of  S'  Mary,  Lambeth,  &  Lydia  Becheley.  Licence,  by 
Wln  Parker,  minr.     Wit.  :  Era8  Ede,  jr,  Fanny  Becheley,  W.  J.  Lyon 

George  Cockburn  &  Elizabeth  Harbridge,  w.,  B.,  by  W.  P.  Wit.: 
Francis  Franchet,  W.  J.  Lyon 

James  Whipps  &  Charlotte  Atherton.     B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  George 

Threadgold,  Ann  Reed 
Miles  Haviland  &  Alice  Budd.     B.,  by  W.  P.     Wit. :  William  Martin, 

Lucy  Budd,  William  Haviland,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Thomas  Jenkins  &  Ann  Vass.     B.,  by  W.  P.     Wit. :  John  Daniel  Vass, 

W.  J.  Lyon 
John  Gregory,  w.,  &  Juliet  Summer  Hughes.     Wit.  :  Amelia  Stubbs, 

W.  J.  Lyon 
Isaac    Stuart   &    Sarah    Sophia    Blaskett.      L.,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit.: 

W.  J.  Lyon,  Caroline  Reynolds 
Robert  Laws,f  &  Elizabeth  Mills.     B.,  by  W.  P.     Wit.  :  Peter  Mason, 

W.  J.  Lyon 
John  Smith  &  Maria  Pearsons.     B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon, 

H.  Lyon 
James  Hubbard,  of    Sl  Bennet   Sherchog,  &  Elizabeth  Hickman, f  of 

S*  B.  S.     B.,  by  W.  P.     Wit. :  Richard  Brimacom,  W.  J.  Lyon 

Joseph  Shepperdson  &  Elizabeth  Jox.     B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :   Rob' 

Shepperdson,  Rosetta  Ewhank,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Richard  Wildman,  of  Sl  B.  S.,  &  Elizabeth  Clambird,  of  S*  B.  S.     B., 

by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Ann  Saker,  Sam1  Wildman,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Frauds  Alven,  Jnnr,  &  Charlotte  Gosling,  of  Battersea,  Surrey.     L.,  by 

G.  S.  T.     Wit. :   Arthur  Stanley,  Fra"  Alven,  Senr,  Maria  Duprest 

Hardess,  Mary  Gem  [?] 



















Jan.      1 





1816-21  MARRIAGES.  265 


Feb.    10     Thomas  Cooper  &  Maecy  Sinden.     L.,  by  W.  P.    Wit. :  Martha  Sinden, 

VV.  J.  Lyon 
14     John  Cook,  of  Newington,  Surry,  w.,  &  Rosetta  Ewbank,  w.     L.,  by 

G.  S.  T.     Wit.:  Jos.  Shepperdson,  Aim  Fisher 
Mar.     3     William    Cox,  w.,   &   Sarah  Dawson.      B.,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit.:    Frs 

Dawson,  W.  J.  Lyon 
23     Samuel  Davies  &  Sarah  Pearce,  w.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.    Wit.  :  W.  J.  Lyon, 

Hannah  Lyon 
Apr.     4     Samuel  Spyvee.w.,  &  Clarissa  Codds.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.    Wit. :  Ephraim 

Trivett,  Hannah  Lyon 
16     James   Stevens  &   Sarah   Edmonds.      B.,   by   W.   P.      Wit.:    Luther 

Edmonds,  Tho6  Batt 
June  28     James  Treacher,  of  Sfc  James,  Clerkemvell,  &  Ann  Sarah  Hall,  s.,  &  a 

minor.     L.,  with   consent  of  the  minor's  father,  by   W.  P.     Wit. : 

Edw.  Parton,  Matilda  Hall 


Aug.  14  James  Martin  Knight  &  Eleanor  Heale  Burrows,  of  S'  Ethelburga, 
Bishopsgate  Street.  L.,  by  W.  P.  Wit. :  James  Burrows,  Richard 
John  Knight,  Richard  Knight 


June  26     George   Henry  Kearton   &  Eliza    Ogilvie,   of    S*  George,   Middlesex. 

L.,  by  W.  P.     Wit. :  James  Ormston,  E.  C.  Watkins,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Nov.  30     Lionel  Badger  &  Caroline  Burney,  of  S'  Ann,  Middx.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T. 

Wit.:  Stephen  Heap,  Matilda  Heap,  Eliza  Ladd,  Wm  Ladd 
Dec.    28     Thomas    Nicholson    &    Sarah    Crompton,    of    S'    Leonard,    Shoreditch. 

L.,   by   G.    S.    T.       Wit. :    Thos    Crompton,    Mary    Ann    Crompton, 

W.  J.  Lyon 

Henry  Freeland,  w.,  &  Isabella  Simpson,  w.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. : 

Mark  Edington,  Jane  Robinson 
Arthur  Charles  Goullef,  of  S'  George,  Hanover   Sq.,  Middx.,  &   Maria 

Shirley.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit. :  Rob1  Shirley,  Harriet  Shirley 
William  Cantern  &  Caroline  Martha  Hyde.      L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. : 

W.  J.  Lyon,  H.  Lyon 

Thomas  George  Woufor,  of  High  Wycomb,  Bucks.,  &  Hester  Searle. 

L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Joseph  Deake,  M.  G.  Searle,  Phebe  Searle 
Juno  14     Joseph  Thomas  Astle  &  Anne   Hammond.      B.,  by  W.  L.  Faucourt, 

Min.     Wit. :  Jams  Thurston,  Elazabeth  Newsham 
Aug.  29     Thomas  Arewater,  of  Allhallows  Staining,  &  Mary  Jones,  of  S'  Bennet 

Sherehog.    L.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit, :  D.  Jones,  Sarah  Jones,  W.  J.  Lyou 
Oct.    25     William  Butcher  &  Sophia  Elizabeth  Simson.   B.,by  Jonathan  Wilkinson, 

A.  B.     Wit. :  John  Simson,  Esther  Dawes  [?],  Penelope  Thredgould, 

Tho"  Simson,  Jn°  Simson,  Juur 
Nov.     5     James  Floate  &  Anna  Davis.     B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit.:    John  Davis, 

Sarah  Davis,  Frederic  Woodwards,  William  Locke 
Dec.   24     George  Valentine  &  Mary  Disney.      B.,  by  G.  S.  T.       Wit. :  William 

Disney,  W.  J.  Lyon 
24     Hutton  Littlewood,  of  S'  Bennet  Sherehog,  w.,  &  Mary  Summers  Young. 

B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Elizabeth  Young,  W.  J.  Lyon 


Feb.  8  George  Boughey,  of  S'  Beuet  Sherehog,  &  Mary  Ann  Edlin,  of 
S4  Catherine  Cree  Church,  a  minor.  L.,  with  consent  of  the  aforesaid 
minor's  father.  Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon,  George  Edlin,  Elizabeth  Webster 
VOL.   II.  o 





















266  REGISTERS   OF   ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WAEBROOK,  1821-5 

Mar.     4     Frederick  Tcaguc  &  Susannah  Russell.     B.,  by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Jamee 

Plumb,  John  Tailing,  Sarah  Plumb,  Francis  Kay  Russell 
John  Bingley.j  w.,  &  Sarah  Spiller.      B.,  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit. :   James 

Bunco,  W.  S.  Lyon 
Benjamin  Hill  &  Mary  Shoosmith.       B.,  by  Jonathan  Wilkinson,  A.B., 

Off.  Min.     Wit,:  VV.  J.  Lyon,  Ellen  Stacey 
Henry  Martin,  of  S'  James,  Clerkenwell,  &  Winifrid  Emma  Doll.     L., 

by  G.  S.  T.     Wit. :  Humphrey  Collins,  Henry  Waters,  Fanny  Collins 
Berkeley    King    &    Mary    Mackintosh.       B.,    by    G.   S.  T.        Wit.  : 

J.  Shipman,  Eliza  King,  Elizabeth  Rose 

William  Ross  &  Mary  Ann  Dutton.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit.  :  Geo"  Dutton, 
W.  J.  Lyon 
June  1.5     Joseph  Birt  &  Sophia  Gummer.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :  Richard  Godsell, 

Elizabeth  Billings 
Aug.     6     Thomas  Adshcad  &  Mary  Ann  Purchell.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :  William 
Bagshaw,  Mary  Clark,  Elizabeth  Bradly 
20     Benjamin   Willan,  w.,  &  Isabella  Allnm  Taylor,  of  S'  Paul,  Deptford. 
L.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :  Jn°  Donaldson,  Sarah  Crouch,  Hellen  Donaldson 
31     Michael  Ramsay  &  Caroline  Slater.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon, 
Hannah  Lyon 

James  Mansfield  &  Sarah  Gear,  S'  Bennet  Sherchog.     B.,  by  J.  W. 

Wit. :  Joseph  Pilgrim,  Martha  Pilgrim 
Daniel   Buck   &    Ann    Elsdell.      B.,  by  G.  S.  T.       Wit.  :    Elizabeth 

Elsdell,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Henry   Hole  &  Ann   Hope,  of   Sl  John,  Wapping.      L.,  by  G.  S.  T. 

Wit.:  James  Brennan,  Mary  Hope 
Thomas  Rye,  w.,  &  Ann  Maria  Watson.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :  Hannah 

Lyon,  William  Bedel 
Samuel  Turney  &  Mary  Bickerton.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :    W.  J.  Lyon, 

Hannah  Lyon 

George  Reeves  Cock  &  Sarah  Wolveridgo.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :  Poter 

Thomson,  A.  Maria  Wolveridge 
William  Dover  &  Louisa  Mary  Blackburn,  of  Eltham.     L.,  by  J.  W. 

Wit. :  Richard  Joseph  Pearson,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Samuel  Ridsdale,  of  S'  Mary,  Islington,  &  Juliana  Marshall.     L.,  by 

W.  Marshall,  Off.  Min.     Wit. :  Too"  Marshall,  Mary  Marshall 
James  Walbran  &  Phoebe  Seyfang,  of  S'  Mary,  Newington,  a  minor. 

L.,  with  consent  of  the  minor's  father.    Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon,  Ellen  Stacey 
Henry   Joseph    Cherer   &    Mary   Ann    Harper,   [both]    of    S'  Bennet 

Sherehog.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit.:   W.  J.  Lyon,  Ellen  Stacey 
James  Brown,  w.,  of  Sl  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsey,  &  Charlotte  Sewcll, 

of  S'  Bennet  Sherehog.     L.,  by  J.  W.    Wit.:  Mary  Sowell,  W.  J.  Lvon 
George  Colee  &  Mary  Oldinan.      B.,  by  J.   W.      Wit.:    Wm  Tailing, 

Mary  Colee 
Matthew  Rrodic  &  Mary  Ann  Axe.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit.:  Tho9  Axe, 

Mary  Hall 

John  Davies  &  Sarah  Slaughter.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit.:  M.  McArthur, 

Ellen  Stacoy 
Daniel  Berry  &  Ann  Pear,     B.,  by  J.  W,     Wit. :  Joseph  Pear,  Sarah 






























1825-6  ANt>    ST.    BENET   SHEREHOG  :     MARRIAGES.  267 

May   11     William  Gilles  &  Sarah  Ann  Patch.      B.,  by  J.  W.      Wit.:    Richard 
Patch,  Jane  Patch 
19     Thomas  Simson  &  Harriot  Stephenson  Calton.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit.: 

Cha9  Carter,  Emma  Heron,  Harriet  Ann  Bluett,  John  Simson 
29     John    Thomas    Freak    Robins    &    Harriet    Williamson.     B.,  by  J.  W. 
Wit. :  J.  Williamson,  Eliz.  Field 
June  15     John  Pavitt,  w.,  &  Elizabeth  Mtimford.     B.,  by  Samuel  Benson.     Wit. : 
W.  J.  Lyon,  Tho5  Batt 

19  Samuel  Worger,  of  S'  Bennet  Sherehog,  &  Lucy  Beunett,  of  the  same 

united  with  S'  Stephen,  Walbrook.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit.:  S.  Hardy, 
Thomas  King,  Charlotte  Anu  Partridge 
26     Henry  Septimus  Story  &  Martha  Argent.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :  Samuel 
Story,  Bridget  Fortune,  Elizabeth  Fortune 
July   13     Samuel  Froggatt,  of  Christ  Church,  London,  &  Achsah  Day.     L.,  by 
S.  B.     Wit. :  Edwd  Webb,  Mary  Hampton 

20  William  Pavitt  &  Eliza  Mumford".     B.,  by  S.  B.     Wit. :  John  Miller 

Mumford,  Mary  Anne  Mumford 
Oct.    10     Charles  Mickelwhito,  of  S'  Bennet  Sherehog,  &  Elizabeth  Cox,  of  the 
same  parish.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit. :  Hannah  Lyon,  Tho.  Batt 
2i     Thomas  William  Ray  &  Rebecca  Mary  Gregory.     B.,  by  J.  W.     Wit.: 
W.  J.  Lyon,  Sarah  Fox 


Jan.     1     Henry   Elsley,   w.,   &   Easter   Green.      B.,  by  J.  W.      Wit. :    James 

Andrews,  W.  J.  Lyon 
26     James   Roberts   &    Mary  Aim   Tyler.      B.,  by  J.  W.       Wit.:   George 

Tyler,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Feb.      5     William  Locke  &  Mary  Lewis.      B.,  by  J.  W.      Wit. :  Elizabeth  Beer, 

Jane  Liddell,  Wm  Beer 

17  George  Astle  &  Mary  Allam,  s.      B.,  by  J.  W.      Wit.:    Wm  Allam, 

W.  J.  Lyon 
26     Richard  Joseph  Pearson,  of  S'  John,  Southwark,  &  Susanna  Gobbett. 

L.,  b.  J.  W.     Wit. :  Ann  Males,  W.  J.  Lyon 
May   20     James  Samuel  Dane,  w.,  &  Harriet  Evans,  of  S'  Leonard,  Shoreditch. 

L.,    by    Cha8   Davies,    curate.       Wit. :   J.    H.    Shaw,   Mary    Shaw, 

Elizabeth  Evans 
June  11     James  Thorn,  w.,  &  Ann  Smith.      B.,  by  C.  D.      Wit.:  Richard  Hill, 

Amelia  Willies 

18  Richard   Jenkin    &    Margaret    Parkhouse.      B.,    by    Daniel    Williams, 

Off.   Min.       Wit.  :     Abraham     Gould,     Jane     Phillips,    Elizabeth 

29  John  Leppingwell  &  Anu  Bayley,  of  Woodford,  Essex.     L.,  by  G.  S.  T. 

Wit.:   Sarah  Reynolds,  George  Leppingwell 
July     8     John   Dormay,   of    S'   Bennet    Sherehog,    &    Elizabeth    Chatting,   of 
Wandsworth,    Surrey.      L.,    by  C.  D.       Wit. :    Susannah    Dormay, 
John  Chatting 
24     Moses  Barton  Leggef  &  Eliza  Watts,  w.     B.,  by  C.  D.     Wit. :  Thomas 
Batt,  Hannah  Lyon 

30  Richard  Hill,  w.,  &  Amelia  Willies.      B.,   by   C.   D.      Wit.:    Robert 

Mathews,  Amelia  Henley  Ditcliburn 

30  David  Hedges  &  Doray  Nunn.f     B.,  by  C.  D.     Wit. :  Samuel  Bennet, 

Hannah  Lyon 

31  Michael  Keefe&  Mary  Neale.t    B.,byG.  S.  T.    Wit. :  David  Castelbe, 

Diana  Mary  Anne  White  [?] 
Sep.    28     Matthew  Hardes  &  Martha  Hardes.     B.,  by  C.  D.     Wit. :    Matthew 

Hardes,  Thomas  Batt 
Oct.    20     George  Helmore  &   Sarah   Aim   Constable.     B.,  by  Handle  J.  Waters, 

Curate.     Wit. :  James  Beuuet,  II.  Lyon 

268  registers  o?  st.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  1826-8 

Oct.    25     Cliarlea  Samuel  Cathro  &  Susannah  Cracknell,  w.     B.,  by  R.  J.  W. 

Wit. :   rsaac  Boreham,  II.  Lyon 
Due.  29    Joseph  Williams  &  Sarah  Hollands.    B.,  byR.J.  W.    Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon, 

E.  Stacey 


Jan.     8    John  Henry   Snow,  w.,  &   Ann  Taylor,  of  Stansted,  Essex.     L.,  by 
R.  J.  W.     Wit.:  Lucretia  Leppingwell,  George  Leppingwell 

May      1     Edwin  Samuel  Hervcy  Howell  &  Catherine  Emily  Murray,  of  S*  Mary, 

Lambeth.      L.,  by  R.J.  W.      Wit.:  F.  F.  Thompson,  Louisa  Ann 

Howell,  Geo.  Jaeksou,  John  Loekhart  Barnard 
22     William  James  Nutting  &  Priscilla  Flanagan.     B.,  by  R.  J.  W.     Wit.: 

Elizabeth  Flanagan,  William  Flanagan 
June  25     John  Varney  &  Harriett  Jordan.     B.,  by  Thomas  Waters,  D.D.     Wit.: 

Elizabeth  Barnes,  William  Varney 
July      S     Joseph    Pedell     &     Flora    Flanigau,    w.        B.,    by    R.    J.    W.       Wit.: 

W.  J.  Lyon,  II.  Lyon 
10     Thomas  Humphrey,  of  Sl  Olave,  Southwark,  &  Mary  Ann  Thorn,  a 

minor.     L.,  with  consent  of  the  minor's  father,  by  1\.  J.  W.     Wit.  : 

Thomas  Thorn,  Sarah  Thorn 
Sep.    10     Joseph  Drewry,  w.,  &  Hannah  Mills,  f     B.,  by  John  McEvoy,  Off.  Min. 

Wit.:   Ileinriek  Meyer,  Augusta  Emma  Byand 
10     Robert   Broughton,   of    Camberwcll,   Surry,   &    Sarah    Collis.      L.,   by 

J.  M°E.     Wit.  :  Heinrick  Meyer,  Augusta  Emma  Byand 
19     Charles  Dryall  Bartlett  &  Elizabeth  Millson,  of  S'  James,  Clerkenwell. 

L.,  by  R.  J.  W.     Wit. :    F.  C.  Harris,  Ann  Hopwood,  Mary  Ann 

Oct.    20     Benjamin  Tipper,  of  S'  Mary  Ahlcrmary,  &   Mary  Jane  Allt.     L.,  by 

T.  W.     Wit.:   W"'  Allt,  C.  M.  Allt,  Anne  Allt" 
27     John  Davis,  Junr,  &  Eliza  Markwell.     B.,  by  T.  W.     Wit. :    Joseph 

Markwell,  Clarissa  Davis,   Sarah  Davis,  Mary  Gregory,  John  Davis, 

Senr,  Alexander  Markwell 
Nov.   11      Dennis    Sullivan    &    Hannah    Watson,   w.       B.,    by    R.    J.   W.      Wit.: 

Robert  Rouse,  Sarah  Bouse 


Jan.      1     John  Denman,  Jun1,  of  Sl  Giles,  Middx.,  &   Hannah  Roebuck.     L.,  by 

R.  J.  W.     Wit.:  John  Denman,  M.  Roebuck 
Feb.    H)     Frederic  Freese  &  Amelia  Ann  Wharton.      B.,   by  Frederick   Grant, 

Off.  Min.     Wit.:   II.  Lyon,  W.  J.  Lyon 
June    8    John  Mills  &  Mary  Ann  Brown,f  w.    B.,  by  T.  Jones,  Curate.     Wit.: 

II.  Lyon,  W.  J.  Lyon 
July     (i     James  Scotl    .V    Elizabeth    Willmorc.       B.,  by  T.  J.      Wit.:    Richard 

Scott,  Sarah  Scotl 
Sep.      3     Edward   William    Bundled   &   Franco  Teresa  Roche,  by  T.  J.      Wit: 

John  Hoddy  [?],  Ellen  Swiney  [?] 
Nov.     1     William  Joseph  Lyon,*  w.,&  Mary  Dubberley,  of  S*  James,  Clerkenwell. 

I...  by  G.  S.  T.      Wit.:   Thomas  Hart,  R.  Ingram  [?] 
21     George  Boorer  &  Charlotte  Marcej    Hart.     B.,  by  Jn°  Watson,  D.D., 

Off.  Min.     Wit.:  W.  Johnson,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Dec.  20     Henry  Erchard  Banshabine  Haines,  of  S*  Stephen,  Coleman  St.,  w.,  & 

Aim   llimiby,  of  S(   Inline!  Sherehog,  w.      L.,  by  T.  J.      Wit.:   Mary 

Lyon,  W.  .1.  Lyon 
21     Edward  Daniel  Hill  &  Eleanor  Morgan  Chissum.     B.,  by  T.J.      Wit.  : 

Samuel  Hill,  Caroline  Williamson 

•  The  Parish  clerk.— Ed. 













1829-30  AND    ST.    BENET    SHEREHOG  :     MARRIAGES.  269 


Feb.      2     James  Coppock,  of  S'  Vedast  Foster,  &  Elizabeth  Harley  Lynch,  of 

Sl  Beuuet  Sherehog,  a  minor.     L.,  with  consent  of  the  miuor's  father, 

by  T.  J.    Wit. :  Jas  Lynch,  Ellen  Hurley  Lynch,  Catharine  Coppock, 

Matilda  Coppock,  Peter  Stainsby,  Cha8  Coppock,  Charlotte  Coppock, 

W.  J.  Lyon 
Joseph  John  Adlington  &  Mary  Ann  Dodd.f   B.,  by  John  Twycroft,  M.A., 

Off.  Miu.     Wit. :   W»>  Dodd.  Martha  Herbert  Dodd,  W.  J.  Lyon 
David    Hickinbotham,   of    S'    Giles,   Cripplegate,   &    Elizabeth    Travis 

Gorton.     L.,  by  J.  T.     Wit.  :  Thomas  Batt,  Ann  Batt 
Robert   Edwards    &   Ellen    Swiney.      B.,  by    J.  T.       Wit.  :    Edward 

Bnrchett,  Julia  McDonald,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Thomas  Palmer,  w.,  of  S*  John,  Southwark,  &  Hannah  Weston.     L.,  by 

J.  T.     Wit.  :  James  Hendry,  Sarah  Weston,  \V.  J.  Lyon 
Samuel  Driscoll  &  Sarah  Graves.      B.,  by  T.  J.      Wit.  :  W.  J.  Lyon, 

Ann  Batt 
Donald  Gray,  of  Sl  John,  Hackney,  &  Margaret  Anderson,  of  S'  Beunet 

Sherehog.     L.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.  :  A.  B.  Anderson,  Ann  Anderson 
William  Kebby  &  Elizabeth  Rose  West.f  B.,  by  T.  J.    Wit,  :  W.  J.  Lyon, 

Ann  Batt 
21  William  Wharton  &  Louisa  Perkins,  of  Sl  Mary,  Colechurch.      L.,  by 

T.  J.     Wit. :  J.  F.  Wharton,  C.  Jackson 
Dec.    10     John  Cole  &  Sarah  Read,  w.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.:  W.J.  Lyon,  Tho9  Batt 


Jan.      9     Isaac  Jay  &  Sophia  Ilalentz.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.:  W.  J.  Lyon,  Mary 
10     James  Wighton  &  Elizabeth  Wright.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon, 

Ann  F.  Taylor 
26     George  Butler  Aiist  &  Sarah  Ann  Maccaw,  of  S*  Mary,  Newington. 

L.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon,  Ann  Batt 
28     Adam  Donaldson  &  Mary  Susannah  Wilson.      B.,  by  T.  J.      Wit.: 
Constant  Woodcock,  John  Edwards,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Feb.      7     William  Bowdeu  &  Mary  Ann  Pearce.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  Thomas 
Bowden,  Isabella  Bowden,  W.  J.  Lyon 
14     George  Howard  &  Mary  Ann  Swabey.      B.,  by  T.  J.      Wit.:    Will. 
Swabey,  W.  J.  Lyon 

[The  next  Form,  No.  127,  is  cancelled. — Ed.] 

May     2     William  Henry  Roberts  &  Jane  Powell.     B.,  by  T.J.     Wit. :  W.J.  Lyon, 

Ann  Batt 

5     Sidney  Lindo  Levien  &  Cecilia  Phillips,  of  S*  Botolph,  Aldgate.    L.,  by 

T.  J.     Wit. :  Jn°  Beart,  Catherine  Jackson,  Charles  Waring  Phillips 

June     5     Robert  Mosebury  Adams  &  Maria  Paine.    B.,  by  T.J.    Wit.:  Elizabeth 

Paine,  W.  J.  Lyon 
July   10     George  Daintree  &  Mary  Ann  Porter.      B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.:    Sarah 
Daiutree,  Thomas  Daintree,  Mary  Lyon 
17     John    Kclday    &    Eleanor   Janet   Bromley,   of    S'   George,   Middx.,   a 
minor.     L.,  with  consent  of  the  said  minor's  father,  by  T.  J.     Wit.: 
John  Bromley,  Eliza  Bromley 
26     James  Lee  &  Eleanor  Lefiliatre.      B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyou, 
Thomas  Batt 
Aug.  17     Frederick  Silk  &  Ann  Keyte.      B.,  by  J.  T.     Wit.  :    William  Moor, 

W.  J.  Lyon 
Sep.      7     James  Samuel  Farley  &  Harriott  Bray.      B.,  by  J.  T.      Wit.  :    Ann 
Batt,  Thomas  Batt 
26     James  Clough  &  Elizabeth  Peters.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit, :  John  Pryce, 
Mary  Ann  Reed,  Maria  Moore 

270  registers  op  st.  Stephen's,  walsrooK,  1830-2 

Oct.    18    John  Thomas  Mitchell  &   Caroline  Charlotte  Ogles.      B.,  by  T.  J. 

Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon,  Ann  Batt 
Nov.     7     John    Robert    Smith    &    Eleanor   Wise    Cox.      B.,    by  T.   J.     Wit.: 

Edward  Chalkley  Cragg,  Harriet  Brooke 
7     Edward  Chalkley  Cragg  &  Harriet.  Brooks.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.:  John 

Robert  Smith,  Eleanor  Wise  Smith 
Dec.      3     Emanuel  Woof,  w.,  &  Anne  Harmer.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :    William 

Shawe,  Ann  Rhodes 
12     John    Glasson,    w.,   &   Elizabeth    Sundridge.      B.,    by  T.   J.      Wit.: 

W.  J.  Lyon,  Ann  Batt 


Jan.    10     Stanford  Skev  Smith  &  Emma  Maria  Rooke.      B.,  by  T.  J.      Wit.  : 

W.  J.  Smith,  S.  W.  Smith 
Feb.      9     William  Rhoades  &  Hannah  Armstrong.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.  :  Charles 

Faircloth,  Elizabeth  Faircloth 
27     Robert  Hall  &  Mary  Butler.      B.,  by  T.  J.      Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon,  Ann 

May     1     Henry  Sparrow  &  Maria  Scarborough.     B.,  by  T.  J.      Wit.  :  William 

Scarborough,  Emily  Scarborough 
1     Francis  Cox  &  Phaibe  Wedge.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.  :  George  Simpson, 

Elizabeth  Young 
17     William    Whittingham,   of    Sl   Mary,  Islington,    Middx.,  &  Elizabeth 

Alloway.     L.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.:  John  Waite,  R.  Waitc 
June  22     Edward  Woodgate  &  Elizabeth  Terry.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit,  :    George 

Colee,  W.  J.  Lyon 
July  28     Robert    Nicol,   esquire,   of   Sk   Benuet    Sherehog,   &   Anne   Willis,  of 

Sl   Margarot,    Westminster.       L.,  by  T.  J.       Wit.  :  Robert    Willis, 

Eleanor  Willis 
Sep.     4     Arthur  Regan  &  Sarah  Tomkiiis.f     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.  :  Thomas  Batt, 

Ann  Batt 
Oct.      5     James  Wallis  &  Lucy  Ann  Moffat.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.  :  Thomas  Bait, 

Ann  Batt 
22     Henry  Furriedge  [signed  "  Ferridge  "]  &  Elizabeth  Bray.     B.,  by  T.  J. 

Wit.  :  James  Samuel  Farley,  Rebcckah  Bray 


Jan.      8     William  Botton  &  Charlotte  Price.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.  :  Sam1  Driscoll, 

Sarah  Driscoll 
22     Robert  Nicol  &  Maria  Harris,  of  Sl  Mary  Mounthaw.     L.,  by  T.  J. 

Wit. :  Thomas  Batt,  Ann  Batt 
Feb.      1     George  Cummins  &  Sarah  Susanna  Cooper.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  Jo8 

Wakefield,  Frances  Cooper 
5     Charles  Toft  &  Mary  Ann  Heydon.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  Sam1  Ilaydon, 

Elizabeth  Heydon 
May   31     Frederick  Farmer  Moore,  of    8*  Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  &  Emily  Coe. 

L.,  by  Thomas  Gregory.     Wit.:  Thomas  Henry  Coe,  Caroline  Coe, 

Maria  Coe 
Aug.  18     John  Charles  Mills  &  Elizabeth  Morris.     L.,  by  T.  J.     Wit,:    Tho" 

Morris,  Letitia  Troghill 
Sop.      6     Joseph   Bagstcr,  of   S'  Bennet   Sherehog,  &  Elizabeth   Burls,  of  tho 

Precinct  of    Bridewell,  a  minor.     L.,  with  consent  of  the   minor's 

Father,  by  Francis  Barrow,  minr  of  Trinity  Chapel,  Margate.     Wit: 

Charles  Burls,  Sarah  Ann  Alliston,  Elizth  Burls,  II.  Phillips,  Cha" 

Hurls,  J\  W"  Bagstcr 
Oct.    21     Matthew  Smith  &  Ann  Erswcll  Bodily,  of  S'  Giles,  Cripplegate,  w. 

L.,  by  T.  J.     Wit, :  Henry  Dobba,  William  George  Bodily 
28     Joseph  Blayl  Sarah  Bennewortb.     B.,  by  T.J.     Wit.:  William  Blay, 

Mary  Bennewortb,  Mary  Armitagu 

1832-5  AND    ST.    BENET   SHEREIIOG  :     MARRIAGES.  271 

Dec.    25     Richard   Taylor  &  Elizabeth  Brown.      B.,   by  T.  J.      Wit.:    Henry 
Taylor,  Maria  Elizabeth  Taylor 


Jan.      5     Samuel  Goodes  &  Sarah  Elizabeth  Orton.     B.,  by  H.  G.  Watkins,  Jr, 

Curate  of  Sfc  Swithin's,  London.     Wit. :  Wm  Orton,  Emma  Matilda 

Skillett,  Elizabeth  Goodes 
Feb.      3     Samuel  Osborne  &  Anne  Osborne.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  John  Osborne, 

Ann  Batt 
7     George  Ward  &  Eliza  Strickland.    L.,  by  T.  J.    Wit.:  Thoa  Strickland, 

Ann  Strickland 
25     Richard   Perry   &    Sarah    Ward.      B.,    by   T.    J.     Wit.:    Jn°   Perry, 

Elizabeth  Hack 
Mar.     3     George  Porcas  &  Ann  Holliday.      B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon, 

Ann  Batt 
July     4     James  Thomas  James  &  Elizabeth  Winch  Ryan.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.  : 

W.  J.  Lyon,  Tho8  Batt 
Oct.      6    Joseph  Grave,  of  S*  Beunet  Sherehog,  &  Ann  Taylor.     L.,  by  T.  J. 

Wit.  :  Thomas  Taylor,  Elizabeth  Taylor 
29     Thomas    Swift   &    Elizabeth    Verrill.      B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.:    Thomas 

Letchford,  Ann  Jessup 
Nov.     3     Walter  Lloyd  &  Mary  Anne  Johnes,  of   S''  Pancras,  Middx.     L.,  by 

T.  J.     Wit. :  Alfred  Lees,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Dec.   25     John  Wood,  w.,  &  Christiaua  Hovenden.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  Henry 

Parks,  Margaret  Parks,  Mary  Pollard,  James  Pollard 


Feb.   24    John  Wilson,  w.,  &  Ann  Hebb.      L.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :    Cha8  Hebb, 

Hannah  Owen 
Apr.  22     William  Upton  &  Elizabeth  Mackmin.      B.,  by  J.  T.     Wit.:    Mary 

Ann  Collins,  W.  J.  Lyon 
May     4     John  Charles  Shorey  White,  of  S*  Sepulchre,  &  Myrah  Oakey.     B.,  by 

T.  J.     Wit. :  Edwd  Seager,  Ann  Batt 
July     4     William  Hatch,  w.,  &  Mary  Elizabeth  Strange,  w.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. : 

Nicholas  Fisher,  S.  M.  Strange 
20     Thomas  Adshead  &  Rachel  Clough,  of  Christ  Church,  Surry.     L.,  by 

T.  J.     Wit.:  Ann  Batt,  C.  Batt,  Charles  Batt 
Aug.     5     James  Witton  &  Dorothy  Ann  Burgess.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.:    Tho' 

Burgess,  Mary  Ann  Witton,  Sarah  Witton 
Sep.   24     Thomas  Miers,  w.,  &  Elizabeth  Clarke.     L.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.:    Isaac 

Clarke,  Mary  Ann  Anderson 
Nov.  13     Benjamin  Hall  the  yr,  of  S'  George,  Hanover  Square,  Middx.,  &  Ellen 

Jones,  of   S'  Bennet   Sherehog.      L.,  by  T.  J.      Wit.:    D.  Jones, 

Wm  Joseph  Lyon 
Dec.    31     Jacob  William  Siems  &  Diana  Dawkins.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  William 

Dawkins,  Harriett  Sophronia  Martin,  Thomas  Dawkins 


Jan.   22     Frederick    Goldsmith    &    Margaret    Gilloch.      B.,    by    T.    J.      Wit.: 

Frederick  Gilloch,  Isabel  Gilloch 
Mar.     3     John  Sweeney  &  Ellen  Mahoney.f     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon, 

Charles  Cox 
May   25     George  Pentloe  Tomalin  &  Mary  Jane  Keightley.     B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit.: 

T.  Hopcroft,  Ann  Batt 

[The  next  form,  No.  185,  is  cancelled — Ed.] 
28     William  Blay  &  Mary  James.      B.,  by  T.  J.     Wit. :  Tho8  J  .  .  .  . 

[illegible],  Anabella  Marden,  John  Follord  [?] 
June  26     Alexander  McEwen  &  Louisa  Mitchell.      B.,  by  Joseph  Jowett,  M.A., 

Off.  Min.     Wit. :  Frederick  Fleetwood,  Sarah  Mitchell 



















272      st.  Stephen's,  walbrook,  and  st.  benet  shereiiog.     1835-7 

Aug.  24     Charles  Dyer  Field   &   Louisa   Smith.     B.,  by  J.   J.      Wit :    James 

Seamier  Smith,  W.  J.  Lvon 
John   Thorn   &    Lydia    Saul,  of   S'  Botolph,   Aldgate.     L.,  by  J.  J. 

Wit.:    Louisa  Phillpot,  Richard  Phillpot 
John  Fielding  &  Sarah   Hall.      15.,  by  George  Croly,  Rector.      Wit.  : 

William  Johnson,  Ann  White 
George  Martin  &  Nancy  Cakebread.      B.,  by  G.  C.       Wit.  :   Elizabeth 

Spall.t  W.  J.  Lyon 
George  Seyemour  &  Sarah  Hall,  w.,  of  Romford,  Essex.       L.,  by  G.  C. 

Wit.  :   W.  J.  Lyon,  Sarah  Stone 
John  Wright  &  Elizabeth  Barrett^     B.,  by  G.  C.    Wit.:  L.  Sheppard, 

W.  H.  Sheppard,  W.  J.  Lyon 

John  Harris  &  Esther  Biden.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Charlotte  Young, 

W.  J.  Lyon 
Charles  Guest  Parker,  of  Sl  Leonard,  Shorcditeh,  &  Mary  Ann  Bcntley,  of 

S'  Benuet  Sherehog.     L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Peter  Bentley,  Ann  Giles 
William  Striugfellow  &  Eliza  Turner.     B.,  by  G.  C.    Wit, :  W.  J.  Lyon, 

Charles  Cox 
Edward  Clark  &  Caroline  Winterflood.      B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit.:    John 

Syrett,  W.  J.  Lyon 
John  Edward  Rigby,  of  S4  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  &  Maria  Bedford,  a 

minor.     L.,  with  consent  of  the  minor's  guardian,  by  G.  C.     Wit.: 

Richd  Atkins,  Frances   Mary   Rigby,  Tho8   Scamblcr   Owden,   Cha9 

John  Rigby 
James  Stansall  Pott  &  Elizabeth  Letitia  Moore,  of  Gravesend,  Kent. 

L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit,:   Mary  Millett  John,  Wlu  Gwinnell,  Fred.  Tho. 

John  Garrad   &  Sarah  Tyler.      B.,  by  H.  G.  Watkins,  Min*.     Wit. : 

Benjamin  Garrad, f  Mary  Garrad,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Charles  Joseph  Eley  &  Sophia  Robinson.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  J  a"  W. 

Collyer,  Charlotte  Collyer 
Joseph  Bluchcr  Pouten  &  Charlotte  Haw.     L  ,  by  Thomas  Hill,   Off. 

Min.     Wit.:  Eliza  Ann  Harvey,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Samuel  Page,  v.,  &  Frances  Clack.      B.,  by   G.  C.       Wit,:    Edward 

Clack,  Frances  Hannah  Turnpenny 
William  Barns,  of  Orsett,  Essex,  &  Elizabeth  Burroughs  Barns,!  w- 

L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  Charles  Barns,  Mary  Wright 
Henry    Davies,    w.,    iV    Susannah    Grestock.      B.,   by   G.    C.      Wit.: 

S.  Grestock,  Richard  Grestock,  S.  A.  Grestock,  E.  A.  Davies 

John  Austin  Neame,  of  S*  Bennet  Sherehog,  &  Ann  Maria  Tomkins,  of 
Sl  Mary  le  Bow.     L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit, :   Ann  Walton,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Feb.    16     Thomas  Gorton,  w.,  *  Sarah  Miller.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  W.  J.  Lyon, 
Mary  Lyon 
20     Thomas  Bates  &  Eleanor  Watson.    B.,  by  G.  C.    Wit. :  James  Watson, 

Ann  Batt 
28     Henry  Abraham,  of  Sutton,  Surrey,  w.,  it  Eleanor  Chappcll,  w.     L.,  by 
G.  C.     Wit.:  James  Perkins,  Sarah  Chappell     [No.  209] 
July    13     Robert  Bradford   &   Emmeline    Dicker,  of  Sl  Stephen,  Coleman   Street, 
nw     oim      L<    hY    John    Bradford,    Off.    Mill.       Wit,:  John    C.    Cole,   Nich. 
[_JNo.  JIOJ       Bradford>  Laura  ColC)  AllIle  Di.k.  r 

[N.B. —  Signed  entries  of  Marriage  are  continued  in  this  Register 
from  13  July,  1837  [No.  210],  to  3  Oct.,  1812  [No.  2541 
A  new  Register,  "  Register  IX,"  commences  on  13  July,  1837, 
and  is  still  in  use. — Ed.] 













(     273     ) 



N.B. — The  entries  of  Marriages  from  1  July,  1837,  have  been  somewhat 
shortened  from  the  long  printed  form  then  introduced,  by  omitting  most  of  the 
printed  portion  after  the  first  entry,  which  is  printed  iu  tabular  form  in  full.  The 
name  of  the  clergyman  performing  the  ceremony,  and  those  of  the  witnesses  are 
given,  and  any  variation  in  the  signatures  of  the  contracting  parties  noticed. — Ed. 

Marriage  solemnized  at  the  Parish  Church  of  St.  Stephen, 
1007  Walbuook,  in  the  County  of  London. 




Name  and 



Rank  or 



at  the  Time  of 


Father's  Name 
and  Surname. 

Rank  or 

of  Father. 


July  13th 

Robert  Bradford 
Emeline  Dicker 




Finsbury  Circus 

Robert  Bradford 
William  Dicker 


Married  in  the  above  church  according  to  the  Rites  and  Ceremonies  of  the 
Church  of  England.     [Licence]  by  me 

[Signed]     John  Bradford,  Offg.  Minr. 

This  Marriage  (       rc.        ,-, 
I       [Signed] 

WaS  /Pnht  Ptvn.lfn, 

between  us 

Rob4  Bradford 
Emeline  Dicker 

in  the     1  [Signed] 

Presence  <  John  C.  Cole       Nicli.  Bradford 
Laura  Cole  Annie  Dicker 

.-   1  lesunub  \  1 

j    of  us,    /: 

Sep.    23 

Mar.  17 

John  Robertson,  full,  b.,  tea  dealer,  Commercial  Road  ;  William 
Robertson,  farmer.  Arabella  Lumley  Murden,  full,  s.,  Commercial 
Road  ;  Edward  Murden,  saddler.  [Banns]  by  George  Croly,  Rector. 
Wit.:  Francis  Rigby  Murden,  Jane  Gilbert,  A.  Murden 

Henry  Sprigens,  full,  b.,  fruiterer,  Lime  Street  ;  John  Sprigens,  draper. 
Eliza  Taylor,  full,  s.,  Nassau  Street  ;  William  Taylor,  upholsterer. 
[B.]  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  George  Porcas,  Charlotte  Taylor 

James  West,  full,  b.,  builder,  Wallington  ;  James  West,  builder.     Clara 

Gater,  full,  s.,  Bond  Court ;   [father]  dead,  [blank].    Banns,  by  G.  C. 

Wit.:  Wm  Joseph  Lyon,  Ann  Bott  [?  Batt  or  Butt] 
17     James    Spradbury,    full,   w ,    tavern    keeper,  Water   lane,   Tower   R.  ; 

[father]     dead,     [blank].        Elizabeth     Knight     Bradley,     full,     s., 

Bueklersbury ;    [father]   dead,   [blank].      Licence,  by  G.  C.     Wit.: 

Elizabeth  Laugley,  W.  J.  Lyon 
Apr.      8     William  Clark,  full,  b.,  combmaker,  Skinner  St.;  Edward   Clark,  gent. 

Charlotte  Cordes,  full,  s.,  Bond   court ;    John   Cordes,  watchmaker. 

B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Edwd  Clark,  Eliza  Wallery 
29     George  Painter,  full,  b.,  printer,  Hart  St.,  Bow  St. ;  William  Painter, 

gent.     Sarah  Cowell,  full,  s.,  Bueklersbury  ;   Samuel  Cowell,  grocer. 

B.,  by  G.  C.      Wit. :   Joseph  Cowell,  Mary  Anne   Cowell,  James 


274  REGISTERS    OF   ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1838-40 

Apr.  31     James  Riddel,  full,  b.,  wharfinger,  Sise  lane;  John  Rid  Jell,  farmer.   Janet 

Fowler,  full,  b.,  Sise  lane;  Joshua  Fowler,  carpenter.     B.,  by  G.  C. 

Wit.:   John  Mirrielees,  Ann  Malcolm,  A.  Hawman,  Jean  Malcolm 
Jnlv      ")      William  Johnson,  full,  b.,  plasterer,  L:unbs  Conduit  St.;    [father]  dead, 

[blank].      Sarah  Fox,  fall,  s..  Walbrook  :    [father]  .lead,  [blank]. 

[B.]  by  M.  W.  Lusignan.     Wit.:  Coo.  Climson,  F.  Manning 
Nov.    4    James  Hardy,  full,  w.,  corn  chandler,  Walbrook  j    [father]  dead,  wine 

cooper.    Jane  Fiddle,  full,  s. ;  [father]  dead,  [blank],    [B.]  by  G.  C. 

Wit.:   Thomas  Gregory,  Ann  Botl  [?] 
26     Frederick  Trevillian,t  fall,  w.,  wireworker,  118,  Aldersgate  St.;  James 

Trevillian,  looking  glass  manufacturer.      Margaret  Coster,  full,  w. ; 

William  Frazer,  builder.     [B.]  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  Richd  Smith  Spoil, 

Elizabeth  Spoil  f 


Mar.  22     George   William   Grimwood,   full,    b.,    carpet  planner,    31,   Walbrook; 

George    Grimwood,    mathematical    instrument    maker.       Elizabeth 

Frances  Maria  Tatham,  full,  s.  ;    Robert  Charles  Tatham,  tin  plate 

worker.   [B.]  by  G.  C.   Wit.:  Robert  Charles  Tatham,  Thomas  Gregory 
Apr.   20     Joseph  Charles  Howett,  full,  w.,  surveyor,  Walbrook;    John  Howett, 

surveyor.       Marisco    Okey,    full,    s.,    Muswell    Hill ;    Henry    Okey, 

merchant.      L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Henry  Okey,  J.  G  .  .  .  .  [illegible], 

Tho8  Okey 
Aug.  10     Patrick  Stewart,  full,  b.,  gent.,  Walbrook  ;  Patrick  Stewart,  clergyman. 

Sarah  Carlesworth  [signed  "  Chatsworth"],  full,  w.,  Tredegar  Square  ; 

Tho8  Scott,  merchant.     L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Jane  Elizabeth  Scott, 

Mary  Loughlin,  Martha  Scott 
15     Harry  Bye,  full,  b.,  bookkeeper,  Hackney;  William  Bye,  clerk.     Jane 

Lunu,  full,  s.,  Walbrook;    John  Lunn,  linen  diaper.      [L.]  by  G.  C. 

Wit. :  Ann  Bott  [?],  John  Cos 
Sep.    29     William  Iliff.t   full,    b.,    tin   plate  worker,   Walbrook;    William   Iliff, 

coachman.     Martha   Sears,  full,  s. ;    John  Sears,  farmer.     [B.]    by 

William  Lambert.     Wit. :  W'»  Needle,  Mary  Sears 
Dec.    23     Henry  Reed,  full,  b.,  joiner,  Walbrook  ;   William  Reed,  joiner.     Martha 

Moulton,  20  years,  s. ;  Benjamin  Moulton,  shipwright.     [B.]  by  G.  C. 

Wit:  Thomas  Gregory,  Ann  Cox 
25     John    Temple,    full,    b.,    printer,    Walbrook ;    John    Temple,    seaman. 

Mary  Ann  Poock,  full,  w. ;  Jeremiah  Watson,  pilot.     [B.]  by  G.  C. 

Wit. :  Jane  Millar,  Thomas  Gregory 


Jan.      6     William     Henry     Bedington     Tcnnant,    full,    b.,    engineer,    Walbrook  ; 

William  Tennant,  ironmonger.     Louisa  Susannah  Layman,  under  ago, 

s. ;  Henry  Layman,  surgeon.     [B.]  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  Thomas  Gregory, 

Ann  Cox 
22     Timothy  Satterley  Browne,  full,  b.,  clerk,  Walbrook  ;  Timothy  Browne, 

clerk.     Sarah  Ann  Cutbert,  full,  s.  ;    Isaac  Bramwell  Cutbert,  clerk. 

[This  entry  is  not  signed  by  the  clergyman.]  %    Wit. :  James  Satterley 

Browne,  Maria  Ann  Cutbert 
Feb.      6     Thomas  Dawkins,  full,  b.,  watch  manufacturer,  Middlcditch  ;  William 

Hawkins,   watch   manufacturer.      Rosetla    Weisbart    Seller,   full,   s.  ; 

Michael  Seiler,  harp  string  maker.     [B.]  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  Charlotte 

Augusta  Seiler,  Amelia  Seiler,  Clans  Hosenbrook 
Mar.     7     Edward   Filz   Gerald,  full,   !..,  clerk,  Walbrook  ;  Edward   Fitz   Gerald, 

gentleman.     Maria  Ann  Denuey,  full,  s.  ;  George  Denny,  undertaker. 

[B.]  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  Thomas  Gregory,  Carolino  Sarah  Denuey 

+  Stoned  liy  mark,— Ed. 

\  This  entry  is  signed  in  Register  VIII  by  G.  C,  and  was  by  Banns.— Ed, 

1840-42  AND    ST.    BENET   SHEREHOG  :     MARRIAGES.  275 

Apr.   30     John  Norris  Emery,  full,  b.,  clerk,  Walbrook  ;  John  Emery,  vintner. 

Harriet  Wooden,  full,  s. ;  George  Wooden,  coal  dealer.     [B.]  by  G.  C. 

Wit. :  Thomas  Gregory,  Ann  Cox 
Aug.     8     John  Grove,  full,  b.,  surgeon,  43,  Bishopsgate  ;  John  Grove,  gentleman. 

Emma  Jones,  full,  s.  ;  David  Jones,  solicitor.     [L.]  by  G.  C.     Wit. : 

J.  Grove,  Martha  Johnson,  D.  Jones,  Mary  S.  Jones 
Sep.      8     John    William    Jones,    full,    b.,    pawnbroker,    New    Brentford  ;    John 

William  Jones,   gentleman.      Eliza  Barrar,  full,  s.  j    Elijah  Barrar, 

gentleman.      [B.]  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  Mary  Barrar,  Thomas  Gregory 
8     William   Farrell,   full,   b.,    clerk,    Walbrook  ;     John    Farrell,    gardener. 

Sarah  Ann  Hersey,  minor,  s. ;  William  Hersey, publican.    [B.]  by  G.  C. 

Wit.:   Henry  Gridley,  Frances  Gridley 
Oct.    24     John    Guy    Mitchell,    full,    w.,    clerk,    Walbrook  ;    Edward    Mitchell, 

gentleman.     Ann    Swanton,   full,    s.  ;     William   Swanton,  salesman. 

[.B.]  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Edward  Mitchell,  Jr,  Elizabeth  Swanton 


Feb.  18  William  Warrington,  full,  b.,  plumber,  Walbrook  ;  George  Warrington, 
plumber.  Harriott  Chapman,  full,  s.  ;  Francis  Chapman,  excise 
officer.  [B.]  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Thomas  Clarke,  Elizabeth  Clarke 
Mar.  11  Heury  Charles  Irish,  full,  b.,  sadler,  38,  Walbrook;  Samuel  Patten 
Irish,  sadler.  Amelia  Syrett,  full,  s.,  Lewisham,  Kent ;  Thomas 
Syrett,  gent.  Lie,  by  John  Graham,  curate  of  Sl  Magnus.  Wit.: 
Samuel  Patten  Irish,  Jim1',  Edwin  Cocking,  Catherine  Irish 

16  John  Chessen,!  full,  b.,  groom,  Bond  court ;  John  Chesson,  blacksmith. 
Sarah  Butcher,  full,  s.  ;  Robert  Butcher,  gardener.  Banns,  by  G.  C. 
Wit. :  Charles  Cox,  T.  Gregory 
June  5  Johu  English,  full,  w.,  artist,  No.  4,  Bond  court,  Walbrook  ;  Henry 
English,  tailor.  Sarah  Lord,  full,  s.,  No.  6,  Bond  court,  Walbrook  ; 
Benjamin  Berry  Lord,  mariner.  Banns,  by  J.  G.  Wit. :  R.  Short, 
Anne  Lord 

27  Robert  Blakesley,  full,  b.,  cattle  dealer,  Sevenoaks  ;  James  Blakesley, 
cloth  factor.  Sarah  Adkins,  full,  s.,  Eastcheap  ;  John  Adkins 
[blauk].     Banns,  by  M.  W.  L.     Wit, :  Jas.  Burdon,  Eliza  Burdon 

27  Stephen  Barrett,  full,  b.,  carpenter,  City  Green  yard  ;  John  Barrett, 
carpenter.  Frances  Waeick, full,  s.,Bermondsey  ;  John  Philip  Waeick, 
baker.    Banns,  by  M.  W.  L.     Wit. :  George  Waeick,  Hannah  Waeick 

27  Joseph  Taylor,  full,  b.,  warehouseman,  5,  Paucras  lane,  Cheapside  ; 
John  Taylor,  warehouseman.  Sophia  Harriet  Forrest,  full,  s., 
21,  Lambeth  terrace,  Lambeth  road  ;  William  Forrest,  gentleman. 
Lie,  by  J.  G.  Wit.:  W.  Taylor,  Sophia  Taylor 
Sep.  19  George  Charles  Waller,  minor,  b.,  cordwainer,  No.  6,  Bond  court  ; 
William  Waller,  lime  burner.  Mary  Moss,  full,  s.,  Ware,  Herts.  ; 
Isaac  Moss,  tailor.  [L.]  by  J.  G.  Wit.:  Thomas  Gregory,  Ann  Cot 
Dec.  13  John  Coveney,  full,  b.,  wire  worker,  2,  Walbrook  buildings  ;  Abraham 
Coveney,  gardener.  Lucy  Leech,  full,  s.,  5,  Barge  yard,  Bucklersbury  ; 
Nathaniel  Leech,  bootmaker.  [B.]  by  J.  G.  Wit.:  Wm  Leech, 
Jane  Leech 

30  John  Cooper  Cobb,  full,  b.,  law  student,  No.  5,  Walbrook  ;  William 
Cobb,  gentleman.  Sarah  Carr,  full,  s.,  51,  Southampton  row  ;  Thomas 
Carr,  gentleman.    L.,byJ.  G.  Wit.:  Wm  Geo.  Jarvis,  Thomas  Gregory 


May  7  Frederick  Held,  full,  b.,  clerk  in  a  counting  house,  63,  Commercial  road, 
Waterloo  bridge  ;  Simon  Henry  Hehl,  captain  in  the  Army.  Elizabeth 
Ann  Herdman,  full,  s.,  63,  Commercial  road,  Waterloo  bridge  ;  Johu 
Herdman,  clerk  in  a  couuting  house.  B.,  by  William  Blunt,  offg. 
minr.  Wit. :  Robert  William  Herdman,  Ann  Elizabeth  Herdman, 
Ann  Herdman 

276  REGISTERS   OF   ST.   STEPIIEn's,   WALBROOK,  1842-4 

May  25     Edward  Kent,  full,  w.,  traveller,  7,  Walbrook  ;  William  Kent,  brewer. 
Mary  Barham,  full,  w.  ;  George  Lusigne,  fishmonger.     [B.]  by  G.  C. 
Wit. :  Charles  Cox,  Ann  Cox 
June     5     William    Halls,    full,    1...    dyer,    4,    Barge    yard  ;     William    Hall[s], 
upholsterer.      Aun    Lintott,    full,    s.,    Walbrook  ;     William    Lintott, 
butcher.     [B.]  by  G.  C.      Wit.:  John  Wright,  Frances  Chapman 
26     William    Parsons,   full,    b.,    servant,    6,    Walbrook  ;    Joseph    Parsons, 
builder.      Sarah    Pope,    s.  ;     Charles    Henry    Pope,    gent.      [B.]    by 
Herbert  Kynaston,  M.A.     Wit. :  John  Cox,  Ann  Cox 
Aug.     8     Edward  Brenchley,  full,  b.,  gentleman,  16,  Walbrook  ;  John  Brenchley, 
gentleman.     Maria  Butt,  full,  s.  ;  Robert  Butt,  ward  beadle.     [B.]  by 
G.  C.     Wit.:  George  Brenchley,  Jane  Butt 
Sep.    17     Islip  Odell,  full,  b.,  brick-maker,  6,  Walbrook  ;   Francis  Odell,  carpenter. 
Ann  Sutton,  [full]  w.,  6,  Walbrook  ;   William   Sutton,  watch-maker. 
[B.]  by  F.  W.  J.  V.     Wit. :  Ann  Greville,  Thomas  Gregory 
Oct.      3     Henry  James  Southerby,  full,  w.,  painter,  10,  Bucklersbury  ;  William 
[No.  44]         Southerby,    painter.      Elizabeth    Blake,f    full,    s.  ;     William    Blake, 
painter.     [B.]  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  William  Blake,  Mary  Blakef 

[N.B.— The  above  entries,  No.  1,13  July,  1837,  to  No.  41,  3  Oct., 

1842,   are   also   contained   in    Register   VIII,    and   are  there 

Nod.   210,    13   July,    1837,   to   No.  254,   3   Oct.,   1842.     In 

Register  VIII  it  is  clearly  stated  whether  the  Marriage  were 

by  Banns  or  Licence,  and  such  additional  information  has  been 

included  in  the  text  of  Register  IX  in  [     ]. — Ed.] 

Dec.    11     John  Henry  Coste,  full,  w.,  cabinet  maker,  25,  Bucklersbury  ;  Thomas 

Garrett  Coste,  carpenter.     Eliza  Pike,  full,  s. ;  Charles  Pike,  book 

binder.     *  by  G.  C.     Wit.  :  George  Hobs,  Elizabeth  Cox 


Feb.  12  Daniel  John  Gray  [signed  "Daniel  Gray"],  full,  w.,  shipwright, 
4,  Barge  yard ;  Daniel  John  Gray,  gent.  Mary  Anne  Cotton,  full, 
w.,  6,  Bond  court ;  James  Way,  farmer.  *  by  F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit. : 
John  Way,  Elizabeth  Cox 

Mar.  27  William  Munn,  full,  b.,  wine  merchant,  14,  Walbrook  ;  Stephen  Munn, 
farmer.      Frances   Mitcham,    full,    s. ;    Charles    Mitcham,    stationer. 

*  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  And"  Moore,  Ann  Moore 

Sep.  5  Thomas  Couling,  full,  b.,  maltster,  19,  Bucklersbury  ;  William  Couling, 
farmer.  Leah  Brooks,  full,  s. ;  John  Brooks,  gardener.  *  by 
F.  W.  J.  V.     Wit. :  Robert  Robins,  Mary  Todd 

Oct.  5  James  William  Le  Dieu,  full,  b.,  bookseller,  Bucklersbury;  Jaques 
Le  Dieu,  jeweller,  &  Frauces  Price,  full,  s. ;  Alfred  Price,  silver- 
smith. »  by  G.  C.  Wit.:  Alfred  Price,  William  James  Watts, 
Ann  Legge 


Jan.  2  Francis  Pellatt,  full,  b.,  cordwainer,  4,  Bond  court;  Daniel  Pellatt, 
cordwainer.  Elizabeth  Brenchley,  full,  s.,  4,  Bond  court;  Sarah  [sic'} 
Brenchley,  blacksmith.  *  by  F.  W.J.  V.  Wit.  :  Edward  Brenchley, 
Caroline  Brenchley 

Apr.  4  William  James  Walrond,  full,  b.,  solicitor,  Ilford,  Essex  ;  John  Walrond, 
gentleman.    Eliza  Boll  Cox,  full,  s.,  Sise  lane;  George  Cox,  solicitor. 

•  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Jn°  Walrond,  Geo.  Cox 

10     Frederick     George    Permau,    full,    b.,    merchant,    Walbrook  ;     Thomas 
Pcnnan,  merchant.     Louisa  Adams,  full,  s.,  Finsbury  square;    James 
Adams,  surgeon.     »  by  G.  C.     Wit.  :  Alex.  C.  Ionides,  John  Tuilen 
Porman,  William  Adams 
*  Indicates  that  uo  mention  is  made  in  the  Register  whether  by  Hanns  or  Licence.— Ed. 

1844-7  AND   ST.   BENET   SHEREflOG  :     MARRIAGES.  277 

Aug.  15  Henry  John  Giles,  full,  w.,  surgeon,  5,  Bond  court;  John  Giles,  school- 
master. Elizabeth  Ann  Duff,  full,  s.,  5,  Bond  court ;  Alexander  Duff, 
innkeeper.     *  by  F.  W.  J.  V.     Wit,  :   Archibald  Duff,  Elizabeth  Duff 

Sep.  18  William  Cutress,  full,  w.,  builder,  Southwark  ;  Charles  Cutress,  bailiff. 
Charlotte  Calf,  full,  s.,  11,  Walbrook  ;  Charles  Calf,  smith.  *  by 
F.  W.  J.  V.     Wit. :  John  Calf,  T.  Batt 

Nov.  24  George  Farrance,  full,  b.,  waterman,  Bond  court ;  Charles  Farrance, 
waterman,  &  Elizabeth  Reed,  full,  s.,  Bond  court ;  David  Reed, 
butcher.  **  by  T.  T.  Jones,  off :  min.  Wit.  :  Joseph  Davis, 
Charlotte  Page 


Jan.  2  Richard  Corke,  full,  b.,  draper,  ?>h,  Walbrook  ;  Benjamin  Corke,  farmer, 
&  Mary  Johnson,  full,  s.,  3^,  Walbrook  ;  George  Johnson,  farmer. 
*  by  F.  W.  J.  V.     Wit. :  George  Johnson,  Elizth  Johnson 

Feb.  24  Edward  Richard  Corke,  full,  b.,  brewer,  3^,  Walbrook  ;  James  Corke, 
trunkmaker,  &   Jane   Apps,  full,  s.  ;    Richard  Apps,  glazier.     *   by 

F.  W.  J.  V.     Wit. :  Richard  Apps,  Mary  Ann  Corke 

Apr.  23  Wln  Keen  Sidgwick,  full,  b.,  merchant,  Blackheath  ;  Edward  Sidgwick, 
corn  factor.  Anna  Whistler,  s.,  16,  Sise  lane ;  Fredk  Whistler, 
merchant,  *  by  G.  C.  Wit,:  Fredk  Whistler,  Paul  Briscoe,  Thomas 
Keen,  Jane  Sidgwick,  John  Ray,  Alfred  Jackson,  Elizabeth  Sidgwick 


Jan.  31  James  Darling  Watson,  full,  b.,  teacher,  3,  Walbrook  ;  James  Watson, 
lieutenant  in  the  Army.  Elizabeth  Hornby,  full,  s.  ;  George 
Hornby,  clerk.  #  by  F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit. :  John  Henry  Bell,  Thomas 

Aug.  23  John  Brutus  Davies,  full,  w.,  wine  cooper,  32,  Walbrook  ;  John  Edward 
Davies,  clerk.  Anne  Wackett,  full,  s.  [32,  Walbrook]  ;  James 
Wackett,  cowkeeper.  *  by  F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit. :  Christopher  Sullivan, 
Letitia  Louisa  Laura  Owcrs 

July  26  [mc]  James  Corke,  full,  b.,  cellarman,  3$,  Walbrook  ;  James  Corke, 
portmanteau  maker.  Frances  Roberts  Howell,  full,  s.  [8i,  Walbrook]  ; 
William  Howell,  clerk.  *  by  F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit.:  William  Howell, 
Mary  Ann  Howell 

Oct,  25  George  Leonard,  full,  w.,  engineer,  Hammersmith  ;  John  Leonard, 
steward.  Jane  Dyson,  full,  s.,  Walbrook  ;  Charles  Dyson,  linen 
draper.     *  by  G.  C.      Wit.  :  J.  Hardham,  Mary  G.  Dyson,  W.  Carter 

Nov.  28  John  Frederick  Milow,  full,  b.,  ship  agent,  21,  Walbrook  ;  John 
Nicolaus  Milow,  agent,  Mary  Lindgreu,  full,  s.,  12,  John  street, 
Minories  ;  Hans  Jonas  Lindgren,  ship  agent.  *  by  F.  W.  J.  V. 
Wit.:  H.  J.  Lindgren,  S.  A.  Broms  f?] 


Jan.  14  Fredk  Whistler,  Jr,  full,  b.,  gentleman,  16,  Sise  lane  ;  Fredk  Whistler, 
merchant.  Emma  Cox,  full,  s.,  14,  Sise  lane  ;  George  Cox,  solicitor. 
L.,  by  M.  W.  L.  Wit. :  Geo.  Cox,  Ellen  Whistler,  Fred*  Whistler, 
Edwd  W.  Whistler 

Apr.  21  William  Macarthy,  full,  b.,  plumber,  10,  Bond  court ;  Dennis  Macarthy, 
tailor.  Thomasine  Frances  Eustace,  full,  s.,  10,  Bond  court  ;  Thomas 
Eustace,  clerk.  *  by  G.  C.  Wit,  :  Tho.  Eustace,  Susanna  Jackson, 
Eustace  Augustus  Eustace 

May  13  Henry  Douglas  Famariss,  full,  b.,  licenced  victualler,  Church  row, 
S'  George's  in  the  East ;  John  Famaris,  tailor.  Mary  Ann  Corke, 
full,  s.,  3i,   Walbrook ;    James   Corke,   portmanteau  maker.       *    by 

G.  C.      Wit. :    Henry    Potter,   Edward    Corke,   Benjamin    Corke, 
Elizabeth  Cox 

278  registers  of  st.  Stephen's,  walrrook,  1847-9 

Aug.  8  George  Frederick  Dennint  [signed  "Dennin"],  full,  b.,  general  agent, 
No.  2,  Bucklersbnry;  James  George  Dennin  [«c],  agent.  Fanny 
iMasdii  Bowker,  full,  b.,  S*  Mary,  Newingtonj  Thomas  Bowker, 
gentleman.  *  by  F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit.:  George  Allen,  Anne  Allen 
17  William  Coker,  full,  l>.,  seedsman  &  florist,  6,  Bold  court;  Richard 
Coker,  butler.  Catherine  Wilson,  full,  s.,  10,  Bucklersbury  ;  John 
Wilson,  wine  merchant.  *  by  F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit.:  Jno.  Wilson, 
Ellen  Wilson,  Anne  Margaret  Wilson,  Elizabeth  Wilden  [?] 

Sep.  11  Robert  Henry  Drover,  full,  b.,  draper,  107,  Oxford  street;  James 
Drover,  grocer.  Sarah  Mary  [Maria]  Dyson,  full,  s.,  25,  Bucklersbnry  ; 
Charles  Dyson,  lineu  draper.  *  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Josa  Needham, 
Ann  Dyson 

Oct.  24  William  Talbot  Elsden,  full,  b.,  attorney's  clerk,  S'  Stephen's,  Walbrook  ; 
Cooper  Elsden,  draper.  Mary  Ann  Winlerbon,  full,  s.,  Rochford, 
Essex  ;  George  Winterbon,  draper.  *  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  G.  W.  Talbot, 
Naomi  Winterbon 

Dec.  23  William  Henry  Davics,  full,  b.,  merchants  clerk,  Walbrook ;  William 
Davies,  coal  merchant,  Letitia  Greenway,  full,  s.,  Walbrook; 
William  Greenway,  ribbon  manufacturer.  *  by  G.  C.  Wit.:  Mary 
Ann  Davics,  W™  Davies,  Wm  Woolley,  W.  Purdy,  Caroline  Lucy 
Davies,  Alexander  Cowley,  T.  Purdy 


Jan.  27  William  Williams,  full,  b.,  tobacconist,  8,  Camden  placo,  Southampton 
St.,  Camberwell  ;  Joseph  Williams,  warehouseman.  Mary  Evans, 
full,  s.,  14,  S'  Swithin's  lane;  Richard  Evans,  nurseryman.  *  by 
G.  C.     Wit:  John  Foliot,  Chandos  Merrick,  Louisa  Keats  Merrick 

Apr.  29  Alfred  Christie,  full,  b.,  gentleman,  Hackney  ;  John  Christie,  gentleman. 
Fanny  Jones,  full,  s.,  Sise  laue  ;  David  Jones,  solicitor.  *  by  G.  C. 
Wit.  :  Mary  Shepherd  Jones,  Henry  C.  Collmann,  Jn°  Christie 

May  18  Samuel  James  Joslin,  full,  b.,  tailor,  10,  Bond  court;  Thomas  Joslin, 
shoemaker.  Ann  Short,  full,  s.,  10,  Bond  court;  Samuel  Short, 
tailor.     *  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  John  Michell,  Lydia  Barker 

Dec.  28  Horatio  Dawson,  full,  b.,  merchant,  7,  Sise  lane  ;  William  Dawson, 
farmer.  Margaret  Chinie,  full,  s.,  71,  Watling  St.;  John  Chinie, 
baker.  #  by  G.  C.  Wit.:  John  Chinie,  Margaret  Curling  Conney, 
Eliza  Williams,  David  Chinie 


Apr.  26  John  Colgate,  full,  b.,  diaper,  3£,  Walbrook  ;  John  Colgate,  farmer. 
Mary  Corkc,  full,  s.,  S$,  Walbrook;  Benjamin  ColgatcJ  [sic], 
farmer.  *  by  G.  C.  VVit. :  Mary  Colgate,  Benjn  Corke,  John 

Aug.  18  Alfred  Ende  Popkin,  full,  b.,  stationer,  19,  Brunswick  place,  City  road  ; 
Henry  Popkin,  gentleman.  Eliza  Humphreys,  full,  s.,  of  Paneras 
lane  ;  William  Henry  Humphreys,  coal  merchant.  *  by  G.  C.  Wit. : 
Diana  Humphreys,  Jane  Rendlc,  Henry  John  Popkin,  Harriot 
Walpole,  J.  L.  Walpole 

Sep.  24  William  Froom  [signed  "Jr"],  26,  b.,  gentleman,  S'  Stephens, 
Walbrook;  William  Froom,  gentleman,  &  Rose  Tennant,  20,  s., 
Sl  John's,  Paddington  ;  William  Thomas  Tennant,  gentleman.  *  by 
Joshua  Frederick  Denham,  M. A.,  off.  Min.  Wit.:  W"  Miller,  Jane 
Blake  Norcott 

Dec.  22  Thomas  Ward,  full,  w.,  wine  merchant,  Walbrook  ;  Thomas  Ward, 
shipping  agent.  Louisa  Jessy  Cornwall,  minor,  s.,  Kensington  ; 
Henry  Cobb  Cornwall,  attorney.  *  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  II.  C  Oornn-all, 
Harriet  Ilattersly 

%  Clearly  an  error,  should  be  "  Corkc." — Kp 

1850-2  AND   ST.    BENET   SHEREHOG  :     MARRIAGES.  279 


May   12     Edwin  Shrivell,  full,  b.,  clerk,   18,  Bucklersbury ;    William  Shrivell, 

builder.     Sarah  Rebecca  Greenfield,  full,  s.,  18,  Bucklersbury  ;  Henry 

Greenfield,  painter.     *  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Henry  Edward   Greenfield, 

Fanny  Maria  Potter 
Nov.  27     Thomas   Aggett,    full,    w.,    gentleman,    Walbrook    buildings ;    Henry 

Aggett,    gentleman.       Mary    Webb,    full,    w.,    Walbrook    buildings  ; 

John    Olliver,  builder.      *  by   G.   C.      Wit. :    H.  Beam,    Margaret 

Dec.    18     Alfred  Thomas  Israel  Baker,  full,  b.,  solicitor,  4,  Pancras  lane  ;  John 

Baker,  gentleman.      Elizabeth  Frances  Epps,   full,   s.,  26,   Bedford 

place,    Russell  square  ;    Read  Epps,  farmer.      *   by   G.  C.      Wit. : 

T.  L.  Merritt,  H.  A.  Barnes 


Aug.  21  Duncan  Irvine,  full,  b.,  wine  merchant,  12,  Cooper's  row,  Tower  hill ; 
James  Irvine,  wine  merchant.  Ann  Dyson,  full,  s.,  25,  Bucklersbury  ; 
Charles  Dyson,  draper.  *  by  G.  C.  Wit.:  John  Irvine,  R.  H.  Drover, 
Margaret  Buckmaster,  Mary  Buckmaster,  S.  Dyson 

Oct.  12  Joseph  Overton,  full,  b.,  servant,  78,  Piccadilly  ;  Henry  Overton, 
farmer.  Jane  Briggs,  full,  s.,  Lowndes  street ;  Thomas  Briggs, 
servant.     *  by  F.  W.  J.  V.      Wit. :  George  Skinner 

Nov.  6  William  Walton,  full,  b.,  solicitor,  30,  Bucklersbury  ;  Francis  Walton, 
geutn.  Caroline  Kerr  Oliver,  full,  s.,  High  Street,  Wapping ;  Joseph 
Oliver,  iron  merchant.  *  by  G.  C.  Wit.  :  Sarah  Fowler,  Joseph 
Oliver,  Ann  Oliver,  Amy  Walton,  George  Oliver 

Dec.  1  William  Littler,  full,  b.,  painter,  24,  Bucklersbury ;  Edmund  Littler, 
painter.  Elizabeth  Addiugton,  full,  s,  Mitcham ;  Paul  Addington, 
varnish  manufacturer.     *  by  G.  C.     Wit.  :  Dauiel  Withem 


Jan.  27  Andrew  Smith,  full,  w.,  engineer,  3,  Walbrook ;  William  Smith, 
engineer.  Juliana  Bristoll,  full,  s.,  19,  Buckingham  street,  Strand  ; 
Thomas  Bristoll,  engraver.  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Thomas  Bristoll, 
Richard  Arkley,  Agnes  Arkley 

Feb.  14  George  Barret,  full,  b.,  gentn,  1 1,  Bond  court ;  Thomas  Barret,  school- 
master. Marjory  Renton,  full,  s.,  11,  Bond  court;  William  Reuton, 
carpenter.  B.,  by  G.  C.  Wit.  :  John  Mawman,  Margaret 

Mar.  21  Thomas  Jutsum  Shephard  [signed  "Thomas  Judson  Shepard"], 
29  years,  b.,  general  shop  keeper,  Three  Colt  street,  Old  Ford,  Bow; 
Martin  Shephard,  farmer.  Ann  Brown,  29  years,  s.,  32,  Walbrook ; 
William  Brown,  cheesemonger.  By  Sup.  Registrars  Certificate  for 
Marriage  without  Licence,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Frederick  Isaac  Brown, 
Edith  Brown,  M.  A.  Wrigglesworth 

July  25  Jesse  Randall,  full,  b.,  soldier,  Barracks,  Brompton,  Kent ;  Henry 
Randall,    farmer.      Ann    Bristow,    full,    s.,    16,    Walbrook: 

Bristow,  farmer.  B.,  by  F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit.:  Josiah  Henry  Price, 
Ellen  Price 

Oct.  19  Patrick  John  Connelly,  full,  b.,  letter  sorter  in  the  General  Post  Office, 
Bridford  place,  Hoxton  ;  John  Connelly,  farmer.  Martha  Hutchinson, 
full,  w.,  9,  Bucklersbury ;  James  Henry  Hoppe  \_sic~\,  tin  plate 
worker.  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  James  Seton  Broadbent,  Harriet 
Hopper  [sic] 

Dec.  25  Charles  Taylor,  full,  b.,  carpenter,  Bond  court;  William  Taylor, 
agriculturist.  Susan  Sloan,  full,  s.,  Bond  Court ;  John  Sloan, 
baker.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  S  L.  Mann,  Margaret  Rowland  f 

280  REGISTERS    OF   ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1853-55 


July  12  Robert  Goodall,  full,  b.,  carpenter,  8,  Bond  court;  William  Goodall, 
carpenter.  Mary  Reynolds,  full,  s.,  12,  Finsbury  circus ;  Robert 
Reynolds,  farmer.  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit.:  Stepbeu  Goodall,  Sarah 

Sep.  4  William  Youde,  full,  b.,  clerk,  6,  Bueklersbury,  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook  ; 
William  Youde,  steward.  Susannah  Lucretia  Games,  full,  s.,  S*  Pauls 
churchyard,  S*  Faith,  Loudon;  Isaac  Games,  publican.  L.,  by  G.  C. 
Wit. :   George  Holmes,  Sarah  Holmes 

16  James  Young,  full,  b.,  merchant,  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook  ;  James  Young, 

merchant.  Lucy  Young,  full,  s.,  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook  ;  John 
Tonkin  Young,  builder.  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit.:  John  T.  Young, 
M.  P.  Young,  C.  Young 
18  Peter  Edwards,  full,  b.,  servant,  5,  Bond  court;  William  Edwards, 
gardener.  Eliza  Rowland,  full,  s.,  5,  Bond  court;  Johu  Rowland, 
watchmaker.  B.,  by  F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit.:  Charles  Taylor,  Susan  Taylor 
Nov.  11  Jenkin  Rhys,  full,  b„  mineral  agent,  Aberdare,  Glamorganshire  ;  Jenkin 
Rhys,  mineral  agent.  Sarah  Williams,  minor,  s.,  S'  Stephen's, 
Walbrook  ;  Thomas  Williams,  farmer.  L.,  by  Robert  Dear  Acle, 
off.  Min.     Wit. :  W.  Mendam,  Eliz.  R.  Rhys 


Feb.  11  Edmund  Coppen,  full,  b.,  draper,  39,  Bishopsgate  street  within;  Isaac 
Coppen,  farmer.  Marianne  Jewell,  full,  s.,  S*  Stephen's,  Walbrook  ; 
William  Jewell,  captain.  L.,  by  F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit. :  W.  D.  Coppen, 
E.  Webster 

June  8  Thomas  Henry  Phillips,  full,  b.,  drug  broker,  Sk  Stephen,  Walbrook  ; 
George  Phillips,  linen  factor.  Elizabeth  Judson,  full,  s.,  10,  Scott's 
yard  ;  Daniel  Judson,  drysalter.  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Daniel  Mason, 
Henry  Judson,  Emma  Judson,  D.  Blake,  Fanny  A.  Davis 

17  George  Wren,  full,  b.,  builder,  3£,  Walbrook  ;    Philip  Wren,   farmer. 

Mary  Ann   Vago,  full,   s.,   &l,  Walbrook  ;    Joseph  Vago,  jeweller. 

B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Henry  D'ean,  Mary  Read 
July     2     Charles  Humphrey,  full,  b.,  grocer,  30,  Walbrook  ;  Thomas  Humphrey, 

tailor.      Mary    Green,    full,    w.,    30,    Walbrook;     Abraham    Green, 

inspector.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Samuel   Green,  Frances  Humphrey, 

Emma  Green,  C.  Humphrey 
Aug.     3     Augustus  Louis  Oldfield,  full,  b.,  ropemaker,  9,  Bond  court;  Gecrge 

Oldfield,  ropemaker.     Emma  Elvy,  minor,  s.,  9,  Bond  court  ;  Henry 

Elvy,  ropemaker.      B.,  by   G.   C.      Wit. :    John  Pond,   Mary   Ann 

Nov.   14     Richard  Odell,  full,  w.,  clerk,  Bond  Court;  Thomas  Odell,  Lieutenant, 

Royal  Navy.     Harriet  Maria  Megnin,  full,  w.,  Bond  court  ;  William 

Mofl'att,  licensed  victualler.      B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit.:    Richard  Green, 

E.  White,  Jr 


Feb.      1     John  William  Dawkins,  full,  b.,  watchmaker,  33,  Walbrook  ;  William 

Dawkins,  watchmaker.     Hannah   Sanders,!  full,  a.,  33,  Walbrook  ; 

John    Sanders,    chemist.      B.,    by    G.    C.       Wit. :     H.    Peckham, 

E.   White,  Jr 
Apr.    11     Thomas  Ilodsoll,  full,  w.,  coachmaker,  9,  Bond  Court ;  Thomas  Hodsoll, 

ooachmaker.     Amelia  Smith,  full,  s.,  9,  Pond  court;   Daniel  Smith, 

excise  officer.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  H.  Peckham,  E.  White,  Jr 
17     Michael  Kirwan  Joyce,  full,  b.,   late  police  officer  iu   charge  of   the 

dockyard  police,  Bombay,  10,  Bond  Court ;  Richard  Joyce,  gentleman. 

Emma  Page,  full,  s.,  10,  Bond  court ;  Thomas  Clarke  Page,  gentleman. 

L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. ;  Ch'  Buekmaster,  Emma  Buckmaster 

1855-8  AND   ST.    BENET   SHEREHOG  :     MARRIAGES.  281 

Aug.     7     James  Dover,  full,  b.,  grocer,  Tottenham  Court  road,  S4  Pancras  parish  ; 

William  Dover,  farmer.     Catherine  Shaw,  minor,  s.,  20,  Wal brook  ; 

George  Shaw,  farmer.     L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  Noah  Rippengill,  Peter 

Lishewa  [?],  Sarah  Rippengill,  Louisa  Mary  Dover 
Dec.      1     Joseph  Luckiu,  full,  b.,  auctioneer,  10,  Bucklersbury  ;  Richard  Luckin, 

dissenting   minister.      Jean   Lander   Boyall,   full,    s.,    10,    Poultry ; 

William  Charles  Boyall,  tobacconist.     L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Elizabeth 

Boyall,  Enphemia  Boyall,  Edwd  Pinnock 


Feb.      5     James  Samuel  Farley,  full,  w.,  mason,  1,  Walbrook  ;    James  Farley, 

undertaker.      Jane   Leale,    full,  w.,   1,   Walbrook  ;    Thomas   White, 

farmer.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  William  Smith,  Eliza  Rilsby,  James 

Stephen  Farley 
Mar.   16     Henry  Cox  Tyler,  full,  b.,  accountant,  37,  Walbrook  ;   James  Baigcnt 

Tyler,  accountant.     Selina  Featley,  full,  s.,  30,  Bucklersbury  ;  Robert 

Featley,  zinc  worker.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit.:   Joseph  Henry  Shaw, 

Emma  Phipps 
May  25     John  Miles,  full,  \v.,  carpenter,  9,  Bond  Court ;  James  Miles,  fireman. 

Susannah  Allchin,  full,  w.,  9,  Bond  court  ;  William  Barton,  butcher. 

B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit.:  Richard  Green,  E.  White,  Jr 
Oct.      2     Charles  Sayer,  full,  b.,  brewer,  Bell  court ;  James  Sayer,  miller.     Ellen 

Laurie,  full,  s.,   11,  Gracechurch  street;     James   Laurie,   gas   fitter. 

L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :    William  Hy  Laurie,  William  Seaman,  Sophia 

L.  Seaman,  Elizabeth  Sayer,  Marie  Laurie 
5     William  Henry  Davis,  full,  b  ,  jeweller,  Bond  court ;  Stephen  Davis, 

commercial  traveller.     Jemima  Milbank,  full,  s.,  Bond  court ;  Joseph 

Milbank,  smith.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit.  :  Emily  Webb,  John  Christopher 



Apr.  26  Alfred  Augustus  Judges,  full,  b.,  commercial  clerk,  36,  Walbrook  ;  John 
Judges,  law  stationer.  Isabella  Freeman,  full,  s.,  36,  Walbrook  ;  Daniel 
Freeman,  bookseller.  B.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  George  W.  Stevenson, 
Elizabeth  Ann  Archer 

May  9  Samuel  Hay,  full,  w.,  eating  house  keeper,  3,  Walbrook  ;  Samuel  Hay, 
builder.  Hannah  Waterhouse,  full,  s.,  Park  St.,  Greenwich  ;  David 
Waterhouse,  farmer.  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Harriet  Waterhouse, 
Richard  Waterhouse 

July  13  Edward  Guest,  full,  b.,  Wesleyan  minister,  Hemel  Hempstead,  Herts.  ; 
Isaac  Guest,  builder.  Theodosia  Manning,  full,  s.,  Wallbrook  ;  John 
Manning,  draper.  L.,  by  F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit. :  William  Joshua  Smith, 
Miriam  Jackson 

Aug.  8  William  Dane,  full,  b.,  mariner,  14,  Walbrook;  James  Samuel  Dane, 
accountant.  Susannah  Manning,  minor,  s.,  Lewisham  road  ;  John 
Manning,  master  mariner.  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  J.  S.  Dane, 
E.  E.  Manning,  Maria  Dane,  Harriett  Dane 

Nov.  14  William  Robert  Gray,  full,  b.,  stationer,  24,  Bucklersbury;  William 
Wilson  Gray,  stationer.  Elizabeth  Ann  Pritchett,  full,  s.,  2,  Bond 
court ;  Edward  Pritchett,  stationer.  B.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Edwd 
Pritchett,  Ellen  S.  Pritchett 


Apr.    12     Alfred  Pernet,  full,  b.,  artist,  9,  Bond  court ;  Napoleon  Pernet,  tailor. 

Anne  Blackborow,  full,  s.,  2,  Penn  street,  Bridport  place,  Hoxton  ; 

Samuel  Blackborow,  tin  plate  worker.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Samuel 

Blackborow,  Louisa  Booker 

VOL   II.  Q 

282  REGISTERS    OF    ST.    STEPHEN'S,    WALBROOK,  1858-60 

May  1  Thomas  Bear,  full,  b.,  tobacco  manufacturer,  233,  High  St.,  Boro' ; 
Henry  Jacob  Bear,  tobacco  manufacturer.  Catherine  Cormouls 
Macdongal,  full,  s.,  3*,  Bell  court ;  Alexander  Macdougal,  gentleman. 
L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  A.  M.  MacDougal,  Jane  Bear 
10  John  Pullar,  full,  w.,  builder,  3,  Lavender  Cottages,  Rye  lane,  Peckham  ; 
Henry  Pullar,  joiner  (deceased).  Sophia  Taylor,  full,  s.,  5,  Pan  eras 
lane ;  John  Taylor,  warehouseman.  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Mary 
Taylor,  William  Taylor 

June  5  Peter  Parton,  full,  b.,  carman,  Jury  street,  Aldgate ;  John  Partem, 
miller.  Augusta  Matilda  Walker,  full,  s.,  9,  Bond  court ;  Richard 
Walker,  merchant's  clerk  (deceased).  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Matthew 
Bennett,  E.  White,  Jr 

Sep.  18  Richard  Venner,  full,  w.,  commercial  traveller,  25,  Bucklersbury  ; 
Richard  Venner  (deceased),  farmer.  Mary  Ann  Abraham,  full,  s., 
25,  Bucklersbury  ;  William  Abraham  (deceased),  cooper.  B.,  by 
F.  W.  J.  V.  Wit. :  John  Cooke,  Jane  Abraham 
19  Samuel  Henry  Ireland,  full,  b.,  solicitor's  clerk,  Bucklersbury;  James 
Ireland,  hatter.  Maria  Louisa  Capron,  full,  s.,  Bucklersbury ; 
William  Capron  (deceased),  vellum  binder.  B.,  by  F.  W.  J.  V. 
Wit.  :  William  Butler,  Hannah  Elizabeth  Riley 
30  Joseph  Warboys,  full,  b.,  warehouseman,  Bond  court ;  Joseph  Warboys 
(deceased),  innkeeper.  Phoebe  Sarah  Pool,  full,  s.,  26,  Bartholomew 
close ;  Joseph  Pool,  book  binder.  B.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Joseph  Pool, 
E.  White,  Jr 

Dec.  25  Edward  Paterson  Gardner,  full,  w.,  solicitors  clerk,  3,  Wallbrook  ; 
Thomas  Paterson  Gardner,  corn  merchant.  Elizabeth  Lee,  full,  s., 
3,  Wallbrook  ;  George  Lee,  salesman.  B.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  George 
Lee,  Isabella  Wilkinson  Lee.  Matilda  Lee 


Jan.  15  Thomas  Hyatt  Mansfield,  full,  w.,  house  decorator,  6a,  Sise  lane;  James 
Mansfield  (deceased),  builder.  Elizabeth  Powell,  full,  s.,  21,  Circus, 
Finsbury  ;  Thomas  Powell  (deceased),  merchant.  L.,  by  M.  W.  L. 
Wit. :  Frederic  G.  Stephens,  Charlotte  Grellier 

Feb.  16  George  Goodridge,  full,  b.,  builder,  Roade,  Northamptonshire ;  James 
Goodridge,  blacksmith.  Mary  Clarke,  full,  s.,  33,  Walbrook  ;  John 
Clarke,  builder.     L.,  by  G.  C.     Wit. :  Jane  Stower,  E.  White,  Jr 

Apr.  5  Joseph  Mabe,  full,  w.,  licensed  victualler,  Barking,  Essex  ;  James  Mabo 
(deceased),  maltster.  Hortensia  Ann  Newby,  full,  s.,  S'  Stephen, 
Walbrook ;  John  Newby,  gentleman.  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  John 
Newby,  Ann  Newby 

July  27  Caleb  Fisher,  full,  b.,  merchant's  clerk,  32,  Bucklersbury ;  John  Fisher, 
grocer.  Frances  Elizabeth  Underwood,  full,  s.,  32,  Bucklersbury  ; 
Thomas  LTuderwood,  brush  maker.  B.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Tho" 
Underwood,  Ellen  Underwood,  Jessie  Underwood,  G.  C.  Underwood, 
E.  J.  Underwood,  M.  A.  Underwood 

Sep.  18  Louis  August  Leins,  full,  b.,  fancy  bag  maker,  33,  Bucklersbury  ; 
Charles  Leins,  engineer.  Agnes  Schiffers,  full,  s.,  3,  Boyle  street, 
Savile  row,  Regent  St. ;  Henry  Schiffers,  tailor.  B.,  by  F.  W.  J.  V. 
Wit.:   Henry  Schiffers,  Elizabeth  Ilibbert,  Therese  Schiffers 


Mar.  3  John  Rumney,  full,  w.,  tailor  &  hatter,  Upper  Clapton,  Parish  of 
Hackney  ;  James  Rumney,  tailor.  Harriot  Dauc,  full,  s.,  14,  Walbrook  ; 
James  Samuel  Dane,  accountaut.  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit.:  J.  S.  Dane, 
Maria  Dane 

May  7  Henry  Watts,  full,  b.,  smith,  Tanners  hill,  S'  Pauls,  Doptford  ;  John 
Watts,  tobacco  pipe  maker.  Eliza  Jane  Clinch,  full,  s.,  29,  Bucklersbury  ; 
Henry  Clinch,  warehouse  kcepor.  B.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  Martha 
Catherine  Clinch,  William  Whcatcroft,  Mary  Aun  James 

i860  AND   ST.    BEXET    SHEREHOG  :     MARRIAGES.  283 

June  14  John  Last  Sayer,  full,  b.,  assistant  to  a  fish  salesman,  S*  Stephen, 
Walbrook  ;  James  Sayer,  miller.  Emma  Elizabeth  Laurie,  full,  s., 
S'  Peter,  Cornhill  ;  James  Laurie,  gent".  L.,  by  G.  C.  Wit. :  James 
Laurie,  Maria  Laurie,  Robert  Heury  Sayer 

Sep.  1  George  Barnes,  full,  b.,  commercial  traveller,  Sl  Stephen,  Walbrook  ; 
William  Barnes  (deceased),  farmer.  Sarah  Millingen,  full,  s., 
S*  Botolph,  Aldgate  ;  Abraham  Millingen,  stay  manufacturer.  L., 
by  G.  C.  Wit, :  Anne  Morris,  William  Morris 
3  Thomas  Porter  Jones,  full,  b.,  teacher,  Bell  court  ;  John  Porter  Jones, 
butcher.  Emma  Elizabeth  Stuart,  full,  a.,  Bell  court ;  William  Stuart, 
gardener.     B.,  by  G.  C.     Wit,:  James  Stuart,  Emma  Parker 

Oct.  23  Charles  Lawrance,  full,  b.,  farmer,  3,  Walbrook  ;  William  Lawrence, 
farmer.  Jane  Richardson  Mudie,  full,  s.,  3,  Walbrook  ;  William 
Richardson  [sic],  builder.  B.,  by  G.  C.  Wit,:  Isabella  Mudie, 
Martin  White 

Nov.     5     John  Tidmarsh,  full,  b.,  watchmaker,  9,  Bond  court  ;  George  Tidmarsh, 

[No.  138]  4,  Castle  St.,  Holboru.  Susannah  Muudy,  full,  s.,  9,  Bond  court; 
George  Mundy,  baker.  Banns,  by  G.  Croly,  LL.D.  Wit.:  Geo: 
Ruffell,  Ann  Mundy,  Emma  Tidmarsh 

[Here  follow  entries  of  Marriages  from  No.  139,  27  April,  1861,  to 
No.  253,  16  July,  1919.  Forms  No.  254—500  blank;  the 
Register  being  still  in  use. — Ed.] 

(     285     ) 


Abbey,  Eleanor,  212  ;  Richard,  212 

Abbott,  Joan,  54  ;  Robert,  54  ;  Thomasinc,  55 

Abraham,  Eleanor,  272  ;  Elizabeth,  03, 80  ;  Henrv, 
272  ;  Jane,  282  ;  John,  fi3  ;  Marv  Ann,  2S2  ; 
William,  282  ;  — ,  86  (2) 

Abrams,  Eleanor,  61 

Abrey,  Jane,  235 

Aburn,  Jane,  217 

Ackerley,  Martha,  70  ;  William,  70 

Acle,  (Kev.)  Robert  Dear,  280 

Acton,  Joseph,  201 

Adam,  J.,  217 

Adams  (Adames,  Addamcs),  Ada,  253  ;  Ales,  53 
Alfred  James,  247  ;  Ann,  5S  ;  Burgess,  247  (2) 
Catherine,  253  ;  Christiana,  247  (2)  ;  Daniel 
130  (2),  131  (2),  174  (2),  186,  18S— 190,  209 
234,  237  ;  Edith,  254  ;  Edward,  253  (2),  254 
Elizabeth,  130,  131,  174,  183,  1S6,  189,  234 
237;  Emily  Mary  Ann,  247  ;  George,  131, 170 
Jacob,  37  ;  James,  202  (3),  276  ;  (Rev.)  James. 
203  (10),  204  (18)  ;  Jane,  211  ;  John,  131  (2) 
190 ;  Levee,  55;  Louisa,  270;  Lydia,  OS 
Maria,  209  ;  Mary,  131  (3)  ;  Mary  Anna 
253(2),  254;  Mr.,  1S8  ;  Mrs.,  1S2  ;  Patience 
188;  Richard,  53;  Robert  Mosebury,  209: 
Thomas,  18S  ;  William,  55,  237,  276 

Addington,  Joseph,  243  (2) ;  Julia,  243 

Addis,  Ann,  30  ;  Henry,  36  (2) 

Addison,  Clammond,  55 

Adkesson,  Timothy,  37 

Adkins,  see  Atkins 

Adkinson,  see  Atkinson 

Adlington,  Joseph  John,  269  ;  Mary  Ann,  269 

Adlv,  Mary,  70 

Adrian,  Elias,  24  ;  Hester,  24  ;  John,  24 

Adshead,  Mary  Ann,  200  ;  Rachel,  271  ;  Thomas. 
260,  271 

Aggett,  Henry,  279  j  Mary,  279  ;  Thomas, 

Aird,  Ann,  236 

Aision,  Peter,  108 

Akerman,  Frances,  259  ;  Isaac,  257 

Akeroyd,  Elizabeth,  44  ;  Samuel,  44  (2) 

Alchorne,  Elizabeth,  182 

Alcock,  Francis,  177 

Alder,  Elizabeth,  40  ;  John,  40  (2) 

Aldern,  Frances,  47  ;  J.,  47  ;  Rowlett,  47,  120 

Alderson,  Mary,  05 

Aldington,  Sarah,  G7 

Aldritch,  (Rev.)  Stephen.  203 

Aldryd,  John,  84 

Alehome,  Elizabeth,  190 

Alexander,  Ann,  199 

Alford,  Catherine,  75  ;  William,  75 

Allam  (Allom,  Allum),  Ann,  206  ;  Marv,  207 ; 

Richard,  200;    Sarah,  104;    Thomas,  214(2) 

215  ;  William,  267 
Allard,  Jesse,  241  ;  Mary,  241  ;  Mary  Ann,  241 
Allatt,  Elizabeth.  227,  230,  240  ;  Elizabeth  King, 

240  (2)  ;  Frank,  227  ;  John,  227,  230,  240  (2)  ; 

Susanna,  240 
Alhhin,  Susanna,  2S1 
Allen   (Allan),    Ann,  57,  66,  73,  141,  143,  195, 

278;  Catherine,  128(2);  Charles,  73  ;  Edmond, 

128  ;  Edward,  90,237  ;  Elizabeth,  154  ;  George, 

278  ;     James,    89  ;     John,    131  ;     Luce,    89  ; 

Margaret,    192;    Mary,    131,    152,   202;    Mr., 

197(2) ;  Richard,  141, 143, 192(2),  195  ;  Sarah, 

141,  1S8  ;  Susanna,  131  ;  William,  60,  142 
Allevn,  Catherine,  172;    Mary,  153;   Mr.,   172; 

Thomas,  153  ;  — ,  172 
Allien,  Edward,  64  ;  Margery,  64 
Allins,  Mrs.,  138 

Allison,  Jacob,  65  ;  Judith,  65  ;  (Rev.),  164 
Alliston,  Sarah  Ann,  270 
Allmond,  John,  202  ;  Mary,  202 
Alloway,  Elizabeth,  207,  270 
Allt,   Ann,  208  ;    Benjamin,  259  ;    C.  M.,  2G8  ; 

Mary  Jane,  2GS  ;  William,  268 
Allwincle.  Ann,  59  ;  William,  59 
Almonr,  John,  112 
Alp,  Hester,  74  ;  Richard,  74 
Alven,    Charlotte,    204  ;     Charlotte    Gem,    257  ; 

Elizabeth,   147,  217,   223,   224,  200;    Francis, 

147  (2),  223.  224  (2),  257,  204  (2)  ;  Mary  Ann, 

223,  231  ;  Sarah,  217 
Ambrose,  Jonathan,  152 
Amie,  — ,  141 

Amies,  Sarah,  69  ;  William,  69 
Amis,  Sarah,  161 
Amos,  John,  164  ;  Sarah,  1G4 
Ampleford(Anipelfnrd,  Ampellford.Amphelford), 

Henry,  12,  50,  87  ;  William,  12  ;   Winifred,  50, 

Amory,  Ann,  213  ;  Samuel,  213 
Amy  (Amye),  Alice,  46—48,  56,  121  ;   Ann,  58  ; 

Elizabeth,  35,  119;    George,  48  ;    Mary,  116  ; 

Sarah,   119;    Susanna,   47;    Thomas,  35(2), 

120  ;  William,  46-48,  56,  124 
Anderson,  A.  B.,  2G9  ;  Allen,  110  ;  Andrew,  42  ; 

Ann,  42,  209  ;    Charles,  42,  116  ;    Daniel,  42, 

116  ;    Elizabeth,  41—44,  116,  117;     Hannah, 

222;    Isabel,  90;   James,  41,  115  ;   John,  41— 

44  ;    Joseph,  43  ;    Margaret,  209  ;    Mary  Ann, 

271  ;  Samuel,  44  ;  William,  41 
Andree,  John,  101  ;  Mary,  161 
Andrew,  Elgie,  220  ;  John,  220 
Andrews  (Audrewes,  Androes,  Andros,  Androse, 

Androwes),     Ann,     13,    32,    136,    183,    208  ; 

Barbara,     128  ;     Catherine,     93,     136,    208  ; 



Catherine  Ann,  2 If.  ;  Charles,  136,  ISO  ;  Daniel, 
14,  32,  101,  105,  107,  109;  Elizabeth,  15(2), 
57,  91,  101,  107,  132— 13C,  158,  178(2),  180, 
184,  194  ;  Henry,  13-19,  57,  88  (2).  89  (2), 
91,  94,  95  ;  Hester,  18  ;  James,  135,  182,  267  ; 
Jane,  62  ;  John,  128,  134,  179,  180,  183,  187  ; 
Margaret,  15—19,  77,  91  ;  Mary,  1C,  32(3), 
128,  208  ;  Michael,  93  ;  Mr.,  130  ;  Mrs.,  94  ; 
Nathaniel,  132—13(1,  178,  184,  193  ;  Rachel, 
19  ;  Rebecca,  18  ;  Sarah,  17,  2C6  ;  Susan,  18  ; 
Thomas,  86  ;  Valentine  Richard,  262  ;  William, 
111,  132,  135,  178,  180—182,  216  ;  — ,  105 

Angel,  Frances,  199 

Angellis,  Ann,  162 

Anguish,  Mary,  75 

Ansell,  Edward,  207  ;  Elizabeth,  237 

Ansem,  Ann,  150 

Anthony  (Anthonye),  Dune,  86  ;  Peter,  93  ; 
Sarah,  236  ;  Thomas,  236  (2) 

Antill,  Joseph,  211 

Antribus,  Francis,  123 

Applegarth,  Robert  William,  232 

Apps,  Jane,  277  ;  Richard,  277  (2) 

Archard,  Francis,  19,  20  ;  Isabel,  19,  20  (2)  ; 
Susanna,  19 

Archer,  Catherine,  233;  Elizabeth.  70  ;  Elizabeth 
Ann,  281 

Arewater,  Mary,  265  ;  Thomas,  2G5 

Argent,  Martha,  267 

Arkley,  Agnes,  279  ;  Richard,  279 

Armeson,  Elizabeth,  172 

Armitage,  Mary,  270 

Armson,  Ann,  128,  172  ;  Elizabeth,  12S  ;  James, 

Armstrong,  Hannah,  270  ;  Rebecca,  149 ;  William, 

Arnaud,  Mary  Magdalen,  187 

Arnold,  Anthony,  109  ;  Ellen,  56  ;  John,  69  ; 
Mary,   69  ;     Sarah,   140  ;     William,   140  (2), 

Arther,  Ann,  171  ;  Margery,  04 

Arundel,  Margaret,  167 

Ascough,  Mary,  134  (2)  ;  Thomas,  134 

Ashbee,  Ashton,  248  ;    John,  248  (2)  ;    Marion, 

248  ;  Mary  Chapman,  218  (2) 
Ashbcshaw,  Ann,  161 
Ashby,  Ann,  217  (2) 
Asher  (Ashaid),   Alice,   48  ;     Daniel,   48,  49  ; 

Margaret,  48,  49  (2),  123 
Ashley,    Ann,    139  ;     Cordelia    Barbara,    139  ; 

Edward,  139 
Ashton  (Asten,  Aston),  Ann,  226, 236;  Benjamin, 

49,  50  (2),  124,  172  ;    Elizabeth,  226  ;    George, 

236  ;     Grace,    49,    50,    171  ;    Richard,    226  ; 

Thomas,  49  ;  — ,  111 
Ashwood,  Margaret,  75 
Ashworth,  Daniel,  124 
Astle,  Ann,  242,  265  ;  Caroline  Amelia  Elizabeth, 

242  ;    George,  244,  267  ;    John,  241  ;   Joseph 

Thomas,  242,  265  ;  Mary,  244,  267 
Astley,  Anna,   140  (2)  ;    Anna  Elizabeth,   187  ; 

Edward,     140   (2),     187;      Edward     Ferrand 

Freeman,  189  ;  Edward  Ferrand  Mctford,  140, 

189  ;  Rhoda  Caroline,  140,  189 
Atchcrlcy,  Margaret,  70 
Athcrton  (Aterton),  Charlotte,  264  ;  Eleanor,  62  ; 

Mary,  166;  William,  62 
Atkins  (Adkins),  Andrew  Burnaby  John,  227  ; 

Ann,   65;    Anna   Marin,    227—229,    239(2); 

CharlM,  225;    Charlotte,  229;    Edward   Foot, 

225  ;  Edwin  John  Ibbctson,  228  ;   Esther  Ann, 

239  ;  John,  210,  21S,  220,  225  (3),  227-229, 
239  (2),  275  ;  Julia,  225  ;  Lois,  218  ;  Mary, 
23s  ;  Mary  Sberrard,  239  ;  Richard,  65,  272  ; 
Sarah,  21o',  218,  225  (3),  275  ;  Sarah  Jane,  227 

Atkinson  (Adkinson),  Joan,  53  ;  John,  53,  60, 
66  ;  Mary,  66,  73,  177  ;  Rose,  60  ;   Thomas,  73 

Attwood  (Atwood),  Ann,  75  ;  Dorothy,  55  ; 
John,  55  ;  Mary,  29  ;  Mr.,  99,  102  ;  Richard, 
28—30,  102,  103,  207;  Robert,  30;  Sarah, 
27-30,  125.  184  ;  Thomas,  27  ;  —,99, 102(2), 

Atwcll,  Ann,  209  (2) 

Aubrt,  Elizabeth,  215 

Aucher,  Elizabeth,  73 

Auriol,  E.,  209 

Aust,  George  Butler,  269  ;  Sarah  Ann,  269 

Austin,  Elizabeth,  71  ;  John,  109  ;  Thomas,  262 

Avard,  Martha,  211 

Avery  (Averye),  Isaac,  76  ;  Sarah,  76  ;  William, 

Aveys,  Martha,  6G  ;  Robert,  66 

A  wood,  Mary  Ann,  141  ;    Sarah,  111  ;    Thomas, 

141,  190 
Axe,  Mary  Ann,  266  ;  Thomas,  266 
Axford,   Ann.   142,   144,  208,   258;    Jane,   143; 

Jane  Maria,  143,  231  ;    John,  208  ;    Nicholas, 

144,195;  Thomas,  142— 144, 195,  208;  Thomas 

Fiott,  142,  193 
Avlworth,   Ann.   44(2),    118;    Elizabeth,    171; 

John,  42  ;  William,  42,  44  ;  -,  42 
Avrcs    (Ayers),    Ann,   39  (2),   241,   259,   260  ; 

Ann  Caroline,  211  ;   Philip,  vii,  Pt  II,  241, 

263  ;  Robert,  39 
Ayscough,  Dorothy,  202 


B ,  John,  204  ;  Mary  Elizabeth.  210 

Babington,  Humphrey,  37;  Margaret,  37  (2),  110; 
Thomas,  37  (3),  1 10  (2) 

Back,  Ann,  67 

Backcliffe(Barcliff),  Andrew,  89  (5) 

Backer,  see  Baker 

Bacon,  Elizabeth,  225  (2) 

Baeur,  Robert,  77 

Badcock,  Elizabeth,  208  ;  Henry,  42  ;  Margaret, 
41,  42(3),  115;  Mary,  41  ;  Peter,  41,  42  (2)  ; 
William,  208 

Bnddilcv,  Jane,  134  ;  Maria  Susanna,  134  (2)  ; 
William,  134  (3) 

Badger,  Caroline,  2G5  ;  John,  220  ;  Lionel,  265 

Bagnall,  Mary,  234 

BagniTh,  Elizabeth,  69 

Bagshaw,  Mr.,  161  ;  (Rev.)  Thomas,  162,  164; 
William,  266 

Bagstcr,  Elizabeth,  270  ;  Joseph,  270  ;  William, 

Baigrin,  J.,  288 

llailes  (Bales),  Ann,  52  ;  Robert,  79 

Bailey  (Bailv,  Balcy.  ltavlev,  Bavlic),  Ann,  152, 
207  ;  (Lady  Ann),  209';  Bridget,  59  ;  Calamy, 
68  ;  Catherine,  100,  185  ;  Edward,  43,  44,  176, 
218;  Eleanor.  41,  112  ;  Elizabeth,  43,  52,  66, 
75,12(1.164,171;  Hannah,  216;  Isaac,  205  ; 
Janus,  US  ;  .lane,  41  ;  Joyce,  44  ;  Judith,  65; 
Lucrcce,  119;  Mary,  43,  44,  68,  96,  119,  177, 
205,  208,  212,  218;  Mr..  186,  190(2);  (Sir) 
Nicholas,  209  j  Richard,  161;  Samuel,  41 1 
Susanna,  151;  Thomas,  59,  192,  208,  219; 
— ,  100 



Baines  (Banes),  Ann,  59  ;  Bersina,  71  ;  William, 

Baingha.  Thomas,  98 

Baken,  Mabel,  6.")  ;  Thomas,  65 

Baker  (Backer,  Bakor),  Alexander,  4  ;  Alfred 
Thomas  Israel,  279  ;  Ann,  31.  32,  82,  105  (2), 
221  ;  Bridget,  51  ;  Cisley,  55  ;  Devorav,  9  ; 
Dorothy,  153  ;  Dugles,  6  ;  Elizabeth,  8,  3G,  38, 
40(2),  79,  111,  114,  159,  237;  Elizabeth 
Frances,  279  ;  Francis,  6  ;  George,  4,  6  (2),  8, 
9  (2),  82  ;  Grace,  9  ;  Grigson,  55  ;  Henry,  205  j 
John,  105,  153,  177,  237,  279  ;  Joseph,  159  ; 
Joshua,  31,  32,  105;  K.,  237;  Luke,  30(2), 
38(2),  39,  40(2),  66,  112,  113,  118  ;  Lyclia, 
32  ;  Man-,  40,  54,  65,  205  ;  Matthew,  36  ; 
Mr.,  105*;  Rachel,  12;  Richard,  6j  (Sir) 
Richard,  6  and  n.,  55  (2),  82  ;  Robert,  1  (2), 
81,  83  ;  Samuel,  12  ;  Sarah,  40,  116,  159  ; 
T.,  210  ;  William,  210  ;  (Lady)  — ,  10 

Balch,  Elizabeth,  181 

Baldon,  Jane,  57 

Baldry  (Baldrev,  Baldre,  Balldry),  Catherine,  67  • 
Charles,  vii,  Pt.  I,  70,  17S  ;  Eleanor,  74,  108  ; 
Elizabeth,  32,  106,  154  ;  Emm.  32(2).  33,  169  ; 
James,  123  ;  John,  32  (3),  33,  67,  106,  108, 
121,  178  ;  Marv,  70,  175  ;  Mr.,  152  (3)  ;  Mrs, 
149,  152  (6)  ;'  Thomas,  33,  125.  See  also 

Bale,  Louisa,  166  ;  (Rev.)  Sackville  Spencer,  166 

Bales,  see  Bailes 

Baley,  see  Bailey 

Ball,  Alice,  71  ;  Anthony,  201  ;  Elizabeth,  201  ; 
Hannah,  179;    John,  71  ;    James,  215  ;    Mary, 

233  ;     Richard,   152  ;     Sarah,   129  (2),   215  ; 
Thomas,  129 

Ballard  (Bullard,  Bullerd),  Barbara,  33,  34  (2)  ; 
Elizabeth,  34,  107  ;  Emma  Jane,  254  ;  George, 
254  ;  Hannah,  150  ;  Jane,  254  ;  Jeremy,  33, 
107  ;  John,  34  (2),  107  ;  Mr.,  10S  ;  Richard, 
170  ;  Sarah,  34,  108  ;   Thomas,  33.  34,  107 

Balmanno,  Eliza,  227  ;   Euphemia,  227  ;  Robert, 

Balow,  Martha,  61  ;  Thomas,  61 

Baltimore,  William,  42 

Bambridge,  Frances,  166 

Bamford,  Mary,  61  ;  Patrick,  61 

Bandon,  Elizabeth,  114 

Bangham,  Marie,  101 

Banks  (Banckes,  Bankes),  Benjamin,  43,  44  (3), 
45  (2),  174  ;  Frances  Lucy,  234  ;  Henry,  212  ; 
James,  223  ;  Jane,  223  ;  Joan,  56  ;  John,  43, 
146  (2),  147,  191,  209,  212,  217,  223  (3); 
Margaret,  112;  Mary,  53,  146,  147  (2),  212, 
217,  223  (2),  242  ;  Sarah,  43,  44  (2),  45,  120, 

234  ;  William,  44,  234,  242  (2) 
Banning,  E.,  216  ;  John,  206 

Bannister  (Banester,  Banister,  Bannaster, 
Bannester,  Banuster),  Anna,  25  ;  Benjamin, 
22—25,  27,  63,  96—99,  101,  104  ;  Dorothy, 
74,  124  ;  Hannah,  24  (3),  25,  27  (2),  97,  98, 
101  ;  Margaret,  22  (2),  23  (3),  96  (2)  ;  Mary, 
24  ;  Mr.,  100  ;  Mrs.,  97  ;  Sarah,  65  ;  Thomas, 
100  ;  William,  74  ;  — ,  99  (2) 

Barber,  Emily  Margarette  Fmlerica,  253  ;  Julia 
Marianne,  253  ;  Julia  Warren,  253  (2)  ;  William 
Henry,  253  (2) 

Barbot  (Barbott.  Borbott),  Isaac,  1 22  ;  James, 
48,  49  (3),  170  ;  Jane,  48,  49  ;  Lewis,  49  ; 
Peter,  170,  174  ;  Susanna,  48  ;  Theodore,  178 

Barecroft,  see  Bearecroft 

Barenneau,  Ann,  158 

Barge,  Alias,  50  ;    Elizabeth,  130  ;    Henry,  45  ; 

Joanna,  109  ;  John,  35,  46,  173  ;  Richard,  46  ; 

Samuel,  50  ;  Stephen,  8 
Barham,  Mary,  276 
Barker,  Abigail,  23  ;    Ann,  205  ;    Charles,  205  ; 

Dorothy,   22  ;    Henry,    22—24  ;    John,    175  ; 

Joseph,    122;     Lydi'a,    278;     Margaret,    60; 

Martha,  53  ;  Mary,  40,  114  ;   Rebecca,  22—24  ; 

Sarah.  24  ;  Thomas,  40,  114  ;  — ,  40 
Barlinge,  Joan,  60  ;  Richard,  60 
Barlow  (Barlo,  Barlowc),  Ann,  62,  134,  135  (2), 

181;    Benjamin,   49,    134,    135;    Dinia,   196; 

Elizabeth,  48,  122  ;   Frances,  170  ;   Mary,  48— 

50;    Mr.,    131,   171;    Richard,   88;    Samuel, 

48—50,  134,  173  ;  Thomas,  48,  186 
Barnard,  Ann,  157,  199  ;  Elizabeth,  140  (3),  157, 

257  ;  John,  140  (2),  257  ;    John  Lockhart,  140, 

268  ;  Jonathan,  186  ;    Maria,  191  ;  Mary,  238  ; 

(Lt.)  Matthew,   186  ;    Mr.,  185  (2)  ;    Samuel, 

215  ;  Sarah,  215 
Barne,  Mr.,  38 
Barnes  (Barns).  Charles,  272  ;  Elizabeth,  77,  268  ; 

Elizabeth  Burroughs,  272  ;  George,  283  ;  H.  A., 

279  ;  Henry  William  Ogilvy,  263  ;  Sarah,  283  ; 

William,  272,  2S3 
Barnesly,  Mr.,  151 
Barnett  (Barnet,  Barnete),  Ann,  236  ;    Charles, 

250  ;    Elizabeth,  57  ;    Elizabeth    Fanny,   250  ; 

Fanny  Kemble,  250  ;    George,  120  ;  Nathaniel, 

25,  87  ;  Richard,  25  ;  Thomas,  57  ;  — ,  25 
Barnfield,  Elizabeth,  167 
Barnhead,  Martha,  74  ;  Samuel,  74 
Barnnetts,  Mr.,  99 
Barnod,  Mary,  60 

Barnott,  Margaret,  160  ;  William,  160 
Baron (Barian,  Barronl,  Benjamin,  156  ;  Elizabeth, 

156  ;    Jane,  119  ;   Martha,  66,  176  ;    Mr.,  175  ; 

— ,  175 
Barr,  Maria,  237  ;  Richard,  237 
Barrar,  Eliza,  275  ;  Mary,  275 
Barrard,  Alice,  158 
Barrel,  Susanna.  123 
Barrett    (Barret),    Augustus,    258  ;     Catherine, 

259(2)  ;  Elizabeth,  272  ;  Frances,  275  ;  George, 

279  ;  John,  275  ;  Marjory,  279  ;  Stephen,  275  ; 

Thomas,  279 
Barrow    (Barrowe),    Ann,    64  ;    Edward,    179  ; 

(Rey.)  Francis,  270 ;    Letitia,  182  ;   Thomas, 

64.     See  also  Berrow 
Barsby    (Barsbey),    Elizabeth,    108 ;    John,   33  ; 

Margaret,  109,"  192  ;    Martha.  33,  175  ;    Mary, 

118  ;  Robert,  33,  109,  117,  177  ;  Thomas,  187 
Barti,  Luce,  53 

Bartin,  Elizabeth,  52  ;  John,  52 
Bartlett,  Ann,  252  (2)  ;  Charles  Dryall,  244,  268  ; 

Elizabeth,  244,  268  ;    Judith,  156  ;  Mary  Ann, 

244,  26S  ;  Stephen,  100  ;  Thomas,  156,  252 
Bai'tinakcr,  George,  149 
Barton,  Frances,  126  ;  Mary,  120  ;   Samuel,  126  ; 

William,  281 
Barwell,  George  Richard,  24S  ;   George  William, 

248  ;  Isabella  Anna,  248 
Barry,  Ann,  181  ;  Martha.  207 
Baruston,  Mary,  161  ;  William,  Gregg,  161 
Basby,  William,  122 
Base,  Mary  Ann,  222  ;  Susanna,  64 
Basing,  (  hiesinnis.  149 
Baskett,  Hannah,  207  ;  (Hey.)  John,  207  ;  Thomas, 

Basnctt,  Frances,  62  ;  John,  62 
Bass,  Susanna,  173 


Basscll,  Martin.  92 

Batehcler,  Elizabeth.  50  ;  Robert.  56 

Hate.  George,  237  ;  Martha,  237 

Bateman  (  Batman),  Fiances  Augusta.  2:'.?. :  Henry, 

344,  246,  259;  Horton,  '-'IT;  John,  243     246, 

247,   260;    Man-  Ann,  248—246,  247;    Rose, 

60  ;  (Capt.)  — ,  232 
Bates,  Chichester,  121  ;  Eleanor,  272  ;   Thomas, 

Batley,  Henry,  211 
Batt  (Bott,    Butt),   Ann,   269—274  ;    C,    271  ; 

Charles,  271  ;  Christopher,  41—43  ;  Elizabeth, 

41—43;    Jane,  27G  ;    John,   43,   117;    Maria, 

27C  ;  Mary  Ann,  251  ;   Robert,  276  ;    T.,  -'77  ; 

Thomas,  251  (2).  265,  267  (4).  269—271,  277 
Batten,  Alice,  22  (2)  ;  Thomas,  22 
Butts.  Dorcas,  55  ;  Sarah,  1G5 
Batter,  Sarah.  202 
Batterson,  Elizabeth,  46.  47  (2)  ;    George.  4C  (2), 

47(3);  John,  47  ;  Judith,  166 
Batty  (Battve),  Charles,  217  ;  Jane  L.-etitia,  217  ; 

Maria,  238  ;  Susanna,  60 
Battyell,  (Rev.)  D.,  215 
Baubott.  Susanna,  188 
Bawdrv,  Mr.,  151 
Baxter,  Ann.  66,  132,  207,  235  ;  Catherine,  134, 

181;  Dorothy,  135;  Ed  ward,  132, 177  ;  Edward 

Manning,  135;  Frances,  135,  202,  207  ;  Francis, 

132—135,   194;    Henry,   159;    Jonathan,  70; 

Mary,  70  ;    Mr.,  141,  181  (2),  186  ;    Mrs.,  138  ; 

Robert,   133;    Samuel,    134,    135(3);    Sarah, 

132(2),  133,  159,  189 
Baxton,  see  Buxton 
Baybley,  Alse,  54 
Baylc.  Jane,  39;    John,  39,  113;    Samuel,  39; 

Thomas,  114 
Bayley,  Baylie,  see  Bailey 
Bazeen  (Bazin),  Abraham,  115  ;  Germain,  120 
Beach  (Beech),  John,  197  ;  Mary,  12S— 130, 172  ; 

Philip,  vii,  Pt.  I.  128-130  ;    Robert,  130,  174  ; 

William,  129,  130,  173 
Beacher,  see  Beecher 
Beale  (Bealle,  Beele),  Ann.  39,  41, 154  ;  Barbara, 

73  ;    Edward,  92  ;    Elizabeth,  39  ;    George,  38, 

39,  41  ;    Henry,  39  ;    James,  39  ;    Jane,   189  ; 

John,   41,    139;    Margaret,    39;    Robert,  89; 

Thomas,  38 
Beane,  Mary,  33  (2),  34  (2)  ;   Mr.,  107  ;  Richard, 

33,  34  ;  — ,  107 
Bear  (Beer),  Catherine  Cormouls,  254,  255,  282  ; 

Elizabeth,  2G7  ;    Henry  Andrew,  255  ;    Henry 

Jacob,    282  ;    Jane,   282  ;    Thomas,  254,  255, 

282;  Thomas  Alexander,  254  and  n. ;  William. 

Bearcroft    (Barecroft,    Bearccroft),     Ann,    47  ; 

Elizabeth,  40—47  ;  George,  42  ;   Jane,  42,  46  ; 

John,    41  ;     Mary,    44  ;     Richard,    47,    121  ; 

Stephen,  40—47  ;    Susanna,  45  ;    Thomas.  40, 

116;  William,  44 
Beard,  Ann,  262;  Elizabeth,  229,  240;  Elizabeth 

Sarah.  229  ;  Isaac,  232  ;  James,  240  ;  Thomas. 

229,  2Ki 
Beardman,  Arthur,  138  ;  Dorothy.  138  ;  Thomas, 

Bcardmorc,  Isabella.  168  ;  John,  168 
Bcardwell,  Sarah,  71 
Bcareblockc,  Ann,  60  ;  James,  60 
Beam,  II.,  279 
Bcart,  John,  269 
Beady,  Jane,  148 
Bcate,  Catherine,  56  ;  Nicholas,  56 

Beaumont,  Ann,  206  ;  Anna,  20G  ;  Richard,  206 

Beaver.  William,  100 

Beeheley,  Fanny,  264  ;  Lydia,  264 

Beck  (Becke),  Ann,  G2  ;'  David,  28  ;  Elizabeth, 
27.  96  ;  James,  27,  2*.  100,  10]  ;  John,  »6 (•-'); 
Mary,  27  ;  Mr..  25  ;   William,  62  ;  — ,  28,  101 

Becker,  see  Beecher 

Beckett.  Elizabeth,  207  ;  Thomas,  207 

Bcekwithe,  Robert,  13  (2),  88  (2) 

Becon,  Bassell,  1  ;  Thomas,  1 

Bedel,  William,  266 

Bedford,  Hannah,  262  ;  Heury,  80  ;  Maria,  272 

Bedwin,  Thomas,  207 

Bee,  Joseph,  225  ;  Mary,  225  (2) 

Beech,  see  Beach 

Beecher  (Beacher,  Becher,  Bceeker,  Brecher), 
Ann,  37  ;  Edward,  123,  172  ;  Elizabeth,  111, 
129-131,  1S1  ;  Francis,  169;  Jane,  150; 
John,  39,  130  ;  Joyce,  116  ;  Lucy,  35  ,  Lydin, 
34,  35(2),  37—39,  116  ;  Marston,  38  ;  Richard, 
34.  35  (2),  37—39,  118,  119;  William,  34,  35, 
129—131,  174,  176(2) 

Beele,  see  Beale 

Beer,  see  Bear 

Beex,  John,  23,  62,  97 

Begbie,  Ann  Montgomcrie,  261 

Begg,  William,  78 

Begges,  Mathew,  Mrs.,  103 

Bclam,  Nicholas,  78 

Beldris,  Rachel,  63 

Belfield  (Belfeild,  Belffeld,  Belfilde,  Belfydc, 
Belfvlde,  Bylffylde,Bvltild),Annis,  1  ;  Margaret, 
13  ;  Ralph,  12  (4),  13,  56,  87,  88  ;  Robert,  12  ; 
Thomas,  1  ;  William,  12.     See  also  Bvlield 

Bell,  Ann,  49,  73;  Catherine,  67,  71  ;' Charles, 
42;  Eleanor,  130,  173,  208;  Elizabeth,  206; 
John,  71,  130,  131,  183,  208;  John  Henry, 
277  ;  Joyce,  130,  131,  188  ;  Margaret,  198  ; 
Mr.,  193  ;  Mrs.,  193  ;  Peter,  131,  174  ;  Richard, 
206  ;  Thomas,  43,  209  ;  William,  87 

Bellamy,  Ann,  59,  124  ;  John,  125 

Bellas,  Catherine,  155 

Bellers.  Fettiplaee,  49 

Bellinger,  Walter,  208 

Bellwood,  Thomas,  209 

Bellyarne,  Joshua,  127  (2)  ;  Mary,  127 

Belson,  Ann,  262 

Bemonde,  Elizabeth,  5G  ;  Francis,  56 

Bendle,  Frances,  91  ;  John,  91  ;  William,  91 

Bcnezet,  Elizabeth  Frances,  156  ;  James,  15G 

Bcnficld,  Mary,  212,  218 

Benham,  John,  157  ;  Susanna,  157 

Bcnlows,  John,  175 

Bennet  (Benet.  Bennett,  Bcnnte),  Ambrose,  19  ; 
Amelia,  237;  Amy,  38;  Ann,  37,  41,  43; 
Elizabeth.  19.  209;  Em.,  39;  Harriet,  147, 
225;  Isaac,  12S,  140;  James,  47,  64,  267; 
Jane,  60  ;  Joan,  18  (2),  19  (2)  ;  John,  18  (2), 
19  (2),  44,  94  ;  Joseph.  17  ;  I.uev,  267  ;  Mary, 
50,  57,  136,  158,  202,  213;  Matthew,  282; 
Richard.  60;  Robert,  15S  ;  Samuel,  267; 
Sarah,  128  (2),  147,  225  ;  Size,  126;  Susanna, 
64  ;  Thomas,  12,60;  William,  43,  147,225 

Ileum  worth,  Mary,  270  ;  Sarah,  270 

Bensoin,  John,  154  ;  Margaret,  154 

Benson,  George,  114;  Jane,  74;  Jone,  101  ; 
John,  216;  Mary,  215  ;  Philip,  98  ;  Samuel, 
101  ;  (Rev.)  S.,  243,  267  (3) 

Rentier,  Alice,  232  ;  Edward,  231  ;  John,  224, 
232  ;  Margaret,  147,  213,  223  (2),  224  (2),  230, 
256;   Mary,  214,  215;   Mary  Ann,  224,  272; 



Mr.,  232  ;    Peter,  147  (2),  213,  223,  224  (2), 

2fi2,  272 
Benton,  Penelope,  151 
Berbot,  James,  175  ;  Mary,  173 
Berchere,  Lewis,  174,  175  ;  Susanna,  176 
Berdoe,  Sophia,  160 
Berenberg,  Mr.,  119 

Berisfortle,  Frauncollyne,  58  ;  Tbeophilus,  58 
Berkeley  (Berkley),  Elizabeth,  72  ;  Maurice,  156  ; 

Sarah,  156 
Bernard,  Elizabeth  Emily,  137  ;  Francoise.  137  ; 

Hennanus,  188  ;  (Sr.)  John,  159  ;   Mary,  159  ; 

Nicholas,  137 
Bcrney,  John,  201  ;  Margaret,  201 
Berrow  (Barrow),  Catherine   Halsey,   130,   174 

Elizabeth,  131,  176  ;    John,  130  (3),  131  (3) 

Margaret,  130,  174  ;    Mary,  130  (3),  13)   (3) 

Miliceut.   131;    Richard,  130;    Stephen,    131. 

■See  also  Barrow 
Berry  (Berey,  Berrey,  Berrie),  Adren,  34  ;   Ann, 

34,    243,    266  ;     Catherine,    136  ;     Charlotte 

Louisa,  239  ;    Daniel,  243,  266  ;    Elizabeth,  34, 

74  ;  James,  162  ;    Joseph,  243  ;    Margaret,  31  ; 

Kebecca,    136,    162;     Richard    Curson,    239; 

Richard  James,  239  ;    Walter,   74  ;    William, 

Best,  Ann,  25  (2)  ;  Anthony,  25  ;  Elizabeth,  179  ; 

Henry,  206  ;    Jane,    132  (2),   133  (3)  ;    John, 

132(2);   Mary,  133,  206,  238;   Mr.,  99,  178; 

Sarah,  159  ;    Thomas,  238  ;    William,  132  (2), 

133  (2)  ;    (Rev.)  W.,  155,  159,  161  (2),  163  ; 

Beswicke,  Hugh,  77 
Betterley,  Victory,  166 
Bettison,  Robert,  61  ;  Sarah,  61 
Betts,   Elizabeth,   156;    Frances,   117;    Robert, 

Bevan,  Paul,  254  ;  Rebecca,  254  ;  William,  254 
Bevverley,  Mary,  74 
Bewley,  Sarah,  66 
Beynon,  Elizabeth,  130;  James,  130  ;  Theophilus, 

Bias,  Ann,  79 
Bibbe,  Robert,  81 
Bickerton,  Mary,  266 
Biddle,  Elizabeth,  164 
Bies,  Robert,  77 
Bifield,  see  Bvfield 
Bigg,  Elizabeth,  152 
Biggs,  Elizabeth,  253  (2),  254  (2)  ;    James,  253, 

254  (2)  ;  James  Charles,  254  ;  Mary  Ann,  254  ; 

Mrs.,  127 
Bigland,  Sarah.  232  ;  Thomas,  206,  231 
Bignell    (Bignol),    Ann,    153 ;    Elizabeth,   73  ; 

James,  153  ;  Stephen,  73 
Bilcliffe,  Mr.,  75,  76 
Bill,  Mary,  181  ;  William,  170 
Billings,  Elizabeth,  266  ;  Lydia,  214 
Billows,  Catherine,  74  ;  Stephen,  74 
Bilton,  Elizabeth,  237  ;  Thomas,  237 
Bindloss,  Ann,  73  ;  William,  73 
Binge,  Joan,  53 
Bingham,  Ann,  20  ;    Catherine,  94  ;   Elizabeth, 

19—21,    93—95  ;     James.    177  ;     Marie,    23  ; 

Mary,  21,  23  ;    Michael,  19—21,  93—95  ;    Mr., 

160  (6).  161  (6),  162  (7)  ;    Peter,  vii  (3),  Pt.  I, 

131,    176,    184,    194,   201,   203  (2) ;    Rebecca, 

131  (2),  1S4  ;    Stephen,  20,  94  ;    Thomas,  23, 

97,  175  ;  William,  19,  175 
Bingley,  John,  266  ;  Sarah,  266 
Binnel,  William,  123 
VOL.  II. 

Binnes,  Mr.,  68 

Birch  (Burch),  Ann,  209  ;    Benjamin,  137—139, 

187,  189,  190,  203  ;   Bridget,  71  ;   Edward,  138, 

186;     Elizabeth,    137—139,    187,    189,    225; 

James,  225   (2),  233  ;    John,   13S,   139,   186  ; 

Mary,  185  ;    Mr,  186  ;    Richard,  203  ;    (Rey.) 

Samuel,  249  ;  (Uev.)  Thomas,  166 
Birchall,  see  Burchall 
Bircher,  Ales,  53.     See  also  Butcher 
Bird,  Ann,  160,  206  ;    Elizabeth,  70  ;    John,  238  ; 

Margaret,  153  ;    Mary,  210,  238  ;    Susan,  62  ; 

William,  62 
Birdsey,  Ann,  67 
Birkbeck,  Elizabeth,  204  ;  John,  152;  Marv,  204, 

Birkenhead,  Ellen,  158 
Birkett  (Burkett),  Alfred,  241  ;    Charlotte,  225— 

229,239-242;    Edmund   Lloyd,   239;    Ellen 

Frances,   242;    Elizabeth,   228;    Emma,  240; 

Frederick  Blow,  229  ;  Henry  Blow,  228  ;  Jane, 

227;    John,  217,  225—229,   239-242;    John 

Barnes,  226  ;    Mary  Ann,  225  ;    Sarah,   217  ; 

Sarah  Halton,  225 
Birt,  Joseph,  266  ;  Sophia,  266 
Bisby,  Jndith,  127  ;  Mary,  127  ;  Nathaniel,  127 
Biscoe   (Biscowe),    (Rev.)   Richard,    vii,   Pt.   I  j 

(Rev.),  156 
Bishop  (BisshopD),  Ann,  38,  39,  155;    Dorothy, 

38;     Elizabeth,    39,    112;     Francis,    38,    39; 

Hannah,  210;    James,  210;    John,  117,  210; 

Mary,  76  ;  (Rev.)  Samuel,  213  ;  Thomas,  76 
Biss    (Bisse),   Ann,    46,    47   (3);     Ellen,    158; 

James,  46,   47  (3);    John,  119;   Fovner,  46; 

Sarah,  121  ;  William,  158 
Bissell,  Ann,  180 
Bissett,  Marv,  221  ;   William,  221 
Black  (Blacke),  Elizabeth,  64  ;    Humphrey,  64 ; 

Jane,  65  ;  Sarah,  210 
Blackborow,  Ann,  281  ;  Samnel,  281  (2) 
Blackbourne  (Blackburn),  Alee,  63;  Louisa  Mary, 

266  ;  Martha,  202 
Blackerbv,  Jane,  55  ;  Thomas,  55 
Blacket,  "Christopher,  150;    (Rev.)  Edward  B., 

161  ;  Henrietta  Maria,  150 
Blackhall,  Ann,  165 

Blackman,  James  Vidler,  254  ;  Matilda,  254  (2) 
Blackmore,  Elizabeth,  63  ;  Rebecca,  206 
Bladen  (Bleadon),  Barbara,  157  ;    Charles,  220  ; 

Elizabeth.  136  ;  Thomas  136  (2),  157 
Blagrave,    Hester,    65 ;     John,    65 ;     Mr.,    161, 

178  (2)  ;  Sarah,  178  ;  Thomas,  178,  179 
Blair,  Josephus,  263 
Blake,   D.,   280;    Elizabeth.  276;    Mary,   276; 

William,  276  (2) 
Blakesley,  James,  275  ;  Robert,  275  ;  Sarah,  275 
Blancart,  Frederick,  119 
Bland,   Ales,   53;    George,   53;    Michael,  217; 

Sarah,  237;  Sophia,  217 
Blandford,  Sarah,  209  ;  William,  209 
Blaney,  Benjamin,  70  ;  Martha,  70  ;  Mary,  159 
Blaskett,  Sarah  Sophia,  264 
Bhiuksioss.  James,  186 
Blay,   Elizabeth,   24S  ;    Joseph,  247,  248,  270; 

Mary,  271  ;    Sarah,  247,   248,   270  ;    Thomas 

Stothard,  247;  William,  270,  271 
Bleadon,  see  Bladon 
Bleasbye,  George,  S5 
Blewitt,  Mary,  205 
Blight,  see  Blythe 
Bliss,  Ann,  150  ;  Elizabeth,  154 
Blisset,  Frances,  116 



Blith,  see  Blvthe 

Wizard,  Mary,  149  ;  William,  149 
Blogg,  Frances  Catherine,  2-111 ;  George  Frederick, 
249;  George  William,  249 

Blondel,  Bloiiilcll,  see  Blundel 
Blonnkeatt,  Richard,  S3 

Blouer,  Mary,  60 

Blount,  Mary,  179  ;  Samuel,  vii,  Pt.  I.      See  also 

Blow,  John,  38  ;  Martha,  38  ;  Thomas,  38 
Bluett,  Harriet  Ann,  207 
Blundel    (Blonde],  Blonde]],  Blundal),  Deborah, 

1-.0;    Elizabeth,  74  ;    Jane,  160  ;    Ralph,  150  ; 

Sarah,  1G1  ;  Susanna,  184  ;  William,  74 
Blunden  (Bunden),  Elizabeth,  74  ;  Sarah,  122 
Blnnt,  Ann,  165  ;    Catherine,  10  ;   Cisley,  10,  55  ; 

Mr.,  10;    Robert,  55;    Samuel,  196  ;    Violette, 

259  ;  (Rev.)  William,  275.     See  also  Blount 
Blythe  (Blight,  Blith,  Blyth),  Alice,  21  (2),  22  ; 

Ann,    154;     Elizabeth,    180;     Henry.  21-23, 

95  (3),  98 ;  Hughe,  22  ;  James,  95  ;  Marv,  76  ; 

Samuel,  154  ;  Sarah,  20  (2),  95  (2) 
Boalter,  Alice  Mary,  255  ;   Ann,  255  ;   William, 

Boddington,    Henry,    142  ;     Harriet,    141,    194  ; 

John,  141,  142  (2) ;  Mary,  141,  142  (3),  193 
Bode,  Daniel  Christ. >j>h.   133,  200;    John  Ernst, 

133  (4),  200  (2)  ;    John   Gerhard,   133,   200  ; 

Juliana  Charlotta,  133  (3),  200  (2) 
Bodily,  Ann  Krswell,  270  ;  William  George,  270 
Bodnam     (Bodmam,     Bodna),     Catherine,     54  ; 

Elizabeth,  51  ;  Giles,  3  ;    John,  77  ;  Marv,  2  ; 

Mr.,  87;  Richard,  3,  80;  Thomas,  2  ;  William, 

2  (2),  3  (2),  82 
Bogshaw,  (Rev.)  T.,  160 
Boheme,  Elizabeth,  156;  George,  15G 
Bold,  Anna  Maria,  157  ;  Peter,  157 
Boldrv  (Boldre),  Charles,  34;    Eleanor,  34,  36; 

Emm,  34  (2),  36,  38  ;  James,  38  ;  John,  34  (2) 

36.     See  also  Baldry 
Bolsh,  William,  125 
Bolt,  see  Boult 
Bolton,  Ann,  121;  Elizabeth,  147,223;  Elizabeth 

Ann,  147  ;  James,  147,  223  ;  John,  2  ;   Sophia, 

223  ;  Thomas,  2 
Boman,  Ann,  64  ;  Christopher,  64 
Bomelius,  Elizens,  52  ;  Jane,  52 
Bonafous,    Elizabeth,    48    (2) ;     Peter,    48   (3)  ; 

Thophileph,  48 
Bond  (Bondc,  Bondde,  Bonnde),  Alice,  3,  53,  95  ; 

Andrew,   34;     Ann,   4,   8,    38,    54,    71,    111  ; 

Catherine,  11,  89,  185;   Diones,  3;  Elizabeth, 

5,  9,  35,  57  j  George,  2—6,  10,  44,  81,  126,  169, 

171,  182;    Giles,  45;    Gore,  92;    Hester,  37; 

James,  37;  Joan,  5;  Joanna,  224;  John,   11, 

71  (2),  98, 103  ;  (Dr.)  John,  100  ;  Joseph,  177  ; 

(Lady),  58,  59  (2),  87—90 ;   Margaret,  7,  9,  53, 

82  ;    Marv,  4,  38,  111,  169;    Mr..  124,  140,  182, 

1H5  ;  Richard,  45,  150  ;  Robert,  37  ;  Roland,  6, 

81;    Rose,   5  j    Sarah,   40;    Stephen,   39,   41; 

Thomas,  2,  6,  8,  83,  177,  212,  213  ;   William,  3, 

7—11,  53,  57,  85,  88,  92,  105  ;  (Sir)  William, 

89;  Winifred,  11,96;  — ,  85 
Bondscourte,  Marv,  32  ;  Stephen,  32 
BonhciThosc,  Mary,  124 
Bonnel,  Martha,  27  (2)  ;  Nathaniel,  27 
Bonner  (Bishop),  1  n. ;  John,  187 
Bonovrier,  Isaac,  174 
Boogc,  Margaret,  175 
Booker     (Bookers,     Bowkcr),     Ann,     22,     95 ; 

Catherine,  19—23,  95-97  ;  Fanny  Mason,  278; 

Francis,  94  ;  Frances.  1 9  ;  Jarvis,  20,  95  ;  John, 
19-23,61,94—98;  Louisa,  281;  Mary,22,96; 
Robert,  22  ;  Thomas,  20,95,  278 

Boolee,  Marv,  130  i  Rebecca,  130;  Richard,  130 

Boone,  Beatrice,  57  ;  Leonard,  57 

Boorer,  Charlotte  Marcev.  268;  George,  268 

Boote,  John,  60  ;  Susan,  60 

Booth,  Ann,  137—142,  191—193;  Anna  Eliza- 
beth, 25S  ;  Anna  Maria,  258  ;  Benjamin,  204  ; 
Catherine,  29  ;  Ester  Ann,  236  ;  Edmund,  259  ; 
Elizabeth,  30  (3),  31,  139  ;  George,  30,  137— 
142,  189,  191—193, 197,  262  ;  H.,  217  ;  James, 
31,  26,  137,  263;  John  Derby,  258;  John 
Healey,  262  ;  Mary,  14,  198,  204  ;  Matilda, 
260  ;  Richard,  26,  29—31  ;  Susanna  Bentley, 
236  ;  Violette,  234  ;  William,  14,  140, 141,  189, 



Borace,  Ann,  203  ;  William,  203 

Boreham,  Isaac,  268 

Borrege,  Elizabeth,  102  ;  William,  102 

Boner,  Margaret,  212 

Borvue,  Joan,  8  j  Thomas,  8 

Bosquet,  Ann,  243  ;  David,  243  ;  Mary  Catherine 

Margaret,  243 
Bostock,  Elizabeth,  67  ;  Ellen,  55  ;  Joseph,  67 
Boswell,  Alexander,  42  ;  John,  42 
Bosworth,  Ann  Webb,  246  ;    Grace,  246,  247  (3), 

263  ;  Julia,  240,  247  (3),  261 
Bott,  see  Batt 

Botten,  Charlotte,  270  ;  William,  270 
Bottle,  William,  220 
Boucher,  Charles,  237  ;  Maria,  237 
Bouden,  see  Bowden 
Boughev,  George,  205  ;  Mary  Ann,  2G5 
Boult  (Bolt),  Elizabeth,  108;  Joshua,  108, 109(2), 

121  ;   William,  119 
Boiircher,  Elizabeth,  72 
Bourk,  Ann,  153,  154  ;  Elizabeth,  153 
Bourne,  Marv,  209  ;  Thomas,  209 
Bowcer,  Mary,  213  ;  William,  213 
Bowden  (Bonden),  Ann,  132,  170;  Elizabeth,  11, 

85,  133,  179;  Frances,  131— 133, 156  ;  Isabella, 

269  ;   Jane,  55  ;   John,  55,  133  ;  Laititia,  131, 

176  ;  Mary  Ann,  209  ;  Phipe,  85  ;  Sarah,  132  ; 

Thomas,  vii,  Ft.  I,    131—133,  156,  205,  269  J 

William,  269 
Bowditch,  John,  137  ;  Sarah,  137  (2),  184 
Bowen,  John,  70  ;  Sarah,  70 
Bower,  Miles,  190  ;   Mr.,  43 
Bowers,  Margery,  58 
Bowkcr,  see  Booker 
Bowlder,  (Rev.),  158 
Bowles,  Anna  Marin, 167;  Elizabeth, .VJ  ;  Valentine, 

Bowlinge,  Ellen,  51  ;  John,  51 
Bowman,    Dorothy,   259  ;     Susanna,   153,   157  ; 

Thomas,  81 
Bowter,  Susanna,  115 
Bowyer,  Mary,  210  ;  William,  210 
Boyall,  Elizabeth,  281  ;    Euphcmia,  281  ;    Jean 

Lander,  281  ;   William  Charles,  281 
Boycott,  Elizabeth,  206 
Boyeayr  (Father),  85 
Iiraccbridge,  Margaret  Ann  Grace,  162 
I'.raeev,  Bridget,  58 
I'.radhorn,  Cutbbert,  5  ;  Sarah,  5 
Bradfield,  Sarah  Coombs,  217 
Bradford  (Dr.),  73,  75  ;   Edward,  128  ;  Elizabeth, 

106;  Emmclinc,  272,  273;   Henry,  128;  (Rev.) 

John,  272,  273  ;    Mr.,  70;    Nicholas,  272,  273  ; 

Robert,  272,  273  (2)  ;  Sarah,  128 



Bradley  (Bradlv,  Bradlye),  Benjamin,  76,  124, 
131  (2),  175  ;  Eleanor,  54  ;  Elizabeth,  170, 
266  ;  Elizabeth  Knight,  273  ;  Frances,  131  (2) ; 
Hannah,  170  (2);  James,  131  (2),  169  (2), 
170  (2),  176  (2),  186  ;  Jane,  123  ;  Joanna,  76  ; 
Mary,  76,  123;  Martha,  70  ;  Mr,  126;  Peter, 
172  ;  Eachel,  205  ;  Sarah,  159  ;  Stephen,  176  ; 
William,  159  ;  — ,  273 

Bradshaw  (Bradshawe,  Bradshew),  Frances,  153, 
154 ;  Gilbert,  91  ;  James,  40,  206  ;  Jane, 
40  (2)  ;  John,  91,  206  ;  Marv,  91  ;  Mary 
Teresa,  206  ;  Eobert,  S4  ;  Thomas,  153, 

Bradshay,  James,  60  ;  Margaret,  60 

Brady,  Nicholas,  71 

Brage,  Mary,  153  ;  Eobert,  153  ;  William,  153 

Brailev,  Jane  Lucy,  260 

Braine,  Henry,  219  (2)  ;  Hannah,  249  ;  Eebecca, 
4  ;  Eobert,  79 

Braines  (Braynes),  John,  3  (2),  4(3),  80  ;  Eobert, 
3  ;  Eoger,  3,  79 

Brame,  Thomas,  230 

Branch,  Ann,  54  ;  Eleanor,  54  ;  John,  7  (2)  ; 
Eobert,  82 

Brandram,  (Rev.)  A.,  245  (5),  262  (3}  ;  (Eev.) 
Andrew,  240,  241  (2)  ;  Ann,  240-243  ;  Arthur, 
240 ;  Caldwell,  228  ;  Eleanora  Ann,  245  ; 
Elizabeth,  240  ;  Emma,  229  ;  Emma  Eardley, 
245  ;  Frances  Maria,  245  ;  Francis  Holies, 
245  (3)  ;    James,   259  ;    Jane,   223,    235,   239, 

241  ;  Julia  Thai,  241  ;  Louisa,  242  ;  Maria, 
245  (3)  ;    Eiehard  Jaques,  223  ;    Samuel,  223, 

228,  234,  235,  243  ;    Samuel  Caldwell,  228  (3), 

229,  239—242  ;  Sarah,  22S  (3),  229,  239,  240— 

242  ;  Sarah  Jane,  228  ;  Sophia,  235  ;  Sophia 
Ann,  241  ;  Thomas,  vii,  Ft.  II ;  William 
Caldwell,  240—243,  262 

Brandreth  (Brandritb).  Alice,  25  (2)  ;    Ann,  24  ; 

David,  98  ;    Henry,  24,  25  (2),  98  ;    Nehcmiah, 

Brandriffe,    Ann,    100  ;     Henry,    100  ;     Mary, 

Branfill,  Amelia,  130;    Champion,  130  ;    Mary, 

Bratchett,  Ann,  62 
Brathwaite,  Marv,  206 
Brattell,  Cuitye,  52  ;  Eiehard,  52 
Braun,   Emily  Caroline,  244;    Emily  Elizabeth 

Caroline,  244  ;  Stephen,  244 
Brav,  Ann,  ISO  ;    Elizabeth,  270  ;    Harriet,  2C9  ; 

Eebecca,  270 
Braynes,  see  Braines 
Brecher,  see  Beecher 
Breemfeild,  Sarah,  65 
Breggs,  Persey,  64  ;  William,  64 
Bremerand,  Dorothy,  53  ;  Nicholas,  53 
Bremner,   Alexander,   241  ;    Charlotte    Hannah, 

241  ;  Peter  Bennett,  241 
Brenan   (Brennan),   Henry,   252 ;    James,    266  ; 

Louisa,  252  ;    William  Joseph,  252 
Brenchley,    Caroline,    276  ;    Edward,    276    (2)  ; 

Elizabeth,   276  ;    George,    276  ;    John,     276  ; 

Maria,  276 
Brereton,   Ann   Margaretta,   210;    Charles,   73; 

Dennis,  73  ;  John,  210 
Brett,  Elizabeth,  72 
Brewer  (Brewar),  Abegail,  101  ;  Catherine,  55  ; 

John,   101,    103;    Margaret,    55;    Mary,   70; 

Mr.,  99  ;  — ,  99.     See  also  Bruer 
Brewers,  John,  98  (2) 
Brian,  Elizabeth,  122  ;  Helen,  52 ;  John,  52 

Briee,  Elizabeth,  213 

Bricks,  Blanch,  52 

Bridger,  Mary  Ann,  235  ;  Eiehard,  235 

Bridges,  John,  191  ;  Mary,  190 

Bridgman,  Mary,  230  ;  Sarah,  231 

Bridgwater,  Mrs.,  104 

Briggs,  Ann,  204  ;    Elizabeth,  208  ;  Jane,  279  ; 

Thomas,  279 
Bright,  Catherine,  66  ;  Henry,  66 
Brinincom,  Richard,  264 
Brindly  (Brindlev),   Elizabeth,   33,   37   (2),   105, 

110;  Joseph.  33;  Mr.,  107;    Thomas,  33,  37, 

105,  110 
Bringlv,  Elizabeth,  123 
Brinly  (Brinley),  Mr.,  10S  ;   Thomas,  40,  66,  113, 

Briscoe   (Brisco,   Briscow),   Ann,   41—47,   118; 

Beatrice,  31  (2),  33,  170  ;    Catherine,  33,  42, 

73,   107;   Elizabeth,  31,  43,  47;    Jane,   107; 

John,  31  (3),  33  (2),  41,  45,  47,  1(16,  107  (3), 

113,115,119;  Patrick,  43;  Paul,  277  ;  Eobert, 

41—47  ;  Samuel,  46 
Bristol   (Bristol!),   Juliana,    279;    Priscilla,   71; 

Thomas,  279  (2) 
Bristow  (Bristo,   Bristoe),  Ann,  279  ;     George, 

279  ;  John,  4,  52  ;  Margaret,  4,  52  ;  Mr.,  196  ; 

Sarah,  164  ;  Turner,  164 
Britton,  Ma.,  237 
Broad,  Mary,  102 
Broadbcnt,  James  Seton,  252,  279  ;    Mary  Seton, 

252  ;  Sophia  Frances,  252 
Brochet,  Francis,  119;  Mrs.,  119 
Brock,  Tryphena,  213 
Brockbank    (Brotkbanee,   Bronkbanke,    Bronke- 

bancke),  Bridget,  262  ;  Edmond,  53  ;  Grace.  53  ; 

Mr.,  SS  ;  William,  90.     See  also  Brookbank 
Brocklebank,  Mr.,  59 
Brocklesby,  Susanna,  155 
Brodie,  Mary  Ann,  266  ;  Matthew,  266 
Brodshaw,  James,  39  (2)  ;  Jane,  39 
Brodwaie,  Joan,  52  ;  John,  52 
Bromfield   (Bromfeld),    Daniel,    126—128,    170  ; 

Hannah,    126—128,    172;    John,    126;    Mary, 

127,  170  (2)  ;  Thomas,  127 
Bromhall,  Ann,  179 
Bromley,  Eleanor  Janet,  269  ;  Eliza,  269  ;  John, 

Broms,  S.  A.,  277 

Bromsgrove,  Elizabeth,  222 

Brookbank (Brookcbancke,  Brookebanncke),John, 
85;  Mr.,5S;  William,  86.    See  also  Brockbank 

Brooke  (Brook),  Ann,  48  ;  Edward,  77  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 161  ;  (Lady)  Elizabeth,  16 ;  Frances 
Elizabeth,  133;  Harriet,  270  (2);  Henry,  16, 
59;  Joanna,  43  ;  Joseph,  161  ;  Lawrence,  16  ; 
Margaret,  16,  59;  Marv,  16;  Miriam,  133; 
Eiehard,  133  ;  (Sir)  Eobert,  16  ;  Sarah,  31  ; 
Susan,  45  ;  Thomas,  43 

Brooker,  Letitie.  157  ;  Mary,  221 

Brookes  (Brooks),  Catherine,  119  ;  Dorothy,  60  ; 
Eliza,  218  ;  Frances,  122  ;  Harriet,  270  ;  James, 
206,  214,  218  ;  John,  34,  60.  276  ;  Leah,  276  ; 
Mary,  122,  129;  Eiang,  123;  Thomas,  121, 

Brooksbv,  Elizabeth,  156,  15S  ;  John,  151  ;  Mary, 
151,  156 

Broome  (Broom),  Alexander,  30,  31  (2),  104, 
10S;  Catherine,  31  ;  Elizabeth,  30 ;  Flower, 
31  ;  Martha,  30,  31  (2);  Mr.,  103  (2),  104; 
Mrs.,  104(2) 

Broomer,  Mary,  150  ;  Murdock,  156 


Bronghton.  Charles.  138  ;  Daniel,  149;  Elizabeth, 
138;  George,  149;  Marv.  149,  203 ;  Robert, 
268 ;  Sarah,  868 ;  William,  203  ;  William 
Robert,  138 

Broun.  Broune,  see  Brown 

Bronssier.  Ann.  45  ;  Francis,  45  (2) 

Brove,  Francis,  80 

Brown  (Broowne,  Bronn,  Bronnd,  Broane, 
Browne.  Brownne),  Abraham,  100  ;  Alexander, 
198.  258  ;  Ann,  09,  155,  208.  211  (2),  219.  233, 
279;  Anna,129;  Anna  Maria,  129:  Benjamin, 
36,  109  ;  B.  V.,  216  ;  Catherine.  140.  143,  196  ; 
Charlotte.  26f, ;  Christopher,  59  ;  Clara.  145  ; 
Daniel.  28,  29  (2),  32— 36,  102,  103,  106  (2), 
107,  109  (2),  118.  170;  Edith,  279;  Edward, 
105;  Edwin,  104,  112;  Elizabeth,  22.  59.  61. 
7",  75.  13d,  132.  197,  210,  213,  271  ;  Ellen,  63  ; 
Esther,  22;  Frances  Carolina.  197  ;  Frederick 
Isaac,  279;  Frederick  William,  140  ;  George, 
104.  191,  205,  211  ;  George  Samuel,  142,  193; 
Hannah.  28  (2).  29.  32-36,  102,  106,  107,  117, 
205:  Harriet  Matilda,  216;  Henrv,  22,  10S  ; 
James,  211,  225  (3).  266;  James  Satterlev. 
274  ;  Jane.  233  ;  J.  D.,  216  ;  John,  32,  61,  69, 
121,153,198;  Joseph,  130,  208.  209  ;  Louisa. 
144.  262;  Margaret,  54,  109.  141—145.  225; 
Margaret  Hitch.  142,  194  :  Mary,  33.  64,  107, 
120.  209,  225,  237  ;  Marv  Ann.  132,  211.  268  ; 
Marr  Lxtitia.  238  ;  Marv  Tooke.  141  :  Mr..  99. 
102,  107,  117,  148,  170,  179,  186,  1S8,  190,  191, 
197,  198;  Mrs..  148;  R.,  205  ;  Richard,  70, 
14o— 145,  194.  231;  Richard  Sherman,  196; 
Robert,  124,  237  ;  Rose.  53  :  Samuel,  36.  109  ; 
Sarah,  34,  57,  106,  107,  165,  215  ;  Sarah  Ann, 
274  ;  Sophia  Harriott  144  ;  Thomas.  54.  129, 
130,  132,  177.  210;  Timothv.  274;  Timothv 
Satterlev,  274  ;  William  57,  64,  92,  153,  175, 
231,  238",  279  ;  — ,  99.  103 

Browning,  Benjamin.  220 

Brownrigg.  John,  155  ;  Susan,  155 

Brownsort,  Ann,  261 

Brner  (Bruar.  Brwer),  Ales,  6.  82;  Catherine, 
6  (2);  Elizabeth,  6.  52,  82;  Griffin,  4; 
Margaret,  5  ;  Man-,  7  ;  Roger,  4 — 7,  52  ; 
Thomas,  4.     See  also  Brewer 

Bruers.  John.  99  ;  — ,  99 

Bruff,  Margaret,  262 

Brumcll,  Ann.  59 

Brumley,  Benmt,  59  ;  Elizabeth,  59 

Brunch,  Sarah.  52 

Bryan,  (Capt.)Booz,  231  ;  Stephen.  209;  Thomas, 

Bryant,  William,  151 

Bu'cfeld,  Francis,  81 

Buck,  Ann,  132,  26G  ;  Daniel,  266  ;  Dorotbv, 
132  ;  Elizabeth,  69,  158  ;  John,  132  ;  William, 
69,  158 

Bnckeridge,  Mrs.,  182 

Buckestone,  Margaret.  19—21  ;  Richard,  19 ; 
Thomas,  19—23.     See  also  Buxton 

Buckey,  Sarah.  22'  I 

Buckingham,  (Capt.)  John,  111  ;  (Rev.)  William, 

Buckland,  Mary,  236  ;  Sarah.  236 

Bncklcr.  Alexander.  146;  Catherine,  146 ;  Edward, 
123  ;  Jane.  146;  Marv,  42 

Bncklersburv.  Marv,  37,  1 10,  111 

Buckley  (Bucklcye,  Hucklv,  Bukley),  Ann,  8; 
Annis,  84  ;  Arthur,  7,  82  -,  Edward,  5—8,  53, 
83;  Elizabeth,  53  ;  Joan,  5;  John,  C;  Margaret, 
8,  53,  55  ;  Michael,  7  ;  William,  6,  63 

Buckmaster,  Charles,  2>0;  Emma,  280;  Margaret, 

279  ;  Marv.  279 
Bucknell.   Catherine.    129.    172;    Elizabeth.   129, 

130(2),  152;  Jeremiah,  129, 130, 153  :  Kcginald, 

66  :  Sarah.  65 
Bndd,  Alice,  264  ;  John,  233  ;  Lncy,  264 
Bndgcn,  James.  211  ;  Jane.  21 1 
Buffett,  Francis,  209 
Buggin,  Robert,  169  ;  William,  169 
Buggins  (Buggings,  Bugings).   Barrington,  50  ; 

Catherine,    129,    172  ;     Elizabeth.     121.     127; 

John,  128  ;    Marv,  49,  50,   126—129.  171,  181  ; 

Martha.  128.  171;  Mr.  126—128;  Robert,  49, 

124,  126  ;  William,  49,  50,  124,  126-129 
Buisson,  Ann.  68  ;  John,  68 
Buler,  Barnard,  60  ;  Marv,  60 
Bull.  Ann,  55  ;    Edward,"  2  ;    Elizabeth,  2,  206  ; 

Joan.    2,    52  ;     John,    2   (4),    3  (2),    80  (2) ; 

Margaret,  2  ;  Mark,  3  ;    Marv,  53  ;    Matthew, 

3  :  Susan,  52  :  Walter  William.  222 
Bnller.  John,  36  (3),  37  ;   Thomas,  36  ;   William, 

Bullerd,  see  Ballard 
Bnllevant,  Benjamin.  110  (2) 
Bullev,  James.  48,  121  ;    John,  44  (2\  45  (2),  4S, 

118—120:  Sarah.  44,  45,  4S 
Bnllin.  Esther,  233 

Bullnev,  Elizabeth.  155  ;  William.  155 
Bullock    (Bnllocke).   Ann.    222  ;    Bridget,   210 ; 

Edward,  205  ;    Justilian.   79  :    Margaret,  80  j 

Marv.  53.  203  ;   Martha,  205  ;  Mr.,  181;   Philip, 

84  ;  'Thomas,  SO,  203  ;  William,  210 
Bulmar,  Robert,  $8 
Bulner.  Mary,  56  ;  Thomas,  56 
Bumfriss.  El'izabeth  Frances.  220 
Bnnce,  Ann,  204  :  James,  204,  266 
Bunden.  see  Blunden 
Bundv  (Bundav),  Marv  39  (2),  113.  124  ;  Richard, 

39,  113;  Robert,  39,  174 
Bunting,  Mary,  152 
Bnnton,  Alice",  150  ;  William,  150 
Bnowen,  Margaret,  56 
Burag.  Susan,  60  ;  Thomas,  60 
Burbridg,  Hester,  63  ;  Richard,  63 
Burch,  see  Birch 
Bunhall   (Birchall),   Ann,   69;  Catherine,   145; 

Elizabeth,  154  ;  Elizabeth  Towne,  145 ;  Harriet, 

146;  Richard.  69. 144— 146,  212;   Samuel,  154  ; 

Susanna,  144—146,  212 
Burcher  (Bnrchar,  Bvrcher),  John.  6  ;  Peter,  5, 

6  (3),  81  ;  Thomas,  5.     See  also  Bircher 
Burcliett,  Edward,  269  ;  Edward  William,  2C8  ; 

Frances  Teresa,  268 
Burdett  (Bnrdet),  (Rev.)   Charles,   166  ;    Eliza- 
beth,   129  ;    Idaruia    Cecil.     129,    152  ;    John, 

205;    (Rev.),    167,    168;    Richard,    129,  152; 

Susanna,  2o5  ;  Thomas,  205 
Burdon,  Eliza,  275  ;  James.  27." 
Bureau,  Daniel,  234  :  Joseph.  257  :  Peter.  233 
Bnrfoot,  Ann,  135  ;  Edith,  132-135  ;  Elizabeth, 

132,   204;   F.,   205;    John,   134;    Marv,  133; 

Richard,    134;    Robert,    132,    190;    Thomas, 

132—135.  179,  204 
Bnrgcss  (Burges.  Burgis).  Ann.  32-34  :   Barbara, 

115  ;  Charles,  45  (2\  U8 ;   Dorothy  Ann.  271  ; 

Elizabeth,  32.  106  ;  Eustasious.  41  (2) ;  Frances, 

76;     Hannah.    33:    John.    34;    Judith,    41; 

Martha,   45,    106  ;   Marv   Elizabeth.    222  :  Mr., 

106  ;  Kcbccca,   197  ;  Robert,   33,  34.   106  (2) ; 

Sarah,   105  ;  Thomas,  271  ;  William,  32  ;  — , 




Burgon,   Arthur  Thomas,  241,  257  ;    Catherine 

Margaret,   2G1  ;    David   Thornton,   245,    2fi0  ; 

Elizabeth    Ann,    241-247;    Frederick,    242; 

Harriet,   242,   2G0 ;    Jemima    Elizabeth,    247  ; 

John  260  ;    John  Alfred,  241  ;    John  Towry, 

241—247;    Joseph,  243;    Juliet,   244;    Mary, 

260  ;  Mary  Lydia,  246,  260  ;  Sidney,  242 
Burlace,  Mary,  154 
Burland,  Margaret,  237  ;  Samuel,  237 
Burling,  John,  221 

Burls,  Charles,  270  (2)  ;  Elizabeth,  270  (2) 
Burness,  Sarah,  215  ;  Thomas,  215 
Burnett   (Burnet),   (Rev.)   Charles,  205;    (Rev.) 

Thomas,  248 
Bnrney,  Caroline,  265 
Bnrnham,  Charles,  75  ;  Elizabeth,  75 
Burnley,  Anthony,  240  ;  John  Wild,  240  ;  Mary, 

Burrell,  Chawrell,  80  ;    Ellen,  89  ;    Nathaniel,  80 
Burridge,  Frances,  167  ;    George,  167  ;    Hannah, 

Burrows  (Burrowes),  Eleanor  Heale,  265  ;  James, 

265  ;  John,  152  ;  Mary,  152 
Burston,  Ann,  153  ;  Thomas,  153 
Burton  (Burten,  Burtun),  Ann,  206;  Catherine, 

68 ;    John,    68  ;    Margaret,    18  ;    Marie,    64  ; 

Mary,  69,  83  ;   Robert,  81  ;  Thomas,  18  (2) 
Burwash,  Elizabeth,  211  ;   William,  211 
Burwood,  Dorcas,  149  ;  John,  149 
Bury,  Jane,  128  ;  Judith,  59  ;  Mary,  120  ;  Sarah, 

110  ;  Stephen,  130 
Burys,  Ann,  54 
Busby   (Busbie),    Abigail,    10  ;     Elizabeth,    10  ; 

Margaret,  55  ;  Ralph,  10  (2),  55 
Buskin,  Rebecca,  216  ;  William,  21G 
Buster,  Kitty,  205 
Butcher,  George,  160  ;  Mary,  160;  Matilda,  234; 

Sarah,  275  ;    Sophia  Elizabeth,  265  ;    Robert, 

275  ;  Thomas,  81  ;  William,  265 
Butler   (Butlar,   Butle,    Butler,    Buttler),    Ann, 

211  ;  Catherine,  157  ;  Charlotte  Elizabeth,  137  ; 

Cuitye,    52  ;    Eleanor,    203  ;    Elizabeth,    70 ; 

George,  74;    Henry,  137,   166.   203;    Hester, 

113;    John,    127,    149,    150;    Margaret,    156; 

Marv,  56,  74,  166,  270  ;  Martha,  203  ;  Rebecca, 

137";    Susanna,  213;    Thomas,    56;    William, 

Butt,  see  Batt 

Butterfeild,  Mr.,  70 

Butterworth,     Charlotte,     251  ;     John    Hartley, 

251   (2),  263;    Joseph  Charles,   263;    Sabina, 

251  (3) 
Buxton  (Baxton,  Buxstone,  Buxtone),  Edmond, 

21,  95  ;    Edward,  22,  94  ;    Elizabeth,  23,  96  ; 

Margaret,  22,  23,  94-96  ;  Mary,  98,  219  ;  Mary 

Ann,  222  ;    Robert,  19  ;    Thomas,  61,  94—96, 

98  (2)  ;  William,  20,  95.     See  aho  Buckestone 
Byand,  Augusta  Emma,  268  (2) 
Bye,  Harry,  274;  Jane,  274  ;  William,  274 
Byerley,  Agatha,  243,  245  ;    Harriet,  243,  245  ; 

William,  243,  245 
Byfield    (Bifield,     Bvefeild,    Byefield,    Byfeild, 

Bvfild),     Ann,     34,     35     (2),     38,     69,     107, 

115  ;   Dorothy,  31  (2)  ;    Gervase,  31  (2),  105  ; 

John,  38,  111  ;   Joyce,  31  ;    Lvdia,  113,  120  ; 

Mary,    31,    35,    105;      Mr,    113;     Thomas, 

34  (2),  35  (3),  38  (2),  106  (2),  107.      See  also 

Bygrave,  Mary,  238  ;    Robert,  237  ;    Sophia,  237 
Bylfild,  see  Belfield  and  Byfield 
Byrcher,  see  Burcher 

Cabbabcl  (Oabibrl.  Cabibcll),  John,  1S2  ;  Judith, 

175  ;  Martha,  181  ;  Mr.,  178  ;  l'eter,  148,  180; 

Simon  l'eter,  180  ;  Susanna,  121 
Cabibet,  James,  120 
Cade,  Richard,  77 
Cicsar,  Catherine,  70 
Cairncross,  Andrew,  223,  224.  226  ;  Ann  Currie, 

223 ;     Isabella,    223,   224,    226  ;     Lucy,    224  ; 

Robert  Boyd,  226 
Oaki'hrcad.  Nancy,  272 
Caldecot  (Caldecott,  Cauldocot,  Cauldecott,  Coldi- 

cott),   Ales,  53;  Barroll,  6;    Michael,  7,   82; 

William,  6,  7  (3),  53 
Caldham,  Thomas,  97 
Caldwell,   E.,   238  ;  James  Orr,   242  ;   Margaret 

Orr,  242  ;  Mr.,  1S6  ;  Robena,  242 
Calf,  Charles,  277  ;  Charlotte,  277  ;  John,  277 
Callaway,  Mary,  259 
Calton,  Harriet  Stephenson,  267 
Cambden,  Alice.  68  ;  Thomas,  68 
Campbell,    Idith   Ann,   202;     Mary,    211,   212; 

Sarah,  215 
Campion,  John,  66;  Maitha,  66 
Caneellor,  Ann,  141  ;  Charlotte,  141  ;  John,  141 
Candler,  Charlotte  Sophia,  253  ;  Edward  Samuel, 

253  ;  Frederick  Alexander,  253 
Candy,  John,  190 
Canham,  Sarah,  238 
Cann,  William,  221 
Cannadine,  Samuel,  205  ;  Sarah,  205 
Cannon,   Edward,   206;   Jane,   160;  John,   160; 

Martha,  206 
Canterbury,  Archbishop  of,  67   (8);    Dean  and 

Chapter  of,  67  ;  Lord  Archbishop  of,  148 
Cantern,  Caroline  Maria,  265  ;  William,  265 
Cantle,  Elias,  211 
Cantwell,  Martha,  210 
Capel  (Capell),  Alice,  58  ;  Elizabeth,  71  ;  Robert, 

Oapibcll,  Elizabeth,  175 

Cappes  (Capt.),  137 

Capron,  Mary  Louisa,  282  ;  William,  262,  282 

Carcass,  Charles,  46  (2),  47  (2),  48  ;    James,  48  ; 

Mary,  47  ;  Sarah,  46,  47  (2),  48  ;  William,  47 
Carde,  Henry,  91 
Cardell,  Abraham,  41  ;  Elizabeth,  41,  114  ;  John, 

Cardin,  Annabella,  140, 189  ;  Arabella  Catherine, 

141;  John, 139;  Richard,  139, 140, 141  ;  Sarah, 

139,  140,  141 
Cardonel,  Adam,  73  ;   Elizabeth,  73 
Carkess,  Charles,  44,  45;  Elizabeth.  121;  Frances, 

45  ;  Sarah,  44,  45,  119;  —  44 
Carleil,  Elizabeth,  218 
Carlesworth  (Chatsworth),  Sarah,  274 
Carlill,  Agnes,  52  ;  Richard,  52 
Carlton,  George,  22  ;  Mary,  22  ;  Thomas,  22 
Carpenter,    Ann,    164  ;    Flora,   252  ;    (Rev.)  J., 

206  ;    Marian,   252  ;     Mary   Sarah,   252  (2)  ; 

William,  164  ;  William  Guest.  252  (2) 
Carr,  Elizabeth,   63  ;    James,   252  ;    Mary,   252  ; 

Mary    Malinda,    252  ;    Sarah,    275  ;    Thomas, 

Canard,  Marc  Albert,  215  ;  Sarah  Henrietta,  215 
Carroll,  Catherine,  222 
Canington,  Carina,  70  ;  Edward,  70 
Carruthcr,  Thomas,  177 
Carruthers  (Caruthers),  Ann,  232  ;    Joseph,  180  ; 

Judith,  187,  198 



Carter  (Cartor),  Ann,  101  ;  Catherine,  01,  157  ; 

Charles,  207;   Clarissa,  211  ;    Elizabeth,  150; 

Eunice,  63  ;  Jane,  GO,  90  ;  John,  101  ;  Joseph, 

98  ;  Mrs.,  26  ;  Thomas.  60,  90,  211  ;   Timothy, 

89;  W.,  277  ;  William,  174 
Carton,  Hcnrv,  92 

Carteret,  Mary  Rachel,  207  ;  Philip,  207 
Cartonev  (Cartonv),  Elizabeth,  171  ;  Joseph,  111, 

175,  l'7fi;  Robert,  170 
Cartwrite,  Richard,  94 

Carson,  Elizabeth,  20  ;  Glariie,  20  ;  Mary,  20 
Carwall,  James,  80 
Carv,  Nicholas,  94,  148  ;  Sarah,  148 
Cashen,  Elizabeth,  209  ;  John,  209  ;  Morgan,  199 
Castelbe,  David,  2G7 

Castell,  Ann,  17  ;  John,  17  ;  Thomas,  17 
Castleton,  Elias,   19,    94  ;     Elizabeth,    19,    94  ; 

Rachel,  97  ;  Samnel,  19,  94,  97 
Cater,  Sarah,  201 

Cathro,  Charles  Samuel,  208  ;  Susanna,  268 
Catlin.  Mary,  01 

Catoney  (Cottony),  Anthony,  107,  108  ;   Mr.,  108 
Catterall     (Catterell,    Cattrell),    Ann,    28   (2); 

Charles,  28,  29,  30,  31,  101  ;   Elizabeth,  30,  31  ; 

Martha,  31  ;  Sarah.  29  ;  Susanna,  30  ;  — ,  29 
Cattrells,  Mr.,  104  (3)  ;  -,  104  (3) 
Caulet,  Judith,  179  ;  Martha,  200 
Caw,  George,  137 
Cawadine,  Ann,  13  ;  William,  13 
Cawthorne  (Cawthorn),   Ann,  240  (3);    Charles 

James,  259 
Cazalet  (Cazelet),  Henrietta.  189  ;  Magdalen,  230 
Cerda,  Priscilla.  KO;  Samuel.  109 
Chaddock.  Elizabeth,  74 
Chadwick.  Mary,  70 
Chaine,  John,  84  ;  Marv.  84 
Chalcrafte,  Elizabeth,  69  ;  John,  59 
Challimore,  Martha,  123 
Challoner,  Nathaniel,  92 
Chalmers,  Rev.  Alexander,  153 
Chamberlain       (Chamberlaine,       Chamberlaync, 

Chamberlin).    Bridget,    59 ;     Charlotte,    150 ; 

Mary,    1G3,   213;    Mrs.,   149;    Richard,    149; 

Sarah,  149;    Stales,  1G3 ;    Thermuthes,   163; 

Thomas,  59  ;    William,  213 
Chambers,   Alice,   97;     D.,    215;     (Dr.),    100; 

Edward,  84  ;    Elizabeth,  78  ;    Humphrey,  97  ; 

Margaret,  100  ;  Mary,  172,  210  j  Novell,  111 
Chamier,  John  James,  195 
Chance,  Elizabeth,  174 
Chancellonr,  Bernard,  OS  ;  Mary,  68  (2) 
Chancev  (Channev,  Chaunev),  Anna  Maria,  133  ; 

Elizabeth,    132,'   133;    Henrietta   Sarah,   132; 

Miss,  198  ;  Mr.,  183  ;   Richard,  132,  133,  185 
Chandler,    Elizabeth,    208    (2);     Francis,    148; 

Robert,  208  ;  Sarah,  2o8  ;  Susanna,  208 
Chantrell    (Chantercll,    Chauntrcll,    Chauntrvll), 

Ann,  7,  53.  83  (2)  ;  Grace,  8  ;  Robert,  7  (2),  8, 

63,  83  ;  William,  7 
Chapel  (Chappell,  Chappill),  Ann,  59,  252  (2), 

253,255;    Ann    Sarab.    252;    Abel   Sparrow, 

243  (2),  252  (2).  253  (2).  25:.,  203  ;  Clammond, 

65  ;  Eleanor,  272  ;  Elizabeth,  230  ;  F.  C,  236  ; 

Francis,    55 ;    Frederick    Abel,    252  ;    George 

William,    255  ;    John,    18,   93;    Marv,   10  (2), 

17  (2),   18  (2),  19,  92,  93;    Marv  Ann,  243; 

Mercy,  10  ;  Sarah,  18,  243,  272  ;  Stephen,  19, 

230  ;    Thomas,    16  ;   William,   16  (2),    17  (4), 

18(2),  19,  92(2),  93 
Chapman,  Ann,  24  ;  Catherine,  71  ;  Edward  Fitz- 
gerald, 253  ;  Elizabeth,  90,  213  ;  Frances,  270  ; 

Francis,  275;  George  Fitzgerald,  253;  Harriet, 

199(4).  275;    Henry,  24  ;  Judith,  119;    Mary, 

152,237;    Mary  Ann,  214,  230,  253  ;   Mr.,  09  ; 

Richard,  24 
Chariott  (Charriott,  Charrvott.  Charyot,  Charyott, 

Cheareat,  Cheryott.  Cbervotte.  Chervtt),  Ann, 

9  ;  Margaret,  7  ;  Richard,  7  (2),  8  (2).  9  (3),  84, 

87  (2)  ;  Susan,  7  ;  Thomas,  8,  90  ;  William,  8 
Charle,  Jane,  02 
Charles,  Ambrose,  227  ;  Margaret  Elizabeth,  227; 

Walter  Pegler,  227 
Charlesworth,  Mary,  40  ;  William.  46  (2) 
Charlton    (Chawre'lton),    Elizabeth    Ann,    216  ; 

John,  15  ;  Priscilla,  166  ;  Walter,  15  ;   — ,  216 
Charnley,  Robert,  258 
Charon,  Elizabeth,  55  ;  Honor,  55 
Charter,  Mary,  149 

Chase,  Gamaliel,  170  ;  George,  170  ;  John,  110 
Chastway,  Annes,  53 
Chatsworth.  Sarah,  274 
Chatting,  Elizabeth,  267  ;  John,  2G7 
Chatwin  (Chatwine,  Chatwyn),  Joan,  S4  ;   John, 

7  (2),  8,  54,  83,  84  (2)  ;  Mary,  83  ;  Roger,  8 
Cheaney  (Chanv.  Cheanv,  Cheinc.  Cheney, Chennv, 

Cheny,   Chenyc,   Cheyuie,   Chinie),  Alec,   55"; 

Ann,  10  ;    Anuis,  53  ;   David,  278  ;    Jane,  55  ; 

John,   7  (2),  8  (2),  9  (2),  10  (2),  56,  57  (2), 

278  (2)  ;    Jovee,  8,   56  ;    Margaret,   55,    278  ; 

Margery,  9  ;    Martha,    10 ;    Mary,   7,   8,    57  ; 

Sarah,  9  ;  William,  7 
Checkley,  John,  103  ;  Marie,  103 
Cheesman.  John,  230 
Chelman,  Mary,  70 
Chenyes,  Mrs.,  82.     See  also  Cheaney 
Cherer,  Henry  Joseph,  206  ;  Mary  Ann,  266 
Chessell,  Sarah,  236 

Chessen  (Chesson),  John,  275  (2)  ;  Sarah,  275 
Chetham,  Ann,  130,  183;   Henry.  1S2;   James, 

182,   183,   235  ;    John,    130  ;    John    Presage, 

130;  Mr.,  137;  William,  235 
Chctwyn,  Susan.  54 
C'hcvern,  Ann.  133  (2)  ;  Francis,  133 
Chick,  Samuel,  221 
Child   (Chvld ),   Elizabeth,  23S  ;     Jeffrey,   238  ; 

Chinie,  see  Cheaney 

Chiirite  (Chierit),  Ann,  85  ;  John,  10  (2) 

Chisum.  Eleanor  Morgan,  208 

Chittev,  Henry,  182  ;   Martha,  68 

Chorkwright,  Richard,  220 

Christian,  James,  203 

Christie  (Chrystv),  Alfred,  278  ;    Elizabeth,  09  j 

Fanny,  278  ;  John,  278  (2) 
Christopher,  Bridget,  83 
Christophcrson,  Ann,  149 
Church,  Ann,  44  ;   Catherine.  58  ;   Elizabeth,  33, 

160;    Hcnrv,  49,  128;    Stephen,  30;    Thomas, 

211.  100;  William,  58 
Chnrcher   (Churchar),   Ralph,   CO  ;    Susan,   00  ; 

Thomas,  112 
Churchill,  John,  59  and  n. ;  Sarah,  69 
Chatwyn,  Joan,  9  ;  John,  9 
Clack,  Edward,  272  ;  Frances,  272 
Clambird,  Elizabeth.  204 
Clanahan,  Elias,  90S  ;  Marv,  205 
('hire,  Elizabeth,  910  ;    Peter,  210  ;  Samuel,  217  ; 

Sophia,  217  :  (Bey.)  Thomas,  213,  215 
Clapton,  Alec,  55 
t'lnrk    (Clarcke,   Clarke,    Clerk,   Clcrke),    Alice, 

87;    Alicia,    127;    Andrew,   43;    Ann,    202, 



206,  217  ;  Annis,  53  ;  B.  M.,  210  ;  Caroline, 
272;  Catherine,  152,  212;  Charlotte,  273; 
Edward,  44,  259,  272,  273  (2)  ;  Elizabeth, 
43,  213,  271,  275  ;  Fanny,  245;  Frances,  102, 
243  (3),  244,  245,  247  (2),  259;  Frederick, 
243  (3),  244,  245  (2),  247  (2),  260,  261  ; 
Hannah,  218  (2),  234;  Honoria  Cowley, 
218  ;  Isaac,  271  ;  Isabel,  151  ;  Jane,  233  ; 
Jemima,  233  ;  Joan,  63  ;  John,  30  (2),  127  (2), 
148,  152,  170,  209  (2),  210  (2),  21S,  282  ; 
Margaret,  44,  45,  46  (2),  204;  Martha,  4fi,  119, 
127  (3),  148,  159  ;  Mary,  62,  92,  128,  165,  191, 
209  (2),  238,  266,  282;  Miriam,  238;  Mr.,  197; 
Philip,  81  ;  Phoebe,  218  ;  Rebecca,  68,  127, 128, 
129  (2)  ;  Richard,  57,  236  ;  Samuel,  202,  218, 
234  (2)  ;  Thomas,  44,  45  (2),  46,  68,  77,  127, 
218,  275;  (Rev.)  Thomas,  247;  Wilfred, 
202(2);  William,  43,  117,  127,  128,  129,  217, 
244,  245,  259  (2),  273  j  Winnefrid,  57  ;  — ,  87 

Clarkson,  Sophia,  236 

Clarmont,  Matthew,  206 

Clascho,  William,  122 

Clay,  Hugh,  74  ;  James,  138, 139,  185  ;  Priscilla, 
74  ;  Susanna,  138,  139  ;  William,  138,  139 

Clayton,  Ann,  214  ;  Fanny,  145  ;  James,  145  ; 
John,  145  ;  Richard,  92  ;  William,  214 

Cleavely,  Mary  67  ;  Thomas,  67 

Cleaver  (Clever),  Ann,  161  ;  John,  100  ;  Samuel, 

Cleeve,  Elizabeth,  166  j  (Rev.)  John,  166 ; 
Richard,  166 

Clemens,  Ellen,  63  ;  Peter,  63 

Clements,  Elizabeth,  164;  John,  164;  (Rev.), 
133  (12),  134  (8)  ;  (Rev.)  William,  159  (3), 
160  (7),  161  (4),  162  (4),  163  (2),  164  (10), 
165  (11),  166  (8),  177,  178  (9),  179  (6), 
203  (2),  204,  232 

Cleton,  Joan,  56 

Cliffe,  Robert,  209  ;  Thomas,  90 

Clifton,  Clifford,  63  ;  Frances,  63 

Clinch,  Eliza  Jane,  282  ;  Henry,  282  ;  Martha 
Catherine,  282 

Climson,  George,  274 

Cliverden,  Catherine,  157  ;  Thomas,  157 

Closterman,  Hannah,  44  ;  John,  72  ;  John  Baptist, 
44  ;  Margaret,  44  ;  Mary,  72 

Clough,  Elizabeth,  269  ;  James,  269  ;  Mary,  167  ; 
Rachel,  271 

Clowes,  Margery,  71 

Clutterbuck  (Clutterbucke),  Ann,  94  ;  Giles,  90  ; 
Harriet,  224,  225  ;  Harriet  Matilda,  216,  225; 
Henry,  216,  224,  225,  232  ;  Thomas,  216,  224  ; 
William,  43 

Coatcs  (Coats),  Margery,  71  ;  Mary  Elizabeth 
Holme,  225  ;  Robert,  71  ;  Susanna,  225 ; 
William,  195,  225 

Cobb,  John  Cooper,  275  ;  Sarah,  275  ;  William, 

Cock  (Cocke),  Catherine,  134  (2)  ;  Edward,  118  ; 
Francis,  30  ;  George  Reeves,  266  ;  Joseph,  204  ; 
Mary,  163  ;  Mr.,  134  ;  Philip,  163  ;  Sarah,  266; 
Theodore,  134 

Cockburn,  Elizabeth,  264  ;  George,  264 

Cockcraft,  Charles,  105  ;  Mr.,  105 

Cocken,  Mary,  57 

Cockenshell,  Mary,  150 

Cockeram  (Cockeran),  Jane,  58,  59 ;  John,  9 ; 
Joseph,  10;  Richard,  9,  10 

Cockerell  (Cockrele,  Cockrell,  Cokerell),  George,  6; 
Mary,  53,  54;  Timothy,  C,  7,  53,  82  (2); 
Winifred,  7,  56 

Cocking,  Edwin,  275 

Cocks,  Robert,  222 

Cocksedge,  Thomas,  206 

Codd,  Ann,  89  ;  Samuel,  89 

Codds,  Clarissa,  265 

Coe,  Alles,  57  ;  Caroline,  270  ;  Elizabeth,  262  ; 
Emily,  270  ;  Maria,  270  ;  Thomas  Henry,  262, 
270  ;  William,  57 

Coffence,  Priscilla,  90 

Coke,  Sarah,  61 

Coker,  Catherine,  278  ;  Richard,  278  ;  William, 

Colborne  (Colebourn),  Ann,  66  ;  Samuel,  66  ; 

Cole,  Amv,  184  ;  Anna  Christopher,  201 ;  Eleonor, 
98;  Elizabeth,  54,  108,  171,  182,  191,  207; 
Frances,  34,  111  and  n.;  George,  34(2),  108  (2), 
110,  260  ;  Humphry,  88  ;  James,  110  ;  John, 
108,  269  ;  John  C,  273  ;  Laura,  272,  273  ; 
Mary,  266  ;  Samuel,  201  ;  Sarah,  207,  269  ; 
William,  149 

Coleclough  (Colelough,  Colclough),  Christopher, 
40  ;  Joseph,  119  ;  Samson,  40,  176,  178  ;  Sarah, 
40,  118,  176;  William,  117 

Coleman  (Colman,  Collmann),  Elizabeth,  202  ; 
George,  12  ;  Henry,  93  ;  Hugh,  159  ;  Henry 
G,  278  ;  Margaret,  93  ;  Mary,  159  ;  Miles,  12  ; 
William,  202 

Coles  (Colls,  Conies,  Cowles),  Alice,  3  ;  Ann,  5, 
114;  Clement,  3  ;  Elizabeth,  39,  41  ;  George, 
39,  41,  43,  68,  110,  113  (2),  117  ;  Margaret, 
113;  Martha,  4,  41,  115;  Mary,  113  ;  Sarah, 
4,  39  ;  William,  3  (4),  4  (2),  5  ;  — ,  110 

Colgate,  John,  278  (3)  ;  Mary,  278  (2) 

Colkett,  Daniel,  142  ;  Harriet,  142  ;  Jane,  142 

Colkot,  Hugh,  8  ;  John,  8 

Collet  (Collett),  Ellen,  258  ;  Elizabeth,  141,  190  ; 
George,  142, 191  ;  Hope,  258  ;  Jane,  59  ;  John, 
95  ;  Martha,  140  (2),  141  (2),  142,  206,  209, 
230  ;  Mary,  56  ;  Mr.,  191  ;  Sophia,  258  ; 
Thomas,  59  ;  William,  140,  141  (3),  142,  206, 

Colley  (Colee,  Colle,  Collie,  Colly,  Collye),  Alice, 
88  ;  Allen,  14  ;  Ann,  54  ;  George,  266,  270  ; 
Hester,  14;  Marv,  15,  266;  Thomas,  14(2), 
15,  88  (2)  ;  William,  221  ;  — ,  88 

Collier  (Colliar.  Collver),  Charlotte,  272;  Dorothy, 
54  ;  James  W.,  272  ;  Richard,  208  ;  Samuel 
James,  221  ;  Susanna,  71 

Collins  (Collens,  Collines,  Collinges,  Collings, 
Collyars,  Collvns),  Amelia,  245  ;  Ann,  144 
Catherine,  150  ;  Edward,  6  (2),  7  (4),  8  (3), 
9,  11  (2),  82,  86  (3),  n.  ■  Elizabeth, 
Fanny,  266  ;  Harry,  9  ;  Humphrey, 
James,  8  ;  John,  7,  11,  86  ;  Maria,  144  ;  Mary, 
73;  Mary  Ann,  271  ;  Mr.,  84;  Mrs.,  83,86, 152 
Nicholas,  11;  Sarah,  149,  245,  258;  Sipryn 
8  ;  Susan,  7  ;  Teresia,  121  ;  Thamar,  86  n. 
Thomas,  245  ;  William,  8,  144,  152  j  — ,  83,  84 

Collis,  Sarah,  268 

Collvnier,  Dorcas,  56  ;  Robert,  56 

Colt  (Colte),  Ann,  151  ;  Edward,  87 

Comber,  see  Cumber 

Combes  (Comes),  Ann,  54  ;  John,  54, 160;  Mary, 

Comerford,  Ann,  158 

Comport,  Elizabeth,  154  ;  Michael,  154 

Compton,  Catherine,  72  ;  Elizabeth,  147  ;  Esther, 
223,  231  ;  Gertrude,  147  ;  John,  72 ;  Mebinua, 
214  ;  Melusina,  146,  147  (2),  223  ;  William, 
146,  147  (2),  214,  223 



Comsbve.  John,  12  :  Simon.  12 

Condcr,  Emma,  23S  ;  Harriet,  238  ;  Josiab,  23S  ; 
Thomas,  214 

Congraye,  Margaret,  56  ;  Richard,  50' 

Corrgreve  (Congrove),  Arm  Catherine,  1C1  ;  Anna 
Cutharina,  204  ;  Thomas,  101 

Conisbve,  Svmar,  80  ;  Thomas,  86 

Conn,  Thomas,  98 

Counell,  David,  237  ;  Margaret,  237 

Connelly,  John,  279 ;  Martha,  279  ;  Patrick 
John, 279 

Conncv,  Margaret  Curling,  278 

Connor,  Ellen,  218 

Conridge  (Conridg),  Mr.,  104  (2)  ;  Mrs.,  104 

Constable,  Sarah  Ann,  267 

Constant,  Peter,  107 

Constantine,  Frances.  50;  William,  50 

Con  vers.  Mary,  121;  Richard,  144,  145,  140(2), 
Richard  Cater,  144;  Sarah,  144,  145,  146; 
Thomas  Cater,  145 

Cook  (Coocke,  Cooke),  Ann,  115,  172,  237 
Dorothy,  153;  Edward,  44;  Elizabeth,  110 
George,  237;  lleurv,  208;  James,  181,  128 
John,  205,  282  ;  Joseph,  38,  39,  66,  108,  1 10  (3). 
112,  113;  Lucy,  108;  Margaret,  60,  237 
Martha,  173;  Marv,  44,  105;  Mathew,  106 
Mr.,  68,  105  (2),  107  ;  Peter,  110;  Robert,  108 
Rosetta,  265  ;  Richard,  00,  175  ;  Samuel,  262 
Sarah,  128  (2),  181  ;  Sarah  Maria,  105 
Stephen,  44  ;  Susanna,  162 ;  Thomas,  67 
William,  106  (3),  219  ;  — ,  107,  108,  110  (2) 

Cookson,  Elizabeth.  73  ;  Joseph,  73 

Coole,  Dorothy,  90  ;  George,  107 

Coolwood,  Martha,  210 

Coombs,  Frances,  148  ;  Samuel,  148 

Cooper  (Coopar),  Ann,  50,  61,  206;  Elizabeth, 
25  (3),  26  ;  Frances,  270  ;  Gervase,  05,  103, 
104  (2),  105;  James,  122;  Jarvis,  30  (2), 
31  (3),  103  ;  Joan,  51  ;  John,  206  :  Judith, 
22  ;  Macey,  866  ;  Margaret,  50  ;  Mary,  22, 
97,  151,  167,  205  ;  Mr.,  26  ;  Richard,  25  ; 
Robert,  100;  Sarah,  30,  31  (3),  105,  175,  219  ; 
Sarah  Susanna,  270  ;  Thomas,  50,  122,  265 ; 
William,  22,  25  (3),  26,  97,  99,  106,  151  ; 
— ,  106 

Coopers,  William,  98 

Coopman,  Henry,  167  ;  Margaret,  167 

Cootes,  Thomas,  79 

Coplcston,  Elizabeth,  65  ;  Lancelot,  65 

Coppen,  Edmund,  280 ;  Elizabeth,  64 ;  Isaac, 
280;  John,  04  ;  Marianne,  280  ;  W.  D.,  280 

Copper,  Ann.  112 

Coppock,  Catherine,  209;  Charles,  209;  Charlotte, 
209  ;  Elizabeth  llarley,  269  ;  James,  209  ; 
Matilda,  269  ;  Mary,  260 

Coracc,  Julian,  59 

Corbet  (Corbett),  Elizabeth,  73,  106;  John,  73; 
Mary,  65,  108  ;  Thomas,  106,  108 

Corbin.  Ann.  154  ;  William,  154 

Cordes,  John,  273 

Corin,  Mary,  202  ;  Samuel,  202 

Corkc,  licnjamin,  277  (2),  278  (2)  ;  Edward 
Richard,  277  (2) ;  Frances  Roberts,  277  ;  James, 
277  (4) ;  Jane,  277  ;  Marv,  277,  278  ;  Marv 
Ann,  277(2);  Richard,  277 

Comer,  Ann,  153 

Corlton,  Dorothy,  66  ;  John,  55 

Cornforth,  Eleanor,  09  ;  Robert,  69 

Cornthwaitc,  Thomas,  201 

Cornwall,  Henry  Cobb,  278  (2)  ;  Louisa  Jessy, 

John   Henry,  276 ;    Thomas 
274  ;      Susanna,     225    (2)  ; 

Cornwallis,  Catherine,  9;    Mr.,  11;   Rislee,  11 

Thomas,  9 
Cory,  John,  190  ;  Robert,  193 
Cossart    (Coshart),    Ann,    169  ;     Elizabeth,   69 

Noel,  109,  175 
Coste.    Eliza,   276 

Garrett,  270 
Coster,     Margaret 

William,  225 
Costick,  Mr.,  100;  —.100 
Cot  (Cott).  Ann,  275  ;  Edward,  262 
Cotcbett,  Elizabeth,  46  (2)  ;  Thomas,  46 
Cothern,  Ja.,  123 
Cotterill,  John,  77  ;  Judith,  60 ;  Mary  Ann,  276  ; 

Robert,  210 
Cottes,  Elizabeth,  3  ;  John,  4;  William,  3,  4 
Couch,  Ann,  151  ;  — ,  151  (2) 
Coulborne,  Elizabeth,  111 
Coulee,  Winifred,  55 

Cooling,  Leah,  270  ;  Thomas,  276  ;  William,  276 
Coultcman,  Hannah,  04 
Counnall,  Abraham,  80 
Court,  Ann,  154  ;  George,  154 
Courteen,  Elizabeth,  258 
Courtney,  Marianne  Mildred,  221 
Cousins,  Mary,  190 
Couter,  Elizabeth,  221 
Covell,  Ann,  199;  Mr.,  39 

Coveney,  Abraham,  275  ;  John,  275  ;  Lucy,  275 
Covert,  Ann,  97  ;  Barbara,  59  ;  William,  59 
Covington,  Elizabeth,  71 
Cowan,  Frances,  203 
Cowdrey,  Sarah,  72 
Cowell,  James,  273  ;    Joseph,  273  ;    Marv  Ann, 

273  ;  Samuel,  273  ;  Sarah,  273 
Cowlev,    Alexander,   278  ;      James,   59  ;     John, 

138(3),  139,  140,  180(2),  187,  188,203;  Marie, 

59  ;   Mary,  70,  139,  188  ;    Sarah,  138  (3),  139, 

140,  187,  18S.  203  ;  William,  140 
Cowper, Edward, 51;  Elizabeth,  127, 170;  Joan.Slj 

Margaret,  48, 127  (2)  ;  Thomas,  4S  (2),  127  (3), 

169(2),  170  ;  William,  100;  Rt.  Hon.  W.,  Lord, 

vii,  Pt.  I 
Cox,  Ann,  203,  274  (2),  275  (2),  276  (2)  ;   Ann 

Elizabeth,  263;    Charles,   202.   203,  271,  272, 

275,  270  ;  Eleanor  Wise,  270  ;  Eliza  Bell,  276  ; 

Elizabeth,  261,  207,  276  (2),  277  ;  Emma,  277  ; 

Francis,  2711  ;    George,  270  (2),  277  (2)  ;  John, 

263,  274,  276  ;  Maria,  200  ;  Marv,  23,  08,  150  ; 

Matthew.  23  ;  Phcebe,  270  ;    Richard,  96,  220  ; 

Sarah,  205  ;  Susanna,  23  ;   William,  265 
Coxeter,  Charles,  213  ;  Elizabeth,  213 
Cracknell.  Susanna,  208 
Cragg  (Crag),  lid  ward  Chalkier,  270(2) ;  Robert, 

Craine,  Ann,  73  ;  Joseph,  73 
Cranncl,  Elizabeth,  71  ;  William,  71 
Cranston,  Margaret,  217  ;   William,  217 
Craven,  Elizabeth,  192  ;  John,  192 
Crawford  (Crawfl'ord),  Elizabeth,  39,  42  ; 

39,  42  (2)  ;  Thomas,  39 
Crav.lcn,  Elizabeth,  47  (2)  ;  Walter,  47 
Crawley,  Sarah,  II,  09  ;  Thomas,  44  (2),  118 
Crav.   Ann.    ISO;    Kli/abctb.    132,    134(3),   179; 

Joseph,  134,  180  ;   Hiclrard,  132  (2),  134  (2) 
Creed,  Ann,  1st;  Richard,  197  ;  Sarah,  202,  203  ; 

William,  184 
Creek,  Edward,  153  ;  Sarah,  153 
Creese  (Crees),  Arrrr,  38;   licnjamin,  38;  Constant, 

38(2);  Einnia,2:,4  ;  Samuel,  38 (2)  ;  William, 

254  ;  William  Henry,  254 




Creighton,  Elizabeth,  204  :  Felix,  204 

Crespin,  Snsanna  Elizabeth,  103  ;  (Kev.)  1G3 

Cressis,  Charles,  25 

Crcswcll,  (Rev.)  T.  T.,  243,  259 

Crew,  John,  107  ;  Martha,  107 

Crick,  Jemima,  149 

Crismas,  Kli/.abeth,  C3 

Crispe,  Mr.,  34  (3) 

Crispin,  G.  W.,  217  ;  Jane  Lastitia,  217 

Croft,  John  Edmund,  256  ;  Mary,  152 ;  Samuel,  152 

Crokatt,  Mary,  201 

Croly,    George,   247—249  ;    (Rev.)   G.,  247  (2), 

248  (14),  249—255,  261-263,  272  (18),  273— 

283  ;  Margaret  Helen,  247—249  ;  Helen  Louisa 

Mary,  249  ;    Julian  Williamson,  247  ;    l'elham 

Clinton,  248 
Crompton,Mary  Ann,  265;  Sarah,  265  ;  Thomas, 

Crondall,  Mary,  60  ;  William,  60 
Cronkshaw,  Ann,  193 
Crook    (Crooke),    Bankes,     68  ;     Joana,     159  ; 

Robert,  159 
Crop   (Cropp),   Abraham,   50  (3)  ;    James,   50  ; 

Susanna,  50  (2) 
Crosby,  (Rev.)  Robert,  237 
Cross  (Crose,  Crosse),  Alsap,  11  (2),  12  ;  Alsopp, 

86  (2)  ;    Ann,    11  ;    Cornelius,   64  ;    John,  12, 

243 ;    John  Richard  Charles,  243  ;    Mary,  61, 

243  ;  Sarah,  64;  Thomas,  214;  William,  11 
Crosland  (Crossland),  Elizabeth,  51  ;   John,  51 ; 

Margaret,  160 
Crosley  (Crosslev),  Ann,   218  ;    Elizabeth,   51  ; 

James,  218  ;  William,  218 
Crouch,  Charles,  37,  110  ;  Elizabeth,  166  ;  Mary, 

37,  121,  122  ;  Samuel,  37,  110  ;  Sarah,  266 
Croune,  — ,  122 
Crow  (Crowe),  George  William,  238  ;  Mary,  149  ; 

Sarah,  238 
Crowder,  Mr.,  107  ;  — ,  107 
Crowdy,  Elizabeth  Sarah,  242  (2)  ;  James,  242 
Crowther,  Catherine,  55  ;  (Rev.)  S.,  239,  240  (2) ; 

William,  11  (2),  13,  55,  57,  88 
Croxsim,  Sicily,  78 
Crussell,  Elizabeth,  236 
Cuert,  Elizabeth,  52  ;  William,  52 
Cullen    (Cullin),    Jane,    68  ;    Margaret,     151  ; 

William,  151 
Cullingworth,  William,  205 
Culverwell,   Robert,   229  ;    Robert  Power,   229 ; 

Sarah,  229 
Cumber  (Comber),  Ann,  6,  S2  ;  Annis,  52 ;  Apollo, 

6,81,83;  Appallo,  9;  Catherine,  3  ;  Elizabeth, 

2,  4,  77  ;  Frances,  3  ;  Francis,  79  ;  George,  7  ; 

Humphrey,  4  ;  Jane,  7,  82  ;  Jarvis,  6  ;  Joshua, 

3  ;  Joyce,  78  ;  Margaret,  N  ;  Martha,  2  ;  Philip, 

4  ;    Richard,  5  ;    Sebley,  1  ;  Thomas,  2  (2),  78, 
Thomazin.  80  ;    William,  1,  2  (4),  3  (3),  4  (5), 

5  (3),  6  (3),  7  (2),  8,  9,  77,  78,  80  (2) 
Cuming,  Grissel,  203  ;  James,  203 
Cummins,  George,  270  ;  Sarah  Susanna,  270 
Cunningham,  Thomas,  176 

Cureton  (Curtone),  Lucy,  105;  Mary,  205,231  ; 

Mr.,  105,  106  ;  Richard,  195,  205  ;  — ,  106 
Curie  (Curlle,  Currlle),  Ann,  23  (2), 24  (3),  25  (3), 

26,27,122;  Benjamin, 27;  Edward, 23(3),24(5), 

25    (2),   26,   27,   63,  98,   100 ;  Elizabeth,   26  ; 

George,  25 ;  Henry,  24,  105  ;  Mary,  23,  122  ; 

Mr.,  99,  105  ;  Susanna,  24  ;  — ,  98,  99 
Currie  (Currev),  Archibald,  135,   136  (5),   183; 

George,  136,  1*3,  206  ;  James.  135  ;  Mary,  135, 

136  (5) ;  Rebecca,  206  ;  Richard  Samuel,  136 

Curtis  (Curteis,  Curtes),  Ann  52;  Fell,  156 
Gabriel,  52  ;  Mr.,  99  (2)  ;  Peter.  63  ;  Ruth,  63 
Sarah,  108;  Sophia,  217;  Thomas,  156 
— ,  99  (2) 

OushiH'v.  Isabella,  219 

Cutbert,  Isaac,  237  ;  Isaac  Bramwell,  274  ;  Maria 
Ann,  274  ;  Sarah,  237  ;  Sarah  Ann,  274 

Cutloafe.  William,  116 

Cutlone,  Charles.  62  ;   Martha,  62 

Cutress,  Charles,  277  ;  Charlotte,  277 ;  William, 

Cutter,  Sarah,  153 

Cutts,  Honor,  161 

Dacostas,  Mr.,  110 

Dade,    Caroline    Amelia,     244 ;    Daniel,    244 ; 

Elizabeth,  244 
Dagger    (Daggar),    Ann,    57  ;    Elizabeth,    58 ; 

Joseph,  57  ;   Thomas,  58 
Daingerfeild,  Mr.,  136,  183;  Samuel,  136,  183 
Daintry  (Daintree),  Catherine,  202  ;  George,  269  ; 

John,   202;    Mary    Ann,    269;    Sarah,    269; 

Thomas,  269 
Dalby,  William,  5,  53,  81 
Daldon.  Mary,  74,  123 
Dale,  Elizabeth,  69  ;  Frances,  154,  210;  John,  69, 

154,  210;  Matthias,  210 
Dallas,  John,  166  ;   Maria,  166 
Dalrymple,  Ann,  259  ;   Catherine,  235  ;  Robert, 

Dalton,  (Rev.)  Thomas,  203,  205  (2) 
Damor,  Mary,  38  ;  Thomas,  38  (2) 
Danbie  (Danbe.  Danby,  Danbve),  Ann,  4  ;  Annis, 

80  ;  Christopher,  2  ;   Edmond,  4  ;   Jane,  3,  4  ; 

John,  2,  3  (5),  4  (3),  5,  6,  79,  80 ;  Simon,  5  ; 

William,  6 
Danbrogue,  — ,  125 
Dandbie,  Jane,  79 
Dander,  Andrew,  124 
Dane,  Adelaide  Victoria,  253,  254  ;    Eliza,   246, 

261  ;    Ella  Mary,  254  ;    Harriet,  244,  245  (3), 

246,  247  (2),  267,  281,  282  ;  James  Henry,  244, 

253,  254  ;  J.  S.,  2S1,  282  ;  James  Samuel,  244, 

245  (2),    246,   247  (2),  267,  281,  282  ;    James 

Surrev,  253  ;    Jane,  247  ;    Maria,   281,   282  ; 

Robert,  247  ;  Susanna,  2S1  ;  William,  245,  281 
Dandy,   Andrew,  48,  49  (2),  50,   127  (2),   174; 

Daniel,  50  ;  Martha,  48-50, 127  ;  Sarah,  164 

William,  48,  123 
Danev,  Thomas,  95  (2) 
Daniel,  Mary,  206 
Dannells,  Sarah,  220 
Dards,  Elizabeth,  121 
Darell  (Dorrell),  James,  34,  35  ;  John,  34 
Darley,  Margaret,  220 
Darlot,    Agnes   Joanna,    225,    226  (2);     Henry, 

225  (2),  226  (2)  ;    Johnston,  226  ;    Peter,  226, 

Dartnel  (Dartnall),  David,  71,   152;    Elizabeth, 

71  ;  Mirabel,  152 
Darvell  (Dorville),  Dorothy,  33(3);    Elizabeth 

33  ;  John,  33  (2) 
Darwin,  Elizabeth,  233  ;    John  Thorwold,  233  ; 



Dash,  Elizabeth,  156 
Dasse,  Elizabeth  Catherine,  193 
Daubriue,  Elizabeth,  74 
Daunce,  Mrs.,  81 


D'Anrnal.  Elizabeth,  126  ;  Peter,  126  (2) 

Davenhill,  Mary  Ann,  257 

Davenport,  Jane,  74 ;  Joan,  Gl  ;  John,  61  ; 
Richard,  74 

Daves.  Ann.  33  ;  William,  33  (2) 

Davidson,  Robert,  213,  214  ;  Thomas,  213 

Davies,  Agnes,  31,  108  ;  Ann,  39  (2),  172,  232, 
251,  277  ;  Ann  Eliza  Matilda,  251  ;  Benjamin, 
39,113;  Caroline  Lucv,  278  ;  (Rev.)  Charles, 
243  (4),  259  (4).  267  (7)  j  Edward,  110,  113  j 
E.  A.,  272;  Elizabeth,  158;  Henry,  272; 
Jane,  260;  John.  69,  93,  194,  266;  John 
Brutus,  251, 277;  John  Edward,  277;  Jonathan, 
202;  Letitia,  278;  Margaret,  39,  113  ;  Mary, 
39(2),  69,  110,  112;  Mary  Ann.  278  ;  Molly, 
202  ;  Rebecca.  172  ;  Richard,  39.  112  ;  Roger, 
37  ;  Samnel.  259,  260,  265  ;  Sarah,  265,  266  ; 
Snsanna,  93.  272  ;  William,  39  (2),  108  (2), 
278  (2)  ;  William  Henrv,  278 

Davis,  Ann,  21,32,36.37,  40(2),  61, 106, 139(2), 
140  ;  Anna,  265  ;  Anna  Margaretta,  134.  181  ; 
Anna  Maria.  139,  183  ;  Benjamin,  40  (2),  41, 
116  ;  Clarissa,  268  ;  David,  210  ;  Edward, 
134  (2),  135  (2),  183,  184;  Eleanor,  32,  34, 
169,  203;  Eliza,  268;  Elizabeth,  122,  210, 
237  ;  Elizabeth  llonoria,  217  ;  Fanny  A.,  280  ; 
Frances,  109, 152, 167;  Francis,  71;  Humphrey, 
61  ;  James,  32,  106,  205  ;  Jemima,  281  ;  Joan, 
71  ;  John,  32,  140,  2G5,  268  (2) ;  John  Gittins, 
134  ;  Joseph,  277  ;  Margaretta,  134  (2),  135  ; 
Mary,  21,  34,  36,  40,  41,  124,  134  ;  Mr,  94  ; 
Rebecca  Ann,  139;  Robert,  206;  Roger.  32, 
34(2).  106(2),  109  (2) ;  Rowland,  80  :  Samnel, 
41,  134(2);  Sarah,  265,  268;  Sophia,  140; 
Stephen,  281;  Thomas,  21,  139(2),  140(2); 
Timothy,  34.  107  ;  William,  32,  34  (3),  36,  37, 
40,  106,  107  (2).  109  (2),  116,  119;  William 
Henry,  281  ;  — ,  109 

Davison  (Davesson),  Marv,  197  ;  (Squire),  124; 
— ,  112 

Daw  (Davie.  Davve),  Alice,  79  ;  Ann,  71  ;  Mary, 
2l'4  ;  Rebecca,  807  ;  (Rev.),  162 

Dawes,  Catherine,  156;  Esther,  265;  William, 

Dawkins  (Dawckinges.  Dawkings,  Dawkyns), 
Diana,  271  ;  Elizabeth,  55  ;  Hannah,  280  ; 
John,  11;  John  William,  280  ;  Marv.  15S  ; 
Philip,  11,55;  Richard,  158;  Rosetta  \\\-i>bart. 
274  ;  Thomas,  271,  274  ;  William,  271,  274,  280 

Dawson  (Dawsoun,  Dawsonne),  Alfred  Green, 
253  ;  Ann,  16,  17,  202  ;  Catherine,  72  ;  Edith 
Elizabeth,  254 ;  Frank,  252,  265  ;  Horatio,  251, 
252  (3),  253,  254,  278  ;  Horatio  John,  252 ; 
John,  153;  Joseph,  150;  Margaret,  60,  187, 
251,  252  (3),  253,  254,  278  ;    Margaret  Marv, 

251  ;    Marv,  150,  153  ;    Marmaduke,  72,   149  ; 
Robert,    16,    17   (2),    2o2  ;     Robert    Nelson, 

252  ;  Sarah,  76,  202,  265  ;  William,  16,  203  (2), 

Day  (Dey,  Deve),  Achsah,  267  ;    Gregory,  14  ; 

Hannah,   37,   110;     Marv,  37;     Robert,   14; 

Thomas,  37,  110,  19G 
Days,  Hannah,  219 
Deacon,    Arthur,    247 ;     Grace,    247 ;     Samuel, 

247(2);   Virginia,  247(2) 
Deakc,  Joseph,  265 
Dealaw,  Robert,  57 
Dean(l)eane),  Elizabeth,  184;  Giles,  213;  Ilenrv, 

280;   Henrv  Wicksteed,  137  ;   Jane,  137,  164'; 

John,  124  ;  Peter,  137  ;  Stephen,  164 
Dearden,  Sarah,  183 

Dearling,  John,  163  ;  Sarah,  163 

Dearn,  John,  152  ;  Sarah,  152 

Death.  Elizabeth,  55;  William,  55 

Deaton,    Elizabeth,    46 ;     Joseph,     46  ;     Sarah, 

dc  Beaulein,  Elizabeth,  69  ;  Isaac,  Chef  d'Antal, 

Debenham,  Ann,  214  ;  Sarah,  214 
De  Blois,  Blois,  204  ;  Mary,  204 
Decen,  Johu,  124 
De  Costa,  Mr.,  149 
de  Courcy,  James,  222 
Dedman.'Mary  Ann,  261 
Dedmarch.  Elizabeth,  220 
Dedufvelis  (Dudeaxellias),  Abraham,  17  (2).  18, 

93  (4)  ;  Mary,  93  (3) 
Dee,  Sarah,  159 
Deekes,  Frances,  214 
de  Gruchy,  Pp.,  208 
De  hewe,  Mr.,  90 

Dehowcke,  James,  56  ;  Margaret,  56 
Deighton,  Esther,  136,  184  :    George,  208  ;   Mar- 
garet, 136,  231;    Marv.    137;    Mr..   184,    190; 

Mrs.,  191  ;  Robert,  136,  137  (2),  18G 
De  la  Chaumette,  D.,  215 
De   la    Fontine    (Fountain),    Charles,    131    (3) ; 

Ellen  Ann,   17S;    Marv  Ann,   131   (3);  Mary 

Magdelene,  162  ;  Mr.,  162  ;  Mrs.,  162 
De    Laistres,   Charles   Alexander,   66 ;    Judith, 

Delander,  Eleanor,  163  ;  Nathaniel,  163 
Delano,  Sarah,  212 
Delans,  Henry,  212 
De  Laviuet,  Mary,  17S 
Delbrow,  Peter,  125 
Delewo,  Mr.,  87 
Delevlock,  Marv,  176 
Dem'ages,  Harriet,  216 
De  Masse  (Dcmaffe),  Alexander,  130, 174  ;  Aubin 

John,  130,  131  ;   Catherine,  130,  131;   Daniel, 

131,  176 
Demetryas  (Demetrias),  Daniel,  115  ;   Elizabeth, 

Dench,  Thomas,  184 
Deneles,  Abraham,  97 
Denham    (Denum),   Catherine,    25   (2),    26  (2), 

101;  Elizabeth,  31,  120;   John,  115;  Joseph, 

25,  26  (2),   29  (3),  31,   65,  100,  101  (3),  103, 

104,  105  :  (Rev.)  Joshua  Frederick,  278  ;  Marv, 

29,  31  ;    Mildred,   79  ;    Mrs.,   104  ;    Sidrach, 

26(2),  116;   — ,  100,  101 
Deuman,    Dorothv,   53 ;    Hannah,    268 ;    John, 

268  (2) 
Dcnney,    Caroline    Sarah,    274 ;    George,   274  ; 

Maria  Ann,  274 
Dennint,  Fannv  Mason,  278 ;  George  Frederick, 

278  ;  James  George,  278 
Dennis.  Marv.  71,  15S  ;  Sarah,  72,  149 
Dent,  Peter,  219  ;  Thomas,  116 
Dcutrey,  Mary.  161 

Deottyon,  Dorothy,  54  ;  Hippocrales,  54 
Deraffou  (De  Ka'ffou).  llaunah,  176;    Margaret, 

Derbridge,  Elizabeth,  151  ;  John,  151 
Dering,  Mary.  115 

De  Sausmarez.  Catherine,  211  ;  Martha,  211 
Dcsborough,  M..  214 
Dcschamp  (Descamps,    Deschamps),   Catherine, 

135,     173.     207;     Elizabeth     Tamzine,     144; 

Frances  Ann,  225,  226  (2) ;  Henrv  Prvcc,  226  ; 

lleury    Robert,     144;    John,    135,    142     (4), 



144  (2),  193,  207  (3),  213,  226,  235,  263  ; 
Margaret.  142,  144  (2),  207,  232;  Mr.,  186, 
191,    199;  Peter,    176,    184    (2),    189;    Snsan 

Mary,  119  ;  Tamzine,  135,  183  ;  Thomas  Peter, 

142,   195;    William    Edward,    225;    William 

Wentworth,  225.  226  (2)  ;  Walter  Wentworth, 

Devereux,  Lee,  222 

De  Villis,  Abraham,  21  ;  Catherine,  21  (2) 
Devon,  Sarah,  159 
Dey  (Deve),  see  Dav 
Dibley,  Elizabeth,  165,  206  ;  Joseph,  165 
Dicconson,  Elizabeth,  153 ;  Margaret,  89  ;  Peter, 

153;  Richard,  89 
Dickenson  (Dickinson,  Dickinsone,  Dickinsonne, 

Dickvnson,  Dikinson),  Ann,  58,  137,  138  (4), 

139(2),  140,  142(2),  143,  186,  198,  202  (2); 

Anna    Matilda,    257  ;    Catherine,    140,    194  ; 

Charles,  143,  234  ;    Dinah,  105  ;   Elizabeth,  18, 

93  ;  Pannv,  142  ;  George,  139  ;  Henry,  35  (2)  ; 

Jane,  4,  55  ;  John,  5,  58,  138  ;    Lemon,    18  ; 

Margaret,  7,  82  ;   Mary,  153  ;   Mr.,  91,  187  ; 

Philip,  3,  54  ;    Richard,  4  (2),  6,  7  ;    Robert, 

142,  153,  191  ;   Samuel,  139  ;    Sarah,  138,  202  ; 

Simon,  93  ;    Thomas,  6,  15,  18,  59,  90  (2),  93, 

94,  105  (2),  128,  172  ;  Walter,  4,  81  ;  William, 

3,  137  (2),  138  (3),  139  (2),  140,  142  (2),  143, 

186,  191,202,230;  Winifred,  5 
Dicker,  Ann,  272,   273;    Emmeline,   272,   273; 

Mary,  163  ;   Walter,  163  ;   William,  273 
Dickie,  Andrew,  213  ;    Ann,  213  ;    Margaret,  213 
Dickins,  Eleanor,  38  ;  Tomyns,  38  (2) 
Dickson,  John,  213  (3)  ;  Sarah,  213 
Digby,  Joseph,  209  (15),  210  (6)  ;  (Rev.)  Joseph, 

208  (11) 
Digeward,  Hester,  65 
Dillon,  Joanna,  222 
Dimmock,  John,  103 
Dingham,  Peter,  184 
Dinwoodie,  Susanna,  210  ;  Thomas,  210 
Dipple.  Ann,  219 
Disheri    Ann,    107  ;     Elizabeth,    72  ;    W.,    26 ; 

William,  33,  72,  106,  107 
Disney,  Mary,  265  ;  William,  265 
Disscll  (Disill),  Daniel,  2,  77  ;  John,  2 
Ditchburn,  Amelia  Henley,  267 
Dixie,  Elizabeth,  211 
Dixon,  Emma  Julia,  222  ;  (Rev.)  George,  166(2) ; 

Mary,  45,  120  ;    Rachel.  45,  120  ;    Ralph,  45  ; 

(Rev.),   163,   164;    Sarah,   151;    Simon,   151; 

Dobes,  Joan,  60 

Dobbins,  Bridget,  59  (2) 

Dobbs,  Henry,  270 

Dobree,  (Rev.)  N.  P.,  211 

Dobson  (Dobsonne),    Attwell,    217  ;    Charlotte, 

217  ;  Gerrard,  58  ;  Margaret,  58 
Docerdec,  — ,  123 
Dod    (Dodd),    Annis,    52;    Jane,    14;    Martha 

Herbert,  269  ;    Man-  Ann,  269  ;    Richard,  52  ; 

Samuel,  14  ;  William,  95,  269 
Dodford,  M.,  216 
Dodkings,  Sarah,  59 
Dodson,  Berry,  206  ;  Elizabeth,  120 
Dolby,  Charles,  201,  205  ;    Mary,  205  ;    William, 

Doldern  (Dolderne),  Ann,  42,  115,  116;  Henry, 

43,   117;    Mary,  42-44;    Sarah,  42,  44,  116, 

118  ;  William,  42,  43  (2),  44,  68,  114  (2) 
Doldren,    Ann,    41  ;     Mary,   41    (3)  ;     William, 

41  (2),  178 

Morrison,  156 
John,  267  ;   Susanna, 

Dolins,  Margaret,  201 

Dolland(DolIond),  Mary,  203;  Teter,  203  ;  Sarah 

Dollington,  Elizabeth,  39  (2)  ;  John,  39 
Dolphin,  Catherine,  19  ;  John,  20  (2) 
Dolson,  Mary,  209  ;  Thomas,  209 
Donaldson,  Adam,  240,  269  ;  Helen,  266  ;  John, 

266  ;  Joseph  Willbon,  246  ;   Mary,  246  ;  Mary 

Susanna,  269 
Dones,  Samuel,  192 
Dongworth,  Thomas,  203 
Donmoul,  Pereival,  81 
Donning,  Mr.,  102 
Dore,  Joan,  54 
Dorgood,  Elizabeth,  156  ; 
Dormay,  Elizabeth,  267  ; 


Dormer,  Ann,  203  ;  Thomas,  203  ;  Wynnyfrie,  54 
Dornelly,  Richard,  24  (5),  97  (2),  9S  (2)  ;    Sarah, 

Dorrell  (Dorrall,  Dorrel,  Dorrill),  Ann,  35,  36(3) 

37,  111  (2)  ;   Deborah,  204  ;    James,  36  (3),  37 

108,    111,    113,    117,    175  ;    John,    106,    117  ; 

Marmaduke,   35,    37,    10S,    118;    Mary,    113; 

Nicholas,  108  ;  — ,  120 
Dorvell  (Dorvill),  Ann,  116  ;  Dorothy,  170;  John, 

117  ;  Mr,  107  ;  — ,  107 
Douglas  (Douglass),   John,   210  ;     Mary,    45  ; 

Sarah,  210 
Douville,  Jean,  257 
Dove  (Douc,  Dowe),  Catherine,  6,  82;  Dorothy, 

64  ;  Elizabeth,  4,  79  ;  Helen,  5  ;  Joan,  3,  4,  79, 

80  ;  John,  2,  54,  79  ;  Margaret,  60  ;   Robert,  2, 

3(2),   4(3),  5(2),   6,  51,  79,   84;    Simon,  4; 

Thomas,  3,  81  ;  William,  5,  81  ;  — ,  51 
Dover,   Catherine,   281  ;     James,   281  ;    Louisa 

Mary,  266,  281  ;  William,  266,  281 ;  Margery,  51 
Dowding,  John,  201  ;  Susanna,  201 
Dowel  (Dowell),  Ann,  164  ;  Dorothy,  74  ;  Henry, 

Dowghlye,  Roger,  91 

Dowghtie,  Joan,  61 

Dowglass,  Alexander,  45  ;  Ann,  45 

Downam,  Dudley,  21,  22;    George,  21,  22    96- 

John,  22,  96  ;  Nathaniel,  21 
Downie,  Hugh,  261 
Downingo.  ISarnaby,  90 
Downs  (Downes),  Beatrice,  59  ;  Elizabeth,  134  ; 

Emanuel,  86  ;  John,  59  ;  Samuel,  134  ;  Sarah, 

134,  ISO  ;  William,  207 
Dowry,  Cathcriue,  54  ;  John,  54 
Dowse,  Isaac,  191 
Dowthwaite,  Elizabeth,  34  ;  Nicholas,  34  ;  Mary, 

34  " 

Doyle.  Mary,  218 
Drackshow,  Mr,  110 
Drake,  Lydda,  125 
Draper,  Mr,  184  ;  Susanna,  157 
Drayton  (Droyton),  Edward,  63  ;  Elizabeth,  43  ; 

Jane,    43,   63  ;    Joshua,    44  (2),    115,    119  ; 

Josiah,    42,    43  (3)  ;    Josias,   40  (3)  ;    Sarah, 

40(4),  42(2),  43,  44,  118 
Drew  (Drewe),  Ann,  216  (2) and  n.,  236  ;  Dorothy, 

54  ;  James,  236  ;  Martha,  167  ;  Mary,  110 
Drewry,  Hannah,  268  ;  Joseph,  268 
Dreyer,  (Rev.)  J.  D,  213 
Driscoll,  Samuel,  269,  270  ;  Sarah,  269,  270 
Driver,  Elizabeth,  211 
Drover,  Henry  Charles,  251  ;  James,  278;  Robert 

Henry,  251,  278;    R.  H,  279;    Sarah  Maria, 

251  ;  Sarah  Mary,  278 



Dnicc,  Alexander,  129  ;    Hannah,  129  ;   Robert, 

Drnett,  Ann,  65  ;  Henry,  65 
Drury,  Elizabeth,  115 

Duastell,  Henrv,  4S  ;  Jacob,  IS  ;  Susanna,  48 
Dubberley,  Ma'rv,  268 

Dubois,  Alice,  158  ;  John,  158  ;  Sarah,  148 
Dncc,  Cecilia,  91  ;  Paul,  91 
Ducket    (Duckett),    Elizabeth,   43;    Lvonel,    5; 

Stephen,  5  ;  William,  43  (2),  117 
Duckworth,  Elizabeth,  256 
Dudeaxcallias.  Mary,  17,  18  (2) 
Dudley  (Dudly),  Ann,  35  (2),  36,  37,  38  (2),  39, 

40  (2)  ;  Elizabeth,  38  ;  Frances,  40  ;  Francis, 

40  ;  Margaret,  38  ;    Martha,  201  ;    Marv,  37  ; 

Samuel,  35,  36,  37,  3S  (2),  39,  40  (2)  ;    Sarah, 

39;  Thomas,  36 
Duff,    Alexander,    277 ;    Elizabeth    Ann,    277  ; 

Archibald,  277  ;   Elizabeth,  277 
Duffield,   Elizabeth,  216;    Elizabeth    Ann,   216; 

John,  154  ;    Mary,  154 
Duffle,  Joseph,  219 
Duffy,  Edward.  217  ;  Jane,  217 
Duhorty,  Mr.,  183 
Dummer,  Jeremiah,  149 
Duncan,  Charles,  208  ;  Mary,  69  ;  Robert,  69 
Dnncomb,  Elizabeth,  154  ;  James,  154 
Duning,  Sarah,  233 
Dunn  (Dun,  Dunne),  Elizabeth.  151 ;  Grace,  201 ; 

Isabella,  237  ;  Marv,  70  ;  l'hillis,  202  ;  Thomas, 

151  ;  Thomas  Terry,  233 
Dunninge,  Elizabeth,  64 
Dnnwell,  Rebeccah,  157 
Dupny  (Dupney),  Anthony,  165  ;  Mary,  165 
Dupont,  Gourreau,  181 
Durbridge.  Jane,  155  ;  John,  155 
Durham,  Samuel,  216 

Durley,  Benjamin,  242  ;  John,  242  ;  Sarah,  242 
Duroure,  Susanna  Elisabeth,  163;  Francis,  163 
Dnrrant,  William,  78 
Dntry,  (Sir)  Dennis,  151 
Dutton,  Ann,  22  ;    Emma  Augustus  Drv,  253  ; 

Frank,  253  ;    George,  266  ;    Jane,  253  ;    Mary 

Ann,  266  ;  Roger,  22  ;  Sarah,  22 
Du    Veluz   (Duvcluz),    Abigail   Lee.    143,    215  ; 

David.   142,  143  (2),  191,  206,  211,  215,  234  ; 

David  Albert,   143,  215;   David   Henrv,    110; 

David  John  Albert,   140,   191  ;    John  "Albert, 

192  ;    David  Samuel  Henry,  141  (3)  ;    Fanny, 

215;    Frances  Marv,  141  ;    Louisa,  142,  194  ; 

Mr.,  192;    Peter  Emanuel,   141  ;    Sarah,   140, 

141     (3),     142,     143    (2),    195,    206;     Sarah 

Henrietta,  141,  215 
Duxvelles,  Abraham,  96;  Ann,  96;  Catherine,  96 
Dycto,  John,  84 

Dyer,  Ann,   162,  213;  Charles,  213;    Mrs.,  162 
Dyson,  Ann,  278,  279  ;    Charles,  263,  277—279  ; 

Jane,  277  ;    Mary  G.,  277  ;    Saruh  Mary,  278 

E ,  Lcttice,  77 

Ead,  see  Kde 

Fades,  Joan,  63  ;  Thomas,  63 

Eagle,  Mary,  219 

Earbye,  Christopher,  58  ;  Margaret,  58 

Eardiev,  Lvdia,  215 

Earlc,  Charlotte,  144  (2),  145,  195,  210,  2S8  ; 
Hannah,  134,  135  (4),  182,  191,  201  (2);  John, 
134,  135  (4),  144,  145.   182,  196,  204  (2),  210  ; 

Farley  (Erlv),  Frames,  166  ;  Judith,  61 
Earnshaw,    Ann,    192  ;     Caleb    Pearson,    193  ; 

Henrv,  192,  194 
Earthcoats,  Marv,  215  ;  Thomas,  215 
Eason,    Elizabeth,    92,    153,   208  ;     Helen,    17  ; 

Margaret,  94  ;  Michael,  17  (2),  94 
East    (Easte),    Catherine.    41  ;     Elizabeth,    74  ; 

Jane,  40  (2),  113  ;  William,  40,  41  (3),  114 
Eastman,  Henrv  Francis,  226  ;    Henry  William, 

226  ;  Mary,  226 
Easton,  Ellen,  103 
Eastrap,  Eleanor,  54  ;  John,  54 
Eastwood,  Marv  Ann,  221 
Eatcheson,  Mary,  123 
Eatharscay,  Frances,  112 
Eaton,  Ann,  32.  20S  ;  Charles,  230  ;  Dorothy,  32  ; 

George,  32  (2);   Gerald  James,  153;   Joseph, 

208,  209  ;  Judey,  32  ;  Margaret,  62  ;  Mary,  32, 

105  ;  Mr.,  105 
Eberat,  Charles.  36  (2) 
Eches.  Elizabeth,  72  ;  Daniel,  72 
Eddison,    Emily,    244  ;     Emma,    248,   249  (2)  ; 

Helen  Mary,  249  ;   John  Edward,  248  ;    Mary 

Ann,  243,  244,  246,  260  ;    Sophia,  243  ;   Susan 

Emma.  249  ;  William  Edward,  243,  244,  246, 

248,  249  (2)  ;  William  John,  246,  260 
Eddlestone  (Edlestone),  Charlotte,  210;   James, 

Eddowes.  Ann,  155 
Ede  (Ead),  Ann,  240  ;  Francis,  241,  264  ;  George, 

197;  Lydia.239,240.241,264;  Joseph,  239  (2), 

240,  241,  264  ;  Ra.,  209  ;  Samuel,  174 
Edgar,  Deborah,  193 
E.lgell,  Mary  Dorothy,  162 
Edington,  Mark,  265 
Edis,  Ann,  219 

Edlin,  George,  265  ;  Mary  Ann,  265 
Edmanes,  Rachel,  23  ;  Thomas,  23  (2) 
Edmons  Margaret.   100;    Mary,  91;    Mr.,  100; 

Simon,  91,  92  ;  Thomas,  100  ;  — ,  100 
Edmunds  (Edmondes,   Edmonds),   Ann,  14,  23  ; 

Elizabeth,    17,   19;    Giles,  71;    Luther,  265; 

Margaret,    19—21   (2),    23,    24   (3),    58,    60; 

Marie,   17  (2)  ;    Martha,    15  ;    Mary,   16  (2)  ; 

Robert,  22  ;   Sarah,  71,  265  ;  Simon,  14.  15(3), 

16,  17  (2) ;   Susan,  20,  153  ;  Sy.,  89  ;    Thomas, 

17,  19,  20,  21  (3),  23  (2),  24  (3),  60,   62,  92, 
95  (2),  97  (2) ;  William,  23 

Edowards,  Mary,  64  (2)  ;  William,  64 

Ediidgc,  Ann,  154  ;  Henry,  154 

Edward,  Marv,  160 

Edwards  ( Edwardes),  Alice  Maria,  253  ;  Ann,  1 53, 
195,  207,  214;  Anna  Maria,  147;  Catherine, 
61;  Daniel,  63;  Eliza,  280;  Elizabeth,  128, 
132  (2),  158,  199  ;  Ellen,  269  ;  Frances,  132  ; 
George,  147;  Henrv,  128;  H.,  202;  John, 
12S,  132  (3),  158,  ITS  (2).  219.  269  ;  Margaret, 
205  ;  Maria,  252-254  ;  Marie,  190;  Marv,  63, 
165,  202  ;  Marv  Ann,  252  ;  Miles,  214  ;  Mr., 
135, 150, 190  ;  l'etcr,  280  ;  Robert,  269  ;  Sophia, 
117;  Sv.,  58  ;  Thomas,  179  ;  Walter,  251  (2), 
203;  William,  95(2),  280;  William  Henry, 
252—254  (2) 

Edwin.  Jane,  16  1 

Edv,  Charles,  36  ;  Humphrey,  36,  37 ;  James,  37  ; 
Martha.  86,  87 

Egerlon,  (  ■bri-tian,  159  ;  John,  159 

EggletninEgleton),  Elizabeth,  122;  Jane,  116; 
Martha,  216;  Sarah,  170 



Elbery,  Alee,  5S  ;  Josias,  58 

Eldridge,  Elizabeth,  191  ;  Judith,  69 

Ele,  Ann,  54 

Elegatt,  George,  58  ;  Jane,  58 

Elers,  Ann,  163 

Eletson  (Elletson),  Constance,  11",';   Dorothy,  207 

Eley,  Charles  Joseph,  272;  Sophia,  272;  Thomas, 

Elgie,  Marv,  220 

Eliot  (Elliott,  Elyott),  Archibald,  160,  185 
Catherine,  71  ;  Edward,  62.  139  (4),  187 
Emma,  139  ;  Frances,  160.  179  ;  George,  87 
Jane,  237;  John,  216;  Kerenhappuch,  216 
Marsey,  62  ;  Sarah,  139  (3)  ;  Thomas,  237 
Varney,  198  ;  William,  139,  1S7 

Elizabeth,  Queen,  1  n  ,  91 

Elkin,  Ann,  62  ;  Robert,  62 

Ellahy,  (Rev.)  Francis,  243 

Ellet  (Eliot),  Martha,  167 

Ellill,  John,  135  ;    Margaret,  135  (2),  182  ;    Mr., 

Ellis  (Ellcs),  Ann,  65,  155  ;  Elizabeth,  210  ; 
Henrv,  149  ;  John,  37  (2),  39,  151  ;  Mary,  39, 
40,  64,  151,  152  ;  Phvllis,  151  ;  Rebecca,  37  ; 
Sarah  37  (3)  ;  Thomas,  39,  40  (2),  155 

Ellison,  Mary,  235 

Ellison,  Elizabeth,  72 

Elmar  (Ellmar),  — ,  13  ;  Edward,  13 

Elmes,  Elizabeth,  72 

Elsdell,  Ann,  266  ;  Elizabeth,  266 

Elsden,  Cooper,  278  ;  Mary  Ann,  278  ;  William 
Talbot,  278 

Elslev,  Easter,  267  ;  Henry,  267 

¥A\y",  Emma,  280  ;  Henrv,  280 

Elwill,  Ann,  66  ;  John,  66 

Emery,  Ann,  69  ;  Daniel  Morris,  222  ;  Harriet, 
275  ;  John,  275  ;  John  Norris,  275 

Emmett  (Emmit),  John,  148,  149  ;  Mary,  148 

Endersley,  William,  78 

Engel,  Ann,  200  ;  Elizabeth,  200  ;  Leonora 
Maria,  231 

Engelbach,  Gottlieb  Harriet,  216  ;  Lewis,  216 

En-land.  William,  104 

English,  Henry,  275  ;  John,  275  ;  Sarah,  275 

Enscoe,  David,  261 

Ensworth,  John,  221 

Epiphanie,  Silvanus,  10 

Epps,  Elizabeth  Frances,  279  ;  Read,  279 

Brratt,  Mary,  184 

Essington,  William,  84 

Etchener,  Ann,  32  ;  John,  32  ;  Penelope,  32 

Etherington,  Thomas,  209 

Euanes,  Ann,  20  ;  Richard,  20  (2) 

Euinnes,  Ann,  21 

Eustace,  Eustace  Augustus,  277  ;  Thomas, 
277  (2) ;  Thomasine  Frances,  277 

Evance,  John,  211  ;  Mary,  211 

Evans  (Evenes,  Eyans,  Evanes),  Alee,  21  ;  Ann, 
15  (2),  17  (2),  21,  22  (3),  93  (2),  95,  128,  161 
Elizabeth,  22,  64,  123,  128,  2<>5,  267  ;  Ephraim, 
208  ;  Evan,  65  ;  E.,  213  ;  Fisher,  211  ;  George 
69;  211  (2);  Harriet,  267  ;  Henry,  128  ;  Hester. 
17  ;  Jane,  21  ;  Joan,  53  ;  John,  128,  165,  205  : 
Kate,  128;  Mary,  73,  128,  151,  165,  211,  278 
Milcah,  16  ;  Mr.,  69  ;  Richard,  21  (4),  22  (2) 
95  (2),  278  ;  Robert,  21,  128  ;  Saint,  65  ;  Sarah. 
17  ;  Thomas,  15  (3),  16  (2),  17  (2),  53,  59,  64. 
90  (2),  91,  93,  161 

Evans,  alias  Jones,  Jane,  14  ;  Thomas,  14 

Eve,  Margaret,  75,  172  ;  Thomas,  172  ;  William, 

Everard  (Evarrad,  Everrard),  Charles,  37,  38  J 
John,  38  ;  Mary,  37,  38  ;  Philip,  37 

Everbere,  Ann,  52 

Eves,  Esther,  181  ;    George,  129  (2)  ;    Mary,  129 

Everitt  (Everet,  Evcrit),  Aim,  3;  Jane,  4;  Peter, 
3,  4 

Evitt,  Elizabeth,  157  ;  Samuel,  157 

Ewbank,  Rosetta,  264,  265 

Ewee,  Sarah,  57 

Ewer  (Ewar),  Alee,  55,  60  ;  Alice,  19,  20  (2),  21, 
105  ;  Ann,  206  ;  Edward,  21  ;  Elizabeth,  18,  63  ; 
Jane,  17  (2),  18,  93  (3)  ;  James,  206  ;  John, 
20,  93,  101,  104  ;  Marie,  17  ;  Marv,  20,  92,  100  ; 
Mr.,  26  ;  Nicholas,  98  ;  Richard',  17  ;  Rithart, 
93  ;  Samuel,  19  ;  William,  17  (2),  18  (1),  19, 
20  (2),  21,  55,  60,  92,  93  (3),  105,  107 

Exall,  Clara  Elizabeth,  250  ;  Henry  Joseph 
Holland,  250  ;  Sarah,  250 

Eyans,  Eyanes,  see  Evans 

Eyer  (Eyeres,  Eyers,  F^yre,  Eyres,  Eyris),  Ann, 
36—38,  40  (2),  41,  42,  150  ;  Beatrice,  40  ; 
Catherine,  42,  150  ;  Elizabeth,  64,  75  ;  Jane, 
36,  37,  150.  155  ;  Joseph,  64  ;  Luasev,  41  ; 
Mary,  114;  Robert,  36-38  (2),  40  (2),  4 1  ,"42  (2), 
67,116;   Sarah,  40;  Samuel,  170;   Widow,  155 

Fagg.  Elizabeth,  94  (2);  John,  94 

Fairbrother,  Mary,  151 

Faircloth  (Fairecloth),  Affable,  99  ;  Charles,  270  ; 
Elizabeth,  270 

Faier,  Clement,  78 

Eaierelough  (Fevrcloughe,  Fevreeloughe),  Affabel, 
16,59,91,92';  Ann,  92  ;  Dorothy,  56  ;  John, 

Fairham,  Sarah,  7G 

Famariss  (Famaris),  Henry  Douglas,  277 ;  John, 
277  ;  Mary  Ann,  277 

Fancourt,  (Rev.)  W.  L.,  258,  265 

Fancy,  George,  147  ;  Julia,  147 ;  Quashie,  147 

Fanman,  John,  201 

Fardinge,  George,  85 

Farley  (Farleye,  Early),  Abvgall,  19;  Ann,  17  ; 
Elizabeth,  22,  97  ;  Harriet,  269  ;  Humphrey, 
16,  17  (2),  18,  19  (2),  20  (2),  21,  22  (2),  62, 
91,  93,  94,  96,  97  (2) ;  James,  281  ;  James 
Samuel,  269,  270,  281  ;  James  Stephen,  281  ; 
Jane,  281  ;  Martha,  185;  Mary,  212;  Robert,  20, 
94  ;  Sarah,  16,  93,  97  ;  Susanna,  16,  17  (3),  18, 
19  (2),  20  (2),  21  (2),  22,  91,  93,  94,  97,  100; 
Thomas,  19,  91,  93  ;  William,  17,  20,  93 

Farmer,  Elizabeth,  128,  171;  Henry,  130,  174; 
Jane,  129;  John,  128,  172;  Maria  Martha, 
131,  175  ;  Mary,  128  (2),  129  (2),  130  (2), 
131  (2),  151,  191  ;  Rachel,  74  ;  Richard,  131, 
185  ;  Susanna,  111  ;  William,  128  (2),  129  (3), 
130  (3),  131  (2),  149,  151,  172,  174,  181 

Farnworth,  Mary,  156  ;  William,  156 

Farquharson,  James,  207 

Farrance,  Charles,  277  ;  Elizabeth,  277  ;  George, 

Farrell,  John,  275  ;  Sarah  Ann,  275  ;  William, 

Fairer  (Farrah),  Ann,  137,  184;  F:iizabeth, 
137  (4),  13S(2),  201,  186,  196  ;  Gertrude,  214  ; 
Jane,  47,  149  ;  J.,  47  ;  Joseph,  138,  186  ;  Mr., 
1S4  (2)  ;  Mrs.,  188  ;  Sarah,  47  ;  Sarah  Ann, 
137,  184  ;  William,  137  (3),  138  (2),  186,  187, 
201  ;  William  Ward,  138 



Farrers,  Mrs.,  140 

Farrow,  Jane,  149  ;  Joshua,  72  ;  Lydia,  72 

Fnrside,  James,  1 10 

Fattert,  Robert,  lOfi  ;  — ,  106 

Faucet  (Fancett,  Fansct,  Fosset).  Ann,  37  (2),  38, 
39  (2)  ;  Benjamin,  39  ;  Elizabeth,  39  ;  John, 
37,  111;  Mary,  113;  Robert,  38;  Richard, 
37(2),  38,  39(2),  111;  Thomas,  37  ;  Widow, 

Faunte,  Margaret,  59  ;  Samuel,  59 

Faure,  Anthony,  129  ;  Elizabeth,  129  ;  Jane,  178  ; 
John,  175;  Martha,  129 

Fawcett,  Mary,  2fil 

Fawkes  (Fauks),  Alfred,  240,  200  ;  Catherine, 
219  ;  Edward,  240;  Sarah  Shaw,  240 

Fayting,  (Rev.)  — ,  163 

Fead,  Dinah,  151  ;  Robert,  151 

Featley,  Robert,  281  ;  Selina,  281 

Fearon,  Dinah,  151 

Feeman,  Dorothv,  123 

Feffe,  Jane,  58  ;'  Nicholas,  58 

Feldwick,  Thomas  John,  222 

Fellowes,  Catherine,  106 

Felton,  Eliza,  242  ;  Francis,  242  ;  Henry,  65  ; 
Mary,  65;  Mary  Ann,  242 

Fen  (Fenn,  Fennc),  Elizabeth,  81  ;  George,  6  (2), 
9  (2),  82,  84  ;  Lucres,  82  (2)  ;  Martha,  6  ;  — ,  6 

Fenley,  Catherine,  58 

Fenner,  Elizabeth,  130  ;  John,  173,  237  ;  Thomas, 
130  (2) 

Fenton,  Mrs.,  90  ;  Roger,  86,  88 

Fernvhongh,  John  Francis,  248  ;  John  Robert, 
248  ;  Mary,  248 

Ferrars,  Joseph,  214 

Ferridge  (Furriedge),  Elizabeth,  270  ;  Henry, 

Ferris,  Elizabeth,  157  ;  John,  157  ;  Susan,  60 

Feme,  Frances,  153  ;  Isabel,  153 

Fetherstone,  Jane,  60  ;  Ralph,  60 

Fetts,  John,  65  ;  Susanna,  65 

Feveral,  Mr.,  182,  183(2) 

Ffolliott,  Augusta  Wynch,  259 

Ficher,  see  Fisher 

Fidgeon,  Jane,  237  ;  Thomas,  237 

Fidler,  Jane,  193  ;  Thomas,  197  ;  William,  19-4 

Field  (Feild),  Abraham,  140,  223,  230;  Ann, 
138,182,211(2);  Anna.  147  ;  Christopher,  81  ; 
Charles  Dyer,  272  ;  Clarissa,  147  ;  C,  236  ; 
Eleanor,  217;  Elizabeth,  147,  211,  213,  267; 
Francis,  139;  George,  136(2),  137(3),  138(3), 
139  (2),  140,  145  (3),  146  (2),  147(2),  183, 
186,  188,  196,  202,  203,  207,  211  (2),  223  (2), 
224  (2),  258  ;  Henry,  147,  259  ;  Honoria,  224  ; 
Isabel,  84;  James,  65,  145;  John,  137,  147, 
186,  188,  212  (3).  213,  230,  234  ;  Joseph,  138, 
195;  J.,  236;  Louisa,  272;  Mary,  65,  136, 
137  (2),  138  (4).  139  (2),  140,  145  (2),  146  (2), 
147  (2),  198,  207,  211  (2),  212  (2),  223  (2), 
224(2),  260;  Mary  Ann,  146  ;  Mrs,  184(2); 
Sarah,  146,  198,  2115;  Simon,  139;  William, 
224  ;  William  Cornelius,  223  ;  W.,  213 

Fielder,  Elizabeth,  152 

Fielding,  Barbara  Sarah,  227  ;  Frances  Street, 
227  ;  James,  227  ;  John,  272  ;  Sarah,  272 

Figgins,  James,  184;  Sarah,  131  (2),  175  j 
Thomas,  131 

Filepes,  see  Phillips 

Fillcul,  Jane,  172 

Finch,  Carolina,  67;  Charles,  255;  Charlotte, 
255;  Frances,  63;  John,  lul  ;  Mary  Ann.  255  : 
Susanna,  65 

Finlay  (Finlev),  Dr.,  155(2),  156(2)  ;  Elizabeth, 

211  ;  Francis,  211,  238  ;   Mr.,  151  (2)  ;  (Rev.), 

Finnev,  Archibald,  165  ;  Sarah,  165 
Fiott," Edward,  208  ;  John,  208 
Firmin,  Catherine,   17S  ;    Henrietta  Maria,  178  j 

Mr.,  178 
Fish  (Fishe),  Cornelius,  57  ;  Elizabeth,  65  ;  Jane, 

Fisher  (Ficher,  Fvcher),  Alice,  35  (3)  ;  Ann,  109, 

165.   213,   265;    Caleb,    282;    Elizabeth,   36; 

Fiances  Elizabeth,  282  ;    Hannah,  148  ;    Jane, 

211  ;    John,  86,  37  (2),  66,  108,  109,  110  (2), 

111,117,213,282;    Judah,  63  ;    Lennord,  51  ; 

Margery,  57;  Mary,  36,  37(2),  110(2),  155; 

Nicholas,    271;     Robert,    63;     Susanna,    35; 

Thomas,  51  ;  William,  35  (2)  ;  — ,  108 
Fitch,  Eliza,  249  ;  Emma,  249  ;  Henry,  249 
Fitchen,  Margaret,  75  ;  Robert,  75 
Fitch-Lamprell,  Anna  Maria,  250  (2)  ;   Charles, 

250  and  n. 
FitzGerald,  Elizabeth.  249  (3),  274  (2)  ;   Maria 

Ann,  249  (2),  274  ;  William,  249 
FitzJames,  Eleonor,  99  ;  Mrs.,  110 
Fitzpatriek.  Eliza,  258 
FitzWarton,  George,  23  (2) ;  Marv,  23 
Fiverall,  Robert,  203 
Flanagan  (Flnnigan),  Elizabeth,  268  ;  Flora,  268  ; 

Friscilla,  26S  ;  William,  268 
Flaucll,  John,  41 
Flavcl  (Flavcll),  Elizabeth,  48,  49,  66  ;    Gerrard, 

48;    John,  48,  49,  121;    Martha,  41  (2),  49; 

Mr.,  119  ;  Sarah,  123  ;  William,  123 
Flaxman,  John,  210  (2)  ;  Mary,  210 
Fleetwood,  Frederick,  271 
Fletcher  (Flccher),  Ann,  218  ;  Elizabeth,  53,  63  ; 

George,  207  ;  John,  221  ;  J.,  218  ;  Marv,  109  ; 

Martha,    71,   207;    Mary,    207;    Thomas,  63; 

William,  209 
Flexmore,  Mary,  63 
Flight,    Ann,     251  ;     Frances,     251  ;     Matilda 

Catherine,   250,    251    (2),   252   (2);     Octavia, 

252  ;    Septima,   252  ;    Sophia,   250 ;    Thomas, 

250,  251  (2) 
Floate.  Anna.  265  ;  James,  265 
Flood  (Flodd,  Fludd),  Ann,  58;    Barbara,   59; 

Charles,  22;  Elizabeth,  22  ;  GrifTen,58;  John, 

22  ;  Sarah,  15.     See  also  Flude 
Flower,  Mary,  156 
Fluwcrbv,  Hannah,  161 
Floyd,  Ann,  26  ;   Charles,  26,  27  ;  Elizabeth,  26, 

27  ;  Esther,  27  ;  Jacob,  174  ;  Mr.,  102 
Flude  (Floudd,  Floude),  Charles,  22,  23  ;   Easter, 

94  ;   Edward,  15,  90  ;   Elizabeth,  22,  23  ;  John, 

94  ;  Sarah,  90  ;  Susanna,  22 
Fludger,  Thomas,  202 
Flyde,  John,  102  ;  Marie,  102 
Fogg,  Daniel,  67 
Foliot,  John,  278 
Follerv,  Mary,  110 
Follord,  John,  271 
Fonncreau     (Foncrean,     Fouereux),     Elizabeth 

Frances,  156;    Margaret,   171 
Foiirt,  Benjamin,  155;   Mary,  155 
Forbes,  (Sir)  Francis,  129  ;  James,  188 
Ford,    Ann,    132  ;     Marv,    204  ;     Roger,    78  ; 

Susanna,  132,   176;    William,  132 
Fordham    (Forduni,    Forednm),    Elizabeth,    38, 

117;    John,    102  j      Nicholas,    124;      Ralph, 

111  ;    William,  38(2),  111,  111;    — ,  102 
Forist,  George,  53  ;  Margery,  53  (2) 



Eorraan,  Sarah,  101 

Forrest,  Sophia  Harriet,  275  ;  William,  275 

Eorssett    (Forseett),    Ann,    41  ;     Debrha,    41 

Richard,  41 
Forster,  Benjamin,  132;  Benjamin  Meggott,  139 
Catherine,     190  ;      Catherine    Furney,     139 
Dorothy,  131,  132  (2),  133,  186  ;   Edward,  137 
138(2),  139(2),  187,219;  Edward  Forney,  13S 
186  ;  Elizabeth,  132  ;  Joseph,  220  ;   Marie,  59 
Martha  Farley,  185  ;     Mary,   156  ;    Mr.,  162 
165  ;  Mrs.,  162  ;   Richard,  133  ;    Susanna,  137 
138  (2),    139  (2)  ;     Susanna    Dorothy,    137 
Thomas,  131,  132  (2),  133, 186  ;  Thomas  Furly, 
131,138.     See  also  Foster 
Fort,  Elizabeth,  158 
Forthe,  Sarah,  185 

Fortune,  Bridget,  267  ;  Elizabeth,  267 
Foster,  Abraham,  132  ;   Dorothy,  73  ;    Elizabeth, 
58,   204  ;    Ellen,   66  ;   Hester,  25  (2)  ;    (Rev.) 
Henry,  211  ;   John,  66  ;   Mr.,  100,  179  ;    Mrs., 
185  ;   Mary,  132  ;   Peter,  73  ;   Richard,  42  (2), 
43(2),  132;  William,  25,  108.    See  also  Forster 
Fosset  (Fossett),  Ann,  42  (3),  43  ;  Deborah,  115  ; 
Elizabeth,  42  ;  James,  42;  Mary,  42, 114;  Sarah, 
42  ;  Thomas,  116 
Fossey,  Dorothy,  150  ;  Mrs.,  150 
Fouerenx,  see  Fonnereau 

Fountain       (Fontain,        Fontaine,       Fountaine, 
Fownteyn),    Alee,    27   (2),    28 ;     Ann,    132 ; 
Barnard,    58  ;     Benjamin,    28  ;    Bridget,   58  ; 
Charles,   132  (2) ;    Dorothy,  27 ;    Ellen    Ann, 
132  ;    Mary  Ann,  132  (2)  ;    Mary  Magdalene, 
131  ;    Samuel,  27,  131  ;    Samuel  Henry,  175  ; 
Thomas,  27  (2),  28 
Fouter,  Robert,  106  ;  — ,  106 
Fowler  (Foulor),  Ann,  54,  61,  203  ;  Edward,  70  ; 
Elisha,  203  j  Francis,  54  ;  Janet,  274  ;  Joshua, 
274  j  Mary,  70,  71  ;  Sarah,  279  ;  Thomas,  61 
Fowles,  Mr.,  73 
Fox,    Margaret,    78  ;     Sarah,    235,    267,    274  ; 

Thomas,  233  ;  — ,  274 
Foxley,  (Rev  )  Thomas,  163 
Foxwell,  Martha,  197 
Frame,  Ann,  155  ;  Joseph,  155 
Frampton,  Jane,  62 
Franchet,  Francis,  264 
Francis,  Ann,  68  ;  John,  68 
Frank  (Francke,  Franke),  Charles,  21  ;  Jane,  21  ; 

John,  4,  21  ;  Mr.,  69  ;  Tobias,  4 
Frankland,  Eliza,  251  (3)  ;   Henry  Thomas,  251  ; 

John,  251  (4) 
Franklin     (Francklin,    Francklyne,    Frankling, 
Franklvn),  Ann,  162  ;    Catherine,  56  ;   George, 
216  ;  Henry,  102  ;   Hester,  67  ;  John,  72,  238  ; 
Mary,  72,  75,  216;  Richard,  70;  Sarah,  70,  214  ; 
William,  149 
Franzen,  Hannah,  137  ;  James,  137  (2) 
Fraser  (Frazer),  Mary,  209  (2)  ;  Thomas,  209  ; 

William,  274 
Fratras,  Cardin,  20  ;  Elizabeth,  20  (2) 
Freeland,  Henry,  265  ;  Isabella,  265 
Freeling,  Emilia  Henrietta,  235  ;   James  William 

Rivers,  256  ;  Richard  Pennington,  257 
Freeman,   Ann,    130;     Anthony,    130;     Daniel, 
281  ;    Ellen,  85  ;    Elizabeth,  49  (2)  ;    George, 
43  ;  Hannah,  161 ;   Isabella,  281  ;  Joanna,  43  ; 
Mr.,  161  ;  Nathaniel,  130  ;  Ralph,  49  ;  Richard, 
49;    Sarah,  43,  161 ;    Thomas,  161;    William, 
Freemont,  Elizabeth,  230 
Freese,  Amelia  Ann,  208 ;  Frederick,  268 

Freeston  (Freestone),  John,  108,  113 ;  Mary,  112 

Freger,  Ann,  54 

Freek  (Freke),  Elizabeth,  74;   Jane,  162;   John, 

74  ;  William,  162 
Fremeaux,  James,  201 
French,  G.,  257  ;  Moses,  122 
Frencham,  Marv,  158 
Fretwel  (Fietwell,  Frettwell),  John,  23;    Marie, 

24  ;   Mary,  23  (3),  97  (2) ;   Robert,  23  (2),  24, 

Friar  (Frier,  Fryar,  Fryer),  Alice,  81  ;    Clement, 

1,  2  (3),  3,  81,  83  ;    Edward,  79  ;    Elizabeth,  1, 

54,  57  (2)  ;     Emanuel,  2,  80  ;    John,    3,  79  ; 

Margery,  57  ;  Mary,  2,  57  ;  Robert,  1,  2  (2),  SO, 

82  ;  Simon,  2  ;  Thomas,  1,  80 
Frith,  (Rev.)  John,  211,  238  (4),  256;   Sarah, 

Froggatt,  Achsah,  267  ;  Samuel,  267 
Froom,  Rose,  278  ;  William,  278  (2) 
Frost,  Isaac,  164  ;  John,  200 ;  Mary,  164 
Frov,  Marv  Frances,  238 
Fruellyn,  John,  78 
Fryar  (Fryer),  see  Friar 
Frye,  Palmer,  112 
Fuggle,  Ann,  67  ;  Francis,  67 
Fullbrook,  John,  215 
Fuller,  Ann,  169  ;  John,  158,  208,211  ;  Marriott, 

157  ;  Mary,  157,  158,  20S  ;  Mr.,  116  ;  — ,  116 
Fullwood  (Fulwood,  Fulwoode),  Alice,  51,  85; 

Matthew,   3  ;    Martha,   55  ;    Richard,   3,  79 ; 

William,  3  (2),  51,  85  (2) 
Furley  (Furly),  Edward,   137;    Elizabeth,   182; 

Martha,  137;  Susanna,  137 
Furman,  Elizabeth,  134,  179;  Grace,  133,  134  (3), 

178,  179,  190  ;  John,  133  (2),  134  (3),  178  (2), 

189 ;  Mary,  134,  204  ;  Mr.,  184  ;  Thomas,  134, 

Furney,  Susanna,  219 
Furnis(Furnes,  Furnice),  Elizabeth,  36;  Hannah, 

37  ;   John,  36,  109 ;    Mary,  37,  38 ;    Richard, 

36(2),  37,38(2),  109,110 
Fushingham,  Charles,  175 
Fwanzen,  James,  202 
Fycher,  see  Fisher 
Fyffed,  Alee,  58 
Fyfield,  Sarah,  157  ;  William,  157 

G ,  J.,  274 

Gage,   Bridget,   71 ;    Robert  C;csar,   71  ;    (Sir) 

William.  148 
Gailor,  Christopher,  88 
Gaisford,  E.,  213  ;  William,  213 
Galant,  John,  240 ;  Sarah,  210 ;  Sarah  Frances, 

240,  257 
Gale,  Mary,  68 

Galiegue,  Elizabeth,  261  ;  George,  259 
Gallop,  Joan,  63 
Gallsan,  E.,  216 
Gambier,  Elizabeth,  171 
Games,  Isaac,  280  ;  Susanna  Lucretia,  280 
Gamon,  Dinah,  155  ;  John,  155 
Gamul,  Mr.,  153 
Ganning,  Jeremiah,  176 
Gantlet  (Gantlett),  Ann,  39, 113;  Jane,  108;  John, 

37  ;  Jonathan,  32  (2),  34  (2),  36,  37,  39,  40,  105, 

100,  108,  114;    Mary,  105;    Philip,  40,  114; 

Sarah,  32,  34,  36,  37,  39,  40  ;  — ,  106 
Gaibrand,  Margaret,  75 



Gardiner     (Gardener,     Gardner),     Ann,     210  ; 

Dorotbv,  68  ;  Edward  Patcison,  282  ;  Elizabeth, 

282  ;  Francis,  34  ;  John,  2  ;   Margaret,  34,  82  ; 

Marv,    34;    Richard,    B6j     R„    215;    Sarah, 

205  ;   Thomas,  7S  ;    Thomas   Paterson,   282  ; 

William,  2 
Garland,  E.,  217;  J.,  217 
Garner,  Ed.,  202;  Mary,  7C 
Garnsbv,  Sarah,  18(1 
Garrad  (Garrard),  Benjamin,  272 ;  Elizabeth,  199; 

John,   173,   272;    Marv,   272;    Priscilla,   150; 

Samuel,  87  ;    Sarah,  272  ;    (Rev.)  S.  G.,  202  ; 

Thomas,  150 
Garret,  Elizabeth,  16  (2)  ;  George,  1G 
Garrood,  see  Garwood 
Garrow,  (Rev.)  David,  1C4  ;  Sarah,  1C4 
Garton,  Thomas,  98 

Garwood  (Garrood),  Sarah,  203  ;  William,  203 
Gascoign  (Gaschoine.  Gascoine,  Gascoyn),  (Dr.), 

74,  149,  151  ;  Elizabeth,  176;  Mr.,  151;  Mrs., 

151  ;  Theodosia,  151 
Gasson  (Glasson,  Glassone),  Elizabeth,  155,  270; 

John,  221  (2),  270 
Gater,  Clara,  273  ;  — ,  273 
Gates,  Elizabeth,  65,  72  ;    Eliza  Pleasance,  253 ; 

(Mother),  82;  Thomas,  65,  100;   William,  72; 

William  Newell,  253  ;  William  Thomas,  253 
Gattey,  Joseph,  167  ;  Sarah,  167 
Gawdien,  Elizabeth,  69 
Gawthorne     (Gathorn,      Gathornc,     Gauthorne, 

Gavtherne,   G  aw  thorn,  Gawtherne,  Gothorne). 

Ann,  10,  22,92,  94, 9S;  (Cant.),  100;  Elizabeth, 

16—19,  87,  92,  93,  96  ;  Harriet,  67  ;  Hester,  18, 

19,  93,   100;   Jaue,  33;   John,   10(3),  11,  13, 

57  (2),  87  (3),  92;   Jonathan.  10,  16—23,  62, 

92  (2),  93,  95,  96,  98  ;   Mary,  21,  33,  97,  121  ; 

Martha,  22,  96  ;  Mr.,  97  ;  Nathaniel,  17,  20.  33, 

110;    Patience,  11;   Rebecca,  10;    Sarah,  18, 

21  ;  Timothv,  23 
Gawtrye,  William,  54  ;  Winuifred,  54 
Gear,  Sarah,  266 
Gearing,   John,    227  ;    Mary,   227  ;    Mrs.,    137  ; 

Sarah,  227 
Gee,  John,  94,  196 
Geery,  Charles,  67  ;  Hester,  67 
Geldard,  Edward,  204 
Gelinck,  Isaac,  68  ;  Marv,  68 
Cell,  Elizabeth,  118 
Gem,  Mary,  264 
Gentel  (Gentil).  Ann,  142;  Elizabeth,  142;  John 

Henry,  142;  Mr.,  190 
George,  Alfred,  252— 254;  Auralina,  148;  Charles 

Horatio,  252  ;    Christiana,  252—254  ;   George, 

181  ;  Ilcnrv,  243  ;  Henry  Owen,  243;  John.  83; 

Rebecca,  243  ;    Samuel  Alfred,  253  ;    Thomas 

Julian,  254 
Gerlinglon     (Geerlington),     Antony,     12    (2); 

Edward,  12  ;  Susan,  12 
Gerran,  Marget,  122 
Gerrard   (Gerard),   Ann,    119;     Gilbarta,    152; 

Gilbert,  9(2);  William,  233 
Gettines,  John,  46  (2)  ;  Margaret,  46 
Getting,  John,  149 
Ghiselin,  Sarah,  180 
Qhoate,  Ann,  55  ;  Francis,  55 
Gian,  Thomas,  109 
Gibbard,  Joyce,  180 
Gibbert,  William,  I.s5 
Gibbons  (Oilibins),  Charles,  39;    Clarissa,  226; 

David  Lincoln,  226,  234  ;  David  Octavius.  229  ; 

Edward  Augustus,  225-227,  229  (2),  239,  240, 

261  ;    Elizabeth,  39  (2)  ;    Ellen,  62  ;    George, 

227;   John  Alfred,  240;   Joshua,  160;  Maria 

Rozetta,  225;   Martha,  239,  240  ;   Mary  Orgar, 

225-227.229(2);  Matutina,  239  ;  Robert,  211; 

Sarah.  160;   Septimus,  229,  258  ;   William,  209 
Gibborn,  Mr.,  38 
Gibbs  (Gibbes),  Ann,  236  ;  Edward,  236  ;  Esther 

Ann,  236;  Michael,  vii,  Pt.  11  ;   Sybil,  60 
Gibson,  Ann  Marv,  69  ;   William,  69 
Gigner,  Ann,  136 "(2),  137,  1S8,  206(2) ;  Francis, 

136,  137,  188,  206  ;  Martin,  206  ;  Thomas,  137 
Gilbe,  Thomas,  122 
Gilbert    (Gilbart),    Alithea,     159  ;     Ann,     54  ; 

Caroline,   227;    Edward,    159;    James,    204; 

Jane,   273;   John,   202,  227;   Margaret,   237; 

Maria,  227;  Mr.,  150(2) 
Gilborn  (Gilbouru.  Gilbourne,  ( lillb.irn),  Edward, 

120;    Elizabeth,   119;    Eydia,  114;    Pcrcival, 

117;  — ,  118 
Gilbum,  Ann,  124  ;  William,  171 
Gilchrist,  Charles,   250;    Elizabeth,  250;    Mary 

Ann,  250  (2)  ;  Matthew,  250  (2) 
Gildon,  Jonathan,  92  ;  Patience,  92  ;  William,  92 
Giles  (Gilles),  Ann,  272  ;    Elizabeth  Ann,  277  ; 

Henrv  John,  277  ;  John,  277;  Sarah  Ann,  267  ; 

William,  267 
Gill,  Benjamin.  149  ;    Edward,  201  ;    Jane,  201  ; 

Sarah,  159;  William,  207  (2) 
Gillard,  William,  78 
Gillbank,  Frances,  152 
Gilliam,  Joan,  53 
Gillis,  Mary,  213 
Gilloch,  Frederick,  271  ;   Isabel,  271  ;   Margaret, 

Gilman,  Silvester,  81 
Gingcll,  George,  184 
Ginkinson,  Philip,  79 
Girle,  Henry,  201  ;  Mr.,  166 
Girome,  Dun  Anthony,  86 
Gittins  (Gittiug,  Gittons),  Ann,  127,  170  ;   Anna 

Margareta,  127;   James,  174;    John,  127(2); 

Margaret,  127  (2),  180 
Gladding,  George,  218  ;  Mary,  218 
Glandfcild,  Walter,  97 
Glasson,  Glassone,  see  Gasson 
Gledill  (Glaydell,  Glidcll),  Edward,  2;  Elizabeth, 

2  ;     John,    3  ;     Margaret,   3  ;     Reynold,   78  ; 

Richard,  78 
Glcene,  Marv,  75 
Glen,  E.,  137  ;  (Lady)  Elizabeth,  137  (3)  ;  (Sir) 

Richard,   137  (3)  and  n. ;    Richard   Carr,  137 

and  n. ;  Thomas,  137 
Glcmlinuing,  Emma,  258 
Glennie,  Jane,  G.,  198,  238  ;  Thomas,  238 
Gload,  Benjamin,  75  ;  Elizabeth,  75 
Glover,  Henry,  71  ;  John,  221  ;  Susan,  71 
Goate,  Alexander,  198 
Goater  (Goter),  Henry,  131  (2),  132,  175;    Jane, 

131,  132  181;  Martha,  205;  Mr.,  133;  Robert 

Bonstick,  132 
Gobbett,  Susanna,  267 
Gobel,  I  lorinn.  174;   Henry.  174 
Goddard  (Goddcard),  Llizabeth,  214;  John,  214; 

Mirabel,  152;   Sarah,  236  ;  Susanna,  72 

Godde,  Louisa.  166 
(ioddel,  Sarah,  124 

Godden  (Qoddon),  Ann,  206  ;   John,  154  ;   Marv, 
164  :  Thomas,  806.     Sat  also  Godin 

Godfrey    (Godfrav),   George,    156;    Jane,   220; 

Mary,  156;  Sarah,  208 
Godin,  Elizabeth,  137 ;  James,  137 ;  Martha,  137 



Godlve,  Elizabeth,  55 

Godsall  (Godscall,  Godschall,  Godsell),  Ann, 
24— 2fi;  James,  25;  Jane,  118;  John,  2-1— 26, 
116  ;  Richard,  26fi  ;  Robert,  24  ;  William,  26 

Godwin,  Godwen,  see  Goodwin 

Golbedge,  Mary,  61 

Golding,  Henry,  215  ;  William,  215 

Goldman,  Kichard,  90 

Goldsmith  (Gouldsmith,  Gouldsmithe),  Dinah, 
259;  Elizabeth,  55  ;  Frederick,  271  ;  Margaret, 
271  ;  Susanna,  153 

Gom,  Alice,  118;  Martha,  148 

Goodall  (Goodhall),  John,  194;  Mary,  2S0 ; 
Robert,  280;  Sarah,  2S0 ;  Stephen,  280; 
William,  280 

Gooddjerd,  Lucie,  157 

Goodenough,  Sarah,  67 

Goodes,  Elizabeth,  222,  271  ;  Sarah,  271  ;  Sarah 
Elizabeth,  271 

Goodgroom,  William,  149 

Goodhew,  George  Benjamin.  259  ;  Philip,  259 

Gooding  (Goodinge),  Abraham.  211  ;  Elizabeth, 
33,56;  George,  56;  James,  33(2);  Sarah, 211 

Goodman,  Edmund,  167  ;  Mary,  167;  Susanna, 

Goodridge  (Good ledge), Franncollvnc,  5S;  George, 
282  ;  James,  282  ;  Mary,  282 

Goodsher.  Henry,  122 

Goodske,  Edward,  123 

Goodwin  (Godwen,  Godwin,  Goodwine,  Goodwyn), 
Ann,  73, 165  ;  Anna,  205;  Bridget,  76;  Edward, 
242  ;  George,  10  ;  Hcnrv,242  ;  James,  90;  John, 
10,  85  ;  Mary  Ann,  242  ;  Robert,  106  ;  Sarah, 
206;  S.,  217;  Thomas,  73;  W.,  147,  214, 
215  (2),  223,  224  (2),  230,  231  (2)  ;    — ,  85,  106 

Goodver  (Goodyere,  Goodyore),  Ann,  42 ; 
Christopher,  42  ;  Edward,  39  ;  Elizabeth,  43, 
44(3),  45,  46,  4S,  176;  Frances,  40;  Gwvn, 
41  ;  Henrv,  4S  ;  Joseph,  105,  107  ;  Martha,  44, 
46,  118  ;  Mary,  38—43,  116,  Moses,  101  ;  Mr., 
105;  Robert,  38—46,  48,  175;  Sarah,  43; 
Thomas,  45,  115  ;  William,  43;  — ,  107 

Goolden,  Mrs.,  236 

Goore,  see  Gore 

Goose,  Elizabeth,  52 

Goray,  Nicholas,  106 

Gordge,  (Sir)  Arthur,  12  ;  Frances,  12 

Gordon  (Gorden),  Alexander,  70;  Avise,  70; 
Catherine,  210;  Elizabeth,  70;  Jane,  210; 
Peter,  70 

Gore  (Goore),  Arthur,  4,  79  ;  Edward,  4  ;  Ellen, 
8  ;  Garret,  3  (2)  ;  Hester,  65  ;  Margaret,  2, 
53,  78  ;  Mary,  10  ;  Paul,  4  ;  Ralph,  3  ;  Robert, 
3,  79  ;  Susan.  54  ;  Thomas,  2,  8,  10,  54,  78,  83, 
85;  William,  10;  — ,  4 

Gorst,  Judith,  151  ;  Richard,  151 

Gorsnch  (Gorsuche,  Gossedge),  Ales,  53;  Avis, 
80  ;  Daniel,  4  ;  Frances,  3  ;  Gabriel,  4,  80 ; 
William,  3,  4  (2),  80,  81 

Gort,  Margery,  52 

Gorton,  Elizabeth  Travis,  269;  Sarah,  272; 
Thomas,  272 

Gosling,  Charlotte,  264 

Gosnoll,  Elizabeth,  78 

Gossedge,  see  Gorsuch 

Gothorne,  see  Gawthorne 

Gotobed,  Elizabeth,  1.9  ;  William,  69 

Gottlieb,  Andreas,  147,  209,  233;  Andrew,  143 — 
145,  224  ;  Elizabeth,  143—145,  147,  209,  224, 
231  ;     Frances,    147  ;     Hannah,    224 ;     Mary 
Catherine,  144  ;  Sophia,  145,  197 
VOL.  II. 

Gould,  Abraham,  267;  Charlotte  Ann,  213; 
Elizabeth,  267  ;  Thomas,  112  ;  (Rev.)  William, 

Goulding,  Elizabeth,  68  ;  Richard,  68 

Gnuldsmith,  Gouldsmithe,  see  Goldsmith 

Gonllet.  Arthur  Charles.  265  ;  Maria,  265 

Gonse,  Thomas,  98 

Gout,  Frances,  206  ;   Ralph,  206 

Gowdie,  Mary,  208  ;  Walter,  20S 

Gower,  Susan,  54 

Grace,  Darke,  62 

Grafton,  Anthony.  208 

Graham,  Ann,  232  ;  Anna  Maria,  217  ;  (Rev.)  J., 
262  (2),  275  (6) 

Grainge,  Elizabeth,  126  ;  John,  126  ;  Lettice,  61  ; 
Lucy,  126 

Grainger  (Granger).  John,  51  ;  Marv,  137;  Mr., 
188;  Thomas,  137;  William,  137";  — ,  51 

Grant,  (liev.)  Frederick,  268;  George,  141; 
Mary,  141;  S.,  205  ;  William,  141 

Grantham,  Mary,  (IS 

Grantum,  Humphrie,  23  ;  James,  23  ;  Mary,  23 

Grave,  Ann,  271  ;  Joseph,  271 

Graves,  Jane,  211  ;  Mabel,  62  ;  Sarah,  269 

Gray  (Grey),  Ann,  24,  153;  Bartholomew,  24 
Bridget.  210(3);  Daniel  John,  276  (2) ;  Donald 
246,  247,  269  ;  Edward,  70  ;  Elizabeth,  75 
Elizabeth  Ann,  281 ;  Helen  Isabella,  246 
Jane,  70  ;  John,  153,  159  ;  Joyce,  24 
Margaret.  246,  247,  269  ;  Margaret  Ann,  247 
Marv,  159,  206  ;  Mary  Ann,  276  ;  Mrs.,  183 
Robert,  75;  Sarah.  206,  210;  Susanna,  210  (2) 
William  Robert,  2S1  ;   William  Wilson,  281 

Grays,  Bartholomew,  9S  ;  — ,  98 

Greathead,  Francis,  177;  Judith,  173;  Mary. 

Greathen,  Joan,  91  ;  Thomas,  91 

Green  (Greene,  Greine,  Grene),  Abraham,  280 
Ales,  56;  Alice,  158;  Ann,  91  ;  Ann  Catherine 
252,  253  (2) ;  Annis,  51  ;  Arthur,  253  ;  Bennett, 

11,  59  ;  Christian,  11,  54,  96  ;  Christopher,  63 
Edward.  156  ;  Elizabeth,  9,  69,  75,  85,  156 
Emily  Louisa,  252  ;  Emma,  2S0  ;  Esther,  267  . 
Francis,  158;  Henrv,  11  ;  Honour,  54;  James! 

12,  92,  177 ;  Jane,  12,  60,  63  ;  John,  9,  12,  87 
Joshua,  142;  Lawrence,  10  (2),  11  (2),  U 
58(2),  85,  87;  Louisa,  142  (2) ;  Margaret,  8. 
11,  57,  59  ;  Martha,  69  ;  Mary,  12.  58,  67.  203, 
280  ;  Phcebe,  261  ;  Reynold,  v,  Pt.  I,  8—12! 
54,  57,  60,  87,  92  ;  Richard,  85,  253,  280,  281 
Richard  Smith.  252.  253  (2) ;  Samuel,  114,  280 
Sarah,  9,  11,  85(2),  166,  177;  Thomas,  11 
— ,  87.  91 

Greenfield,   Henry,   279;     Henry   Edward,    279 

Sarah  Rebecca,  279 
Greenhill  (Greenhil),  David,  177  ;  Elizabeth,  174 

John,  173;  Miriam,  176 
Greening.  Mary  Ann,  236 ;  William,  236 
Greensmith  (Grcenesmith),  Elizabeth,  22,  96,  98; 

John,  22,  96,  98(2);  Stephen,  22,  90  ;  William, 

97  ;  — ,  98 
Greentrill,  David,  172 
Greenway.  Thomas,  119 
Greenwood,  Amelia,  237  (2)  ;  George,  237 
Greest,  Elizabeth,  154  ;  Richard,  154 
Grege,  Joan,  51  ;  Thomas,  51 
Gregg,  Thomas  Francis,  258 
Gregor,  Ann,  64 
Gregory    (Gregorie),    Alice,    158;     Ann,    151; 

Henry,    264;     John,    59,    151,    264;     Juliet 

Summer,  264  ;    Rebecca  Mary,  267  ;    Robert, 



168;    Sarah,  .-,9  j    Thomas,  274  (6),  275  (5), 

27G;  (Rev.)  Thomas.  270 
Gregson,  Alice.  158;  Emanuel,  lfi7;  Mary,  1117 
Grellett,  Elizabeth,  226;     Ernest  Rawdon,  220; 

Frederick,  226 
Grcllier,  Charlotte,  282 
Grenenc,  Alles,  5G 
Greraon,  Margaret,  207 
Greshatn,  Ann,  162 
Grestock.  Richard,   272;    S.,  272;    S.  A.,  272; 

Susanna,  272 
Gretton,  Elizabeth,  1C6  ;  Henry,  166 
Greves,  Ann.  1S3 
Greville,  Ann,  276 
Grice,   Charles,   197;    Rebecca,   113;    William, 

143  ;  William  Dukes,  143 
Gridley,  Frances,  275  ;  Henry,  275 
Grieve,  Elizabeth,  165 
Griffin   (Griffen),    Ann,   61,   66  ;     Edward,    66 ; 

Elizabeth,  54;    Hannah,   177;    Richard,  179; 

William,  54 
Griffinson,  William,  84 
Griffith  (Griffith,  Gryffeth),  Ann,  36;  Eleanor, 

62  ;   Henry,  33,  36,  37  40,  107  (2)  ;  Jane,  148  ; 

Joanna,  33.  4(1  ;  Jonathan,  148  ;  Margaret,  58  ; 

Robert.  40  ;  William,  33 
Griffiths  (Griffits),  Charles,  37 ;    Elizabeth,  236  ; 

George  Edward,  236  ;  Henry,  38,  107  ;  Joanna, 

36,  37  ;  Mary,  38 
Grigg,  Richard,  117 
Griggs,  Hannah.  177 
Grimes,  Joan,  113 
Grimon,  Nicholas,  39  ;  Thomas,  39 
Giimwood,  Frances  Maria,  274  ;    George,  274 ; 

George  William,  274 
Grinder  ( Dr.),  104 ;  Ellen,  30  (2),  104  ;  Robert,  30 
Griudstall,  Ann,  66 
Gripton,  Jane,  183 
Grisbrook,  Charity,  157 
Gronsberg,  Christiana,  159;  Hans,  139 
Groombridge,  Elizabeth,  166 
Grosley,  Agnes,  52 

Grove,  Emma,  275;  John,  275  (2)  ;  J.,  275 
Grover,  Marv,  70 

Groves,  Charles,  152  ;  Jane,  152  ;  Mary,  211 
Grubb.  Elizabeth,  205 
Gryne,  Thomas,  10 
Gu'erdes  (Rev.),  133  (4),  200  (3) 
Guest,  Edward,  281  ;  Isaac,  281  ;  Theodosia,  281 
Guine,  see  Gwynn 
Guise    (Guies),    Ann,    36,    109  ;     Christopher, 

33-36,  107—109  ;   John,  35,  108  ;    Susanna, 

33,  35,  36  ;  — ,  107 
Guitard,  Arend  Jacob,  228  (2).  240  ;  Henrietta, 

228(2),  240;  John  William,  240  ;  Julia  Maria, 

Guleford,  Jeames,  98 
Gammer,  Sophia,  266 
Gnnnell,  H,  217  ;  Lydia,  58  ;  Ralph,  58 
Gunner,  Jemima,  182 
Gunson,  Robert,  259 
Gunton,  Jane,  70 
Gurdlcr,  Eunice,  63  ;  Robert,  63 
Gurncy,  Jane,  212 
Garwood,  Marrisco.  215 
Guttcridge  (Guttridge),  Emma,  243  ;    Mary  Ann, 

243(2);    Robert  Armour,  243;    Sarah,    151; 

Thomas  Carpenter,  243  (2) 
Guv,  Catherine,  72  ;  Elizabeth,  135  ;    Mary,  135  ; 

William,  135 
Guyn,  Guynn,  see  Gwynn 

Gwinnell,  William,  272 

Gwynn    (Guine,   Guyn,   Guynn,   Gwin,    Gwine, 

Gwinn,    Gwinne,    Gwvn.    Gwvne),   Ann,    53 ; 

Beatrice.  13.  87;  Edmrnid,  3;  Edward,  1,2(2), 

9,87;  Elizabeth,  56 ;  Francis,  3;  Henry,  1,81; 

John,    13;    Matthew,   9,    87;    Mr.,    56,    108; 

Penelope,    10;     Ralph,    101;     Rebecca,    109; 

Richard,    10  ;     Roger,   9  (3),   10   (3),   56,   86, 

87  (4),  88,  90,  92 
Gye,  Frances,  258 
Gyes,  Elizabeth,  106 
Gyfford,  Catherine,  150  ;  Joseph,  150 
Gyles,  Ann,  175;  Sarah,  175 


Hack,  Elizabeth,  271 

Hackett,  David,  161  ;  Hannah,  161  ;  John,  154  ; 
Ruth,  154 

Hackluit,  Francis,  179 

Hagar,  Mary,  70 

Hage,  Matthew,  84 

Haggis,  II.,  214 

Haile,  see  Hale 

Hailey,  Hannah,  48  ;  Joseph,  46,  47,  48  (2) ; 
Tatbatha,  46,  47,  48  (2)  ;  William,  47,  48 

Haines  (Hanes,  Haynes,  Heynes),  Ann,  268 ; 
Henry,  159  ;  Henry  Erchard  Banshabine,  268  ; 
John,  68,  122  ;  Margery,  3,  80  ;  Mary,  68,  117, 
159,  163;  Roger,  213;  Sarah,  72;  Stepheu, 
95  ;  William,  3,  72 

Hairsnape,  Eleanor,  149  ;  John,  149 

Hale  (Haile),  Ann,  57;  Edward,  2;  Elizabeth, 
78  ;  John,  57  ;  Mary,  1  ;  Thomas,  1,  2,  80 

Halentz,  Marv,  269  ;  Sophia,  269 

Hales,  Edward,  84  ;  Elizabeth,  74 

Haley,  Jos.,  122  ;  William,  122 

Halford.  Ann,  111 

Hall  (Halle),  Amelia,  228  (3),  237  ;  Ann,  215, 
235,  257  ;  Ann  Sarah,  265  ;  (Key.)  A.,  216, 
236  ;  Benjamin,  271  ;  Charlotte,  21 1  ;  Dorothv, 
45(2);  Elizabeth,  45,  167,  203,  237;  Ellen, 
271;  Emily,  228;  Faith,  79;  Gervase,  103; 
James,  202,  215  ;  John,  45(3),  48  (4),  49,  121  ; 
John  Joseph,  228,  257  ;  Joseph,  228  (3).  237  ; 
Lydia,  115;  Marian,  227;  Mary.  48(3),  49(2), 
202,  227,  228  (2),  237.  240,  266,  270 ;  Mary 
Ann,  256;  Matilda.  265;  Michael,  12  (2); 
Mr.,  34  (2)  ;  Nathaniel,  48,  122,  167  ;  Robert, 
103,  270;  Robert  Bygrave,  228,  235;  Sarah, 
48,  228,  235,  272  (2)  ;  Sophia,  228  ;  Susanna, 
72,  205;  Thomas,  72,  79,  89,  227,228(2),  240; 
Thomas  Bokcnham,  240;  Thomas  Hokingham, 
257  ;  William,  203  ;  — ,  100  (3),  215  ;  (Rev.) 
— ,  136.     See  also  Haulle 

Ilallamvc,  Bridget,  59 

Hallcv,  Lydia,  58 

Halls,'  Ann,  276  ;  William,  276  (2) 

liaison,  Augustus,  243.  259  ;  Charles,  243-247, 
260;  Christian,  243— 247;  George,  259;  Henry, 
247;  .lames.  213;  Mary,  245  ;  William,  244 

Halstead  (Hulstcd,  Halstccd),  Hester,  17—20; 
James,  19;  John,  18;  Laurauce,  17—20; 
Mary,  20;  Oliver,  18 

Ham,  David,  249;  Mary,249;  William  David, 249 

Hainan  (llammon,  Ilanion),  Ann  Jane,  165; 
Margaret,  33  ;  Thomas,  33  (2) ;  Ursula,  33 

Hamell,  Elizabeth,  44  ;  William,  44  (2) 

Hamilton,  Amy,  43,  117  ;  Ann,  151  ;  Marv,  165  ; 
Richard,  43  "(2) ;  Robert,  151  ;  William,  160 



i5 ;    George,    221  ;    Honora, 

Hans,  71  ;  Mary,  71 
Keren,   136;    Salter 

Hammanes,  Mary,  7. 
Hammond,   Ann,    2< 

158;  Mr.,  34,36 
Hamnet,  Susanna,  156;  Thomas,  156 
Hampe  (Hamppe),  Margery,  56 
Hampton,  Ann,  24,  25  ;  Mary,  2G7  ;  Thomas,  24, 

25  (2)  ;  William,  24 
Hanbury  (Hanbcrrie,  Hanberry),  Ann,  69,  129, 

137—140;    Ann    Leane,    137;    Charles,    127; 

Charlotte,    138,    187;     Christiana,    127;     Jo., 

vii,  Pt.  I ;    John,  49  (2),  50  (3),  59,  72,  73,  126 

—129,  137—140,  170(2),  172,  179,  187-189; 

Luke,   140;    Margaret,    128;     Mary,   49   (3), 

50  (3),  73,  126—120,  184  ;  Sarah,  49,  72,  122 
Hanby,  Hannah,  117;  Sarah,  115 
Hancock,  Ann,  35  ;    Constantine,  108  ;    Frances, 

107;    Grace,  35,  108;    Jane,  138  ;    John,  185; 

Sarah,  138  (2);    Walter,   187;    William,  35, 

107,108(2),  111,  138 
Hand,  Hannah,  64 
Handasyd,  Ann  Catherine,  161 
Handley  (Henlev),  Sarah,  203.    See  also  Hendley 
Handy,  Elizabeth,  73 
Hanks,  John,  111 
Hannum,  Arthur,  202 
Hanson,  Bartholomew,  104 
llappuck,   Elizabeth,    136  ; 

Budd,  136 
Harbeart,  Elizabeth,  62  ;  Robert,  62 
Harbighe,  Annis,  53 
Harbridge,  Elizaheth,  264 
Harbye,  John,  103 
Hardes  (Hardess,  Hards),  Elizabeth,  167  ;   Maria 

Duprest,  264  ;  Martha,  221,  267  (2)  ;  Matthew, 

Hardham,  J.,  277 
Harding,  Ann,  156;    Elizabeth,  72;    Elizabeth 

Ann,   216;     Henry,    149;    James,    156,    216; 

Kenelme,  72  ;  Marie,  60  ;  Richard,  60 
Hardware  (Hardwar),  Joanna,  76, 181  ;  John,  76  ; 

Mr.,  151  ;  Sarah,  170;  — ,  151 
Hardwick  (Hardwkke),  Ann,   234  ;    (Rt.   Hon.) 

Philip,  Lord,  vii,  Pt.  I 
Hardy,  Elizabeth,  241  ;   James,  274  ;    Jane,  274  ; 

Marv,  238  ;    S.,  267  ;    Thomas  Edmund,  241  ; 

Wiliiam,  241  ;  -,  274 
Harford,  Christian,  L'nl  ;   Elizabeth,  70 
Hargcr,  Mary,  92  ;  Nicholas,  92 
Harley,  John,  60 
Harmer,  Ann,  270 

Harnson,  Elizabeth,  153;  William,  153 
Harper,  Mary  Ann,  266 
Harrick,  Harrwick,  Harrwike,  see  Harwick 
Harriman,  Frances,  175 
Harrington,  Ann,  68 
Harris  (Harres),  Abigail  Maria,  201  ;   Alee,  55; 

Amy,    164 ;     Ann,    65,    214 ;    Catherine,   66 ; 

Dorothy.  68  ;  Elizabeth,  154  ;  Essex,  133,  160  ; 

Esther,  272  ;  F.  C,  268  ;  Francis,  65  ;  Hannah, 

64  ;    Henry,  151  ;    H.  McClintock,  viii,  Pt.  1, 

viii,  Pt.  II ;    James,  201  ;    Jason,  164  ;    John, 

24,  133,  160,  272  ;    John  B.,  207  ;    Maria,  270  ; 

Marie,  24  (2) ;    Mary,  23  (2),  97  ;    Mrs.,  172  ; 

Peter,  24  ;    Richard,  55  ;    Sarah,  202  ;    Sarah 

Cleeveland,    133  ;     Susanna,    151  ;     Thomas, 

23(5),   24(2),  62,  64,   97(3),  220;  William, 

172,202;  (Rev.)— ,  157 
Harrison ( Harison ,  Harryson ),  Ann , 204 ;  Anthony, 

133;  Arthur,  55  ;  (Rev.)  Henjamin,  248;  David, 

245,   246  ;    Edward,  8,  54  ;    Eliza,   245,    246  ; 

Elizabeth,   54,  74,   152;    George.   245;    Jane, 

133  ;  John,  8,  74,  170  ;  Mary,  76  ;  Sarah,  133  ; 

Sophia,  246;    (Rev.)   Thomas,  257  (3),   261; 

Winifred,  55  ;  (Rev.)  W.,  258 
Harrolde,  Ann,  54  ;  Thomas,  54 
Harry,  William  Morshead,  216 
Hart,  Amy,  229,  257  ;    Charlotte  Marcey,   268  ; 

Honoria,  151  ;  John,  151,  229  ;  (Sir)  John,  85  ; 

Joshua,   229;    Rosanna,   214;    Thomas,   222, 

Hnrtwell,  James.  236 
Haruivs,  John,  110(2) 
Harvest,    Daniel    Richard,    253,   254,   255   (2) ; 

Jessie  May,  253  ;  Mary  Florence,  254  ;  Matilda 

Agnes,  253,  254,  255 
Harvey   (Harvie),   Catherine,   149;    Eliza   Ann, 

272;  Elizabeth,  57;  (Rev.)  James,  166;  John, 

35  (3),  38  (2),  113  (2),  174  ;    Maria  Rosetta, 

262;    Mary,  35,  69,  174;    Oliver,  57;    Sarah, 

152;  William,  152 
Harwell   (Harrwell),  Ann,  21,  22;    David,  22; 

Dorothy.  21  ;  George,  95  ;  Richard,  21,  22,  95 
Harwick  (Harrick,  Harrwick,  Harrwike),  Charles, 

38  ;  John,  36  ;    Margaret,  34,  36—38,  110  (2)  ; 

Richard,  36  ;  Thomas,  34  (2),  36—38,  110  (3)  ; 

William,  37,  110 
Harwood,  Fell,  156  ;  John,  72  ;  Mary,  72 
Haskshow,  Elizabeth,  64 
Haslam,  Elizabeth,  203 
Haslewood  (Haselwood,  Hazlewood,  Hazzlewood), 

Ann,  48— 50,  121  ;    Benjamin,  48— 50  ;    John, 

49,  50,  123  ;    Martha,  49,  64  ;    Mary,  48,  122  ; 

Nathaniel,  50  ;  Sarah,  48  ;  Thomas,  64 
Hassall  (Hassal,  Hassell).  Charity,  157  ;    Eliza, 

224  ;  Elizabeth,  171  ;  Margaret,  224  ;  Stephen, 

224;     Thomas,    175;     Thomas   Brown,    171; 

(Capt.)  T.,  157  ;  (Capt.)  — ,  171 
Hastings  (Hastens),   E.,   209;    Elizabeth,  114; 

John,  107,  108  ;  — ,  107 
Haswell,  Rebecca,  262 
Hat,  Martha,  66 
Hatch,   Elizabeth,    158 ;    Mary  Elizabeth,   271  ; 

Samuel,  158  ;  William,  271 
Hatchett,  Elizabeth,  216,  233  ;    Robert,  196,  204, 

Hathaway,  Elizabeth,  212  ;  John  Moulder,  212 
Hattersly,  Harriet,  278 
Hatton,  Jane,  62  ;  Randolph,  62 
Hattrell  (Hatrell,  Hattrel),  Ann,  33;    Susanna, 

33,  107  ;  William,  33,  107 

Haulle,  Ann,  56.     See  also  Hall ;  Halle 

Havard,  William,  206 

Havell,  Judith,  32  (2)  ;  William,  32 

Havergall,  Thomas,  115 

Haviland,  Alice,  264  ;    Miles,  264  ;  William.  264 

Haw,  Ann,  246,  247  (2)  ;    Charles,  246,  247  (2), 

262  ;    Charlotte,   246,  272  ;    Eliza  Ann,   247  ; 

Sabina  Louthhaw,  247.     See  also  Howe 
Hawes  (Haws),  Hester,  33,  34,  39,  120  ;    Howell 

34,  114  ;  John,  39,  422  ;  Philip,  33,  34,  39,  113 

Hawkins,  Ann,  64;  Elizabeth,  117,  209,  210: 
(Rev.)  Ernest,  243;  Frances,  209;  Francis 
James,  243 ;  Henry,  243  ;  Henry  John,  253 
John,  98  ;  John  Bradshaw,  193  ;  Joseph,  209, 
233;  Marv,  196,  243;  Marv  Ann,  253  ;  Mary 
Teresa,  206;  Mr.,  149(2);  Sicily,  80;  Thomas, 
98,  206  ;  William,  253 

Hawman,  A.  274 

Hawtavnc,  (Rev.),  153 

Hawtleff,  Joan,  51  ;  John,  51 

Hawxwell,  George,  208 



Hay,  Hannah,  281 ;   Margaret,  121 J   Robert,  70 ; 

Sarah,  281  (2);    Susanna,  70;    Thomas,  121  ; 

(Ucv.)— ,  159 
Qaycre,  Rebecca,  56;  Richard,  56 

Ha'vdon  (Hevdon),  Elizabeth,  270;    Mary  Ann, 
270  j  Sarah,  270 

Hayes  (Hays),  Elizabeth,  70,  11!);    James,  112; 

Mary,  154  ;  Sarah,  70 
Hayle,"  Catherine,  192 
Hayinan  (Herman),  George,  152  ;    (Rev.)  Henry, 

204  (2),  205  (17) 
Haynes,  see  Haines 
Harter,     Anna    Maria,    135;     Jonathan,    134; 

Martha,    131  (2),    135  (2);     Soper,    134   (2), 

135  (2)  ;  William,  131 ;  William  Charles,  135 
Hayward  (Hnyword,  Hevwood),  Ann,  38,  43,  111  ; 

Anna   Maria,    1(57  ;  'Catherine,    42 ;    Deputy, 

178(2);  Elizabeth,   143;  John,  45,   118,  143; 

Joseph,  30,  178;  Mary,  38-43,  45  ;  Mrs.,  175  ; 

(Capt.)  Nathaniel,  107;  (Rev.)  Pengree,  156; 

Samuel, 38— 43,45,110,111,120,171;  Thomas, 

110;  William,  41,  175 
Hazlewood.  Hazzlewood,  sec  Ilaslewood 
Head.  Frederick,  201;  George,  232,  235;  John, 

233,  234 
Headlv,  Mr.,  74 
Hcale  (Heel),  Elizabeth,  177,  217.  2C0 ;    Grace, 

256;  James,  217;  Richard,  217 
Hcamon,  Humiliation,  65 
Heap,  Matilda,  265  ;  Stephen,  265 
Heard,  Elizabeth,  75 
Hearne  (IIea>n,  Hern,  Heme),  Anthony,  8,83; 

Benjamin,  202  ;    Constance,  16  ;    Elizabeth,  7. 

55  ;  Frances,  74  ;  Jane,  202  ;  Joan,  53  ;  John, 

6-8,  10  (2),  53,  86,   118  ;    Margaret,  6,  55  ; 

Millicent,    16;     Mrs.,    56;     Nathaniel,    110; 

Richard,  16  ;  Robert,  10  ;  Thomas,  10,  74 
Heath,  Ann,  73  ;   Mary,  208  ;  William,  220 
Heather,  Mary,  215 
Heathfeild,  Daniel,  72  ;  Judith,  72 
Heatly,  Marv  Ann,  237 
Heaton,  Richard,  180 
Hcariside.  Elizabeth,   143,  153,  209;  John,  143, 

2(19;    Matthew,   153;    Richard,  209 ;    Richard 

Bedford,  143 
Hebb,  Ann,  271  ;  Charles,  271 
Hebbart,  Eleanor,  221 
Hcber,  Jcrard,  97 
Hector,  Charles  James,  249  ;  1*.  M.,  249  ;  William, 

Hedges,  Catherine.  33  ;  David,  267  ;  Doray,  267  ; 

Hannah,    150,    152;     Jane,    51;     John,    61; 

Susanna,  33  ;  William,  33 
Heel,  see  Heale 
Held,    Elizabeth    Ann,    275 ;     Frederick,    275  ; 

Simon  Henry,  275 
Hclmore,  George,  267  ;  Sarah  Ann,  267 
Ilcls,  tee  Hills 
Hely,  Elizabeth,  72 
llelyng,  Rebecca,  82 
Bemeldoft,  Henry,  117 

Hcmmcns,    Charles,    215;    John    William,    215; 

Mary,  245 
Hammings,  Marv,  75 

Hcnbiiry,  George,  48  ;  John,  48  ;  Sarah,  48  Elizabeth.  2n3 
Bendley,  Elizabeth,  269 
Hendry,  James,  269 
I Itiil v,  Ann.  75  ;  Thomas,  75 
Hennell,  Ann,  188  ;  John,  138  :  Mary,  138 
Henneesy,  (Be?.)  George,  viii.  I'i.  1.  viii,  l't.  II 

Henry.  Alexander,  212;  Catherine,  212 

Hensted,  William,  79 

Ilenton,    Mary.    223,    224 ;     Sarah   Ann,    224  ; 

Thomas,  223  (2),  224 
Hentson,  Henry,  10  ;  Theodore,  10 
Hepple  (Heple),  Catherine,  150  ;  Thomasine,  150 
Herbert,  Mr.,  98  ;  Thomas,  9S 
Hcrdman,    Ann,    275  ;     Ann    Elizabeth,    275  ; 

Elizabeth    Ann,    275 ;    John,    275  ;     Richard 

William,  275 
Herenden      (Hercndin,     Hcrrcnden,     Herrendin, 

llerrondin),  Ann,  41  ;  Anthony,  37— 39,  41  (2), 

43,  0.7.  110,  115,  130,   174  ;     Elizabeth,  37—39, 

41    (2),    111,    128-131,    173;     Esther,    130; 

Ilelenah,   112;    Mary,  39;    Sarah,   128.   172; 

Thomas,  41,  12S  -131,  175  ;  William,  129,  172 
Herick,  George,  89 
Heringhook,  Peter,  27,  64,  101 
Heritage,  Ann,  73 
Hern,  Heine,  see  Hearne 
Heron,    Alice,   5;     Ann,    105;     Elizabeth,   63; 

Emma,  207  ;  Jane,  53  ;    Philip,  5  ;   Powlccary, 

79  ;  Thomas,  165.     See  also  Hiron  ;  Hyron 
Herrenman,  Dorothy,  185 
Herriman,  Ann,  189 
Herringe,  John,  84 

Herrinton,  Elizabeth,  55  ;  Thomas,  55 
Hersev,  Sarah  Ann,  275  ;  William,  275 
lb  seldcn,  John,  157;  Mary,  157 
Hestines,  Ja.,  124 
Hetherington,  Eleanor,  155 
Heward,  Charles,  112 
Hewes,  Mary,  202 
Hewitt,  John,  2(15 

Hewlett  (Ilewlct),  Ann,  104  ;  Mary,  180 
llewling,  Edward,  17;    Elizabeth,  17;    Martha, 

Hewlyne,  Edward,  15  ;  Elizabeth,  15 
Hewster,  William,  1S5 
Hewyt,  Ann,  152  ;    (Rev.)  John,  152  ;    Matthew, 

Herman,  see  Haymau 
Herncs,  see  Haines 
I  lev  wood,  see  Hayward 
Hibbert,  Elizabeth,  282 
Hibbins  (Hibbincs),   Charles,   92;    Joshua,    93; 

Thomas,  92 
Iliccock,  Judith,  151 
Hickcner,  John,  IDS 
Hickinbotliam,    Darid,   269;    Elizabeth    Traris, 

Hickman,  Edward,  160;    Elizabeth,  264  ;    Sarah, 

Hicks,  Ann,  203(2);   George,  203;   Jane,  203; 

Richard,  208 
Hickson  (Hicksone,  llieksonne,  Ilikson,  Hyxson), 

Ann,  9  ;  George,  9(2),  10,  56,  Ml  ;  Humphrey, 

9,  85  ;  Joan,  84  ;  John,  9  ;  William,  10 
Hide,  sec  Hyde 
Higgins  (Higgons),  Elizabeth,  120;  Frances,  110; 

Martin,  110,  113 
Iliggs,  Ann,  68 
Highmnrc  (Iligbmoor).  Edward,  162;  Margaret 

Ann  Grace,  162  ;  Thomas,  181 
lliginson  (Ilingeston),  Ann,  225.  220  ;  Elizabeth 

Mary  Ann,  22(1  ;  John,  225  (2),  226 
Hilar,  Elizabeth,  71 
llildritch.  Susanna,  76 
Hill,     Alee,    113;      Amelia,    207;      Ann,    55; 

Benjamin,    266;     Edmund,    107,    114,    117; 

Edward  Daniel,  245, 240, 268 ;  Eleanor  Morgan, 


245,  246.  2G8;    Elizabeth,   17,    92,   212,   213; 

Felix,  177  ;   Frances,  38  (3),  39,  112,  113,  121  ; 

John,  17,  38  (2),  39  (2),  79,  92,  115-117,  156, 

233;    Joseph,   202;    Judith,    114;    Margaret, 

156;    Martha,    202;    Mary,     115,    205,    266; 

Matthew  Edward,  215  ;  Nathaniel,  152;  Kachel, 

155  ;  Rebecca,  31  ;  Richard,  212,  213,  267  (2)  ; 

Robert,  17,  3S,  112;  (Sir)  Rowland, 78;  Samuel, 

268;     Samuel   James,    246;     Susanna,    156; 

Thomas,    55,    110  ;     (Rev.)     Thomas,    272  ; 

Trephemia,  63 
Hillar,  Mary,  205 
Hillery,  Simeon,  214 
Hilliard  (Hillvard),  Catherine,   154;    Elizabeth, 

73;  Sarah,  175 
Hillier,  Henry.  39  ;  Mary.  39  ;  Nicholas,  39 
Hills  (Hels),  Edmund,  30,  31  (2)  ;    James,  31  ; 

Judith,  30,  31  (2) ;  Rebecca,  69 
Hilton,  (Ladv)  Ann,  51  ;    Frances,  50  (2)  ;    Job, 

50(3)  ;  John,  79  ;  Man-,  217  ;   (Sir)  William, 

Hinchman,  Mrs.,  113 
Hind  (Hinde),  Ann,  204  ;  James,  20S 
Hingcston,  see  Higinson 

Hinton,  Anthony,  161 ;  Hannah,  161 ;  Thomas,  50 
Hiron   (Hyron),  John,   8  ;    Susan,   8.     See   also 

Heron  ;  Hyron 
Hitchcocke,  Alice,  151 
Hobart,  — ,  121 
Hobbe,  Thomas,  12 
Hobbs  (Hobs),  George,  276  ;    Henry,  68  ;    Mary, 

Hobby    (Hobbve,    Holbve),    Elizabeth,    15,    90; 

John,  106  ;  Mary,  15  "(3),  90  ;  Richard,  15  (2), 

Hobday,  Man-,  170 
Hobdeen,  William,  124 
Hockman,  Ann,  152 
Hodder,  Hannah,  113 
Hoddy,  John,  268 
Hodges  (Hodgges),  Elizabeth,  22  ;    Isabel,  63  ; 

James,  6S  ;  John,  11  (2),  20,  93  ;   Martha.  21  ; 

Mary,   20-23,   63,   68,  104;    Nathaniel,    113; 

(Dr.)  Nathaniel,  106  ;  Rebecca,  110  ;   Richard, 

23  ;  Robert,  84,  110  ;  Sarah,  221  ;  Thomas,  11, 

20—23,  101,  106  ;   William,  11 
Hodgkins   (Hodgkens,  Hodgkinges,   Hodgskins), 

Elizabeth,  27,  28,  43  (5),  44,  59,  117  ;    George, 

28  ;    Joseph,   152  ;    Joshua,  27   (2),   28,   101  ; 

Mr.,  100;   Richard,  59  ;   Samuel,  43  ;  Thomas, 

43  (4),  44  (2),  102  ;  — ,  101 
Hodgkinson,  Ann,  149  ;  Richard,  149  (2) 
Hodgson,  Elizabeth,  166  ;  Thomas,  166 
Hodsbye,  Elizabeth.  26(2)  ;  Joshua,  26 
Hodskis,  see  Hotchkis 
Hodsoll,  Amelia,  2S0  ;  Thomas,  280  (2) 
Hodson,  Sarah,  154  ;  Thomas,  154 
Hoet,  Hester,  74 
Hogbead,  Mary,  65  ;  Sarah,  65 
Hogsflesh,  Thomas,  222 
Hogson,  Jane,  78 
Hokens,  Benjamin,  115 
Holborn,    Caroline    Sarah,    240 ;     Sarah,    240  ; 

William,  240 
Holbrook,  Barbara,  73  ;  Samuel,  73 
Holbye,  see  Hobb 
Holcombe,    Charles    Stuart,    254 ;    Susan,    254  ; 

William  Henry,  254 
Holden  (Holdon),  Rebecca,  259  ;  Zephana,  87 
Holdsworth,  Mary,  153 
Hole,  Ann,  266  ;  Henry,  266 

Holl,  Winifred  Emma,  266 

Holland,  John,  203  ;  Mary,  134  (2)  ;   Marv  Ann, 

232;   William,  134 
Hollands,  Sarah,  268 

Holliday  (Holvdav),  Ann,  271  ;  Sarah,  70 
Hollier,  Elizabeth,  151 
Holliman  (Hollyman),  Alice,   11;    Martha,   55; 

Richard,  12;  Robert,  11,55 
Hollings,  Mary,  202 
Ilollinsjwooi-th,  Alice,  5S 

Hollis,  Elizabeth,  202  ;  Marie.  64  ;  Richard,  64 
llnllister,  John,  148  ;  .Mrs.,  148 
Hollowaie,  Elizabeth,  52 
Holme,   Benjamin,   206  ;    Robert,    214 ;    Sarah, 

Holmes,  Catherine,  95  ;  Edmund,  156;  Elizabeth, 

95;    Frances,   96  (2);    Gabriel.    61;    George, 

152,  2S0  ;    Gilbarta,  152  ;    James,  95,  96,  103, 

209  ;    Jane,  209  ;    John,  238  ;    Margaret,  61  ; 

Mary,  68,  159;    Peter,  62;    Rachel,  65,  156; 

Sarah,  280  ;  Susanna,  62,  238  ;  Thomas,  65  ; 

Holton  (Holtaine,  Holten),  Lee,  41,  114  ;  Mary, 

40,  41;    Peter,  40;    Theodore,   40,    41,    114; 

Thomas,  41,  114 
Hulyday,  see  Holliday 
Honian,  Jane,  209 
Homer,  see  Horner 
Homes,    Elizabeth,    21    (2),   97  ;     Frances,    21, 

22  (2),  97  ;  James,  21  (2),  22,  97 
Hommerston,  Ales,  123 
Honeybun  (Honybun),  Elizabeth,  165 
Hook,    Ann,    136  (2),    137  (3);    Frances,    137; 

John,  137  ;  Thomas,  136,  137  (4) 
Hoole,  (Rev.)  Nathaniel,  159(2),   177;  Thomas 

Horton,  182 
Hooper,  Mary,  236     ■ 

Hopas  (Hoppasse),  Millicent,  4  ;  William,  3  (2),  4 
Hopcroft,  T.,  271 

Hope,  Ann,  266  ;  Mary,  167,  266  ;  Nicholas,  167 
Hopfer,   Clement,    12S  ;    Erasmus,   12S,   130  (2), 

174  ;  Theodosia,  12S,  130 
Hopkins,  Elizabeth,  69, 118  ;  Mary,  159  ;  Samuel, 

69  ;   William,  159 
Hopper  (Hoppar,  Hoppe),  Ann,  78  ;  Harriet,  279; 

James  Henry,  279 
Hopton,  Mary,  207  ;  Michael  Cope,  207 
Hopwood,  Ann,  268 
Horatfield,  Sophia,  204 
Horbye,  Frances,  202 
Hore,  (Rev.)  Thomas,  238 
Hornby,  Elizabeth,  277  ;  George,  277 
Home,  Edward,  134  ;    Ellen,  62  ;    Frances,  133  ; 

Jane,  133,  134  ;    Samuel,  133,  134  ;  Sarah,  61  ; 

(Rev.)  Thomas  Hartwell,  261  ;  William,  62 
Horner  (Homer).  Ann  Calcott,  228 ;  Anna  Maria, 

227   (3),    22S   (2),    240  (2)  ;     Edward,    240 ; 

Frances  Elizabeth,  22S  ;  James  Turner,  240  ; 

John,    204,   21S,   227  (3),   228  (2),   240  (2)  ; 

Mary,  218  ;  Mary  Hannah,  227 
Hornett,  Dr.,  65 
Horsfall,  Elizabeth,  206 
llorsfield,  Ann,  15)  ;  Francis,  151 
Horsley,  Martha,  159  ;  Thomas,  159 
Horsnel,  Alithea,  159 
Horwood,  Sarah,  118  ;  Thomas,  262 
Hosley,  Ann,  64 
Hotchkis     (Hodskis),    Elizabeth,     26,     29,    31 

George,    29,    104  ;     James,    26  ;     John,    31 

Joshua,  26,  28  (3),  29,  31,  64,  102  (2),   104 

Mr.,  104  ;  — .  28,  102 



Houblon,  Elizabeth,  26  ;    James.  2.".  ;    John,  26  ; 

Mary,  24—20.  28,  SO;  Mrs.,   149;   Paul,  28; 

Peter,   24—26,   28,   30,    63,   98  ;    Samuel,   30, 

Honor,  Marsey,  62 
Houkins,  see  Uowkins 
Houltum,  Richard,  206 
Housbie,  Frances,  56 
Honse,  Ann.  64  ;  Hannah  Ann,  208 
Hovcke,  Elizabeth,  57  ;  Frances,  57 
Hovenden,  Christiana,  271 
Hovener,  Abraham,  32  (2)  ;    Elizabeth,  32  (2)  ; 

Robert,  32 
Howard,   Ann,   117,   202,   213,   214  ;    Elizabeth, 

214;    George,  269  ;    Hannah,  152  ;    Jane,  73  ; 

John   Jarvis,   213  ;    Marv,    157  ;    Mary  Ann, 

269  ;    Matthew,  214  ;    Richard,   157  ;    Robert, 

152  ;  (Rev.)  Thomas,  214 
Howe   (Hawe,  How,  Hoy),  Ann,  9,  53,  54,  80; 

Edward,  8,9  (2),  10,  11  (2),  54,  56  (2),  57  (2), 

84,  85,  86  ;    Elizabeth,  9,  11,  56,  75,  96,  157  ; 

Francis,    96  ;    James,   53  ;    Jane,   9,    10,   77  ; 

Joan,  85  ;  John,  1,9  ;  Margaret,  214  ;  Martha, 

10;    Mary,  124  ;   Phillip,  187  ;    Richard,  125  ; 

Robert,  11  ;    Roger,  8,  9  (2),  10,  84  ;    Sarah, 

188  ;  William,  10,  11,  84,  85,  214  ;  — ,  1.     See 

also  Haw 
Howell,  Ann,  54  ;   Catherine  F.milv,  268  ;  Edwin 

Samuel    Hervey,    268  ;     Elizabeth,    21,    95  ; 

Frances  Roberts,  277  ;  Honor,  21,  95  ;  Isabella 

Susanna.  258  ;   Louisa  Ann,  268  ;   Mary,  217  ; 

Mary  Ann,  277  ;    Mr.,  190  ;    Thomas,  21,  95  ; 

William,  220,  277  (2) 
Hower,  Christopher,  99 
Howes  (Hows),  Edward,  83 ;  Lettice,  58 ;  Richard, 

181  ;  — ,  83 
Howett,    John,    274  ;     Joseph     Charles,    274 ; 

Marisco,  274 
Howgiell,  Ann,  59  ;  John,  59 
Howgrayve,  Edie,  84 
Howie,  Nicholas,  84 
Howkins  (Houkins,  Howkines),  John,  24  ;  Judah, 

24  ;   Judde,  23  ;    Judeth,  24  ;    Marv,  23  ;   Mr., 

99;     Sainnel,  24,  104  ;     Thomas, '23,  24  (2), 

104  (2)  ;  — ,  99 
Howson    (Howsone,   Howsonne),    Hannah,   150; 

John,  205  ;  Kitty,  205  ;  Margaret,  56  ;  Robert, 

56  ;  William,  150 
Hoy,  see  Howe 
Hoyle,  Mary,  204 
Hubbard,  Charles,  49  ;  Elizabeth,  264  ;    Hannah, 

215  (2),  217  (2),  218  (2),  236-238  ;     Jacob, 

49;    Jane,   264;    Josh.,    216;    J.,   216   (2); 

Mary,  49;  Sarah,  217 
Hubland,  Charles,  123 
Huckins,  Ann,  63 
Huddie,  Ann,  67  ;  John,  67 
Hudson,   Catherine,    199,  207;    Dorothy,  231; 

Elizabeth.  69,  79  ;    Giles,  207  ;    John,  79,  81  ; 

Joseph,   69;     Mary,   69,   213;     Sarah,    231; 

William,  88 
Hneson,  Uarnaby,  55  ;  Elizabeth,  55 
Huggan,  Charlotte,  221 
HoRbes,  Catherine,  218,  236;    David,  74.  212; 

Griffith,  286;   Jane,  74  ;    Joseph,  187  ;    Juliet 

Summer,  264  ;  Mary,  187,  212  ;  Roger,  212 
Hughc-don,  Elins.  2118;    Kli/.iibi-ih.  L'ns 
llnlcii.  Edward.  91  ;   Elizabeth,  91  (2) 
Holing,  Ann.  102 
Hull,  J.,  210  ;    Marv,  210  ;    Mrs.,  lo4  ;    Thomas 

Henry,  210 

Hulme  (Hulvn),  Edward.  15,  17  ;  Elizabeth,  15, 
17;  Rebecca,  17;  William,  15 

Humby,  Ann,  268  ;  Ann  Elizabeth,  245,  260  ; 
Henry,  245,  259— 261  ;  Isabella,  263  ;  Marv, 
245  (2)  ;    Mary  Ann,  261  ;    William,  245  (2), 

Hume,  William,  210 

Humersham,  Rebecca,  222 

Humm,  Susanna,  256 

Humphrey     (Hnmffrcy,    Ilumphray),     Charles, 

280;    Christopher,  54;    C,  280;    Eady,  189; 

Elizabeth,  207  ;  Frances,  189,  280  ;  Mary,  280  ; 

Mary   Ann,    268  ;    Sarah,   207  ;     Susan,   54  ; 

Thomas,  268,  280 
Humphries  (Humphreys,  Humphris),  Agnes,  47, 

120;  Diana,  278;  Eliza,  278;  Elizabeth, 47 (2), 

237;  John,  47;  Mr.,  120, 193;  Robert  Paterson, 

193  ;  Thomas  Leach,  234  ;  William,  237,  258  ; 

William  Henry,  278 
Hnnderhill,  Elizabeth,  55  ;  Thomas,  55.    See  also 

Hungerford,  George,  75  ;  Mary,  75 
Hunsdon,  Ann,  151  ;  Thomas,  151 
Hunt,  Abraham,  151  ;   Charles,  79,  145  (2),  196  ; 

Edmund,    154;     Francis,    150;     Jane,    145; 

Margaret,   86  ;     Martha,  73,   242  ;    Marv,  75, 

151;    Robert,  242;    Samuel,  73  ;    Sarah,' 154  ; 

Thomas,  86;  William,  149,  242 
Hunter,  Ann,  58,  209  ;    Elizabeth,   59  ;    Henry, 

128;    John,   120;    Joseph,  216   (4);    Judith, 

128;    Laughlan,  260  ;    Samuel,  128  ;    Sarah, 

Huntley,  Richard,  153  ;  Susanna,  153 
Huntsman,  Elizabeth,  202 
Hurdlcy,  Joanna,  127  ;  John,  127  (2) 
Hurst,  Mary,  204 
Husband,  (Rev.),  159 
Husbands,  Susanna,  64 
Hussey,  Jane,  150  (2)  ;  Susanna,  150 
Hustwhat,  Mary,  114 
Hutchins     (Hntchens,     Hntchings),     Catherine, 

155;    Elizabeth,  184;    (Rev.)  John,  216;   J., 

218  ;  Lettice,  53  ;  Richard,  180  ;  Walter,  155 
Hutchinson,  Hannin,  214;   Jane,  214;   Martha, 

250,  251,  279  ;   Phyllis  Sarah,  251  ;    William 

Hubbuck,  250,  251  ;  William  Joseph,  250 
Hutton,   Ann,    157;     George,    157;    John,    61; 

Lettice,  61  ;  (Rev.)  T.  P.,  260 
Hyde  (Hide),  Ann,  40  ;  Catherine,  149  ;  Caroline 

"Maria,   265;     Cary,   43;     Elizabeth.   40,   41; 

John,  64  ;  Marv,  64  ;  Sarah.  40  (2),  42,  43(3); 

Thomas,  42  ;  William,  40—43,  149 
Hyron,  see  Hiron 
Hyxson,  see  Hickson 

He,  Charles,  113 

Iliff,  Martha,  274  ;  William,  274  (2) 

Hson,  Charles,  130;  Mary,  130;  Susanna,  130 

Immenson,  John.  81 

Ingham,    Anthony,    210;      Rarbara,    130    (2); 

Joshua,  i3o,  174 

Inglebv,  James,  200 
Ingledew,  Elizabeth,  67  :  John,  67 
Ingloton,  Elizabeth,  208  ;  Stevens,  208 
Ingoldsby,  Ann,  66 

Ingram,  Ann,  129(3);    Nicholas,  129;    Robert, 
151;    Rowland,  129(2);    R.,  268  ;    Theodosia, 



Innes  (Innis),  Elizabeth,  201,  220  ;  Mary,  163 

Ion,  Eleanor,  149 

Ionides,  Alex.  C.  276 

Ireland  (Irelande),  Ann,  151,  208  ;    Beatrice,  57; 

Edmund,   43  ;      Elizabeth,   6fi  ;     James,    2S2  ; 

Mary,  43  ;     Mary  Louisa,  2S2  ;     Rebecca,  43  ; 

Samuel  Henry,  282  ;  Sarah,  150  ;  Thomas,  150 
Ireson,  (Rev.)  W.  V.,  257 
Irish,    Amelia,    275 ;     Catherine,    275  ;     Henry 

Charles,  275  ;  Samuel  Patten,  275  (2) 
Ironmunger,  John,  95  ;  William,  95 
Irvine,  Ann,   279  ;    Duncan,  279  ;    James,   279  ; 

John,  279 
Irving,  Frances,  234  ;  John,  196  ;  Sarah,  1S8 
Isaak  (Isacke),  Ann,  161  ;  Elizabeth,  59 
Isherwood.  William,  206 
Itcbener  (Itchenear),  John,  33,  112;   Penelope, 

33(2).  112 
Ithell,  John,  90 
Izhacke,  Elizabeth,  57 

Jack,  John,  216  ;  Martha,  216 

Jacker,  Mabel,  65 

Jackman  (Jackmane),  Ann,  2,  77;  Edward,  1, 
2  (2),  77,  80  ;  Elizabeth,  1  ;  Magdalen,  78  ; 
Thomas,  2  ;  William,  77  ;  (Alderman)  — ,  78 

Jackson,  Alfred,  277  ;  Ann.  30,  171,  209,  240, 
257  ;  Ann  Humphreys,  209 ;  Barbara,  59 ; 
Catherine,  269  ;  Charles,  30,  203,  241,  243,  257  ; 
C,  269  ;  Dorothy,  68  ;  Edward,  151  ;  Eleanor, 
210  ;  Elizabeth,  "l54,  213  ;  George,  268  ;  Henry, 
68,  241  ;  James,  30;  Joan.  51,  58;  John.  58, 
202,  239,  240  (2),  241  (2),  243  (2),  245  ;  John 
James,  239;  Joseph  Bagwell,  225  ;  Margaret, 
151  ;  Maria,  245  ;  Mary,  67,  151  (2),  203,  219  ; 
Mary  Ann,  225;  Mary  Lvdia,  262;  Miriam, 
281  ;  Mr.,  225  ;  Nancy,  239,  240  (2),  241  (2), 
243(2),  245;  Nicholas,  123;  Phillis,  202; 
Robert,  67;  Rowland,  213;  Samuel,  261; 
Sarah,  170, 171  ;  Sarah  Ann,  261  ;  Simon,  185  ; 
Susanna,  277 ;  Thomas,  59,  243 ;  Thomas 
Cartwright,  235  ;  William,  240 

Jacob,  Mrs.,  98  ;  Thomas,  193 

Jacobs,  Anna  Maria,  131,  176  ;  Ann  Catherine, 
252;  Frederick,  252  ;  Hannah.  133;  Herman, 
131  (2),  133  ;  Martha,  133  ;  Mary,  131  (3),  177  j 
Mary  Ann,  263  ;  William,  252 

Jacobson,  Mary,  64 

Jahourdin,  Jeanne,  113 

Jakell,  see  Jekell 

Jalupha,  Joan,  19  ;  Nycholas,  20  ;  Stephen,  20 

James  (Jeames),  Ann,  56,  240;  Caroline,  241  ; 
Charles  Ernest,  260 ;  Charles  Frederick,  260  ; 
Edward,  56  ;  Eliza  Ellen,  242  ;  Elizabeth.  42  ; 
Elizabeth  Winch,  271  ;  Esther,  229,  239—243  ; 
Henry,  241  ;  James  Thomas,  271  ;  Joan,  41  (3), 
114;  John,  210,  229,  239-243;  Julia,  243; 
Margaret,  41;  Mary,  57,  76,  243,  271  ;  Mary 
Ann,  282;  Richard,  100;  Robert,  41  (2); 
Sibilla,  241  ;  Susanna,  75  ;  Thomas,  197  ; 
William,  42  ;  William  Boyce,  240 

Jamison,  John,  217  ;  Martha  Mary,  217 

Janes,  Ann,  160  ;  William,  160 

Janssen  (Janhseen,  Jansson),  Abraham,  44 ; 
Barbara,  47,  157;  Dorothy,  50  ;  Elizabeth,  49, 
124  ;  Hendly,  50  ;  Henrietta  Janssen,  44  ; 
Henry,  45 ;  Hindley,  169 ;  John,  48, 123 ;  Mary, 
47,   124;    Orick,   121;    Robert,  48;     Robert 

Andrew,  46,  122;  St.  Theodore,  47;  (Sir) 
Theodore,  44—50.  169  ;  Willannor,  49  ;  Wil- 
hanner,  123  ;  William,  48  ;  Williamson,  44  (2), 
45,  49  (2),  50  (2)  ;    (Lady)  Williamson,  46—48 

Jarman,  .Toana,  159 

Jan-ad,  Benjamin,  3S,  111  ;  Elizabeth,  38,  111  ; 
John,  38,  111 

Jarrett(.Iarrit),Ann,9,83;  Gilbard,  54  ;  Gilbert, 
9 ;  Mary,  54 

Jarvis,  Caroline,  214  ;  Elizabeth,  157  ;  William 
George,  275 

Jaques  (Jaqkes),  Hannah,  203  ;  John,  203, 
204  (2) ;  Mary,  204 

Jay  (Jaye),  Ann,  66;  Isaac,  269;  John,  66; 
Sophia,  269 

Jeakell  (Jakell,  Jeakiell,  Jeakill,  Jeakyell, 
Jeakyll,  Jeaquell,  Jekell,  Jekiel,  Jekill,  Jekyll), 
Elizabeth,  23,  24  (4),  25,  97,  99  ;  Jacob,  25 ; 
John,  23  (2),  24  (5),  25  (2),  26,  27  (2),  28,  30, 
63  (2),  97,  98,  99,  101,  105,  114;  Joseph,  30; 
Mary,  24,  28  ;  Mr.,  99  ;  Samuel,  23,  97 ;  Sarah, 

24  ;  Stephen,  27  ;  Susanna,  27  ;  Thomas,  24  ; 
Tryphena,  26,  27  (2)  ;  Tryphosa,  26  ;  Triphena, 

25  ;  Tryfenia,  30 ;  Trephemia,  63  ;  Trifeina, 
105  ;  — ,  99,  101 

Jeakens,  Frances,  62 

Jeakes,  Mr.,  97 

Jeames,  see  James 

Jeanes,  see  Jeenes 

Jeanson,  Peter  Matthews,  101 

Jeator,  Mary,  65 

Jeenes    (Jeanes,  Jeens,   Jennes),    Edward,    58  ; 

Elizabeth,  27,  28 ;    Mary,   26,  102  ;    Richard, 

26—28,    100—102  ;    Thomas,  26 ;    Thomasen, 

26—28  ;  — ,  100,  101 
Jeffarde    (Jefford),    George,    7,    8  ;   Henry,    7 ; 

Philip,  8 
Jeffery  (Jeffrye),  Joan,  53;    Lydia,  90;    Mary, 

43;  William,  43  (2) 
Jeffs,  (Rev.)  William,  206 
Jehele,  John,  90 

Jekell,  Jekiel,  Jekill,  Jekyll,  see  Jeakell 
Jekels,  Mr.,  104 
Jenkin,  Margaret,  244,  267  ;    Mary   Ann,  244  ; 

Richard,  244,  267 
Jenkins  (Jinkins),  Ann,  48,  256,  264  ;    Jeremiah, 

48  (2)  ;  Thomas,  264 
Jennens  (Jenins),  Edward,  13,  57,  93  ;    Ed.,  88  ; 

Robert,  93 
Jenner,  Catherine,  160  ;  John,  160 
Jennes,  see  Jeenes 

Jenning,  Ann,  143  ;  Jane,  143  ;  Thomas,  143 
Jennings  (Jennyngs),  Ann,  209  ;  Edward,  90,  91  ; 

Elizabeth,  182  ;  Francis,  14,  89  ;    George,  188  ; 

Grace,  209  :    Jane,  90  ;    Mr.,  89  ;    Sarah,  209  ; 

Thomas,  14,  88,  89,  209  ;  — ,  88 
Jeomons,  Charles,  135  ;  Jane,  135  ;  Samuel,  135 
Jessup,  Ann,  271 
Jeve  (Jeue),  Alice,  31  ;    Elizabeth,  31  ;    Thoma3, 

Jewell,  Marianne,  280  ;  William,  280 
Jex,  Elizabeth,  264 
Jhonson,  see  Johnson 
Jinkins,  see  Jenkins 
Joanes,  see  Jones 
Jobson,  Ann,  128  ;  Charlotte,  128, 185  ;  William, 

Johans,  Johnes,  Johns,  see  Jones 
John,  Mary  Millett,  272 

Johnson  (Jhonson,  Jonson),  Ann,  91  ;  Catherine, 
54 ;   Deborah,  136  (3) ;   Elizabeth,  15,  58,  91, 



154,  277  ;  George,  277  (2)  ;  Jacob,  58  ;  James, 
16,  68,  81,  186(2)!  Jane,  68;  John,  K),  67, 
136,  154,  238  i  Margaret,  5S,  211;  Martha, 
275;  Mary,  57,  151,  238,  277;  Matthew,  54  ; 
PreBsillab,  62;  Richard,  94;  (Ber.)  Richard, 
288;  Robert,  16;  Sarah,  74, 172,  274 ;   Susan, 

54  ;  Thomas,  161  ;  William,  68,  21  1,  272,  271  ; 
W.,  268  ;  — ,  274 

Jolland,  John,  66  (2) 

Jollife,  Benjamin,  66  ;  Mary,  66  (2) 

Jones  (Joanes.  Johans,  Johnes.  Johns,  Jonnes), 
Alfred,  239  ;  Alicia,  oil ;  Ann,  2  (2),  22,  55,  78, 
79,  111,  127,  140,  141,  109,  185,  213,  220;  A., 
207;  Bennet,  76  J  Catherine,  37,  213,  214; 
Christiana,  22:1,230;  Cislev,  84;  l)aviil,50, 124, 
211,  239  (3),  242  (5),  262,"275  ;  Dorothv,  207  ; 
D.,  265,  271,  275  ;  Eleanor,  212  ;  Eliza,  275  ; 
Elizabeth.  50  (2),  127(2),  12S,  129.  160.  177.222; 
Ellen,  271  ;  Emma,  239,  275  ;  Kmma  Elizabeth, 
283;  Erasmus,  208;  Fanny,  242,  278  ;  Fiances, 
138,  188  ;  Francis,  124  ;  George,  129,  173; 
Griffyn.  1,  2  (3).  3  ;  Hannah,  205  ;  Hannah 
Ann,  208;  llardstone  Frank,  239;  Harriet, 
196;  Jane,  37,  161,237  ;  llenrv,  233  ;  Henry 
Thomas,  234  ;  Herbert  Stanley,  250  ;  Hew, 
53;  Horace,  242;  Inign  William,  235;  Joan, 
88  ;  Job,  163  ;  John,  22  (2),  56,  138,  150,  166, 
185,  223;  John  Porter,  283;  John  William. 
275  (2) ;  Jonathan,  128, 175 ;  Lydia  Lynch,  242  ; 
Margaret,  76;  Margery,  58;  Marv,  76,  115, 
127.  150,  155,  162,  103,  105,  207.  208,  211,  223, 
205;  Mary  Ann,  250,  271;  Marv  Shepherd, 
278  ;  Mary  S.,  275  ;  Maurice,  138,  185,  186  ; 
Mav,  213  ;  Mr.,  120.  102  ;  Mrs.,  152  :  Nancy, 
140, 200 ;  Paul,  1,  78  ;  Philip,  3,  80  ;  Ralph,  55; 
Richard,  166;  Robert,  140,  141  (2),  161,  192, 
213;  Rowland,  2;  It.,  207;  Sarah,  166,  175, 
265 ;  Sarah  Lydia.  239  (3),  242  (5),  261  ; 
Susan.  205;  Tamzine,  212;  Theresa,  258; 
Thomas,  58,  108.  205,  257  ;  Thomas  Porter, 
283  ;  Togarnmh,  vii,  Pt.  I ;  Togamarth,  50  (3), 
125,  127  (2),  128,  129,  IS1  ;  (Rev.)  T.,  241  (10), 
259  (13),  200  (39),  201  (27),  268  (5),  209  (19), 
270(23),  271  (22)  ;  (Rev.)  T.  T.,  277  ;  William, 
37,  79.  150.  165,  207,  213  ;  William  llenrv,  242  ; 
William  Hibbs,  250  ;  (Capt.)  — ,  152 

Jones,  alias  Evans,  Jane,  14  ;  Thomas,  14 

Joninge,  Ofe,  60  ;  William,  00 

Jonson,  see  Johnson 

Jopling.  Robert,  25s 

Jordan  (Jordan),  Abraham,  157  ;  Elizabeth,  157  ; 
Harriet,  268;  Jane,  207  ;  Lucie,  157  ;  Thomas, 

Joslin  (Josling),  Ann,  278  ;  Elizabeth,  69  ; 
Samuel  .lames,  278  ;  Thomas,  278 

Jowett,  (Rev  )  Joseph,  247  (3),  261,  271,  272  (2) 

Joy  (Jove).  Ann,  211  ;  John,  211;  Lattice,  68  | 
Richard,  58 

Joyce,  Emma,  280  ;  Michael  Kirwan,  280  ; 
Richard,  280 

Jubcrt,  llenrv  Ixnv,  72  ;  Mary,  72 

Juce,  Ellen,  84 

Jnchsone.  see  Jnxon 

Judd,  Eliza,  221  ;  Thomas,  219 

Judges,  Alfred  Augustus,  281  ;  Isabella,  881  ; 
John,  281 

Judson,  Daniel,  280  (2);  Elizabeth,  280 1  Emma, 
280  i  Henry,  280 

Juevctt,  Ann,  60  ;  Thomas,  60 

.luory,  Samuel,  62  ;   Susan,  62 

Jurin  (Juren),  Esther,  177  ;  Isaac,  117  ;  John,  121 

Juxc  (Jux),  Ellen,  82  ;  Martha,  6,  7,  82  ;  Marv, 
7  ;  Sarah,  4.  6  ;  Simon,  5,  94  ;  Thomas,  4—7, 
82  ;  Timothy,  5,  82 

Jnxon  (Juchsone,  Juxsom,  Juxson),  Ann,  64; 
Arthur,  18,  19  (2),  27,  63,  94,  99,  101  ; 
Elizabeth.  13,  26,  105;  John,  13  —  15  17  (2).  IS, 
20—29,  58,  8S,  89,  92,  100—104,  100  (2),  107, 
112  (3)  ;  Joseph,  17  ;  Judeth,  17  (2)  ;  Marie, 
18,  19;  Marv,  15,  26  (2),  63.  92,  94,  108; 
Mr.,  103,  104  (2);  Nicholas,  26  (2),  63,  100 
—  103.  105  (2);  Rebecca,  17,  26—29,  10G ; 
Richard,  14;  Samuel,  14,  28;  Thomas,  14; 
— ,  100—104,  107 

Kaley,  Mary,  170 

Kay,  Chasnc,  203 

Kcarton.  Eliza,  205  ;  George  Henry,  205 

Keating,  Joan  Margaret,  49  ;    Luke,  49  ;    Rachel, 

Kcbl.v,  Elizabeth  Rose,  209;  William,  269 
Keefe,  Marv,  207  ;   Michael,  267 
Keen   (Keeue),   B.,   145—147,  190  and  ».,  200, 

211—214;    Elizabeth,    152;    John,    68,    152; 

Lydia,  08  ;  Thomas,  277 
Keep  (Kcepe),  Elizabeth,  71  ;  William,  98 
Keightlev,  Mary  Jane,  271 
Keldav,  Eleanor  Janet,  246,  269  ;   John,  246  (2), 

Kelk,  Ann,  129—132;  Peter,  129—132,  172,  173, 

180;  Robert,  131 
Kell,  Adrey,  04  ;  Arthur,  64 
Kelland.  Richard,  78 
Kelly,  Elizabeth,  140(2),  141,  173;  James,  140, 

14*1  ;  Sadler,  173;  Thomas,  141 
Kemble  (Kembcll),  Elizabeth,  41—44,  71,   154; 

George,  41—44  ;   Hannah,  42,  116  ;    Mary,  71  ; 

Pater,  41  ;  Richard,  44,  118  ;   Samuel,  43,  117  ; 

Sarah,  72 
Kemp  (Kcinpel,  Ann,  115  ;  Annis,  53  ;    Dorothv, 

67;    Edward,    31;    Elizabeth,   28,    102.    113  ; 

Francis,  113,  115;    Hannah,  26;    Henry,  53; 

John,   29;    Martha,   26-31,    115;    Mr.,    100 ; 

Roger,   20,-31,    64,    100,    102(2),    115,    120; 

Thomas,  27  ;  — ,  100 
Kcnburn,  George,  122 
Kendall  (Kendal),  Benjamin,   117;    George,  10, 

147  (2),  230  ;  Sarah,  147  ;  William,  10 
Kendrick,  Elizabeth  Cassandra,  24S'(2) ;  Elizabeth 

Rosa.  248  ;    George,  175  ;    Henry  Hadeu,  248  ; 

John,  86.  248  (2).     See  also  Kenrick 
Kcncston,  Thomas,  95 
Kennedy,  Alice,  166  ;    Mary  Ann,  237  ;    Thomas, 

Bennett,  Marv,  154  ;  William,  154 
Kenny,  (Rev.)  A.  II.,  248 
Kenrick,    Ann,     130,    174;     Elizabeth,    129(2), 

130  (2)  ;  George,  129  (2),  130  (2)  ;  Maria,  130, 

173;    Martha,   129,   173;    Susanna,    129,   173. 

See  also  Kendrick 
Kent,    Ann,    54;     Charitv,    186;     Daniel,    179; 

Dixy,    117;    Kdward.    270;     Elisabeth,    198; 

Hannah,    190,   200;    Henry,   194;    Jane,    111, 

117,    191;     John,    51,    257;      Margaret,    154 

Mary,  190,  270;  William,  276 
Kenton,  Mrs ,  149 
Kerbie,  Kerby,  see  Kirby 
Kerke,  Ananius,  77 
Kerr,  William  James,  259 



Kershaw,  Mary,  213 

Keten,  Rachel,  123 

Kettle,  John,  231  ;  Sarah,  124 

Kettlewell,  Patience,  116 

Keyes  (Keys),  Elizabeth,  14  ;   Isabel,  151  ;  Marv, 

14  ;  Robert,  14  (2)  ;  Thomas,  151 
Keyle,  Judith,  52 
Kevte,  Ann,  269 
Kid,  Ann,  209 

Kightley,  Francis,  80  ;  Margaret,  52  ;  Mary,  80 
Kilbonrne  (Kilborn),  William,  203  ;  (Rev.  Dr.), 

Kilby,  Joan,  100 

Killcoure,  Mary,  153;  Thomas,  1 53 
Killingeworthe,  Frances,  54  ;  John,  54 
Kilmorey,  (Lord  Viscount),  157;   (Lady)  Mary, 

Kilner,  (Rev.),  166 

Kilpin,  Joseph,  09  ;  Rebecca,  69,  125 

Kilstone,  Thomas,  85  ;  — ,  85 

Kimpton,  Edward,  83 

Kindersley  (Kindersly),  Mary,  1  ;  Robert,  1,  78 

Kinerston,  Edward,  110  ;  John,  110 

King  (Kinge),  Alice,  251  ;  Ann,  197,  208,  220, 
225;  Berkely,  266;  Eliza,  251  (2),  266; 
Elizabeth,  52,  139  (3),  195,  207,  263  ;  Elizabeth 
Ann,  216,  225;  Emilv  251;  E.,  216;  George 
Lewis,  146  ;  George  Philip,  22S  ;  Hannah,  69  ; 
Jane,  225  ;   Jane  Sarah  Dorril,  146  (2) ;   John, 

139  (3),  146  (2),  188  (2),  198,  206,  216, 
225  ;  John  William,  248  ;  Mary,  64,  67,  202, 
224  (2),  225,  228  (2),  237,  266  ;  Mary  Ann, 
224  j  Rebecca,  207  ;  Rebecca  Esther,  248  ; 
Richard  Roberts,  228  ;  Robert,  104,  251  (2)  ; 
Samuel,  213;  Sarah,  166;  Sarah  Ann,  146; 
Thomas,  150  (2),  267  ;  Thomas  William,  248  ; 
Tryphena,  213;  William,  224  (3),  225,  228(2); 
Zachariah,  207  ;  — ,  206 

Kingpoole,  Elizabeth,  236 

Kingsmill,  Bridget,  39  ;  Mar}',  39  ;  William,  39 

Kinsey,  Ann,  152,  155;   Frances,  152;    Ralph, 

Kinsman,  John,  79 
Kippax,  Mrs.,  196 
Kirby  (Kerbie,  Kerby,  Khbe,  Kirbye),  Alse,  54  ; 

Elizabeth,  52  ;  Frances,  15;  Francis,  15;  Joan, 

52,  54  ;  John,  15,  52,  81 ;  Josua,  15;  Susan,  15 
Kirke,  John,  86  ;  Robert,  79 
Kirkland,  Joan,  52 
Kirrie,  William,  78 
Kirton,  Richard,  214 
Kiteley  (Kitely,  Kyteley),  Alexander,  4  ;  Anthony, 

1;  Eustace,  1;  Francis,  1  (2),  3  (4),  4;  Susan,  3 
Kittle    (Kitell),   John,   206  ;     Mary,   190,   206  ; 

Sarah,  161 
Knap  (Knapp),  Hannah,  44,  179  ;   John,  44,  176  ; 

Mary,  44  ;  Mr.,  150  (2) 
Knee,  Elizabeth,  75 
Knevett,  George,  220 
Knight,  Anna  Maria,  138  ;  Eleanor  Hale,  241  (2), 

242,    265 ;     Elizabeth,    165  ;     Frances,    139  ; 

George  Henry,   227;    Hannah,   212;    James, 

205,  241  ;    James  Martin,  241  (2),  242,  265; 

Jane,    139 ;     John,    265 ;     Mary,    138 ;     Mr., 

140  (2),  141  ;  Richard,  241,  265  ;  Samuel,  139, 
209,  242 ;  Sarah,  222,  226,  227  ;  William 
Bubb,  138  ;  William  John,  226;  William  John 
Holmes,  226,  227  ;   (Rev.  Dr.)  — ,  156 

Knighton,  George,  34  ;  Henry,  34  ;  Rebecca,  34 
Knipe,  (Dr.),  69 
Knocker,  John,  80 
VOL.    II. 

Knott  (Knot),  Frances,  32,  106  ;  John,  32,  36  (2), 
106  (3),  138—110;  Joseph,  108;  Sarah,  32  j 
William,  109 

Knowles,  Mary,  73 

Kolt,  Kinborow,  80 

Kuhff,  Henry,  143  ;  Henry  Peter,  143  ;  Sarah,  143 

Kynaston,  (Rev.)  Herbert,  276 

Kynder,  Gilbert,  69  ;  Hannah,  69 

Kyteley,  see  Kiteley 

L ,  Eleanor,  204 

Lacey,  Elizabeth,  66  ;  William,  66 

Lack,  Mary,  161 

Ladd,  Eliza,  265  ;  William,  265 

Ladyman,  Frances,  75  ;  William,  75 

Laffan,  de  Courcy,  (Kev.)  Robert  Stuart,  viii,  Pt.  I, 
viii,  Pt.  II 

Lagash,  Ann,  132  ;  John,  132  (2) 

Laicun  (Laitun),  Margery,  52 

Laine,  see  Lane 

Lairge,  — ,  56 

Laitham,  see  Latham 

Laitun,  see  Laicun 

La  Lauze,  Mary,  181 

Lamb  (Lambe),  Bolden,  241  (2),  257;  Charles, 
70  ;  Edmond,  16  ;  Elizabeth,  16,  156,  167,  196  ; 
Elizabeth  Ann,  241  ;  Fiances,  161  ;  Hannah, 
16;  Jane,  203  ;  John,  77;  Jelfe,  167;  Jemima, 
70  ;  Martha  Mary,  217  ;  Mr.,  102 

Lambert,  (Rev.)  W.,  247,  274 

Laming  (Laminge),  Mary,  221  ;  Richard,  93 

Lancaster,  Benjamin,  157  ;  Dr.,  67  ;  Elizabeth, 
157;  Mary,  185 

Lanckton,  see  Langton 

Land,  (Rev.)  John,  207  ;  (Rev.)  Tristram,  167 

Landlord,  Catherine,  173 

Landon,  Mr.,  75 

Landwre,  (Dr.)  Henry,  53  ;  Luce,  53 

Lane  (Laine),  Abigail,  24  (3) ;  Anna  Maria,  237; 
Bethiah,  18,  93  ;  Edward,  146  (2),  147,  212, 
232,  237  ;  Emma,  261  ;  Grace,  69  ;  Hannah, 
146,  147,  212,  216;  Hugh,  56;  Joan,  56; 
John,  76,  147,  230 ;  Joseph,  24  ;  Margaret, 
18  (2),  93  ;  Mary.  76, 203  ;  Mrs  ,  232  ;  Richard, 
18  (2),  93  ;  Samuel,  18  ;  Timothy,  24  (2) ; 
William,  236 

Lanere,  see  Lannere 

Langdon,  see  Langton 

Langford,  Ann,  27  ;  John,  27  (2) ;  Sarah,  237 

Langhorne  (Lanhorne),  Alice,  13,88,208;  Daniel, 
29;  Elizabeth,  31  ;  Jane,  27,  30;  Joan,  14; 
John,  13  ;  Mr.,  101,  104  ;  Richard,  28  ;  Sarah, 
27—31  ;  Thomas,  14,  27—31,  65, 101,  103,  208  ; 
William,  13  (2),  14,  88  ;  — ,  101  (3),  104 

Langley,  Charles,  247;  Christopher,  52;  Elizabeth, 
273  ;  Joan,  52  ;  John,  2:i8  ;  Kezia,  247  ;  Mary, 
238  ;  Thomas,  247  ;  William,  238 

Langton  (Lanckton,  Langdon,  Lanton),  Ann,  14, 
91  ;  Barbara,  16,  91  (3) ;  Bridget,  93  ;  Edmond, 
16;  Edward,  14,  91;  Jane,  234;  John,  15; 
Judith,  13,  93;  Margaret,  14;  Martha,  13; 
Mr.,  S8;  Thomas,  13—16,  58,  88(2),  91  (3), 
93(2),  97  ;  (Admiral)  William,  197 

Lanhorne,  see  Langhorne 

Lannere  (Lanere).  Jacob,  84  ;  — ,  83 

Lansfild,  Mary,  110 

Lant,  Mary,  208 

Lanton,  see  Langton 



Lanyar,  Susan,  84 

I.unince,  see  Lawrence 

I.anlncr.  Ann,  2n4  j  Susanna,  15."  ;   William,  155 

Large,  Richard,  86(2),  89 

Largo,  Mr.,  86 

Lascoe  (Lasco),  Ann,  27,  31  ;  Francis,  172  ; 
Ilfiirv,  27(2).  31,  103(2);  Margaret,  114,  177; 
Rebecca,  170;  William,  31 

Lasher,  Mary,  155  ;  Thomas,  155 

Laaumby,  Mr.,  70 

Las.sells,"  George,  50,  74  ;  Mary,  50  (2),  74 

Latham  (Laitham,  Ln thorn.  Latlmm,  Laytbam), 
Ann,  48(3),  49,  60(2),  71  ;  Elizabeth,  48,  121 ; 
Mary,  75  ;  Mrs.,  113  ;  Thomas,  48—50,  71, 122, 

Launder,  Mary,  76 

Laurenc,  see  Lawrence 

Laurens,  see  Lavrens 

Laurie,  Ellen,  281  ;  Emma  Elizabeth,  283  ; 
James,  2S1,  283  (2) ;  Maria,  283  ;  Marie,  281  ; 
Rachel,  205;  Robert,  2o5  ;  William  Henry,  281 

Lavender,  Francis,  233  ;  Sarah,  232 

Lavingthorp,  Thomas,  150 

Lavrens  (Laurens),  Jeane,  101  ;  Mark,  27,  64, 
lnl(4);  Mary,  101  j  Sarah,  101 

Lavton,  Edward,  97 

Lawrence  (Larance.  Laurenc,  Lawranc,  Lawrance), 
Ambrose,  69  ;  Ann,  214 ;  Catherine,  73  ;  Charles, 
288;  Edward,  157;  Elizabeth,  69,  236;  Isaac, 
29;  Jaine,  104  ;  Jane  Richardson,  283  ;  Jeies, 
14;  John,  14,  73,  89,  236;  Margaret,  73, 
2(11  ;  Mark,  28.  29,  102  (3)  ;  Mary,  202  ;  Mr., 
89;  Sarah,  70,  157,  159;  Susanna.  203 ; 
Thomas,  204,  256  ;  William,  283  ;  — ,  28  (2), 
29,  102(2) 

Lawriiner,  llenrv,  7  ;  Nicholas,  7 

Laws,  Elizabeth;  264  ;  Robert,  264 

Lawson,  Ann  Sophia,  155  ;  Bridget,  35  ;  Charles 
Marmaduke,  247  ;  Elizabeth,  100,  247  ;  Jane, 
62,  175  ;  John,  38  (2),  111  ;  Mr.,  99  ;  Richard, 
35,  62 ;  Samuel,  35 ;  William,  100,  155  ; 
William  John,  247  ;  — ,  99 

Layman,  Henry,  274  ;  Louisa  Susanna,  274 

Laytham,  see  Latham 

Lavton.  Charles,  234,  236  ;  Charlotte  Harriet, 
226  ;  llenrv.  217  ;  James,  226  (2),  236  ;  Kezia 
Maria,  226(2)  ;  Sophia,  236  ;  Temple  Hielyard, 

Lazinbv,  Mr.,  148 

Leacroft  (Leacraft,  Leaycroft,  Lccraft,  Lecroft, 
Lcvcroft,  Licroft),  Elizabeth,  19  ;  Hannah,  17 
—21,  94,  96  ;  Lidea,  18  ;  Richard,  20  ;  Robert, 
18  ;  Thomas.  17  ;  William,  17—21,61,94—96  ; 
— •  94 

Lcadbeater,  Bridget,  76  ;  Richard,  76 

Leader,  Ann.  136  :  John,  135  ;  Mary,  135 

Li-aiMonr.  Margaret,  1  72 

Leake,  Ann,  209;  Joseph,  209 

Leale,  .lane,  281 

Li  an.  Marv,  73 

Dearis,  Margaret,  212  :  William,  212 

I  '        ioft,  Lccraft,  Lecroft,  sec  Leacroft 

I  i-  i'.;i-.  Charles  Snnihoni,  73  ;  Mary,  73,  171 

Le  (  onte,  Anna  Maria,  168 

i     Crw  (LeCras),  Noah,  207,  211 

Leddes,  Mr.,  101  ;  — ,  101 

Lc    Dicu.    Frances,   276;    James   William,   276; 

Jaqoee,  276 
Lee,  Ann.  66  :  Catherine,  6  :    Eleanor,  262,  269  ; 

Elizabeth,  20,  200,  282;    George,  3,  282(2); 

Humphrey,  6  (2),  68  ;   Isabella  Wilkinson,  282  ; 

James,  269  ;  John,  22,  96,  203  ;  Laurence,   80  ; 

Mary,  105,  204,  206  :   Matilda,  282  ;   Mr.,  105  ; 

Richard,  94  ;  Rose,  53  ;  Sarah,  20—22,  95—97 ; 

Susanna,   60  ;    Thomas,    3,   20—22,   95-97  ; 

William,  6,  60 
Leech,  Jane,  275  ;  Joseph,  14S  ;  Lncv,  275;  Mary, 

14S  :  Nathaniel,  275  ;  Sarah,  202;'  William,  275 
Leed,  Martha,  112 
Leeds  (Leedes),  Adam,  120  ;  Elizabeth,  104,  107, 

114,  170,  171,  174,  181;   John,  169;    Martha, 

121  ;  Mr.,  102,  103  ;  Sarah,  118  ;  — ,  102—104 
Lees,  Alfred,  271 
Leete,  Ann,  65 
Le   Filiatre  (Lcfiliatre),  Eleanor,   269;    Lonisa, 

227  ;  Marj',  227,   256  ;  Thomas,  227  j  Thomas 

John, 256 
Legendre,  Esther,  151 

Legge,  Ann,  276  ;  Eliza,  267  ;  Moses  Barton,  267 
Le  Gros,  Ann,  208 
Leigh   (Legh),  Mary,   72,   167  ;    Richard,   167  ; 

Sarah,  258  ;  Snsan,  258 
Leins,  Agnes,    255.    282  ;    Charles,   282  ;    Louis 

Augustus,  255,  282  ;  William  Louis,  255 
Leister,  see  Lester 
Le   Mesurier,  (Alderman),   197 ;    John  Thomas 

Howe,  146  ;  Louisa  Marv.  145  ;  Marion  ( )ctavia, 

223  ;    Mary,  145,  209,  223  ;    Raul,  145  (2),  146, 

209,  223 
Lemmon  (Leman,  Lemon),  Daniel,  175  ;  Margery, 

83  ;  Milky,  75  ;  Thomas,  75 
Lempriere,  George,  208 
Lendon,    (Rev.)    Abel,    166    (2),    167;     (Rev.) 

Charles,  259  ;  (Rev.)  Richard,  259,  260 
Lennordes,  Grigson,  55  ;  Henry,  55 
Lent,  Marv,  149 
Lentinc,  Elizabeth,  53 

Lenton,  Alee,  41  ;   John,  41  (2).  116  ;   Mary,  112 
Lenud,    Benjamin,   35,    106— 109  ;     Mary,    107  ; 

Paul,  109  ;  Peter  Anthony,  35,  108  ;  — ,  106 
Leonard,  George,  277  ;    Jane,  277  ;    John,  277  ; 

Mary,  54,  75  ;  William,  54  ;  — ,  75 
Leppingwell,  Ann,  267  ;  George,  267,  268  ;  John, 

Leroux,    Judith    Eleanor,    135;     Robert,    135; 

Susan,  135 
Lester  (Leister,   Lister,  Lyster),  Catherine,  32  ; 

Elizabeth,  32—34,  170;    Jane,  68;   John,  34, 

108  ;  Joseph,  32-34,  106,  108,  109  ;   Martha, 

33  ;  Martin,  6S  ;  Mary,  33  ;  Thomas,  34 
Letch  ford,  Thomas,  271 

Lethbury,  Anna,  214  ;  Bridget,  214  ;  John,  214 
Lethilerc,  Mary,  49  ;  Samuel,  49  ;   William,  49 
Lever,  Frances,  217  ;  Henry,  215  ;  Sarah,  215 
Levermore,  John,  117 
Levien,  Cecilia,  269  ;  Sidney  Lindo,  269 
Lewes,  Cornelius,  13;    Elizabeth,  58,  90;  John, 

12;     Ralph,    12,    13,    58,    90;     Sarah,    113; 

Thomas,  58.     See  also  Lewis 
Lcwin.  Elizabeth,  235 
Lewis  (Lcwys),  Allen,  69  ;  Ann,  217  ;  Benjamin, 

143,     232;     Cornelius,    88  ;     Elizabeth,     21; 

Elizabeth    Isabella.    226;     George,    226   (3); 

Jane,    21,    195;     John,    179;     Joseph,    207; 

Martha,  69  ;     Marv,  226  (2),  267  ;     Ralph,  88  ; 

Rebecca,    143,    144,    232;     Robert.    143,     lit, 

217  (2),  256  ;     Sarah,  163.  235,  260  ;     William, 

21,  144,  232  ;  (Rev.)  — ,  167.     See  also  Lewes 
Lcvcroft,  sec  Leacroft 
Licroft,  Ml  Leacroft 
Liddell,  Elizabeth,  203  ;  Jane,  267  ;   Mary,  204. 

Sec  also  Littel 



Lideatt,  see  Lydiatt 

Lidgould,  (Rev.)  J.,  156 

Liege,  Elizabeth  Ann,  261 

Ligat  (Lygat),  Anthony,  85 

Light,  Mary,  230 

Lightfoot,  Mary,  70  ;    Mary  Ann,  19S  ;   Robert, 

70  ;  Samuel,  IDS 
Lilburn   (Lilborn,   Lilborne,  Lilburne,   Lillborne, 

Lvlbourne),    Alice,     175  ;     George,     37— :!9  ; 

111   (2),    117;    Honoria,   37—311;    Isabel,  29, 

31  (2),  39,  104,    170  ;  John,  29  (2),  31,  103— 

105,  107  ;  Mary,  73  ;  — ,  103,  120 
Lile,  Elizabeth,  40  ;  Richard,  46  (2) 
Lilley     (Lillv),     Sarah,     215  ;      Thomas,     231  ; 

Lillingdine,  Ann,  153  ;  John,  153 
Lindgren,  Hans  Jonas,  277  ;    H.  J.,  277  ;    Mary, 

Lindius,  Ann,  203 
Lindlev,  Carolina,  07  ;  Francis,  G7 
Lindo,"  Hannah,  220 
Lindsay     (Lindsey),     John,     215    (2);       Lydia 

Elizabeth,  215 
Line,   Eleanor,   12G  (2),   169,   174  ;     Elizabeth, 

47  (2),  124;    Hannah,  162;    John,  126,  169; 

Joshua,    174  ;    Mary,   66,    116  ;    Richard,   47, 

119;  William,  162 
Lingard,  Mary,  122  ;  Nathaniel,  120 
Linnell,  Elizabeth,  202 
Linton,  Daniel,  118  ;    John,  116;    Margaret,  53  ; 

Mary,  72,  183 
Lintott,  Ann,  276  ;  William,  276 
Lipscombe,  Lucas  Earle,  221 
Liptrap,  Samuel  David,  204  ;  Sarah,  204,  210 
Liptrott,  (Kev.)  Iiexworth,  165 
Lishewa,  Peter,  281 
Lister,  see  Lester 
Litchfield,  Ann,  153 ;    John,  237  ;    Mary,  237  ; 

Sarah.  237  ;  Vincent,  237 
Littel  (Litteel,  Littell),  Isaac,  207  ;  Martha,  207  ; 

Sarah,  210,  220.  See  also  Liddell 
Littler,  Edmund,  279  ;  William,  279 
Littlewood,   Elizabeth,   236;    Hnlton,  236,   265; 

Mary  Summers,  265 
Liuer,  Stephen,  111 
Lloyd  (Lloyde,  Loyd,  Loyde),  Ann,  21,  75,  206, 

256;    Ann  Margaretta,   210;    Catherine,   127, 

159,   170  ;     Charles,    21    (4)  ;    (Sir)    Charles, 

103;    David,  50(3),  126—128,  169,    170  (3); 

Elizabeth,   21  (4),   23,  50  (2),   126-128,   140, 

169,   176,  206;    Griffin,  94;   James,  127,  169; 

John,  50,  95,  159  ;  Mary,  115  ;  Mary  Ann,  271  ; 

Mr.,  102  ;  Penelope,  95  ;  Richard,  140(2),  206  ; 

Robert,  114,  219  ;    Walter,  271  ;    William,  126, 

128,  170 
Loader,  Robert,  205 
Lock   (Locke),   Mary,   77,   267;    Rowland,   77; 

William,  77,  265,  267 
Lockers,  John,  102  ;  — ,  102 
Lockhead,  Sarah,  208 
Lockwood,    Ann,    66  ;     Elizabeth,    139  ;     John 

Thomas,  139,  187  ;  Joseph,  139,  187 
Lockyer,  Ann,  212 
Lodge,  Susanna,  206 
Lodwick,  Mary,  67 
Loe,  Looe,  see  Lowe 
Loff,  Mercy,  204 
Logsdell,  June,  220 
London,  Bishop  of,  vii  (2),  Pt.  I,   67  (3),   201  ; 

Edmund,  Lord  Bishop  of,  vii,  Pt.  I  ;  Elizabeth, 

80  j  Jessie,  254;  John,  213;  Margaret,  254 

Loneragan,  Elizabeth,  244  (2),  200  ;   Helen,  244  ; 

John,  244  (2)  ;  Mary,  244 
Long,  Ann,  165  ;    Charles,  151  ;   Elizabeth,  43  ; 

John,  43  ;  Mary,  151  ;  Mr.,  198  ;  Withers,  43 
Longstrafe,  Abraham,  219 
Loovorocke,  Sarah.  58 
Lord,   Alice,  64  ;    Ann,  275  ;    Benjamin  Berrv, 

275  ;  Edward,  64  ;  Sarah,  275 
Loscoe,  Henry,  109 
Lostau,  James,  177  ;  Mary,  165,  176 
Loughlin,  Mary,  274 
Loughton,  Sarah,  161  ;  William,  161 
Lounds,  see  Lownes 
Louze,    Dorothy,    41  ;     Eleanor    Elizabeth,    41  ; 

Peter,  41 
Love,  A.,  217  ;  Elizabeth,  217  ;  William,  217 
Lovelane,  John,  75  ;  Mary,  75 
Lovelock,  Eliza  Ann,  253  ;   Sarah,  253  ;   Walter 

John  Graham,  253 
Lovell,  Alice,  56  ;  Ann,  219  ;  James.  249  ;  James 

Stephens,  249  ;  John,  50 
Lovett,  Emma,  261  ;  Henry,  263  (2)  ;   John,  247, 

262  ;  Maria,  247  ;  Sarah,  215,  247 
Lowe  (Loe,  Looe,  Low),  Amy,  11  ;   Ann,  00,  80  ; 

Christopher,  12,  88  ;   Elizabeth,  209  ;  Jane,  60  ; 

John,  80;    Launcelot,   11,86;    Lawrence,  13  ; 

Ledia.  12  ;    Liddeatt,  13  ;    Margaret,  85,  143  ; 

Margaret  Cordelia,  143  ;  Mary,  12  ;  Mr.,  90  (2)  ; 

Mrs.,   83;    Richard,   79;    Robert,   10—13,   85, 

86  (2),  88  (3),  89,  92  ;  William,  10,  79,  88,  143 
Lowery,  Ann,  203  ;  John,  203 
Lowmez,  Francis,  S9 
Lowne,  Ann,  61  ;  John,  61 
Lownes     (Lounds,     Lowndes),     Ann,     20,     94  ; 

Eliazar,  23  ;    Elizabeth,   19-23,   94,   96,   97  ; 

Hester,  19  ;  Margaret,  70  ;  Martha,  22  ;  Marv, 

21,90(2);    Rnchell,  21;    Ralph.  91  ;   Rebecca, 

97  :    Hobert,  70  ;    Samuell,  21  ;    Sarah.  164  ; 

Thomas,  19—23,  94,  96  (2),  97,  99  ;    William, 

22,  96  ;  — ,  99 
Lowth,  Prudence,  71  ;  Simon,  71 
Loyd,  Loyde,  see  Lloyd 
Lncas,  (Kev.)  A.,  217  ;     Abraham,  204  ;     Ann, 

204;     Deborah,    193;     Dorothea,    132,    133; 

Elizabeth,    72 ;     Isaac,    70 ;     John,    25    (2)  ; 

Josiah,  132,  133  (2),  179  ;    Marv,  25,  132,  177  ; 

Samuel,  72;  Sarah,  70,  150  ;  Susan,  50 ;  (Rev.) 

William,  215,  216  (0),  218  (3),  230  (5),  237  (3) 
Luckett,  Eleanor,  207 
Luckin,  Jean  Lander,  2S1  ;  Joseph,  281;  Richard, 

281.     See  also  Lukin 
Lucking,  John,  249  (2),  250  ;    Louisa  Elizabeth, 

249  ;      Margaret    Nancy,    250,    203  ;      Sarah 

Margaret,  249  (2),  250  ;  Sophia  Jane,  263 
Luckwell,  Dorcas,  56 
Ludbrook,  Marv,  221 
Ludford  (Ludforde),  Andrew,  2—5,  S2 ;  Anthony, 

3  ;    (Dr.),  81,  85  ;    Elizabeth,  2  ;    George,  78  ; . 

Jane,  3  ;  Margery,  4  ;    Mary,  150  ;    Mrs.,  S5  ; 

Richard,  5,  82  j  Simon,  2  ;   William,  77 
I.udfortb,(l)r.),  81  ;  William,  81 
Ludoe,  John,  80 
Luke,  Mary,  58  ;  Richard,  58 
Lukin  (Luken),  Elizabeth,  08  ;    Sarah,  169.     See 

also  Luckin 
Lumbard,  James,  94  ;  Peter,  94 
Lumbe,  Marv,  55  ;  William,  55 
Lumley,  Catherine,  216  ;  John,  216 
Lunn,  Jane,  274  ;  John,  274 
Lusignan,    (Rev.)   M.  M.,  252;    (Rev.)   M.  W., 

274,  275  (2),  277  ;  M.  W.,  262 



Lnsigne.  George,  276 

Luther,  Charlotte,  166  ;  Richard,  156 

Lutkens,  Benjamin,  212 

Lvchs,  Elinabeth,  66 

Lyde,  Cornelius,  148  ;  Mary,  148 

Lvdiatt    (Lideatt,    Lyddatt,    Lyddiatt,   Lydeat), 

Ami,  88  ;   Klizabeth,  83  ;   George,  56,  86,  88  ; 

Joyce,  55  j  Mr.,  1 4 
Lye,  John,  236  ;  Mary,  236 
Lygat,  see  Ligat 
Lylhourne,  see  Lillbourne 
Lvmctter,  George,  Id  ;  William,  10 
Lynam,  Catherine,  224  ;  George,  224  ;  Mary,  224, 

Lynch,  Ellen  Harlev,  228,  269  ;  Elizabeth  Harley, 

228,    269 ;    James,    269  ;    Jane,    202  ;    John, 

228  (2)  ;  Mary,  228  (2) 
Lynde,  Elizabeth,   139 ;    James,   139  ;    William 

John,  139 
Lvne,  Eleanor,  74  ;    Hannah,  200,  205,  207—209, 
"213;    John,  74  ;    Mary,  257  ;    Mr.,  185,  190; 

William,  202-217,  233.     See  also  Lyon 
Lynes,  Elizabeth,  69  ;  Mr.,  137 
Lyon,    George,    235 ;      George    Nathaniel,    244  ; 

Hannah,    238    (2),    259,    265-268;      H.,    264; 

Maria,  244,  259  ;   Marv,  217,  268  (2),  269,  272  ; 

Susanna,   261  ;     W.  j.,  236—238,   264—272  ; 

William  Joseph,  238,  208,  273  (2)  ;  W.  S.,  266  ; 

William  Thomas,  244.     See  also  Lyne 
Lvons,  John,  237  ;  Mary,  237 
Lysbourne,  Isabel,  104  ;  John,  104 
Lyster,  see  Lister 


Malic,  Hortensia  Ann,  282  ;  James,  282  ;  Joseph, 

Macarthv,  Dennis,  277  ;  Thomasine  Frances,  277  ; 

William,  277 
Maccaw,  Sarah  Ann,  269 
MacDougal  (Macdongal),  Alexander,  282  ;  A.  M., 

282  ;  Catherine'  Cormouls,  282 
Mace  (Mase),  Elizabeth,  127,  169;    Jane,  150; 

Joseph,  127,  169,  171  ;   Margaret,  156  ;    Mary, 

54  ;  Sarah,  127,  173  ;   Thomas,  150  j  William, 

Machin,  Mr.,  133,  160 
Mackenzie,  Ann,  234  ;  Robert,  232 
Mackie  (Mackey),  George  John,  262  ;  Mr.,  196 
Mackintosh.  Mary,  266 
Mackmin,  Klizabeth,  271 
Macrae  (Macree),  Alexander,  215  ;   Marv,  215, 

Mackreth,  D.,  217 
Macuallcy,  Mrs.,  195 
Maddenson,  Henry,  172 
Maddison    (Maddcrson,    Maddcson,    Maddcsson, 

Madcrson,   Elizabeth,  37  ;     George,   48,   122  ; 

Henrv,  33,  49  (2),  50,  106,  123  ;  John,  36—38, 

48,72,  109,  110(2),  121.  123;  Joseph,  37,  110  ; 

Martha,  48,  72  ;  Marv,  33,  3d,  67,  109  ;   Sarah, 

33,   49,  50  ;    Thomas,  37,  1 10  ;   William,  50  ; 

Maddocks  (Maddox,  MadockeQ.  Anna  Maria,  237  ; 

Charles,    237;    C,   237;     George,    146,   237; 

Henry,    147,   232;     Mary,   223;     Mrs.,    160; 

Nathaniel,   40  (2)  ;    Richard,    144  —  147,  223  ; 

R.,  237  ;    Samuel,  145  ;    Sarah,  144—147,  160, 

198,  223  ;  Susan,  40 
Madley,  John,  97 

Madock,  Mary,  53  ;  Thomas,  53 

Madocks,  see  Maddocks 

Magson,  David,  221 

Maham,  Thomas,  81 

Mahoney,  Ellen,  271 

Maiers,  Ann,  54  j  Thomas,  54 

Maij,  Mary,  54 

Main,  see  Mayne 

Mainwaring  (Manwaring),  Eaton,  128;  Elizabeth, 

128—130;    Frances,  207;    George,  130,  170; 
Janet,  218  ;    Richard,  182  ;    Roger,  128—130  ; 

Sarah,  218  ;  William,  207,  218 
Majcndie,  (Rev.)  John  James,  205,  206  ;  L.  A., 
205  ;    Sarah,  205  ;    William,  205  ;    (Rev.)  -, 

159,  160 
Malachlin,  Thomas,  231 
Malcolm,  Ann,  274  ;  Jean,  274 
Malctrott,  Ann,  209 
Males,  Ann,  267 

Mallatt  (Mallot),  Sarah,  219  ;  William,  182 
Mullison     (Mallcsen,     Malleson),     Alice,     166  ; 

Hannah,    159  ;     Isaac,   73  ;     Mary,   73,    160  ; 

Thomas,  166 
Malmazet,  Catharina,  177  ;   Mary,  185  ;   Peter, 

Maltby,  Ann,  162;  Brongh,  162  ;  (Rev.)  Edward, 

217  ;  George,  217  ;  Maria,  217  ;  Sophia,  217 
Malyon,  Isaac,  222 
Manuring,  Andrew,  92 
Manestie,  John,  13  ;  William,  13 
Manley  (Manly),   John,   25,   26(21,  106,   118; 

Margaret,  25,  26,  106 ;   Mr.,  100 ;   Mrs.,  108  ; 

Sarah,  25 
Mann  (Man),  Ann,  72  ;   Anthony,  72  ;    Mary, 

50(2),  212;   Mercy.  176;   Sarah,  212;   S.  L., 

279  ;  Thomas,  50  ;   William,  176 
Manning,  E.  E.,  281  ;   F.,  274  ;   John,  281  (2) ; 

Mr.,  159  ;  Susanna,  281  ;  Theodosia.  281 
Manningham,  Dorothy,  75  ;  Richard,  75  ;  — ,  75 
Mansfield, Charles,  249;  Klizabeth,  282;  Frederick, 

250  ;    Harriet  Mary,  248  ;    Harriet  Sophia,  247 

—250  ;     James,   266,   282  ;     Marianna,   249  ; 

Sarah,  266  ;  Thomas  George,  247,  262 ;  Thomas 

Hyatt,  247-250,282 
Manwaring,  see  Mainwaring 
Marchand,  John  Peter,  234 
Marchant,  Jane,  124  ;  Mary,  153 
Marche,  Ann,  57 
Maiden,  Anahella,  271 
Maret,  Alee,  60 
Margary  (Margery),  Ann  Harriet.  261 ;  Brownlow 

Lewis,  258  ;    Klizabeth,  224,  232,  258  ;   James 

Henry,  146,  199  ;    Jane,  144,  146,  223,  224  ; 

John,  198;    Joshua  John  Lloyd,  144;    Sarah 

Ann,  256  ;  Sarah  Jane,  223  ;  Thomas,  144,  146, 

223,  224,  257 
Margas   (Margarss),    Catherine,    134  (2),    189 ; 

Klizabeth   Catherine,   134  ;   Mr.,  186  ;    Philip, 

134  (2),  188  ;  Solomon  Bertram!,  134,  186 
Mark,  Grace,  217,  236;  John,  217,  236;  Margaret, 

236  ;  Mary,  236 
Markham,  Marv,  67  ;  Samuel,  67 
Marks  (Markes"),  Joseph,  108,  K>9(2)  ;  Mary,67; 

Mr.,  188  ;  Rachel,  108  ;  Richard,  67 
Markwell,  Alexander,  268  ;    Eliza,  268  ;    Joseph, 

Marlborough,  Duke  of,  59  n.  ;   Robert,  47 
Marlow,  Elizabeth,  173 
Marman,  Sarah,  203  ;  William,  203 
Marmion,  Hugh,  40  ;  Joseph,  40,  1 14  ;   Mary,  40, 



Marriott  (Harriot),  Elizabeth  Pitt,  106  ;  Mr., 
106  ;  Robert,  65,  105  (2),  106,  114  ;  — ,  106 

Marse,  William,  48 

Marsh,  Alice,  22  (2),  23  ;  Ann,  165  ;  Elizabeth, 
75;  George,  165  ;  Hannah,  22  ;  John,  22(2), 
23;  Jos.,  75;  Samuel,  22;  Sarah,  23  ;  Susanna, 

Marshall  (Marshal),  Charles  226  ;  Eleanor,  227, 
235  ;  Elizabeth,  237  ;  Elizabeth  Sarah,  227  ; 
John  Gloster,  247,  248;  Juliana,  225,  266; 
Mary,  147,  215,  217,  223—228,  238,  266  ;  Mr., 
74  ;  Phoebe,  228  ;  Samuel,  224 ;  Sarah,  247, 
248;  Sophia,  247,  261  ;  Thomas,  147  (2),  215, 
217,  223— 22S,  238,  258,  266  ;  Walter  Hickman, 
248  ;  William,  224  ;  (Rev.)  William,  266  ; 
William  Joseph,  261,  263 

Martel,  James,  115 

Martin  (Marten,  Martine,  Martyn),  Ann,  29,  53, 
54;  Benjamin,  148  ;  Bridget,  51  ;  Elizabeth, 
29,  178,  203,  210;  Frances,  49  (2),  50;  George, 
50,  85,  203,  272  ;  Grizel,  203  ;  Hannah,  148  ; 
Harriet  Sophronia,  271  ;  Henry.  266  ;  John, 
36,  77,  83,  203,  219  ;  Lew.  29  ;  Margaret,  109  ; 
Mary,  36,  152,  157;  Mr.,  150;  Mrs.,  150; 
Nancy,  272;  Priscilla,  150;  Richard,  53,  54, 
109;  Robert,  87;  Samuel,  203;  Thomas,  49  (3), 
50,  92,  152  ;  William,  49,  124,  264  ;  Winifred 
Emma,  266  ;  W.,  213  ;  — ,  109 

Mascall  (Maskall),  Ann,  203;  Elizabeth,  112; 
John,  114 

Mase,  see  Mace 

Mason,  Ann,  119  ;  Anna  Maria.  160  ;  Catherine, 
204  ;  C.  B.,  213  ;  Daniel,  280  ;  Edward,  204  ; 
Jane,  204  ;  Mary,  149,  151,  154  ;  Peter,  264  ; 
Rebecca,  216  j  Robert,  160  ;  Thomas,  150,  216  ; 
Thomas  Alexander,  254  n.  ;  William,  151 

Massey  (Masey,  Masse,  Massie,  Massy,  Massye, 
Mastie),  Anh,  10  ;  Charles,  104  ;  Christopher, 
17,  92;  Elizabeth,  15—17,  91,  92;  Frances, 
87  ;  Francis,  8  ;  Jane,  16—18,  92  (2)  ;  John, 
9,  12,  16,  17(4),  92(4);  Marie,  18;  Mary, 
16  (2),  91  (2),  92  ;  Mr.,  89  ;  Richard,  8,  12  ; 
Thomazin,  10;  Tobias,  9,  15-17,  59,  91  (2), 
92  ;  William,  8—10,  15,  17,  56,  84,  87  (2), 

Masson,  Grace,  66 

Maston,  Lidia,  26  (2)  ;  William,  26 

Mathers,  Catherine,  210  ;  James,  210 

Matt,  Peter,  122 

Matthew  (Mathewe),  Ann,  87  ;  Elizabeth,  157 

Matthews  (Mathewes,  Mathews,  Mathues, 
Matthewes),  Caroline,  250;  Elizabeth,  105, 
126(2),  149;  John,  39,  171,  210;  Joseph, 
126,  149;  Mary,  39(2),  100,  107,  115(2), 
126  (2)  ;  Mr.,  99,  102,  105  (2)  ;  Peter,  99,  100, 
102,  103,  105,  107  (2)  ;  Richard  William,  250  ; 
Robert,  267  ;  Sarah,  165  ;  Thomas,  126,  165, 
211,  219;  William,  113,  250;  — ,  99(2), 
100  (2),  102  (2),  103 

Matthias,  Ann,  97  ;  Peter,  97  ;  Sarah,  97 

Mauchman,  Robert,  12 

Maud,  Mary,  159 

Maugham,  Philip,  80  ;  Thomas,  80 

Maurice,  see  Morris 

Mavor,  George  Fordyce,  258 

Mawman,  John,  279  ;  Margaret,  279 

Maxey,  Martha,  206 

Maxfill,  John,  3  ;  — ,  3 

Maxon,  Frederick  Thomas,  272 

Maxwell,  Ann,  167;    James,   158,   167;    Mary, 

May  (Maye),  Essex,  160 ;    John,  86  (2)  ;    Mrs., 

86;    Nathaniel,    111;    Sarah,   65;    T.,   210; 

(Rev.)  — ,  150 
Maverhoff,  Samuel,  236 
Maynard  (Mayuord),  Hannah,  13S  ;  (Sir)  William, 

Mayne  (Main.Mavn),  Catherine.  244;  Dorrington, 

109,   170;    George,  244;    James,  244;    Mary 

Frances,  238  ;  Samuel,  103  ;  Thomas,  238 
Mayo,  Hannah,  1S4  ;    (Rev.)  Herbert,  165  (2)  ; 

Mary,  1S1 
McAdam,    Sarah.    249  ;     Waltho    John,    249  ; 

William,  249 
McArthur,  M.,  266 
McDonald,  Julia,  269 
McEvoy,  (Rev.)  John,  268  (2) 
McKwen,  Alexander,  271  ;  Louisa,  271 
McGhie,  Elizabeth,  165  ;  John,  165 
McKinlay,  Daniel,  220 

McLean,  George,  238  ;  John,  220  ;  Mary,  238 
McLeod,  Ann,  208  ;  Kenneth,  2U8 ;  Niel,  208 
Mead  (Meade),  Joan,  58  ;    (Lady)  Martha,  76  ; 

(Sir)  Nathaniel,  76,  148  ;   Robert,  58  ;   (Lady) 

Meares,  Ann,  55 
Meckelly,  Jerry,  14 
Mecome,  Richard,  116 
Medcalf,  Mr.,  135 
Medland,  Catherine,  191 
Medley,  Mary,  181 
Mednall,  Thomas,  84 
Mee,  Elizabeth,  216,  257  ;   Francis,  2 1 6  ;  Francis 

Thomas,  259  ;  Joseph,  115 
Meekes,  Elizabeth,  164  ;  Thomas,  164 
Meens,  Ann,  9  ;  Thomas,  9  (2) 
Megnin,  Harriet  Maria,  280 
Mekeley,  Catherine,  61  ;  George,  61 
Meller,  alias  Motler,  Edward,  62  ;  Jane,  62 
Mellhus,  Catherine,  103 
Mellichamp  (Melichamp),  Ann,  134(3);    Mary, 

134,  179;  Richard,  134(2) 
Melmoth,  Elizabeth,  74 
Melton  (Meltin).  Edward,  7  ;    Elizabeth,  4,  80  ; 

Margaret,  6  ;    Margery,  6  ;    Nathaniel,  6,  82  ; 

Nicholas,  5  ;  Susan,  7  ;  William,  4—7,  83  (3) 
Melyngton,  Judith,  51  ;  Thomas,  51 
Mendes,  Mr.,  112 
Mendham    (Mendam),    Charles,     139  ;     Daniel, 

140  (2),    188  (2)  ;    John,    141  ;    Joseph,   140  ; 

Margaret,  139-142,  203  ;  Mary,  139,  183,211  ; 

Robert,  139—142,  188  (2),  191,  203,  211  (3)  ; 

Samuel,  141,  142,191;  W.,  280 
Meraye,  Thomas,  90 
Mercer  (Merser),  Ann,  152  ;  Ellen,  79  ;  Susanna, 

Meredith  (Merrideth),  Dorcas,  149  ;   Ellis  Hooke, 

230  ;  Mr.,  90 
Meres,  see  Merres 
Merike,  see  Merrick 
Meriton,  John,  153  ;  Margaret,  153 
Merlins,  Elizabeth,  74 
Merrefild,  Bridget,  39,  40  ;   Catherine,  40,  113  ; 

John,  39  (2),  40 
Merres  ( Meres),  Mary,  54  ;  Robert,  8, 83  ;  Thomas, 

8  ;  Walter,  54 
Merriall,  Lawrence,  15  ;  Thomas,  15 
Merrick  (Merike),  Catherine,  166  ;  Chandos,  278  ; 

Jane.  204  ;    John,  221  ;    Louisa  Keats,  278  ; 

William,  79 
Merridaye,  Mr.,  90 
Merrideth,  see  Meredith 



Merrilces  (Merrieless,  Mcrrvlees,  Mirriclcss), 
John,  222,  274;  Sarah,  240  (2);  William 
Edward,  24G,  263 

Mcrritt,  Jane,  167  ;  T.  L.,  279 

Mcitv  (Mcry),  Anthonv,  36—40,  110,  113,  114; 
Hallo.  1  in  ;  Hello,  36  ;  Edward,  39  ;  Elisabeth, 
88,  72,  113  i  Henry,  40,  114  ;    Sarah,  36,  40,  71 

Merger,  see  Mercer 

Merlins,  Mr.,  148;  Mrs.,  148 

Meshaw,  Daniel,  170 

Metcalf.  Eleanor,  2(i3  ;  James,  204 

Meyer.  Heinrick,  268  (2) 

Meynel.  Prudence,  68 

Mii-hclbourne(Michclburnc,Mirhilhurne),  Edward, 
88  ;  Elizabeth,  97  ;  John,  9.".  ;  Thomas,  94 

Michel,  Michell,  Micchell,  see  Mitchell 

Mickelwhite.  Charles,  267  ;  Elizabeth,  267 

Micklefield  (Micklefeld,  Micklcffcild),  Elizabeth, 
1  ;  Jane,  51  ;  John,  77  ;  Robert,  1,  77  (2) 

MlCO,  see  Mvcoc 

Middleditch;  William,  262 

Middleton  (Middilton,  Midletone),  Alice,  186; 
John,  82  ;  Mabel,  62  ;  Richard,  181,  182  ; 
Thomas,  85  ;  (Widow),  85  ;   William,  62 

Miers,  Catherine,  9;  Elizabeth,  271  ;  Thomas,  271 

Milbank,  Jemima,  281  ;  Joseph,  281 

Miles  (Mvlcs),  Ann,  234;  Dorothy,  55;  Elizabeth, 
154,  238  ;  James,  281  ;  John,  281  ;  Mary,  167  ; 
Susanna,  281 

Milfer,  Louisa,  262 

Miller  (Millar),  Abel,  117;  Alexander,  71 ;  Eliza- 
beth, 71  ;  Hannah,  75;  Humphrey,  111  n.  ; 
Jane,  274  ;  John  Francis,  215  ;  Joseph,  202  ; 
Marv,  215  ;  Samuel,  75  ;  Sarah,  202,  211,  272  ; 
Susanna,  211  ;  William,  278 

Millett,  Elizabeth.  05  ;  Sarah,  209 

Milling,  Samuel,  131  ;  Susanna,  131 

Millingen,  Abraham,  283  ;  Sarah,  283 

Millingtou,  Charles  Leschellas.  250  ;  Charles 
Samuel,  250,  251,  252,254  ;  Clara  Harriet,  252  ; 
Emily  Lydia,  251  ;  Hannah.  250,  251, 252,  254  ; 
Walter  Samuel,  254 

Mills,  Cicely,  204  ;  Elizabeth,  249,  264,  270  ; 
Hannah.  268  ;  Henry,  214  ;  Isaac,  249  ;  John, 
222.  268  ;  John  Charles,  270  ;  Mary,  249  ; 
Marv  Ann,  268  ;  Thomas,  204 

Millsun,  Elizabeth,  268 

Milne,  (ieorge,  238  ;  Helen,  238 

Milncr,  Beatrice,  67  ;  Sarah,  67 

Milow,  John  Frederick,  277  ;  John  Nicolaus,  277; 
Mary,  277 

Milton  (Miltonn),  Ann,  CO;  John,  CO;  John 
George,  205  ;  Mary,  205 

Mingcs,  Mistress,  51 

Minshall,  Mary,  155  ;  Thomas,  155 

Minton,  Ednx'nd,  222 

Mirfin,  Martha.  203  ;  Matthew,  203 

Mirrielecs,  see  Merrilces 

Misdale,  Elizabeth,  209 

Misenilen,  'I  bourns,  1 14 

Mitcham,  Charles.  276  ;   Frances,  276 

Mitchell  (Micchell,  Michell,  Michel).  Ann,  24.  61, 
275;  Ani:a,  2(15  ;  Carina,  70  ;  Caroline  Char- 
lotte, 27(1;  Dorothy,  52;  Edward,  275(2); 
Elizabeth,  191  ;  Joan,  63  ;  John,  14,  217,  278  ; 
John  tiuy,  275  ;  John  Thomas,  270  ;  Judith, 
14  ;  Louisa,  271  ;  Marie,  21  ;  Martha,  73  ; 
Marv,  205(3),  208,  217  ;  Peter,  24 ;  Sarah, 
271  ;  Simon,  2  ;  Thomas,  2,  191  (2),  205,  208, 
232  ;  William,  52,  191,  208  ;  William  Henry 
Aylmcr,  217  ;  William  Sisson,  261 

Mitebelson,  Margaret,  217 

Mitford,  Mr..  152 

Mitto,  Daniel,  114 

Miword,  Elizabeth,  53  ;  Richard,  53 

Modell,  tee  Muddle 

Moffat  (Moffatt),  Lucy  Ann,  270  ;  William,  2?0 

Moger,  Elizabeth,  35  ;  Rebecca,  34,  35.     See  also 

Moil  by  (Moirley),  John,  124.     See  also  Morley 
Mole,  Ann,  90  ;' Elizabeth  Ann,  135,  182  ;  Joseph, 

135  (2),  182  ;  Mary,  135  (3) 
Moiling,  Sarah,  204 

Monk  (Monck,  Moonk,  Moouke),  Elizabeth,  71  ; 
James,  71  ;  Jane,  60  ;  Lcvync,  60  ;  Ursula,  120 

Monnes,  Lettice,  53  ;  Robert,  53 

Monteage,  Mary,  117 

Moodev,  Elizabeth,  202;  John,  137;  Margaret,  137 

Moon,  Daniel,  172 

Moore  (More),  Andrew,  276  ;  Ann,  23,  C2,  96  (2), 
276  ;  Charles,  66  ;  Deborah.  15(1  ;  Edward,  65  ; 
Emily.  249.  270;  Elizabeth.  57,  66,  74,  151, 
177;  Elizabeth  Letitia,  272;  Frederick  Farmer, 
249,270;  Henry  Ilyron,  249  ;  John,  42,  68, 
74  ;  Maria,  269  ;  Mary,  23,  68,  96,  203.  205  ; 
Mary  Ann,  218;  Prudence,  42  ;  Robert,  23,  57, 
62,  96  (2),  205  ;  Samuel,  1  82  ;  Sarah,  25,  42, 
65,237;  Susanna,  23  ;  William,  84,  218,  269  ; 
William  John,  257 

Moorley,  see  Morley 

More,  see  Moore 

Morean,  Mary,  153  ;  Moses,  153 

Morecoke,  Philip,  54  ;  Hichard,  54 

Morecraft  (  Morecrafte),  Anthony,  84  ;  Mr.,  82 

Morehall,  see  Morhall 

Morell,  see  Morrell 

Morer  (Morrer),  Elizabeth,  55  ;  Robert,  87,  88 

Mores,  Mr.,  116;  —,116 

Moreton,  sec  Morton 

Morey,  see  Mory 

Morgan  (Morgavne,  Morgen,  Morgine,  Morgon), 
Aim,  15  (2), '136  (2);  George,  67  ;  Gilbert, 
89;  Griffin,  14—16,  92,  93,  95;  Griffith,  60, 
89,92;  Helen,  51,  52  ;  (Rev.)  J.,  206  (16), 
207  (9)  ;  Lettice,  93  ;  Margaret,  60  ;  Marv,  72, 
158;  Mr.,  108;  Nicholas,  51  ;  Rachel,  16,  92, 
93,  97  ;  Sarah,  67  ;  Susanna,  14,  62  ;  Thomas, 
14.  16,  89.  92  ;  (Rev.)—,  158, 159, 168  ;  -,  136 

Morhall  (Morehall),  Marv,  132  (2);  Richard, 
132  (3)  ;  Thomas,  132,177 

Moris,  Moriss,  .see  Morris 

Morley  (Moorley),  Ann,  204  ;  John,  204  ;  Sarah, 
214.     See  also  Moirby 

Morlow,  Elizabeth,  66 

Morrell  (Morell),  Jemima,  215;  John,  2,  215, 
221;  Marv,  211;  Matthew,  2  j  Stephen,  215  ; 
Thomas  Tew,  211 

Morrer,  see  Morer 

Morris  (Maurice.  Moris,  Moriss,  Mortice,  Morriss, 
Moryes),  Ann,  4,  52,  56,  93.  204,  283  ;  Anthony, 
148;    Elizabeth,  5,  6,   116,  228,  270;    John,  7, 

136  (2),  24)9  (2).  230;  Marv,  10,  61,  US.  209, 
227,  228(2),  258;  Mr.,  12;  Ralph,  4—8,  10, 
52,  56,  S3,  86,  87  ;  Hichard,  6,  61  ;  Roger,  4  ; 
Susanna,  135;  Thomas,  227,  228(2),  270; 
Thomas  Comer,  227;  William,  5,  204,  262, 
283;  William  Henry,  228 

Morrison,  Eleanor,  245  ;  John,  245  ;  Walter  John, 

Mortimer,  Mrs.,  153 
Morton  (Moreton),  Elizabeth,  180  ;  (Col.)  Francis, 

107  ;  James,  159  ;  Martha,  165  ;  Sarah,  159 



Mory  (Morey),  Mr.,  37  ;  William,  37 

Moryes,  see  Morris 

Mosier  (Mosaar,  Mosear,  Mossier,  Mosvcr),  Ellen, 

15,  16  ;    John,  15  (3),  16,  89  (2)  ;    Mary,  15  ; 

Sarah,  16  ;  Timothy,  90 
Moss,  Isaac,  275  ;  John.  241  ;   Marv,  275  ;   Marv 

Eliza,  241  ;  Rebecca,  241 
Mosycr,  see  Mosier 

Motler,  alias  Meller,  Edward,  62  ;  Jane,  62 
Mott,  James,  250 ;    Louisa,   250 ;    Louisa  Marv, 

Motteux,  John,  vii,  Pt.  II  ;  Mr.,  190,  191,  19S 
Mould,  John,  44  (3)  ;  Sarah,  44  (3) 
Moulden  (Mouldin),  Ann,  50  ;   Elizabeth,  50  (2), 

129  (2)  ;  John,  50  (2),  124.    See  also  Moulding 
Moulding,   Edward,    127  ;    Elizabeth,    126—128, 

172;    James,    128,    171;    Jeffrey,    50;    John, 

126—128;    Susanna,  210;    Thomas,  126.     See 

also  Moulden 
Moulton,  Benjamin,  274  ;  Martha.  274 
Mounsloe,  Elizabeth,  52  ;  Ralph,  52 
Mountage   (Mounteage),    Dean,    41  ;    John,   41  ; 

Mary,  41 
Mourgues,  James,  181 
Mousley,  Sarah,  157 
Moyer    (Moyere),    Ann,    39,     120 ;     John,    34  ; 

Lawrence,  37,  111  ;  Marv,  33,  73  ;  Mr.,  108  ; 

Rebecca,    32    (2),    33,    37,    39,    G9  ;     (Ladv) 

Rebecca,  172  ;  Samuel,  32—35,  37,  39.  109  (2), 

111;  (Sir)  Samuel,  Bart.,  125;   — ,  108.     See 

also  Moger 
Mudford,  Hester,  63 
Mudie,    Isabella,    2S3 ;     Jane    Richardson,    283 ; 

William  Kichardson,  283 
Muddle    (Modell,    Muddell.    Muddill,    Muddull, 

Muddyll,    Mudell,    Mudill,    Mudvll,    Nudell). 

Daves,   83 ;     Driones,   8  ;    Elizabeth,    4,    " 

Emanuel,  7  ;  Grace,  6  ;  Henry,  7,  83  ;  James,  6. 

81 ;  Jane,  8  ;  Margaret,  5,  52,  S3  ;  Nicholas,  5 

Philip,  4  ;  Richard,  4—8,  52,  S3,  84 
Muig,  Henry,  77 
Mullinaxe,  Roger,  S3 
Mullis,  Mary,  215 
Mumford,    Eliza,    267;    Elizabeth,    267;    John 

Miller,  267  ;  Mary  Ann,  267 
Munday  (Mundv),  Ann,  208,  220,  2S3  ;    George, 

283  ;  John,  208  ;  Richard,  208,  220 

Munford.  Ann,  143  (2),  209  ;  William,  143,  209 
Munn,  Elizabeth,  214;    Frances,  276;    Stephen, 

276  ;  William,  276 
Munton,  Davison,  235  ;  Frances,  233 
Mur,  Judith,  51 
Murden,     A.,     273 ;     Arabella     Lumlev,     273  ; 

Elizabeth,  273  ;  Francis  Rigby,  273 
Murford,  William,  209 
Murgatrovd,  Ann,  129, 174 ;  John,  131 ;  Jonathan, 

129—131  ;  Mary,  129—131  ;  Sarah,  130 
Mnriall,  Susan,  60' 
Murray  (Murrev).  Catherine  Emily,  26S;  Elizabeth, 

25S  ;  (Rev.)  Thomas,  210  (4),  211  (9) 
Murrell,  Alice  Cureton,  252  ;    Ann  Esther,  251, 

252  ;  Henry  Edward,  251  (2),  252 
Muschamp     (Mustehamp,     Mustchampe,     Must- 

hampe),  Ann,  5,  81  ;  Edmond.  5  (2)  ;  Hugh,  7  ; 

Jane,  7  ;  John,  S3  ;  Marmaduke,  8,  S3  ;  Marv, 

5  ;    Susan,  9  ;   Thomas,  6  ;   William,  6—9,  84  ; 

Mnsgrave  (Mu^mvcl.  Elizabeth,  39, 122;  George, 

39  (2),  122  (2),  173  ;  Mary,  256  ;  Thomas,  114 
Musson,  Hannah,  152 

Mustian  (Mustion),  Edmund,  5  ;  E.,  8  ;  John,  5  ; 

William,  S 
Mvcoe  (Mico),  Elizabeth,  22,  96  ;   Margaret,  22, 

96  ;  Samuel,  22,  96  (3) 
Mvles,  see  Miles 

Myllorne,  Christopher,  56  ;  Ellen.  56 
Myonnet,  (Rev.)  John,  164 
Myres.  Thomas,  84 
Mvriell  (Myriall).  Alice,  15,  91  ;    Elizabeth,  91  ; 

Mary,  15  ;  Thomas,  15,  90,  91 


Nadal,  Margaret.  114 

Nainby,  Ann,  217  (2)  ;    John,  217(2);    Phcebe, 

Naldcr,  Francis.  141,  208;    John,  141,  142,  190, 

20S  ;  Marv,  141  (2),  142  ;   Mr.,  190  ;   Susanna, 

208;  Thomas.  141(2),  142 
Nanly,  Griffith,  74  ;  Sarah.  74 
Nanny,  Mary.  148  ;  Mrs  ,  148 
Narden,  Catherine,  69 
Nash  (NTaish),  Elizabeth,   42,  153;    John,    107; 

(Rev.)  John,   214,  215  (2)  ;    Mary,  157,   158  ; 

Samuel,  42  ;  Theophilus  Firmin,  42 
Navild,  Charles,  117 
Naylor(Naylour),  Abraham,  208  ;  Catherine,  166; 

James,  166  ;  Mary,  154  ;  Rebecca,  68 
Neal(Neale),  Anstis,  136;  Elizabeth,  233  ;  Mary, 

267  ;  Thom:is,  136  ;  Thomas  Mills,  136 
Neame,  Ann  Maria,  272  ;  John  Austin,  272 
Neavett,  Ann,  61  ;  Elizabeth,  61 
Needham,  Ann,  66  ;  Joshua,  278 
Needle,  William,  274 
Nell,  Margaret,  204  ;  William,  204 
Nelson  (Nellson),  Daniel  Hervev,  185  ;  Elizabeth, 

42  ;    Marv,  62  ;   Roger,  87  ;'  Thomas,  42(2)  ; 

William,  87(2) 
Nethercoal,  Isaac,  215 
Neuell,  Neutt,  see  Newell 
Nevill    (Nevil),   Elizabeth,    113  ;     Rachel,    166  ; 

Valentine,  166 
Newberry  (Newberrye,  Newberve,  Nuberie),  Ann, 

55;  Margaret,  13,  61;  Sarah,  171;  William,  13 
Newby,  Ann,  282  ;   Hortensia  Ann,  282  ;   John, 

2S2  (2)  ;  Mary,  69  ;  Robert,  69 
Newcomb,  Mr.,  75 
Newell     (Neuell,     Neutt,     Newall,     Newalle.), 

Ann,  13,  85  ;   Elizabeth,  11,  86  ;   George,  12  ; 

James,  97  ;  Joan,  12,  87  ;  Marie,  SS  (2) ;  Mary, 

13,  14  ;  Ralph,  11—14,  56,  5S,  86— 8S  ;   Roger, 

85  ;  Sarah,  12,  13  ;   Thomas,  11  ;   William,  14. 

See  also  Nowell 
Newham,  Samuel,  202 

Newling,  Francis,  121  ;  Hannah,  71  ;  Robert,  71 
Newman  (Numan),  Ann,  60  ;    Anthony,  6,  89  ; 

Edward,    12S  ;    Elizabeth,    59  ;    Emma,    253  ; 

Harriet   Eliza,   253 ;    Henry,    127,   210,    253  ; 

Jane,  63  ;  Joan,  81  ;  John,  6  (2),  7  (2),  14  (2), 

15,  52,  82,  86,  87,  S9,  92  ;    Martha,  50,  127(3), 

12S  ;    Samuel,    15  ;     Sarah,   6,   52,   82,    210  ; 

Susanna,   23S ;    Thomas,   50  (2),   60,   127  (2), 

128,  148,  173 
Newsham,  Elizabeth,  265 
Newson,  Ann,  259 
Newton,  Ann,  171  ;    Annis,  84  ;    Frances,  205  ; 

Gilbert,    69  ;    Mary,    69  ;    (Rev.)  Peter,   171  ; 

P.,  152  ;  Robert,  70 
Nichols  (Nicholls,  Nickhalls),  Hannah,  71  ;  Joan, 

63  ;  John,  78  ;  Samuel,  213  ;  Sarah,  74 



Nicholson,  (Rev.)  Charles,  210  ;    Elizabeth,  153, 

217  ;   Jane,  1C1  ;    Sarah,  205  j   Thomas,  265  ; 

(Rev.)  — ,  151 
Nickless,  Elizabeth,  164 
Nicol  (Nicall),  Adelaide  Mary,  249  ;  Ann,  270 ; 

Maria,  247,  270  ;  Maria  Margaret,  247  ;    Mary, 

249  ;  Rachel,  219  ;  Robert,  247,  249,  270  (2) 
Nimmo,  Sarah,  217  (2)  ;  Thomas,  217 
Nisbett  (Nisbit),  Catherine,  149  ;  Elizabeth,  72  ; 

Robert,  72 
Nirct,  Elizabeth,  64 
Nixon,  Ann,  167  j  Thomas,  167 
Noble  (Nobnll),  Catherine,  82  ;  Edward,  77,  85 ; 

Ellen,  51  ;  Mary,  257  ;  Mary  Ann,  261  ;  Roger, 

77;  R.,  217  ;  Sarah,  119 
Noguier,  Mary,  153,  174 
Noiray,  Mr.,  138 
Noon,  Ann,  163 
Noray,  Sarah,  180 
Norbury,  Ann,  158  ;    Maria  Ann,  222  ;    (Rev). 

Thomas,  158 
Norcott,  Jane  Blake,  278 
Norfolk,  Jane,  71 
Norman  (Normon),  Catherine,  G2  ;   Gartride,  81  ; 

Grace,  62;  Simon,  5  ;  Thomas,  62;  William,  5 
Norris  (Nores,  Norriss),  Elizabeth,  233  ;  (Lady) 

Elizabeth,    124;    Margaret,    6;    Philip,    181; 

Rolxjrt,  185 
Norsa,   Ann,    146,    213  ;     Ann    Elizabeth,    146, 

235  ;     Anna,   145  ;    Joseph,    145,    146,   213  ; 

Mr.,  199;  Rebecca,  145,   197;    Sophia,  231; 

-,  199(2) 
North,  Daniel,   171;    Hannah,   73;    John,   73; 

Martha,  225  ;    Mary  Ann,  225  ;    Thomas,  107, 

153,  225  ;  — ,  107 
Northcote,  Ann,  160  ;  Charles,  160 
Norton  (Norten),  Alice,  90  ;  Henry,  32,  90 
Nossiter,  Ann,  54  ;  Edward,  54 
Notley,  Elizabeth,  76  ;  William,  76 
Nott,  Renold,  78 
Nottage,  Andrew,  222 
Nowell  (Nowel),  (Rev.)  William,  160-162,  166, 

167  ;  (Rev.)  — ,  162,  163.     See  also  Newell 
Nubcric,  see  Newberry 
Nndell,  see  Muddle 
Numan,  see  Newman 
Nunn,  Doray,  267 
Nntt,  Carolina,  184  ;  John,  184, 186,  201  ;  Maria, 

186  ;  Mary,  201 
Nuttall,  Ann,  208 
Nutting,  Horatio  Adolphus,  246  ;  John  George, 

245  ;  Priscilla,  244-246,  268  ;  William  James, 

244—246,  268 


(lakes,  Jane,  155 

Oakcv  (f)kcy),   Henry,   215,  274  (2);    Marisco, 

215,  274  ;  My  rah,  271  ;  Thomas,  274 
Oakley    (Okley),   Mary,   61;    Mary   Ann,   222; 

Sarah,  235  ;  William,  61 
Ocklande,  Joan,  57  ;  Richard,  57 
Octavio,  — ,  56 
Odcll,  Ann,  276;    Francis,  276  ;    Harriet  Maria, 

280  ;    Islip,  276  ;    John,  235  ;    Richard,  280  ; 

Thomas,  280 
O'Donovan,  Charles  Cornelius,  236  ;  Sarah,  230 
Oflill,  John,  220 
Offley,  Crew,  73  ;  Margaret,  73 
Ogilvic,  Eliza,  265  ;  James,  214 

Ogle,  Beatrice,  97  ;  Daniel,  140,  1SS  ;  Elizabeth, 
135  ;  George,  139,  212  ;  (Rev.)  George,  259  ; 
Jane,  138—140,  198  ;  Martha,  212  ;  Mary,  138, 
186;  Mr.,  189,  192;  Robert,  135;  Thomas, 
139,  189  ;  Wcntworth,  135,  136  (2),  138—140, 
183  (2),  180,  18S,  203,  212  ;  — ,  136 

Ogles,  Caroline  Charlotte,  270 

Oglethorpe,  Elizabeth,  67 

O'llaro,  Cain,  219 

Okey,  see  Oakey 

Okley,  see  Oakley 

Olavc,  see  Olive 

Oldfield,  Augustus  Louis,  280  ;  Emma,  280  ; 
George,  280 

Oldham,  Elizabeth,  159 

Oldman,  Mary,  266 

Oldrey,  Thomas,  178 

Olive,  Elizabeth,  209  ;  John,  227;  John  Henry, 
227  ;  Mary,  227 

Oliver  (Olliver),  Ann,  279  ;  Caroline  Kerr, 
279  ;  Daniel,  129  ;  Dennis,  73  ;  George,  279  ; 
John,  279  ;  Joseph,  279  (2)  ;  Mary,  118  ; 
Susan,  71 

Oman,  Jane,  158  ;  Jonas,  158 

Onion  (Onyon),  Jarvis,  56  ;  Mary,  66  ;  Mrs.. 

Ormston,  James,  205 

Orton,  Fanny,  200,  213  ;  Jane,  112  ;  Job,  212, 
213;  Mr.,  112;  Sarah  Elizabeth,  271  ;  William, 

Osborne  (Osborn),  Ann,  212,  271(2);  Grace, 
236  ;  Henry,  72  ;  John,  72,  236,  271  ;  Marv, 
72;  Samuel,  271  ;  Sarah,  72,  212  ;  Susanna, 

Osgood,  Benjamin,  72  ;  Elizabeth,  72 

Osiver,  Ann,  98  (2) 

Oson,  W.,  237 

Ossener,  Ann,  23  ;  Elizabeth,  23  ;  William,  23 

Otelle,  Mary,  112 

Otger  (Ottgar),  Anna  Maria,  205  ;  Mrs.,  168  ; 
Susanna.  205  ;  Thomas,  205 

Otlywix,  Elizabeth,  51  ;  Thomas,  51 

Ottiwell,  Sarah,  178 

Ottley,  Martha,  211  ;  Matthew,  211 

Otwell,  Catherine,  54  ;  Laurence,  54 

Oubrey,  Sarah,  46  ;  Thomas,  46  ;  — ,  4G 

Oursel  (Oursell),  Catherine,  44;  Elizabeth, 
41—45,  118  ;  John,  110  ;  Margaret,  45  ;  Marv, 
43,117;  Nicholas,  41— 45, 118;  Robert  Cephas, 
42;  Samuel,  118 

Outrey,  Catherine,  44  ;  Mr.,  119  ;  Sarah,  44  (2)  ; 
Thomas,  44  (3),  118  ;  —,119 

Overton,  Ann,  58  ;  Francis,  58  ;  Henry,  279  ; 
Jane,  186,  279  ;  Joseph,  279  ;  Mr.,  105 

Ovington,  Dr.,  73 

Owdcn,  Thomas  Scambler,  272 

Owen  (Owin),  Ann,  69,  152;  Edward,  180 
Esther,  155  ;  Hannah,  271  ;  Joan,  71  ;  John 
155,  227,  237,  239;  John  Richards,  227 
Margaret,  180  ;  Meredith,  152  ;  Owen,  123 
Samuel,  123,  125,  178  ;  Sarah,  227,  237,  239 
Sarah  Ann,  2.19  ;  S.,  205  ;  Thomas,  102 
(Dr.)  — ,  77  and  n. 

Owcr,  Edward,  68  ;  Mary,  68 

Owcrs,  Letitia  Louisa  Laura,  277 

Overtoil,  Hemy,  32  ;  Judith,  32  ;  Nathaniel,  32 

Owin,  alias  Tadloe,  Joan,  51.     See  also  Owen 

Oxley  (Oxlcvc),  Edward,  86  ;  Margaret,  56 
Mrs.,  86 

Oyllmt,  Stephen,  22 

Oyston,  John,  236 



Packer  (Paekar).  Elizabeth,  57  ;  Jane,  176 

Packman,  (Rev.)  R.  C,  248 

Page,  Ann,  251  ;  Charlotte,  277  ;  Eleanor,  149 
Elizabeth  Emm,  207  ;  Emma,  280  ;  Frances. 
272;  Hester,  115;  Hugh,  55;  James,  149 
Joseph  Henry,  251  ;  Joyce,  55  ;  Maria,  166 
Marv,  75,  14S ;  Moses,  11C;  Richard,  115 
Sarah,  272,  177,  251  ;  Thomas,  75,  207 
Thomas  Clarke,  280 

Pain,  Paine,  see  Payne 

Painter,  Catherine,  48  (2") ;  George,  273  ;  John, 
48,  122  ;  Sarah,  273  j  William,  273 

Palavasine,  Susan,  62 

Palin,  Elizabeth,  187 

Paling,  Samuel,  204 

Pallen,  Elizabeth,  112  ;  John,  112 

Palmer,  Amelia  Jane,  224;  Bartholomew,  170; 
Eleanor,  64  ;  Hannah,  207  (2),  269  ;  John,  64, 
148;  Joseph,  145—147,  223,  224;  Leonard, 
61;  Lydia,  145  (2),  223,  224  ;  Lvdia  Wright, 
146  (2),  147  (31  ;  Margaret,  174  ;  Martha  Ann, 
147;  Mary,  61,  70;  Mary  Ann,  147;  Mr., 
162;  Mrs.,  148;  Samuel,  148.  223  ;  Thomas, 
146,  269  ;  William  George,  146  ;  — ,  148 

Paneras,  Esther,  4-4 

Pane,  see  Payne 

Pankhurst,  Ann,  253,  254  ;  Benjamin  Richard, 
254  ;  Samuel,  253  (2),  254 

Pan  ten,  Ellen,  262  ;  Joseph,  262  ;  Sarah,  262 

Pantry,  John,  131  j  Mary,  131  ;  William,  131 

Papworth,  Mary,  237 

Pardoe,  Ann,  137  ;  John,  137  (2)  ;  Mr.,  183 

Pare,  William,  219 

Pargiter,  Martha,  179 

Parke,  Margaret,  208 

Parker,  Benjamin,  213  ;  Charles,  109  ;  Charles 
Guest,  248,  272  ;  Crispin,  215  ;  Elizabeth,  30, 
61,  65  ;  Emma,  2S3  ;  Frances,  166  ;  Harriet 
Bentley,  248  ;  John,  65  ;  Mary,  30,  31  (2), 
172,  179;  Mary  Ann,  248,  272;  Mr.,  31; 
Samuel,  166  ;  Sarah,  215  ;  Susanna,  213  ; 
Thomas,  30,  31,  103  ;  (Rev.)  W.,  238—240, 
264  (6),  265  (5)  ;  (Rev.),  — ,  103  ;  — ,  156 

Parkhouse,  Margaret,  267 

Parkhurst  (Packhurst  Parckhurst,  Parkehurst, 
Parkurst),  Elizabeth,  27 ;  John,  31  ;  Mary, 
26  (2),  27,  31,  64,  75  ;  Mr.,  102,  104  ;  Thomas, 
26,  27,  31,  64,  101  ;  William,  75  ;  — ,  101,  102, 

Parkin,  Bridget,  52 

Parkins,  James,  56 ;  Joan,  56  ;  Mary,  155  ; 
Stoneliff,  155 

Parkinson,  Caroline  Mary,  241  ;  Charlotte 
Rebecca,  227,  235  ;  Eliza  Eleanor,  226  ; 
George.  226,  227,  241  (2)  ;  George  Saggar, 
241  ;  Harriet  Sarah,  234  ;  Mary,  71,  226,  227, 
241  (2);  Thomas,  71 

Parks,  Henry,  271  ;  Margaret,  271 

Parmenter,  Marian,  238 

Parnel,  William,  152 

Parpoint,  Elizabeth,  53 

Parr,  Ann,  130  (2),  174  (2)  ;  Gilbert,  91  ;  Henry, 
257  ;  John,  vii,  Ft.  I,  131  ;  Joseph,  130,  174  ; 
Mary,  131  ;  Mr.,  181  ;  Nancy,  235  ;  Richard, 
131,  176 

Parratt  (Parrat),  Mary,  209  ;  Ruth,  63 

Parris,  Edmond,  81  ;  Joseph,  149 

Parsley  (Parslv),  Ann,   37,   112; 
38 (2)  ;  — ,  37 
VOL.   II. 

Parsons,  Ann,  71  ;    Joseph,  276  ;   Rebecca,  171  ; 

Sarah,  276  ;  William,  276 
Parton,    Ann,    215  ;     Augusta    Matilda,    282  ; 

Edward,  215,  265  ;  John,  2S2  ;   Peter,  282 
Partridge,  Charlotte  Ann,  267  ;  John,  207 
Pasmore  (Pasmirc),    Kli/.abetb,  47(2),  120,  173; 

Jack,  47  ;  John,  172  ;  Thomas,  177  ;  Windsor, 

47,  171  ;  — ,  121 
Pastron,  see  Posterne 

Patch,  Jane,  267  ;  Richard,  267  ;  Sarah  Ann,  267 
Pater,  Mary  Stillington,  221 
Paterson,  Sarah,  211 
Patrick.  Ann,  155  ;  Samnel,  155 
Patshall  (Patshul),  Ann,  46,  47  (2)  ;    John,  45  ; 

Joseph,  44—47  ;  Margaret,  44,  45  ;  Mary,  46 
Pattemore,  Harriet,  243  ;   Robert,  243 
Patten,  Francis,  69  ;  Judith,  69  ;  Mr.,  160 
Pattyesonne,  Alise,  56  ;  William,  56 
Paucy,  Sarah,  122 
Paule,  Martha,  61 
Pauncefoot  (Pauncefort),  Edward,  69  ;   Rebecca, 

69,  170 
Pavitt,  Eliza,  267  ;  Elizabeth,  267  ;   John,  267  ; 

William,  267 
Pawell,  Saint,  65 
Pawlet,  Catherine,  90 
Pawmar,  Catherine,  54  ;  Elysander,  54 
Paxton,  William,  170 
Paybody,  Ann,  118  ;  George,  109 
Payne  (Pain,  Paine,  Pane),  Andrv,   53  ;    Avis, 

70  ;    Cornelius   Bicknell,  222  ;    Edmund,  204  ; 

Eleanor,  54  ;  Elizabeth,  52,  204,  269  ;    Maria, 

269  ;  Thomas,  54,  105  (2)  ;  William,  149 
Payton,  Elizabeth,  133  (2)  ;  Joseph  Pace,  133 
Peach,  (Rev.)  Edward,  167 
Peacock  (Pecock),  Ann,   213;   Elizabeth,   235; 

Lennord,  51 
Pead,  Martha,  41,  115  ;  — ,  41  (2) 
Peak,  Paul,  210 
Pear,  Ann,  266  ;  Joseph,  266 
Pearce  (Peerce,  Peirce,  Perce),  Ann,  62,  157  ; 

Dorcas,    55  ;    John,    213  ;    Mary    Ann,   269  ; 

Rebecca,  171  ;  Sarah,  265  ;  Thomas,  55 
Pearman    (Perman),    Eleanor,    217  ;     Frederick 

George,  276  ;  John  Tuffen,  276  ;   Louisa,  276  ; 

Thomas,  217,  276  (2) 
Pearson  (Peirson),  Frances,  209  ;    James,   155  ; 

Job,  209  ;  Margaret,  279  ;  Mary,  155  ;  Richard 

Joseph,  266,  267  ;  Susanna,  267 
Pearsons,  Maria,  264 
Peart,    Elizabeth,    127  ;     (Capt.)    Henry,    127  ; 

Mary,  127 
Pebody,  Margaret,  92 
Peck,  Ann,  148  ;  Elizabeth,  72  ;  Ellen,  253,  254  ; 

Hannah,  148  ;  Henrv,  253  ;  John,  148  ;  Lydia, 

69  ;  Mary,  148  ;  Mr.',  148 ;  Mrs.,  148  ;  Susanna, 

148  ;    William  Arthur,  254  ;    William  Henry, 

253,  254 
Pecock,  see  Peacock 
Pedell,  Flora,  268  ;  Joseph,  268 
Pedler,  Henry,  221 
Peeling,  see  Felling 
Peerce,  see  Pearce 
Peers,  (Rev.)  Samuel,  164 
Peeven,  Jane,  213 
Pegget,  Ann,  24  (2)  ;  William,  24 
Peirce,  see  Pearce 
Peirson,  see  Pearson 
Pellar,  Mary,  69 
Pellatt,  Daniel,  276  ;    Elizabeth,  276  ;    Francis, 




Telling  (Peeling),  Elizabeth,  116;   John,  114— 

116j  William,  118 
Pelter,  Jane,  63 
Pendysrass,  Mary  Ann,  259 
Penfold,  Joyce,  88 
Peonel,  Thomas,  101 
Pcnnick   (IVnink,   Pennink).  Parent   Schiinmel, 

129,     130,     176  j     Catherine,    129,    130   (2); 

Catherine  Schimel,   174  ;    Mary,   129  ;    Mary 

Schimel,  174 
Pcnnigo,  Sarah,  70 
Pennington,  Elizabeth   Ann,  250  ;    Ellen  Lowe, 

258  ;  Heneage  Francis,  258 
Pennrt,  Margaret,  54 
Penny  (Penney),  Ann,  47,   121,   236;    George, 

236  i    Joan,  47,  70  ;    John,  47,  70,  169  ;    Miss, 

Peppys,  Richard,  174 
Perce,  sec  Pence 
Perehard,  Peter,  227 
Pereira,  (Capt.)  James,  190 
Perkins  (Pirkins),  Charles,  206  ;    Elizabeth,  206  ; 

James,  272  ;  Louisa,  269  ;  Mary,  126  ;  William, 

Perman,  see  Peannan 

Permento,  Daniel,  42  ;  Marv,  42  ;  Nathaniel,  42 
Pernet,  Alfred,  281  ;    Ann,"  281  ;   Frances,  206  j 

Napoleon,  281 
Perry    (Perrey),    Anthony,    9  ;     Elizabeth,     49, 

126  (2),  127,  157  ;    H.,  216  ;    Jane,  49  ;    John, 

271  ;  Marv,  216  ;  Richard,  271  ;  Robert,  9  (2)  ; 

Sarah.   271;    Thomas,   9,    127;    Weedon,   49, 

126,  127  ;  William,  157 
Pcrsbonse,  Ann,  181 
Pcsworth,  Mary,  1  ;  William,  1 
Petard,  Isaac,  112,  113 
Peters,  Elizabeth,    269;     (Rev.)    Samuel,   209; 

Sarah,  171  ;  (Rev.)  — ,  156 
Pettit,  Elizabeth,  75 
Pcttv,  Ann.  75  ;   Christian,  228  ;   Henrietta,  228  ; 

Henry,  228 
Pettiward  (Pctiward),  Ann,  150  ;  Catherine,  155  ; 

Daniel,  160,  155;  Walter,  150,  155 
Peventhorp,  Margaret,  214 
Pewtner,  John,  235,  256 
Phillips   (Filepes,   Philips,  Phillipes,  Phillippes, 

Phillipps),  (liev.)  Alexander,  162;    Ann,  60, 

157  ;    Cecilia,    269  ;    Charles   Waring,    269  ; 

Daniel,    129;    Edward,   60;    Eliza,   250   (2); 

Elizabeth,   53,    154,    159,  280;    George,  280; 

II.,  270  ;    James,  154  ;    Jane,  213,  267  ;    John, 

157,  159,  180,  258  ;    John  James,  250  ;    Lydia, 

72  ;   Melior,  27—29  ;    Martha,  129  ;  Mary,  27  ; 

Mr.,  34,   189;    Owen.  28 ;    Richard,   27—29; 

Richard    William,    250;    Thomas,    129,    188, 

250(2);    Thomas  Henry,  280  ;    Walter,  234  ; 

William,  53 
Phill|>ott    (Phillpot,   Philpot),    Christopher,   86; 

Edward,    62 ;    Louisa,    272 ;    Mary,   62,    163 ; 

Richard,  272 
Phip,  Valerian,  78 
Phipps,  Elizabeth,  178;    Emma,  281  ;   Jane,  218  ; 

John,  157;   Surah,  218;  Susanna,  157 
Picfforcke,  William,  87 
Pick  (Picke),   Ann,   108,   132  ;     Elizabeth,   132  ; 

Leopold,  132  ;    Marv,  88,  111  ;    Mr.,  107,  108  ; 

Rebecca,  88 
Pickard,  Robert,  201 
Pickering  (Fickringe),  Elizabeth,  218  ;    Hannah, 

Pickcrsgill,  Alicia,  208 

Pickett,  Charles  Frederick,  249  ;   Hannah,  249 ; 

John, 249 
Pickwood,  Christiana,  140;    John  Thorpe,  140; 

Robert.  140 
Piddock,  Ann,  61  ;  Thomas,  64 
Picrcy,  John,  237 
Pigg,  Amv.  164 
Piggets,  William,  99  ;  — ,  99 
Piggot  (Piggct,   l'iggott,   Pigott),  Ann,   25—28, 

109;  Christian,  204  ;   Elizabeth,  26,  27  ;  (Rev.) 

John,  204  ;  Susanna,  28,  1 19  ;  William,  25—28, 

64,  100,  101,  108  ;  — ,  100 
Piggs,  Margaret,  110  ;  Marv,  110;  Thomas,  110 
Pike  (Pyke),  Ann,  36(3).  109  (2);  Ann  Elizabeth, 

163;    Beatrice,  34,  36(2),  40(3),  67,  109(2), 

112,    114,    172  ;    Charles,   276  ;    Eliza,    270  ; 

Elizabeth,  67,   118;    Henrv,   67;    John,   202, 

207  ;  Mary,  72, 177  ;  Milson,34,  173  ;  Rebecca, 

112;  Richard,  119;   Samuel,  121  ;    Sarah,  202, 

252  ;  William,  250  (2) 
Pilborn,  John,  32 

Pilgrim,  Joseph,  266  ;  Martha,  266 
Pilling,  Martha,  74 
Fillings,  William,  257 
Pillington,  Frances,  54 
Pilot,  Mary,  118 
Piltaf,  Elizabeth,  119 
Pinchbeck  (Pinchback),  Ann,  203  ;  Charles,  135  ; 

Elizabeth,  136  (2)  ;    John,  203  ;    Lydia,   135, 

136  (2)  ;  Thomas,  135,  136  (2) 
Pinckard,  Mary  Ann,  168 
Pine,  Ann,  65";  Thomas,  65 
Ping,  John,  236 
Pinking,  Jane,  220 
Pinnock,  Edward,  2S1 
Pinsonn,  John,  84 
Pirkins,  .see  Perkins 
Pistor,  John,  120 
Pitchers,  Ann,  236  ;  William,  23G 
Pitches,  Joseph,  148;  Sarah,  148 
Pitfeild,  Mary,  70 
Pithechcr,  .Margaret,  52 
Pitte,  John,  3  (3) 
Pitts  (Pittcs),  Blanche,  3,  52  ;  Jane,  4,  80  ;  John, 

4  (2),  52,  78  ;  Susan,  4  ;  — ,  78 
Pittson  (Pitson),  Ann,  66,  115,  117  ;    John,  120  ; 

Martha,  122  ;    Marv,  73,  IIS.  119  ;    Mrs..   127  ; 

William,  66,73,  117,  120,  124 
Plampin,  Elizabeth,  153;  Thomas,  153 
Planner,  John,  159  ;  Marv,  159 
Piatt,  — ,  87 

Platterreyer,  Nicholas,  84 
Flayer,  Sarah,  38 
Plumb,  James,  266  ;   Sarah,  266 
Plnmmer  (Plumber),   Elizabeth,  74;  John,  232  ; 

William,  74 
Phunton,  Edward,  68  ;  Joan,  03 
Podniore,  Arthur,  164  ;  Sarah,  164 
Polhill,  F ranees,  115 
Pollard,  James,  271  ;  Mary,  271 
Pollen  (Pollin),  (Rev.)  Thomas,  167  (2),  168  (2), 

Pollett,  Elizabeth,  131  ;  John,  131  (2) 
Pollexfen      (Polcxphen,      Polixfcn,     Pollcnfcn, 

Pollexfin),   Abigail,   32;    (iracc,   108;    John, 

32(3),    34(2);    Marv,   32(2),   31(2);    Mr., 

173,    181;    Nicholas,    108,    110;    Read,    119; 

Wooleombe,  34,  181 
Pollixfill,  John,  124 
Pomtcll,  Annis,  51  ;  George,  61 
Pond,  John,  280 


Ponten,  Charles,  251  ;    Charlotte,  248,  251  (3), 

272  ;  Charlotte  Ann,  21S  ;   John,  251  ;  Joseph, 

251  ;  Joseph  Bluchcr,  2-18,  251  (3),  272 
Pontey,  William,  173 

Pook  (Poock),  Mary  Ann,  271 ;  Stephen,  116 
Pookson,  John,  124 
Poole    (Pool),    Alice,     151  ;     Benjamin,    198 ; 

Elizabeth,  232  ;  Joseph,  2S2  (2)  ;  Phoebe  Sarah, 

282;  Richard,  151 
Pooley,  Charles,  213  ;  Mary,  213 
Poortcr,  see  Porter 
Poovey,  Poovie,  see  Povey 
Pope,  Charles  Henry,  276  ;  Charlotte  Maria,  254  ; 

Elizabeth   Alma,   254 ;    Sarah,  276 ;    Thomas 

George,  254 
Popkin,  Alfred  Ende,  278  ;   Eliza,  278 ;  Henry, 

27S  ;  Henry  John,  278 
Popplewill,  Mary,  167 
Porcas,  Ann,  271  ;  George,  271,  273 
Poree,  Prudence,  79 
Porter    (Poorter),     Ann,     124;     Charles,     259; 

Elizabeth,     41  ;     Honour,     54  ;     John,     105 ; 

Lietitia,  214  ;  Marv,  41,  206  ;   Mary  Ann,  269  ; 

Mary  Esther,  262  ;"Mr.,  30  ;  Rachel,  130,  155  ; 

Kichard,  130  (2),  155  ;    Robert,  214  ;    Stephen, 

54;    Thomas,   152;    William,  41,  85;    (Rev.) 

W.  Warren,  234 
Poste,  Alice,  54  ;  John,  54 
Posterne  (Pastron,  Poston,  Postron),  Ann,  163; 

Hannah,  18,  93  ;  Margaret,  60  ;   Marie,  93  (2)  ; 

Mark,  18,  19  (2),  60,  93  (3),  94,  96  ;    Mary,  18, 

19,  94  ;  William,  163 
Poston,  Postron,  see  Posterne 
Pothedd,  Philip,  78 
Pott,  Elizabeth  Letitia,   272;     James   Stansall, 

Potter,  Betty,  135  ;  Christopher,  135  ;  Elizabeth, 
206  ;  Fanny  Maria,  279  ;  George,  135  ;  Hannah, 
73  ;  Henrv,  277  ;  Thomas,  90 

Potvell,  Margaret,  52 

Pouell,  see  Powell 

Poulton,  Mary,  65 

Pourtalis,  James  A.,  215 

Povey  (Poovev,  Poovie,  Povie,  Povy,  Povve, 
Powvy),  John,  7,  85  ;  Mary,  53,  55  ;  Mr.,  89  ; 
William,  7,  8  (2),  53,  55,  84 

Powell  (Pouell,  Powel,  Powelle),  Alice,  57  ;  Ann, 
35  ;  Caroline,  256  ;  Catherine,  34,  75  ;  Charles, 
224  ;  Edward,  60  ;  Eliza,  248  ;  Elizabeth,  36, 
37,  118,  119,  224,  282;  George,  147  (2),  224, 
248;  George  William,  147;  Jane,  36,  223, 
269;  John,  33— 37,110, 111(2),  117;  Margaret, 
36,  37(2),  78,  111(2),  121;  Mary,  33—37; 
Mr.,  34;  Rose,  60;  Sarah,  124;  Sophia 
Elizabeth,  147  (3)  ;  Thomas,  223  (2),  282  ; 
William,  248  ;  William  Henry,  261  ;  — ,  110 

Powis,  Henry,  150;  Sarah,  150 

Pownal,  Sarah,  160 

Powntnay,  James,  13  ;  Mary,  13 

Powvy,  see  Povey 

Poxson  (Poxon),  John,  170  ;  Letitia,  179 

Poynter,  Jane,  42  ;  Newdigate,  42  ;  William,  42 

Praed,  Charles,  130,  131  ;  Elizabeth,  130,  131  ; 
Peter,  130,  131 

Pratt,  Ann,  254  ;  Jean,  214  ;  (Rev.)  Josiah,  261  ; 
Mary  Craig,  214  ;  Philip,  254  (2);  Thomas, 
102;  William,  211,  212,214 

Prescott,  Alexander,  65  ;  Humiliation,  65 ; 
William,  181 

Presland,  Elizabeth,  40  (2)  ;  Lewis,  40 

Presser,  Sarah,  205 

Preston,  Ann,  53  ;    Edward,  168  ;    Elizabeth,  49, 

212  ;     Isaac,   49  ;     Jacob,    49  ;     James,   209  ; 

Joseph,  209  ;  Mary,  209  ;  Sarah,  168 
Preyer,    Adolf,    254 ;     Albcrtina    Maria,    254  ; 

Catherine,  254 
Priaulx    (Priaux,    Priax,    Pryaux),     Ann,    29 ; 

Elizabeth,  27  (3),  30,  31  ;  Henry,  31  ;   Isabel, 

25,  28,  29  (2),  63  ;    Mary,  27  ;  'Paul,  27—31, 

63,  101  (2)  ;  Peter,  29  ;  Thomas,  25  ;    William, 

28,  30  ;  — ,  101  (2) 
Price  (Pryce),  Alfred,  276  (2)  ;   Alice,  56  ;  Ann, 

206  (3),  218  ;    Catherine,  157  ;    Charles,  218  ; 

(Rt.    Hon.)    Charles,    218  ;     Charlotte,    270 ; 

Edward,  234;  Elizabeth,  25(3),  71,   116,205; 

Ellen,  279  ;  Esther,  258  ;  Frances,  276  ;  Henry, 

157  ;     Jane,  213  ;    John,  202,  206,  213,  269  ; 

Josiah   Henry,    279 ;    Lucy    Hennetta,    218  ; 

Margaret,   220;    Mary,   56,  218;    Mary  Ann, 

218;    Mr.,  199  ;    Nicholas.  109  ;   Priscilla,  74  ; 

Richard,    25  (3),    102,    103  ;     Thomas,    233 ; 

William,  152,  206  ;  — ,  102,  110 
Prichard,  see  Pritchard 
Prickler,  John,  195 
Prie,  Richard,  123 

Priest,  John,  159  ;  Sarah,  159  ;  Thomas,  233 
Primatt,  (Rev.)  — ,  156,  159 
Prime,  Anna  Aircv,   197  ;   Elizabeth,  141,  262  ; 

Jane,   140—142,  190,  232  ;    Mary   Airey,  110, 

261  ;      Mr.,    197,    199  ;      Richard,    140—142, 

190  (2),  205,  234  ;  Richard  Airey,  112  ;  — ,  190 
Prince,  Edward,  201  ;  Samuel,  221  ;  Thomas,  207 
Pringle,  Eliza,  237 
Print,  Richard,  119 
Prior,  Elizabeth,  203  ;  John,  203  ;   Richard,  212  ; 

Sarah,  210 
Pritchard  (Prichard),  Ann,  118,211;  Elizabeth, 

112(2),  113  ;  Elizabeth  Emm,  207  ;  Isaac,  143, 

194;     Mr.,    194;     Richard,    142,    192,    214; 

Samuel,  214  ;    Thomas,  142  (2),  143,  192,  194, 

207;  William,  142,  194 
Pritchett,  Edward,  281  (2)  ;  Elizabeth  Ann,  281  ; 

Ellen  S.,  281 
Probarbe,  Ann,  57 
Procter  (Proctor,  Proter),  Elizabeth,  40  (2),  41, 

66,  114,  115,  117,  120  ;   Mr.,  106  ;   Samuel,  40, 

41  (2),  66,  119;    Sarah,  116;    Stephen,  108; 

Winnifred,  117 
Prodo,  Esther,  257 
Prosser,   Elizabeth,    45  ;     John,    45  (2)  ;     Mary, 

45(3),  68,  119 
Proter,  see  Procter 
Prothero,  Elizabeth,  262 
Prouter,  Martha,  123 
Provo  (Prova),  Mary,  20S,  220 
Pryaux,  see  Priaulx 
Pryce,  see  Price 
Puckle,  John,  116 
Pugh,  John,  220 
Pullar   (Puller),   Elizabeth,    257;     Henry,    282; 

Isaac,  39  ;  John,  282  ;  Mary,  39,  112  ;  Sophia, 

Purchcll,  Mary  Ann,  266 
Purdy,  T.,  278  ;  W.,  278 
Purse!!,  Mary,  57  ;  Robert,  57 
Purser,  Joan,  77 
Purvis,      Frances,      138   (2);       Richard,     186; 

Richardson,  187  ;  Robert,  138,  187 
Putman,  Margaret,  60  ;  Richard,  60 
Pyatt,  Dorothy,  198 
Pydebottom,  Richard,  82 
Rye,  Mary,  164  ;  William,  164 



Pycfinch,  Elizabeth,  256  ■  ]■..,  214  ;  Herbert,  199  ; 

Hester,  198  ;  Mrs.,  199  ;  Solomon,  231 
Pyke,  see  Pike 

Qine,  see  Qnine 

Qnarles,  Alice,  53;  (Rev.)  Thomas,  244  ;  William, 

Quay,  Catherine,  23C 
Qnencvault,  Lewis  Conrad,  177 
Quick,  Ann,  23G  ;  William,  236 
Quilter.  Amelia,  145  ;  James  Rumbold,  144, 145  ; 

Marv,  145,  187;    Marv  Ann,  144  (2);    Mary 

Ann"  Rumball,   144;    Rumbold,   194;    Sophia 

Rumbold,  144 
Quine  (Qine.  Quvrne),  Eleanor,  20-22;    Ellen, 

55  ;  Gilbert.  55  ;    Mary,  20  ;   Richard,  20—22  ; 

Thomas,  20 
Quiney  (Quinvc,  Quvnev.  Quvnye),  Adrian,  31, 

104   (2);    Ann,    18 ;"  Elizabeth,     111 ;     Ellen, 

15—18,  9G;    Isabel,  18;    Mary,  16,  96;    Mr., 

95,    103;    Richard,    15-18,   9C ;     Sarah,    21; 

William,  22 
Quwmhorcxthaga,  Christian)',  52  ;  Elizabeth,  52 
Quyney,  Qnynyc,  sec  Quiney 
Quyrnc,  see  Quine 

Backhaul,  .lames,  145 

Radcliff,  Frances,  152;  Thomas,  152 

Radford,  Isaac,  211  ;  Jane,  211 

Radiston,  Elizabeth,  175 

Rachuck,  see  Roebuck 

Ragg,  Charlotte,  48,  127  ;     Francis,  48,  127,  170  ; 

John,  48;  William,  127,  170 
Rallinson,  Chalkhill,  32,  105  ;    Joseph,  32,  105  ; 

Mary,  32,  105  ;  Mr.,  105 
Ralph,  Hester,  05  ;  John,  65 
Ram,  Margaret,  57  ;  William,  57 
Kamcutt,  John,  101 
Rampaine,  Sarah,  121 
Ramplee,  Charlotte  Ann,  264 
Ramsey   (Ramsav),    Caroline,   266  ;     John,    44  ; 

Marv,  44  (2)  ;'  Michael,  266 
Ranee,  Marv,  73  ;  Nathaniel,  73 
Randall     (Randal,     Randcl,    Randell,    Rnndole, 

Uendall),  Ann,   18,  88,   279;    Benjamin,   20; 

Elizabeth,   18  ;    Henry,   17—21,   95,   98,   279  ; 

James,  201  ;  Jane,  17,  63  ;  Jesse,  279  ;  Joseph, 

17;  Lydia,  19;  Marie,  98;  Marsa,  95  ;  Martha, 

19(2),  20,21,64,2111  ;  Mary,  11,  17(2).  18(4), 

19,  67,  221  ;  Peter,  21,  95  ;  Sarah,  238  ;  Susan, 

20;  Thomas,  20;  William,  11,  12,  57,  86,  87,  88 
Randolph,  Ann,  158 
Ranson,  Mary,  216 
RatclilTe,    Emma,   246  ;    George    Emson,    246  ; 

James,  246 
Rathbonc,  Idith  Ann,  202  ;  James,  202 
Rathy,  Ann.  61  ;  JefTry,  61 
Rutley,  Henry,  96 
Ratlif,  Ofc,  60 

Raven,  Elizabeth,  -'In  ;   Mary,  221 
Bawling!    (Rawlins),    Marv,    217;     Mr.,    106: 

William,  106 
Rawlynson,  Annie,  53  ;  Robert,  53 
Bawaon,   Ann,   127,   149;    Carolina,   169;    Dr.. 

150  ;    Edward,  90 ;    (Rev.)  Joseph,  vii,  Pt.  I, 

126,  127,  169,  170  (2)  ;   Marv.  127  ;   Mrs.,  149, 

150;  (Rev.),  148;  Sarah,  173 
Rawstern,    Elizabeth,    42;    Mr.,    119;    Samuel, 

Rav,  Ann,  205  ;  John,  277  ;  Mary,  185  ;  Rebecca 

Marv,  267  ;  Thomas  William,  267 
Ravmond,  Charles,  162  ;   John,  207  ;    Sarah,  162, 

Rayner  (Ravnor,  Eeynor),  Edward  Thomas,  250  ; 

Eleanor,    136;    Jane,    136;    John,    186,   260  ; 

Marv,  250  ;  Mary  Ann  Mefanie,  250 ;    Sarah 

Elizabeth,  250 
Rayson,  Elizabeth,  172  ;  Hannah,  171 
Read  (Readc,  Reed),  Alexander,  133  ;    Andrew, 

217  ;    Ann,  264  ;    Benjamin,  26—29,  100  (2), 

101;    Charles,  222;    Charlotte,   217;    David, 

277 ;    Elizabeth,  28,   36,    64,   92,    152,    277  ; 

Elizabeth   Amav,  144  ;    Grace,  26,   103,   106  ; 

Hannah,  195,  274  ;    James,  152  ;    John,  35,  36, 

110,  141.  179  ;  Joseph,  204  ;  Jndah,  63  ;  Marie, 

101  ;    Martha,  274  ;    Marv,  27—29  (2),  35  (2), 

36,  70,  144,  155,  165,  280;    Mary  Ann,  269; 

Matthew,  109  ;  Mercy,  204  ;  Mr.,  99,  103,  108, 

109  ;     Rebecca,   26,    100  ;     Richard,    26,    64  ; 

Robert,  102,  103,  100  ;  Samuel,  27  ;   Sarah,  26, 

102,  269  ;    Thomas,  194  ;    William,  70,   274  ; 

— ,  100,  108 
Reader,  Ann,  211  ;  James,  211 
Readhead,  Readeheade,  see  Redhead 
Reading  (Redding),  Ann,  44,  118;  Joseph,  44; 

Sybil,  60  ;  Thomas,  60  ;  — ,  44 
Reason,  Samuel,  176 
Reav,  John,  216  ;  Marv,  205,  216 
Reddiff,  Lettiee,  94 
Redding,  see  Reading 
Rcddy.  Mary  Ann,  257 

Ann,  56  ;  Samuel,  12  ;  Thomas,  10 
Redfearne,  Eleanor,  149  ;  J.,  149 
Redgway,  Edward,  61  ;  Margaret,  61 
Redhead      (Readhead,      Readeheade,      Redhed, 

Reedhead),   Alee,   92  ;    Ann,    86  ;    Elizabeth, 

11,  86;    Judith,  86;    Marie,  88;    Mary,   12; 

Mrs..   89;    Rebecca,   56;    Robert,   11,    12,   56, 

86  (6),  88  (2)  ;  Rose,  91  ;  Sarah,  86 
Reditt,  Gilbert,  52  ;  Margery,  52 
Redman,  Edward,  154  ;  Martha,  154 
Redmond,  Margaret,  214 
Recce,  Mr.,  74 
Reed,  sec  Read 
Rccdhcnd,  sec  Redhead 
Reeds,  Elizabeth,  143  ;  Hannah,  145  ;  John,  143, 

145;  Marv,  143,  145 
Rees,  Elizabeth,  145  ;  Jane,  145  ;  William,  145 
Reeve,   Frances,   146  ;    John,   149  ;    Mary,   146, 

202  ;  William,  146 
Reeves,  Elizabeth,  158  ;  William,  111 
Regan.  Arthur,  270  ;  Sarah,  270 
Regis,  Elizabeth,  203 
Remington,  John,  108 
Rcmple,  Bridget,  51  ;  William,  51 
Rendall,  see  Randal 
Rendle,  Jane,  278 
Rcnold,  Anthony,  77 

Renolds,  Rcnoldcs,  Rcnnoldes,  sec  Reynolds 
Rentier,  Ilcnrv,  192 
Ucnti.n,  William,  279  ;   Marjory,  279 
Reston  (Rcstonn),  Frances,  91  ;    Francis,  10  (2)  ; 

Margery,  91 
Reynolds  (Rcnnoldes,  Rennldes,  Renolds),  Amy, 
183  ;  Ann,  176,  222  ;  Caroline,  264  ;  Cuthbert, 



55  ;    Elizabeth,  202  ;    Mary,  51.  55,  207,  2S0  ; 

Robert,  86,  280  ;  Sarah,  267  ;  Thomas,  183 
Reynor,  see  Raynor 
Rhodes   (Rhoads,   Rhoades,   Roads),    Ann,  270  ; 

Elizabeth,  209  ;   Frances,  236  ;    Hannah,  270  ; 

John,   236;    Joseph,    204,   219;    Mary,    204; 

William,  204,  270  ;  W.  B.,  217 
Rhone,  Jonathan,  222 
Rhys,  Elizabeth  R.,  2S0  ;  Jcnkin,  280  (2)  ;  Sarah, 

Rice,  Jane,  152  ;  John,  202  ;  Mary,  205 
Rich,  Christopher,  66  ;  Sarah,  66 
Richard,  Ann,  142  (2) 
Richards   (Richardes).  Elizabeth,  207  ;    Francis, 

2,  79;    George,  2  (4),  9  (2),  51,  79;    James, 

149  ;  Jane,  51,  52,  149  ;   Jennetta,  194  ;    John, 

222;   Jonathan,  207  ;   Lcttice,  52  ;   Mary,  16S  ; 

Roderick,  168  ;  Susan,  2 
Richardson,  Ann,  121,  204,  261 ;  Eleanor,  110, 124; 

Ellen,  261  ;   Elizabeth.  41,  248  (3)  ;    Elizabeth 

Ann,    241  ;    Elizabeth    Charlotte,    248,    262  ; 

Fannv,  241,  257  ;  Frederick,  241  ;  George,  71  ; 

Isabella,  110  ;  Joseph,  114;  Joshua,  41,  69,  72, 

73,110;  Judith,  72;  Julia,  257  ;  (Rev.)  J.,  163; 

Mark,    113;    Martha,   71;    Mary,    63;    Mary 

Humfrey,  263  ;    Mary  Rebecca,  L'48,  262  ;   Mr., 

65,  67,  71  (2),    72,    74  (3),  76  (2),   148,   151, 

153;    Rachel,  40,  41;    Rebecca,  76;    Rebecca 

Charlotte,  248,  262  ;   (Rev.).  150-152,  154  (2), 

156;    Thomas,   40  (2),  41  (2),   202,  248  (3); 

William,  41,  262 
Richbell,  Mary,  167 

Richetan,  Anna  Maria,  153  ;  Lewis,  153 
Richman,  Ann,  19;    Charles,  17,  18(2),  19(2), 

20,  94  (2)  ;  Christian,  18,  94  ;   Elizabeth,  20  ; 

Katharine,  19  ;  Marv,  17  (2),  18  (2),  19(2),  20, 

94  (2) 
Richmond,  Elizabeth,  72  ;    George,  72  ;   Martha, 

Ricketts,  Esther,  140;    Frances,  140;    Thomas, 

Ricklas  (Rickless,  Rieklis,  Rickliss),  Ann,  41, 150  ; 

Elizabeth,  42,  1 16  ;    Frances,  41—44,  47,  121  ; 

Francis,  122;    Joseph,  41—44  (2),  118,  119; 

Mr.,  150  ;    Sarah,  47,  120  ;    Thomas,   43,  47, 

Eicklis,  Rickliss,  see  Ricklas 
Riddel  (Riddcll),  James,  274  ;  Janet,  274  ;   John, 

Riddellston,  see  Redelston 
Ridding,  Adrey,  64 
Rider,  see  Ryder 

Ridgley,  Mary,  28  (2)  ;  Samuel,  28 
Rider,  see  Rvder 

Riders,  William,  98,  99  (3)  ;  —  98 
Ridsdale,  Juliana,  266  ;  Samuel,  266 
Rigaud,  Catherine  Margaret,  225,  226  ;    Charles 

Henry,  225  ;   Henry,  226  ;   James  Francis,  225 
Rigby,   Charles    John,    272  ;    Frances    Bedford, 

248  ;  Frances  Mary,  272  ;    George,  203  ;   John 

Edward,  248,  272  ;  Maria,  248,  262,  272 
Rigg,  Jonathan,  150  ;  Thomasine,  150 
Riggs,  Elizabeth,  37  ;  Mary,  37  ;  Thomas,  37 
Rilestone  (Rilston,  Kilstone,   Rvlston,  Rylstone), 

Ann,  87  ;  Mary,  11  ;  Parnell,  11  ;   Parnill,  87  ; 

Thomas,  11  (2),  87  (2) 
Riley,  Rily,  see  Ryley 
Rilsby,  Eliza,  281 
Rilston,  Rilstone,  sir  Rilestone 
Ripley,  Elizabeth,  206  ;  John,  206 
Rippengill,  Noah,  281  ;  Sarah,  281 

Ritchie,  David,  238  ;  Joseph  Jackson,  258 

Rivers,  Henry,  217 

Rivett,  Mr.,  152 

Roads,  see  Rhodes 

Robardes  (Robberds),  Ann,  211  ;  Thomas,  86 

Robbins,  see  Robins 

Robenson,  see  Robinson 

Roberdeau,  Mary,  209 

Roberts   (Robarts),   Elizabeth,  75;    James,   137, 

267  ;  Jane,  137,  269  ;    John,  75,  202  ;  J.,  211  ; 

Mary,    62,    166,    213  (2)  ;     Mary   Ann,   267  ; 

Rice,  213;    Ruth,  189  ;    Samuel,  137  ;    Sarah, 

164,202;  Thomas,  62;  William,  164;  William 

Henry,  269  ;  (Rev.)  — ,  158  (3) 
Robertson,  Arabella  Lumley,  273  ;    Charles,  202  ; 

Elizabeth,  202  ;  John,  273  ;   William,  273 
Robins  (Robbins,  Robines),  A..  201  ;    Darke,  62  ; 

Harriet,  267  ;  James,  62  ;  John  Thomas  Freak, 

267  ;    Margaret,  76  ;    Robert,  276  ;    Sarah,  64  ; 
William,  76 

Robinson  (Robenson),  Ann,  59;  (Rev.)  C.  T., 
262  ;  Edward,  224  (2)  ;  Elizabeth,  224  (3)  ; 
George,  146,212;  H.,212;  James,  214,  215  (2), 
216,  217  ;  Jane,  265  ;  Jemima,  214,  215  (2)  ; 
John,  59;  Kerenhappuch,  215,  216;  Kezia, 
214;  Lretitia,  212,  214  ;  Louisa  Hooper,  224  ; 
Lydia  Elizabeth,  215,  216  ;  Margaret,  146,  212  ; 
Man-,  165,  21S;  Richard,  214,  215;  Sarah 
Coombs.  217;  Sophia,  146,  272  ;  Thomas,  78, 

Robjant,  Ann,  237 

Robson,  John,  217;  Phoebe,  217 

Roche,  Frances  Teresa,  268 

Rock,  Ann,  149,  171  ;  Henry,  254  ;  Prudence, 
254  ;  Samuel,  149  ;  Susan,  254 

RockclifT,  Mary,  72  ;  Morton,  72 

Rodgers,  see  Rogers 

Roe,  see  Rowe 

Roebuck  (Raebuck),  Hannah, 268;  Maria.  242;  M., 

268  ;  Robert,  242  ;  Thomas,  201  ;  William,  242 
Roffey,  James,  157  ;  Rebeccah,  157  ;  Sarah,  158  ; 

William,  158 
Rogers    (Rodgers,    Rogcars),    Ann,    19   (2),    20, 

21  (2),  23  (2),  90  (2),  97,  98,  179  ;  Benjamin, 

141  (2),  207,  209  ;    (Capt.),  99  ;    Elizabeth,  23, 

29  (2),  207,  209  ;    Grace,  19,  96;   Joanna,  188; 

John,  179,  259  ;    Joseph,  112;    Mary,  24,  74  ; 

Mr.,   110;    Mrs.,   104;    Rhode,   20;    Richard, 

19  (2),  20,  21  (2),  22,  23  (3),  24,  61,  62,  95, 

96  (3),  97  (3),  107,  175  ;  (Capt.)  Richard.  104  ; 

Robert,  19,  29,  102,  103  ;    Sarah,  24  (2),  97, 

IIS,  122(2),  141  ;    Silvanus,  74  ;    Simon,  108  ; 

Thomas,  169  ;  William,  207  ;  — ,  99,  102 
Unperson,  Richard,  222 
Rolfe    (Rolph),    Ann,    124  ;     Benjamin,    214  ; 

Dorcas,  70  ;  Lydia,  214 
Rolles,  Dr.,  65 

Rolleston,  Isabel,  153  ;  Lancelot,  153 
Rollinson    (Rollison),  Joseph,   33,   35  (2),   109  ; 

Mary,  33  (2),  35  (2),  109  ;  William,  35  (2) 
Rolph,  see  Rolfe 
Rolt    (Rolte),    Christiana,    159  ;     Martha,    68  ; 

Oliver,  68 
Rood  (Roode),  Martha,  23  (2),  24  ;    Mrs.,  103  ; 

Tobias,  23,  24  (2),  98 
Rookcs,  Martha,  68 
Ripukesby,  (icorge,  59  ;  Grace,  59 
Rope    (Roope),    Hannah,    237  ;    Richard,    237  ; 

William,  103 
Rose(Rofe),  Ann,  149;  Elizabeth,  266;  Gertrude, 

214,  230  ;  Hugh,  214,  234  ;  John,  61 ;  Sarah,  61 



Roschnm,  Mary,  119 

Uosonbrook,  Claus,  274 

Roskill.  Amey,  208  ;  Gilbert,  208 

Ross,  Alexander,  214  ;  Isabella,  185  ;  Murv  Ann, 
200  ;  William,  257,  2G6 

Rossell,  Roussell,  see  Russell 

Rouleau,  Susanna,  198 

HouleS,  Mary,  05  ;  Peter,  C5 

Roulf,  Susan,  78 

Round,  John,  172;  Martha,  129;  Richard,  129(2) 

Rouse,  Richard,  208  ;  Sarah,  2G8 

Kowe  (Roe.  Ronwe,  Row),  Ann,  16, 17,  26,  37  (2), 
38.  91,  152,  17G  ;  Dorothy,  26,  27  (3),  29,  31  ; 
Elizabeth,  29  ;  Ellen,  66  ;  George,  26,  27  (2), 
29,  30  (2),  101,  103,  104  ;  Grace,  30  ;  Henry, 
31,  37,  38  (2),  114;  John,  105;  Joan,  87; 
Martha,  17;  Mary,  27,  152;  Mr.,  101,  102, 
105  ;  Richard,  16  (2),  17,  91  (2)  ;  — ,  lol  (2), 
102,  103,  104 

Rones,  Easter,  32  ;  Marv.  32  ;  Thomas,  32 

Rowett  (Rowet),  John,  174  ;  Philippa,  174 

Rowland,  Eliza,  280  ;  Jane,  213  ;  John,  2S0  ; 
Margaret,  279 

Rowley,  Catherine,  138;  Harriet,  138;  John, 
138  (4).  139  (2),  199;  Martha,  211  ;  Mary 
Ann,  139  ;  Rebecca,  137  (2),  138  (3),  139  (2), 
185,  194  i  Thomas,  211  ;  William,  139 

Rowlt,  Thomas,  205 

Roworth,  Susanna,  109 

Roxby,  Jane,  215  ;  M.,  215 

Royds(Roydes),  Ann,  133, 136, 137  (2) ;  Elizabeth, 
136;    Harriet,   139;    Jane,   133  (2),   134  (2), 

137,  138,  1S4  ;  Jenny,  134  ;  Jeremiah,  133  (2), 
134  (2),  136,  144,  232 ;    John,  135  (2).  136  (3), 

138,  139,  144,  185,  203  ;  Margaret,  \U  ;  Mary, 
133,  135,  136  (3),  138,  139,  1S7,  303  ;  Mr., 
183;  Naomi.  137;  Robert,  137  (2).  138  (2), 
184,  185(3),  195, 196;  Thomas,  13S;  Valentine, 
181  ;  William,  203 

Royston,   Jane,   38  ;    Mary,   41  ;     Samuel,   38, 

41  (2)  ;  Sarah,  41  (3) 
Rudall,  Marv,  2<i5  ;  Samuel,  205 
Rudd,  Isabella,  168 
Rude,  Rachel,  15G 
Rudge,  Ann,  209  ;  Elizabeth,  209 
Rudson,  Ann,  63 
Ruffell,  George,  283 
Rugg,  Alice,  68 

Rumney,  Harriet,  282  ;  James,  282  ;  John,  2S2 
Russell  (Russcl,  Rossell,  Koussell),  Abigail,  155; 

(Dr.)  Alexander,  1S9  ;   Ann,  43  (2),  154,  167  ; 

Elizabeth,  75,  161  ;    Francis  Kay,  266;    .lime. 

73  ;   Janet,  218  ;   John,  75,  154  ;   Martha,  12  ; 

Marv,  OS,  151,  165,  230;    Michael,  218  ;    Mr., 

161  ;  Nathaniel,  151  ;  Robert, 213;  Simon,  11  ; 

Susanna,  62,  2GG  ;  Thomas,  11,12,  80,  ;  Walter, 

73,  155 
Ruston,  Ann,  146  ;  Julia,  251  ;  Percy  Marv,  248, 

249  (2),  251  ;   William,  146  (2),  248  (2),  249, 

Rutherford,  Abraham  Watson,  1 16,  147  (3),  223, 

224,  258  ;    Benjamin,  199  ;    George,  147,  262  ; 

Georgina,  146  ;  Jonathan,  147,  199  n,  224,  231  ; 

Mary,    ISO)     Mary    Jane,    223;    Sarah,     110, 

147  (3),  223,  224,  258  ;  Thomas,  117,  199 
Ruttcr,  Ann,  149,  210  ;  Jonathan,  M9  ;  Susan.  05 
Button.  Ann,  64  ;  Issacc,  24  (2)  ;   Isaake,  98  (3), 

M  ;   Miimiiis,  64  ;  Hcbeeca,  24,  98 
Buttons, —,  98 ;  —,99 
Ruttv,  Marv,  ISO 
Bj  an,  Elizabeth  Winch,  271 

Rvddelston,  see  Redclston 

Ryder  (Rider),  Elizabeth,  24;  Frederick,  117; 
Hannah,  25  ;  John,  23.  119;  Joseph,  24  (2)  ; 
Lydia,  31  ;  Marie,  99 ;  Martha,  26  ;  Mary, 
23—31,63,  100,  101, 119(2)  ;  Mr.,  30  ;  Rebecca, 
27  ;  Samuel,  28  ;  Stephen,  29  ;  Timothy,  29  ; 
William,  23-31,  63(2),  99-101,  103,  104; 
— ,  99,  103 

Rve,  Ann  Maria,  266  ;  Thomas,  266 

Rvlev  (Rilev,  Rilv),  Abraham,  167  ;  Catherine, 
5,  263:  Elizabeth,  167, 184  ;  Hannah  Elizabeth, 
282  ;  John,  5,  53  ;  John  Joseph,  252  ;  Margaret, 
204  ;  Martha,  53  ;  Sarah  Elizabeth,  252  (2) 

Rvlston,  Kvlstone,  sec  Rilestone 

Ryniill,  Samuel,  05;  Sarah,  65 

Ryse,  Alexander,  59  ;  Elizabeth,  59 

Sadbury,  Samuel,  175 

Sadelar",  Elizabeth,  93  ;  John,  93  (2) 

Sadie,  Mary,  19 

Sadler  (Sadleir),  Ann,  22,  210  ;   Benjamin,  30  ; 

Blount,    05,    102  ;    Blunt,    2S  ;    (Capt.),    26  ; 

Elizabeth,  17—22,  28,  30,  31,  107  ;  Helen,  20  ; 

Henry,  21,   95;     Isabcll,   17;     John,    17—22, 

28  (2),  30,  31  (2),  93,  95,  97,  99,  101,  102  (2), 

103,    107,    139,210;    Mary,    19,    26  (2),  28  ; 

Margaret,  99  ;    Ralph,  28  ;    Rose,  93  ;    Sarah, 

190  ;  — ,  102(2),  103 
Saffin,  Ann,  44,  118  ;  George,  44  ;  Mary,  44 
Sailer,  Alice,  80 
St.  John,  Marv,  159 
Saker,  Ann,  264 
Salby  (Salbie),  Elizabeth,  27  ;   George,  27,  111  ; 

Mrs.,  104  ;  Susanna,  27 
Salisbury      (Salcsburie),     Amelia,      133,      179; 

Charlotte,    257  ;    Elizabeth,    53  ;    Marv,   259  ; 

Mr.,  179  ;  Richard,  53  ;  — ,  133  (2) 
Salmon,  Thomas,  177 
Salt,  Elizabeth,  211  ;    Hannah,  216,  236  ;    John, 

216  ;  Joseph,  233 
Salter,  Ann,  155,  209  ;    John,  149  ;    Mary,  204  ; 

Mrs.,  149  ;  Richard,  155  ;  Thomas,  209 
Sambach,  Kathcrina,  159 
Sambrook,  Jeremv,  32  ;  Judith,  32  ;   Mary,  157  ; 

Samuel,  32 
Sambrough,  Joan,  62  ;  William,  G2 
Samlim,  Judith,  52  ;  Thomas,  52 
Sampson,  Robert,  80 

Sampton,  Agnes,  3  ;  Catherine,  3  ;  Thomas,  3(2) 
Samways,  Charles,  210  ;  Susanna,  210 
Sandell,  Ann,  228  ;    Frances,  228,  235  ;    George, 

235  ;  Nicholas,  228 
Sanders,  see  Saunders 
Sanderson  (Saundorsonl,  Elizabeth,  6S  ;    (Lady) 

Elisabeth,  215;   (Sir)  James,  215  ;   John,  144  ; 

Mary  Elizabeth,  144,  195  ;  Sarah,  144 
Sandfon]  (Sanford),  Ann,  211  ;  Jane,  51  ;  (Rev.) 

Phil.,  Ill  n.  ;  Sophia  Elizabeth,  241  ;  William, 

241  ;  (Rev.)—,  159 
Sandwcth   (Saudwith),  Henry,   103  ;    Mr.,   103  ; 

— ,  103 
Sandys,  Dorothy,  202  ;  (Rev.)  John,  260  ;  Samuel, 

201  (8),  202(161 
Sanford,  sea  Saudford 
Bantam,  .lames,  211  ;  Mary,  214 
Sarracold  (Scrocold,   Scrocolde,  Serocold,   Sorro- 

cold),  Margaret,  91  ;  Mr.,  89  ;   Thomas,  14,  58, 

89,  91 



Sart,  Henry,  55  ;  Margaret,  55 
Saul,  Jeferey,  187  ;  Lydia,  272 
Saunders  (Sanders),  Ann,  27  (4),  47  ;    Abraham, 

112;    Catherine,  36,  110;    Elizabeth,   37,  38, 

44(2),  45,  47,  74,  110,111,173;  Hannah,  280; 

James,  36—38,  41,  44,  45  (2),  47,  67,  110  (2), 

115,  119,  121  ;    John,  38,  124,  259,  280  ;  Mary, 

37,100,110,120,164;  Kichard,99;  Thomas,  74; 

Tobias,  100,  101  ;  Tobyas,  27  (2)  ;  — ,  101, 119 
Saunderson,  see  Sanderson 
Sanret,  Ann,  158  ;  John,  158 
Savage    (Savadge,    Savaig,     Savaige,    Savedge, 

Sawage),  Albone,  78;    Alice,  79;   Ann,  11; 

Bridget,  27  ;  Catherine,  246  ;    Christopher,  10  ; 

Christopher  Wren,  246  ;    Dora  Margaret,  246  ; 

Eliza  Penelope,  246  ;    Elizabeth,  2,  27,   170  ; 

Ellen,  1 1 ;  Humphrey,  240 ;  James, 240, 246  (6)  ; 

Jane,  8  ;    John,  79  ;    Joyce,  80  ;    Julius,  78  ; 

Martha,  9  ;  Mary,  9  ;  Mary  Ann,  240,  246(7)  ; 

Robert,  v,  2  (3),  8—11,  80,  88,  91  ;  Rosalind, 

246  ;  Sarah,  10  ;  Thomas,  9,  27,  91  ;   William, 

Savages,  Jarvis,  57  ;  Mary,  57 

Savill,  Henrietta  Maria,  150  ;  Samuel,  150 

Sawage,  see  Savage 

Sawbridge,  Elias  Jncob,  128,  171  ;  Elizabeth,  12S, 

167;   Henry,  167;    (Capt.)  John,  128  ;    Mary, 

Sawe,  Elizabeth,  75  ;  Oswald,  75 
Sawyer   (Sawyear),   John,   5S  ;     Margaret,    58  ; 

William,  109 
Saxby,  Ann,  204 
Sayer(Seyer),  Charles, 281;  Darkes,41;  Elizabeth, 

205,  281 ;    Ellen,  281  ;    Emma  Elizabeth,  283  ; 

George,    204;    James,   281,   2S3  ;    John,    41; 

John  Last,  283  ;    Mary,  205  ;    Nathaniel,  107, 

205  ;  Richard  Henry,  283  ;  Sarah,  41 
Sayers,  Dorcas,  42  (2),  115;    John,  42;    Sarah, 

42,  115 
Scales,  Elizabeth,  242  ;    Elizabeth  Susanna,  242  ; 

William,  242 
Scalet,  see  Scarlet 
Scampear,  Sarah,  171 
Scarborough,    Emily,   270 ;    John,    246 ;    Maria, 

270  ;  Mary,  246  ;  William,  246,  270 
Scarlet  (Scalet,  Scarlett,  Skarlett),  Ann,  23—29, 

31,  97  (2),  209  ;    Anthony,  23—29,  31,  97,  99, 

100,    104  ;    Benjamin,    27  ;    Christopher,    29 ; 

Dorothy.    23 ;    Edward,    26  ;    Elizabeth,    24 ; 

John,  209  ;    Joseph,  28  ;    Martha,  25  ;    Mary, 

25,  27,  209;    Mr.,  102  ;  Sarah,  31  ;    Thomas, 

25  ;  — ,  99,  104 
Scarth,  Mary,  254  ;  May  Lough,  254  ;  William 

Baikie,  254 
Scawen  (Scowen,  Scowin),  Ann,  44  ;    Anthony, 

49  ;  Catherine,  42,  148  ;  Charlotte,  136  ;  John, 

136;   (Lady),  148  (2),  152;   Lewis,  47  ;   Louis, 

156;    Louisa,   135;    Martha,  42—44,  47  (2), 

48  (2),  76  ;  Mary,  43,  48,  116,  156  ;  Matilda, 

134  ;    Prudentia,  49  ;    Robert,  48,   134—136  ; 

Susanna,   47,   49;     Thomas,   42-44,   47    (2), 

48  (2)  ;  (Sir)  Thomas,  148  (2)  ;  (Sir)  William, 

148;     William    Hussell,   135;     Winifred,   134 

—136.     See  also  Skowen 
Sceres,  Margaret,  56 
Schiffers,  Agnes.  2S2  ;  Henry,  282  (2)  ;  Therese, 

Schneider,    Anna    Catharina.    140,    204 ;     Ana 

Catharina  Adelaide,   140;    John  Henry,  140, 

Schofleld,  John,  209 

Scholefield,  Mary,  205 

Scorer,  Jane,  198 

Scotcher,  Martha,  208  ;  Sarah,  208 

Scotney,  Edward,  197 

Scott  (Scot,  Scutt),  Ann,  150  ;    Benjamin,  95  ; 

Catherine,  127, 149,  150,  155,  210,  212  ;  Daniel, 

156,  188  ;    David,  205,238  ;   Dorothy,  205  ;  D., 

203;  Elizabeth,  158.  176,  1S3,  192,  268;  James, 

158,  26S  ;    Jane  Elizabeth,  274  ;    Jean,  210  (2), 

211,212,214(2);  John,  127, 149,  171 ;  (Lady), 

149  ;    Margaret,   156,   186,  203  ;    Maria,  238  ; 

Martba,274;  Mary,  175;  Matthew,  151;  Peter, 

176  ;  Phyllis,  151  ;    Richard,  268  ;    Ruth,  154  ; 

Samuel,   185  ;  Sarah,  182,  268  ;  Thomas,  127, 

149,  150,  274  ;  William,  210,  211  ;  W.,  212 
Scowen,  Scowin,  see  Scawen 
Scrace,  Elizabeth,  204 
Scrafton,  Francis,   131,  176  ;   Luke,  131  ;   Mrs., 

186;  Richard,  130— 132;  Samuel,  132;  Susanna, 

130—132,  176;  William,  130,  174 
Scrimshire,    Benjamin,    118;     Catherine,    160; 

Elizabeth,  47—49,  171,  178  and  n.,  194  ;  John, 

49,  1S9  ;    Mary,  234  ;    Matthew,  47—49  ;   Mr., 

1S3  ;  Richard,  49,  231  ;  Sarah,  120 
Scrivener  (Scru cnar).  Elizabeth,  66,  86 
Scrocold,  Scrocolde,  see  Sarracold 
Scrowde,  Jane,  65  ;  Thomas,  65 
Scruton,  Ann,  134  (2),  143  ;  Elizabeth,  134,233; 

Jane,  142,  143  (2)  ;  Maria,  195  ;  Mr.,  192,  194  ; 

Robert,  134  (3),    142,    143  (3),  192,  191  (2)  ; 

Thomas,  142 
Scudamore,  Emma  Jane,  252 ;  Jane,  252  ;  William, 

Sculson,  Mary,  61 
Sculthorp,  Amy,  149;  Ann,  149;  Robert,   149 

William,  149  ;  Winifred,  149 
Scutt,  see  Scott 
Seywell,  Edward,  82 
Seaborne  (Seaborn,  Seabourne,  Seborn,  Seborne, 

Sebourn),  Ann,  36  (2),  115  ;  Deborah,  3S,  111  ; 

Hercules,  36, 1 11  :  John,  39  ;  Mary,  34—36,  38 

—40,  114;    Mrs.,  120;  Thomas,  34-36,  38— 

40,  111  (2),  113,  114  ;  William,  35  (2),  105 
Seager,  Amy,  217  ;  Edward,  271  ;  James,  217 
Seales,  Lucy,  220 
Seaman  (Semon),  Francis,  103  ;    Sophia  L.,  281  ; 

William,  281  ;  — ,  103 
Seamans,  Edward,  103  ;  — ,  103 
Searle  (Serle),  Ambrose,  21S  ;  Esther,  265  ;  Joan, 

63  ;  J.  T.,  210  ;  Mr.,  159 ;  M.  G.,  265  ;  Nathaniel, 

63  ;  Phoebe,  265 
Searles,  Catherine,  141  ■  George,  141  (2) 
Sears.  John,  274  ;  Martha,  274  (2) 
Seawell,  Elizabeth,   179  ;    George,   178  ;    Joyce, 

178  ;  Mr.,  178  ;  Rebecca,  233 
Seborn,  Seborne,  Sebourn,  see  Seaborne 
Secretan,    Frederick    Sarah,   146;     Mary,   146; 

Mary  Ann,  146 
Sedgwick   (Sedgwicke,    Sidgwick),    Anna,    277  ; 

Edward,  62,  277;  Elizabeth,  277;  Francis,  206  ; 

James,   68 ;    Jane,  277 ;    Prudence,    68,    71  j 

Susan,  62  ;  William  Keen,  277 
Seewood,  Sarah,  237 
Seex,  Elizabeth,  236  ;  William,  236 
Seiler,   Amelia,  274  ;    Charlotte  Augusta,  274  ; 

Michael,  274  ;  Kosetta  Weisbart,  274 
Selby  (Selbe),  John,  74,  151  ;  Mary,  151  ;  Rachel, 

74  ;  Thomas,  212 
Sellers,  Elizabeth,  138  (2) 
Sellye,  Elizabeth,  56 
Semon,  see  Seaman 



Scruple,  Catherine,  233 

Sendcll,  Ann,  227,  260 ;  George,  227,  200  ;  Sarah 
Ann,  227 

Sere,  Annis,  82 

Sergeant,  Esther,  213 

Scrle,  see  Searle 

Scroeold,  see  Sarracold 

Sester,  Alice,  65  :  John,  Go 

Settell,  Obadiah,  87 

Severn,  Marv,  257 

Sevil,  .rohn,  155  ;  Mary,  155,  159 

Seward,  Mary,  208 

Sewell,  Charlotte,  206  ;  Mary,  206  ;  Sarah,  209 

Sewen,  Dorothy,  150;  Susanna,  150(2)  ;  William, 

Seyemour,  George,  272  ;  Sarah,  272 

Seyer,  see  Saver 

Seyfang,  Phibe,  266  ;  -,  266 

Shackellton,  Jane,  58 

Shakespeare  (Shakcspare).  Elizabeth,  59  ;  James 
Wanford,  201  ;  Sarah,  2(11 

Sharp  (Sharpe),  Elizabeth,  73,  156,  206  (2); 
John,  1S8,  198,  2(16;  Martha,  156  ;  Marv,  190, 
193;  Robert,  156,  20(1 ;  Samuel,  73  ;  Sarah, 
154  :  Thomas,  112,  118.  189  ;  (Rev.)  Thomas, 
1S3  ;  William,  115,  122  ;  (Hev.)  — ,  167  (2) 

Sharpless  (Sharpies),  Ann,  157  ;  Mr.,  178;  Ralph, 
177;  Thomas,  167 

Sharrer,  John,  202 

Shaw  (Shawe),  Ales,  53  ;  Catherine,  281  ;  (Rev. 
Sir)  Charles  J.  M.,  Ill  n.  ;  Elizabeth,  236; 
Grace,  66,  281  ;  John,  232 ;  Joseph  Henry, 
281  ;  J.  H.,  267  ;  Mary,  202,  267  ;  Pressillah, 
62  ;  Richard,  202  ;  Susanna,  73  ;  Thomas.  62, 
73  ;  William,  66,  270 

Sheaperd,  Sheapheard,  see  Shepherd 

Shearing,  Ann,  163  ;  Thomas,  163 

Shearmc,  Matthew,  62  ;  Susanna,  62 

Shears,  Sarah,  111 

Sheldon,  William,  217 

Sheldrake,  Catherine,  117 

Shelly  (Shellye).  (Ladv)  Catherine.  148  ;  (Eady), 
148  ;  (Sir)  John,  148  ;  Robert,  86 

Shelton,  Elizabeth,  157  ;  Jonah,  155  ;  Marv, 

Shepherd  (Sheaperd,  Sheapheard,  Sbephard, 
Shephcard,  Sheppard,  Shcppheaid),  Alfred, 
239,  256  ;  Ann,  18-20,  93  (2),  107,  158,  279  ; 
Catherine,  32  (2),  109  ;  Dormer,  32  (2),  107 
—  109  ;  Ebenezer,  22s,  256  ;  Eleanor,  249,  261  ; 
Elizabeth,  74  ;  Jane,  249  ;  John,  20,  32 ; 
Jonathan,  202  ;  Joscphus,  108  ;  L.,  272  ; 
Martin,  279;  Mary,  32,  153  ;  Matthew,  18— 
21,  61,  93,  95;  Naomi,  228;  Nathaniel,  158; 
Sarah,  20,  202,  227,  228  (2),  239  ;  Sarah  Kish, 
227  ;  Thomas,  227,  228  (2),  239.  256  ;  Thomas 
Jutsuin,  279  ;  (Uev.)  T.,  258  ;  William  Henry, 
249  j  W.  H.,  272  ;  — ,  107 

Sheppcrdson,  Elizabeth,  264  ;  Joseph,  2G4,  265  ; 
B it,  264 

Sherbrook  (Shcrbrooke),  Ann,  42  (2),  115; 
Elizabeth,  39-13,  149  ;  Jane,  43,  149  ;  John, 
40,  42,  43  ;  Mary,  39,  113;  Richard,  42,  119; 
Thomas,  39—42 

Sherman,  Paul,  125 

Shermar  (Shunuur),  John,  121  ;  Thomas,  38,  G6, 

112,  170 
Shcron,   Elizabeth,   133;    Elizabeth   Ann,    188: 

John, 133 
Shcrvill  (Sherwill),  Mary,  213 
Slier  win,  Ann,  160  :  Joan,  54  :  Mr.,  160 

Sherwood,  Francis,  55  ;  Loza,  206  ;  Thomas,  123  ; 

Thomasine,  55 
Shickle,  John  Kavlc,  259 
Shield,  (Hev.)  Benjamin,  136  ;  (Rev.)  B.,  1G7  (7)  ; 

Harriet,  136  (2) 
Shilds,  Catherine,  61  ;  William,  61 
Shipham  (Shiphame),  George,  13  ;  John,  13 
Shipley.  Jonathan.  49,  50(3).   127;  Martha,  49, 

50  (2),  127  (2) ;   William,  49,  50 
Shipman,  J.,  266 
Shipson,  Elizabeth,  67;  John,  67 
Shire,  Henry  John,  147,  198  ;  — ,  147  (2) 
Shirley,    Harriet,    265;     " 

Marv,  157;    Peter,  12S; 

128  ;  Susanna,  128  (2) 
Shirt,  Elizabeth,  197  ;  Mr.. 
Shoosmith,  Mary,  266 
Shore  (Shoer),  John,  55  ;    Margaret, 

Dorothv,  162  ;  Patrick,  121  ;  Thomas,  162 
Shorey,  John,  72  ;  Mary,  72,  173 

lana,    265 ;     (Lady) 

Robert,  265  ;     Sarah, 



Shoring,  Mary,  61 
den,  Eliza,  1 

Shornden,  Eliza,  245,  260;  Elizabeth,  245  ;  James 
Newton,  245 

Short,  Ann,  278  ;  R.,  275  ;  Samuel,  278 

Shrivell,  Edwin,  279  ;  Sarah  Rebecca,  279  ; 
William,  279 

Shunuur,  see  Shermar 

Shuttleworth,  Catherine,  45  (2)  ;  Thomas,  45 

Shutz,  Ann,  163 

Siamn,  John,  78  ;  Margaret,  78 

Sibthorp,  see  Sipthorp 

Siems,  Diana,  271  ;  Jacob  William,  271 

Sidford,  Elizabeth,  237  ;  Sander,  237 

Sidgwick,  see  Sedgwick 

Sifford,  John,  67  ;  Mary,  67 

Sike,  Marv,  48 

Sikes,  Elizabeth,  167 

Silk,  Ann,  269  ;  Catherine,  136,  183  ;  Elizabeth, 
136(2),  137;  Frederick,  269;  Mr.,  183(2); 
Robert,  136  (2),  137  ;  Susanna,  136,  137,  183 

Silvester  (Sylvester),  Anna  Maria,  167  ;  J., 
207(2);  Mary  Rachel,  207 

Sim,  Anna  Henrietta,  210  ;  John,  210 

Simmons  (Simmonds),  Edmund,  lol  ;  Edward, 
9S  ;  Elizabeth,  98  ;  Frederick,  29  ;  Jeremiah, 
205  j  John,  29  ;  Sarah,  209  ;  — ,  29 

Simon  (Simoncs),  John,  77  ;  Peter,  17  (3),  60, 
91  (2),  92(3);  Sisley,  17 

Simonde,  Widdowe,  100 

Simons,  see  Symons 

Simpson  (Simson,  Svmpson),  Ann,  142 — 144, 
196;  Ann  licason,  233  ;  Deborah  Bishop,  142, 
192  ;  Eleanor,  69  ;  Elizabeth,  21 1, 218  ;  George, 
270  ;  Harriet  Stephenson,  267  ;  Isabella,  265  ; 
James  I.cman  Millan,  142,  244(2);  Jane 
Margaret  Marv,  244  ;  John,  27  (2),  32,  101, 
105,  111,  265(2),  267;  John  Pitt,  142— 141  ; 
(Uev.)  John  H.,  261  ;  (Hev.)  J.,  237  ;  Mary,  27, 
117,  244  (2)  ;  Mary  Ann,  259  ;  Mr.,  100,  108, 
192.  196  ;  Penelope.  151  ;  Robert,  211  j  Sarah 
Richards,  143;  Sophia  Elizabeth,  265; 
Theophilus,  151;  Thomas,  259,  265,  267  j 
William,  218  ;   William  Henry,  244  ;  — ,  101 

Sinden,  Macey,  265  ;   Martha,  265 

Singclton,  Mary,  83  ;  William,  83 

Sipthorp  (Sibthorp,  Sypthorpe),  Ann,  1,53,54; 
Matthew,  2,  80  ;  Prudence,  79  ;  Robert,  1  (2), 
2  ;  Thomas,  1 

Birr,  Frances,  160 

Sise  (Size),  Ann,  72  ;  Jonathan,  126 

Sith  (Syth),  Elizabeth,  128  (2) 



Skarlett,  see  Scarlet 

Skay,  Beale,  136  (2),  166;  Frances,  136  (2), 
137  (2),  166. 18+  ;  John,  136,183  ;  Mr.,  183(2); 
Thomas,  136,  137,  183 

Skeate,  Mary,  237 

Skelton,  Robert,  109  ;  William,  98 

Skeyes,  Bridget,  163  ;  William,  163 

Skcvle,  Andrew,  54  ■   Elizabeth,  54 

Skil'lett,  Emma  Matilda,  271 

Skinner  (Skynner),  Ann  Sophia,  155  ;  Elizabeth, 
215  ;  George,  279  ;  Harriet,  216  ;  Honoria, 
151;  M.,  215(2);  Rebecca,  162  ;  Thomas,  215; 
Thomas  Henry,  215  ;  William,  150 

Skowen,  Martha,  41  ;  Thomas,  41  ;  William,  41. 
See  also  Scawen 

Slarter,  Elizabeth,  177 

Slater  (Slatter),  Caroline,  266  ;  Jane,  237  ;  Mary, 

Slaughter,  Sarah,  266 

Sloan,  John.  279  ;  Susan,  279 

Slowman,  Elizabeth,  1 1 1 

Slyfford,  Margaret,  58  ;  William,  5S 

Smale,  Ann,  235 

Small,  Mary,  184 

Small  bone,  Elizabeth,  67 

Smallman,  Elizabeth,  54 

Smart,  Ann,  150 

Smight,  Richard,  94  ;  Sarah,  61  ;  William,  61 

Smith  (Smitbe,  Smyth,  Smythe),  Adam,  202  ; 
Alfred,  253  ;  Alice,  209  ;  Amelia,  280  ;  Ann, 
18-20,  42,  43  (2).  49  (3),  57,  69,  73,  93,  98, 
123,  130,  152,  155,  161,  212,  218,  267;  Ann 
Erswell,  270  ;  Anna  Maria,  145 ;  Anthony, 
103;  Catherine,  156,  216;  Charity,  34"; 
Charles,  19;  Charles  Christopher  Richard, 
264  (2) ;  Charlotte  Ann,  264  ;  Charlotte 
Frances,  145;  Christopher,  77;  Daniel,  280; 
Edward,  26  (2),  40  ;  Eleanor,  61  ;  Eleanor 
Wise,  270  (2)  ;   Elizabeth,  2,  21,  31  (2),  53,  73, 

129,  130  (2),  154,  159,  165,  202,  205,  207,  208, 
212,218;  Elizabeth  Sophia,  195  ;  Ellen,  218  ; 
Ellen  Maria,  253  ;  Emma  Maria,  270  ;  George, 
69,  230,  253;  Grace,  144—147,  175;  Grace 
Melbourne,  144;  Hannah,  163,  256;  Harriet 
Eliza,  147  ;  James,  208,  21S  ;  James  Seamier, 
272  ;  Jane,  57  ;  Joan,  52  ;  John,  2,  20—22, 
31  (3),  34,  36-38,  95  (3),  106,  109—111,  113, 
119,  129,  130  (2),  152,  163,  202  (2),  264  ;  John 
Harcourt,  218;  John  Paul,  144—147;  John 
Robert,  270  (2);  Joshua,  153;  Judith,  85; 
Juliana  279;  (Rev.)  J.,  207  (3);  J.,  237; 
Lawrence,  31  ;  Livewell,  20,  95  ;  Louisa,  272  ; 
Margaret,  82;  Maria,  264;  Martha,  113; 
Mary,  20,  21,  49,  56,  103,  155,  172,  196,  202, 
238;  Mary  Ann,  168,  237,  253,  254  (3), 
Matilda  Elizabeth,  254;  Matthew,  168,  172, 
270  ;  Mr.,  89,  105  ;  Mrs.,  89  ;  Paul,  74  ;  Paul 
Kneller,  146;  Philemon,  20;  Prudence,  108; 
Richard,  61  ;  Robert,  38,  52,  76,  111,  113.  163, 
173,  202,  220  ;  Rosa,  253  ;  Ruth,  26  ;  Sarah, 
22,  34,  36—38,  71,  74,  76,  95,  118,  129,  163, 
173  (2),  208;  Simon,  2  (4),  78;  Stanford 
Skey,  270;  Susanna,  22,  37,  52,  95.  110; 
S.  W.,  270;  Thermuthes,  163;  Thomas,  18 
—20,  36,  40,  57,  78,  86,  93,  98,  106,  10S,  109, 

130,  173,  202  ;  Walter,  165  ;  William.  42  (2), 
43,  49  (2),  71,  79,  86  (3),  87,  93,  201,  216, 
279,  281  ;  William  George,  253,  254  (2) ; 
William  John,  263  ;  William  Joshua,  281  ; 
W.  J.,  270  ;  (Rev.)  — ,  152,  157  ;  — ,  40,  103, 
106  (3) 

VOL.  II. 

Smither,  Cornelius,  180 

Smithers,  Hannah,  47  (2)  ;  Samuel,  47 

Smyth,  Smvthe,  see  Smith 

Snatt,  P.,  218 

Snelgrove,  George,  70  ;  Mary,  70 

Snell  (Oapt.),  160  ;  Charles,  112  ;  Mrs.,  160 

Sncvd,  Edward,  162;    (Rev.)  — ,  162  ;    Susanna, 

153,  162;   William,  153 
Snow,  Ann,  268  ;  Francis,  95  ;  John  Henry,  268 
Snowden,  Mary,  221 
Soames,  Ann,  154 
Soane,  Charles,  184 
Sol  by  (Sol  hey,  Sidhie),  Elizabeth,  21— 24,  96,  111  ; 

Francis,  24  ;    George,  21—24,  95,  96  (2),  102  ; 

Mary,  95  ;  Nicholas,  21  ;  Thomas,  22 ;  — ,  102 
Somerset,  Duke  of,  68 
Somes,  George,  83 

Sommarskalles,  Ann,  57  ;  Robert,  57 
Sommers,  see  Summers 
Songhurst,  Ann,  256  ;  Elizabeth,  228(2) ;  Henry, 

228.  235  ;    Jane,   262  ;    John,  228,  258,   262  ; 

Louisa,  257  ;  Marv,  245  ;    Mary  Louisa,  245  ; 

Richard,  228  (2),  260  ;  Thomas,  215  ;  William, 

Sooley,  Ann,  153 
Sorrocold,  see  Sarracold 
Sorten  (Sorton),  Elizabeth,  235  ;  John,  233 
Sotherton,  Ellis,  18,  60,93 
Soulegre,  Stephen,  173 
Sounde,  Anthony,  5  ;  Joan,  5 
Soures,  Alexander.  42  ;  Dorothv,  43  ;  Judith.  42 
South,  Edmond,  127  ;  Elizabeth,  127,  170;  John, 

157  ;  Letitie,  157  ;  Thomas,  127 
Southerbv,  Elizabeth,  276  ;    Henry  James,  276  ; 

William,  276 
Southern  (Southren,  Sowthen),  Ann,  65  ;  Bridget, 

51  ;  Francis,  97;  Mr.,  65  ;  Robert,  51  ;  Thomas, 

Sowell,  Elizabeth,  50  ;  George,  50  ;  Jay,  50 

Sowthend,  Alee,  55 

Sowton,  Ann,  66  ;  William,  66 

Sowwith,  Margaret,  60 

Spackraan,  Henry,  131  ;  Jane,  131  ;  Sarah,  131 

Spall,  Elizabeth,  272 

Sparhauke,  Ann,  180 

Sparke.  (Rev.)  John,  210  ;  Mary,  210 

Sparkes,  Frances,  220 

Sparrow  (Sparrowe),  Elizabeth,  57  ;   Henry,  270  ; 

Maria,  270 
Spence,  Benjamin,  67  ;   Dorothy,  20  ;   Francis, 

20  ;  Mary,  20 
Spencer    (Spencar,    Spensar,    Spenser,   Spinser), 

Ann,  4,  14,  56,  92  ;  Annis,  82  ;   Barber}',  7  ; 

Catherine,  6  ;    Christian,  4,  54  ;    Dorothy,  14  ; 

Elizabeth,  3,  13,  67,  80,  117  ;   Hugh,  52,  81  ; 

Humphrey,  2(2)  ;  Jane,  4  ;  John,  3—7,  82  (2)  ; 

Levce,55:  Lucrece,5;  Ludovico,  157  ;  Margaret, 

6,  54  ;    Margery,  2  ;    Marv,  7,  12,  67,  76,  157  ; 

Mrs.,   121  ;    Richard,   12,  77,  88  ;    Roger,   2  ; 

Susanna,  15,  52,  90  ;  Thomas,  4,  76  ;  William, 

5,  12—15,  56,  88  (4),  90  (2) 
Sperrinch,  Elizabeth,  204  ;  James,  204 
Spicser,  see  Spycer 
Spiller,  Ann,  222  ;    Fowl,  48—50  ;    Fowle,   178, 

183  ;    George,  48,  49  (2),  123  ;    Halleman,  48  ; 

Halliman,  49  ;    Hallyman,   122,   123  ;    Henry, 

49,  124  ;    Jane,  48—50,  1S2,  184  ;    John,  165  ; 

Mary,  48,  121,  165  ;    Robert,  48,  122  ;    Sarah, 

48  (2),  49,  170,  266 
Spillman,  Ann,  129  ;   Jane,  129,  172  ;   Samuel, 




Spinscr,  see  Spencer 

Spire,  John.  58  ;  Susan,  58 

Spire?,  Mrs.,  160  ;  Samuel,  ICO  ;  Sarah,  160 

Spoil,  Elizabeth,  27-1  ;  Richard  Smith,  274 

Spoughtoii.  Helen  Catherine,  230 

Spradlmry,  Elizabeth  Knight,  273  ;  James,  273  ; 
-,  273 

Sprag  (Spragg),  Edward,  7C  ;  Matthew,  217  ; 
Marv,  72,  7G 

Sprigens,  Eliza,  273  ;  Henry,  273  ;  John,  273 

Sluing,  Dorcas,  70  ;   William,  70 

Springthorp,  Elizabeth,  68  ;  Henry,  68 

Spiingwell,  Mary,  155 

Sprint,  John,  148  ;  Mrs,  148 

Spurreyer,  John,  112 

Spycer  (Spieser),  Honor,  55  ;  Sedian,  102 

Sp'vvee,  Clarissa,  265  ;  Samuel,  265 

Stabler,  Jacob,  167  ;  Jane,  167 

Staeey,  Benjamin,  250  ;  Benjamin  Thomas,  250  ; 
Ellen,  226,  238,  266  (4);  E.,  268;  George, 
217  (2),  218  (4),  225—228,  236—238;  John 
Pcarce,  228  ;  J..  237  ;  Marv,  250  ;  Sarah,  217, 
225—228,  236  ;  S.,  238  ;  William  Lyne,  227 

Stafford,  William,  257 

Stag,  Sarah,  76  ;  William,  76 

Staines  (Stanes,  Starnes),  Henry,  35  ;  Ilumphrv, 
149  ;  John,  75,  105  ;  Martha,  32,  37,  106' ; 
Mary,  35,  75  ;  Samuel,  32,  33  (2),  35—37, 
105-107  ;  Sarah,  32,  33,  37,  105,  149;  — ,  107 

Stainsby,  Peter,  269 

Stalrhraic,  Susanna,  92 

Stall  wood.  William,  209 

Stamper,  Thomas,  233 

Stanbcry,  Mary,  123 

Stanbridge,  John,  43 

Standly,  Audry,  53  ;  Thomas,  53 

Stancpe,  Dr.,  56 

Stanes,  see  Staines 

Stanford,  Ann,  G3  ;  John,  63 

Stanley  (Stanly),  Ann,  75;  Arthur,264;  Elizabeth, 
154  ;  John,  75 

Stanton,  Sarah,  194 

Stanway,  Frances.  147, 199  ;  Frank,  223  ;  George, 
147,223  ;  Marv,  147,223 

Staple,  Alice,  116 

Staples,  Ann,  203 

Starling,  John,  177 

Starker,  John,  113 

Starr,  Elizabeth,  210  ;  Harwood,  210 

Stavcley,  Ann,  134  (2),  180  ;  Henry,  131 

Staynes,  see  Staines 

Stead  (Steed),  Ann.  203  ;  Mary,  202 

Stcaphcns,  see  Stephens 

Stccborne,  Annis,  53 

Stedman,  John,  214 

Steel,  John,  71  ;  Margaret,  71 

Steer,  James,  206 

StcercB,  Jane,  204  ;  Thomas,  204 

Stclle,  Dorothy,  58  ;  John,  58 

Stephen,   Catherine,   62;    Elizabeth,   19;    John, 

no  ;  Richard, 62 
Stephens  (Stcaphcns.  Stephcncs),  Alice,  56  ;  Ann, 

73,  163,  190;     Elizabeth,   134.   17.8,  180,   181; 

Francis,  80  ;    Frederick  (i  ,  882  ;    Jane,   135, 

181  ;  John,  14,33,56,  163;  Marv,  22, 134— 136, 

162,  188  (2);   Robert,  108,  111  ;'  Rebecca,  135; 

William,  131-136,  1G2,  183 
Stephenson    (Stcphcnsonne),    Ann,    91,    93,    91; 

Elizabeth,   18,  93,   156;     George,   18,  91,   94; 

Hannah,  91  ;   William,  156,222 
Stcrry,  M.,  210 

Steuart,  see  Stuart 
Steven,  Edward,  5 
Stevens,  Ann,  38,  112  ;  James,  265  ;  Jane,  116  ; 

John,   118,   179.  206;  Judith,   114;    Marv.  22, 

173  ;  Orphan,  S  ;  Sarah.  265  ;   William.  237 
Stevenson,  Ann,  15,  72.  93,   lol,  256;    George, 

92  (2),  93  (2)  ;  George  W.,  281  ;   Grissel,  203 ; 

Sarah,  15,  92,  93  ;  Thomas,  15,  92,  122 
Steward.  Catherine,  138;  Richard,  138  ;  Thomas, 

Stewart,  see  Stuart 
Stewkelcy,  John,  78 
Stile  (Style),  John,  7,  82  ;    Marv,  7,  82  ;    Oliver, 

7(4),  8,  83;  Thomas,  8,  llln. 
Still,  Hannah,  75 
Stillington,  Henry,  61  ;  Judith,  61 
Stinson,  Catherine,  154;  Temple,  151 
Stinton,  Joseph,  71  ;  Priscilla,  71 
Stnakely,  see  Stocklcv 
Stobbs,  Mary,  129 
Stock,  Ann,"  183 
Stockbridge    (Stockbredg,    Stockbredge,    Stock- 

bridg),  Alec,  30  (2),  31  ;    Ann,  30  ;    Anthony, 

29—31,  102,  103  ;    Elizabeth,  29  ;    James,  31  ; 

Mary,    30;    Mr.,   102,    104;    Nathaniel,    129; 

— ,  102-104 
Stoeker  (Stockar),  Elizabeth.  45  ;    Jane,  45  (2), 

47(4),  120;    John,  45(3),  47  (2),  172;    Mr., 

160  ;  (Rev.)  Peter,  171 
Stockley  (Stoakely,  Stocklcyc,  Stocklve,  Stoklav), 

Beatrice,  59;    George,  13;    John,  89  ;    Martha, 

87  ;    Thomas,  13  (3),  14,  57,  87,  SS  ;    William, 

Stoek'ton,'(Rev.)  William,  159 

Stocles,  Ann,  54  ;  Simon,  54 

Stoker,  Jane.  124 

Stoklay,  see  Stockley 

Stone  (Stonne),  Amy,  15  ;  Ann,  15—19,  54,  93, 
97,99;  Annis,  52;  Edward,  15;  Elizabeth,  16, 
21,  65,  90,  207  ;  Frances,  207  ;  George,  207, 
218;  Henry,  15,  91;  Hester,  18;  John,  16, 
19,  54,  69,  93  ;  Leonard,  13—19,  59,  90  (3). 
91,  93,  95,  97;  Loveday,  203;  Lucv,  14; 
Mary,  13,  15,  210  ;  Mr.,  21  ;  Sarah,  69,  272  ; 
Thomas,  21  ;  Walter,  18,  19 

Stoner  (Stonier),  Oliver,  122;  Mary,  123; 
Samuel,  121  ;  Thomas,  121 

Stoncstrect,  Catherine,  47,  48  ;  Dorothy,  42  (2), 
116  (2);  George,  45,  46,  118,  195;  George 
Griffin,  233  ;  Henry,  48,  68  ;  Marv,  44—49, 
120,  180,  197  ;  (Rev.  Mr.),  76  ;  Nicholas,  48  ; 
Rebecca,  49,  231 ;  Samuel,  49,  123  ;  Sarah, 
180;  Thomas,  45,  192;  William.  42  and  a., 
44—49,  121,  180  ;  (Rev.)  — ,  125,  180 

Stonier,  sec  Stoner 

Storey  (Storie,  Story),  Catherine,  139  (2)  ; 
Edward,  35  ;  Elizabeth,  35  ;  Henry  Septimus, 
267  ;  Lucy,  139  ;  Martha,  267  ;  'Mary,  139, 
215  ;  Samuel,  35,  267  ;  Thomas,  139  (2) 

Stonghton,  Catherine,  68 

Slower,  .lane.  282 

Stowers,  Henry,  239  ;  Martha,  239  (2),  256  (2) 

Stoj  lea,  Susanna,  230 

Strueev  (Stracy),  Edward,  43  (3),  15  ;  Elizabeth, 
45,  204  ;  John.  201  ,   Marv,  43  (3),  45 

Strahan  (Strachan),  Ann,  212;  D.,  212; 
Hannah,  259  ;  William,  257;  William  Joseph, 

Strange  (Strang),  Alice,  172;  Major,  101  (2); 
Mary  Elizabeth,  271  ;  S.  M.,  271  ;  — ,  101 

Strangeways,  Michael,  140 



Stratfield,  Mary,  118 

Stratton  (Stretton),  Elizabeth.  20G  ;    Grizel,  203  ; 

Jane,  211  ;  John,  211  ;  Keathian,  119  ;  Philip, 

205  ;  Susanna,  64  ;   William,  64 
Street,  Agatha  Georgina,  240  ;  Amy,  217  ;  Anna 

Maria,  144,  233  ;    Anna  Maria  Amelia,  259  ; 

Caroline,     145,    234  ;    Catherine    Eliza,    228  ; 

Charles,  146  ;    Eliza,  145,  197  ;    Frances,  258  ; 

George,  142,  198  ;  George  Charles,  240  ;  (Re?.) 

George,   240 ;    James   Fielding,    143  ;    James 

Wallis,  142—146,  257;    J.,  214;    Mary,  214; 

Mary  Ann,  143,  193,  228,  210  (3)  ;    Mr.,  193  ; 

Sarah,    142—146,    212,    230,    257;    William, 

144,  228,  240  (3);  William  Warren,  240 
Streynsham,  (Kev.)  — ,  157 
Strickland,   Ann,   271  ;    Eliza,   271  ;    Joan,   70  ; 

Sarah,  119;  Thomas,  271 
Stringer,  Daniel,  173  ;  Elizabeth,  67;  Mary,  151  ; 

—  173 
Stringfellow,  Eliza,  272  ;  William,  272 
Strong,  Ann,  2i>2  ;  Richard,  202 
Stroud  (Strode,  Stroude),  Ami,  154,  202  ;  Charles, 

36  ;  John,  36  ;  Rachel,  36 
Strutt,  Henrietta,  249,  251  ;    Henry,  251  ;    Henry 

Warren,  249,  251  ;  Julia  Mary,  249 
Stuart  (Steuart,  Stewart,  Sturt),  Charles  James, 

244;    Charles  Russell,  244;    Emma  Elizabeth, 

283  ;    Isaac,  264  ;   James,  127,  283  ;   Joan,  62  ; 

John,   127,   135  ;     Marv,    127,    242 ;     Patrick, 

274   (2)  ;     Penelope,   244  ;     Sarah,   135,  274  ; 

Sarah   Christiana,    135  ;     Sarah   Sophia,   264 ; 

William,  242(2),  283 
Stubbs,  Amelia,  264  ;  J.,  236 
Studfeuld,  Elizabeth,  63  ;  Henry,  63 
Stupart,  Charles,  215  ;  Sarah,  215 
Sturt,  see  Stuart 
Sturton,  Sarah,  69 
Stuteville.  Rachel,  205 
Stutley,  Elizabeth,  81  ;  John,  81 
Styles,  John,  107  (2) 
Suffield,  William,  208 
Sugar.  Elizabeth,  5  ;  Thomas,  5 
Sullivan,  Christopher,  277;  Dennis,  268;  Hannah, 

Summers  (Sommers),  Abigail  Maria,   201,  256; 

Charles,  201,  234;    Joan,   187;    Joseph,   187, 

201  ;  Maria  Abigail,  195  ;  Mr.,  138 
Snndridge,  Elizabeth,  221  (2),  270 
Suntcr,  Elizabeth,  173  (2) 

Suthren,  Frances,  23  ;  Margaret,  23  ;  Thomas,  23 
Sutthost,  Peter,  198 
Sutton,    Ann,   276  ;    Hannah,   210  ;    Joan,   87  ; 

Thomas,  US  ;  William,  210,  276 
Swabey,  Mary  Ann,  209  ;  William,  269 
Swain    (Swahe.  Swaine,   Swane,   Swayne),  Ann, 

129,  172  ;  John,  51,  74,  119,  129  (2)  ;  Margery, 

51  ;  Mary.  74,  129  (2),  155  ;   Thomas,  129,  172 
Swan  (Swann),  Dr.,  160  ;  Isabella,  237  ;    James, 

237  (2)  ;  John,  78  ;  William,  99 
Swanton,  Ann,  275  ;    Elizabeth,  275  ;    William, 

Sweeney,  Ellen,  271  ;  John,  271 
Sweet,  Mary,  166  ;  Nathaniel,  166 
Sweetapple  (Sweetapell,  Swcteaple),  Ann.  24  (2)  ; 

Hugh,  24  (3),  100  ;   John,  24  ;   Mr.,  99  ;   Mrs., 

100  ;  — ,  99,  100 
Swettenham    (Sweethenham),   Ann,    141  ;     Ann 

Watson,  141  ;  Jethro,  141,  190  ;  John,  190 
Sweetland,  Thomas,  206 
Swettinge  (Swetinge),  Ann,  56  ;    John,  12  (2), 


Swift  (Swifted,  Charlotte,  215  ;  Elizabeth,  271, 
Peter,  47  (2),  120  ;  Sarah,  120  ;  Susanna,  47  ; 
Thomas,  271 

Swinerton  (Swinton),  Abell,  17  (2)  ;  Mary,  17  ; 
(Rev.)  — ,  163 

Swiney,  Ellen,  268,  269 

Swintoe,  Edward,  58  ;  Sarah,  58 

Swinton,  sec  Swinerton 

Swister,  Joan,  52 

Swyfen,  Sarah,  181 

Sybdall,  Mrs.,  88 

Sykes,  Mary,  233 

Sylvester,  see  Silvester 

Svme,  James,  140  (2),  141  (3),  1S9,  194  ;  Sarah, 
'140,  141  (2);  AVilliam,  141 

Symes,  Mr.,  192 

Symmon,  Mr.,  65 

Symons  (Simons,  Svmondes,  Svmonds),  Ann, 
15—18,  52,  73,  80  ;*Edmond,  22(2),  24,  96  (2)  ; 
Edward,  95  ;  Elizabeth,  6,  24,  107  ;  Francis, 
102,  103;  Hanna,  17  (2);  James,  16,  91; 
Jarvis,  6(2),  52,  80  ;  Judith,  22,  96  ;  Magdalen, 
22  ;  Mary,  22,  96  (2),  215  ;  Maudlin,  22,  24, 
96  (2)  ;  Peter,  15—18,  57  ;  Richard,  18,  73  ; 
Samuel,  18,  91  ;  Thomas,  15,  17  ;  William,  6  ; 
— ,  102,  103 

Sympson,  sec  Simpson 

Svpthorpc,  see  Sipthorp 

Syrett,  Amelia,  275  ;  John,  272  ;  Thomas,  275 

Syth,  see  Sith 

Tabrum,  Arthur,  234 

Tacher,  see  Thatcher 

Tadloe,  alias  Owin,  Joan,  51 

Tahourdin,  Mary,  162  ;  Rene,  162,  182 

Tailor,   see  Taylor 

Taite  (Tate),  Agnes,  238  ;   Anthony,  244,  246  ; 

Caroline,  241!,  260  ;  Elizabeth,  244,  246,  261  ; 

Margaret   Robinson,   244  ;    Sarah   Ann,  258  ; 

Thomas  Michael,  259 
Talbot,  Catherine,  69  ;  G.  W.,  278  ;  James,  69 
Tallante,  David,  84 
Tandy,  Elizabeth,  175 
Tailing,  John,  266  ;  William,  266 
Tarlington,  Robert,  222 
Tarlis,  William,  86 
Tarr  Company,  199 
Tarrant,  Sarah,  261 
Tarson,  Ann,  20  ;   Clatiom,  20  ;   Elizabeth,  94  ; 

Glady,  94  ;  Mary,  94  ;  Sebastian,  20 
Tasker,  Samuel,  234 
Tatcher,  see  Thatcher 
Tate,  see  Taite 
Tatham,  Ann,  162  ;    Frances  Maria,  274  ;   John, 

162;  Robert  Charles.  274  (2) 
Tatnell  (Tatnall,  Tattnell),  Ann,  66,  177  ;   John, 

Taverner,  William,  95 
Tavlor   (Tailor,   Tayler,  Taylour),  Agnes,   52  ; 

Ann,   45-47,  228,  268,   271  ;    Ann   F.,  269  ; 

Audrey,   158  ;    Charles,    219,   252,   279,   280  ; 

Charlotte,  273  ;  Cheryat,  83  ;  Dorothy,  46,  67  ; 

Edward,  67  ;  Eliza,  273  ;  Elizabeth,  121, 228  (2), 

239—243,  271  (2)  ;  Henry,  204,  271  ;  Hew,  53  ; 

Isabella  Allum,  266  ;    James,  209  ;    Jane,  74, 

162  ;  John,  47,  120,  122,   186,  228  (2),  239— 

243,  275,  282  ;    Joseph,  182,  239,  275;    Maria 

Elizabeth,   271  ;    Mary,   47,   51,   69,   76,   243, 



282;  Mrs,  140;  Nathaniel,  203  ;  Ralph,  95  ; 
Rebecca,  192  :  Richard,  95,  271  ;  Sarah,  70, 
13(1  (21,  164.  202,  2U4,  210  ;  Sophia,  241,  275, 
2S2  ;  Susan,  252,  279,  280;  Thomas,  51,  53, 
78,  102,  130(2),  22S,  271  ;  William,  45—47, 
7i',,  130.  240,  252,  273,  279,  282  ;  \V.,  275 

Teazle,  Frederick,  266  ;  Susanna,  26G 

Tcale,  Elizabeth,  73 

Teare,  Ann,  108  ;  Richard,  108 

Teche.  Alice,  51 

Tecvill,  Joyce,  56  ;  Thomas,  56 

Temple,  Elizabeth,  195  j  John,  274  (2)  ;  Mary, 
177,  189  ;  Mary  Ann,  274  ;  Richard,  173  (2) 

Templemau,  Ann,  224  ;  Ann  Theodosia,  223  ; 
Catherine,  146,  147  (2),  223—225  ;  Eleanor, 
147  ;  Elizabeth,  147  ;  Jane,  146  ;  Louisa,  225  ; 
Sarah  Rodgers,  224;  Thomas,  146,  147(2), 

Tcnnant,  Louisa  Susanna,  274  ;  Rose,  278  ; 
William,  274  ;  William  Henry  Bedington,  274  ; 
William  Thomas,  278 

Terrick,  (Kcv.)  Richard,  159 

Terrington,  Elizabeth  Frances,  146  ;  Marv,  146  ; 
William,  146 

Terry  (Tery),  Elizabeth,  40—42,  115,  160,  270  ; 
Mary  Hannah,  40,  114  ;  Samuel,  41  ;  William, 
40-42,  113(2),  114  (2) 

Tesmund,  Ellen,  53 

Testard,  Mary,  11(1 ;  Peter,  110 

Tcstas,  Francis,  185  ;  Martha,  192 

Tether  (Tyther),  Anthony,  20  ;  Edward,  19,  60  ; 
Elizabeth,  20  ;  James,  9S  ;  Marv,  20 

Tew,  Ann,  118  ;  William,  118  ;  — ,  118 

Tewley,  John,  233 

Thacham,  Elizabeth,  91 

Thacher,  see  Thatcher 

Thackcr,  George,  207  ;  Mary,  207 

Thackrah,  Ann,  236 

Tharp,  see  Thorpe 

Thatcher  (Tacher,  Tatcher,  Thacher,  Theather, 
Thechcr,  Thatcher),  Abigail,  21,  98  ;  Amv,  28 
—31;  Ann,  18— 23,93,94,96(2);  Deborah,  18; 
George,  18—23,  31,  93,  94,  96  (3),  98,  99  ; 
Hannah,  23,  1(12  ;  James,  20,  27—31,  64,  93, 
101,  103,104(2);  John,  3d,  93(2),  103;  Mary, 
27  (2),  29,  64,  79,  92,  101,  102  ;  Richard, 
78(2);  Robert,  78  ;  Roger,  78  ;  Samuel,  21, 
96  ;  Sarah,  2d,  94  ;  Thomas,  19  ;  — ,  104  (2) 

Thatether,  Elizabeth,  55 

Thechcr,  Thatcher,  see  Thatcher 
Theed,  Martha,  154  ;  Mary,  (\C, 
Theobald,  Elizabeth,  244  ;'  Elizabeth  Mary,  244  ; 

William,  244 
Theoclreek,  Winncfrid,  123 
Thibbard,  Hannah,  236 
Tim-kins,  (Dr.)  .lames,  104 
Thickncssc,  Mary,  1(18 

Thigbt,  tee  Tight 

Thimbclby,  Elizabeth,  107 

Thipthorpc  (Thipthape),  Mrs.,  86  ;  William,  86 

Thirlby,  tee  Thorlby 

Thody,  Ann,  152 

Thomas,  (Alderman),  192(2),  194;  Ann  Jane, 
166;  Annis,  53;  Catherine,  214;  Charlotte, 
212 1   Constant!*,  24  1  (2)  \    Eleanor,  146(2), 

146;  Eleanor  l.advnmn,  145;  Elizabeth,  72, 
194;  Evan,  68;  Francis,  108,  121;  Henry, 
96  |  Bowel,  166;  Jane,  146;  John,  75  146(2) 
146,   166,  215,  23S,  I'll  (2);    Loveday,  20»; 

Maria.  263  ;  Martha,  121,  166  ;   Marv.  192,  232  ; 

Mary  Ann  Sasanna,  244;  Matthew,  218 1  (Kcv  j 

Matthew,  212  ;  Nathaniel,  195  ;  Peter,  203  ; 
Prudence,  96  (2);  liichard,  214  ;  Richard  Henry, 
244;  Susanna,  75;  Thomas,  145,238  ;  William, 

Thonipkins,  see  Tomkins 

Thompson  (Thomson,  Tompson,  Tomson), 
(Alderman),  27  ;  Andrew,  164  ;  Ann,  165,  192, 
209,  235  ;  Anna,  136,  137  ;  Carrier,  137  ; 
Catherine,  187,  204  ;  Elizabeth,  23,  24  (3), 
27  (2),  42,  43,  59,  62,  72,  118,  205.  223  (2)  ; 
(Rev.)  F.  F.,  268  ;  George,  209  ;  Hannah,  136  ; 
Henry,  57  ;  Hester,  71  ;  Jacob,  43  ;  James,  42, 
43, 203  ;  Jane,  57  ;  Jere,  2n2  (2),  204  ;  Jeremiah, 
193  ;  John,  42,  72, 116;  Jonathan,  244  ;  Joseph, 
109,  223  ;  Margaret,  222  ;  Mary,  27  ;  Maurice, 
24 ;  Mr.,  100,  136  ;  Peter,  80,  206,  266  ; 
Robert,  82,  136,  137,  184,  199;  Samuell,  23; 
Susanna,  2(18,  244  ;  Sybil,  164  ;  William,  23- 
25,  27,  62,  63,  98,  99(2),  165;  (Alderman) 
William.  101  ;  William  Anthony,  244  ;  — ,  98, 
99  (2),  109 

Thorlby,  see  Thurlby 

Thorn  (Thome),  Ann,  257,  260,  267  ;  Christian, 
238;  Elizabeth,  75;  Prances,  251  ;  Francis, 
251  ;  Hannah,  248  (2)  ;  James,  267  ;  John, 
238,  248  (2),  250  (2),  251  (2),  272  ;  Lydia, 
248  (2),  250,  251  (2),  272  ;  Martha,  252  ; 
Mary,  207 ;  Sarah,  268  ;  Thomas,  252  (2), 
268  ;  William,  75 

Thornton,  Mary,  119 

Thorpe  (Tharpe,  Thorp),  Alice,  65  ;  Ann,  116  ; 
Edward,  176  ;  John,  149  ;  Thomassen,  113 

Thourlby,  see  Thurlby 

Thrale,  Susan,  58 

Threadgold  (Thredgould),  George,  261 ;  Penelope, 

Thu'rlby  (Thirlhy,  Thorlby,  Thourlby,  Thurlbye, 

Thurleby),  Elizabeth,  25—27,  29,  112;  John, 

25—27,  29,  63.  99,  102  (2),  103,  106  ;   Robert, 
27,  114  ;  William,  29,  103 
Thurlev,  Elizabeth,  20S  ;   liobert,  208 
Thurston,    Ann,   261  ;    Elizabeth,    207  ;    James, 

265  ;  John,  207 
Thwaites  (Thwates),  Thomas,  13,  57,  87,  88 
Tibbs,  Ezra,  236  ;  Hannah,  236,  257 
Tidmarsh,  Emma.  283;   George,  283;  John,  283; 

Susanna,  283 
Tight   (Thight,  Tvght,  Tvghte,  Tyte),  Ann,  8, 

56  ;    Elizabeth,  6,  9-11,  52,  83  ;   Frcswith,  5  ; 

John,    5,    6  (2),   8-10,   52,    56,    85,    86  (3); 

Judith,  10;    Mary,  6,  9,  83,  85;  Pcrsey,  61  ; 

Thomas,  1 15  ;  Thomazin,  8.     Sec  also  Title 
Tilbary,  Elizabeth,  164 
Tihlen,  Ann,  161 
Tildcsly  (Tileslev,  Tilleslcy),  Alice,  150;  (Rev.) 

-,150(2),  151  (2) 
Tillard,  Ann,   182  ;    C.-csarea,  182  ;    (Sir)  Isaac, 

173;   James,  191;    Martha,  180;    Mary,  175, 

ISO;  William,  180,  182 
Tiller,  John,  88 
Tillctt,  Dinah,  155 
Tillotson,  (Dr.),  35,  39 
Tills,  Mary,  70  ;  Thomas,  70 
Til.Min  (Tillson),  Frances,  217  ;  Thomas,  88 
Tilt,  (Rev.)  John,  25S 
Tinmis,  Mary,  908  (2) 
Timothy,  Mary  Ann,  222 
Tipper.  Benjamin,  245,  268;  Jane.  207  ;  Margaret 

Jane,  245  ;   Marv  Jane,  245,  26S  ;  Thomas,  207 
Tippets,  Edward  Watson,  245  ;    James  Bcrriman, 

245;  Lucy,  246 



Tipping,  John,  174  ;  Mary,  167  ;  William,  167 
Tislimaker,  Judith,  132  ;   Merry,   132  ;   Thomas, 

Tison,  see  Tysson 
Titte   (Tytt,   Tytte),  Elizabeth,  81  ;    John,   81  ; 

Margaret,  53  ;  Thomas,  53.     See  also  Tight 
Tobin,  Sarah,  15G 
Todd  (Tood),  Benjamin,  22,  96,  103  ;    Elizabeth, 

22  (2),  96  (2)  ;  Joseph,  24,  63,  96  (2),  98,  103  ; 

Mary,  276  ;  Mr.,  102  ;  Sarah,  96 
Toft,  Charles,  270  ;  Mary  Ann,  270 
Toler,  Richard,  179 
Toilet    (Tolet),    Charles,   70  ;    Christmas,    179  ; 

Elizabeth,   70,    175,    179  ;     John,    178,    180  j 

Lewis,  175  ;    Martha,    180  ;    Mary,  182  ;  Mr., 

178  (2),  182 
Tollin,  Annis,  52  ;  David,  52 
Tolyn,  Thomas,  5 

Tomalin,  George  Pentloe,  271  ;  Mary  Jane,  271 
Tomkins  (Thompkins),  Ann  Maria,  272  ;    Elner, 

52  ;  Mary,  159  ;  Richard,  52  ;  Sarah,  270 
Tomley,  Hichard,  164  ;  Sarah,  164 
Tomlinson   (Tomlinsun,   Tonilynson),   Margaret, 

54;  (Rev.)  Robert,  206;  Theodore,  56  ;  Thomas, 

54  ;  — ,  56 
Tompson,  Tomson,  see  Thompson 
Tongue,  Elizabeth,  189 
Tonstall,  Ann,  59 
Tood,  see  Todd 
Took,   Elizabeth,   47,  4S  ;   Marv,   48  ;    Thomas, 

47  (2),  48 
Tooker,  Ann,  36  (3)  ;  Gabriel,  36  ;  John,  36  (2). 

See  also  Tucker 
Tooley,  Ann,   141,   219  ;    Anna,   214  ;    Edward, 

142,  193  ;  Mr.,  193  ;  Peggy,  140-143  ;  Robert, 

141,193;   Ruth,  143,  111.'!;  Samuel,  141 ;  Susan, 

54  ;  Thomas,  140-143,  193  (2),  214,  232 
Torin,  Ann,  258  ;  Benjamin,  197,  235  ;    Charles 

Beauvoir,   233;    Elizabeth,  216;    E.  T.,  216; 

Hannah,  189;  James  William,  186;  Marmaduke, 

188  ;   Mary  Ann,  230  ;   Maynard,  138  (2),  185, 

187  ;  Maynard  Lewis,  187  ;  Robert,  216 
Tostee,  Mary,  123 
Totain,  Ann,  68 
Tought,  Annis,  79 
Toulmin,    Maria,    191  ;    Samuel,    191,   213  (2)  ; 

Sarah,  213(2) 
Tounseud,  see  Townsend 
Tovey,  Elizabeth,    186  ;    Mary,   163  ;    Mr.,  163  ; 

Sarah,  134,  182,  193  ;   Thomas,  177;    William, 

134  (2),  180,  190 
Towerden,  Margaret,  113  ] 
Towers,  Nicholas,  81 
Towne,  Margaret,  210 
Townley,  Catherine,  210  ;  Elizabeth,  210  ;  (Rev.) 

George   Stepney,   vii,   Pt.   II,   210—218,   228, 

231,  236—242,  244,  256—259,  261,  264—268; 

James,  214  ;  Martha,  231,  258  ;  Marv,  210 
Townsend  (Tonnsend),  Edmund,  180  ;  "Elizabeth, 

75  ;    George,    64  ;    Hannah,    64  ;    John,    55  ; 

Margaret,  55 
Townson,  Catherine,  65  ;  George,  65 
Trautum,  Sarah,  168 
Traughton,  sec  Troughton 
Travis  (Trevis),  Ann,  237  ;  Master,  51  ;  Mistress, 

Travers,  Henry,  68  ;  Mary,  68 
Treacher,  Ann  Sarah,  265  ;  James,  265 
Treadwell  (Tredwell),   Elizabeth,   171,   173;    R., 

Tregonwell,  Mary,  74 

Tremain    (Tremaine,   Tremayne),   George,    105, 

106,  111  ;  Mr.,  105  ;  Mrs.,  107  ;  Sarah,  106 
Trender,  Sarah,  169 
Trevillian,  Frederick,  274  ;  James,  274;  Margaret, 

Trevis,  see  Travis 

Trevor,  Elizabeth,  65  ;  John,  65  ;  (Rev.)  — ,  159 
Trinly,   Elizabeth,  128;    Francis,  128;    Samuel, 

Tripp  (Trip,  Tryppe),  Ann,  8  ;  Henry.  7,  8,  83  ; 

(Rev.)  Henry,  v,  Pt.  I  j  Mary,  81  ;   William,  7, 

Trivett,  Ephraim,  265 
Troghill,  Letitia,  270 
Trook,  Elizabeth,  236 
Trott  (Trot),  Ann,  177  ;    Elizabeth,  124  ;   (Col.) 

Nicholas,  174 
Trotter,  Ann,  121 

Trottman,  Thomas,  195  ;  William.  193 
Troughton  (Traughton,  Troughtone,  Trougton), 

Andrew,    12,    13,    58,   87—89  ;    Elizabeth,   13, 

87—89  ;  Joseph,  105 
Trow,  Jos.,  76  ;   Rebecca,  76 
Troy,  Hester,  71  ;  John,  71 
Trueman    (Truman),    Ann.    143;    Cecilia,    144, 

234;    E.,  216;    John,  142-145,  216  (2),  257  ; 

Joseph,    143,    217;    Maria,    144,   216;    Mary, 

142,   144  (3),  145,  217,  234  ;  Mary  Ann,  144, 

234,  280  ;  M.,  216  ;  William,  145,  231 
Trunket,  Elizabeth,  74  ;  Henry,  74 
Trvppe,  see  Tripp 

Tuck,  Eleanor,  207  ;  Elizabeth,  122  ;  John,  207 
Tucker   (Tuker),   Abraham,    47;    Ann,   39,   40, 

112;    Gabriel,  115;  James,  47(5),   120,  121  ; 

John,  39  (2),  40,  52,  112,  114  ;   Judith,  47  (2), 

122  ;    Nicholas,  40  ;    Thoraasin,  52.     See  also 

Tufnel,  Anna  Christopher,  201  ;  Hannah,  162 
Tuker,  see  Tucker 
Tunnard,    Ann,    147;     Charlotte    Mary,    147; 

Georgiana   Franklin,  223  ;    Jane,   147  ;    John 

Francklin,   147(2),  223;    Samuel    John,   147, 

199  ;  — t  223 
Tunnicliff,  Frances,  236 
Tunstall,  Cicely,  204 

Turner,  Alice,  158  ;  Amy,  212  ;  Ann,  258  ; 
Annis,  81  ;  Edward,  179  ;  Eleanor,  203  ; 
Eliza,  272;  Elizabeth,  49,  154,  171,  182; 
Fanny,  213;  Hannah,  104;  John,  49,  138, 
187  ;  (Dr.)  John,  171  ;  Jonathan,  136,  138, 
182,  1S7,  197,  206  ;  Joseph,  27  ;  Mary,  136, 
138,  191  ;  Marv  Ann,  136,  183  ;  Michael,  203  ; 
Molly,  202  ;    Mr.,  26,  102,  104  (4),  150,  154, 

200  ;  Mrs.,  104  ;  Richard,  49,  123  (2)  ;  Sarah, 
65  ;  Thomas,  27  ;  William  Horsmonden,  154  ; 
(Hev.)  -,  153  (2)  ;  — ,  27,  102  (3) 

Turney,  Mary,  266  ;  Samuel,  266 
Turnham,  Mary,  163  ;  Thomas,  163 

Tushingham  (Tussingam,  Tussingham),  Eliza- 
beth, 154;  John,  174,  176;  Mary,  177;  Sophia, 
179  ;  Thomas,  154,  174,  179 

Tuton,  Isabella,  213 

Tutt,  Matilda,  215 

Tuttell,  Zacharv,  116 

Twigg,  (Rev.)  Thomas,  210 

Twisden,  Ann,  69 

Twislcton,  Idomia  Cecil,  152 

Twist,  Edward,  201 

Twycroft,  (Rev.)  John,  269  (6) 



Twycross,  (Rev.)  John.  245-247,  259  (4) 

Tychborne,  Agnes,  54  ;  William,  54 

Tyght.  Tvghlc,  see  Tight 

Tyler    (Tylor),    Elizabeth,    69;     George,    2C7  j 

Henry  Cox.  281  ;  Jnnies  Baigcnt,  281  ;    Mary, 

201,209;  Mary  Ann,  2G7;  Sarah,  272;  Stlina, 

Tymcs,  Robert,  C4  ;  Sarah,  G4 
Tynaic,  Mnrv,  56 
Tysson  (Tisou),  Dorothy,  109;  Mr.,  109;  Susanna, 

Tyte,  tee  Tight 
Tyther,  tee  Tether 
Tytt,  Tytte,  see  Tittc,  Tight 


Unifrey.  Elizabeth,  167  j  Richard,  157 

1'mfrevile,  Ann,  163  ;  — ,  162 

Underbill  (Underbill).  Elizabeth,  10,  13,  SG,  94  ; 
Faith,  12,87  ;  Jane,  11 ;  John,  10,  85  ;  Margaret, 
10;  Peter.  12;  Thomas,  10— 13,  80— 89,  94,  95. 
See  also  Hnnderhill 

Undcrkell,  Eleanor,  G4 

Underwood  (Underwoode),  Abigail,  10  ;  Abraham, 
17;  Alee,  21,  94,  95,  97,  104;  Alice,  22(3), 
23,  9G  ;  Andrew,  13  ;  Ann,  13,  14,  18.  61,  224  ; 
Anna,  2G  ;  Benjamin,  16,  2G— 29,  99,  101  ; 
Buxton,  28  ;  Catherine,  22,  90  ;  Charles,  15  ; 
Dorothy,  12,  16,  17(2),  18,  5G,  94;  Edmond, 
12-17,  GO,  90  ;  Edward,  12,  14,  22,  57,  G2.  92, 
97  ;  Ed.,  59  ;  Elizabeth,  14,  17  (2)  ;  Ellen,  282  : 
E.  J.,  282  ;  Frances  Elizabeth,  282  ;  Francis, 
13;  George,  22  ;  Grace,  59;  G.  C,  282;  Isabel, 
14;  Jacob,  14,  92;  James,  14;  Jessie,  282; 
John,  13,  20,  21,  94,  95;  Joseph,  166  ;  Josua, 
15;  Lawrence,  15;  Margaret,  2G,  28,  29;  Mary, 
14;  Milliccnt,  12;  M.  A.,  282  ;  Peter,  224  ; 
Robert,  12—15,  17(2),  18,  51',,  57.  94,  95  :  Rose, 
15—17,  60,  92;  Samuel,  23;  Sarah,  22,  23; 
Susanna,  22, 9G  ;  Thomas,  13,  282  (2)  ;  Victory, 
1G6  ;  William,  14,  20-23,  G2,  94—97,  101,  104, 
224  ;  — ,  29,  99 

Unwin  (Unwen,  Unwon,  Unwov,  Vnvon.  Vnwen, 
Vnwcw,  Vnwon,  Vnwov,  Vnwow,  Vnwovne), 
Edmond,  85  ;  Edward,  10  ;  Ellis,  6—10,  57  (2), 
BS  ;  Elisabeth,  9,  57  ;  George,  7  ;  Joan,  8,  67  ; 
John,  8;  Lawrence,  81;  Margaret,  7, 83  ;  Mary, 
2"2;  Roger,  il;  Ruth, 202;  Tcrvics,6;  Thomas, 
202  ;  William,  7 

UnwomDO,  Lawrence,  81 

Uppiogton  (L'fiington),  Elizabeth,  32,  33,  105, 
109;  John,  32—31,  G5,  105,  107,  109  (3); 
Martha,  109  ;  Marv,  32  (2) 

Upton,  Alee,  G3  ;  Elizabeth,  217—249,  271  ; 
Elizabeth  .lane,  249;  Robert.  63  ;  Sarah  Ann, 
248;  William, 247-249, 271  ;  William  Thomas, 

Ity  (I'tyc),  Ann,  14  ;  Manuel,  14  ;  Mr.,  58 

L'vcdalc,  Robert,  73 

Vaghan    (Vaham,   Vahame,    Vahan,    Vanham), 
Jane,   11;     Joan,  57  ;     Mary,   13;     Mr.,   151; 
Robert,  12  ;  Thomas,  11  —  13  ;    William,  57 
Vago,  Joseph,  280  ;  Mary  Ann,  280 
Vaham,  Vahame,  Vahan!  sic  Vaghan 

Vale,  (Rev.)  Thomas,  209,  210  (2) 

Valentine,  Benjamin,  144  (3);  Benjamin  William, 
144;  Elizabeth  Marv,  144;  George,  205; 
.lamina,  114  ;   Marv.  205;  Sarah,  144  (3) 

Vnnbiook  (  Vanbrooke),  Mr.,  100  (4),  112  ;  -,94 

Vanburgh  (Vanbroge,  Van  Brogc,  Vanbrough, 
Vanbrudg,  Vanbrug,  Vanbmgg.  Van  Brugg, 
Vanbrugge,  Vanbrugh,  Van  Brugh).  Ann,  179  ; 
Charles,  10S  ;  (Capt.)  Charles,  179;  Dorothy, 
105,124;  Dudlev,  28;  Elizabeth,  233;  George, 
174;  Giles,  93(2),  96-98,  102,  103)  Gillis, 
18(2),  19(2),  60;  (Dame)  Henrietta  Maria, 
193  ;  James,  90  ;  (Sir)  John,  173  ;  Margaret, 
19;  Marie,  97;  Marv,  18,  27,  28,  93;  Mr., 
101,  102,  105,  107  (4),  108(2),  120, 124;  Peter, 
101  ;  Prisca,  233  ;  Theodore,  105  ;  Victoria, 
188  ;  William,  18,  27  (3),  28,  93,  100  (4),  105  j 
— ,  100,  102(2),  103,  124 

Van  Dacheler  (  Vandachiler),  Marv,  116  ;  Mrs., 

Van  Datsalaar,  Elizabeth,  113 

Vandehinde,  Caroline  Maria,  250  ;  Frederick 
Ernest  James,  250  ;  Gerard,  250 

Vanderbush,  Jasper,  122  ;  — ,  124 

Van  der  Hannekcn,  Abraham,  08  ;  Ann,  08 

Van  der  Meulen  (Vandermulin).  Francis,  47  (3), 
121  ;  Lydia,  47(2);  Rachel.  4  7 

Van  der  Sluis,  Jane,  71  ;  John,  71 

Vandrev,  .lane,  155  ;  Thomas,  155 

Vane,  Francis,  188 

Vaney,  Anna  Maria,  160 

Vanham,  sec  Vaghan 

Vanwick,  Ann,  179 

Varley,  Catherine,  152 


Varnev,  Harriet,  268  ;  John.  208  ;  William,  208 

Vass,  Ann,  2G4  ;  John  Daniel,  264 

Vassell,  Kctty,  1 92 

Vaughan  ( Vangham),  Ann,  61  ;    Ann  Mary,  69  ; 

Eleanor,    155;     John,    155;     Margaret,    187; 

William  Wynne,  222 
Venables,  George,  193  ;    John,  193  ;    Maty,  231  ; 

Mrs.,  141  (2),  191,  196 
Veneer,  Jane.  201 

Vcnner.  Richard,  282  (2)  ;  Mary  Ann,  282 
Vere,  William,  43 
Vcrnani,  Bersina,  74  ;    George,  74  ;    Mary,  150  ; 

William,  150 
Vernatt,  Maximilian,  34  ;   Nathaniel  Rives,  34  ; 

Sarah,  34 
Vernatty,  Henry,  32  ;  Mr.,  107  ;  Nathanielrimes, 

33  (2)  and  n.  ;    Raines,  32  ;     Sarah,  32,  33  ; 

Sophia,  107 
Vernon,  Lydia,  45,  47  (2),  48,  69;    Jane,  155; 

Ja„  123  ;     Joseph,  48  ;     Peter,  45,  47,  48,  69  ; 

William,  45 
Verrill,  Elizabeth,  271 
Vertuc,  Elizabeth,  73  ;  Joseph,  73 
Vesic  (Vesec,   Vezic),  Edward,  3;    Joan,  80; 

Mary,  05  ;   Rachel,  5  ;   Ralph,  5  ;   Russell,  3  ; 

William,  65 
Vcsiccrc    (Vaissierc),   Alice,   33  ;     Martha,    72  ; 

Mary,  83  ;  William,  33 
Vicbere,  Abigail,  155 
Vickery  (Vicary),   (Rev.)  F.  W.  J.,    249,   255, 

262,  "263  (7),  276-282;    (Rev.)    J.    II..   249; 

Susanna,  200  ;    William,  20G  ;    (Rev.)  W.  J., 

Vicouse,  Cuy,  102  ;  Mary  Magdalene,  102 
Vigg.  Vincent,  79 

Vigi.e,  Elizabeth,  188  ;  Thomas,  185 
Villard,  Amy,  185 



Vincent,  Catherine,  70 ;  Fanny  Stace,  2H;  Sarah, 

20S  ;  Thomas,  70 ;  (Archdeacon)  Thomas,  209 ; 

William,  208 
Vingoe,  George,  149  ;  Mrs.,  149 
Vining,  Jane,  215 

Virgoe,  Charlotte  Ann,  213  ;  Isaac,  213 
Vivion,  Isaac,  32  ;  Martha,  32  (2) 
Vognel  (Vogncll),  Elizabeth,  166 
Volckmar     (Volikmar),     Catherine,     135,    182; 

Frederick,  135,  1S3  ;  Frederick  Christian,  182  ; 

Margaret,  135,  182 
Vnvon,      Vnwen,      Vnwew,      Vnwon,     Vnwov, 

Vnwow,  Vnwoyne,  see  Unwin 
Von  Utfall  Joanson,  Ann  Elizabeth,  103  ;  Jacob, 

Voss,  Ann,  42,  110;  Edward,  44;  Eleanor,  42— 

44  ;  John,  42—44 
Voules,  Elizabeth,  02 
Vowel,  Benjamin,  159  ;  Hannah,  159 

Wacker,  Elizabeth,  30  (2) ;  John,  30 

Wa.-k.-tt,  Ann,  L'77  ;  .lames,  277 

Wade,  Catherine,  42,  43  ;  Edward,  43  ;  Elizabeth, 

74  ;  Hales,  42  ;  Peter,  74  ;  William,  42,  43 
Waddington,  Thomas,  82 
Waddop,  Annis,  53  ;  John,  53 
Wadlev,  Edward,  91 
Wadsworth,  Ann,  03,  217  ;  Elizabeth,  203  ;  John, 

Waeick,   Frances,  275  ;    George,  275  ;    Hannah, 

275  j  John  Philip,  275 
Wafhon,  Margaret,  60 
Wagham,  Jane,  11 
Wagre,  Sarah,  164 
Waite  (Waight,  Wate),  Ann,  154;    Elner,    52; 

John,  75,  270  ;  Mary,  75  ;  K.,  270 
Wakefield,  Joseph,  270 
Wakeling  (Wakelen),  Ann,  157  ;  Elizabeth,  152  ; 

George,  150;    Jane,  150;    John,  150;    Sarah, 

149,  164,  197  ;  Thomas,  119, 150,  152 ;  William, 

211  (3),  214 
Walbran,  James,  24:1,  244.  200  ;   Phoebe,  243,  206  ; 

Phcebe  Harriet,  243,  244  ;  William  Charles,  244 
Walbrook  (Walbrooke,  Wallbrocke,  Wallbroock), 

Charitie,   9;    Edy,   123;    Elizabeth,  40,   133; 

Joan,  130;  John,  173;  Joseph,  128  (2) ;  Judith, 

50;  Mark,  130,  173;  Martha,  50;   Mary,   13; 

Matthew,  49;  Rachel,  36  ;  Stewen,9;  Stephen, 

19(2),  42,94,  110,  138;  — ,  99 
Walbrookson  ( Walbrookeson),  Mary,  37  ;  Stephen, 

Walcker,  see  Walker 
Walcott,  Annew,  7  ;  Humphrey,  7 
Waldell,  Margaret,  71 
Waldron,  Dorothy,  60 
Wale,  Sarah,  61 
Walford,  Francis,  138  ;  Mary,  138,  202  ;  Thomas, 

138,  202 
WTalker  (Walcker),   Alexander,  94  ;    Ann,   261 

Augusta  Matilda,  282  ;  Dorothy,  40  ;  Fryedes- 

wyde,    11  ;    Francis  Prime,   199  ;    James,  40  ; 

John,   14S;  Margaret,  214;  Mary,  40,  07,  72 

214;    Mr.,   99;    Richard,    282;    Sarah,   217 

Thomas,  172  ;  William,  11,  72  ;  — ,  99,  172 
Walkwood,  Barrett,  101  ;  Honor,  161 
Wall,  Sarah,  184 
Wallace,  see  Wallis 
Wallar.  Martha,  90 

Wallbank,  Gilbert,  71  ;  Mary,  71 

Waller,  George  Charles,  275  ;  Mary,  275  ;  William, 

Wallery,  Eliza,  273 
Wallet,  Elizabeth,  74 
Wallis  (Wallace),  Audrey,  158  ;  Elizabeth,  106  ; 

Lucy  Ann,  27U  ;  James,  270  ;  Robert,  158 
Wallop,  Marv,  72 
Walpole,  Harriet,  27S  ;  J.  L.,  278 
Walrond  (Wallrond),  Eliza  Bell,  276  ;   Elizabeth, 

74  ;  Henry,  74  ;  John,  276  (2)  ;  William  James, 

Walsham,  George,  105  ;  Rebecca,  105 
Walter,  Dan.,  75  ;  Dorothy,  55,  75  ;  Sarah,  64  ; 

William,  55 
Walthoe,  Frances,  161  ;  Richard,  161 
Walton  (Waltom),  Alee,  04;    Amy,  279;   Ann, 

272  ;    Caroline  Kerr,  279  ;    Elizabeth,  63,  109  ; 

Francis,  279  ;  John,  63  ;  Sarah,  164  ;  William, 

Walven,  Edward,  102 
Wansey,  John,  207  ;  Sarah,  207 
Wansvorth,  Helen,  51 
Warbaiton,  Edward,  80 

Warbovs,  Joseph,  282  (2) ;  Phcebe  Sarah,  2S2 
Ward,  Ann,  131—134,  184  ;  Catherine,  174,  202  ; 

Catherine    Ann,    210;     Charles    Ennis,    222; 

Christian,    159;    Eliza,    271;    Elizabeth,    131, 

189,201,224;    George,  271  ;    Hamon,  20  (2)  ; 

Joan,  77  ;   John,  38,  112,  128  (2),  129  ;   Louisa 

Jessy,  278;    Mary,  132,   134,   170,  176;    Mr., 

135;   Patience,  120;    Rebecca,  149  ;  Sarah,  20, 

129,  133,  214,  223  (2),  224,  271  ;  Susanna,  128, 

129;    Thomas,   202,   214,   223,   224,   278(2); 

William,   vii,   Pt.  I,    131—134,    178  (2),    183, 

189  (3),  201,  206,  216 
Warding,  John,  11)0  ;  Mary,  100 
Ware,  llammon,  94  (2)  ;  Sarah.  94 
Warfild  (Warfeld,  Warfeild.  Warffcld,  Warfilld), 

Ann,  52  ;  Anthony,  SI  ;  Elizabeth,  80  ;  Faith, 

1,   78  ;     Grace,    53  ;     Jellian,    81  ;     John,   2  ; 

Richard,  1  ;    Roger,  1  (2),  2,  84,  86  ;    Susan, 

52  ;  Thomasin,  52  ;   Urslev,  80 
Warford,  Mrs.,  141 
Wargent,  Ann,  145,  146  (2),  209  ;    John,  146  ; 

Thomas  James,  140  ;  William,  145  (2),  146  (2), 

Wargon  (Worgon),  George,  30  ;  John,  34,  35,  30, 

109  ;    Marv,  34,  35 ;    Robert,  35  ;    William,  34, 

Warine,  see  Warren 
Waring     (Wareing,    Warring),    Hannah,    170; 

(Rev.)   Jo.,   163  ;    Mary,   20  ;     Richard,   20  ; 

(Rev.)  — ,  163 
Warne,  Robert,  86 
Warner  (Warnar,Wamor),  Amev,208;  Catherine, 

54;    Elizabeth,  17,  02;    Henry,  4  ;    John,  16, 

17,  19  (2),  60,  85,  92,  93  (2),  98  (2),  208  ; 
Julian,  10  (2),  17,  59,  91  ;  Margaret,  19,  93, 
98  ;  Mary,  70  ;  Matthew,  183  ;  Nicholas,  176  ; 
Peter,  4,  5  ;  Priscilla,  2(.I8  ;   Samuel,  16  (3),  17, 

18,  59,  60,90,  91(2),  93;  Sarah,  154;  William, 
5 ;  — ,  90 

Warrell,  Elizabeth,  196 

Warren  (Warine,  Warrin,  Warrine,  Warring),  19, 
20  (2),  94,  95,  150  ;  Eleanor,  135  ;  Frances, 
23;  Hannah,  57;  Henry,  00;  John,  11  (3); 
Letitia,  171;  Margaret.  0D  ;  Marie.  23;  Martha, 
222,  200  ;  Mary,  19  ;  Mr.,  85  ;  Richard,  57, 
94;  Robert,  11;  Sarah,  150  ;  Thomas,  19  (3), 
20  (2),  23  (2),  94,  95,  135  (2) 



Warrington,  George.  21?,  238,  275;  Harriet, 
275  ;  Ix)is,  218  ;   Marv.  23S  :   William,  275 

Wartring,  Jane,  I3f. ;  Sarah,  136;  Thomas,  136 

Wernicke,  Bartholomew,  20 ;  Elizabeth,  20 ; 
William,  20 

Washington, Mr.,  144,  199;  Nurse,  107;  Thomas, 

Waterfall  (Waterfale),  Ann,  16,  17,  92(2); 
.John,  1G  ;  Marie,  17  ;  Marv,  92  ;  Richard,  90  ; 
William,  16, 17,  92  (3) 

Waterhousc,  David,  2S1  ;  Hannah,  2SI  ;  Harriet, 
281;  (Rev.)  John,  207— 209,  214;  Richard,  281 

Waterman,  Eleanor,  163  ;  Martha,  107;  William, 

Waters,  Ann,  204  ;  Henrv,  866  ;  London,  261  ; 
Marv,  74,  75 ;  (Rev.)  Handle  J.,  207,  268  (9) ; 
(Rev.)  R.  J.,  243  (2);  Sarah,  2(13;  (Rev.) 
Thomas,  214— 21G,  242-244,  259  (5),  2G0, 
268  (2)  ;  William,  204 

Watherall.  see  Weatherall 

Watkers,  John,  103;  — ,  103 

Watkins  (Wattkins),  Ann,  2G0 ;  Elizabeth.  73; 
E.  C,  265;  (Rev.)  H.  G.,  238,  241  (2),  242, 
259(2),  260,  271,272  ;  James,  260  ;  Thomas, 
259;  William,  180 

Watson  (Watsonne,  Wattson),  Abigail,  24—28, 
105,  115;  Ann  Maria,  26G ;  Bridget,  52; 
Eleanor,  272;  Elizabeth,  18(2),  52,  93,  112, 
237,  277  ;  Francis,  8  ;  George,  25  ;  Hannah, 
268  ;  Henrv,  77,  244—246  ;  Hester,  174  ; 
James,  52,  196,  272,  277  ;  James  Darling,  277  ; 
Jane,  8,  68  ;  Jeremiah,  274  ;  Joan,  52  ;  John, 
4-8,  18  (3),  28,  52  (2),  93  (3),  180;  (Rev.) 
John,  268  ;  (Rev.)  Joseph,  177  ;  Judith,  1S4  ; 
Margaret,  4,  5,  52  (2),  80  ;  Martha,  237  ;  Mr., 
103,  105;  l'resilah,  27;  Rachel,  244-246; 
Robert,  7;  Samuel,  5,  26,  113;  Sarah,  18, 
220;  Stephen,  204  ;  Thomas,  24-28,  MO-103; 
William,  4,  6,  52,  57,  81,  246;  Winifred,  0; 
(Rev.)  — ,  150  ;  — .  28,  100—102,  109  (2) 

Wattle,  Marv,  36  ;  Randolph,  36 

Watts  (Wattes),  Ann.  72,  167  ;  Catherine,  38  ; 
Charles,  29-31  ;  Eli/.a,  267  ;  Eliza  Jane,  282  ; 
Elizabeth,  29,  38,  40;  Helen,  30,  31  ;  Henry, 
282;  Hugh,  40,  43,  68,  117(2):  John,  282; 
Mary,  30,  68,  122  ;  Mr.,  114  ;  Richard,  38  (2), 
1 10  ;  Robert,  72  ;  Sarah,  38  (2)  ;  Thomas,  40, 
114;  William  James,  276  ;  — ,  29 

Way,  James,  276  ;  John,  276  ;  Richard,  206, 
206;  Sarah,  152 

Waylett,  Grace,  69  ;  Robert,  69 

Wnymaii,  sec  Wvman 

WcaIde,.Mary,  86 

Wcare,  Mary,  208,  214  ;  William,  208 

Wearing,  Frances,  74 

Weatherall  (Watherall,  Wcetherall,  Wetherall, 
Wcthcralle,  Welherrallc, Wcthrall, Whctherall), 
Alice,  14;  Ann,  11;  Elizabeth,  II  ;  George, 
12,  87;  Gideon,  13;  John,  12;  Joyce,  84; 
Lawrence,  9  —  13,  84  (2),  85  (3),  87,'  88,  90; 
Martha,  11;  Marv,  9;  Samuel,  13  J  Sarah, 
12  |  Thomas,  14  :   William,  in,  85  .  _,  85,  88 

Weaver,  Ann,  15  ;  John,  15  ;  Thomas,  15 

Webb,  Andrew,  216(2);  Ann,  211,  216(2)  and 
».  ;   Edward,  267  ;    Elizabeth,  167,  204  ;    Emily, 

281  ;  James,  186;  John,  204  ;  John  Christopher, 

281  |  Mary,  279;   Richard  Ort, ,n,268 
Webber,  James,  226  ;  Mary,  226  ;  William,  226 
Webster,  Ann,  233;  Bartholomew  Harlow,  187; 

Elisabeth,  265  ;  E.,  280;  George,  187,  197,  199  ; 

Mary,  238 

Wedge,  Elizabeth,  157;  Francis,  157;  Pheebe,270 

Weedenford,  Ann,  73  ;  William,  73 

Weckes,  Catherine,  65 

Wcetherall,  see  Weatherall 

Weightman,  Elizabeth.  2o9  ;  Richard,  209 

Welborne,  Alee,  55  ;   William,  55 

Welby,  Rachel,  166 

Welch,  Edward,  143,  144  (3),  209,  210;  Marv, 
143  (2),  144,  209,  210  ;  Thomas,  144 

Weldon  (Weldcn),  Ann,  154  ;  .lames,  154  ;  Marv, 
218;  Matthew,  218;  Sarah,  158 

Well.  C.  Lewis,  212;  Martha,  212 

Weller,  Esther,  155 

Wellinga,  Ann,  165;  Tboma3,  165 

Wells  (Welles),  Ann,  22;  Christopher,  66  J 
Elizabeth,  74,  230;  Helena,  214;  John,  206; 
Marv,  41;  Robert,  41;  Sarah.  65;  Susanna, 
22  ;  "Thomas  Grafton,  41  ;  William,  120,  217 

Wenham,  Ann,  191;  Leonard,  197,  202,  208; 
Mary,  208,  231 

Wescome.  Gabriel,  95 

Wessell,  Dorothv,  73 

West  (Weste),  Alee,  55;  Ann,  141  ;  Benjamin, 
142;  Charles,  140—145,  190  (2).  216,  232; 
Clara,  273  ;  Eleanor,  233  ;  Elizabeth,  52.  140— 
145,216(2),  234;  Elizabeth  Rose,2G9;  Frances, 
217;  Frances  Morgan,  250(2);  Francis,  55; 
James,  273  (2)  ;  Jane,  225  ;  John,  196  ;  John 
Goss,  140,  234  ;  Joseph,  250  (2)  ;  Josina,  190  ; 
Mary,  90,  204  ;  Mary  Ann,  189  ;  Mr.,  191, 194  ; 
Samuel,  204;  Samuel  Culme,  142,  258;  Sophia, 
145;  S,  216;  Thomas,  143,217;  William,  90, 
225;  William  King,  250;  William  Mayuard, 
141,  191  ;  William  Ogle,  144  ;  — ,  194 

Westbrook,  George,  161  ;  Mary,  1G1 

Weston.  Hannah,  269;  Jemima,  70;  Martha, 
237  ;  William,  237 

Westrope  (Westmpp),  Robert,  107  ;  — ,  100  (2) 

Wetherall,  Wetheralle,  Wetherralle,  Wethrall.see 

Wethers,  Samuel,  98  (2) 

Wharton,  Amelia  Ann,  26S  ;  J.  F.,  2G9  ;  Lonisa, 
269  ;  William,  269 

Whatgar,  Elizabeth,  30  ;  John.  30  (2) 

Wbattlev,  Elizabeth,  71  ;  Joseph,  71 

Whattow,  Elizabeth,  82 

Wheatcroft.  William,  282 

Wheatlev  (Wbcatlv,  Wheatlve,  Whetlev),  Elijah, 
38,  112;  Elizabeth,  15—17.  90;  (Rev.)  II., 
166  ;  Marie,  17,  6.0  ;  Mr.,  69  ;  Sarah,  14,  238  ; 
Thomas,  14—17,  90  (2),  91,  238  ;  William,  262 

Wheeler  (Whelcr,  Wheller),  Dorothy,  52  ; 
Elizabeth.  18-23,  93,  94,  97  (2) ;  Henry,  134, 
163  ;  James,  18—23,  62,  93,  94,  96,  97  (2), 
99,  102;  John,  19—21,  93,  97;  Jonas,  19; 
Joseph,  21,  133  ;  Marv,  22,  134  (2),  163,  198  ; 
Mrs,  196;  Ruth,  133;  Sarah,  23,  99,  163; 
Thomas.  21  ;  William,  192  ;  — ,  94 

Wbclcv,  Margaret,  199 

Whctherall,  see  Weatherall 

Whetlev,  *ce  Wheatley 

Wbiebcote.  Elizabeth,  176 

Whidbie,  Ellen,  68  :  John,  53 

Wbiley,  Sophia,  251  ;  Thomas,  251  (2) 

Whipps,  Charlotte,  264  ;  James,  264 

Whistler.  Anna.  211-248,  277;  Charles,  243, 
215;  Edmund,  247  ;  Ellen,  213,  277  ;  Edward 
\V\,  277  ;  Emma,  277  ;  Fanny  Adelaide,  246  ; 
Frederick.  241—248,  277  (5);  George,  242; 
Matilda  Sarah,  244;  Ralph,  248;  Simpson, 
248  ;  Stephen,  24G 



Whit,  John,  112 

Whitaker  (Whiteker),  Ann,  171  ;  Mary,  171 

White  (Whyte),  Ann,  44,  59,  64,  130,  131,  156, 
210,  228,  256,  272;  Anna,  150;  Charles,  40, 
169  ;  Christopher,  44  (3),  46,  49,  150,  169,  173, 
175,  227  ;  Diana  Marv  Ann.  267  ;  Edward, 
17,  18  (3),  205,  252,  253  (2)  ;  Edward  Henry, 
252;  Eleanor,  234;  Elizabeth,  46,  116,  154; 
Emily,  228;  E.,  2S0— 2S2  ;  Gabriel,  186; 
Hannah,  59  ;  (Rev.)  Henry,  253  ;  Isabella, 
226  ;  James,  176  ;  Jane,  96  ;  John,  59,  129— 
131,  154,  176;  John  Charles  Shorey,  271; 
(Rev.)  John  T.,  261  ;  Louisa,  228  (2)  ;  Lucy, 
129;  Margaret,  18;  Maria,  226,  227  (2); 
Martin,  2S3  ;  Mary,  72,  151  ;  Mary  Alma, 
253  ;  Mary  Ann,  256  ;  Mary  Elizabeth,  217  ; 
Mary  Lcetitia,  238  ;  Matild'a  Cordelia,  252, 
253  (2)  ;  Milky,  75  ;  Myrah,  271  ;  Mr.,  152  ; 
Mrs.,  152  ;  Rachel,  205  ;  Robert,  226,  227  (3)  ; 
Sarah,  17  (2),  18  (2),  93  (2),  150,  203; 
Susanna,  129—131,  176  ;  Thomas,  102,  228  (2), 
238,  281  ;  Ursula,  44  (2),  46,  49, 176  ;  William, 
64,  81,  151  ;  William  Christopher,  253 

Whitehead  (Whithed),  Alse,  54;  John,  210; 
Richard,  54 

Whiteing  (Whiting),  John,  108,  109;  Joseph, 
108  ;  Mr.,  108 

Whiteker,  see  Whitaker 

Whiterance,  Grace,  62 

Whiteside,  Joseph,  154  ;  Mary,  154 

Whitewham.  John,  149 

Whithed,  see  Whitehead 

Whitleg,  Annis,  79 

Whitson,  Ann,  41  ;  Benjamin,  42  ;  Catherine, 
42  ;  Frances,  41,  42  ;  Francis,  41  ;  John,  203 

Whittaker,  John,  206 

Whittell  (Whitell,  Whithill,  Whittel,  Whitter, 
Whittle),  Ann,  39  ;  Elizabeth,  37,  45  ;  Henry, 
111;  John,  40,  45,  113;  Mary,  37—43,  45, 
112;  Robert,  37—43,  67,  114,  116,  123; 
Susanna,  40,  114  ;  William,  43,  117.  See  also 
Wittle,  Wittall 

Whittlild,  Ann,  56  ;  Nicholas,  56 

Whittingham,  Elizabeth,  270  ;  William,  270 

Wbittings,  John,  106  ;  — ,  106 

Whitworth,  Mary,  128  (2),  172  ;  Robert,  128 

Whittle,  see  Whittell 

Whorlet  (Whorlett),  Mary,  47  (2),  70,  121  ; 
William,  47.  70 

Whyte,  see  White 

Wiat,  see  Wyatt 

Wickes,  Fyenes,  55  ;  William,  55 

Wickham,  Ann,  153 

Widison,  Adam,  63  ;  Rachel,  63 

Widmore,  William,  124 

Wiesse,  Catherine,  88 

Wigan,  (Rev.)  Thomas,  207 

Wigden,  Catherine,  72 

Wigg,  Leonard,  248  (2) ;  Mary  Ann,  248 

Wiggins,  Elizabeth,  213  ;  Thomas,  213 

Wightman,  Chr.,  208 

Wighton,  Elizabeth,  247,  269  ;  James,  247,  269  ; 
Thomas,  247 

Wigley,  Catherine,  211  ;  John,  211 

Wilbraham,  James,  70  ;  Mary,  70 

Wilbe,  Mr.,99;  —,99 

Wilby,  John,  97 

Wildbore,  Charles,  230;  George,  184;  Esther, 
198 ;  Mary,  181 

Wilde  (Wyfde),  Hannah,  10  ;  Joan,  54  ;  John, 
10(2), 85;  Richard,  54;  Samuel,  11;  William,ll 
VOL   II. 

Wilden,  Elizabeth,  278 

Wildey,  Martha,  156 

Wildman,  Elizabeth,  264  ;  Richard,  264  ;  Samuel, 

Wilford  (Wilforde),  Barethe,  10  ;  Humphery,  9  ; 
Susan,  10  ;  Thomas,  9—11,  85  ;  William,  10, 

Wilgress,  (Rev.)  J.,  215 

Wilkes,  Margery,  52 

Wilkev,  Marv,  208  ;  Thomas,  208 

Wilkins,  Ann.  212  ;  Dorotbv,  53  ;  Thomas,  212 

Wilkinson  (Willkinson),  Abraham,  225,  227  (3), 
239;  Alice,  170;  Ann,  27,  151,  225,  227  (2) ; 
Barberv,  29(2),  31  ;  Daniel,  64  ;  Eleanor,  239  ; 
Elizabeth.  27(3),  75,  102,  225  ;  Frederick,  227  ; 
James,  27;  John,  75;  (Rev.)  John,  160; 
John  Henrv,  224  (2) ;  (Rev.)  Jonathan,  265— 
267;  Joseph,  121;  Judith,  59;  (Rev.)  J., 
241—243,  25S  (25) ;  Leach  Henrv,  239  ;  Mary, 
28,  149,  20S  ;  Michael  Eaton,  224  ;  Mr.,  100, 
105  ;  Randall,  59  ;  Robert,  149  ;  Sarah,  64, 
224  (3)  ;  Sophia,  160  ;  William,  27—29,  31  (3), 
65,  100—105  ;  — ,  100—103 

Willan,Anne,73;  Benjamin,  260;  Isabella  AUum, 

Willeter,  Elizabeth,  209 

Willett,  Elizabeth,  203 

Willev,  Mr.,  135 

Williams,  Ann,  16,  45,  46,  75,  119,  162,  236  ; 
Cadwallader,  236  ;  (Rev.)  Daniel,  267  ;  David 
Francis,  261  ;  (Rev.)  D.,  243  ;  Edward,  66, 
162  ;  Eliza,  278  ;  Elizabeth,  22  (3),  66,  71, 
152,  158,  226  (3) ;  Francis,  130  (2),  173 ; 
Gerard,  5  ;  Gressam,  5 ;  Henrv,  71  ;  Jane, 
226  ;  Job,  158  ;  John.  45,  211,  226  (4) ;  Joseph, 
46  (3),  47  (2),  49,  169,  268,  278  ;  Josiah, 
226,  233  ;  Laurance,  47  (2)  ;  Lawrence,  1 20  ; 
Margaret,  52,  130  ;  Margery,  52  ;  Martha, 
46  (2),  47  (2),  49  (2),  208  ;  Mary,  45,  72,  155, 
164,278  ;  Mr.,  187  ;  Nancy,  221  ;  Rachel,  120  ; 
Renald  5  (2)  ;  Reynold,  52  ;  Rice,  75  ;  Roger, 
82;  Robert,  104;  (Rev.)  R.,  207,  208  (4); 
Sarah,  268,  280  ;  Simon,  16  ;  Susanna,  71  ; 
Thomas,  91,  280  ;  William,  16,  52,  71,  27S 

Williamson,  Caroline,  268  ;  Harriet,  267  ;  James, 
66  ;  J.,  267  ;  Margerv,  56  (2)  ;  Mary,  66  ; 
Samuel,  56  (2) 

Willim,  Ann,  165  ;  John,  165 

Willingham,  Ann,  30  (2),  104  ;  Mr.,  102  ; 
William,  30,  103,  104  ;  — ,  102 

Willis  (Willies),  Amelia,  207  (2)  ;  Ann,  270  ; 
Christiana,  231 ;  Eleanor,  270  ;  Martha,  68  ; 
Mr.,  68  ;  Robert.  210,  270  ;  William,  9  (2),  68 

Willmore,  Elizabeth,  268 

Willoughbv,  Jonathan,  150 

Wills  (Willes,  Wylles),  Ann,  57  ;  Elizabeth,  39  ; 
John,  38,  112,  199;  Joseph,  209;  Mary,  40; 
Robert,  37-40,  111 

Wilmott,  Eleanor,  48;  Sarah,  48  (2) 

Wilson  (Willson,  Willsone,  Willstoune.Wilsonne), 
Aaron,  18—20,  93,  94  ;  Ann,  23  (2),  33,  237, 
271  ;  Ann  Margaret,  278  ;  Bartley,  221  ; 
Beatrice,  214  ;  Catherine,  278  ;  Christopher, 
209;  (Dr.),  164(2),  165,  192;  Edward,  86; 
Eleanor,  217  ;  Ellen,  278  ;  Elizabeth,  13,  56, 
76,  149;  Esther,  191;  Frances,  209;  George, 
237  ;  Henry,  19,  33,  94  ;  (Rev,)  H.  B.,  256  ; 
John,  IS,  214,  271,  27S  (2) ;  Marie,  20;  Marv, 
18,  19  (3),  93  (2),  94,  168,  190,  214  ;  Mary 
Susanna,  269;  Peter,  33;  Richard,  13,  88, 
260 ;    Thomas,  56  ;    (Rev.)  Thomas,  vii  (2), 



Pt.  I,  133  (16),  134  (3),  151,  ICO  (7),  1G1 
—168,  ITS— ISO,  190,  197,  200  (2);  Walter, 
231  ;  William.  28 

Wilsworth,  William,  77 

Wiltshire  (Wiltshire,  Wiltshierc),  Ann,  123,  194  ; 

]•" ranees,  150  ;    Isaac,  2o4,  23:!  :    Margaret.  IS  ; 

Mr  .  184,  192  ;  Nicholas,  48  ;  Thomas,  48 
Wi  inster,  Mary,  54 
Window,  Margaret,  53 
Windham.  Marv.  173 

Windsor,  Elizabeth,  47  ;  Sarah,  47  ;  Shadroek,  47 
Wine,  Elizabeth,  59  ;  Thomas,  59 
Winkell,  Mary,  122 
Winstone(Winston,WinBtonn),Ann,20;  Dorothy, 

19  ;  Elizabeth,  21,  24(2),  25  (3)  ;  Edmond,  18, 

93;    Hannah,   19,  93;  Henry,  59;  John,   15, 

24,  25  (3),  100,  101  ;  Mary,  15—21.  25,  93  (2)  ; 

Mrs.,  89  ;  Richard,  15—21,  61  (2),  93—95,  98  ; 

Robert,  17  ;  Sarah,  59  ;  Thomas,  25  ;  William, 

25;  -.100(2) 
Winter     (Wyntar),     Augusta     Perchard,     227; 

Francis,  129  (2);    Joan,  57;    John,   132  (2), 

177,    200;    John    Mico,     227;     Mary,    206; 

Rachel,  G5,  227  ;  Sarah,  132 
Winterbon,    George,    278  ;     Mary    Ann,    278  ; 

Naomi,  278 
Wiuterrtood,  Caroline,  270 
Winteison,  Richard,  174 
Winthrop     (Winthorpe,     Winthrope,     Wintrop, 

Wintropp),  Ann,  120  ;  A.,  47  ;  Benjamin,  133, 

235,  2C3  ;   Bridget,  132,  1G3  ;    Elizabeth,  74  ; 

Frances,  132  (4),  133,  178  ;   Jonathan,  47,  74  ; 

Mary,    132,    135,    179;     Mr.,  103;     Stephen, 

132(3),  133,  135,  178, 185  ;  Wait.  47  ;  William, 

Wintlc,  Ann,  G9  ;  John,  G9 
Wise,  Ann,  153,  203  ;    Charles,   19  ;    Elizabeth, 

19  (3)  ;  llugoin,  153  ;  Ralph,  19  (2) 
Witchcutt,  Ja.,  123 
Witham,  Phoebe,  222 
Withers,  Joan,  84  ;  (Rev.)  Jo..  1G1  ;  (Rev.)  John, 

158(5);   Mr.,  155(3);   Susanna,  210;   (Rev.) 

— ,  153(5),  154(10),  156 
Withey  (Withe,  Withv),   Flora,  21S,  22G,  227; 

John,  90,  22G  ;    Susanna,  02  ;    William,   220, 

227  (2) 
Withliaddcn,  Sarah,  124 
Wittall,  see  Whittell 
Witlings.  John,  107  ;  — ,  107 
Wittle  (Wittall),  John,  203  ;  Mary,  181 
Witton,  Dorothy  Ann,  271  ;  James,  271  ;  Mary 

Ann,  271  ;  Sarah,  271 
Wolf,  Edmund,  114 
Wollcr,  Ann,  96 
Wolly,  *«  Wooley 
Wolmann,  John,  52  ;  Lotticc,  52 

Wolvcridge,  A.  Maria,  200;  Sarah,  200 
Wood  (Wode,  Woode),  Abraham,  210;  Albanc, 
78  ;  Alton,  1  ;  Albone,  2  (2  ) ;  Andrew.  I  26  [2)j 
Charles.  80;  Christiana,  271  ;  Eleanor,  210; 
Elian,  12-14,  50,  57  (2),  87  (2);  Elizabeth, 
B7,  181  ;  Frances,  2;  Henry,  86;  John,  97, 
196,  271;  John  George,  245;  Judith,  25  ; 
(Rev.)  J.  Manlev,  237;  Louisa  Sarah,  216; 
Lucy,  218;  Mary,  1,  78,  120;  Montagu,  70, 
73;  Mr.,  71  (5),  72,  75(3),  7G  (2),  80,  89; 
M  ,  210  ;  Prudence,  25  (3)  ;  Samuel,  2  ;  Sarah, 
12,  97,  152  ;  Thomas,  25  (2),  77,  97  ;  William, 
245;  (Rev.)—,  159;  — ,  80 
Woodal  (Wooddal,  Wooddall,  Woodoll),  Ann, 
10— 19,    93;    Klcm,    93;     Hannah,    1G,  92; 

Humphrey,   1G;    John,    17;    Martha,  18,  93; 

Marv,  10  (2)  ;  Sarah.  19,  93  ;  Thomas,  16—19, 

92,  93  (3)  ;  Zachariab.  1 7 
Woodcock(  Woodcocke), Constant,  209 ;  Elizabeth, 

152;    Ilenrv,    152;    Lucretia,  23,  97;    Marie, 

97;   Marv.  23  ;  Michael,  23,  97 
Wooden,  George,  275  ;  Harriet,  275 
Woodfoid.  Charles,  181  ;  John,  G5  ;  Sarah,  65 
Wonfor,  Esther,  205  ;  Thomas  George,  265 
Woodgate,  Edward,  270  ;  Elizabeth,  270 
Woodhall,  Thomas,  Gl 
Woodham,  John,  1C4  ;  Sarah,  164 
Woodhams,  Catherine,  181  ;  Henry,  178 
Woodhouse(  Woodhowse),  John,  84, 153 ;  Susanna, 

Woodlv,  Hannah,  42  ;   Henry,  42  ;    Mary,  42  ; 

William,  42,  115 
Woodman,  Jonah,  207  ;    Susanna,  211  ;    Thomas 

Jones,  211  ;  William,  211 
Woods,  James,  67  ;  Marv,  67 
Woodward,   Ann,   54 ;    Elizabeth,    156 ;    Sarah, 

157,  186 
Woodwards,  Frederick,  265 
Woof,  Ann,  270  ;  Emanuel,  270 
Woollard,  Elizabeth,  218 
Woollcot,  Rebecca,  110 
Woolley  (Wooley,  Wolly),  Adam,  35,  108,  120  ; 

Hannah,   183 ;    Samuel,  35,   108  ;    Sarah,   35, 

113;  William,  174,278 
Wooster,  Eleanor,  123 
Wootton,  John,  206 
Worgan,  see  Wargon 
Worger,  Lucv,  207  ;  Samuel,  2G7 
Woriedge.  Mr.,  150  (3) 
Worley,  Martha,  237 
Worlich,  Mr.,  154  ;    Thomas,  72,  73  (2)  ;    (Rev.) 

— ,  155 
Wormall   (Woormall,  Wormell),  Elizabeth,  37  ; 

Isaac,  36,  39, 109  ;  Israel,  36—41,  109,  111  (2), 

112,   114,  115;    Marv,  39;     Rebecca,  30—41  ; 

Sarah,  41,  115  ;  William,  85  ;  — ,  40 
Worrel,  George,  180 
Worship,  John,  88  ;  Margaret.  88 
Worster,  Eleanor,  49  ;  Sarah,  19  ;  William,  49 
Worth,  John,  32,  100  ;  Margaret,  32  (2),  121 
Worthenton,  Mary,  157 
Worthington,  Ann,  214 
Wosoneroft,  John.  65  ;  Susan,  65 
Wrangle,  Barbara,  200,;  John,  209—211 
Wrav  (Wrev),  (Sir)  Bourehicr,  105  ;   John,  106; 

(Lady)  Mary,  105;  Priscilla,  166 
Wren,  George,  280  ;  Mary  Ann,  280  ;  rhilip,  280 
Wrench,  (Rev.)  J.  George,  269 
Wrigglesworth,  Benjamin.  143  (3),  194  ;  Joanna, 

210  (2) ;  M.  A.,  279  ;  Mr.,  194  ;  Rebecca,  143  ; 

Sarah,  143  (2),  191 
Wright,  Alice,  71  ;   Ann,  53,  57,  65,  128-130, 

150,     101,    173,     174,     176;      Edward,     177; 

Elizabeth,   113,   127,   129,   171,   ISO,    269,   272; 

Frances,  13o,  174  ;   George,  101  ;    Hannah,  43; 

Ilenrv.  45,  121  ;   llonora,  158  ;  Jacob,  127(2); 

James,  43  (2)  ;    Jane,  222  ;    John,  32  (2),  237, 

272,  270;    Joseph,   171  ;     Marv,  32,  162,  195, 

20.-,,  287,  272  ;    Nathaniel.  170  ;    Nicholas,  57  ; 

Peter,   175.   192;    Richard,  181,  237;    Rieklis, 

129,   173;    Robert,  132;    Sarah,   132;    Sybil, 

10!  ;    Thomas,  89,   128,    132,   158,  171,   205; 

William,  53,  128—130,  150,  171,  170;   -,  162 
Wroughton,  Elizabeth,  75  ;  James,  75  ;  Mr.,  75 
Wrve,  Ann,  51  ;  Edmond,  64 
Waster,  John,  48;  Sarah,  48  ;  William,  48 


Wyatt  (Wiat,  Wyett),  Ann,  155  ;  Charles.  211  ; 
Clarissa,  211;  Eliza  Catherine,  145;  Fanny 
Parkinson,  249  ;  John,  145,  146  ;  John  Francis, 
146;  Mnry,  75;  Sarah,  145,  146,  208,  211; 
Sarah  Susanna,  24'.)  ;  William,  75,  155,  249 

Wvberd,  John,  46  ;  Martha,  46  (2) 

Wyborne,  William,  114 

Wylde,  see  Wilde 

Wylles,  see  Wills 

Wyman  (Wayman),  Gerard,  119;  Mary,  116 

Wynne  (Wynn),  Elizabeth,  136,  1.18  ;  Marv,  209  ; 
Rachel,  138;  Richard,  136 ;  (Rev.)  Richard, 
136,  138,  166,  167  ;  (Rev.)  T.,  261 

Wynshurstc,  John,  S3 

Wyntar,  see  Winter 

W ,  R.,  175 

Vardley,  Margaret,  83 

Yarsin,"  see  Yersin 

Yateman,  Thomas,  173 

Yates,  Anna  Maria,  49  ;  Charles, 46— 49  ;  Dorothy, 

48;    Elizabeth,  46-48;    Mary,  49;    William, 

46,  120 
Yeomans,  Jane,  1.14  (2);  John,   134;  Margaret, 

59;  Roger,  3  (2);   Samuel,  134(2);    Samuel 

Ellms,  134 
Yeoward,   Amelia,   195;    Ann,  230;    Catherine, 

198  ;    Frederick    Charles,    197  ;    Maria,    198  ; 

Richard,  143  (2),  257  ;  Richard  Joacomb,  143  ; 

Sophia,    199  ;     Susanna,    143   (2) ;     Susanna 

Fletcher,  231  ;  Susanna  Margaret,  143 ;  &  Co., 

Yeowell  (Yeowill),  Francis,  238;  Francis  William, 

238 ;  Miriam,  238 
Yerley,  Ann,  3  ;  John,  3 
Yersin  (Yarsin),  Charles,  129;  Lewis,  129,  173; 

Mr.,   153;    Mrs.,   153;    Sarah,  129;    William, 

Yestis,  Hannah,  152;  Robert,  152 
Yonge,  see  Young 
Yorke  (York),  Ann,  51;    Edmond,  52;   George, 

7  ;  Harry,  7  ;  (Sir)  John,  80,  83 ;  (Lady),  81  ; 

Margery,  52  ;  P.,  83 
Youde,  Susanna  Lucrctia,  280 ;  William,  280  (2) 

Youlding,  Ann,  37  ;  Robert,  37  (2) 

Young  (Yonge,  Younge),  Ann,  65  ;  Charlotte, 
272;  C,  280;  Elizabeth,  125,  170,  205,  265, 
270  ;  Emma,  250  ;  Emma  Elizabeth,  250 ; 
James,  2S0  (2)  ;  John,  215  ;  John  Tonkin, 
2S0;  John  T.,  280;  Lancelot,  81;  Lucy, 
280(2);  Margaret,  81  ;  Mary  Summers,  265  ; 
M.  P.,  280  ;  Robert,  205  ;  Sarah,  65  ;  Susanna, 
206  ;  William,  250,  259 

Younger,  George,  215;  Godsalve  Sibley,  140; 
Jane,  215;  John,  140;  Mary,  140 

Yoxall.  Joan,  63  ;  Thomas,  63 

Yucc,  Dorothy,  53  ;  John,  53 

Zouch,  Ann,  150  ;  George,  150 
Zurhorst,  Godfrey,  185 

No  Surname. 

Andrew  William,  110 

Ann,  48,  57,  65,  86 

Barbara,  59 

Bennett,  40 

Daniel,  87 

Edward,  104 

Elizabeth,  79,  237 

George,  43 

Isabel,  49 

Jeames,  99 

John, 78 
,  Joseph,  29 

Kenerick,  100 

Leonard,  75 
,  Martha,  49 

Mary,  35,  50,  77,  130,  174 

Rfbecca,  134 

Robert,  7 

Sarah,  46,  100,217 

Scipio,  134 
,  Susanna,  49,  85 

Thomas,  33,  49  (2),  102 
.  William,  103,  134 

(     341     ) 


*  Signifies  that  a  place  or  parish  occurs  more  than  once  on  a  page. 
Where  («.)  occurs  after  a  number  the  reference  is  to  a  footnote  on  the  page. 

Abbots  Langley,  Hertfordshire,  221 
Aberdare,  Glamorganshire,  280 
Aberdeen  : 

St.  Nicholas,  East  Parish,  222 
Alberry,  Hertfordshire,  75 
Aldgate,  63,  282 

Allerton  (Alerton),  Northamptonshire, 
Anamaboe  (?),  147 
Apthorpe,  Northamptonshire,  72* 
Arinton,  Cambridgeshire,  65 
Ashford,  Kent,  162 
Aspedin  (Aspeden),  Hertfordshire,  66, 
Aston,  Warwickshire,  237 
Axminster,  Devonshire,  127 

Balham  (Balam),  Surrey,  194 
Balham  Hill,  Surrey,  260 
Banstead  (Bansted),  Surrey,  73,  167 
Barking,  Essex,  73,  74,  282 
Barkisland,  Yorkshire,  67 
Barley,  Hertfordshire,  69 
Baslworth  (?),  Nottinghamshire,  67 
Bath,  Somersetshire,  197 
Battersea,  Surrey,  257,  264 
Beccles,  Suffolk,  76* 
Beckenham,  Kent,  211,  241 
Bermondsey,  Surrey,  247,  275 

St.  Mar)'  Magdalen,  74,  75*,  149,  159,  161, 
164,  166*,  236,  266 
Bethnal  Green,  Middlesex,  257* 
Bexley  (Boxlye),  Kent,  59 
Birchwood,  Hertfordshire,  156 
Birmingham  (Brumigham),  Warwickshire,  63 
Bishop's  Hatfield  (Bissops  Hatfeelde),  Hertford- 
shire, 90 
Bishton,  Staffordshire,  153 
Blackheath,  Kent,  164,  277 
Bluntisham,  Huntingdonshire,  70 
Bocking,  Essex,  202 
Bold,  Lancashire,  157 
Bombay,  India,  280 
Boughton,  Kent,  206 
Bourne,  Cambridgeshire,  70 
Bow,  Middlesex,  236,  279 
Bowling,  Yorkshire,  67 
Bramber,  Sussex,  73 
Brampton,  Huntingdonshire,  159 
Brasenose  College,  Oxford,  171,  177 
Braughing,  Hertfordshire,  69 
Bray,  Berkshire,  217 
Brayton  Ash,  Norfolk,  201 

Brentford,  Middlesex,  70 
Brentford,  New,  Middlesex,  275 
Brentford,  Old,  Middlesex,  155 
Brentwood,  Essex,  254 
Brinton,  Norfolk,  210 
Bristol : 

St.  Beter,  218 
British  Tar  Office,  230 
Brixton,  Surrey,  249,  251,  259 
Brocklev,  near  Edgware,  Middlesex,  247 
Bromley,  Kent,  157*,  160,  161,  162,  164* 
Bromley  College,  Kent,  160,  162 
Brompton,  Kent,  279 
liurUrn.  Huntingdonshire,  217 
Bury  St.  Edmunds,  Suffolk  : 

St.  Mary,  72 
Buston  (?),  Essex,  64 

Cales,  Spain,  S6 

Camberwell,  Surrey,  156, 161,  164*,  240,  241,  247, 

251,  252,  258,  260,  261,  268,  278 
Cambridge,  67*,  70 
St.  Edmund,  64 
Trinity  College,  70 
Canilnidge  Heath,  Hackney,  261 
Canterbury  (Connterbury),  Kent,  86,  158 
St.  Andrew,  58 
St.  Dunstan,  Westgate,  158 
Capel,  Suffolk,  203 
( 'ar^halton,  Surrey,  237 
Castle  Hedningham,  Essex,  202 
Chalfont  St.  Giles,  Buckinghamshire,  60 
Chalk,  Kent,  152 
Chastillon  (?),  66 

Chatham  (Chattam),  Kent,  63,  70,  165 
Chelmsford,  Essex,  65 

Chelsea,  Middlesex,  73,  150,  153,  163,  216,  254 
Chelsfield  (Chelmsfield),  Kent,  150,  152 
Cheltenham,  Gloucestershire,  212 
Cherbury,  72 

Chesham  (Chessam),  Buckinghamshire,  58,  257* 
Cheshunt,  Hertfordshire,  152 
Chigwell  (Chickwell,  Chiggwell,  Chiswell),  Essex, 

57,  65,  154*,  201 
Chipping  ( )ngar  (Chipping  Onger),  Essex,  62 
Chiswick,  Middlesex,  163,  199 
Christ  Church,  Middlesex.  165*,  166,  167 
Christ  Church,  Surrey,  74*,  149,  150,  151*,  155*, 

156*,  157*,  158,  271 
Clapham,  Surrey,  69,  71*,  75,  152, 166,  167*,  1S2, 

204,  257,  260,  261 
Clapham  Kise,  Surrey,  256 
Clapton  (Clopton),  Middlesex,  162,  231 



Clapton,  Upper.  Hackney,  Middlesex,  2S2 
Clcrkcnwell,  Middlesex,  256,  257,  258 
Cobham,  Kent,  154* 
Comberton,  ■Worcestershire,  21(5 
Cookham,  Buckinghamshire,  153 
Cooper  Saile  (?),  Essex,  C6 
Cranfield,  Bedfordshire,  69 
Crayford,  Kent,  205 
Crediton,  Devonshire,  205 
Croydon,  Surrey,  72,  196,  198*,  207,  258 
Cuckfiehl  (Cooktield,  Suckfclde),  Sussex,  , 
Currnott  (/),  Hertfordshire,  156 

Darenth  (Darinth),  Kent,  157 
Dartford  (Darford),  Kent,  01,  157 
Denmark,  71 

Denmark  Hill,  Sorrev,  231 
Dent,  Yorkshire,  254n. 
Deptford,  Kent,  160* 

St.  Nicholas,  1 60 

St.  Paul,  266,  2S2 
Dover,  Kent,  66 
Down,  Kent,  157 
Dulwich,  Surrey,  16S 

Ealing,  Middlesex,  155 

East  Bcrgholt,  Suffolk,  247 

East  Ham,  Essex,  151 

East  Sheen.  Surrey,  189 

Eastwell,  Kent.  67 

Eaton  Bav,  Bedfordshire,  75 

Edmonton  (Edmundton),  Middlesex,  64,  69,  73, 

74,  117,  193,  212 
Egham,  Surrey,  152 
Egton,  Yorkshire,  67 

Eltham  (Eltom),  Kent,  66,  156*,  164,  206 
Enfield,   Middlesex,  73—76,  149,    151,   155,  178, 

Enfield,  Chase  Side,  188 
Engleficld  Green,  Surrev,  197,  230,  25S 
Enville  (Envell),  Staffordshire,  GO 
Epsom,  Surrey,  178 
Ewell,  Surrey,  137n. 
Exeter,  Devonshire,  66,  150 
Eyton  Bray,  Bedfordshire,  68 

Farley  Wallop,  Southampton,  72 

Famham,  Surrey,  154* 

Faversham  (Feauarsham),  Kent,  06* 

Foots  Cray,  Kent,  08 

Erodsham,  Cheshire,  158 

Fulham,  Middlesex,  191,  193,  210,  231 

Cannts,  Dorsetshire,  137n. 
Gawthrop,  Yorkshire,  254n 
( iennany,  200 

h wall,  76 

Qkraoeiter,  09,  73 

Godstone,  Surrey,  230 

Gravcsend,  Kent,  153,  272 

Great  Marlon- ,  Buckinghamshire,  215 

Great  Whittbain,  58 

Great  Yarmouth,  Norfolk,  257 

Greenwich    (Grinedg),    Kent,    60,    65.    69*,    113, 

153*.  154,  157,  160,  215*,  258,  261,  281 
Greenwich  (East),  158,  205 
Grove,  Cambcrwcll,  Surrey,  251,  252 

Hackney,  Middlesex,  25,  05,  66,  69,  186,  226,  227, 
249*,  253*,  254,  261,  262,  209,  274,  278,  282 
St.  John,  67,  75,  148*,  156, 167, 182,  217,  209 

Hadley,  Hertfordshire,  230 

Hague,  The,  Holland,  09 

Ham,  East,  Essex,  151 

Ham,  West,  Essex,  103 

Hammersmith,  Middlesex,  160,  277 

Hampstead,  Middlesex,  170,  199,  256,  258*,  200, 

Hampton,  Middlesex,  137n. 

Hampton  Court,  Middlesex,  71 

Harmonsworth,  Middlesex,  74* 

Harrow  Hill,  Middlesex,  61 

Harthill,  Yorkshire,  152 

Hatfield,  Essex.  153 

Hatfield   Broadoak  (Ilatnldc   Broodoke),  Essex, 
56,  149,  163 

Hedingham  Sybil.  Essex,  162 

Hcmel  Hempstead,  Hertfordshire,  281 

Hemingford  Abbots,  Huntingdonshire,  206 

Hempnall,  Norfolk,  222 

Hertford,  153 

Allhallons,  69 

Highbury,  Middlesex,  258 

Highgate,  Middlesex.  165,  194,  196,  198,  200,  250 

High  Laver,  Essex,  160 

High  Wycombe  (High  Wycomb),  Buckingham- 
shire, 265 

Hining  Hill,  Yorkshire,  254n. 

Hoddesdon   (lloddcrdon,    llodsden),    Middlesex, 
39,  163 

Holloway,  Middlesex,  192 

Homerton  (Lower),  Middlesex,  263 

Homerton,  Middlesex,  262 

Hornchurcb,  Essex,  58 

Ilornsey,  Middlesex,  204,  237 

Horslcy,  Derbyshire,  214 

Horton,  Buckinghamshire,  14S 

lloxton,   Middlesex,  139,  189*,  19S,  249*,  260, 
261*,  279,  281 

Huntington,  Herefordshire,  59 

II ford,  Essex,  276 
Irhy,  Lincolnshire,  246,  217* 
Islington,  Middlesex,  190,  192,  194*,  195,197- 
199,  2H7,  231*,  254-259.  261 

St.  Mary,  150,  159,  161,  167,  26G,  270 
Ivinghoe  (lvingo),  Buckinghamshire,  74 

Jamaica,  192 



See  also 

St.  Aldermary 


Kelding,  F.ssex,  69 
Keldon,  Essex,  15(5 
Kemsing,  Kent,  20-t 
Kensington   (Kensingtown),   Middlesex,  63,  161, 

217,  230,  258*,  261,  278 
Kent,  B,  83 

Kentish  Town,  Middlesex,  257 
Kingston-upon-Thames,  Surrey,  57,72,  152 
Kirdford  (Kcrford),  Sussex,  56 

Lambeth,  Snrrcv,  65,  155*,  196,   109,   230,  231, 
257,  262,  264,  268,  275 

St.  Mary,  149,  217*,  238,  264,  268 
Lambournc,  Berkshire,  150 
Leeds,  Yorkshire,  73* 
Lewes,  Sussex : 

St.  Michael,  166 
Lewisham  (Lewisam),  Kent,  204,  256,  275,  2S1 
Ley  ton  (Lay  ton),  Essex,  212 
Limpslicld  (Lympsfield),  Surrey,  162 
Litchborongh,  Northamptonshire,  74 
Little  Wymondley,  Hertfordshire,  210 
Liverpool  (Leverpoole),  Lancashire,  162 
London  : 

Ahchurch,  154 

Aldermanbnry,  65 

Aldermary,  57,  58,  62 

Aldermary  Church,  61  \ 

Aldersgate  Street,  274 

Aldgate  Church  Court,  105 

AUballows,  Barking,  71,  153,  154,  157,  161*, 

Allhallows,  Bread  Street,  58,  151,  167 

Allhallows,  Honey  Lane,  70,  73,  74 

Allhallows  in  the  Wall,  62,  65,  67*,  60,  71*, 
72,  74—76,  148,  150—155*,  163* 

Allhallows,  Lombard  Street,  69,  167,  220, 

Allhallows,  Staining,  65,  57*,  265 

Allhallows  the  Great,  64,  75,  150,  156,  157* 

Allhallows  the  Less,  63,  6G,  73,  155 

All  Saints,  Barking,  153 

All  Souls,  263 

Ampton  Place,  251 

Anchor  Terrace,  South wark  Bridge  Road,  250 

Ashfonl  Street,  iloxton,  249 

Austin  Friars,  158 

Bankside,  Southwark,  256 

Barge  Yard,  8n.,  127,  138,  178, 170,  186, 106, 
241,  243,  244,  246,  247*,  25S*,  261,  275, 

Bartholomew  Close,  2S2 

Bartholomew  Lane,  102 

Basinghall  Street,  198*  230,  249 

Bassishaw  (Bassingshawe),  57 

Bath  Street,  Old  Street,  262 

Bearbiuder  Lane  [now  George  Street],  18S 

Bedford  New  Road,  Clapham,  261,  262 

Bedford  Place,  Russell  Square,  279 

Bedford  Row,  Holborn,  182,  263 

Bell  Allev,  250* 

Bell  (Ball)  Court,  195,  196,  241,  252*,  254, 
257,  262,  281—283* 

Bishopsgate  Street,  188,  196,  109,  257,  275, 

"Black  Bull,"  Walbrook,  99 

London  (continued) — 

Blackfriars,    61,    64*,    G5,    192*,    195,   229, 

Blackfriars  Road,  259 
Bloomsbury,  191,263 
Bold  Court,  278 
Bond   Court,   32*— 34*,    37-42,    126,    182, 

103,  105-199,  224*,  231,  232*,  239— 248, 

250*-263*,  273*,  275*— 283* 
Borough,  254,  255,  282 
Bow  Church,  88 
Bow  Lane,  195 
Bow  Street,  273 

Boyle  Street.  Savile  Row,  Regent  Street,  282 
Bride  Street,  192 
Bridewell,  194,  270 
Bridewell  Hospital,  230 
Bridford  Place,  Hoxton,  279 
Bridge  Street,  Blackfriars,  192,  195,229,  239 
Bridge  Street  Hill,  263 
Bridport  Place,  Hoxton,  2SI 
Britannia  Street,  Hoxton,  261 
Broad  Street,  189,  191 
Brampton  Row,  196,  256 
Brunswick  Place,  City  Road,  278 
Bryanston  Square,  257 
Buckingham  Street,  Strand,  190,  279 
Bucklersbury,  10,  11,  14,  15*.  16*,  31,  33,  34. 

37*,  38,  86n.,  127,  128*,  170,  190,  195— 

109*,  230,  232,  239*— 252*,  255*— 262*, 

273*,  275,  276*,  278*-282* 
Budge  Row,  187.  242,  253,  254*,  258,  259* 
Bull  Allev,  Lombard  Street,  263 
Bunhill  Row,  262 
Burton  Crescent,  256,  257 
Bush  Lane,  261 

Camden  Place,  Southampton  Street,  Camber- 
well,  278 
Camden  Road  Villas,  240 
Cannon  Street,  244,  245,  250  and  n.,  252  — 

254,  263* 
Carey  (Carry)  Street.  180 
Cassland  Road,  South  Hackncv,  253*,  254 
Cateaton  Street,  107,  199,  230 
Catherine  Street,  Strand,  199 
Chancery  Lane,  158n. 
Charles  Street,  Clerkeuwell,  24G,  252 
Charlotte  Row,  193,  246,  248*,  261 
Charlotte  Street,  Rathbone  Place,  108 
Charterhouse  Square,  258 
Chart  Street,  Hoxton,  240 
Cheapside,  102,  102,  190   245,246,  24S,  253*, 

Chester  Place,  Regent's  Park.  262 
Christ  Church,  61,  63*,  64,  68*,  74,  156,  157, 

159,  164,  166,266 
Christ  Church,  Spitalfields,  15S,  167,  210 
Church  Court,  240 
Church  Lane,  Whitechapel,  258 
Church  Road,  West  Islington,  254,  255 
Church  Row,  St.  George's  in  the  East,  277 
Cirencester  Place,  Fitzroy  Square,  252 
City  Green  Yard,  275 

City  Road,  107,  230,  24S,  252,  256,  262,  278 
Claremont  Square,  261* 
Clerkenwell,  108,  231 
Clerkenwell  Green,  259 
Cloak  Lane,  193,  242 
Coleman  Street,  190,  192*,  193,  104,  245 
College  Hill,  256 
Commercial  Road,  273*,  275 



London  (continued) — 

Cooper's  How,  Tower  Hill,  279 

Cornliill,  263* 

Covent  Garden.  1S7 

Cow  Cross,  193,  194 

Cree  Church,  113 

Cripplcgatc,  lS'.l,  193 

Crutched  Friars  (.Chruthed  Fryers).  If 

Camming  Place,  Pentonville,  261,  202 
Dalston  Terrace.  Hackney,  262 
Dean  Street,  Fetter  Lane,  193 
Distaff  Lane,  189 
Doctors  Commons,  73,  218,  243 
Dorset  Street,  260 
Dove  Court,  243 
Dowgate  Hill,  232,  253 
Dowgate  House,  27 
Draper's  Buildings,  2.",6 
Duke  Street.  Smithfield,  2C2 
Dutch  Church,  4 

"  Over's  Arms,"  Cannon  Street,  250n. 
Eastcheap,  61,  188,  275 
East  Lane,  Walworth,  2G1 
East  Smithfield.  188 
Elbow  I.ane,  200 

Emanuel  College,  Westminster,  259,  21 
Ernest  Street,  Regent's  Bark,  253 
Essex  Street,  24(1* 
Euston  Square,  249 
Fenchurch,  59 

Fenchurch  Street,  159,  247,  253 
Fetter  Lane,  193,  261 
Finsbury  Circus.  252,  27.3,  2S0,  282 
Finshury  Square,  258,  276 
Fitzroy  Square,  252 
Fleet  Prison,  6n. 
Fleet  Street,  259 
French  Church,  16,  66 
Galway  Street,  St.  Luke's,  254 
Garlick  Hill,  23(1,  261 
George  Street,  244,  248 
George  Street,  Hanover  Square.  189 
George  Street,  Mansion  House,  263 
Golden  Lane,  259 
Qoswell  Road,  262 
Gower  Street,  262 
Graeechurch  Street,  281 
Gray's  Inn,  66,  166 
(ircat  Carter  Lane,  197 
Great  Dover  Street,  244,  261 
Great  Dover  Street,  Ncwington,  257 
Great  Marlborough  Street,  l'.i? 
Great  Queen  Street,  257 
Great  St.  Helen's,  250 
( ircat  Trinity  Lane,  254 
Grcsham  Street,  197n. 
Grocers'  Hall,  231 
drub  Street,  192,260 
Guildford  Street,  258* 
Guildford  Street,  Southwark,  869 
Hackney  Road,  246 
Hempstead  Road,  258* 
Hanover  Bqnare,  1 30 

Hart  Street,  liow  Street,  273 

Hatt. hi  Garden,  186,  188,  289 

Havil  Street.  ( 'ambcrwcll,  258 

Henrietta  Street,  260 

High  Street.  Borough,  251,  255,  282 

Bolborn,  191,  257,  263 

Inner  Temple,  73,  152,  157,  163 

London  (continued) — 

Ironmonger  Lane,  231,  258 

Jewin  Street,  251* 

John  Street,  Minorics.  277 

Jury  Street,  Aldgate,  282 

Kent  Road,  259 

Lambeth  Terrace,  Lambeth  Road,  275 

Lambs  Conduit  Street,  274 

Lansdown  Place,  259,  260 

Lavender  Cottages,  Rve  Lane,  Peckham,  282 

Leadenball  Street,  159,  194 

Leather  Lane,  152 

Leonard  Street,  Shoreditch,  249 

Lime  Street,  273 

Lincoln's  Inn,  73,  1G3 

Little  Carter  Lane,  2O0 

Lombard  Street,  196*,  263 

Lombard  Street,  Southwark,  261* 

London,  City  of,  57 

London  Stone,  220,  227* 

London  Street,  Greenwich,  261 

Long  Lane.  West  Smithfield,  192 

Lothbury,  153 

Lowndes  Street,  279 

Lutheran  Church,  133*,  200» 

Mansion  House,  193,  195,  218,  263 

Mansion  House  Street,  211,  245,  246 

Mark  Lane,  157,  248,  249 

Middlediteh,  274 

Middle  Temple,  59,  155,  206 

Milk  Street,  160 

Milton  Street,  251 

Mincing  Lane,  231 

Minorics,  198,  277 

Monkswell  Street,  193 

Moorfields,  187,  197 

Moorgate  Street,  250 

Mulberry  Court,  250* 

Nassau  Street,  273 

Navy  Office,  168 

Nelson  Square,  258 

New  Court,  St.  Swithin's  Lane,  256* 

Newgate  Street,  194,  199 

New  Inn,  93 

New  North  Boad,  246 

New  Beter  Street,  Westminster,  256 

New  lioad,  248 

Northampton  Square,  Clerkenwell,  246 

Old  Bailey  (Balcv),  189 

Old  Change,  195 

Old  Ford,  Bow,  279 

( )ld  Street,  257,  262 

Oxford  Boad,  197 

( Ixford  Street,  251,  253,  261*,  278 

Pancras  Lane,  198,  200,  239—243*.  245,  248, 

251-253,  257,  261*,  275,  278,  279 
Paradise  Place,  Hackney,  249* 
Park  Square,  licgent's  Park,  259 
Park  Street,  Greenwich,  281 
Paul's  Wharf,  189 
Pembroke  Square,  Kensington,  261 
l'cnn  Street,  Bridport  Place,  lloxton,  281 
Perioral  Street,  Clerkenwell,  259 
Peter  le  (beape,  62 
Philip  Lane,  242,  262 
Pbilpot  Lane.  199,262 
Piccadilly,  279 
Bitfield  Street,  Hoxton,  198 

Portland  Road,  198 

Poultry,  196,242,  256,281 
Princes  Street,  195 



London  (continued- 
Queen  Square,  Ilolborn,  191 
Queen  Street,  Chcapside,  196,  24fi,  253 
Queen  Street  Place,  City,  253 
Bathbone  Place,  197.  198,  241*,  258 
Rectory  House,  Walbrook,  258 
Red  Lion  Square,  Bloomsburv,  263 
Regent  Street,  282 
Regent's  Park,  253,  202 
Regent's  Square,  263 
Rood  Lane,  252 
Rosemary  Lane,  190,  196 
Russell  Square,  263,  279 
Rye  Lane,  Peckham,  282 
St.  Alban,  Wood  Street,  60—62,  73,  167 
St.  Aldermary,  64 
St  Alphage,  62.  68,  73,  160,  187 
St.  Alphage  within  Oipplegatc,  57 
St    Andrew.  Ilolborn,  58,  61,  65—68,  70*, 

71,   73,   75*.    113,    149-152*,    154—158, 

161*,  162,  164,  237* 
St.  Andrew  Hubbard,  163* 
St.  Andrew  Undershaft,  67,  75,  153*,  156*, 

157,  159* 
St.  Andrew  Wardrobe,  66,  151,  164 
St.  Ann,  Blaekfriars,  60,  65*,  69,  73,  156*, 

183,  217 
St.  Ann,  Soho,  218 
St.  Ann,  Westminster,  68,  70,  71,  153*,  162*, 

St.  Antbolin,  67,  70,  71,  154,  159,  162,  163, 

183,  186,  187,229,238* 
St.  Augustine,  162 
St.   Bartholomew,  Exchange,  67,   157,   161, 

St.  Bartholomew  the  Great,  67,  CS,  70,  159, 

St.  Bartholomew  the  Less,  68,  72,  159,  166*, 

St.  Benetfinek,  64,  69*,  71 
St.  Benetfinek  without  Newgate,  58 
St.  Benet,  Grace  Church,  68 
St.  Benet,  Paul  Wharf,  153,  165 
St.  Botolph,  Aldersgate,  68,  154*,  159.  166* 
St.  Botolph,  Aldgate.  62*,  65,  66,  71*,  72, 

74*,   76*.    150,    153,    158,    159,   162,    164, 

166*,  167,  218.  236,  269,  272,  283 
St.  Botolph,  Billingsgate,  168 
St.  Botolph,  Bishops-fate,  57,  64*,  69,  73*— 

75,   150,   154—158*,  160,  165,   181*.  221, 

St.  Botolph  without  Aldgate,  57 
St.  Botolph  without  Aldersgate,  59,  64,  65, 

148*, 158 
St.  Botolph  without  Bishopsgate,  57,  59,  65, 

St.   Bride,  6k.,  58,  64,  65*,  68,  70,  75,  149, 

150,  157,  168,  219 
St.  Catharine,  Coleman  Street,  69,  75,  161 
St.  Catharine  Court,  188 
St.  Catharine  Cree  or  Christchurch,  58,  61, 

66—68,  70,  71*,  74,  153,  160-164*,  166, 

St.  Catharine  (C'atren),  Tower  Hill,  61,  157 
St.  Christopher,  34,  60,  69,  76,  157 
St.   Christopher  le   Stock,   152,    160—162*, 

St.  Clement  Danes,  57,  64,  68,  70—74,  150— 

153,160,  162,  167,259 
St.  Clement,  Eastcheap,  59,  73,  154,  164 
St.  Clement's  Lane,  196,  257 
VOL.    II. 

London  (continued) — 

St.    Dionis   (Dionyce)   Backchurch,   66—68, 

151*,  155,  159*,  164,  166*,  167*,  226,  236 
St.  Dunstan,  64 
St.  Uunstan's  in  the  East,  58,  61,  63,  66,  90, 

148*,  150,  152*.  153,  158,  159 
St.  Dunstan's  in  the  West,  58,  68,   73-75, 

150,  152*— 154,  158  and  n.,  161,  163,  164, 

St.  Dunstan's  within  Temple  Bar,  58 
St.  Edmund,  163 
St.  Edmund  the  King,  159,  167 
St.  Kthclhurga,  Bishopsgate  Street,  265 
St.  Ethelburgh,  75 
St.  Ethelburgh  the  Less,  151 
St.  Faith,  58.  68*,  155,  280 
St.  Foster,  58,  63 
St.  Gabriel,  Fenchurch  Street,  66,  70,  157*, 

St.  George,  Bloomsbury,  159—161, 165*  220, 

St.  George,  Hanover  Square,  154,  157,  158 

162,  164,  166,  167*.  221,  265,  271 
St.  George  in  the  East,  166,  217,  277 
St.  Giles,  Cripplegate,  56,,  60,  62,  63*,  65*, 

68-71,  74—76,  149—151,  153,  155*,  157*, 

St.  Giles  in  the  Fields,  64,  68,  70*.  73,  154*, 

156,157,  159,  160,  163*,  165*,  166*,  191, 

194,  217,  219 
St.  Giles  without  Cripplegate,  57,  58 
St.  Gregory,  64,  67*,  71,  76,  148,  155,  156, 

161,  165 
St.  Helen,  68,  72,  158  and  n. 
St.  Helen,  Bishopsgate,  86n. 
St.  James.  Clerkenwell,  63,  64,  150,   165— 

167*,  258.  2611,  265.  266,268* 
St.  James,  Garlick  Hill,  64,  70,  71,  74,  248 
St.  James,  Westminster,    69—73,   150,   152, 

153*,  154,  157,  162,166,220 

St.  John ,  60 

St.  John,  Clerkenwell,  219 

St.  John  Evangelist,  75 

St.  John's  Chapel,  Bedford  Row,  263 

St.  John  Street,  259 

St.  John  the  Baptist,  195,  229,  237 

St.  John,  Walbrook,  58,  68 

St.  John  Zachary,  59,  71 

St.  Lawrence,  70 

St.  Lawrence,  Old  Jewry,  74*,  148,  149,  154, 

158*,  159*,  161 
St.  Leonard,  Eastcheap,  57,  72,  152,  156 
St.  Leonard,  Foster  Lane,  72 
St.  Luke,  197 

St.  Magnus,  71,  159,  165,262 
St.  Magnus  the  Martyr,  149 
St.  Margaret,  Fish  Struct,  64,  167 
St.  Margaret,  Lothbury,  66,  73,  74,  151,  158, 

St.  Margaret  Moses,  70,  160 
St.  Margaret  Pattens,  166 
St.  Margaret,  Westminster,  61,  68—70,  73— 

76,  150—153,  155,  165*,  167,  185,  2611,  270 
St.  Martin  in  the  Fields,  62,  66,  67*,  70—74, 

76*,   139,  148-150,  152,  153*,   159—161, 

166,  167*,  219,  237* 
St.  Martin,  Ironmonger  (lermunger)  Lane, 

64,  151 
St.  Martin  le  Grand,  154 
St.  Martin,  Ludgate,  62,  64*,  70,  71,  74,  159 
St.  Martin  Orgar,  71,  129,  164* 



London  (continual) — 

St.  Martin  Ontwich,  166,  162 
St.  Martin.  Vintrv.  67,  114,217,  219 
St,  Mary  Abchnrch,  57.  67,  169,  160 
St.    Mary,  Aldermanbury,  64,  68,  69,  153, 

St.  Mary  Aldermary,  64,  70,  7.".,  156*,  l 58*, 

St.  Marv  at  Hill,  76,  153—156* 
St.  Marv  Bothaw,  75,  151 
St.  Marv  Cole.  159,  ICO 
St.  Mary  Colechurch.  269 
St.  Mary  le  Hone,  164*,  217,  219—221 
St.  Marv  le  Bow,  C,2,  65,  70,   152,   155,  156, 

160.  17S»i..  220*,  227.  272 
St.  Marv  le  Savoy,  150 

St.  Mary  le  Strand,  166 

St.  Marv  Magdalene.  Kish  Street.  72,  161 

St.  Mary  Magdalen,  Milk  Street,  74,  75,  160, 

161,  163.  167 

St.  Mary  Mounthaw,  270 

St.  Marv  Somerset,  160*,  152 

St.  Marv  Stanning,  238 

St.  Marv  Woolchurch,  10,  62,  84,  85,  149— 

152,  154*,  161 
St.  Mary   Woolnoth,   66,  68,  70—73,   136*. 

161,  155,  157,  158*.  162,  163,  219,  221 
St.  Maudlin,  Kish  Street,  62 
St.  Michael,  74 
St.    Michael    Bassishaw   (Basingshawe),    63, 

65.  72,  148,  151,256 
St.  Michael  Cole  Abbey,  75 
St.  Michael  (Mykcll),  Cornhill,  84,  155,  159, 

166,  237 
St.  Michael,  Crooked  Lane,  64,  152,  156* 
St.  Miehael  le  Querne,  164 
St.  Michael.  Paternoster  Royal,  62,  70,  71, 

73,  88,  159,  220,  260 

St.  Michael,  Qneenhithe,  75,  237 

St.  Michael's  Alley,  Cornhill,  263* 

St.  Michael,  Wood  Street,  73,  153 

St.  Mildred.  Bread  Street,  64,  73,  151,  161 

St.  Mildred  (Mildredg),  Poultry,  64*,  66,  68, 

St.  Mildred's  Court,  254 
St.  Nicholas,  61 

St.  Nicholas  Aeons,  6,8,  69,  159,  164 
St.  Nicholas  Cole  Abbey,  67,   74-76,  154, 

St.  Nicholas  Olave,  Bread  Street,  58,  158* 
St.  Olave,  Hart  Street,  68,  74,  84,  1  IS,   160. 

St.  (  Have,  Old  Jewry,  153,  158,  159,  168 
St.  Olave,  Silver  Street,  166 
St.  Pancras,  Soper  Lane,  64* 
St.  Paul,  Covent  Garden,  72,  74,  153,   156, 

158*,  164.  219 
St.  Paul's  Cathedral.  259 
St.  Paul's  Churchyard.  280 
St.  Peter.  Chcapside,  155 
St.  Peter,  Cornhill,  57,  75,  168,  237,  283 
St.  Peter  le  Poor,  69,  74,  149,  161.  166,  167, 

St    Peter,  Paul's  Wharf,  168 

St.  Peter's  in  the  West,  69 
St  Sepulchre  (l'ulchcr). 68,  61*.  66,  89,  71  — 
78,  l.'.l',  166,  Co'.  166,  188,  188,  867,271 

St.  Stephen,  Coleman   Street,  68,  65*,  71,  72, 

74,  76.  168,  l"'l*.  168,  268.  272 

St.  Swithin,  56,  59,  72—75,  163*,  165,  166, 
170,  220,  227*,  237,  241*,  259,  271 

London  (continued) — 

St.  Swithin,  Cannon  Street,  168 

St.  Bwithin's  Lane,  6S,  | :?:{*,  2(10*,  239.  278 

St.  Thomas  Apostle,  58*,  61,  65,  71—73,  75, 
191,  196,  196,  246 

St.  Vcdast,  6S.  72,  73,  269 

Salter's  Hall  Court,  250 

Savile  Row,  Regent's  Street,  282 

Scott's  Yard,  280 

Seething  Lane,  195 

Seward  Street,  259 

Sherborne  Lane,  247 

Size  (Syth)  Lane,  126.  128*.  156,  178*,  179, 
190,  193,  196,  230,  232,  239*— 252*,  254, 
256*— 262.  274*.  276,  277*,  278*.  282 

Skinner  Street,  273 

Smith's  Terrace,  Chelsea,  254 

Smithficld,  262 

Smitbfield,  West,  192 

Si  ho  Square,  196 

Southampton  Row,  275 

Southampton  Street,  Camberwell,  278  Bridge  Road,  250 

Spitalfields  (Spitalfield),  178,  189*,  230 

Stanhope  Street,  152 

Strand,  1S6,  187,  190,  199,  257,  279 

Suffolk  Street.  231 

Tanner's  Hill,  Deptford,  282 

Temple,  198 

Thames  Street,  190,  192 

"  The  Leopard,"  33 

"The  Swan,"  187 

Three  Colt  Street,  Old  Ford,  Bow,  279 

Tooley  Street,  Southwark,  256 

Torrington  Square,  259 

Tottenham  Court  Road,  281 

Tower  Hill,  188,  279 

Tower  of  London,  70,  202,  207,  227 

Tower  Liberty,  153 

Tower  Royal,  249 

Tower  Street,  196 

Trafalgar  Street,  Walworth,  245 

Tredegar  Square,  274 

Trinitv,  Minories,  184 

Type  Court,  251 

Tysscn  Street.  Bethnal  Green,  257 

Union  Place.  City  Road,  862 

Upper  Berkeley  Street,  258 

Upper  Brook  Street,  250,  251* 

Walhrook,  passim 

Walbrook  Buildings,  279* 

Walcot  Place,  Lambeth,  257 

Wandsworth  Road,  249 

Wardrobe  Court.  197 

Water  Lane,  Fleet  Street,  259 

Water  Lane,  Tower  Royal,  273 

Waterloo  Bridge,  275* 

Watling  Street,  253,  278 

Wellington  Road,  St.  John's  Wood,  261 

Westbourne  Park.  Paddington,  254 

Westminster,  169,  818,  232,  868 

Westminster  Abbey,  190 

Westminster  School,  69 

West  Street  Chapel,  St.  Giles,  243 

West  Street,  Fiusbury  Circus,  252* 

Whistler's  Court,  Cannon    Street,  241,  250, 

Whitcrross  Street,  262 
Whitefriars,  113 
Whitehall,  193 
White  Street,  258 



London  (continued) — 
Wilmot  Street,  258* 
Winborne  (?)  Street,  249 
Wincksworth  Buildings,  230 
Wood  Street,  194 
Wood  Street,  Cripplegate,  193 
York  Buildings,  Strand,  18G,  187 

Luton,  Bedfordshire,  128 

Lyme,  Cheshire,  177 


Maidstone,  Kent,  154 
Maiden  (Manldin),  Kent,  152 
Mailing,  West,  Kent,  211 
Manchester,  Lancashire,  236 
Margate,  Kent,  260 

Trinity  Chapel,  270 
Mashbury,  Essex,  68 
Mells,  Somersetshire,  71 
Merstham  (Meastham),  Suri'ey,  15G 
Mickleham,  Surrey,  209 
Middlewich,  Cheshire,  155 
Mile  End,  Middlesex,  59,  179,  199,  253,  25S 
Miles,  Keldon,  Essex,  156 
Mitcham,  Surrey,  207,  279 
Mitchelgrove,  Sussex,  148 
Morden  (Moredon),  Surrey,  153 
Mortlake,  Surrey,  73,  160 
Muswell  Hill,  Middlesex,  274 

Newbury,  Berkshire,  71 
Newington,  Surrey,  257,  265 

St.  Mary,  159,  161,  165,  217,  266,  269,  278 
Newington  Green,  Surrey,  258 
Newport  Pagnell,  Buckinghamshire,  152,  157 
Norfolk : 

St.  Augustin,  217 
North  Mimms  (Mynies),  Middlesex  (?),  61 
Norton  Folgate,  Middlesex,  157,  242,  253,  254 
Norwich  (Norridg),  Norfolk,  90 
Norwood,  Surrey,  252* 

Orsett,  Essex,  272 

Otford,  Kent,  158 

Oxford  : 

Christ,  Church,  61 
Trinity  College,  207 

Paekham,  Middlesex,  61 
Paddington,  Middlesex,  254 

St.  John,  278 
Peckham  Rye,  Surrey,  249,  261 
Peckham,  Surrey,  282 
Pensey  [?  Pevensey],  Sussex,  66 
Penshurst,  Kent,  155* 
Petersfield,  Hampshire,  67 
Pitchcut,  Buckinghamshire,  74 
Plaistow,  Essex,  194 
Plymouth,  Devonshire,  203 
Plymouth  Dock,  Devonshire,  236 

Pontefrnct.  Yorkshire,  165 

St.  James,  217 
Poplar,  Middlesex,  163 
Portsmouth,  Southampton, 
Putney,  Surrey,  62,  73,  151 


,  155,  170,  262 

Queeu's  Elms,  Chelsea,  Middlesex,  216 


Beading  (Reding),  Berkshire,  65 

Reigate,  Surrey,  254n. 

li'ichmond,  Surrey,  68 

Bickmansworth  (Rickmersworth),  Hertfordshire, 

Rilsby,  Northamptonshire.  215 
Roade,  Northamptonshire,  282 
Rochester,  Kent,  69,  70,  161,  164 

St.  Margaret,  164,  213 
Rochford,  Essex,  62,  278 
Rock,  Worcestershire  (Worstershier),  60 
Romford  (Rumford),  Essex,  155,  272 
Kotherhithe  (Rederiff).  Surrey,  70,  72,  196,  231 

St.  Mary,  151* 
Rothcrstone,  Cheshire,  159 
Royes  (Ryes),  Hatfield  Broad  Oak,  Essex,  149, 

St.  Albans,  Hertfordshire,  70,  165 

St.  Ann,  Middlesex,  167,  265 

St.  George,  Middlesex,  158*,  165,  167*,  182,  265, 

St.  George,  Surrey,  159 

St.  George  the  Martyr,  Middlesex,  157,  161,  165* 

St.  George  the  Martyr,  Surrey,  75*,  165 

St.  Giles,  Middlesex,  268 

St.  Luke,  Middlesex,  160,  164,  166*,  219,  237 

St.  Martin's  Abbey,  Surrey,  150 

St.  Pancras,  Middlesex,  237,  257,  271 

Salisbury,  Wiltshire,  158 

Sail  (Sank),  Norfolk,  58 

Savoy,  Middlesex,  1 62 

Set.  Tantlings  [?  St.  Antholin],  61 

Sevenoaks,  Kent,  275 

Shadwell,  Middlesex: 

St.  Paul,  66*,  68*,  71,  72*,  149* 





Shawbury,  Shropshire, 
Sheffield,  Yorkshire,  21 
Shoreditch,  Middlesex, 

St.  Leonard,  65,  67,  69,  73,   148,  152,  1B( 
155,  157*,  167,  217,  236,  265,  267,  272* 
Shrewsbury,  Shropshire,  68*,  177 

St.  Chad,  214 
Smyrna,  167 

Snitterton,  Derbyshire,  153 
Southgatc,  Midd'lesex,  73 
Southwark,  Surrey,  256*,  259,  261*,  277 

St.  George,  65,  76*,  90,  157*,  166 

St.  John,  159,  166,  267,  269 

St.  Mary  Overs,  65 

St.  Olave,  56*,  61*— 65.  71,  74*,  75*,  151- 
153,  155,  156*,  160,  165,  219,  248,  268 



Southwark,  Surrey  (continued) — 

St.  Saviour,  01,  64,  05,  09*,  73,  70,  US,  150, 
154*  — 150,  104,  236 

St.  Thomas,  05,  70* 

St.  Thomas's  Hospital,  83 
South  Weald  (Southwell),   Southwheel),   Essex, 

09,  75* 
Sonthwick,  Sussex,  167* 
Southwold,  Suffolk,  204 
Spofforth,  Yorkshire,  69 
Stamford  Hill,  Middlesex,  220,  240,  247,  258 
Stanstend  (Stansted),  Essex,  208 
Stapleford  Abbey,  Essex,  100 
Stnplchurst,  Lancashire  (?),  58 
Stepney,  58,  59,  03-70,  151*,  153,  155*,  157,  243. 
245,  248,  259* 

St.  Dunstan's,  75,  76,  148,  151,  156*,  158*, 

Stoke  Newingt'm,  Middlesex,  73,  74,   151*,  157, 

161,  178,  259,  200*,  202 
Stoneden,  157 
Stowmarkct,  Suffolk,  75 
Stowting,  Kent,  259 
Stratford,  Bow,  Essex,  03,  74 
Stratford   Langthorne   (Straitfford   Langtliorne), 

(?)  Essex,  56 
Stratford  le  Bow,  Middlesex,  74 
Streatham  (Stretham),  Surrey,  68 
Sndbnry,  Suffolk,  120,  205 
Suffolk!  90 

Sunbury,  Middlesex,  158 
Sutton,  Nottinghamshire,  07 
Sutton,  Surrey,  205,  272 
Swanscombe,  Kent,  03 
Sydenham,  Kent,  245*,  254 

Tatnum,  Middlesex,  60 

Tawstock,  Devonshire,  165 

Tcddington,  Middlesex,  210 

Temple  Court,  Keigate,  Surrey,  254n. 

Thorp,  Northamptonshire,  159 

Tisbury,  Wiltshire,  215 

Titsey,  Surrey,  107 

Toffctcr  (!),  Northamptonshire,  04 

Tollbridge  (Tunbridge),  Kent.  07,  157* i,  Midilh'si'x,  7m,  IS? 

Tottenham  High  Cross,  Middlesex,  159 
Totteridge,  Middlesex,  105 
Town  Mulling,  Kent,  72 
Trinity  College,  Cambridge,  70 
Tulse  Hill,  Surrey,  219,251 
Twickenham,  Middlesex,  180 
Twinstead,  Essex,  238 

I'pwood,  Huntingdonshire.  70 
Uxbridge,  Middlesex,  00,  72 

Vauxhall,  Surrey,  261 
Virginia  (Virginea),  03 

Walcot  Place,  Surrey,  230 
Wallington,  Hertfordshire,  1G0 
Wellington,  Surrey,  273 
Walton-on-Thames,  Surrey,  00 
Walworth,  Surrey,  250,  201 
Wandsworth,  Surrey,  107*,  207 
Wanstead,  Essex,  182,  ISO,  191 
Wapping,  62 

High  Street,  279 

St.  John,  71,  153,  150*,  158,  159,  266 
Ware,  Hertfordshire,  275 
Washecomb  Hayleigh,  Devonshire,  102 
Watnall,  Nottinghamshire,  153 
Wellington,  Devonshire,  58 
Wendover,  Buckinghamshire,  214 
Westbury,  Buckinghamshire,  218 
West  Ham,  Essex,  163 
West  Mailing,  Kent,  211 
Weston,  Hertfordshire,  56 
Westwood  (Wcstwod),  Herefordshire,  93 
Weverynge,  Kent,  83 

Whitechapcl,  Middlesex,  29,  03,  148,  158*,   177, 

St.  Mary,  45,  04,  70*,  75,  76,  151,  152,  159*. 
162*,  104,  105*,  217,  221 
Wickham  St.  Paul's,  Essex,  68 
Wimbledon,  Surrey,  72 
Wimley,  Hertfordshire,  06 
Winboum,  Dorsetshire,  207 
Wandsworth  (YVnnsor),  Surrey,  150 
Windsor,  New,  Berkshire,  08,  166 
Withiam,  Sussex,  106 
Wonworth,  104 

Woodford,  Ksscx,  100,  194,  197,  203,  207 
Woolwich,  Kent,  149,  159,  211 
Worcester  : 

St.  Martin,  73 
Worplesdon,  Surrey,  60 
Worton,  Upper,  Oxfordshire,  156 
Wrotham  (Kootam),  Kent,  152 
Wymondlev,  Little,  Hertfordshire,  210 

I     i.  In      I'  l.y  Roworth  A  Co.  LimlUil,  Newtun  .Strict,  Illgli  Iluluotn,  W.C.  3. 

CTje  Jgadetan  ^octctg. 


Register  Section. 

-ST.    PETER'S,   CORNHTLL,   LONDON.      Part   I,  a.d.  1538  to  1666.     Edited  by 

Granville  Leveson  Gower,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1877 

2.— CANTERBURY    CATHEDRAL,   1564  to  1878.     Ed.  by  Roeekt  Hovenden,  Esq., 

F.S.A.  1878 

3.— ST.   DIONIS    BACKCHURCH,   LONDON,    1538    to   1754.       Ed.   by  Colonel  J.  L. 

Chester,  D.C.L.,  LL.D.  1878 

4.— ST.  PETER'S,  CORNHILL,  LONDON.     Part  II,  a.d.  1667  to  1754.  1879 

5.— ST.  MART  ALDERMARY,  LONDON,  1558  to  1754.    Ed.  by  Colonel  J.  L.  Chester, 

D.C.L.,  LL.D.  1880 

6.— ST.  THOMAS  APOSTLE,  LONDON,  1558  to  1754.     Ed.  by  Colonel  J.  L.  Chester, 

D.C.L.,  LL.D.  1881 

7.— ST.   MICHAEL,  CORNHILL,   LONDON,   1516  to   1754.      Partly  Ed.  by  Colonel 

J.  L.  Chester,  D.C.L.,  LL.D.  1882 

8.— ST.   ANTHOLIN,    BUDGE    ROW,    1538    to    1754;     AND    ST.    JOHN    BAPTIST 

ON    WALLBROOK,   LONDON,   1682  to  1754.     Partly  Ed.  by  the  late  Colonel 

J.  L.  Chester,  D.C.L.,  LL.D.,  and   completed   under   the   direction   of   George 

J.  Armytage,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1883 

9.— ST.  JAMES,  CLERKENWELL,  LONDON.     Part  I.— Christenings,  1551  to  1700. 

Ed.  by  Robert  Hovenden,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1884 

10.— ST.  JAMES,  CLERKENWELL,  LONDON.     Part  II.— Christenings,  1701  to  1754. 



LONDON.    Parti,  1725  to  1787.   Ed.  by  J.  H.  Chapman,  Esq.,  M.A.,  F.S.A.        1886 

12.— STOURTON,  CO.  WILTS,  from   1570  to  1800.      Ed.    by    the   Rev.   John   Henrt 

Ellis,  M.A.  1887 

13.— ST.  JAMES,  CLERKENWELL,  LONDON.     Part   III.— Marriages,  1551  to  1754. 



LONDON.      Part  II,  1788  to  1809.  1888 


MAY  FAIR,  1740  to  1754.     Ed.  by  George  J.  Armttage,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1889 

16.— KENSINGTON,    1539  to    1675.      Ed.   by   Dr.   F.   N.    Macnamara    and   A.    Stort- 

Maskeltne,  Esq.  1890 

17.— ST.  JAMES,  CLERKENWELL,  LONDON.     Part  IV.— Burials,  1551  to  1665.       1891 


CHAPEL,  1670  to  1854.     Ed.  by  Dr.  Francis  Collins.  1892 

19  _ST.  JAMES,  CLERKENWELL,  LONDON.    Part  V.— Burials,  1666  to  1719.        1893 

20.— ST.   JAMES,  CLERKENWELL,   LONDON.       Part   VI.— Burials,   1720    to    1754. 


21.— CHRIST  CHURCH,  NEWGATE  STREET,  LONDON,  1538  to  1754.  Ed.  by 
Willoughbt  A.  Littledale,  Esq.,  M.A.,  F.S.A.  1895 

1823.     Part  III.— Ed.  by  George  J.  Armttage,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1896 

23—  DURHAM  CATHEDRAL,  1009  to  1896.     Ed.  by  George  J.  Armttage,  Esq.,  F.S.A. 


1837.     Part  IV.  1897 

25.— ST.  MARTIN  IN  THE  FIELDS,  1550  to  1619.     Ed.  by  Thomas  Mason,  Esq.        1898 

REGISTER   SECTION— continued. 

20.— ST.  PAUL'S  CATHEDRAL,  1697  to  1899.    Ed.  by  John  W.  Clay,  Esq.,  F.S.A.       1899 
27.— BATH   ABBEY.     Part  I.— Christenings  and  Marriages,   1509  to  1800.     Ed.  by 

Arthur  J.  Jewers,  Esq.  1900 

28.— BATH  ABBEY.     Part  II.— Burials,  1569  to  1800,  with  Index.  190L 

29.— ST.  VEDAST,  1558  to  1836,  AND  ST.  MICHAEL  LE  QUERN,  FOSTER  LANE, 

1685  to  1836.      Part  I.— Christenings.     Ed.  by  Willoughbt   A.  Littledale, 

Esq.,  M.A.,  F.S.A.  1902 

30.— ST.  VEDAST,   AND   ST.   MICHAEL   LE   QUERN,   FOSTER   LANE.     Part  II.— 

Marriages    and    Burials,    viz.  :    Marriages,   St.   Vedast,    1559    to   1837,   St. 

Michael  le  Quern,  1686  to  1830;  Burials,  St.  Vedast,  1558  to  1837,  St.  Michael 

le  Quern,  1685  to  1837.  1903 

31.— ST.   HELEN'S,    BISHOPSGATE    STREET,    LONDON,    1575    to    1837.      Ed.    by 

W.  Bruce  Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1904 


Ed.  by  W.  Bruce  Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1905 

33.— ST.  PAUL,  COVENT  GARDEN,  LONDON.     Part  I, 

(Aug.).     Ed.  by  the  Rev.  W.  H.  Hunt. 
34.— ST.  PAUL,  COVENT  GARDEN,  LONDON.     Part  II.— Christenings,  1752  (Sep.) 

to  1837.  1906 

35.— ST.  PAUL,  COVENT  GARDEN,  LONDON.     Part  III.— Marriages,  1653  to  1837. 

36.— ST.   PAUL,   COVENT   GARDEN,   LONDON.      Part  IV.— Burials,   1653  to  1752 

(Aug.).  1908 


38.— ST.     BENE'T     AND     ST.     PETER,     PAUL'S    WHARF,     LONDON.      Part    I.— 

Baptisms,    St.    Bene't,    1619    to    1837;    St.    Peter,    1607    to    1837.      Ed.    by 

Willoughbt  A.  Littledale,  Esq.,  M.A.,  F.S.A.  1909 

39.-ST.    BENE'T    AND    ST.    PETER,    PAUL'S    WHARF,    LONDON.       Part    II.— 

Marriages,    St.    Bene't,    1619    to    1730.  1910 

40.— ST.    BENE'T    AND    ST.    PETER,    PAUL'S    WHARF,    LONDON.        Part    III.— 

Marriages,  St.  Bene't,  1731  to  1837;    St.  Peter,  1607  to  1834.  1911 

41.— ST.    BENE'T    AND    ST.    PETER,    PAUL'S    WHARF,    LONDON.       Part    IV.— 

Burials,  St.  Bene't,  1619  to  1837;    St.  Peter,  1607  to  1837.  1912 

42.— ST.  MILDRED,  BREAD  STREET,  1658  to  1853,  AND  ST.  MARGARET 
MOSES,  FRIDAY  STREET,  LONDON,  1558  to  1850.  Ed.  by  W.  Bruce 
Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1912 

43.— ALLHALLOWS,  BREAD  STREET,  1538  to  1892,  AND  ST.  JOHN  THE  EVAN- 
GELIST, FRIDAY  STREET,  LONDON,  1653  to  1822.  Ed.  by  W.  Bruce 
Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1913 

ST.  PANCRAS,  SOPER  LANE,  LONDON.  Part  I.— Baptisms,  1538  to  1837; 
Burials,  1538  to  1852.     Ed.  by  W.  Bruce  Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1914 

ST.  PANCRAS,  SOPER  LANE,  LONDON.     Part  II.— Marriages,  1538  to  1837. 


46.— ST.  OLAVE,  HART  STREET,  LONDON,  1503  to  1700.  Ed.  by  W.  Bruce 
Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1916 

to  1754,  AND  OXFORD  CHAPEL,  VERE  STREET,  1730  to  1754.  Part  I. 
Ed.  by  W.  Bruce  Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1917 

to  1775.  Part  II.  Ed.  by  W.  Bruce  Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A.,  and  Capt, 
R.  R.  Bruce  Bannerman,  M.C.  1918 

49.— ST.  STEPHEN,  WALBROOK,  AND  ST.  BENET  SHEREHOG.  Ed.  by  W.  Bruce 
Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A.,  and  Major  W.  Bruce  Bannerman.  Part  I. — Baptisms, 
1557  to  1790;  Marriages,  1557  to  1754;  Bubiaxb,  1",">7  t~<  ITU',.  1919 


1790  to  I860;  Marriages,  1754  to  I860;  Burials,  1716  to  1S0O,  with  Index.         1920 

Imitation  Section. 

1.— LONDON,  1568,  BY  R.  COOKE.  Edited  by  J.  J.  Howard,  Esq.,  LL.D.,  F.S.A.,  and 
Geokge  J.  Armytage,  Esq.,  P.S.A.  1869 

2.— LEICESTERSHIRE,  1610,  BY  CAMDEN.     Ed.  by  J.  Fetherston,  Esq.,  P.S.A.      1870 
3.— RUTLAND,   1618-19,   BY   CAMDEN;   and  other  Descents   of  Families   not  in  the 
Visitation.     Ed.  by  George  J.  Armttage,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1870 

THE  COUNTY.     Ed.  by  George  W.  Marshall,  Esq.,  LL.D.,  F.S.A.  1871 

5.— OXFORDSHIRE,  1566  BY  W.  HARVEY,  1574,  BY  R.  LEE,  AND  1634  BY 
SHIRE, COLLECTED  BY  R.  LEE  IN  1574.  Ed.  and  Annotated  by  W.  H. 
Turner,  Esq.  1871 

6.— DEVONSHIRE,  1620.     Ed.  by  the  Rev.  F.  T.  Colby,  D.D.,  F.S.A.  1872 

7.— CUMBERLAND,  1615.     Ed.  by  J.  Fetherston,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1872 

ALONE,  AND  QUEEN  ANNE.     Ed.  by  Dr.  Marshall,  F.S.A.  1873 

9.— CORNWALL,  1620.     Ed.  by  Colonel  Vivian  and  Dr.  H.  H.  Drake.  1874 

10.— THE  REGISTERS  OF  WESTMINSTER  ABBEY,  1655—1875.  Ed.  by  Colonel 
Chester,  D.C.L.,  LL.D.  1875 

11.— SOMERSETSHIRE,  1623.    Ed.  by  the  Rev.  F.  T.  Colby,  D.D.,  F.S.A.  1876 

12.— WARWICKSHIRE,  1619.     Ed.  by  John  Fetherston,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1877 

13.— ESSEX,  1552,  1558,  1612,  AND  1634.  Part  I.  Ed.  by  Walter  C.  Metcalfe,  Esq., 
F.S.A.       '  1878 

14. — ESSEX,  consisting  of  Miscellaneous  Pedigrees,  and  Berry's  Pedigrees.  Part  II, 
with  Index.     Ed.  by  Walter  C.  Metcalfe,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1879 

15.— LONDON,  1633-4.     Part  I.     Ed.  by  Dr.  J.  J.  Howard,  F.S.A.,  and  Colonel  Chester. 

16.— YORKSHIRE,  1564.    Ed.  by  Rev.  C  B.  Norcliffe,  MA.  1881 

17.— LONDON,  1633-4.     Part  II.     Ed.  by  Dr.  J.  J.  Howard,  F.S.A.  1883 

18.-CHESHIRE,  1580.     Ed.  by  J.  Paul  Rylands,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1882 

19—  BEDFORDSHIRE,  1566,  1582,  AND  1634.     Ed.  by  F.  A.  Blaydes,  Esq.  1884 

20.— DORSETSHIRE,  1623.     Edited  by  J.  Paul  Rylands,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1885 

21.— GLOUCESTERSHIRE,  1623.  Ed.  by  Sir  John  Maclean,  F.S.A.,  and  W.  C  Heane, 
Esq.,  M.R.C.S.  1885 

22.— HERTFORDSHIRE,  1572  AND  1634.     Ed.  by  Walter  C.  Metcalfe,  Esq.,  F.S.A. 

23.— MARRIAGE  LICENCES:    Dean  and  Chapter  of  Westminster,  1558  to  1699;   Vicar- 
General  of  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  1660  to  1679.      Extracted  by  the  late 
Colonel  Chester.     Ed.  by  George  J.  Armytage,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1886 

24.— MARRIAGE  LICENCES  :  Faculty  Office  of  Arch,  of  Canterbury,  1543  to  1869.        1886 
25.— MARRIAGE  LICENCES  :    Bishop  of  London,  Part  I,  1520  to  1610.  1887 

26.— MARRIAGE  LICENCES  :    Bishop  of  London,  Part  II,  1611  to  1828.  1887 

27.— WORCESTERSHIRE,  1569.     Ed.  by  William  P.  W.  Phillimore,  Esq.,  M.A.,  B.C.L. 


28.— SHROPSHIRE,  1623;  with  Additions.     Part  1.     Ed.  by  George  Grazebrook,  Esq., 

F.S.A.,  and  J.  Paul  Rylands,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1889 

29.— SHROPSHERE,  1623  ;  with  Additions.     Part  II,  with  Index.  1889 

30.— MARRIAGE  LICENCES :  Vicar-General  of  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  1679  to  1687. 

Ed.  by  George  J.  Armtayge,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1890 

31.— MARRIAGE  LICENCES  :  Vicar-Gen.  of  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  1687  to  1694.    1890 

32.— NORFOLK,  1563,  1589,  AND  1613.     Ed.  by  Walter  Rye,  Esq.  1891 

33.— MARRIAGE   LICENCES  :    Vicar-General  of  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury.     Part  I, 

1660  to  1668.     Ed.  by  George  J.  Armytage,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1892 

34.— MARRIAGE  LICENCES  :   Part  II,  1669  to  1679.  1892 

[N.B.— Vols.  33  and  34  contain  the  entries  not  extracted  by  Colonel  Chester:  see  Vol.  23.] 
Ed.  by  W.  J.  C.  Moens,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1893 


'art  II. 


•art  III. 


'art  IV,  with  Index. 


3d.  by  Sir  George 

Part  II. 


Part  III. 


Part  IV. 


Part  V. 


Part  VI. 








VISITATION    SECTION— continued. 


30.— HAMPSHIRE  ALLEGATIONS,  1689—1837.     Part  II.  1893 

37.— HUNTER'S   FAMILY   MINORUM   GENTIUM.     Part  I.    Ed.  by  John  W.  Clay, 

Esq.,  F.S.A. 

41.— CAMBRIDGESHIRE  IN  1575  AND  1619.    Ed.  by  John  W.  Clay,  Esq.,  F.S.A 
42.— KENT,  1619.    Ed.  by  Robert  Hovenden,  Esq.,  F.S.A. 

43.— SURREY,  1530,  1572,  AND  1623.      Ed.  by  W.  Bruce  Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A. 

J.  Armytage,  Bart.,  F.S.A.  Part  I. 
50— LINCOLNSHIRE  PEDIGREES.    Part  I.    Ed.  by  the  Rev.  A.  R 


53.— SUSSEX,  1530  AND  1633^.    Ed.  by  W.  Bruce  Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S 
54.— KENT,  1663—1668.    Ed.  by  Sir  George  J.  Armytage,  Bart.,  F.S.A.  1906 

55.— LINCOLNSHIRE  PEDIGREES.     Part  IV,  with  Index.  1906 

56— BERKSHIRE,  1532,  1566,  1623,  AND   3  664-66.     Ed.  by  W.  Harry  Rylands,  Esq., 

F.S.A.     Part  I.  1907 

57.— BERKSHIRE.     Part  II,  with  Additional  Pedigrees  and  Notes.  1908 

58.— BUCKINGHAMSHIRE,  1634.     Ed.  by  W.  Harry  Rylands,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1908 

59.— CHESHIRE,   1613.     Ed.  by  Sir  George  J.  Armytage,  Bart.,  F.S.A.,  and  J.  Paul 

Rylands,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1909 

60.— SURREY,  1662—1668.     Ed.  by  Sir  George  J.  Armytage,  Bart.,  F.S.A.  1910 

61.— SUFFOLK,  1664—1668.     Ed.  by  W.  Harry  Rylands,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1910 

62.— WARWICKSHIRE,  1082—1683.     Ed.  by  W.  Harry  Rylands,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1911 

63.— STAFFORDSHIRE   PEDIGREES,   1664—1700.     Ed.  by   Sir   George  J.   Armytage, 

Bart.,  F.S.A.,  and  W.  Harry  Rylands,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1912 

64.— HAMPSHIRE   AND   THE   ISLE  OF   WIGHT,   1530,   1575,   AND  1622—1634.    Ed. 

by  W.  Harry  Rylands,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  1913 

65.— MIDDLESEX  PEDIGREES.    Ed.  by  Sir  George  J.  Armytage,  Bart.,  F.S.A.         1914 

OF    THE    SEVENTEENTH    CENTURY.      Ed.  by   W.   Harry  Rylands,   Esq., 

F.S.A.    Vol.  I.  1915 

C7.— GRANTEES  OF  ARMS,  1687  to  1898.    Vol.  II,  Part  1,  A— J.  1916 

68.— GRANTEES  OF  ARMS,  1687  to  1898.     Vol.  II,  Part  2,  K— Z.  1917 


Part  I.      Ed.  by  W.   Bruce  Bannerman,  Esq.,  F.S.A.,  and  Capt,  G.  G.  Bruce 

Bannerman.  1918 

70.— SUDBURY  ALLEGATIONS,  1755—1781.     Part  II,  with  Index.  1919 

71.— SUDBURY  ALLEGATIONS,  from  1782.     Part  III.     [In  the  Press.-]  1920 

4,  The  Waldronb,  W.  Bruce  Bannerman,  F.S.A., 

Croydon.  Secretary. 

■■Ill  11 

3  1197  20221  7623 

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